The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 29, 1892, Image 1

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V ,k ; ^ 81.00 PER ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING,' JANUARY 29, 1892, VOL. GENERAL COUNTY NEWS, BRIEF ITEMS GATHERED BY THE GAZETTE REPORTERS. XVMOiral «nS ImperoDiul r»r»ffr»pb»—A Bird'* Eye View of the City of Til toe and Coanty of Berrien. Hon. W. D. Griffin, of Nashville, continues very HU " Prof- Gwry, from Alabama, will (preside over the destinie* of Mc Pherson Academy, Nashville, next session. Par-a-sitt-cidc cures Itch in 80minutes Price 50c ts. Sold by J. 0. Goodman. Oapt. E. G. Brown now ships the turpentine and rosin from Jii Chambliss atiil by the way of M< Gunn A Weston’s tram road and Enigma. the Board of Education of Ber rien county has decided that the spring terms of the public schools shall begin no later than the 15th of February. ■' Mlgratlne U quick to give relief in V rioVere cases of headacbo or neuralgia, at Dr. J. C. Goodman's. Correspondents are again admon ished that their contributions must PROGRAMME Of Melt Baptist Sunday-School Association to OOMvene With llrushy Cr«k Clmrch (Four Mlltti Fast of Simtlu) Saturday, January 3a SATURDAY* 9:00 su m.—Invocation service by H. D. O’Quin. 0:80 a. m.—Address of welcome by J. 11. McCranie. Response by Elder J. A. Cox. 10:00 a. m.—“What is thq whole duty of tho church to the school ?” by Elder W. F. CoS, 11:00 a. m.—“Is the Sunday a religious or a moral institution?” by Elder W. Pipkin, ltccess for one hour. 1U00 p. m.—“Advantages of a Snn- \B -school to a community," by B, "V Allen. SUNDAY. 10:00 a. ra.—Mass meeting, to be conducted by J. I). Calhoun. 11:00 a. m.—Preaching service, to bo supplied by committee. J. D, Calhoun, ) W. W. Wbbii, [ Ex. Cora. H. T. Dowu.vo, ) a rescb this office Wednesday of each week oe insure prompt insertion. Don’t forget.this. ¥. Wedding bells have commenced to ' riug at Nashville and it is current that a handsome youug merchant of that place will soou give bis fortune and name to a pretty young lady of the neighborhood. My liver Is out of order, I feel dull nnd heavy—no life in mo. You need a bottle of Simmons Relief, only 50c. For as Dr. 1 (!. Goodman, Tilton, Ga. Prof. George W. Goodman, having built a residence oil the Nashville and Adel road,near Mrs. Lindsey’s, is ' now a citizen of the . rural districts, lie will teach •‘the young idea how t*> shoot” ut the school house near ,rrisli’« mill. #.'lie local preachers’ meeting at Sparks and the Sunday-school eon veution at Brushy creek promise* much of good to those communities. The former Will meet tbis morning dud the latter will meet to-morrow morning, and both will continue through Sunday. Col. Jaa. JI. Griggs, Solictor-General bf I’ataula Circuit, says: “Mfgratlno has , always afforded mo prompt relief In bf beadachs.” At Dr. J. 0. Goodir The young people of Sparks have beeu enjoying a pleasant social sea son for the past two or three weeks. Several dancing parties and a ntim bur of (‘sociables” afforded the belles and beaux amplo opportunities to Whisper in each other’s ears the in teresting “little nothings” that usu ally precede matrimony.- The Gazette hae not learned who was -chosen last Tuesday for county school superintendent, but is advised, .that popular favor called igly for Prof. Thomas E. Wll Hams, though tie was not an aspirant, to assume the mantle so worthily worn by Judge Janies F. Goodman for the past twenty-one years. Why don’t you try Simmons Relief ' ‘ your liver (topi acting properly, lea yon feel Ilka a new being. Only For Bale by Dr. J. C. Goodman, ton, Ga. re is • vital political q nation for $H)ur people: How many of the sturdy rats bf Berrien county are dug allow themsolvei led astray the good old fold by third p^i boomers ? The Gazette tros] »t when Kon. H. B. Peeples, #rim " of the county executive com calls the roll there will not i tacant place in the ranks. have no appetite and feet out of get* 50c bottle of Slluroons you will be wall and happy v try It For sale by Dr. J. C. Tifton, Ga. subscriber at Adel, the. amount of his snh-_ conclude* his tatter with irks: “Yon ate getting I newsiest and neatest, l ever saw,, which i» • vourseif,“;Tif506 amt •"*& "Oniinue LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Pavemrat Parairaphs Picket! X T p anti r«*h- vlvoiy Penned—All I'ertatnlfiff to Pemona and Tiling*. 