Newspaper Page Text
ourt convenes, spring term, third
nday in March ; fall term, third
today in October.
bdge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
ol ieitor General—W. H. Fel
, Jr.
lerjc Superior Court—J. W. Jack,
rflinary—J. N. Mathews,
ax Collector—W, J. Brown,
ax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
heriff— Jpfin C. Culverhouse.
reasurer—M. F. Perry.
ountyJJ3urveyor—J. L. Parsons,
kroner—J. H. Jones, B. F.
punty Commissioners —
.lker, W. E. Champion and L. C.
ounty 8chooi Commissioner—H.
I Happenings of the Week Put
ShorU Pointed, Paragraphs—
Vhat Has Happened and Is Go
Lgr to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal and Social—Men and
Ir. Sam Wilson, of ,Byron, is
e on a visit.
k,ev. Grant preached to a large
lienee at Salem, Sunday.
f proved T e are prepared real-estate to make at reasonable loans on
>S. Mathews &Blasingame.
Ir. W. M. Miller is reported
tously 111.
Ir. and Mrs. Clark visited
ents at Gaillard this week,
[apt. Robert LeSueur has been
km a visit to parents.
[Irs. Edgar Jordan and daugh
are visiting in Macon.
I few “Consolation Powders”
L Come quick, they are going
[rs. Reynolds, of Macon, is in
ixville, {visiting her son Mr.
it. Reynolds.
[r. Ellison and wife, of At
;a, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
I. Wright, of Knoxville,
r. W. G. Gordan from Clark’s
l, was up on business this
Lrs. Tabby Harris aud Mrs. F.
Wright of Knoxville, went to
son on business, this week,
lessrs Wm. Walker and T. J.
rtin were among the visitors
Roberta this week.
Ye extend thanks for an mvi
on to attend the qommence
ht exercises of the Georgia
L big hail storm is reported to
e* occurred in the vicinity of
sella Tuesday, resulting in con
U-able damage to* crops,
he Teachers Annual Conven
L will meet in Knoxville the
Inst. Supt. Sanders extends a
dial invitation to the public to
ar. J. E. Wright came to see us
dnesday and brought in some
Lon flowers. His garden has
an to bloom, and he will be
[ad of a great many others.
anted—Every intelligent
son in Crawford county to
(scribe for “Tiie “Family iCorrespon- Rec
t.” It and the
[” together, worth $2.50, for
[5^ Every Christian home de
s the “Family Record.”
he Picture is in beautiful
SATURDAY, JUNE, 17,1893.
Size 16x22. Open book on easel
center in which to Register names
and births of members of. family.
Scroll on left for -marriages and
deaths. All Surrounded by *‘God
bless our family” in beautifullet
ters. Space underneath for fathers
and mother’s Photos, similar
space all aroundT"interspersed
with roses, buds, leaves &p.
The general ex^miaatioA for
teachers lice'fie will be held in the
court house, fn Rnoxvrlle,oft the
24 inst. Examination begins
promptly at 8 o’clock.
H. F. Sanders, 0. S. C.
Prof. Smith went to Sylvenia
last week and delivered an ad¬
dress at the commencement exer¬
cises of the school there. We
learn from those whom were there
that he aqcuitted himself in a
most excellent manner.
Mrs. Kingman Lowe and her
brother Bnrke, have gone to
Thomaston to attend the com¬
Mr. Jack'and his accomplished
assistant, Miss Ufa, left for Mil
ledgeville this week to attend the
commencement exercise of the
Industrial College.
Mr. Nath Holleman subscribed
for the Columbian Encyclopedia.
But finding that it had the name
of about every machine operat¬
ing politician Hill ip the country
spoken of, but had failed to men¬
tion 'the great Georgian and
statesman, Ben jam an H. Hill, he
has decided to send the book back
to its publisners.
In1871, Capt. Wm. Dent pur¬
chased six sheep for $12i He has
kept an accurate account of them
and his record shows that up to
the present year, he has had killed
by dogs, 15. Died, 46. Butchered
55 Sold 187. He had eighteen
left as his flock the beginning of
1893. From these six sheep up
to ’93 hejjhas realized, for hides.
$16.75; for wool, $176.40; for
sheep $380. Total $573.15. Gain
$561.15. Mr. Dent considers this
a clear gain, and thinks sheep
raising can be made a profitable
Prof. J. D. Smith left Wednes¬
day on a visit to ms parents in
Greenville. He will be back to
attend the Institute.' We under
stand that Prof. Smith will not
apply for the school in Knoxville
again. His work in Knoxville is
the bestaiomplimeni that caii be
paid him. His resignation is J a
loss to Knoxville, and his placets
not going to be filled very easily.
We regret to lose him, and our
best wishes go with him.
