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About The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1893)
THE CORRESPONDENT counxy directory. Court convenes, spring term, third londay in Maxell; fall term third londav in October.. Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart iet. Solicitor General—W. H. Fel¬ on, Jr. Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack. Ordinary—J. N. Mathews. ' ^ Tax Collector—W. J. Brown. Tax Receiver—M. <^. Hatcher. I Sheriff—-John C. Culverhouse. I Treasurer—M. F. Perry. I Couaty^Surveyor—J. L. Parsons. Coroner—J. H. Jones. County Commissioners — B. F. Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C. Fptrell. > County School Commissioner—H. F Sanders. ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. OA THERED FOR THE CORRE¬ SPONDENTS READERS. The Happenings of the Week Put in Short , Pointed Paragraphs— What Has Happened and Is Go¬ ing to Happen—Points Political , Personal and Social—Men and Things. We are prepared to make loans on improved real-estate at reasonable rates. Mathews & Blasingame. Why is it that Crawford can’t have a county court? At present nearly alH.he room in the jail is filled with prisoners and most of them are confined there on petty offenses. Such cases could be ^ disposed of readily by a county which would be not only a saving of many to the county,but would bring money into thecoun ty treasury. Sometimes we hear the ridiculous statement that of¬ ficers might just go along|and not put so many iu the jail. A man who makes such statements is to be pitied and he ought to be con fined in the Asylum. Officers ought to dp their duty Ju thisjpar ticular as well as in all other matters that come before them as public servants. There is not k’ single reason why a county court should not be established. Yes it should be done and should be done at the next session of our legislature. The recent very heavy and.'pro tracted rains have*been damaging to the crops. These fellows that are always looking after other people’s af¬ fairs would be more profitably employed were they engaged in making honestly their |meat and broad. Rev. J. ^O. A. Cook, of Furt Valley, has assisted the pastor some this week with the meeting at the Methodist church fn Knox ville. Wouldn’t it be a good plan to build |a first class bridge over Flint river at the old Agency? It seems that it would do much tc ward t improving*6ur cotton mark¬ et and trade in general. Messrs. J. M. Richardson, R. P. Smith and F. H. Wright went to Atlanta on business the first of this week. There is plenty of money to move all the cotton. Will the cotton all fci needed? James C. Bond was Macon this week. The fellow that pocketed sixty thousand dollars of money from one county treasury in Nebraska knew where to go to find a good conuty. SATURDAY, AUGUST,19 1893. If is generally thought tnat the corn crops on the river have been seriously damaged by recentjover flows, This of course is Junavoid able, but is/Jat the same time, very hurtful tov parties directly interested, - , . John Stroud had a few seed peas sent him from the agricult uraljdepartment He says the’peas grow from them are a great favor¬ ite among the rabbits of his com munity. The darkeys had a little He cream breakfast over at their church the first morning of this week. They set in .for a supper bn the evening' before, but one little delay after another carried it over and it resulted in a cool breakfast. It was undertaken to raise a small fund for some pur¬ pose, but wound up in being over¬ taken by more expenses than profit. Moral: gtart sooner next time. - John Stroud has found some one that believes Crawford coun¬ ty produces annually about Hen thousand bushels of corn. John told him he ought to know better and it really appears that way to the writer. In 1891 Georgia had planted m corn 3,100,7-15 acres which produced 37,889,006. Put ours down as an average co»nty the yield ■ for. that year would, have beeh-in round num¬ bers 276,000 bushels. That fel¬ low’s idea about the corn is some¬ what, like that of a ' person who went iron, this county to a city in a neighboring county. He conciud edit the worid were as large as the other side of the-city as be tween his home and the city, it must certainly be an elephant. Rev. Dr. Green of Fort Valley preached an excellent sermon in Knoxville Sunday. A large au dienee was present and listened to it attentively. Many members of the congregation were his old associates. • HOW’HTHIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars re¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, We the undersigned have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 year*, and believe him perfectly .honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out auy ob¬ ligations made by their firm. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Walding, Kiunan & Mar¬ vin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter¬ nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sefi t free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. It is said that the cotton in some sections is taking the rust. Subscribe for The Correspon¬ dent. We want your name on our list and must have it. Why not put one dollars worth of paper in a one dollar paper Dill? Is there one hundred cents worth, intrinsically of nickel in twenty five cents worth ofj nickel pieces? Intrinsically is iron worth almost as much as some metal? You talk much about and about which you might know more. All the stock that The Corre¬ spondent has in the Calhoun Graves farfetched theory of colo¬ nizing the negro is offered cheap. It has no such stock, never had any and no Did is tendered for any. The whole of it is folly and no practical man in this new age fails see it in just that light. A party of eight left here this ■ morning for a visit to relatives in Texas. The party consisted of Mrs. J as. Taylor, Miss Lola Taylor, Mr. C. S. Taylor and Mr. Ed Vinson, who go via New Orleans and Mes¬ sers J. D. Dorsey, G. W. Thames, WVR. Thames, Crum Robertson and Mr. Ross of Macon, who gojvia Birmingham and Memphis, Your scribe wishes them a pleasant and a safe return.—-Fort Valley Leader. Mrs. Sawyers has opened hei school in Roberta. The school starts under very flattering pros¬ pects. Mrs. H. F. Sanders is able to be out again after protracted ill¬ ness. What about that telephone. Roberta will catch Up one of these days on street working. It comes on often. Mrs. Mollie Blasingame is very unwell at this time. Our sheriff has had some much needed improvements made on the courthouse. Joe Wilburn was here this week hunting some one to insure his life. I John Lewis was elected alder man this week, Quilo . a number of fruit trees j^ye been budded in thi 3 section recently. This already good county is going to be put on the best list. ' Most -v of our darkeys make ac , , ?!»*"** , w eI1 ,, be . ‘ p ^ Ved : ^ W* “* odd. 8 £ 18 . “ the hWe , average «>"* lnt< > ^country, The recent rains have consider¬ ably washed the roads in many places. Such will necessitate an¬ other working of some of the pub¬ lic roads. MUSELLA ITEMS. It rained so much last week that Rabbit didn’t get out, but will do better this week. , Fodder pulling has been .yery much delayed on account of so rainy and fear is intertained that there will be but little good fodder saved. Nice turnip patches are to be seen in many places. Field peas have been sown in abundance and are looking fine. Miss Laura Harrison of this place is visiting friends and rela¬ tives in Goshen Valley. Hurry back Miss Laura for a certain young man up this way is wear¬ ing a very long face. Miss Marv Lizzie Harrison has recently retnrnedfrom a visit to friends and relatives near Wal¬ den. JgMiss Minnie Bowen is visiting friends in Delray. Mr, J. B. Jackson still attends Sabbath school but he doesn’t spend the afternoon. His attrac¬ tion must to have left for a while. Mr., Walter Myrick is adding to his residence. We know some¬ thing is going to happen now. S. M. Myrick has built a nice little 3tove room in place of the one that was burned not long since. Mr. R. L. Dickey went to see his best girl Sunday, on his bicy¬ cle. There came a shower of rain while he was there and he tried to ride his bicycle home but ran all over J. M. Webb’s cotton patch and finally had to get down and push it lionlt?. Mr. Mark -Sanders Is preparing to remodel his residence. The champion fox hunters have caught the fox that they have been working so hard for all the year. It was a red. “Well done thou good and faithful servants.” Mr. George Prevatt and family of Florida are visiting friends and relatives in [this community this week. Mrs. John Blasingame has been quite sick but is convalescent. Mr. Porter Moore has been quite sick but has about recover ed. Several from this place are ex¬ pecting to attend the camp meet¬ ing at The Rock next Sunday. The protracted meeting at Un¬ ion will be in progress next week, beginning Saturday the 19th. Come out to church young men and bring the ladies with you set your bicycle aside for dry weath¬ er and short trips. Rabbit. Georgia, Crawford County:— Notice is hereby given that on the day of ,8. J. Rains, late of said county, departed this life intes" tate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said S. J. Rains in said state That ad. ministration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person after the publication of this citation, unless valid objection is made to this ap pointment Given under my hand and official signature, this 7th day of August, 1893. J. n. Mathews, Ordinary, and Ex of Clerk. Geotwma, Crawford Countv,. . To all whom it may concern: Isah Grant having in proper form applied to nie