1 Dr. C.: New From Hotel Dellone. Mr. 0. W. Reed, proprietor of the Hotel Dellone, Omaha, one of the finest new and modern hotels In the west, says bf Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy: "We have used It In onr family for years with the most satisfactory results, espe cially for our children, for colds and croup. It can be depended upon; be sides it Is pleasant to take and seems to be free from chloroform and tho oily substances put Into many cough mix tures." 25 cent. 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by the Tlfton Drug Store, and Peters & Parrish, Cecil. Preaching Appoint ments. The Gazette is requested to pub lish, the following appointments for Elder J. A. Scarboro, evangelist of the South Georgia General Associa tion: j m Mt. Zion—Thursday, MayaJT 10th. Zion Hope—Friday, llthr Salem—Saturday ahd Sunday morning, 12th and 13th. Tifton—Sunday night, T3th> New River—Monday morning, 14th. Sparks—Monday night, 14th. Brushy Creek—Tuesday 16th. Nashville—Wednesday morning, 16th. Alitpaha—Wednesday night, 17th. He will convene a Preachers’ und Deacon’s Institute at Enigma on Thursday morning 18th, to continue through Sunday, 21st. Elder Scarboro bears the repo to tion of being an earnest and practi cal, as well os eloquent, preacher, and it is devoutly hoped that he will have large congregations at each of these appointments. I can’t e*t wlml I want. I would die with Indigestion. Friend, your money will bo refunded if vou suffer from Indi gestion after using Simmon’s Relief. Only 50c n bottle. Yon risk nothing In giving It a trial. For sale by Dr. J. 0. Goodman, Tifton, Ga. _________ The Jury Mats. The Gazette reprint* the list* of grand and petit jurors drawn to serve at the March term of Berrien superior court. This publication is a sufficient notice to those jurors who read the paper even if the sheriff should fail to serve them with written summons. Let each juror govern himself accordingly: QRAND JHRonS. W. H. Morris, J. tl. Headley, B. F. Moore, Hr., II. C. Baker, G. A. Parrish, J. ,G. Graydon, J, L. Paulk, -V.M. J.Shaw, T. h. Murphcy, J. W. Patch, James T. Wilkes, Joel W. Parrish, W. Henry Griffin. William Grlncr, B. F: Lindsey, J. I. Patten, * B. Z, Whitehurst, Leonard Harper, W. K. Giddens, V. W. Gaskins, Panders Gibbs, T. E. Williams, Isaiah Partin, 8. B. Dormlney, J.T. Wtlkerson, M. E. Parrish, W. M. Avera, M. J. Young. ’ . Dr. C, M. Irwin preached at River church last Sunday. There seems to be no end to the demand for residences in Tiftou. Tifton has a reputation abroad that she must muintuin at all haz ards. C Padrick Bros, goods and prices be4 U buy. ' < The Gazette is glad to say that nearly all of Tifton’s merchants are represented in its columns. Mr. R. L. Eubanks, of Alapaha, spent last Sunday in the city, with his friend, Homer Murray. The editor appro' Lite* the many compliments paid the Gazette by his immediate contemporaries. The Tifton lodge, Knights of Pythiasjs speaking of a public euter- taiumentto be given iu the hear future. Don’t forget that Contractor Hind guarantees satisfaction.. Mr. 0. II. Goodman is supplying wood to the Brunswick and Western railroad at the rock two miles cast of the city. Col. Homer Murray, from all ac counts, was “in it” lust night- We have not been informed as to how he got out of it. Mr. C.A. Williams is making prepar ations to move his family from Sum ner to Tifton the lost of tins or the dirst of next week. The Tifton cornet band docs not materialize as