The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 12, 1892, Image 4

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TIIK GAZKTTK: TIFTON, GA„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1892. GAZETTE LETTER-BOX. A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Nowsnnil ItvmiU «f Interest Tramylrlug LTironluled l>y it. l anil Kltt- ilimt Corps ill 1l«port»r*. Bolraniljin’* Budget. Ckcii., February 8.—The surface of thu cartli in again getting dry in them parts—no also are the beer- bibbers, News Is about as scarce as money, and the latter—oh, myl Dr. 3. II. Daniels, who it will bn remembered was called here Inst spring to treat an ulcer on Mr. .John D. Futoli’s cheek, returned here Inst Friday from Ii(h home in Dunn, N. C., on a pleasure trip. On yesterday lie was arraigned be fore Squire on a warrant charg ing him with being a common cheat. The doctor showed up a fine reputft- tion in the Tarheel state, and that he Jmd beaten skin cancer tlm best two out of three hero, and was dis charged. Of course, i lake no sides in the matter: am opposed on principle to traveling specialists, evangelists, d ,/muk liiiiiio, hut wlien people do em ploy them, they take their own risks the same as with any other class of inudieal practitioners, No one lias no far prosecuted the S. H. H., I’. 1'. 1’., or it. II, II. C'o’.s, Hood, Salter, or any of the charlatan race, and yet none of them in this part of tho continent have succeeded in curing more cases than Dr, Daniel. My sympathy ever go out to tho vic tims of those wonderful physiciuns. The passion, if f tnay call it by so mild a name, for patent and proprie tary remedies is worse, far worse, I linn the liquor traffic, as even our lovely women are fast becoming phy sical wrecks by their use, You never see a preacher's or a woman’s name used to a certificate of the virtues of any particular brand of whisky and its twin-sisters, and yot this class of names lire disgustingly at the front recommending of which they are ig nnraut, ami for diseasen which shouhi never lie mentioned in a newspaper Away with the whole eonoorn—let common sense mlo awhile. I note on our ,streets to-day Mr ’William li. Fulch, shaking hands with Ills many friends and searching for that he never lost—votes, learn that the candidate crop is a thin stand, so far, for county treasurer, do not want it myself, as my "rheii- niatls ' would not admit of my run ning fast enough to gel off witli the funds, and I never eoubl stay at home with so much money, Friend Flitcll reseinhles his venerable grand father very much, and will fill his place better t-lian Hoiiliy does tin J’rcsidcney if elected. We have a town builder here, His munti is Willie F. Harrell and his business is to build houses and sell them, lie is now building Ills fifth residence, and may sell It he fore lie moves to it. A few such men with a little money would soon build a town. I suggest that (’apt, 'rift, get him to try his hand on Kl ilot-atla. I loh Wick, of llm Quitman Hun 1|hh tackled tho longest subject |,he State—-tho railroads, lie forgets that they' bring us "jonnor." SUOOflW to llm merry uM farmer, Tim lino who Immlles llm plow Autl raises his own broad amt bacon, There Is aonu but to (hut he may bowl Hoiik.mia.v. Griffin, deceased Well, Hilly Futcb, as lie Ih familiarly known, is a good man and the voters of llerricn coun ty could not do better than to elect him. , Melons will he grown in this sec tion again this year. Wouldn’t it he a good idea for the melon growers, when their crops are ready to har vest, to send a man to each of the great Northern and Western cities, and ship to them mid let the com mission men severely alone? Try it once, anyway. Cireiistances which I cannot con trol forces mo to move from this neighborhood. I can say, with plea- tire, that 1 have never lived in a hotter community, where the people were more hospitable, They’ve been exceedingly kind to me, for which 1 am very thankful. I part with these people with regret, Him, G»u>v. I can’t eat what I want, 1 would ills with Indigestion. Friend, your money will he {refunded If you suffer from Irulf- cation after using Simmon's