The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 05, 1892, Image 2

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titli gazkitk: TirroN, ga., iim>aV, i-WituAitV s, isi&. Tifton Gazette. *K [{bin uni the mljawmt country, amt a< ailoh ask* she support and encouraifemeot «t the !*«• Haofjffiiiwn omiWiftamfcounUM. The auMarlutUM nrlaa of the (laaaiTalf *1.00 nor y<ur, Ml emits lot Mx months, anil !M cents tor iTho’iul’wrM timuliln mut will ho nirMtheil ii|mn ftiiiillastkin, Ailvsrtlsln# hill. am ilno at tor Ant Insertion ami will In iin»mi!i!il when to money Is noedtu. CmnlnanilaiK* from nelKhlmrlBK towns Is No- llrlbnl anil cuimuuntnatl'ina on timely bi|Hca are always welmniio. Ahrsy. wrtto on <m« alila of to | taper, anil don’t foraet to enclose ymirBH| tTirtnn.1 limit matforof the sscond cliuw, , (Isorgla, m Official Or Ran of llcrrlen (ionnty, I*. T. AMAIN. Editor. Our City. Tlirt Tlftou hits a bright future lio one cun question. The foot that lier two projected lines of railway <will be built at no distant day, coup led with her excellent locution und other superior advantages, leads us to say that her prospects for bccom ing one of the lending cities in the Wiregrass section are exceeding good Respite tile iitinnciui depression that has bec-n ujioti the country for some time, Tiflon lias grown witli .ur- prising rapidity, and tliul she will continue in her strides of progress we do not for a moment doubt. 'l’ifton is built on a solid founda tion, and the prosperity which olio has been enjoying lias coine to stay Keopan oyc on Tifton—the fu ture leading oily of the wire-gross unction of Georgia. Hiifoiind I loll able, "In baying a cough medicine for dill dren," snys II. A, Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "novor lie afraid to Imy Ulminharlaln’s Cough Hum inly. Tlioro la no (langur from ll, ami rdlnf la always miro lo follow. I parlle nlarly minmmuml Chamhurlalii’a he- naiiau I liavu found It lo lai safe and rcllahlo." W> and fill cent linttlua for aide liy the Tifton Drug Htoro, and I’o- turn A, Ceidl. News und Vlows. Tho orospeot for a fruit crop, ao- oordingto thorny wlio profnss a kiiowl- edge on tliu subjeet, is llnttorlng for i 8(12. Tim Chilian matter amounted to nothing like war, after all tho "fuss and feathers,” However, it afforded little llunny Harrison ample oppor tunity to oslnhlish Ills (liminiitlveiiess und—lie did it. Tlie Atlanta Herald asks tlioqtiPB- tlon: “Will Northon have a wulk- ovur?” in tho iiuxtgiiberiiatorial eam- paigli, 'i'lie Gaxkttk feels safe in replying, so far ns lower Georgia is concerned, Hint lie will, The Gaxkttk is for democracy, pore and simple, first, Iasi and all the tunc. Tiie demourntlo party is tho party for I lie people, and we are now ami always will be among the strong est advocates for its principles, Those of our farmers who followed tho advice of tho Gaxbtth lost year in the mutter of planting sweet pota toes have a nme “nest egg" to full hack on when they need a little cash. Our farmers can grow no more profitable crop, Horrien county will huvu 2,200 reg istered while voters tills year. How many of them arc going to slab off from the good old domoortitlo party— the white* people's party—to follow after tho third party ghost. Not one, the 0 ax kith hopes. A number of tho oounty ulllnuooa of this slate have passed resolutions condemning Livingston for his ntll- itido toward tho donlocmtio party. The alliance will have a big job if it intends to boycott all tho politicians wild redo into offices advocating their platform last year. Tho Qa/.iotu