Newspaper Page Text
urt convenes, spring term, third
day in March; fall term, third
Idav in.Cfctober.
rlge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
Bicitor General—W. H. Fel
Lrk Superior Court—J. W. Jack,
binary—J. N. Mathews,
x Collector—W. J. Brown,
x Receiver—M.^C, Hatcher,
eriff—John C. Culverhonse.
Lasurer—M. F. Ferry.
uuty'Surveyor—J. L. Parsons,
boner—J. Lnty H. Jones.
Calhmissioners — B. F.
ker, W. E. Champion and L.’C.
unty School Commissioner—H.
I Happenings of the Week
Short, Pointed Paragraphs —
\hat Has Happened and Political, Js
Yi to Happen—Points
\rsonal and Social—Men
i. E. Sandefur of Musella,
in town Tuesday.
F. Harris of Robley, was in
erta the lirst of the week at
ling to business.
on. T. J. Martin of Robley,
in Knoxville and Roberta
pday, on business,
[ rs. A. J. Danielly has reeov
from her recept severe sick
and is, we are glad to say,
to be out again,
pi. E. B. Trammell has re¬
ed from a visit to his sister
I - *•' •# notified
II persons are hereby
after the first day of June, no
mt or express packages will
llowed to be taken from this
b without all charges first
g paid.
• M. H. Carnes, Agt.
rs. M. B*. Walker has ripe
biies and will soon have plen
bf grapes. This shows what
be done in Roberta in the
ry production of iruit.
r. Howard Smith, the liust
real-estate agent of Macon,
had his name placed on our
fccription list.
VV, Stroucl thinks the ?"n
factory would be an e> pi¬
thing for our - Hq
help to secure it. With
|e more men of his calibre
I disposition to progress, we
I get the factory up. Talk for
lid lest get the thing agoing.
Iv. Robt. Bond called at our of
this week and subscribed for
county paper.
fr. I W.E. Sandefur o # f Musella,
in Roberta Wednesday,
[oliver I Ray Mr. sold Rose a line this week. horse
buggy to
At Dinner.
Br. Jesse Dent and J. M.
hardson dined with Oapt W.
bent be at his elegant country
about six miles from here
usday. Capt. Wm. J, Dent is
of the tried and true sons of
Lrgia, End having proved his loyal
devotion to her interests
those days when men’s love
tested by cannon ball and
Lketry. His sober, good make judg
d industrial habits
l conspicuous example of
i' j.f i ■’ lad (‘. Stoti •
ship, and it is with pleasure we
note the prosperous condition of
his farm and home. Capt. Dent
finds time, or at least takes Wme,
in conducting his farm, to read
and think, and he is an exempli¬
fication of the fact that, it is as
necessary for a man to be an act
ive, thinking and reading person
to farm successfully as it is to
follow any other occupation with
any degaee of prosperity*,- Noth
tl i4# Sgg #1 4 '-:4
day without brain ahd thought
and the quicker all men realize
this -truth the better off they are.
There is every evidence of in¬
telligence, thrift and system
about Capt. Dent’s place. There
is the garden yielding a variety
of vegetables for his own con¬
sumption, and if you want a su¬
perb dinner that is not out
sight, but is altogether in sight
and cannot stay there long after
a man sits down to the table and
turns on the batteries, just go put
up where we did. There is for¬
age planted for food for his stock
and the finest oats and rye to be
seen anywhere in the county.
Corn is standing high and of a
rich green color, and cotton is
looking splendid.
There is the plum and peach or¬
chard, a pinder patch in which to
fatten Ins hogs. There is the
dock of sheep of which we will
say something in our next issue.
Capt. Dent, has a large number
of vines laden with heavy hunch¬
es of the Concord grape. His
prospects for an abundant yield
of that fruit, are very flattering
When we left his premises we
thought of the difference be¬
tween a big -hearted, independent
farmer—what must ne the happi¬
ness and contentment of his life,
and the. narrow, selfish, con¬
tracted and grasping disposition
of the pusilanimous city man de¬
stroying the peace, and pleasure
of his life and killing himself
in the ignoble race for wealth.