Hellef. Only it it trial. For sale Tlfton, Ou. itln a boltlo. You risk nothing In giving ' hy Dr. J.O, Cloudman, TIITS ALBANY Brick ■ Manufacturing ■ Co. UfA.NL’I'ACTlIUIiltS or Common Pressed Brick, also Repressed Brick for Finishing. Dally rapacity of Yard 50,000 Brick. &■ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : It rfpJBIM, JNO. A. DAVIS, 1J. DROWN, W. S. HELL, It. HOBBS, Preaileiit. E. L. WIGHT. Win. LOCKHTT, Secretary. Kiilgiuu Felines. Knkima, February 10,—MrrC. W. Smith visited Dawson last Thursday ami returned oil Saturday. Mrs, Davis, who lms been visiting the lainlly of her adopted daughter, Mrs. C. W, Smith, lot nome time past, left Wodnesdny morning to visit datives in Southeast Georgia. She was accompanied by her little daugh ter, Willie. She is a sweet, bright, vivacious little Miss, und will be greatly missed by her associates here Tho young people had a delightful ohtortalimUftH hist Friday night at the residence of Mr, D. Jf. LeFils, Those mortals, who are satisfied with llibir own position and o.iratmi- stnnces in life and do not envy the grandeur and fartunp of ulliurs, may, indeed lie called happy The Enigma Sunday-school,on last Sunday, afternoon, elected llcv. S. ,1. Sauls for superintendent the present year. Messrs. Weston A Gunn have about finished putting down their new machinery, and will lie ready hy next Monday morning to commence sawing again, witli full force. There must be considerable im provomunts going on in this suction, in tho way of building. Judging from the amount of lumber hauled away from hero on wagons. Mr, ])l|i Woods entertained the little folks of this place with a candy palling last evening, Our school Is progressing finely at present, with a pretty full altmulauee of pupils, Enigma lms decided to have a school and she is determined to succeed. Tho equilibrium of a majority of the Berrien county farmers is not all listurliod hy the scarcity of corn, nor consumed hy fire. Tho front and rear doors were open and the fire originated inside tho building. From all indications, the house is believed to have been robbed, and then set on llro to cover tho theft. Mr. Elliott was away visit’yig his ill wife, who, we regret to say, docs not improve. Another interment in our city to day. The ninc-months-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs.' Jf, L. Purdom, for merly of Glenmore. It is well with the child. She is not lost, but gone before. “The old must die; the young may.” Death moves on ev ery passing breeze, and lurks in ev ery fiower. The writer t,urged sportsman on the morning of the (Ith instant and killed a fine wild goblor with a Win chester Hlle, This was to deck the dinner table of tho being tho birthday daughter, lima. W. II. UltYANl'. Gth of instant, it his onlv tho difference between the prico of If you have no appetite and feel out of sorts, Just get a #00 bottle of Simmons Itollef anil you will lie well ami happy gnlu. New try It. For sale by Dr. J. 0. ooilman, Tlftnn, (la. (Jii You may cough and cough and cough ■ ... ... ... n Cure. HKAUqUAliTKIIS Id It Crockery, China and Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Description, Tinware, Hollow ware, Woodware. We Write Our Own Reproach. Wo bought too many winter goods, the cold weather will be gone in few weeks and we have a beautiful line goods ou band which must go at any price, , On March First we v/ill vacate this store. We have too many goods to move; so, rather than move this stock, and carry anything over into spring season we expeot to sell all winter goods regardless of oost. We must part with those goods to mako room for spring arrivals. Let everybody uomc, and tell your neighbors and let them share the bargains with you. Uemomber this is a sacrifice sale that does not eoine often. Also Stoves, from the eliew|>cnt to Hiiok'n Ilrilllant, conceded to tie the best In the world, they ahnolutety have no equal hi the world. Miuiufnctiirc* all klmla of —— Tinware, 8tov& Pipe, Gutters, Etc, |y B|m.’c1h1 price* nmrl<*to hotels and hoard- ln« houses. Write or call cm us when In need of anything In our line; we tfuanuitcu to save you money. J. T. HO YD & BltO., 44 104 I'..ttoi'ik)ii street, Vai.dohta, Oa Homestead Notice. (iKOItriJA—»kiih/ex County. To nil wlinni it may concern: Wohstei- I). Avc- ni has k|i|iIUhI far cxcnijitlnn nf |icmnnnlty anil netting apart anil valuation nf InoncnCcail, unit J unit cough, but you will not, If you t Dewitt’* Cough anil Consumption C J. (I, Goodman. Fire at Sparks. Si'auks. February 9.