Newspaper Page Text
Court convenes, spring term, third
Monday in March; fall term third
Monday in October,
Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart
Bolieitor General—W. H. Fel
ten, Jr.
Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack.
Ordinary—J. N. Mathews.
Tax Collector—W. J. Brown.
<•' Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher.
Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse.
Treasurer—M. F. Perry.
Countv’Surveyor—J. L. Parsons.
Coroner—J. H. Jones.
County Commissioners — B. F.
Walker, W. K. Champion and L. C.
County School Commissioner—H.
F Sanders.
The, Happenings of the Week
in Short, Pointed
What Ha* Happened and Is
ing to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal foul Social—Men
We are preparod to make loans on
improved real-estate at reasonable
rates. Mathews &Blasingame.
Miss Minnie Parker of Milledge
ville is visiting her uncle, Dr.
Kinney, of Roberta.
Mr. I). K. Walker, of Thomas
ton, has joined his family here on
a visit.
Wilson Wright has purchased a
cycle and was enjoying himself
in Knoxville the other evening
gyrating around the court house.
Mr. Jim Webb brought in some
.of the finest melons this week
we have seen this season. He left
one at our office.
Wc hear there is to be another
cotton ginnery erected in Ro¬
Mr. Chas. HoIIeman was in Ro¬
berta Friday. Fie has one of the
finest crops in the county.
Mr. Russell Branham, one of
the originators of this paper is at
Fort Valley on a visit to parents.
Mrs. Lfrwman of Sandy Point
has neon visiting her mother,
Mrs. Oulverlrouse, who has been
sick this week.
Messrs Ras Hicks and Ad Har¬
ris, and Miss Minnie Hicks and
Miss Belle Harris went on a
pleasure trip in Bibb last week
to attend a picnic.
Mfcssrs Cochran and E. C.
Mathews, of Robley, were in Ro¬
berta this week on business.
Several parties from Roberta
took advantage of the big excur¬
sion to Atlanta to attend to bus
<. iness. *
The Picture is in beautiful
coloring or Backgtound of Gold
Size 16x22. Open book on easel
center in which to Register names
and births of members of family.
Scroll on left for marriages and
deaths. All Surrounded by ‘‘God
bless our family” in beautiful let¬
ters. Space underneath for fathers
and mother’s Photos, similar
space all around, interspersed
with roses, buds, leaves.
Wanted—Every • intelligent
person in Cran ford county to
auhscribe 01 f! L oRREenox
bent.” It and the “Family Lee
ord ” together, worth $2.50, for
n.25. Eve-y Christian home
sires the Family Record.”
According to section 2 of the
Minutes of the Board of Educa¬
tion public notice is hereby giv¬
en to all public schools through¬
out the county, both white and
black, that all schools will here¬
after be suspended unless they
have desks, black-boards, and
other facilities for properly con¬
ducting the school. They must
also have chimneys or stoves in
the house and other equipments
necessary to the comfort of the
In Memorium.*
Mrs. Louise Holt Danielly died
in Roberta Ga., Saturday July
1st. The announcement of her
death, although expected at any
moment by ns all, cast a shadow
of gloom over our community and
sent a feeling of sadness to our
hearts. We realized that one of
the lovliest of spirits had vanish¬
ed from our midst, and we felt
the loss. A woman of culture, of
modest and refined deportment,
evincing in her ways the Christian
graces that lived in her soul, she
won unconsiously the friendship
of all those who m she met.
Mrs. Danielly was born in Vinc
ville, Macon Ga., Aug. loth, 1855,
and was the daughter of Mr.
Toply Holt, of Macon. She was
married tu Judge A. J. Danielly,
of Roberta, Nov. 25th. 1891. Mrs.
Danielly was for several years a
member of St. Paul’s Episcopal
church in Macon. There are no
children left by her death. Her
sisters, brothers and parents hate
the sympathy of all our people
who share their grief .with them
and our condolence is especially
extended to the husband who has
been so unfortunate. Sunday
afternoon her remains were es¬
corted to.the Methodist church in
Knoxville by a large number of
friends and relatives where Rev.
T. F, Me Michael preached the
funeral. The remains ware then
interred in the Knoxville oeme
Warrior News.
