Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term, third
Monday in October.
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
| let. Solicitor General—W. H. Fel
ton, Jr.
.Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J, N. Mathews.
Tax Collector—W. J. Brown.
Tax Receiver—M. O. Hatcher.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouee.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
County’Surveyor—J. L, Parsons.
Coroner—J. H. Jones.
County Commissioners —B. F.
Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
. County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
The Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs ■*
What lias Happened and Is Go
, ing to Happen—Points Political,
Personal and Social—Men and
"We take cold in the .weakest spot,
And if ’tis trap, as said,
It simply shows that, with most
The weakest spot’s the head.”
Oapt V/. J. Dent was in Rober¬
ta Monday.
Sheriff Oulverhouse 'went to
Macon on business Thursday.
Col. Or.P. Wtfgiitrweat to At¬
lanta on legal business Thursday.
Col. if. D. Smith went down the
A. & T. on legal business Thurs¬
Miss YanYaulkenburg has
been visiting Mrs. Ed Dent this
Ordinary Joel N. Mathews went
on a pleasure trip down in the
6th District Thursday. He reports
crops in a splendid condition.
We are prepared to make loans on
improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews &Biasingame.
Mr. W. H. Harris, son of Mrs.
T. Y. Harris of Knoxville, died
ia Macon last Sunday night. De¬
ceased was raised in this county
and was about thirty-four years
old. About six years ago he
went to Macon and accepted a
position in the clothing house of
J. H. Herts, where he remained
to the time of his death. Mr.
Harris was a young man of
ing business qualities and was
popular both here and in Macon.
His remains were brought to the
Knoxville church where the fu
nexal was preached by Rev. Me
Michael. Being a personal friend
to the departed, his remarks
were especially touching and ap¬
Remains were interred in the
Knoxville cemetery
The town ordinances as they
m»w exist, and all town laws that
are hereafier passed should be
published in this paper. They do
not have the authority of a la .v
until it is done, and we shall in¬
sist hereafter that it is done. The
acts of the council and the laws
of the town should be made pub¬
lic in these columns.
Committee to set date and
place for holding the Annual
Sunday School Convention of
this county, met. in Knoxville^
Tuesday. It decided to hold the
convention, on Wednesday, the
second of August, in Knoxville.
For the sake of harmony, it was
thought best not to have the sing¬
ing contest and that feature Is
to be abolished.
While on our round-abouts
this week, a gentleman told us
he intended to open a store in
Roberta sometime in the fall.
We extend a welcome*to all en¬
terprising, straight-fQrward busi
ness men to come in and help
build up the county.
Musella is to erect a handsome
school building. Mr. john Harri¬
son will donate the property on
which it to Rebuilt. The spot
selected is a pretty hill with
gently sloping side and a short
distance from rail road. It is a
beautiful cite for the erection of
a school. Mr. Harrison is to be
commended for his liberally.
Thete was not a man to be found
in Roberta, who would donate a
lot on which to erect our school
building. There are ample means
here with which to finish this
school. But lack of appreciation
for a moral agency in the com¬
munity is one serious trouble, and
another, moss back fogyisrn, and
a third, down right stinginess.
When it comes to the last ele
meat we have it in a remarkable
and marvellous degree. Worse
than the but-headed cow, which,
having grown a tale, is too lazy to
grow iiorns.
A force of hands have been at
work improving the streets of
Roberta this week. Our streets
should be kept iu a more neat
a .id orderly condition. We think
it would advisable to devise some
plan by which the work done on
the streets would have a more
lasting effect. As it is, what is
done at one working is all undone
by time for working again. This
is due-to the natural disadvantage
oi'thfe slope of earth on which our
town is built. A few heavy rains
washes away to a great extent,
the improvements made on the
walks and streets. We might
keep on doing such work as is
now done on. the streets and
walks for the next two hundred
years and at the expiration of
that time the walks would be just
about as they are now. We are
not blaming any one for this It
is the fact as we see it, and think
it would be well for the council
to appropriate a portion of the
towns money in connection with
the special tax for that purpose
until proper drainage and sewer¬
age can be had so as to prevent
the wafer from washing gullies in
Mrs. Clark is making prepara
tions for a grand musical exhibi¬
tion. Everybody knows what
Mrs. Clark cfcn do jn an enter¬
prise of this sort apd those that
love music will await her enter¬
tainment with happy anticipa¬
Ordinaries Court.
The following business was
transacted in Ordinary Mathews’
court this week.
J. A. Miller, application for
dismission of the estate of How¬
ell Adams deceased—granted.
. A. J. aijd R. B. Schofield, ex¬
ecutors of estate of Philip Scho¬
field, petition for dismissal—
W. J. Dent, administrator es
tate of J. W. Dent, petition for
dismissal, objected by Mrs. L. O.