—'Tho ties traction hy fire, last Thursday night, of Mr. J. 55. Elliott’s largo two-story store building, also his warehouse with their entire contents, is one of tho severest calamities Sparks hua ever known. It was evidently the work of thief and a incendiary, the appear ance of tilings about the house when tho fire was first discovered indicate as much—the doors ut either end of tho store were wide open. It lends mo to inquire, Is there a band of burglars anil incendiaries in our midst? First, Mr. It. 55. Whitehurst's dwelling,then Mr. M. S. Guldens’ ginnery, and now Mr. Elliott's store, and all from in cendiarism. It looks that way to say till) least, ami every effort should lie made to discover the perpetrators. Mr. Elliott's loss Is about half cov ered by Insurance. 1 have not learn ed the exact, figures. He will re build and reopen his business just as will nnw» upon llm Maine at my olhwi in Nauhvllln ut 10 o'clock a. ut.* on tho Hr lay L K. M. SMITH, Ordinary. 11b IT OltPAtNKD BY TIIK ClTY Col'NCII. ok Tikton That the following specific taxes shall be paid by any person or persons wlio carry ou or engage in the same within the city, and upon a failure to pay the same to ig quested to do ho, shall bo subject le u line of not less than one dollar nor mdro than one hundred dollars, or work upon thu Blrects, qr he contlncd wltldn I he city guuut house, In the mayor’s discretion: For each billiard or pool table, tun-plr, alley, mid ut! tables uud alloys ol uu used for the purposo nf playing will halls or pins, or both, wltldn said city, for profit, $10 on the Ural, and $1) for each additional table, payable when Haiti busi ness commences, and no lieunso shall bo grunted for less than one year. On all contrivances of whatever kind used tor the purpose of gaming or carry Ing on a game of chance by selling cams. tickets or numbers, ur turning i ‘ tin a deal or wheel, selecting or designating cards, pictures, envelopes or photographs from a number of similar articles or objects, or hy pitching rings at stakes or knives, or hy throwing dies, or hy any othor ar- • It llllco or coutrlvaneo whatever, shall pay tho Bum of $10, or such other sum as the mayor ill his judgment may assess. All persons shall procure a license before any of these early as pi'iiotioablo. ilia imloniita hie spirit seems not to give way to misfortune. Cituskn. I opening or commencing kinds of business. meat and cotton. They make their fitt'iiiH snlf-uUHtuliilng, ami when they do noed anything they can’t raise at home, they generally Imvo the money to pay for it. To understand nature is tho pre rogative of the human mind, yet this work is ho vast and difficult, and its results Is so precious to humanity that it is given to no man or to ago fully to penetrate her mysteries. Cough Following the drip. Muny persons, who Imvo recovered from la grippe, are now troubled with a persistent cough. Chamberlain's Cough Hoiundy wilt promptly loosen this cough find relievo the lungs, effecting a perma nent euro In a very short lime. M and fit) cent butties fur sale by the Tlfton Dreg Store, und Fetors & Delete, Cecil. Vltdo Views. Yiliui, February 7.—Warm and cloudy to-night, and some rain full ing. Log rollings urn about over and the people are now repairing fences. Homo guano shout, again, pretty rdiunp, too, I am told. I lioiu’ of a few men wlm will try raising tobacco for market. Let us hope they will succeed. Friend \V. H. Futch, of Nashville, wax visiting at IiIh father’s, Mr. T. D. Futch, on Thursday last. I Its in formed mo that he la a candidate for the office of county treasurer to Jill tin,' iinexpired term of Mr. \V\ D, No subject -not the minutest thing —cun he so exhausted that farther thought and tho insight of gonitis may not discourse still deeper meanings ami more