Is glad to learn from Tax Collector linker that, notwith Htnuding the severe money depression that pervades the country, tho people of lli.rricn county have paid tlioir taxes promptly, mid that there are no more than the usual defaulters, This apcultn well for tho oounty mid her oitixem,, presenting thorn to tho coun try ns a law-abiding, tax-paying poo- .pie. Ail Important Matter. Tho Gazf/ttk lias heard considera ble complaint relative to the last re vision of the jury boxes for Berrien county, the complainants insisting persons had been drawn for petit jurors who were qualified for grand jurors, and vice verm, percent drawn for grand jurors who were only qualified for petit jurors. They insist also that, under tho present system of the ordinary, clerk and three commissioners revising the box, a thorough and satisfactory re vision cannot be had. They suggest that a proper revision can only be made by the appointment of at least live revisers in each militia district who shall make up and report the list of juror* for their rjpcctive dis tricts to the revising board provided for by law. l«’or the benefit of there complain ants, who have only the good of the county ut heart in making thesecom plaints and suggestions, the Oa- zhttk frankly stateo that, under ex istiug laws tho qualifications for grand and petit jurors are the same and tho panels druwn from the same box. Hence, no sort of revision would obviuto the first mentioned objection or complaint; a man may servo on tho grand jury at ono term and the petit jury at another. The law in force just nftor tho war providing for two boxes and it higher grade of qualification for grand jurors, has been repealed, and it would have to bo reinstated upon the statute hooks by tho legislature before any sort of revision of the box would move tho objections made, The revision of tho box which oc curs this summer will be in accord ance witli the present law and will have tho sumo effect Unit hns ob tained for tlio past twenty years or more. Tlio injustice that seems to have lieon done by Hie lato revision is tliu [unit of tho law and not tlio revising board. There Is no possibility of a third party’s success and there is no logic in the advocacy of such a party. Host, Christopher, Kllington, Christian, Watson ami others will come to a full realisation of tills foot before many mouths have rolled around. m.A.. SEXTON, Fire Insurance TIFTON* CIFORGIA, Money Flies toward our Special Sales, Never have we announced ono that we have not seen the silvery shower coming our way. Why? Because we never have a sale of this special sort without giving more than valuo received. People have come to recog nise this fact- llctico, in our great stock - reducing sale we expect to make things fly. Prices will be governed not at all liy the worth of tlio goods, but en tirely by our anxiety to sell them. You will get tho benefit of those tremendous bargains. Nothing reserved —everything must go. We expect to lmy a large Spring stock, and must have room. Represents the following old, reliable and popular fire thsurauec companies and solicits the patronage of ill* insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, • ■ “Greenwich,” Total Assets, 3I,«5«,0M,43i • “Hartford.” Total assets, $0,570,010.13, • “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tlio “Liverpool and London and tllobe,” “/Etna” and [“Orient.” . Real Estate and Renting Agent. Has on lib list of Heal Estate some very desirable farm lands in the ioinity of the "Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lauds are within