Harrison,—objection sustained,
R, J. Brunett and Aurora Bur-
nett vs A. J. Burnett, guardian,
citation for settlement,—judge¬
ment for plaintiff.
Free Trip to Chicago.
Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-R
and Use the letters to spell as many
words as you can by using the letters
as many times as you wish, either
backwards or forwards, but not use
wotd thesame letter times in than making it any one in
more ars
“Worlds Fair.” \
Itds Said seventy-five smalf^ Eng
• ish words can be spelled feorrectly
roui the ten letters contained in
'•World’s Fair.*’ Fxarnple:—Wad,
waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good
at word-making you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair and
return, as The Scott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including R R
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and $50.00 in
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty words as above,
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
the Worlds’s Fair and return (with¬
out cdsh for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $50.00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fa ir, to the first person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying expenses to
the World’s Fair, to each of the first
five persons sending thirty-five
words will be given $10.00 in cash and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will bo given $2.00 in cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
ou list of words (numbered) and en¬
close tire same postpaid with fifteen
CAB. two-Ceut stamps *f*v a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden FloweA.Seeds.
This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in the elaborate exhihit of
English flowers at the World’s Fair.)
This “World’s Fair’’ Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con¬
ducted solely for the purpose of in¬
troducing our business in the IT. S.
You will receive the Biggest, value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly *if will havea
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to Chicago
and return.
We are spending a large amount of
money to> start our trade in the U- S.
and want;your trial order. You will
be more than gratified with tho re¬
sult. Seiid to-day , and address THE
COMPANY, Toronto,
Canada. \
Grannies’ Huffs in Fashion
Tho smartest thing to do- with
the the muflf neck is suspended to wear it by hung round long,
slender gold or silver chain. Those
yards oti chain attached to which
our “mothers and grandmothers
were wont to wear their watches,
When a 1 watch was regarded as
quite a possession in the wav of
jewelry,; can be prettily utilized in
this way.
It seefns at last an accomplished
fact that muffs are hands large enough
to stow hway one’s in. We
have been promised them of a sen¬
sible sizb for several winters, but
now at last they are adopted, into which and
the could silly little things fingers
we only thrust our
are out of date.
To be smart one must have a
real, cozy “granny” muff. The
prettiest are of sable, lined with
rich, handsome brocade and per¬
fumed. 1 They are looking so dainty, that they so
warm, so costly distinction all
have an air of to
themselves apart from the general
effect of tho a owner’s toilet.
CS3 1 A
quin, Testimony from the Mayor of Se¬
Bequin, Texas, Jan. 14thv, 1803.
Messrs. Lippnmn Bros.,
Savannah, Ga.
I have tried your P. P. P., for a dis¬
Skin ease of Cancer the skin usually known as
of thirty years standing
and found great relief; it purities the
blood and removes all irritation from
the seat of the disease, and prevents
any I spreading of the sores.
have taken five or six bottles and
feel confident that another course
will effect a cure
It has also relieved me from indi-_
gestion and stomach trouble.
Yours Truly,
Capt - 2\ty htJLaw
Md forma pr.inSb.lTwItS and of great Primanr. Mtllfacllw'“/thstrarefcf'all
stages SMoruiirv T«*ttarv
. • it
Cures , R scrcfuiA. R. p.
Ulcers that have resisted all tra:.tiaeDt^aLa »h^
curlal PoUon, Tetter, Eczema, Scald Chrome Female Complain*-*, Aier
* erful Head, ct M etc.
..,1. ■"■"•'-•■eawaHi i -■■■ * s ^ pow teme, tmd an excellent
m I ® Ill iss
r. ?i I i ? ESsJki mM*
flies 'wiios. systems ira poisoned whoaa tlocl is In
JS 1 inipnro condition, dua to taerstraal Imgnlaritlss, rra
ro res CURES I
pf y an m a ,§ 1
L iCaMifijIa. is. |
be "ftd' bV tl’ie™t^ndcrjni 1 iVtnc’o'i■)'"t' 1 . 1 ■•£>:'.
aw rotog pwp ««e» ofR r p.,iweU 7 JR**-Boot
ggji j m
fife* p9.
LIP P JI A IT B E O S,, Savannah, Cla.
Book on Blood Diseases mailed free.
:Y- Yj
m a (IS m iK
a pamphlet of information and Bh- uyj
i, struct of the iaws, showing How
: & Obtain Patent*, Careuf*. Trade /J
\Mark», Copyrlfcht*. icni free.
New Yvrlt.
t r
A Hint to Laundresses.
