The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 26, 1892, Image 3

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E GAZETTE : .TIFTON, G AEli IDA V, FEE HE ARY 2(5, 1892. •—— 1 : —-—■——-■ — :—— - - mmim mm D GOING HE ROUNDS-OF THE GEORGIA PRESS. Fnnnim nnrt Nexm Item,' LniMinlcalljr 'alrd—Smmjthlnenf Intcic-t to liverj (Initrltu Iteiuler. iii Norway must bo able to «Tbread before sho' can have a beau. tsr- BUCK-DBAUOHT lea cum Conatlpatlun. Tlie tusks of an ordinary elephant weigh about a hundred and twenty pounds. It was the reporter who attended an execution that went out with the tied. JtgyWINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. A Now York woman boasts of having a two hundred dollar prayer- book. McELREE'SWINt OF CARDUI for Weak Neivea. Some men imagino that ' their wrongs mature immediately after wedding rites. Try BLACK-DRAUaHT lea .'or Dyipcpala. ' Many a boy has had avftuit train of thought spoiled by striking an open switch. If Atlanta is to nominate a candi date for president, what’s the use of having a convention.—Boston World, filcBftt’a WINE OF CARDUI lor female di«ea«ca There is a man doW i southwest Georgia who wants Tpui Watson for president. Well, this do settle it, a—wire enough.—Darien Gazette. ‘ The farm rs and tlie inhahitants of Cities are bv. lining more closely at tached to each other, and are becom- ing thoroughly convinced that the interests of one are- tlie interests of the other Athens Banner. Ignorance of the merits of DoWItt’j tittle Early Risers is a misfortune. Those Little Pills regulate the liver,cure headache, dyspepsia, bad breath, consti pation and biliousness. J. C. Goodman. There is one thing absolutely cer tain! Farmers must plant less cot ton, intensify the fanning system and more closely study tlie diversification of crops bofure they can ever amelio rate their present condition.—Talbot- ton New Era. Arc the Democrats obliged to have Now York to succeed? Will not a pure Democrat in New York vote for iui Iowa or Georgia. Democrat? If fie will not he is no Democrat, -i but.,.a mugwump.—Crawfordville J lemocrat. Georgia farmera should not,-forget flint -with plenty of hog and hominy they will he independent. Our farm ers should remove their smokehouses from Chicago into their baek yards mid their cons cribs from the west to their iots.p-Doiiglas Breeze. Wlio'^tj’s the traveling expenses of Umissiry Post in his assistant republicsn tour of Georgia? Does he bate Democratic supremacy m Georgia badly enough to givo all of llis time and pay bis own expenses in the effort to break it down?- Swailisboro l’iuo Forest. Tho Independent is not partial in reference to a Democratic candidate for president. Believing that tlie salvation of tlie party is not depend ent upon any one man, we patiently wnit until the nominating convcn *** »- -(Jrttrdoes its work before espousing tlie cause of any one.—Lumpkin In dependent. If yo i have no appetite and feel out of sorts, just get a liOc bottle of Simmons Relief and you will be well and hsppj again. Now try It. For sale by hr. J. C Goodman, Tifton, Ga. Vienna is destined to bo a metrop, " olis. This is unmistakable. With a large agricultural territory to supply, two of the largest schools in the sec tion, a four story ' hotel, tobacco market and Commercial College, all together, mill give you but a faint, idea of Vienna's vast resources and advantages.—Vienna Progress. AVhy don't you try Klmmon« Relief whoft your liver stops acting ' ft makes you feel like a new 00c. F'omalohy Dr, J. C. Tifton, Ga. m ing. Only Goodman, The farmers of this country are engaged in ban'ing guano to their farms. They may not nse these fer tilisers ns extensively as before, but a great deal is being used in this county. This is a bad business, and prosperity will come only to the manufacturers of the article. Guano and cotton will min the South.