Col. R. D. Smith, Judge A, J.
Danielly, Dr. Kinney and J. M.
Richardson, all went to Atlanta
Monday on business and pleas¬
ure. There was a large, crowd of
old Confederate veterans there to
tender their last tribute of love
to their immortal chieftain’s re¬
mains as they passed through to
Richmond. I had a sought of re¬
union in Atlanta myself, having
met my old friend Chas. Farrar
of Lexington, Ky., and Reverends
J. C. Wood, W. C. Chastain and
Reiger, who were old school com
at Kentucky University.
Rev. J. C. Wood is now pastor of
the church at. Jug Tavern in Jack
son county It was a most pleas¬
ant surprise for me to meet Mr.
Wood, especially so, as it was the
first time I had ever seen or
heard of him since we sat side
by side in class recitation.
Brother Chastain is now one of
the able assistants on that most
excellent religious journal of At¬
lanta, the “Southern Christian.”
If contact has anything to do
with it, I came very near being a
preacher, but while in the class
with young preachers, my heart,
O ! Where was it “at”
Mr. Reiger was on his way to the
University to attend the reunion
and commencement exercises,
and Farrar who had been visiting
relatives in the Gate City was
preparing to leave for his home
in Lexington.
Treasurer M. F. Perry says he
«»»; } f ■ (* '"!• J C J W < •
'■ A
a tree in his yard, killed a turkey
gobbler and jarred his house con¬
We return oup thanks for two
lovely floral contributions which
were received this week.
T\1r. J, C. Bond and Ras Hicks
one with the violin and the other
at the Organ, can make some
splendid music.
Free Trip to Chicago.
‘- f tep a rate W:
and use the 1« usiiig m
words as you by the letters
as many times as you wish, either
backwards or forwards, but not use
the same letter in making any oiie
word more times than it appears in
“Worlds Fair.”
It is said seventy-five small Eng
f ish words can be spelled correctly
rom the ten letters contained in
“World's Fair.” Example:—Wad,
waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good
at word-making you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair b.nd
return, as The Scott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including R R
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and $50.90 in
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses,, to the first
person sending sixty words as above,
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
the Worlds’s Fair and return (with¬
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $50.00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fair, to the lirst person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying {expenses to
the World’s Fair, to each of the tiist
words will be given $10.00 in cash and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will be given #2.00 in cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to
the, same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and • en
close the same postpaid with fifteen
U. S. two-eent stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden Flower Heeds.
This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in the elaborate exhibit of
English flowers at the World’s Fair.)
This “World’s Fair” Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con¬
ducted solely for the purpose, of in¬
troducing our business in the U. 8.
You will receive the Biggest value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly you jfill have a
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to Chicago
and return.
We are spending a large amount of
money to start our trade in the U. S.
and want your trial order. You will
be more than gratified with the re¬
sult. Send to-day r , and address THE
Grannies’ Muffs in Fashion A gn>iu.
The smartest thing to do with
the muff is to wear it hung round
the neck suspended by a long,
slender gold or silver chain. .Those
yards of chain attached to which
our mothers and grandmothers
were wont to wear their watches,
when a watch was regarded as
quite a possession in the way of
jewelry, can be prettily utilized in
this way.
It that seems at la3t an accomplished enough
fact muffs are large
to'stow away one's hands in. We
have been promised thenfof a sen¬
sible size for several winters, but
now at last they ana adopted, and
the could silly little things into fingers which
we of only thrust our
are out date.