one and seven miles of town. If yon have any Heal Estate—houses or land—for sale or rent you will recoivo prompt and courteous service by plaoing them with me. I am, very respectfully, i-tf. M. A.. SEXTON. Hu active—that’s energy. Ho prudent—that’s econo my. Match onergy with economy, and drive tliu pair to prosperity. IIOW? Hy being among tlio ones wlio are taking advantage of our special sales. PADRICK BROS., Controllers of I.ow Prices. Building. Love When Ellington, Post, Christian, Watson amt Christopher get their po litical party organized without politi cians in it they will Itnvo attained unto polltieul sanctification. About tlie time they gut the organisation complete tlioir now party will be too pure for earth and will be translated to a more congenial sphere.—Cntb- bert Liberal- Enterprise. Order to Perfect Service. (IKOUOIA—llKiuiiKN County. AI.ICKTHuMI'HON,) I,Kiel for Dlfnn* in Her- lion Huporlur Court, Oatuber Turin, 1801, It npp«artng t»» ttw Court by Urn return of tlio HhcrliT, In tho above aUtud tuisu, Unit tho de ltas Teiompmon. ] fondant does not reside in Mild oounty; and it further uppuaring that ho doe* not real'll* in mild ** *» thorn ft that ho dnoa not mine jtu oruorod ' wrv foe Imi perfected on the i Htnte: It ia thoruToru oruorod l^the Court, that . .. .... ..... Ian* bfr lUblloatUm or tliIn urdor UUco n month for four nnnth* Ihifuto tho next term of thin (Hurt, in tho Tifton (i aj.kytk, a newspaper published In Her- CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having hud placed in hit band* hy an Kant Judin mUslon- ary ilia formula of a simple vegetable remedy for t-lio speedy and permanent cure of Consmnp- tlnn, llrtinchiliit, (’atari’ll, Anilitii* end ull throat Khd hung Alfcctlona, alao a poult!vo and rndioai ‘ Ni “ * * “ ** cure for Nervous Imhlllty and all Nervous Com- idiilni*, af'er having turned ita wonderful cum- ‘vc powere in tliotnianda of casea, ha* felt It III* duty to make It known to Ida auiTorliiK follow*. «* • - -»—«•- j^iiove Actuated for thl* motive mid a deal re ... human nulTurlnu.l w III wmd fn?o of cliari(e,to all wht> tfoalre it, thl* rompe, in limnmn, Vrench or KiiK»oh, with full dlmdlona for |*re|iurlnu and iialng. Hcnt hy mall hy nddrcaaltiK with atnmp. iiamlnir thla |m|ier. W. A, Novrta, «Ji> Power*' lllock, Hoohcatir, N. Y- N. PKTK1IMIN, M. U. I J. M*. PAl'I.K. tiKAi.ima in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Toilot Articles, Paints, Oils and Fresh Garden Seeds a Specialty. M.KUANT t.INK OK’ Stationary § Writing Materials Prom Hotel Dollone. Mr. Ct, W. llnmi, proprlelo:- nf llto Uotul Dollonfl, Oninlm, olio of tliu llnc-st now slid modern liotuls in lliv weft, nays of Cfmmborlnfii's Cough Hemedyi "Wo liavo used fl In our family for yearn with the most nntlnfnclory reoulls, onpo- daily for our children, for colds and croup. Ilcan bo dupumlod upon, be sides it Is pleasant to take and seems lo bo free ft out chloroform and thu oily suhxtancea put Into many cough mix tures.” 36 rout. 60 coni and $f Ikilthm for sale by the Tiflon Drug Store, and Peters A ilelotu, Cedi, KUI.I. stock or Proprietary Medloinoa. COHl’I.K'rK ASSOUTMKNT OK Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco thu rfon county, (ivurgla. I'kkplm & llnt'ifj rotitionera Attomoy*. (Ironted •- Aou. II. 1(an*ki.l, Jud«« H. C. B.O, A true ektrnct fn*in thn ininufoa of iforrlun Huiwrltir Cuuit, Ootnbffif T*»rm, iwil. O. W. MOOUK, Clerk. T)'U NuvtmilMir 4th, UWl. Order to Perfect Service. UKOUUIA-IlKHIlIXN (Jot*NTY. LiIkjI for Divorce in Iter W. J.CONNVLL, v». Dona ('onmkll. It