Newspaper Page Text
gg^L&SaE . r " PONDENT
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Wilk«"r n^vrvtxr ** PnmTnissionCfs — Be :F.
&' ( ’w.K. Cliami>ion antf t.. O.
"'"" -
, . NEWS
JiUom OF JaUOAL TiOflTk'Ti
• personal and S
77,/ " ,v -
improved f ,We tire prepared real-estate to make at reasonable loaus^on
rate?. Mathews & Blaslngame..
riJes everybody know that the
weather is a little warm. ;
Roberta needs a national bank
to break fdr a sensation” ^
Bathing down at Jordan’s pond
has become quite popular with the
youifg men and bo/s in and
htound^|?p any'of ; . still living Thom
If the
• ?-y*m ' *’* ua -^he lauds around
em "tbf^rdducf^i
P ve, iet
them take a kind of passing view”
of the corn, patatoes, cdtton &c.,
now” growing on them.
The pro tem. Editor extends
thanks for all expressions compli¬
mentary to last week’s issue of
the paper. It is run under many
disadvantages; but it is bur pur¬
pose to endeavor to make at least
a readable paper of it.
Chickens and- eggs arg most
amazingly cheap in thb markets.
They are fine for home use and
this extends a long distance.
Uncle John Wilder and John
Mai pass are in the market with
their crop of melons this week.
Math Mathews informs us that
Ben Hartley has about talked
him into the notion of establish¬
ing a roach fisrhery at William’s
fnl ll: Poly is a littlb afraid of
llenry Turner.
Our coroner says that lie sent
iti, a few days ago, some news
items for publication, but the
hews was not put in print. Let
iis jiaye all tha-sw^s now and it
wm go in the paper.
Q^k^forc? -oounty ships wood
and good wood to Atlanta. The
resource^of our old county have
n ot all yet been told> It is cer¬
tainly as good. as. the best. Let
us make strides in the right way
for development^. Why not make
a long ways better shewing for
Patronize the paper and give it
all the encouragement you can, A
good paper helps, a copnty. as
much as anything else; and to be
a good paper the Correspondent
as all other papers,, sliodld Jiave
help. .
The free luncli set by Wes Dei
on Satutday evenings is simply
elegant. It makes
I'eel fifty per cent better.
B. H. JRfty has completed .gf;‘
V>. *■ ■■
UIlY.aST 1893
menfi for fee construction of a
telephone- Hire from Roberta to
5=s-Ar *•■*» - “* - ""
pi *'
during his season of r«t. He
his Knox
»i.c, 5 .......k
vcm ^ seems - , .jpo»;tifiiie to
worlc fCJt; and be, kk^k humbugged by
country. •
doliver.Ray trill place a by
draulic ram at the branch on his
^ stockatthebarnAna-in^hAarf- rni near 'town,'and Supply his
wT draWi “ 8 “ ^
a live town.
towns. •
Quite a number will go from
this County and Panhandle in
Savior to Kf -AiKmstine Fk THst* ’’ s a« nn
the 25th. ihree dohars for the
round trip from Cullpflen. John
'Sandefur will head from
Roberta ahd Ewell %ndefkr wjU.
look after.the boys from his leaf:,
IVnrZ ■ iwy * “ i0 " - spp,y -
Mrs. j. I' . A nd rews died onlast
>Su»day in Fort Yalley where she
-s slaving temporarily under
1 .......... L ".~ : ' 1 '■ S:
bore her afflictions with Christian
fortitude ancf patience. Iler re
mains werb interred in the Knox¬
ville cenietery on Monday even¬
ing. To the bereaved husbands
her step children and all rejatives
left behind to. mourn her depart¬
ure in early life, \te extend sin¬
cere sythpathy;
Mr. and Mrs. James vr Santefur,
who reside a short distance north
of Knoxville, lost their infant
child on last Sunday; It was
buried at Salem cH urch 011 the
following day.
Subscribe for the paper and
pay for it,; advertise in it and it
may profit you. Newspapers can¬
not be run without money and it
is your duty to patronize your
home paper.
... If you wish to do ., anything fof
your town and consequently Tpr
yourself ; don’t be forever hunt
ing something that cannot be
peoplW^i done toward b'tiildifig aoout it and find
as much to do and do fit, as they
can and do find that can’t
what a glorious country ours
would be' within less* than -one
year’s time.