To be smart one must have a
real, cozy “granny” muff. The
prettiest are of sable, lined with
rich, handsome brocade and per¬
fumed. They are so dainty, that they so
warm, have so air costly looking distinction nil
an of to
< ' :i • iv \ ! r I ^ * T ‘ FT f
j v . • « I
Will GEORGIA, Crawford County :—
be sold before the court house
door, thejflrst in the town of Knoxville, on
Tuesday'in June next, the
following property 2nd to-wit: Lot of
land No. 1(50 in the District of
said county. Bounded on the north
by lands.-of C. H. V. Smith, east and
west by lands of B. Horn, south
by lands of J. M. Sharpe. Levied on
as the property of Jno. M. Sharpe to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Superior court of said county in fa¬
vor, of the American Freehold Land
Mortgage Co vsJ. M. Sharpe. Ten¬
ant in possession notified.
tot No. 126, in flie 7th Dist. of said
(fbunty. lifnds of Jones Bounded & LeSueur, on the north by by
lands of T. F. Mathews, south by
laiids of A. J. Danielly and west by
lands of M. O. Mathews. Levied on
to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the Su
perior court of said county in favor
of Braswell. Elizabeth Tenant R. Comby vs Jacob G.
in possession
Also at the same time and place
one house and lot in the town of
Knoxille Ga., being one acre, more
or less and bounded on the north by
public road leading Cy from Knoxville
to Macon, on cast George S. Jones
estate, on south by S. J. Spillers and
B. H. Ray and on the west by public
square. Levied on as the property of
Wright &-Stembridge to satisfy an
execution issued by J. M. Sanders
Tax Collector of said county for their
state and county taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notified.
"Also at the same time and place,
lot of land No. 28 in the 3rd District
of said countv. Levied On. as tin
property of E. J. Hancock to satisfy
an execution issued by J. M. Handers
Tax Collector of said county for his
state and county taxes for the year
1892. Tenant in possession notified.
Also at the same time and place
67 acres of land of south part of lot
No. 126 in the 7th Dist. of said coun¬
ty. Bounded on the north by lands
of Jones & LeSueur, east by lands
of T. F. Mathews, south by lands of
A. J. Danielly and west by lands of
M. C. Mathews. Levied on as the
property of J. G. Braswell to satisfy
execution issued by J. M. Sanders
Tax Collector of said countv, for his
1892. Tenant in possession notified
Also at the same time ' and place
one Farquhar Boiler, power not
known. Said boiler being at Rober¬
ta and in possession of B. H. Bay.
Levied on to satisfy an execution is
sued by J. M. Sanders Ta v Collector
of said county, to satisfy his state
and county taxes for the year 1892,
Property pointed out by J. M. Han¬
ders T. C.
Also at the same time and place 425
acres, more of less of land, being lots
and parts of Tots Nos 181, 182 and 183,
in the 1st Dist of said county. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. Nancy M.
Smith to satisfy an execution issued
acainst her for state and eouuty tax¬
es for the year of 1892.
J. C. Culverhouse Sheriff C.C.
■ $■
Lby.icUns <3 prefcflbe endor«« with p. P. P. satisfaction* 83 a jplondlJ oembln atlon,
ft A It gr«at for the enres of all
forma and of Primary. Becondarv and TurMArv
Cures scrofulA.
Ulcqri that have restated all treatment, Catarrh,
11 ’. CURES
ft 1 0 tiooD Poison
fikin Disease*. Eczema, Chronic Female Complaint*, Mar
j?. P. P. li a powerful tonic, and an excellent appeiigar,
f s 1
T an
who*# blood (ft In
An Impura condition^ due to menstrual IrragularittM. are
• Holt MARIA
< T>ecuimrJ7 BII, t)ent^! , ted by tiie wonUerluTTonic and ?'
clfsmlnjjf end Potassium. properties of P. P. P.* Prickly A*h* IloA
I a. if*
... ,... „ - •> - r ..
, v
VOL. 1. NO. 43
B. GEORGIA, H. Crawford County :
Ray Crawford Superior
vs Court March Tern;
J. B. Wilson. ) 1893 and Rule Ni Si
to foreclose Mortgage.
It appearing to the court by the
petition of B. H. Ray that Jas. B.