am*.,rtn|( to the (’curt by the return of tho Hhtii llT, in tho atmvi* atutod naan, that tho tlcfc.ud rien Hu|iorlor Cottrt, Ootoltor Term, 1W1. ant doe* not rouldo In aaitl oounty; and it further HmHmrtnjr that hoduea not retide In aaid HUte: li i« therefore ordered by thu Court that service tie tierfooti'd on t bo defendant by Mto publication of thl* enter onoe a month, for four mouths \w* fore thn next term of this Court, in tho T»*rox (lAxierrK: ft nowapupvr publiahod In llcrrlen county, (ioontla. l'HKt’LKa & 1Iitch 1 I'stitlnner’flAtUirne^a.^ * nr-rnan e. in n 11, i ■unmin n ixtwini (irniuodi A mi. H. 1IAN9KLL, Judge *.C A true extract from the mlnutee of llerrien Hupertor Court, Ootolwr terin^foOl Thl* November 2nd. )W)l. . Mihiuk, Clerk. Order to Perfect Service. (iKOlUUA—HKititiKN Oounty. W. II. Btonr. ) Lllwl for Divorce In llcrrlen v*. I Hnitorlor Court. I,oci*a Htonk. ) October Term, 1801. It aptamriiig to the Court hy the return of the Sheriff, In tho aImiVo mated case, that the defend ant dooa. not reside m said county; and It fur ther appearing that he doc* no: reside in said pt It U tut ‘ ' ‘ J. M. & S. L. WILKES, Hesident TtKTOS, OKoihiU. f-VU'M—Hmii. * "ftml a, u,> itftlrV, In lci/Va’4 thftfr i Ort. j;"W, A D. -J. WILLIAM&r lift 15th il-rriwU tu Mmt FaltadCi ia 1?02 Faabled III 1834, EanaOeO lb 1810 DR. J Physitii&tl and SUPgtebn nCfoNi .. bkbnoii. DR. N; PETERSON Physician ahd Surigbon.. firtowi 1 abohbiA: DR. J. C. GOODMAN, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, - OEoROIA. Omen—11,1001 in th« Tifton IWir 8wio. . BT Tlisnklns tho jiublic for lu (last liberal tiatrausBO anil It!licit a eonttnuitlon o( the same THIS SPACE BELONGS TO DR. G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOULTMK, - OKORdlA. Offer* his aervloo* to thu people of Colquitt ' kdlaoent counties. “Ornc’s in now drug store. E. P. BOWEN & BRO. — DEALERS IN Greneral IVEercliandise FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ountry Produee Bought and Sold. Highest cash prices prices pnW lor ohiokons and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a cull when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. I STRIVE Id PLttSI ALL Of«CUSTOMERS. Thanking the public for a generous patronago in the past, wo earnestly solicit a continuance of the same in the future. E. i-tf. P. BOWEN & BRO., Near tho II. & W. Depot, TIFTON, OA. FURNITURE! Eurniture for the Parlor, Furniture for the Bed Room, Furniture for the Kitchen, Furniture of A.11 Kinds, I have the largest and best stock of FURNITURE of every style and id ' kind to bo found in Derrien oounty or in this section of Georgia, and will not ba undersold by any house iu the State. Before baying Furniture of aiy kind, give me a call. It will pay yon, W. A. HENDERSON, i-tf Parks Building, TIFTON, OA. icrefure ontereil hy tho Court, that _ ,.. ’foototl on th« defendant by tho publication of till* order once a month, for four month*, Iwforo tho next term of thta Court, in tho Tifton (Iaxkttk, a newspaper publUbed in llorrten county, Ueorgia. I’KKt’Ltt*!» Hitch. I’etltionor’i Attorney*, (trained 1 Atm. H. ItAnski.l, Judg* 8. C. h. C. A true extract from the minute* of ltorrien Hupurlor Court, ifotobor torm. twit. u, w. Moohk, clerk. ThU November 4th, mi. Ru!