subtile relations. Ami thus tho mighty labor becomes progress'll c, each generation receives its inheritance of knowledge, makes its own additions, nntpboqueaths tie whole to its successor; so that wo of the present stand as tho heirs of all tho ages ii t|io foremost ranks of time. iiisuiO.Alt. Our experience covers many pills and many bills. ly tils, Our 111 are man '1a are smaller and our ,y p smaller, our pi tdlls are smaller, when we use DoWItt’s I .Ut to Marly Kisers. My great trouble was constipation un til 1 tried Nlmmons liulluf. It Is n bless ing to mankind and only ItOc a bottle. For sale by Dr. J, 0. Goodman, Tlfton. A trial convinces the most skeptical, furntully prepared, pleasant to tho taste Dewitt's Cough and Consump tion Cure Is a valuablo remedy, J. C. Goodman. Bcirion County Sheriff’s Sales Fur April. tiuontllA ■ in-aioss Cih'kty. Will (si si,la In-tore I hr court house doof it, the town, of Nashville, ash) stats ua.t county, ou llm Ii rat TmaiUy St, April next, hoturwo the legal Ilnurs of salt., to t lie highest hliUlcr for cosh, too foil, ring property, to-wltt tho* Inst gray nutro untie six years old, l.V, haoila high, ilauus! Koto; one Mack marc mute ■evt'o ycaraohl, t.V, ttamla high, named Hcok; one black hnrso mala acvno ycara old, IS. 1 , bona* otgh, named Touc i and one hlaok none mole seven ycav* ..Id, 15/, hat,da high, mimed Bob, Why don't you ,ry Simmons llellof when your liver stops anting properly, It makes you feel like a new being. Only title. For sale by Dr. .1. O. Goodman, Tlfton, Un. Himt'ka Letter, Si'ahbh, February 8th.—My last, letter noted oil lolly Sparks’ prosper ous outlook, towns, like individ uals, have their seasons of adversity and prosperity, The hitter is mingled with the sweet. On tho night of the -lib instant, between li! and 1 o’clock, tho largo Iscvlml on an the propvvty of h. Ti.' (nlp**pp*r to ro ft, to. IhniurI from (liemipurior MrttJafy tt iiioriuUiW fi court «»f Thom** county, ttoordln, In Uvor of the “* ,m ‘ Honk of ThouuuviUu, iriwiMcrrt’M. etc,, ami oji.’iiiiftt 8 <1. n.lpoppcr, Til I a IWY 4Ui, IKI2. Alsu, at the seine Hutu und plae*. (tin* lur^o- mmmI hny bovwc nmk*, ttlmut *-l«vcn vt*nw old, hunted Ij'uuuj also oiki hir^-MaMl hmek mnro muU'uhoiit tnn yenra old named Alary. la*\U‘d tin) |-rotn>r'tv t*r «. (I. to rvttfcfY n mortftogv (l. fa. ImuciI from ur . . HPP im •ut«rior wmri or ThumnA vtntmy, (tvorijia, In favor of .1. T. (‘nl- ia , l*|KT uml t A. i il.'t’mtc and OjtnUiSl 8. U, Cudjiciw j*>r. TUI* l\dmmr) 4th, llW... Alim, ut ilu> wont* time and place, one Idack horse undo about tdx year* «dd nniucd Tom, u»w tdiick tioraa mule about twelve yetoa old named **■“ m* *■ ■ wt Util, one l»ay nore inula nhniit. lwuhit yeara named Heck. 1.wvle«l on na the propem of 8, u. rul|Hni|H*r U* aatlafy a moit^^e fi. ra. iwmed from (»-* ■ " -’***■ ho superior court n't Thomaaeounrv, fleor* Itin. In favor (d »i.T. Cui)>cjqx'r amt A. li t'otie, and amiinut 8. tt, Culpvq i'cr and W. II. f.'wlttop. per. Thin loiiruarx 4 h, I'.wj, Ala.), at the Knifte tUm- aad j laee, (**ie black bovae mole niwiut twelve veala old mooed .Imi, tme bay how mult- about nine year# »-id named Alt', one istv mare mule nlxmt oix veam old onmvd MU. one Iwy man* mule at tout tl*e jww oi l named ,Uue. »uh* l».io'k lu*ree nude about u*tt '.,1 IIHKIVW PI.I.P, ,|l,t- O.IttS IMU ..... .. ... .... yean* old named John, one mourn* oolnwl nur« li * * '' ' ' m«lo a hunt twelve yeuta obi named Abtry, one black tn»rv* mule .tl**mi Mivnit yuan old named At I I— ‘ •like, one bpy man* mule alamt eliiiit years old a.-1, ..