Rev. McMichael preached an
excellent sermon, Sunday, in
Knoxville in favor of foreign mis¬
sion. After services the ladies
were requested to remain, and
Mrs. Charlie Gray of Fort Valley,
who was present for the purpose,
organized a foreign missionary
society. Mrs. J. B. Lowe was
made president, Miss Gussie Le¬
Sueur Vice President, Mrs. J. W.
Jones, Corresponding Secretary,
Mrs. J. C. Culve^ouse, Confer¬
ence Socy., and Mrs. G. N. Pierce,
Treasurer. The society will meet
in the Methodist church in Knox¬
ville, at 4 o’clock, on Monday af¬
ter the first Sundav in each month.
Ladies are invited to join.
A second-hand ICstey Organ,
in splendid condition, cheap. Or
will give it in exchange for a
piano. Apply to,
Mrs. M. I* Ellis.
Messrs W. E- Sandefur, Pierce
and Sullivan, of neaar Musella,
were here this week and report
their crops terribly damaged by
the hail storm.. Corn is cut up
there is nothing left of the
but the stem.
In the case of the state vs
Adam Scheley, charged with lar¬
ceny, a prelemmary trials was
had before Judge Danielly Tues
day morning. The negro was
found guilty and committed to
jail not being able to raise his
bond which was fixed at $500.
This negro is the one that stole
Mr. Wilson’s mule from the rack
in rear of the millinery store. He
plead drunkenness and ignorance
of what he was doing. This had
no effect however, and Judge
Dauielly* gave him some * light
straight talk, saying he felt satis¬
fied the superior court would fix
such a sentence upon him that
before he had a chance to steal
another mule, he would be an old
greyheaded man. . ✓
Sunday a group of bicyclist
came out with Mr. Bolver Ray
from Macon. Mr. Ray left Ma¬
con an hour ahead of the cyclist,
but was overtaken long before he
reached here. The cyclist made
the run in about three hours. |An
excellent dinner was spread for
them at the hotel under the direc¬
tion of Mr. Ray and our visitors
spent a pleasant day. It is use¬
less to say now, that the only
thing which can keep the young
bloods through here from becom¬
ing cycilist, is a lack of the neces¬
sary spondu-licks to purchase
I performed a noble feat ray
self ©none of the cycles, and 1
venture none of the experienced
riders could do it. While trying
to gain an equilibrium, I fell off
lip before I struck the
WXrbior News.
Mr. James Eubanks has been
low down with neuralgia this
Mr. Jim Dickson’s baoy has got
The grass is crowding the boys
the Warrior,
Miss Sallic? Rock more of the
is losing her mind and
gone loiv six days without eat¬
anything. Dr. Ilollie thinks
that her chances are bad.
Rev. Jordan gave us one of his
fine sermons last Sunday at the
Buck Drawhorn says he can
walk forty miles a day for twelve e
days. He wants to bet $50 on
Mr. Martin Toole’s saw-mill
was burned down Tuesday night.
loss was about $200.
The bicycle club, of Macon,
returned through the Warrior
sundown and they were
using their handkerchiefs a great
Mrs. Kobt. Green put out two
and a feather bed* for
sunning, and they all got burnt
Fr«« Trip to ChlcuBO.
Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-R
use the letters to spell as many
words as you min by using the letters
many times as you wish, either
backwards or forwards, but not me
the same letter in making any one
word more times than it appears in
“Worlds Fair.”
It is said seventy-five small Eng
fish words can be spelled correctly
rom the ten letters contained in
“World’s Fair.’’ Fxample:—Wad,
waif, soar, idol; etc. If you are good
at word-making you can secure a
FREE trip to the World’s Fair and
return, as The Bcott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including R R
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and $50.00 in
cash for incidental expenses, to the
first person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty words as above.
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
the Worlds’s Fair and return (with¬
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending fifty-five
To the first* person sending fifty
words will be given $50,00 in cash
towards paying expenses to the
Worlds Fair, to the first person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying expenses to
the World's Fair, to each of the first
five persons sending thirty-five
words will be given $10.00 iu cash and
to each of the first ten % seuding thirty
words will be given £2.00 in cash.
Only oqe prize will be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and en¬
close the same postpaid with fifteen
U. S. two-eent stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden Flower Seeds.
This combination includes the lat¬
est and most popular English flowers
of endless varieties (same as will be
contained in the elaborate exhibit of
English flowers at the"World’s Fair.)
This “World’s Fair” Contest will
be carefully and conscientiously con¬
ducted solely for the purpose of in¬
troducing our business in the U. S.