« to Perfect Service. (iHOHO1 A—ItKHUIKK CmtKTT. C.». Colk, ) Libel for Dlrtmio in Herrfon \ • Huuarlor Court. tobor lierm, IWt. va. Many Colk. will move U» tho .lahc W, l*an!k new two-atnry brick Imlldinir, on Main atrect, next week, etui wilt Ik* pleased to have our fiiimdn call and aee m. 1‘KTKU.iON CAUl.K, 40-thn TlBTOISr SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. C, A. WILl LVWtr, Proprietor, D »pi*oarlng to the Court by the return of the IT. in tlxe above wiae, that Ute defend- Shorll ant di ant diKMi net twide in nald county; und it tnnher apiKsat lug that he doOffi not realdc ia unit' It la thereb , that ho dmia not realdc iu on Id State. It U therefore ortleretl by the Court that service 1h* iku fouled o(i the defendant by the publication of (hi* order w a uumtli, for fouv mouth* Ite- ftire the next term of thl* Court, in the Ttmix (lARKTYW, a newspaper pubiikbad lt», Iforrlen county, (Iftoigta. ’iwi.KaVC IllYoit, VetUfoMjf’ri Attorney*. J.8.C. PMHH.L x -„ (Irented t Atro, H. Hak*ku., .ludgo 0. t A truy extract from the mUute* of Herrfon irtor Court, Oetolwr term. MM. (I. w. MiHittY, Clerk. Thin Novvmlier <nd, l«)l. Rupti 13C 8PRU.IL MOTII’K. "Wo Ad poreon* are hereby forewuroeti njrnliwt -*— tVUlIl bunting with «log» or pms.orahooUngor killing bint* or other game, or trvqautHtng (n an> man- ii«c, by cutting or removing any wdvkI or tlmlwr, ^ wty-vnaKlwr.... dead nr alike, on mv land, ciuliwotl or nnon- eluted, under penalty of tlie la v. Naahvllle, Herrfon Co., (la., .Ian. I*. ski H.D.lYgnN. litre's a Bargain for Some Illau, A aptendld farm t-f 1M new*, three uiUc* amtth of HrookVfohV the neaivot m the Hnttta- - TOilawiC wlok and WexturL acre* In tAdU\%ril good water and liAj'rovememi l*e had at u aacrldm )l( row In AP5>I) W M* A. HI Ulcro .rs llilrty I IK. lw»fliw .»»> l.«Mj -mrtun. Thfe (ami on mM In i»u(t flatj- najfc ■N, llnl K»ta« -Vrsai. JOHN C. HIND, Contractor and IBnilder TIFTON, - GEORGIA. ALL KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Plans and specification* furnished on application. My- FALL ANNOUNCEMENT James Z. Elliott, 8PAHK8, GKOntUA, H«* lust opened a splendid line of fall ' i(l * - ' “ “ - Dress Goods, Notions.' Domestics, Shoos Tobaccos, Clears, Hardware, Crockery, Itrstclasr stock of— General Merchandise. Thanking tho people of Berrien and Colquitt counties for thtir past liberal pat- " Q|i ■ —— DENTiSTS, boUl)lihl!i t - • • v * ftKOBlid. OHtnk—hssk iihtiulair, Rbotu »t>. f, iip atait.'- A. MtCFtEA, W-oi tb call*; day nr night. /-if-. Ofrricii—In if dll All call* pfi call* promptly reaponded tu G. A. WHITAKER. VALDORTA, - GEORGIA. Legal business lollclted and given prompt at, tsntton. MX gif-OFriCB—Harrell llullding, Room No. FULWOOD & ALEXANDER^ LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIOr TIFTON, - GEORGIA. / l*rnmpt attention given to all fcJT'Omcfc—Love Uulliling, legal 1 , Room No. i; 1 buainc! JOHN A. WILKES. Attorney - at-L) ADEL, • aKOIMlIA. Will practice In all the counties of the] Judicial Circuit of Georgia. SpeelaU directed to all bronohes uf the prufc> general btuinos* sollettod. t - H.A.Y0UM, Tifton, Georgia! 19<t -DEALER IN- Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. attention given to Electric Special Plating. I alao make a specialty of repairing fine and complicated watches Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. H, A. YOU MANS. pqh-aiw Se THE ORLY PERFECT FOR FAMILY USE. Jtai4 fw circulai imrl prim IMu whwlri.« (&«*«; WHwe wtr.Vco., AtTna 1 .,' iia.' ” for ul, Uy W. A. ilKMiXXSO.'i, TUMn, ton; the t e I scilcll s corllmunce of Urn otrne.' I will continue lo give my rnslomtr* Mt pootls for tho least possible money, sort pay them the highest prices for their cotton Kad other produce. Respectfully, W-iy. J. Z. ELLIOTT,' Sparko, Ga. w: Ws hit. imrchsAKt Au Automatic Bier? Butler, IT 1 c, r»« •« •>* we m sstttt » *' «|jjgS9|