There wat a fine picnic at Nes¬
bitt last week and the Swamp
Angle base ball club beat the
Macon club fourteen to two. Ed
Van kept up so much noise that
he scared the Macon club out.
The fruit crop is all dropping
The fanners are getting out ot
the grass pretty well.
Dr. Ilollie pulled out Mr. Jim
Eubanks’ tooth and Jim is getting
Mr. Henry Wescott, of Macon,
is lying very ill and the Doctor
thinks bis case serio“s.
Mr. T. J. Hollomon of the 3rd
Dist. of Crawford, has a chicken
with four legs., four wings, two
tails and but one bill.
Mr. Sam Rutherfod whorecent
has been admitted to the Georgia
bar, was down on a visit to rela¬
tives last week.
The schools in the country, are
reopening for their final terms
“This map of the proposed new
f ailroad is imperfect,” said the
y00r , 10n0r? „
“Yes; 1 here’s your station, there
fc f , jonder . .
y ,° T , s jour
yQUr reueiTCr . ?
OEiiRfUA; Crawford County,
To all whom it may concern: Isah
Grant having in proper form applied
to me for permanent letters of ad¬
ministration on the estate of Elias
Wright, late ot said county deceased
this is to cite all and singular th§
creditors and next of kin of Elias
Wright to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cause if any they cm, why
permanent administration should
not be granted to I.-ah Grant on the
estate of said Elias W'right.
Witness my hand and official sig
This 3rd of July 1893.
J. N. Mathews, Ordinary.
The extra issue of the Barnes*
vilie Gazette was a beautiful
p"ge and a great thing for that
town. Barjiesville is forging
the front and the Gazette is help
idg it to do so.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure iu all its stages and
tnat is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now kuowu
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, re¬
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken 'intern¬
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease and giving the patient
stengch by building up the constitu¬
tion and assisting nature iu doing its
work. The-proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it. fails to cure. Send
for list of Testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
gJgfyihiUl by Druggists, 75c.
Georgia, Crawford County Will be
sold before the court house door, in
the town of Knoxville, said county,
to the highest bidder for cash, on the
first Tuesday in July next, within
• lie legal hours of sale, the following
described property to wit: Lots of
land No. S 4 and 5, lying aggregating the 7th 405
acres, more or less, in
district of said county. Said proper¬
ty levied on under and by vi tue of
four fl fas issued from Justices
of the 578 district G. M. of saidcouii
ty. Three in favor of Coleman and
Ray, and one in fav*r of ft. H. Ray
bearer, against M ft. Mathews,
as the property of said M. ft. Math¬
ews, Levy made by W. H. Seagler,
constable of said district, and (i fas
turned over to me for advertisement
and sale of property, Bale will be
subject to lien created upon sain
property to secure the payment of a
loan made to said Mathews by The
Georgia Loan & Trust Company.
Witness my hand officially, this
June the 2nd 1893.
J. C. Culverhouse, Sheriff.
GEGRGIA, Crawford County:—
On the first Tuesday in August
next, T will sell before the courthouse
door, in the town of Knoxville, the
following properly to-wit:—One acre
of land of lot No. 80 in the 2nd Dist
of said county. Bounded on the
north by lands of the Collier estate,
Oil the east by the A. & F. R. R., on
the west by Mattie C. Malpass, on
the south by M. H. Carnes. Levied
on as the property of M. H. Carnes to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Justice’s court in Taylar county 768
Dist, in favor of Dunlap Hardware
Co. Turned over to sheriff by W. ft.
Bpain, Constable.
Also at the same time and place, 50
acres of land, more or less iu the 7fh
Dist. of said county, part of lot No.
63. Levied on and sold as the prop
erty of Milton Thurman, to satisfy
an execution issued against him for
tax, state and county for the year
1892. Levy made by W. ft. Spain,
Also at the same time and place,
one fourth acre of land, of lot No. 80
in 2nd Dist, of said county. Levied
on and sold as the property of O. A,
HoIIeman, to swtuffy an execution
issued against him i r tax, state and
countv fi r the year iSJi. Levy made
hv by xv \\ . V. 1>. Bpain, Bn-im Constable constant.