The excellent laundresses of
Holland use refined borax instead
handful soda in the powder proportion about of a large
of to ten
gallons of boiling water. Borax,
being a neutral salt, doe9 not in
the slightest degree injure the
linen, and those who try it will be
pleased butch with the result. The
washerwomen have been
famous for centuries, and when
muslin and lace ruffs became fash¬
ionable Queen Elizabeth laundresses sent for in¬
some of these to
struct the English how to wash
and dress these dainty articles of
the toilet.
His Little Slip.
She (engaged for an evening
party)—It is not quite Mr. time for in¬
to start yet, is itr, S-oona
more? Daisy, but I
He—No, Miss am
always early. The early bird, you
know, catches the—er—the—the—
aw —that comet, Miss Daisy, distinctly they
say can bo seen, quite glass.
with a good opera
VOL. 1. NO. At
GEORGIA. Cra wford County : -
B. H. Raj' I Crawford Superio
vs y Court March Tern
J. B. \\ ilson. _ ) 1893 and Rule Ni B
to foreclose Mortgage
It appearing to the court 1>v tin
petition Wilson of B. H. Ray that jda. B.
on the 17tli day of Dec. 1892
executed and delivered to B. H. liav
a mortgage on a house and lot in
town ol Roberta Crawford County
Georgia, half containing two and one
(2 l-2> acres and situated on the
west side of the A. & F. R. ft. and on
the south side of the public road
leacliug from depot of A. & F. R. It in
said town of Roberta, to old Agency,
also on one vacant lotNo. 3, in £!ook
8, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet
and extending back east satne widfli
as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Aliev.
Also lots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated
in the N.E. corner.of Crussel street
and JDuggar Avenue and fronting to¬
gether 2UU feet on east side of j)ug
gard street and extending back same
width as front to the right of way of
the A. & F. R. R. being 153 feet oil the
north line and 153 feet on the south
line.on GrusSel street for the purpose
of securiug the payment of five cer¬
tain promissory notes made by the
said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and
to save the said B. H. Ray harmless
by reason of his endorsement on note
due C. C. Elliott, amounting to the
sum of twelve hundred and sixty
nine dollars and seventeen cents
($1269.17?) besides eight (8) % interest
and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes
the said Jas B. Wilson refused to
It is therefore ordered that the’said
J. B. Wilson pay into this court' on
or before the first day of the next
term thereof the principal interest
and atty’s fees due on said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And it is
ordered that this rule be published in
the Crawford County Correspon¬
Co. dent, of Crawfold, a newspaper published in the
once a month for
tour (4 months previous to the next
term oi this court.
Li. V. Hardeman < •. 1j. Bartlett, J. S. C.
& Bon, Ptrs Atty’s,
Clerk’s Office, Crawford Su¬
per ior Court.—] , J. \v. .1 aek, Clerk
‘ f said court, dp certify that the
•hove and forgoing rule is a true copy
from the ot said court. Wit¬
ness my official signature with seat
oi court attached. This March 27,
J. W. Jack. Clerk 8. C.
Georgia. Crawford County:—
To all w!mm it may A.J and
R B Bcofili executors ot the last will
ntld t fc*StII MUll t Oi 1’Ililip Bcofiil de
ceaseii, have applied to me Gor dis
tuiesion from said trust. This is
tooiie ail persons at interest jo show,
cause before me on or before the first
Monday in June next, if any they
have. be Wiiy-such discharge should
not granted or letters of dismissory
will be granted applicants as applied
for Wittness my hand officially
this March 6th 1893. * '
,J N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORG I A, Crawford County
All persons having demands against
the estate of Jas A Avera late of said
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to render in their demands to the
all undersigned according to law, and
persons indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate pay¬
ments. This the 9th day of
1893. 5-13-6W
Mrs. SarahE Avera, Executrix,
J no R. Bandefur, Executor.
Crawford Couuty-.—Will be
sold before the court house door, in
the town of Knoxville, said county*
to the highest bidder for cash, on the
first Tuesday in July next, withit*
he legal hours of sale, the following
described property to wit: Uots
land No. 8 4 and aggregating 406'
more of said or lews, lying $aid in the ?t%
levied under county. and by vi proper¬
on tue X>#
fi fas issued from Justices court
the 673 district G. M. of saldcoiWi
Three In favor of Coleman *ik4
Raj’, and one in fav«r of B. Mathew^ H. Ray
against M B.
property of said M.
- Levy made by W. H.
of said district, advertneiueii^ aim
turned over to me for
sale of property. Sale will
subject to lieu created the upon of.
property to secure said Mathews payment by Tfc#
loan made to
Georgia Loan & hand Trust Company.
Witness my officially, thic
June, the 2nd 180$. Cuiverhov»sp>
J. C. Sheriff,
H I a * 1 9 S {•! <3
; *