You will receive the Biggest value in
flower seeds ever offered, and if you
able to make a good list of words
answer promptly you will have a
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip, from your home to Chicago
We are spending a large amount of
to start bur trade in, the U. B.
and want your trial older. You will
be more than gratified w*ith the re¬
Bend to-day, and address THE
Mr. Wash Mathews’ son died
FOR RENT—A good store¬
in busineis portion of the
Apply at this office.
ul pr.KTtb. n with If gnat Mtkfecttet for Ike am •/ ill
forau ani iUMa
a etc —
Gl.aduUr Smiling!, RliemnatUia, MaUrl., «U Chwla
BlmitiiteriMiW« 4 ill»i«iml. Cium, -
Ann Dit»tI«r^S!2irTR?oSCnR5rBrWSJHSS|nBlSr
P. P. |s ft yrnjg. m CXCflltQl IPDlllUf.
P Jb • *i« p « p fi# n
Cures rheumatism
Tl' f
Wkm blood Ufa
nmu PxRMalaria cures
asss? .w*. rTftkkiy sm
/ \ JL p p TD JL :A> /\
, _ • •
Cures dyspepsiA
LIP PM AN BROS., 8 avftaa*h, Oft.
VOL. 1. NO. 46
B. GEORGIA, H. Ray Crawford County : —
Crawford Superior
vs Court March Term
J. B. Wilson. ) 1893 and Rule Ni Si
to foreclose Mortgage.
It appearing to the court by the
petition of B. H. Ray that Jas. ft.
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892,
executed and delivered to B. H. Rav
a mortgage on a house and lot in the
town of Roberta Crawford Cotroty
Georgia, half containing two and one
(2 1*2) acres and situated 'on the
west the south sidejaf side the of A. & the F. R-. public ft, and ‘on
leading Uoad
from depot of A. A F. R. ft in
said town of Roberta, to old Agency,
also on one vacant lot No. 3, lift Block
8, fronting on Wright St. US 1-2 fee*
tend extending back east sahib Width
as Also front, 125 feet to a 20 foot AlleV
lots 1 and 2 in Block X,situated
in the N^E. corner of Crussel street
and Duggar Avenue and fronting to
gether 200 feet on east side ‘of Dhjg
gard street and extending back kaine
width as front to the right of way of
the A. A F. R. R. being 163 feet on the
north' l<ne and 153 feet on the south
line on Crussel street for the purpose
of securing the payment of five cer¬
tain promissory notes made by the
said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and
to save the said B. H. Ray harmless
due by reason of his endorsement on note
C. C. Elliott, amounting to the
sum of twelve hundred and sixty
nine dollars and seventeen cent?
($1269.17?) att*ys besides eight (8) % interest
and 10 % fees which said notes
the said Jas B. Wilson refused to
It is therefore ordered that thejsaic
J. B. Wilson pay into this court, or.
or before the first day of* the next
term thereof the principal interest
and atty’s fees due on said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will.proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And It in
ordered that this rule be published in
the Cbawfobd County Correspon¬
dent, a newspaper published in the
Co. of Crawford, once a month for
four (4> months previous to the next
term ef this court.
O. L. Bartlett, J. S. C.
R. V. Habdeman & Bon, Ptrs Atty’e.
Clerk’s Office, Crawford Bu
periobCourt.— I, J. W. Jack, Clerk
of said court, do certify that the
above and forgoing rule is a true copy
from the minutes of said court. Wit¬
ness my official signature {with seal
of court attached. This March 27,
J. W. Jack, Clerk S. C.
Georgia, Crawford County*.—
To all whom it may coneeru A J and
it R Soottli executors ot the last will
and testament of Philip Bcofiil de¬
ceased, mission have from applied said to me for This dis¬ is
to cite ail persons at interest to show
cause before me on or before the first
Monday Whyfsucb in June next, if any should they
have. letters discharge
not be granted or ofdismis^ory
will be granted applicants'as applied
for Wittness my hand officially
this March 6th 1893.
,J N. Mathews, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Crawford County
All persons having demands against
the estate of Jas A Avera late of said
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to render in their demands to the
undersigned according to law, and
all persons indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate pay¬
ments. This the 9th day of May
Mm. Sabah E Avera, Executrix,
R, Sandeftjr, Executor.
Georgia, Crawford CountyWill be
sold before the court house door, in
the town of Knoxville, said county,
to the highest bidder for cash, on the
firs# Tuesday in July the next, following within
i he legal hours of sale,
described property to witf Lots of
land No. S 4 and 5, lying aggregating the 7th. 406
acres, more or less, in
district of said county. Raid proper¬
ty levied on under and by vi t»e of
four ft fas imped fropi Justices court
of the 673 district G. M. of saidcoun
ty. Three in favor of Coleman and
Ray, and one in fav«,r of It. H. Ray
bearer, against M B. Mathews,
as the property of said M. ft. Math¬
ews, Levy made by W. H. Seagler,
constable of said district, for and ti fas
turned over to me advertisement
and sale of property. Sale will 0 be v
subject to lien created upon sairf
property to secure the payment of a
loan made to said Mathews by The
Georgia Loan & Trust Company.
Witness my baud officially, this
June the 2nd 1893.
J, C» Culverhouse, Sheriff.
h m »•
m W