Mr. B. H, Ray is
the erection of .a new brick store
building. We will be glad tu see
it go up.
Also at the same time and place, SO
acres, more or less, of lam in the7th
Dist. of said county, part of lot No.
92. Levied on and sold as the prop¬
erty of Robt.'T. "Persons to satisfy an
execution issued against him for tax
state and county, tor the year 1892.
Also at tiie same time and place,
one iron warehouse and lotou which
the same is located, in the town of
Roberta, said couuty. Levied on and
sold as the property of Trammell <fc
Blas'tngame to satisfy an exeeutiou
issued against them for tax, state and
county, for the year 1692.
Also at the same time and place, T 67
acres of , south .. part . of lot i. of ,, land , No.
120, hounded on the nort by lands of
Jones & LeSueur, east by lands of T.
F. Mathews, south bv A. J. Danielly J
and west by , lands , of -\ M. r r C. , Mathews, „
also all of lot of land No. 100 contain
ing 2021-2 acres, more or less, mak
ingin the aggregate 264 1-2 acres,
more or less , lying m tiie 7th , Dist, n . . of r
said county. Levied on to satisfy
a ti fa issued from the Bupefior court
of said county, in favor of Elizabeth
ft. ~ Comby , vs Jacob T , G. ^ Braswell, 11
Terms Cash. June 26th 1893.
J. C. Culverkouse, Sheriff C. C
GKOmnA CnwFOKTyCovxTY:-- „
Will be sold betore the court house
door in the town of Knoxville, -aid
county, during the usual hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in August
next, the following property to-wit:
horty acres of land in the soutn west
corner ot lot No.-29, fifty acres of
lot of land No. 230, and 81 and three
fourth acres m north west corner of
lot No 2 oi. All on tne south side
Lchecouuee creek, also forty six
a«*ros in the south west corner of lot
No. 252 on the north side of said
creek, all in the 2nd Dist. of said
county aggregating 217 -3-4 acres.
Levied on as the property of estate
of A. J. (;ul T erhouse deceased, iu the
bauds of ,J. W. Jacs, Admr. of said
estate to satisfy a fi fa in favor of
Coleman & Ray vs J. W. Jack Admr.
of said estate of A, J. Culverhouse,
deceased. Tenant in possession noti
tied. Terms cash.
J. C. Cui.v kb house. Sheriff C. C.
It is said seventy-five small Eng
fish words can be spelled correctly
from the ten letters contained in
“World’s Fair.” Example:-Wad, j
idol, . . , etc. , It ... jouaiegoou .
wan, soar, .....
at word-making you can secure
FREE trip to the World's Fair and
return, as Tim Beott Seed Company
will pay all expenses, including ft It
fare, hotel bills, admission to the
Columbian Exposition, and fSJ.OO in
cash for incidental expenses, !<> the
first . person able to make seventy
words from the letters contained in
“World’s Fair,” as above. They will
also give a FREE TRIP to the
World’s Fair and return with $25,00
for incidental expenses, to the first
person sending sixty wordse.s above.
They will also give a FREE TRIP to
the \Y oiids's Fair ami return (with
out cash for incidental expenses) to
the first person sending inty-liee
To the first person sending fifty
words will be given $59,00 in cash
towards paying expenses to tiie
Worlds Fair, to the first person send¬
ing forty words will be given $25.00
in cash towards paying expenses to
tim World’s Fair, to each of the first
five persons sending thirty-five
words will be given $10.00 in cash and
to each of the first ten sending thirty
words will bo given £2.1)0 iu cash.
Only one prize will be awarded to
the same person. Write your name
on list of words (numbered) and en¬
close tiie same postpaid with fifteen
(J. 8. two-ceut stamps for a large
package of our Choice English Cot¬
tage Garden Flower Seeds.
This combination includes the hit
;t , H i most popularKnglish flowers
of endless varieties (same us will be
contained in tiie elaborate exhibit of
Kuglish flowers a t the World’s Fair.f
This “World’s Fair” Contest will
he carefully and conscientiously non¬
quoted solely for the purpose of m
troi i lU ‘ing our business in the U. S.
You will receive the Biggest value in
flower seeds over offered, and if you
are able to make a good list of words
and answer promptly you will have a
first-class opportunity to secure a
free trip from your home to Chicago
and return.