rapidly ns we would be pleased to have it, but we can’t have our way about everything, Padrick Bros, are hound to accom modate the public. llow long will it be ere the whistle of the Tifton and Thomas- ville trains are heard in these gious? Not very long, we hope. If tho plucky little, city of Tifton continues to progress us she has the past year, in five years more she will number hor citizebs way up in the thousands. The minutes of Mell Association are ready for delivery. Clerks wiio are convenient to our office will please eall'hnd get tho supply for their oh u relies. Pretty girls 1 why Tifton has she’ got ’em. We’re abend of nil. other metropolitan cities in that lthe. Honestly, there is not a homely one among them all. Contractor Jf 0. Ilind will build you a house at lowest figures. The ladies and gentlemen stopping at Hotel Sadie had' a hop in the hotel parlors Wednesday night. It was only one of the many pleasant dancing parties enjoyed there. Supervisor Hargretl, of tho Bruns wick and Western railway, is confi dent of the safe condition of his di vision. He asserts that the fastest possible speed cun bo made over it in perfect safety. Oapt. H. II. Tift is receiving aj other cargo of three hmiured _li*rts of 60-pound steel rails fqf' tbtf Tifton and Northeastern YalJfVoy, Tin* is the third cargo lie has received with in a short time. purse. Pad- PETIT JCB0B8. 1I.L. Wells. J. E, Bryant, Jr., J. 9. Cowart, W. W. Giddens, Edward Maloy, It. A. Fat”h, Ira J, Sutton, D. H. Paulk, M. G. Slnrmen*, M. TV. HensUrson. M. J. Timm, D.). AiekSrson, Richard Tnckar, 3.0. Pale, It. Lee. bH Mr. M. A. Sexton has sold his farm of one hundred acres, which has been advertised in Uic'Cazettk, to Mr. W. W, Timmons, and it has been leased by Messrs. C. A. Williams and W. L. Story, who will convert it into a truck farm. Oapt. H. L. Covington, who is interested in various turpentine farms throughout lower Georgia, was visiting in Tifton last Sunday, the guest of Sir. W. W. Timmons, and in looking over the little city was greatly pleased at its progress. Those who invest in Tifton dirt need have no fear. TJliere will be a great rejoicing among the * property holders of this city within tho next twelve months. Put your money in Tiftou dirt if you want to sec it double itself in a year’s time.’ Mr. Henry H. Tift will leave for Key West within a few days to formally assume administratorship of tho estate of his lute uncle, Mr. Asa F. Tift. Mr. C. W, Tift, who has large interests on tho island, will accompany him.—Albutiy Her uld. Prof. Owen Pi Goodman was in the city Wednesday morning and paid hi* respects to-tlie Gazette. He will probably teach school again this spring at Mt. Vernon church, seven miles south of Tifton. Hu tells us ho will mnko dentistry his profession. Prof. J. H. Chesnutt, of Add, was in the city last. Monday and made tho Gazette a pleasant visit. He is always a welcome visitor; the editor, delight* to meet him and grasp his sturdy democratic hand. Come again, Professor, our lutchstrmg hangs on the outside. “ I am going to get married' this year or force my beau 1o a square back-down !’•’ was the exclamation of u Tifton young lady a fow days since. Tho editor doesn’t know who her beau is, but advises him to pre pare himself to shuffle off his single- blessedness or quickly vacate the realm. Those citizens of Tifton who licard the sermons of Elder T. J. A1 lison, Presbyterian evangelist; last Friday night and Sunday, wore de lighted at tho plain and practical manner in which lie expounded the truths of God’s Word, They would lie pleased to have him prcaeli to thorn again. MqtSrs. II. J. Parrish and J. 8, Lindsey, two of Berrien county's sturdy fanners living live or six miles east of Sparks,-Were in the city lust Friday to find out something about the advisability of planting some tobacco this year. Both pur chased some seed, having decided to make the experiment. Owing to the untoward outlook for business in commerced cj the opening of tiie liunj/ of'^i'iftoii lias been postponed until the 15th of March and, perhaps, later. Thus Tifton’s clear-headed business men proceed very cautiously with their enterprise*; they are steering clear of the mistakes observed in other cities and learned from pust expe rience. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. HEARTRENDING TRAGEDY. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND Batch of Mows from NdluhiinriiiR Cmintlo* Deemed of rfpcolHl Into refit- to OttKOtte Itvtulum' N, M. Butler. B. M. Bryant, T. 0. Knight, N. E. Patterson, J. It. V. Morris, Perry Summerlin, A, B. Jotiea, J. II. Wright, W. W. Hall. Ansel AUtliiw, A. J. McCrea, M. J. Griuor. H M.McNuM), Onr goods fit your rick Bros. We don’t need any bare-faced sympathy, as it don’t go very for toward feeding a mao. Whenever you take occasion to present us with your “heartfelt sympathy,” don't forget to aeoouipany it with some thing substantial. Have you beefi over to take a loos at the progress of the Baptist eburoh? If ton have, you can’t he otherwise than con rineo that Tifton will have sn -ft rpublic Umiding that will be wi ornament to the growing young •—'and, Oue of Nature’s Freaks. Mr. W. W. Timfflcm* tolls of novel freak in forest growth which he has found on hiB terpen tine farm in the eastern portion of the county. Two pine trees, each about’two feet In diameter, start up from the ground about tweuty-five feet apart; after reaching a height of twenty-five feet they come togeth er and form but one branch or top losing, as it were, their identity in esich other. The place where they come together is obliterated or bid den from view by a large limb grow ing downward directly from the point of intersection. _ .He has been engsged in tnrpcntin ^ p rofi rears and, Muring **’— am .Valdosta is soon to have a munic ipal election. The postmaster of Isabella, Worth county; lives at Sylvester—three miles away. The two Sunday-schools at Isabel la, Worth county, have reorganized under favorable auspices. Rev. J. F. Stanley, of Ilomervllle, will prcnoh for tho Baptist congrega tions at Adel and Hahira tho present year. Ah'. J. B. Davis, of Sycamore, went to Statesboro, Bulloch county, last week to see his mother and to wit ness the marriage of one of his sis ters. Guo of the Gazette's esteemed subscribers at Sumner,Mr. J.H. Rate, Ims again embarked in the mercan tile business, having bought the A E. Bass stock of goods. The Worth County Sunday-school Association will lidhl itotjiird quar terly meeting witli /the Methodist ciutroh at Ashimfiybn Friday before the second Suudiy in February, the 12th day. The family of Mr. Ilenry 0, Over- street, who died recently at. Sumner, will receive $1,000, the amount for which he was insured with the Knights of Honor, on or about Feb ruary 3rd. The .community of Dorminey’s Mill, Irwin county, have united in their educational sentiment* and now have a flourishing school In opera tion under the management of l’rof. James L. Mitohell. The friends in this|fe>otion of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 0. McKeithcn, of Lake Park, town ilea county, will be pleased to learn that they are com fortably settled down to houso keep ing. These young people were re cently married at Ilyan, N, 0. Mrs. Margaret Smith, sister of our fellow-citizen, lion. D. G. Hutchin son, died at her haute in VoldustjMrti Thursday evening, the 21sl -instant, at six o’clock, in her ninety-fifth year. “Aunt Polly,” ns she was fa miliarly known, Imd a ir.rgc circle of relatives and friends to mourn hor demise. Tho ThoimisvilloTimes-Knlerprise asks the. question, “Would it not be well for tho friends of the.projected branch of tho Georgia Southern und Florida from fiftou to Thomasvillc to make an effort to have tho Supe rior court of Bjbb county authorize Receiver Sparks to issue certificates to complete the road?” Well, yes, anything to get this much needed road