The County jail lias in it one
Adam and also a . Noah. Adam
appropriated a mule to his own use
that did not belong to him. Noah
was entrusted with other people’s
chickens to sell' them for the
money which lie was to bring to
the owners of the fowl. Noah, so
the story runs, sold the chickens
and pocketed the proceeds. Both
i a*,es will be investigated when
Superior Court convenes in Octo
be:. ,->y *
Napoleon Andrews reports that
he haS tin eight aefe piece of corn
that will yield an average of forty
bushels per acre.' Crawford will
claw 'f<3> tfife-td'p And gets * there
"early every - time.
Will LWb looks like that he is
aasar-s *•»“# Tzz
was tracing wrong kind of
».ck '
ss .S.S; s »,:s
¥ew v the
question- is lioW mv*k and v.’hat
in return f.iv lbeni. / ;,
for the -very best ginnery ever
seen in this section. Jim is up on
his busriiessyytm^efed net doubt
this nor even givg it a 4uiyer of a
a number went ,„ the
iS W "^ *
Tank*lo Sr..W, M'. MtUet* for
this writing. Wje hjppe to see him
regain his usual iu-ulth in tlte
near future. - ^ . -
if^Intes it' f -i ■" dont i , bestir . - ■ '/, th r&, •. t v-,
orPsdio<ds/cuif may
g a j n - ascendency.
do noUet anyc Opportunities af
forded them on thi6|lihe V pass by
unimproved. ''
furmshect ' K ^^‘™ with ld a ! ^. better bdns
supplV.v mfee ‘dn ca?q eff fire .the pres
eat^^uaU istipply Would be
to meet the
: _:. ....
on on a visit tohis mother and
relatively -y.
Hogs sell ri(f\v for a good price.
Cotton stands lit the same low iig
tires. i WE f
Mr. J. F. Bryant was in town
one day this week and reported
Sandy Rdmt, district w^ell up on
oh good seasons and extra fine
Some news has been furpished
the paper this week from differ¬
ent portions of the a-ounty*
Thanks to those wdio have so kind¬
ly remember us?
It strikes us tvifh some force
that Roberta might with uu
questionable propriety set apart
some day as arbor day and cel
ebrate it verv appropriately by
planting out shade trees. Tiler®
. . need i foy them. ■
1S a c *y iIJ g
Mrs. Anna *M. Christian of Far
Ga„ is visiting Miss. Rhoda
DahieJly in Rofcerth.
traded its hicycte for a watch to
Mr. Aaron Qlarft* Mr. Clark, is
s»d, has disposed j)f ltni RoberU?
which' town now exercises' the oid
machine to its utmost capacity.
It may be tlmt Roberta will enter
the race in Atlanta unless the
fooling should grow too heavy for
its should* n. 4
GForoia, Cra wijowi) County,
To all whom it nmy ceucerh: Isali
Grant having In proper, form applied
f o me Jor periitaneiit,. letters of
ministration on the efetate of Elias
.Wright,* late of safd cqunty
this is to Qite all and singular
creditors amt next of sjjt Of
Wilgbt to be and allowed fqipear by 'styuy law,
wi^iin the tinTfe
sliow cause if any they can't
permanent adnxiuistration
not be granted 'to Isah Graut-oii
estate of said E.ilas Wright,
Witness rtiy baud and official
nature *
This 3 :u vi Jilly 1893., /
J, F, MawO rdinar
T.. e readers oJ this paper shli
S(^“ being a constH.jgnal disease,
~b i
work. Tfec>roprietorsliaww>hS, .
faith in its cura.tlve - p 0 »- er s,.
AiMrew, F.J.fHESEYi CO.,
. . Toledo, a.
^“ ?aId by Druggists, 75e.
north by laa^s the Collier estate,
on the east by the A &V.K 11., «m
the.west by Mattie C. Malpass, on
the south by M. H. Clirnes. Devied
OIX as t h e property ofU. it. Carnes to
satisfy au eveeutionisstied from
court in Taylar county 768
i^ pist.,ih*avor ^hftabl'/^ of Dunlap Sh<?! Hardware b> 1
iu tabl,> —
^r^.T.rir Jiid t »S
of county, part of lot TSd.
- levied on and sold as the, prop
°J ty oi Milton ,Thurman>, to ^satisfy
■ „C,".
e. * . •
Also at the same time and plner,
one fourth acre of land, of lot No. 8
in 2nd Dist, of said eounty. Eevied
on and sold as the property of C. A.