We are spending trade a large amount of
money to start our in the U. B.
want vour trial oider. . You will
be more than gratified with the re
|coTT .SEED CO MB A N y! ‘ Term
VOL. 1. NO. 49
ft. GEORGIA, Cra Vvford County :
H. Ray )■ Crawford Superior
vs !• Court March Term
J. B. Wilson. ) 1893 and Rule Ni Bv
to foreclose Mortgage.
It appearing to the court hy the
petition of B. H. Rav that Jas. B,
Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892,
executed and delivered to B. H. RaN
a mortgage on a house arid lot in the
town of Roberta Crawford County
Georgia, half containing two and one
(2 l-2j acres and situated on the
west side of the A. * F. R. II. and tn
the south side of the public road
said leading from depot ol' A. & F. ft. II in
town of Roberta, to olffiA-jencN
also on one vacant lot No. 3, in BlbcV
B, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet
as front, exte H)i 12o , feet H 1,at to ^ a ea 20 T t same foot Alley. 1 "
A]so Jots t aild » iu Block X, situated
in the N. E. corner of Crussel street
an< f Duggar Avefiue and fronting te-
8 e tb^r 200 feet on east side of Dug
gard street and extending back same*
w idth as front to' the right of way of
the A. & F. It. ft. being 163 feeton the
north h ue and 153 feet on the south
on Ciussel street for th6 purpose
of securing the payment of hve eer
tain promissory notes made'by the
said J. B. Wilson to B. ‘H. Ray and
to save the said ft. II. Ray harmless
due ** r 5“'of Elliott, his endorsement amounting on note the
• to
sum of twelve hnndred and sixty
nine dollars and seventeen cents
($1269.17?) besiqes eight (8) % interest
and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes
the said Jas ft. Wilson refused to
p a u’is y : _
therefore ordered thatthe'said
J. ft. before Wilson the pay into this court,* on
or first day of the next
term thereof the principal interest
and atty’s fees due on said notes and
the costs of this suit or in default
thereof, the court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain. And it is
ordered that this rule be published in
the Ciiawfohd County Correspont
dknt, a newspaper published in the
Co. of Crawford, once a month for
four (4) months previous to the next
term tf this court.
C. L. Bartlett, J. S. C.
R V. Hardeman & Bon, Ptrs Atty's
Clerk's Office, Crawford Bu
bekior Court. —1, J. W. Jack, Clerk
said court,,./lo certify that the
above ana forgoing rule is a true copy
from the minutes of said court. Wit
r -ess my official signature Avith seal
ot court attached. This 'March 27,
J. W. Jack, Clerk 8. O.
GEORGIA, Crawford County:—
All persons having demands against
the estate of Jas A Avera late of said
( . 0lint y ? deceased, are hereby notified
to render in tneir demands to the
undersigued indebted according to law, and
a!1 l^sous to said estate
are required This to the make immediate pay¬
ments. 9th day of May
1893. 5-13-6w
Mrs. Sarah E Avbra, Executrix,
J no R. Sandefuk, Executor.
Ffcytielacf outh>ndiTp7 , p7 fc*. m tT *plendlJ U *>mbm *Uon. 1
ana farms prescribe and 14 ( £re*t IVimurvA satisfcctbn (or th« euroJ *bf all
q SecondsrF ftnd Tsrtiuv
Lurk scrofulA
Ulcere that liavc resitted nil treatment. Catarrh.
w t| Pi m
© S5S& S era EOT
86, ucxetna. Chronic Female Complaints, Mfc;
Cg P. rift I P. Foison, i, i, Tttt#r, Tttt#r, npwerfui Scald Scald Head, Head* etc,, etc., ate. e
» * Wnb-, n.nd nn oTeetlont apreilasr.
RR s® m
Cubes rh: i Fl S mm
Mjwlm. bleed U I,
ftc Impure condftkm, due io menstrual DveimierHlei, are
© ©So.
ftnd Cieemin^ Potatsinm. fr*op«|ties F. r., Prickly Atb, Pcks
t*. A
LIPPH AffB EOS™ Cavarmlabi,
Book on Blood Diseases ju;-.;led jUi^