completed. There will never be a more opportune time to do tho work than now, when labor is plenti ful and cheap. Ixit us continue to agitate the matter, uml jiossibly we cun start tho work after Awhile. Peterson Aj/ltatilk, These gentleme^ recently opeued in tha Julian building nti ele gant line of goods usually kept in a Orst-oluss Afog store and have al ready built up a good business. Botli are well-known in Berrien and ad joining ‘ counties, hence nothing more than a formal introduction of them to tho trading public is neoes sary. The senior member of the firm is a practicing-- physician and bos immediate charge of the pre scription und compounding depart ment, to which ho will give hi* ut most care that everythin« “v-mnr The junior, ja a from Tr 1 polite utter Stephen W<*toii, nfWc«tt<mfa, Accidentally Kill* Ono of His Sun*. , . ^ In hi* newspaper career of more than twenty years the editor of the Gazette has never been called open to chronicle a suddei tragedy thatf the one which occurred at Westdnia, Coffee county, last Friday. Mr. Stephen Weston has three sons, one a lad of-seven years of age. On the day of the tragedy Mr. Wes ton was shooting birds with a Win chester rifle, had killed two and given them to two of his sons and leaving the seven-vcur-oid without a bird. He asked his father to kill him one also; he consented,, and father and son went to u small field, near their home, to fulfill the prom ise. Tho lad went round the field to senro up some birds which he had located while tfie father went, up the fence row to hide himself from tho birds and enable him to get us close to them as possible. One of the birds lighted on the fence just in front of Mr. Weston and ho shot pt it. Tho bull struck a light,wood post that was standing beyond but in line with the bird a little quar tering, pussed through the Bap part, glanced from the hard wood and pierced the boy’s brain and killed him, notwithstanding be was stand ing almost ut right, angles from tho post and not less than fifty yards away. The grief stricken futher is a nephew of Cupt, S. R. Weston, of Albany, and a cousin of Mr. Jesse D. Weston, from whom we learned tiie details of the sad accident. wm La Gi'ii>|ic. No healthy person need tear any dan gerous eoRseiiucnecs from an attack of la grippo if proporly treated. It is much the sumo as a severe cold and requires precisely tho same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Uhamborlntn's Cough Remedy as directed for a eovero cold and a prompt and complete recov ery Is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result In pneumonia. Among the many thousands who haro used It during-- the epidemics of the past two years w* have yet to learu of a single case that inw not recovered or that has resulted In pneu monia. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale liy tho Tifton Drug Store, aud Peters & Parrish, Cecil. LEAMTEAR BALL. Tiriun's Fair I.iiUIf-* Entertain the Lord* o! Creation. Last night was a conspicuous eve ning with tiie fair bulk's of Tifton, who essayed to give a IrOttp Year en tertainment worthy of their rushing little city. Tiie event transpired at- Park’s hall, and by fl o’oiock the hull was crowded with tho youth, beauty and chivalry of tho city, and a number of/ ladies und gentlemen from abrod. A totored string band from Cordclp furnished the music. Dancing wus indulged iu to a late hour, when it recess was takeu and dainty refreshments served ut the Suwnnec restaurant, after which danc ing was resumed und continued mi; the “wee sura’ hours.” Sirs. A. K. AVbeies* aud Misses Anna Ciaytou und Myrtle llackett composed the committee that had special charge and- issued the invita tions. The Gazette temleis them its thanks for kind remembrance, «, .... . . / - Nows from Cydoneta. The editor is informed that Prof. Irby, of Cvoioncto experimental form, is prepnriug a very largo bed, and will sow tobacco seed sufficient w.mK’aiMflnts for uot ■V mm ■-JP. vm