Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term, third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart¬
-Solicitor General—W. H. Fel¬
ton, Jr.
Clerk.Superior Court—J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J. N. Mathews.
Tax Collector—W. J. Brown.
Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
Count.ylSurveyor—J. L. Parsons.
Coroner—J. H, Jones.
County Commissioners — B. F.
Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
County School Commissioner—II.
F Sanders.
The Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs —
> What Has Happened and Is Oo
$ ing to Happen—Points Political ,
) Personal and Social—Men and
> Thinas.
C arelessly and meaniuglessly
words are often spoken,
But with force unabated they
and tender loving cords are
Of thy fellow’s faults, speak lenient
ly or forbear to speak at all,
Heaven alone can tell, wheather
you may or may not, by the
same error fall.
In thy breast.unheknowing, many a
weakness is concealed,
And on ly the pec nar cireum
stance is needed hat they may
be revealed.
Fair Notice.
All sheriff sales must be paid
for in advance, and all citations
Land legal notices eminating from
The Ordinary’s office must be paid
for in advance, or satisfactory ar¬
? rangements Made for the pay be
fore the work is done.
Mr. J, E. Byrd was in Roberta
Mr. J. R. Sandefur, of Musella>
was in Roberta Tuesday.
• Mrs. Mathews, mother of Mr.
West Mathews, is seriously ill.
Mr. Green Ilollomon, of Sandy
Point, was in Roberta Thurs¬
We are prepared to make loans on
improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews & Blasingame.
Capt. W. J. Dent was attending
to business in Roberta Wednes¬
Dr. Kinney has returned from
Ka pleasant visit to parents in
| Wilkinson Co.
Mr. Boliver Ray is out looking
’/after business interests in this
Mr. West Mathews owns the
finest buggy horse m this section
of the county.
Mrs. J. B. Lowe is visiting her
sister, Mrs. L. Y. Lowman, of
iSandy Point, this week.
Sheriff Culverhouse has been
confined to his bed a few days
this week, but is now up.
Mr. Will Wilson has donated
some lumber for the completion
of the new school and church.
Mr. and Mrs. Carnes and Miss
Willie Dupriest spent Sunday
with re-.Lives in Taylor county.
Key. ah Grant, of Sandy
\ J'oint, yas in Roberta Tuesday in
tending to business.
Mr. Ras Hicks has returned af
ter an ex tended trip of pleasure
to various places in Georgia.
Miss Jessie Holmes has return¬
ed to Macon after a weeks visit to
her sister, Mrs. Hardeman, of Ro¬
When the term of J. W. Jack,
as clerk of court, expires, we
recommend that his vouug lady
assistant be elected to succeed
Col. R. D. Smith has returned
Washington. Savs he chat
ted with the President, and thinks
he is big enough to hold his chair
Wilson Wright, of Ceres, one
of the most gallant and promis¬
ing young men in the 'county,
spent Sunday with his parents in
We understand that two of the
Roberta boys have become very
pious. They go to church twice
and Sunday school once each
Ordinary Mathews and Cicero
Blasingame have returned from
Milledgeville. They carried along
Mr. George Brav and had him
entered in the Asylum.
We acknowledge the receipt of
an invitation to attend a reunion
and banquet of the old students of
Kentucky University to be held
the seventh of June.
The Quarterly Sunday School
Convention will be held at Union
church on the 19th inst. Execu¬
tive committee are especially re¬
quested to be present, as business
of importance is to be attended to.
That' was a good sermon and one
to the point which Rev. McMic-h
ael delivered in the Methodist
church Sunday. He deplored the
fact that the members of the con¬
gregation were not sufficient!
interested in their religious wel¬
fare- to attend services more
punctually, and did not think it
an evidence of a good and healthy
religious tone. We quite agree
with the pastor, and though our
own imperfection may make us
see blindly, yet we think there is
too little difference between
church members and non profess¬
ing people.
GEORGIA, Crawford County :—
All persons having demands agains.
the estate of Jas A Avera late of said
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to render in their demands to the
all undersigned according to law, and
persons indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate pay¬
1893. ments. This the 9th day of May
Mrs. SarahE Avera, Executrix,
Jno R. Sandefur, Executor.
Charging: a liu-Ton Dun.
There are nine 110-ton guns in
the British Navy at the present
time. The projectile fired from
these guns when attacking ship.
or forts weighs exactly l,80u
pounds and leaves the muzzle with
a velocity of 2,105 feet per second,
and has a destructive energy equal
to 55,305 foot tons. When these
monster turned engines of death are
upon an army of men or a
flotilla of ships they* are loaded
with cylinders of steel, each ol
which is filled with 2.200 four
ounce bullets. The amount of
powder used behind such projec¬
tiles is something enormous —960
pounds to each charge.
How’s This.
