The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 19, 1892, Image 2

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1 (iAzivi'Ti Me. ml iyie H imMhlicil*#verjr Fytdsy inorm i. tttrnm eonulf, Gnorfctfa. Jt In tte- to tliii best inurust or iSmj growing «Ujr of »«•%.,.! and tho adjacent imtmiry, ami a« Much . ’ . ;wk* the Huuporl amt eiu ourng*,m« nt of the pen- •ilo of Ikirrfon amt uoWIgumi* ciuhiIm, Tim flubsoriptUW price of the f jaxktik if HA) tier year, to cent* for six months, umi '/u cent* for llirso monllufi tiaynhio In advance. Thfl ndvurU*ltig raton of the OA/.mr. am rca- goimblo and will lie furnlshnd upon application. Advertising hill* am due after first ItiMcrtlon anil will Ini presented when Ilia money Ik needed, CorrcHpondencu from nwlgliliorhig town* l» so- Melted and coiumitnieutlouM on timely topic* are Hi way*, wo Iconic. AI way* write on one aide of the paper, and don't forgot to onetime your na pa an evidence nf good faith. Knlorcd at the lamtofllcc, at Tlfton, Georgia, mall matter of thu aecoml oIom. OMrlal Oman nf Berrien County, ; Bi' T7A liljKN, l5«M toi%"~ N«wk mill Views. I)r. James 11. Smith, a grand un cle of the editor of the GAZK'n%diod in Ilirmliigham, Ala., a few days ago. Ho Wtuiageil about ulglity-Ilve yearn. Illainc in mi longer a republican presidential possibility. lie lion sulci it; ho will not pcritiii, his name to go before Die convention. It in nine current Hint lie will renign bin neat ju the cabinet, Annafietida in recommended an an Infallible remedy for lit grippe, Veri ly, the remedy in im bad, if not worse, than tbo disease. liven.,,) un from unnafintida, if you please; we’ll take garlic. Tbo Slate Agricultural Society held a regular Homi-annual meeting lit Guthberi lant week. Matters po litical engaged a largo portion of the time, '1 lie ftutunicr meeting will be held ill Gtifill). The publisher uxpoclit tbo Oakktth In win nnccenn on its own iiicrils. Consequently he ban no giftn to offer to catch subscribers—no liookn, no ebromon, in olu'n paper*. The sub- jloriptlon price in :jl I a year. Tiftoit in not kicking up any very great row about her present enter- prises, nor those she ban captured fur the neat future, but nbo gets the llonVthure of I bo good tilings that |»f0 passing iiboltt, Shu can’t help it; she in built that way. The dcmocralH of Berrien county, twenty-two hundred solid votes, arc mil. worrying tbemnid' an about Hill, Cleveland, or any oilier aspirant for tbo demo, ratio presidential uonlltiu- I fop. Of course they Imvo their in dividual |, references, but will yiidd them to the will of the nation al dumoorntlo convention. Tbo (Iazuub can Imagine Col. Josluh L, Sweat's mortillnatiou at peeing bis honest, straight-forward, democratic view* printed in the last Wuycross Herald Juxtaposition with Otie of IWi letters urging the peo ple to join tlm third party move ment, It leally bail the appearance of a poll sited diamond set in mud. Kotivltbatandln 1 ' bis letter was fur nished at tbo editor’s reipiest, it re ceived no editorial umlommanl. Reason wily!', .'iHrtrttljlor Is a reptile Coiiplt Following Mm (trip. I , , at any parsons, who Imvo ruoovered from la grippe, nro now trouble,1 wlllia y.urslstonl rough, Clmmho.rInin’s tlougn ntdmilily will promptly loc.ten thiseoUgli mill relievo Ihe lungs, elTenllng a permit- Itont euro In a very short I hue. IM utul fill eout hollies for mile hy Ihe Tlfton JJrug More, ami Paten it Bgloto, Cecil .Tito Tolmcco Inilnstry. I’lmru Is a disposition on the part f some of tbo people and tbo press ritlloulo if not disparage tbo mil- nmol lobgcoo in tins section nf Blmutry, and the (Iazisttk is prone to bcliovo, judging from some of tile brilliant(l') arguments used,that these odltnrH ami people have absolutely no knowledge of tbo subjeot they pro endeavoring to discuss. i says tbo "tobacco sentiment" jneco seed" with which the 1b being Hooded ‘‘Indicate krly that those North Caroli- line,tiling the Snow Modern Barb Company] arc in a j hurry to sell their patent barns." pfeNfollow aired bis pent-up fool- i pieinaturely, before permitting hbeltor jmlgitiK;! to grasp the slt- ..