for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on the estate of Elias Wright, late of said county deceased this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Elias Wright to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Isah Grant ou the estate of said EliaB Wright, Witness my hand and official sig¬ nature , This 3rd of July 1893. J. N. Mathews,- Ordinary. SHERIFF'S SALES. GEORGIA, Crawford County Will be sold before court house door In the town of Knoxville, said coun¬ ty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September next, the following property to-wit: Fifty acres, more or less of land, same . be¬ ing the South-East quarter of lot No. 114, the first district of said county. Levied on as the property of S. A. Kelly by virtue of an execution issued from Justice’s court, 521st. -Dist. G. M., said county in favor of 8 C. Munk vs W. R. Kelly and S. A. Kelly. Aug. 3rd 1893. J. C. Culverhouse, Sheriff. GEORGIA, Crawford County : Will be sold before the courthouse door in the town of Knoxville said county within the legal Hours of salo on the first Tuesday iu September next the following property to wit: Lots No’s 1 and 2 in Block “K’’ also lots No’s 1 and 2 in Block “J” iu the towm of Roberta said county said lots fronting 100 feet each on first street, orj Public E,oad leading from Roberta to Knoxville and running back 210 feet each to 2nd. Street. Said property sold under and by vir¬ tue of thirty-six fifa’s in favor of Of¬ ficers of court against Georgia Im¬ provement Company, as the pro pet¬ ty of said Ga. Improvement, Oo. Terms Cash, _ Aug. 3rd. 1893. *J C. CULVERHOUSiV Sheriff C. C. VOL. 1 bo GEORGIA, Crawfor t C v:;ty To all whom it may et r.oei ; Sanders and V. E. Wai ■„ A ‘ trators of Janies M. 8. i. r ed has in due form app ; uit- u.n designed for leave to s< : e 1 • r. belonging to the estate o‘ d eas ep and said applicot ions ^ i on the first Monday in O, r rer W 0XV This 18th. day of Aug..;3G3, J. N. Ma Ordinary B. GEORGIA, H. Crawford County : Ray i Crawford Su pen or vs Court March Term J. B. Wilson. 1893 and Ruie Ni 8i to foreclose Mortgage. It appearing to the court by the petition of B. H. Ray that JasPB. Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892, executed and delivered to B. K. 1-lay a mortgage on a house and lot in the town of Roberta Crawford County Georgia, containing two and one half (2 1-2; acres and situated on the west, side of the A. & F. R. R. and ■. r; the south side of the public road leading from depot of A. & F. R. R in said town of Roberta, to old Agency also on one vacant lot No. 3, in Slock and 8, fronting extending on Wright back St. 23 1-2 feet east same width as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot -Alley Also lots l and 2 in Block X, situated in the N.E. corner of Cruasel street and Duggar Avenue and fronting to¬ gether 200 feet on east side of lag¬ width gard street and extending back same as front to the right of way of the A. & F. R. R. being 163 feet oh -f.s north line and 153 feet on the south line ou Crussel street for the purpose of securing the payment of five cer¬ tain promissory notes made by the said J. B. Wilson to B. II. Ray and to by save the said B. H. Ray ha’rmle: « reason of his endorsement on note due C. C-Elliott, amounting to the 8um °f twelve hnndred and sixtv nine dollars and seventeen vents ($1269.17,<*) besides eight (S)% interest and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes the said J as B. Wilson refused to* pay It«is • therefore ordered that thejsaid J. B. Wilson pav Into thisvourt, on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal interest and atty’s fees due on said notes and the costs of this suit or in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is ordez«ct that this rulfrtw published in the Crawfor® County Correspon¬ dent, aaiewsparper published in the Co/of Crawford, once a month for four (4) months previous to the next term ef this court. C. L. Bartlett, J. 8. C. R. V. Hardeman & Bon, Ptrs Atty’s periorCourt.— Clerk’s Office, I, Crawford Bu J. W. Jack, Clerk of said court, do certify that the above and forgoing rule is a true copy from the minutes of said court. Wit¬ ness my official signature §with seal of court attached. This March 27, 1893. J. W. Jack, Clerk 8. C„ P.PP. CURE5 ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DI5EA5E5. „ Cures R scrofulA, CURES i«S« It 21 m •nrta) Poison, KvMrni," Scold "chionlc H<•«<!, Fuuaia tom'pisluU, Msi- 3?. P. P. b bowfcrfnl sad He., . 1 e. ixcHlont t tonic, nfl sppeilictf, m nHwjififl b-i: v IP 9* eliding uptua lystamrApltliy. H ii La diet whos* system* poi«un<sd Trhos* blood It (a ftp Impure oo i mlr* < ^ c f i, to lynpd , art I m ■ B art' ©I ©§ © elMDilng c*cuf!lS5 l, |)ro?6rtiw ?«MSto? , of D^f5l J?. t. r VroJi(* P., Prickly , rftt! "mom Alb, — Sait Boat Book on Blood Diseases uiail«d £r©ft