We offer One Hundred Dollar Re¬
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cauuot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo O.
We the undersigned have known
F J Cheney lor the lastio years, and
believe him perfectly honorable iu
all business transaction and finan¬
cially able to carry out auy obliga¬
tion made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo Ohio.
Wald ing, Ktuuan Toledo & Marylu, Whole
sa - e Druggist, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter¬
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and museous surfaces of the system.
Price 75c- per bottle. Bold by all
Druggist. Testimonials free.
Fre« Trip to Chicago.
Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-Ii
and use the letters to spell as many
words as you can by using the letters
as many times as you wiJh, either
backwards or forwards, but not use
the same letter in making any one
word more times than it appears in
‘‘Worlds Fair.”
If is said seventy-five small Eng¬
lish words can be spelled correctly
rom the ten letters contained in
“World’s Fair,’’ Example:—Wad,
waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good
at word-making you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair am}
return, as The Scott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including R R
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and $50.00 An
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to ‘make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty words as above.
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
the Worlds's Fair and return (with¬
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $50,00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fa ir, to the first person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying gexpeuses to
the World’s Fair, to each of the first
five persons sending thirty-five
words will be given $10.00 in cash and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will be given $2.00 in cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and ‘ en¬
close the same postpaid with fifteen
U. B. two-cent stamps for a large
package of our Choiee English
tage Garden Flower Seeds.
This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in the elaborate exhibit of
English flowers at the World’s Fair.)
This “World’s Fair” Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con
ducted solely for tire purposeful in¬
troducing our business in the IT. S.
You will receive the Biggest value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly you will have a
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to Chicago
and return. •
We are spending a large amount of
money to start our trade in the U. 8.
and want your trial older. You will
be more than gratified with the re¬
sult. Bend to-day, and address THE
GEORGIA, Crawford County
Will be sold before the court house
door, in the town of Knoxville,' on
the first Tuesday iu June next, the
following property to-vvit: Lot of
land No. 160 in the 2nd District of
said county. Bounded on the north
by lands of C. H. Smith, east and
west, by lands of V. B. Horn, south
by lands of J. M. Sharpe. Levied on
the property of Jno. M. Sharpe to
an execution issued from the
Superior court of said county in fa¬
vor of the American Freehold , Land
Mortgage Co vs J. M. Sharpe. Ten¬
iu possession notified.
Also at the same time and p’a -e.
seven (67) acres of south pait of
No. 126, in the.7th I)Gt. of said
Bounded on the north by
of Joues & LeSueur, east by
lands of T. F. Mathews, south
of A. J. Danieily and west by
lands of M. C. Mathews. Levied ou
to satisfy a li-fa issued from the 8u
perior court of said county in f ivor
Elizabeth It. Comby vs Jacuo <1.
Tenant in possession
notified. V
KnoxilleGa., being one acre,, move
or less and bounded on the notth bv
public road leading fr, lW Hnwllf,
B. H. Ray and on the west by public
square. Levied on as the property of
Wright & Stembridge to satisfy an
.xecutiou issued by J. M, jundeis
lux Collector ot said countv for their
Also at the same time ami place,
lot of land No. 28 in the 3rd District
of said countv. Levied on as the
property of jj}. J. Hancock to satisfy
an execution issued by J. M. Banders
Tax Collector of said county for his
state and county taxes for 'the year
1892- Tenant in possession notified.
Also at the same time and place
67 acres of land of south part of lot
No. 126 in the 7th Dist. of said coun¬
ty. Bounded on the north by lands
of Jones & LeSueur, east by lands
of T. F. Mathews, south by lands of
A. J. Dauielly and west by lands of
M. C. Mathews. Levied on as the
property of J. G. Braswell to satisfy
an execution issued by J. M. Sanders
Tax Collector of said county, for his
state and couuty taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notified
Also at the same time and place
known. one Farquhar Said boiler Boiler, being power not
at Rober¬
ta and in possession of B. H. Ray.
Levied on to satisfy an execution is
sued by J. M. Sanders Tav Collector
of said county, to satisfy iiis state
and couuty taxes for the year 1892,
Property pointed out by J. M. Ban¬
ders T. C.
Also at the same time and place 425
acres, more of less of land, being lots
ancl parts of lots Nos 181, 182 and 183,
in the 1st Dist of said county. Levied
ou as the property of Mrs. Nancy M.
Smith to satisfy an execution issued
acainst her for state and couuty tax¬
es tor the year of 1892.
J. C. Culverhouse Sheriff C.C
and presort th u ... —_ florabm
forint and of great ■aiUfeetCn for the cures
stage* Primary, Sotondary and To ertitry
1 Si® Lm
UJccra that have resisted all treatment. Catarrh.
H L, etc., etc.