-Tbrso North Carolina men S 'Pot; ask tbo farmers of South yiiorght to buy a ‘‘pig in a poke." They are not forcing our furmerk to 'rtiy burns, and no former ultould buy me tttilws it will pay liirn to do so. ie barns arc on tbo market Just |jke any other article of merchandise, barn company believes that a <tugh experiment ill tbo oullure iSiPtW* ih this section will oreuto i for their barns and the/ —slaking both their money and rep utations n» the result. Another fellow bobs up with this bngbt(f) Ideui ‘‘This tolmcco grow ing is a doubtful experiment which our rich men ought to make, because they arc uble to stand the expense. We Dnunciul liliptitcs will sit down on our 'hunkers’ and watch the rich men make the experiment ami, if they make a success of it, we will jump in and enjoy with thorn the boncflccnt results.” There is one consolation in this view of the ques tion—our much abused rich melt arc not barnacles upon our ini' stria! structure; they arc goml people to have around wlion a doubtful experi ment is to be made. This fellow didn’t lake time to learn thut it takes very little besides labor to make the experiment Tbo seed bed is to bo made; twenty-five cents worth of seed will furnish plants enough for four acres. 'These four ncres are to lie prepared to receive the plants between tbo first and fif- tf-nth of April, If the plant bed is a failure uud you have no plants, the labor and forlilizer expended in pre paring the four acres of lum’ is not lost because you cun plant them in some other crop. Hut tbo financial liliputu has a» argument Hint serves their purpose, oven if it is a poor one. Still another fellow struts to ‘lie front ami, posing ns a Solomon, ac cuses tbo tobacco advocates us want ing to uetbrono King Cotton at one swoop and install King Tobucco without cercpiony. The fuotis nobody tliougliLof such a tiling until ho advanced the idea, mid therein alone lies ids Solomonic attributes. The OazettH advocates the planting of some tolmcco by our farmers as un experiment; docs not advise thorn to jump from the kingdom of cotton to the kingdom of tolmcco at ono leap. Nobody but Ibis Solomon bus ever hinted snob an idea. The ClAzn'rrz is satiulled that tliu prosperity of our farme.s depends upon the diversifi cation of tliol. money crops—not tbo substitution of one erop for another fur a money crop- -ami i’i the diver sification try a little tobacco. Tbo CIazbitb udvlses the giving profor- om ; to food crops above all things else; bo sure to raise your supplies at home, am) then if you have any spare time or land devote them to money crop or crops. lint tlm next argument used is a highly mnrai ono: "Quit cotton, fake tolmcco; wlmt an exchange! While cotton dotlica the world, to- bacoo proves u curse to it, (live up the crop flint Is carrying t. unfort to every remote corner and lake, in ils stead, the crop that has no highur claim Ilian the promotion ol an inju rious ami exceedingly filthy Imbit." If Hu, failure cf south (iuorgiu. farm ers lo plant tobacco would stop the uso of the weed we would do all in our power to prevent, any being planted, Hut ii won’t do it, the use of tobacco 1ms become too universal —men, women and children use it, regardless of its lilthincss or its in jurious effecls. This fact has made tobacco a Staple crop, the value of which ij only measured hy tbo de gree of intelligence with wl'.oh it is grown and prepared for use. The (lAZKlT'B sees no Impropriety, from a moral standpoint, in our farmers en gaging in tobacco culture. Quilc a number of farmers m the vicinity of Tlfton propose to try to lmcco planting as an experiment this year; they will not wait for rioh men tp.sboulder tbo burden of cx- (icrimcnt, iu>r will they make it their sole crop. Receiver W, li, Sparks, of the Georgia Southern uud Florulu rail road, has become a ibenediet. Mo was married on Wednesday of last week to Miss Mary Louisa Uncoil, daughti v of lion. A. 0. Uacon, of Macon, Lit tirl pi>c. Ne healthy pctvmi need fear any dan- gurmis ooliteip^one",, from an attack of la grippe If properly treated it I*much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the tame treatment. Itcmain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Umecdy «» directed (or a iovete cold and a prompt and eomplelo recov ery In sure u> follow, This remedy also oountoruCVi any tendency of In grippe to result In pnnnmoiiln. Among tliu many thousand!)'Vft.chevu used It during the epidemics of tlie past two years we have yet to tenth of a single case that has tint recovered or that hiui i1j»j,!ihI ie pneu monia. Do tUid 'Wt cotlt Itoltlcs for into , i .. . , he the Tift,>a Ding (’.tore, end Peters A- toinaketbe experiment Helute,Veoil . . - . ■ . . : TU-TOX. fiAl,' I’HIIMV, ITilJlfl'AliY !H, ::.t w,— — —— From Hotol J)clIoin*. Mr. V. W. Heed, proprietor of the Hotel Dellono, Omr.lm, ono of the. lineal now ami modern hotel* in the west, nays of ChamhcrJttin’u Cou#b Itemedy; "Wo have iiHed it in our family for yearn with the moHt Matiifaolory reaulta, espe cially for our children, for colda and croup. It can bo depended upopj be- nid*m it i« pieaiiant to take and Deems to bo free from chloroform and the oily substances put into many cough mix* lures.'! 2fi cent. ffO cent and $1 bottles for stile by tbo Tlfton Drug Btvfe, and Peters & Heloto, Cecil. “dONBUJIMiOHOVJUSib. UjmI ary u»« forL „ . for tlic B|x?«!ily Mini i>criimni»fit intro of Couiiiiiiip* lion, MroiicliuU, Cuutrrli, Anttiiua anti all throat ami l.uriK AffnotloitN, hIho a ponlilvo and radical ciirtt for Norvous Dtd.ility and all nervous Com* t ilalnu, after havhiK tested its wonderful eura- Ive powers in thotiHii, its of eases, lia.; felt It Ids duty u> make It known Vi Ids suffering fellow*. Actuated liy this motive and a desire to relieve liunmn suffering,I will send free of charge,: all An old physician, retired from practice, having ‘ placid in hU hands hy an Kast India mission ary tlie formula of a simple vegetable remedy who desire It, this recipe, In (lentMin, Kruneh or KngUsh, with full directions for preparing and lining. Heut hy null hy addressing with stamp, niuiditg this paper, w. A, Kovkv, «W) Powers' llloek,Tli.mliester, X. Y. NOTICE. T arewllllieasiieelal oxamlnaiioii of appli cants for touchers' license at Nashville Hatiir- day, February will, l»eginidng at nine o'clock a. in. This will be the only npociul oxcitilnation thU year. My order of tlm board. T. K. WH.MAMJ*. County HcIkmiI Commlssioi t. NnshvlIVt, Oa., February a, USO, NOTICE. ! will Inj at Nashvlllo on Haturday of each week until April ^ml, for the purpose of con tracting with teachers for the presont year. T, F.. WtM.IAMS, County Hchool Commissioner. Nashville, (la,, February 3rd, 1 m. NOTICE. eriu for IDOil L, My special order time has I Public school term for 1h«j Ijoglns February * * ' '* ' **' " boon extended Stfh T _■ and Dohoob may begin any time from February Dili to April -Uli; terms cr wing not later than September 1st. Meporls to be filed with Com missioner by Heptciubcr iOtlir Ten. Is five months or one hundred day V and reports for hiHMtlnin will not Iki accepted without legal ex cuse, Contracts will bo made as follows: First tirade l.lccnse (fwr day) eight cents; Mco- ond (trade, seven cents: Third (inide, six cents. My onlor of the board. A. W. PATTKMHON, President. T. K. Williams, geeretaiy. Nashville, CJa., February 3rd, lB:u. Insurance TIFTOIST, GEORGIA, Hoprcxonts tlie following old. reliable and. popular firo imutrance companies and solicit^ tlie patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, - - Founded in 1792. “Greenwich,” Total Assets, $1,636,035,43. • Founded In IP'34, “Hartford.” Total assets, $6,576,616.13. - ’Founded in 1810. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tbo “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “.Etna” and .“Orient.” / 1—0 Real Estate and Renting Agent. Hus oil bis list of Real Estate some very desirable farm lands in the vicinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lands are within one and seven miles of town. -- «• . ■ If you have any Beal Estate—houses or land—for sale or rent you will receive prompt and courteous service by placing thorn with me. I am, very respectfully, 1-tf. M. A. REXTOIST. — THIS SPACE BELONGS TO — E. P. BOWEN & BRO. DEALERS IN — Greneral Merchandise. Notice of Election. UHOIKJLA—Mkkhikn County. Ok»ick ov Moaui» ok CvM'vrv foMMinaox- mis, Kolirusry 1. IF/J. IL h ordoml tbut on eleo- timi Inj held at thu suvc-rul precincts of nui<l county oil Friday, the pjth lust., for a comity treasurer, to All th« imuxjiUtU torm of lion. w. !). Grinin, deoeased. My order of tlie board. \V. If. Bkhkii, rimirinnn. Berrien County Sheriff's Salo For March. GKOUfllA—MKiiHtk.v Coijntv. Will Inj sold Iwforo the court house door In the t wo of Nashville, said stuto and county, wltnln the legal limirs of sale, on thu first Tuesday In March next, Mm following property, to-wlt: A certain storc-hemm and lot In the town of Adul. saldcouutv, known In the plan of Haiti town as the north half uf lot, numlsir six ((»), in bli^k nnm’ocr Hirco (S). Isivled on us thu properly of (t. W. Tnylor cL Co. (d. W. Taylor and It. W. NVlioelcrj to sotisfy a II. fa. issued from the comity court of l^iwndcs county In favor of tho Macon Hardware company against said (J. W. Taj lor A Co. TeiiMit lit possession not tiled In wilting, tills dniniary w, 18"t. I>. W. tison, Hbcrift It. C< Iligliost onslt prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, ond farm products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tiftoit with anything to soil. IHI PLEASE ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Thanking the public for a t'cncrous patronage in tho past, wo ca; solicit a coni ii, meu of tho same in tlie future. Administrator's Sale, u Kioto lA—inmmr.N cwstv. Under and bv virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Maid state mid county, I will sell at public outcry, at the court tmusoilooria NY.-dn lltu, Murrhin Count) Georgia, between the legal holt 1 <*f sale, on the rtrst Tuesday In March next, the following property, to-wlt: Thu land Ixdonglng to the estate of H J. Con nell, late of said county deceased, one 'mndred ami llfty (irsi) acres, more or lc*w. of I^«»t Twt» Hundred and He veil ly-Four t'iT4i, in the Tenth (10* ti) District of said county, said I*,nil being on tt*. south side of said lot and being well Im proved, and wild undos tho tnuninhraticc of widow's dower. Terms in:*do known on dav of Rale. •I. K. CGNNLI.L, Hr., Administrator. .January ;mih ( initt. Tobacco Seed! •r .c NKWFST and MF.HT for al! elavscs and types riirntsneilat l.oV. KHT FMICKH. lMantcrs ruiHc Tobai-( o for tlie money It lirtngH, hut only the I INI; VAUIkTIF.a produco FIM.ST-CI.AhA Tibneco that pays, Htiirt right. Order tho l«st for your locality, and thus pos'.dble from H.e crop, mi application. Catalogue oont FRKU Lt It\U\M\) SVA)\) I I1YCO, IIAI.ICW COUNTY, VA. S. PKTKRAON, m. t*. .1. \Y. CAULK, PICA