Holleman, to satisry an • execution
issued*against him for tax< state and
county foi^the ^pain, year I892.. iJeVy jtta'de
by^W. Bi Constable.*
Also at the'same time a nd-place, 80
acres, more or less, ofjariu i.n the 7th
DKst. of said county, part of lot
92. Levied on and sold as the prop¬
erty of Robt. T. Persons to satisfy an
execution issued.agaiust him for la^
state ajid county, ior the year 1892.
Also at the same time and place,
one iron warohi a& se and,lot oil which
the same is- loeltted, in the town of
Roberta, said county. Levied, on and
sold as the property of Trammell A
Blasingame to satisfy an execution
issued against them for tax, state and
county, for the year 1892.
Also at tlie same time and place, 67
acres of ^outh part of lot of land No.
126, bounded on the nort by lands of
Jones & LeSueur, east by lands of T.
F. Mathews,' south by A. J. Danielly
-and west by.lands- of M. C.
i°* la “ d ^° !>4 L ' ■
morebr • T less a ^ lying reg 2 ue m theith - J-' 2 Hist, L. a ? reB of ;
safd said^ouutyMn count j. . Iievl^l on ^Elizab^th to satisfy
of favor
r. Dorn by vs Jacob G. Braswell. ,
Terms Cash. June26th 1803.
J. C. (JuLVBeiiousn, Sheriff c. C.
GEORItIA, before Crawford County : —
Will bt*sold the court bou e
door in the town of Knoxville, s;> d
eounty-, sale, during the fifst-ruesday the usual in hours Aug of St
next, tlie following property to-uit;
Forty aeros of land in the s >uth wist
corner of lot No. 229, fifty acres of
lot of land No. 230, and 81 and tl fee
fourth acres in north tlie west corner of
lot No 251., A11 on south side of
Ecliceounee creek, also forty 1 ix
acres in tlie south west corner of lot
No. 252 on Die ninth siiie of srid
creek, all ig the 2nd Dist. of ^i,d
county Levied aggregating 217 3-4 acres.
on as the property of estate
of A. J. C -it* erhouse deeeii: ed, it the
hands of J. W. Jac , Adair, of >aiu
estate to sat iafy-a Ufa in f. vor of
Coleman & Ray vs J. W. Jack A^pxr. house/
of said estate of-A. J. C'ulve
deceased. Ten-ant Iff possessh n lwu
fied. J. C. Terms CULVEBHOU^lf,Sheriff c^sh. J. <
VOL. 1 . NO. 51
& aEtaGIA,CBA>vKoiiDCor S Tv : -,
vi " | COTrt°March“ P
s Bassstt aBWie
g swasas
£«><«,on-, ■w, 5 4v-if
norm lint an,U-v; feet on r... ■ .
taia t)i^ihi«so'»?note^inade- bv \
term thereof the principal
?£fcwtlif?his S proceed
thereof, the court will as to
justice shall appertain. “ it,-is
^, rde n red that tlus.rule be publisheditf
^ Co. ^ !f CtawforJ, #/' once a mouth th4 for
( ^V^ I eVious to nex ^
: it. .
^ B. V. Hardeman „ . Q. Babtlbtt, J. c. -
& fejois;, PtfsAtty’?
ftes^ from the minutes of skld&Urt. Wl2
my ohicial signature jjwith seal
^ " ‘ "
. -
GEORGIA, CbawfoedCounty:—
All persons having Jas demands against
the estate of A Avera late of
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to render In tneir demands to the
undersigned recording to law, and
ill persons i d bted to said estate
are required This to make immediate pay¬
ments. the 9th day of May
1893. 5-13-6\v
Mrs. SarahE Avera, Executrix,
Jno R. Sandefur, Executor.
Al W
Sfu.mdEry acd Tgttterv
Ulcars t ?:»t have r es i sted aJMyat^ignt^^aLirrb^
© J
Curi&l fckii, Dice.*uos, Poison, Kczaciit, Cnronic Head, temclo Co/upiama, ,r
P. P. P. is Tetter; powerful Scald etc., etc.
» io nic, &n d aa 07
a® * m
fcuiidiHg Ladies up wLosa the system yocd !a In
svsteit is aro
ftu Jmpur# oonaUkiii, ^tUtfTTL '
& m
© A
Silfeg propwttes oi y p. to p. Aii, Fok?R^i *
fthd Potruaium. :
y| mm
mm efaffi’
Book on Blood Diseases mailed fr-:©. '