P. P. P. T
Cukes rheumatism
Ladies whose? system* are poitoned and whose blood !e fa
an impure condition, due to menstrual Imrolarltiei. are
peculiarly bene li ted jjy the wonderful tonic and l
S8&M BG9
& h
LIPPMAN EE03., Savannah, Ga,
Book on Blood Diseases mailed free.
s m
e 9
mm; €
Scientific American
Agency for ^
mm £
information and free COPYRIGHTS,
For Sffi BltOADWAY, Handbook write to
Oldest bureau tor securing patents in America.
Evers' patent taken out by us is brought before
tbe public by a notice given free of charge in the
o* ********** Mttim
Larreet hM"AK‘S“Hv ctTOTlatHm ofar,yseitmUec paper in tire
S J - ! 8 SVSSR
I I fi A T E.-H RllUi APfcftlTO 2 IU1MTC& li Rli 1 tB,
u O
kflh ftEQTwn; n>ntoyiorfat
IWCpetderfcie on*>.*>w Astntseell
VOL. 1. NO 41
B. i GEORGIA, H. Ray Crawford Countv : -
f i Crawford Sup< ior
vs Court March r Krm
J. B. Wilson. 1893 and liuie Ni Si
to foreclose Mortgage.
It appearing to the court by the
petition of B. H. Iiay hat Jas. B.
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892,
executed and delivered to B. H. Ray
a mortgage on a house ana lot in the
town oi Roberta Crawford County
Georgia, containing two and one
half (2 1-2; acres and,situated on tiie
west, side of the A. & F. It. R. and on
the south side of the public road
leading from depot of A. & F. R. R in
said town of Roberta, to.old Agency,
also on one vacant lot No. 3, in Block
8, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet
and extending back east same width
as front, 125 ieet to a 20 foot Alley.
Also lots I and 2 in Block X, situated
in the N. E. corner of Crussel street
and Duggar Avenue and fronting to*
gether 200 feet on east side of Dug
gard street and extending bask same
width as front to the right of way of
the A. & F. R. R. being 163 feet on the
north line and 155 feet on tbe south
line ou Crussel street for the purpose
of securing the payment of five cer¬
tain promissory notes made by the
said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and
to save the said B. H. Ray harmless
by reason of his endorsement on note
due C. C. Elliott, amounting to the
sum of twelve hundred and sixty
nine dollars and seventeen cents
($1269.17)0 besides eight (8)%' interest
and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes
the said Jas B. Wilson refused to
itis therefore ordered thatthe'aaid
J. B. Wilson pay into this court, ou
or before tbe first day of the next
term thereof the principal interest
and atty’s fees due ou said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And it is
ordered that this rule be published in
tbe Crawford County Correspon¬
dent, a newspaper published in the
Co. of (4) Crawford, once a month for
four mouths previous to the next
term of this court.
C. L. Bartlett, J. S. C.
R. V. Hardeman & Son, Ptrs Atty’s,
Clerk’s Office, Crawford Su¬
perior Court.— I, J. W. Jack, Clerk
of said court, do certify that the
abbve and t'orgoiug rule is a true copy
from the minutes ot said court. Wit ¬
ness my ofiicial signature .with seat
oi court attached. This March 27,
J. W/Jack, Clerk 8. C.
Georgia, Crawford County:—
all whom it may coueeru AJ and
R B Scofill executors of the last will
and testament of Philip Scofill de¬
ceased, have applied to me for dis¬
mission from said trust. This is
to cite all persons at interest to show
before me on or before tbe first
Mouday in June next, if any they
have. Whyjsueh discharge should
not be granted or letters of dismissory
will be granted applicants as applied
for Wittness my hand officially
this March 6th 1893.
,J N. Mathews, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia John A Miller
and F A Adams administrators of
Howell Adams deceased have filed
with me their petition asking for
dismission from the administration
of estate of said deceased. This is to
notify will all persons at interest that
they be discharged from said
trust on the first Monday in June
next and letters of dismissory grant¬
ed them unless good objection
thereto are fiied on or before tlu<t
date. Witness ray hand officially
this March 6th 1893,
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Crawford
County Georgia:— W J Dent, ad¬
ministrator of John WDent, deceas¬
ed, has filed with me iiis petition ask¬
ing for dismission from the adminis¬
tration on estate of said deceased:
This is to notify ail persons at inter¬
est tiiat he will be disc barged iron:,
said trust on the first Monday in May
next and letters of dismissory grant¬
ed him, unless good objections there¬
to are filed on or before that
Witness my baud officially this Feb¬
ruary 7th 1893.
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County:—
Jno M. Sharp has filed iiis petition to
amend his application for homestead
and exemption, and I will pass upon
the the same first at Monday riiy office in Knoxville
on in May next, at
officially 10 o'clock April a. m. 3rd Witness 'my hand
JoelN. 1893,
Mathews, Ordinary.