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1891,
executed and delivered to B. H. Ra\
a mortgage Roberta on a house and lot in the
town of Crawford Counts
Georgia, half containing two and on'
(2 1-2; acres and situated on tj>
west side of the A. & F. R. 11. and on
the south side of the public road
leading from Roberta, depot of A. & F. Ji. R h
said' town of to old Agenev,
also on one vacant lot No. 3, in Bloc?.
Also srl£ ;:
lots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated
in the N. E. corner of Cruasel street
and Duggar Avenue and fronting to
gether 200 feet on east side of Dug
width gard street and extending bask sail
as front to the right of w av of
the A. & F. R. Ii. being 163 feet on tt e
north line and 1.53 feet on the south
line on Orussel street for the purpose
of securing-the payment of live eei
tain promissory notes made by tl c
said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Rav and
to save the said B. H. Ray harmless
by reason of his endorsement on note
due O. C. Elliott, amounting to the
sum of twelve hundred and six tv r
nine dollars and seventeen eentf,
($1269.17f) besides eight-(8)% interest
10 % att’ys fees winch said note;
the said Jas B. Wilson refused
It is therefore ordered that the^aii?
.T. B. Wilson pay into this court,' on
or before the first day of the next
term thereof the principal interest
and atty’s fees due on said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And it is*
ordered that this rule be published it*
tiie Crawford County Correspon¬
dent, a newspaper published in the
Co. of Crawford, once a month for
four (4; months previous to the next.
term of this court.
C. L. Bartlett, J. B. C.
ft V. Hardeman & Hon, Ptrs AttyV.
Creek’s Office, Crawford He
perior Court.— 1, J. W. Jack, Clerk
of said court, do certify that the
above and forgoing rule is a true copv
from the minutes of said court. WlT
ness my official signature with st ui
of court attached. This March 27.
J. W. Jack, Clerk S. C.
Georgia, Crawford County
To all whom it may concern A J and
ft B Bcofill executors ot the last will
and testament of Philip Hcofill de¬
ceased, have applied to me for de¬
mission from said trust. This is
to cite all persousat interest to show
cause before me on or before the fleet
Monday in June next, if any they
have. Whyfsueh discharge should
not be granted or letters of dismis^ovy
will be granted applicants as applied
for Wittness my baud officially
this March 6th 1893.
,J N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County -
All persons having demands againvt
the estate of Jas A Avera late of said
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to render in tlieir demands to M'.e
all undersigned according'to law, ami
persons indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate pay¬
ments. This the 9th day of May-
1893. 5-13-6w
Mrs. Sarah E Avera, Executrix,
Jno R. Sandefur, Executor.
Georgia, Crawford County:—Will Le
sold before the court house door, in
the town of Knoxville, said county,
to the highest bidder for cash, on the
tirst Tuesday in July next, within
he legal hours of sale, the following
described property to wit: Lots of
land No. S 4 and 5, aggregating 406
acres, more or less, lying in tiie “ tt*
distrietof said county. Said proper¬
four ty levied fi on issued under from and Justices by vi tue ot
las eoi.rt
of the 573 district G. M. of said coun¬
ty. Three in favor of Coleman *aud
Ray, and one in fav-,r of ft. LI. R-ay
hearer, against M B. Mathe.v.*,
as the property of said M. B. Math¬
ews, constable Levy made by W. H. and Seagb r,
of said district, ti m «
turned over to me for advertisement
and sale of property. Sale yvili ". he
subject to lien created upon ’said
property to secure the payment of a
loan made to said Mathews by The
Georgia Loan & Trusu ’officially, Company.
Witness my hand this
June tiie 2nd 1893.
J. C. Culverhonse, Sheriff,
£L cat me IKKlLStf. Eta st ta tfce World.
Hesdaofc* *>'Stt»?oljr oared is *▼• minutes
% *lao rat&rrh, !'■•> fcuay 1 »•*-** £*v**. lathma.ooH in Load *ell.
■to -* "an-enl.
< '!»♦ - ffi*} ).
M M.