I.Fits IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Fresh Garden Seeds a Specially. K I.KG ANT LINK OF Stationary 5 Writing Materials fuu. atctTK ov Proprietary Medicines, CUMl’LKTK AFHOKTMKNT OF Pipes, C'l^ara, C'i^areUfS) Tobacco. OT'We Will hmvo to th<$ .lake W. JMMlk new twvstory 1‘tb k Ln'I UuR, on Main stroct, next W'li, and wilt lx) plcnw'd t*» haA-s our friends cull Mol m*C’ us. rUTKlMUK « FAC IK. 4.V3nt TIFTOiSf FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY- Country Produce bought and Sold. J. M. & S. L WILKES.' Resident Dentiats, T1FT0N, (IKOROtAl . Om.'rji—Rnouw t »ml 3, up *utr», in f/ivc’s brick building. .. . - ■ . . Can be found In their offices from Uie lsttcr 16th of each mouth, tho residue of time will Iks devoted to country patients—at their homes If desired. mf. Drs. J. W. & D. J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, COROKLE OEOnOIA. Omoiv-Uank llulldlng, IU->m Bo. 1, up .tain, DR. J. A. McCREA. Physician and Surgeon, T1FT0N, - UEOItCU. . * l'rompt attention given to calls, day or nigbfe. KarOmoB at residence. 2-tf. DR. N.- PETERSON 'Physician and Surgeon. TIFTON, GEORGIA -In Julian brick building. All cuMb promptly responded to day or night. Office DR. J. C. GOODMAN. Physician and Surgeon, TU'TOIt, - OKoROIA. Orfice—Room In thu Til Um Drug Store. CJr* Thanking the public for Its past libentl patronage and solicit a continuation of tho some. DR. G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOULTRIE, - OKOItUIA. Offers his serv ices to the peuplo of Colquitt and mljncont nmntlcs. Z In new drug store. . airWHITAKER, ~ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND INSURANCE AGENT, VAT.U08TA, - GEORGIA. Legal business sulicited and given prompt at- b»ntlon. tST'Or/iuE—Harrell building, Itoom No. 3. FULWOOD & ALEXANDER^ LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COL) TIFTON, - GKOIIGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal httsii CflnOFFKJB—Luve building, Itoom No] JOHN A. WILk Attorney - oS AUBI,, - GEORGIA. Judicial Circuit of Georgia. _ . directed to all branches of the •oner 1 business solicited. t-tf. E. 1\ BOAVE1ST & BRO Noivr tlio B. & W . Depot, TIKTON, OA. FURNITURE! I I/urnituro for the Parlor, Furniture for tho Bod Room, h’urniture for the .Kitchen, .Furniture of i\.ll Kinds. 194, -nEALER 1N- i Imvo tho largest and host stock of FURNITURE of every stylo and kind to ho fotirnl in Herrien county or ill this section of Georgia, and will not bo undersold by any house in the State. Before buying Furniture of any kind, give me a call. It will pay you. W. A.. HENDEESON, Parks Building, TIFTON, OA. 1-tf JOHN C. HIND, C ontract or and Builder, TIFTON, - GEORGIA. AI.I, KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Plans ami specifications famished on application. 1-ly. SALE STABLES. TIFTON. - GKOROTA. C. I. WILLI,4!US, Proprietor, FALL ANNOLTNOEMENT. . r- L - James Z. Elliott, 8PAHK8, OKOROIA, U„ ilrcss Tobaccos. t'rstuU*. .lock of— C> e n e v a 1 M e r c h a ii cl i s e. Tliankln* ihe people of llcnlen sml Colquitt counties tor their past liberal pet- resaw I afillojl » coatlmouiee of the same, I will continue lo give my customers the heal goods for tha least potelbts monoy, amt pay them the highest price* for their cotton ami other ptr-dtie*. Respeilfwily, 2Str ,]. z. EI.I.IOTT, Spurkn, Go. Watches, Chains, Jewelry. Etc., Etc. Spccinl attention given to Electric Plating, I also malto a specialty of repairing One and complicated watches Satisfaction trial. guaranteed. Give mo a H. A. YOU MANS. UTOrr NEW ph-aw THE ONLY PERFECT S0/ifK ti®WNISM .PAMIbY' 1RF- prtiti llstte WlmluiA WIIkto Mfu., Atltiiu, CJa. VlirttbTi, W. A. IIKMJUIWIX, HIM, nan it it 1IJ1VU. We bars purrbaMd An Aiitoniuttc Klee Uniter, Rico n ban ;.-W- v:. PAWnmMti