„x. nAmetl Kit, one torml maro mule aTmut yearn old aainw»l Heck, and one bay mure mule about l Uhl |l «tmt> Imuso of Mv. J. 55. F,limit ,flht- \bao* idd named liaae.' Ig?vie*l on aa the his q,Hire stuck gomls, (aim, tnnulft'i' Ntoiv .house mijolumg) w . nmlti sl(nW For each performance by circus |100, or in the mayor's discretion. For oncli side-show per day, $25, or In the mayor's discretion. For cacti theatrical exhibition, (5, or In the mayor’s discretion. For sleiglit-of-baml performances, $10 por day, For tricks of legerdemain, or soy kind ilk of shows or exhibitions nut mentioned, the mayor shall use Ills discretion. For each book peddler or canvasser, $2 per month, or the mayor may use his tils ere:Ion. For each peddler In any kind of mor chnndlse, ur anything not enumerated above, from $2 to $25 per mouth, in the discretion of the mayor. For each harbor's chair used for profit, $5 per annum. For each livery and sale stable, $10 per year. For each dray, wagon or cart drawn hy one animal, $5 pgr year. Fur each draMpitgou or carl drawn hy two or more aimnnls, $7.50 por year. For obcIi auctioneer, $10 por year. For any dealor In spirituous, vinous, malt or Intoxicatiug llquora, rice beer elder, iK'cr, hitters, or anything that wit tend to Intoxicate, $10,000 per annum, payable before commencing business. For each dog, owned and kept In tho city, $1 per annum, or the marshal shall impound, and if not redeemed in a rea sonable length uf time it shall bo sold or killed. For each photographer or pleturo- takcr, in lent or located, $10 per annum. For each dealer In guns and pinole, $10 per unniirn. For each contractor or builder whit contracts for any building costing or worth when completed the sum of $000 or moro shall pay a license of $15 per annum. For each contractor or builder who contracts fur any building coating or worth when completed ihe sum of $100 nr I css than $000 shall pay a license of $10 per annum. Sub-contractors who work on bullil- generally likes to know tho “reason why.” So in announcing our unpre cedented reduction of prices which will continue during February, We concede ail our customers to bo shrewd and tell them the real faots in the case. Yours for bargains, - PADRIOK BROS., Love Ruilding. ISAAC S. GROCER BOWEN, FANCY] \ KElfiP A FRESH AND WELT, BKMCCTKD STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND EVERYTHING ITflUALbY FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASH STORE. I Pay the Highest Cash Price for Country Produce. AND WILL PLEASE YOU WITH GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BOWEN TIFTON, GEORGIA, SELLING AT COST! O. M. Masonic Building, TIFT, - Tifton, Georgia, IS SELLING Ills ENTIRE STOCK OF Fall Winter Goods AT AND BELOW COl I Mean Every Word I Say. I am selling every artlnlo of Fall and. Winter Goods In my store at great bargain* to make room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods.' You will have to call at my store and get prices before yotrWTaplIrecIite w 1 mean by “Great Bargains!” Call early or the bargains will he gone; my prices wlU not fall to make them go Youra for the Lowest Prices, O. M. TIFT Maponio Building. TIFTON INSTITUTE. Iiqrs where the principal contractor has paid (lie proper license shall not be re quired to pay a license for engaging in such work. That all homes or mules found loose upon tile streets shall be taken up and impounded by the marshalandtheowner thereof uolitied to appear before the mayor, who shall uso Bis discretion after hearing thu evidence. For each skating rink, $20 per annum. For each reiianrant, $10 per nunmu. W. ti. lUnK, Mayor. J. II. Gooumast, Clerk. The Rprlnir Term of the above mihuol will begin on Monday, .Isnuary 4th, 1.102, and continue (or Twenty weeks. Pupils attending this sesslun will receive the lieneAt of the public school fund. TUITION PER MONTH : Primary, ifIB.OO. Intermediate, $2.50. High Selionl, $3.00. Ihiplls should he outered st the Iwglnnlng nf the Term to Injure their proper ttesHlrailon. Com (or table Imflillnit. healthy Ku*atlon and competent teachers. For further i>8>rtlvn)am, tvunly to W. o. TIFT, ?l?Um, tlenrgts, January t, mu. Hecmtary lhutvl nf lUreetot s. THE GAZETTE J ol) Printing Offict I.--'# New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. T am pleased to amioam-e to ar friends and patrons in the oounticii of Berrien, Irwin, Worth and Colquitt that I have just received a complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT And am prepared M execute at short notice aud in workmanlike manner all clause* of commereial and legal blatilc printing. I solicit your order* and guarantee to give eutire satisfaction i n ttriceu and quality of work. Respectfully 1 I.OTU lit WW, UKORUU. E.T.AI