— *7 "Jonesboro News. McElree’s Wine of Cardut and THEOFOROS BLACK-DRAUGHT are *• tale by the following merchants in Rerrino CWlftfcVJ J. fc Goodman. Tlflau. Parti(2 ft W.pif «. A fa I. M,*y. McFHBau, ABaariuu ! CGv, *» W: ft. Fntch ft C*h, Kanirmiab dJswRx*. i - 'j ■ ■ Tobneco Tulle. , Tlie first move in tobacco plant ing to obtain tlie best results, is to select a variety aiiijcd to' the soil where the crop is to bo grown and for tlie class of tobacco for which the soil is best adapted. All classes of tobacco are cultivated mainly alike, but require different methods of cure and management. The class that offers the greatest inducement to produce Is wrappers, fillers and cutters. It- is not good policy to plant large crops until it'has been fully domonstratod what the i .inabil ities of the soil and climate are, in tlie direction of tobacco planting. A small acreage raised along with a general crop isji splendid idea, llowto Cure Pear Blight. A correspondent of the Monticello Constitution gives the following ad vice to pear growers who are troubled with blight: “Tho dead limbs should be out off as soon as possible and burned. This can best be dono with a step ladder and a small saw. As soon as tho gap is fairly risen tlie larger limbs should-be thoroughly mopped with strong lye dripped from hardwood ashes. This should be repeated two or three times during tho summer months. The rough or scaly hark should bo well mopped, allowing the lye to run down to tho roots. This serves the double purpose of destroy ing the insects and of fertilizing the tree. Concentrated lyo may bo sub stituted, but care must be token not to have tlie solution too strong." Necessity. Necessity is an arbitrary nnd cruel master. It docs not regard statute law or common law or moral law. ft regmds no JaW of good fellowship or good, feeling. It nags and pinches mid harries the dwellers of Loaferdom even in their dreams. And in this year of grace and oppor tunity Necessity raises hor gaunt nnd threatening finger and points the way to—work. That is tlie dis pensation under which all of us p.ust live during the current year of great possibilities. And after all, work is not hard when a fellow gets ijse to it It is a great, saving of wear and iear to conscience. It keeps a fel- tow out of mischief. It is a posi tive aid to virtuous living. No loafer can inherit eternal life. The goods-box brigade goes, solidly, to tlie devil. There couldn’t possibly be nny use in heaven for a fellow who would lie too lazy to keep ins harp in tune.—Exchange. Cough Following tire Grip. Mnny persons, who have recovered from la grippe, are now troubled with a persistent cough. -Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will promptly loosen this cough and relieve tlie lungs, effecting a perma nent cure in A vc short lima. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by tlie Tifton Drug Store, and Peters & Ikdotc, Cecil. Against Gambling in Futures. In the afternoon of the last day’s session of the Steto Agricultural So ciety,last week, Mr. 0, A. Barry in troduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Whcrens, there are now pending before Congress several bills, the ob ject of which is to suppress tlie deal ing in future contract* of agricultural products; and Whorcas, such a business is detri- mental to tlie agricultural interests of tlie entire country and corrupting to the morals of our people ( therefore, be i» . iresolved, That tho Georgia Ag ricultural Society in convention *t , semblcd, do hereby earnestly re- quest our members in congress to use overy effort to pans such a bill as wilt most effectually suppress such a business, and that the secretary of this society be requested to furnish an official copy of tills resolution to the representatives and senators in Georgia. La Grippe. No healthy poroou need feir any dan gerous consequence!, from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It Is much the same ns a severe coid and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as directed for a sercre cold and * prompt and complete recov ery is sure to follow. Tills remedy also counteracts »ny tendency of la grippe io result in pneumonia. Among tlie rnauy thousand* who have used it daring the epidemic* of she past two years vre have yet to Je»r» of » single case (hat i>« not recovered or tha! 11.0* resulted in pneu monia. iZ and JO ceut, bottles for nalc by the Tlfnrn Drug Store,; and Petenr A lie)ole, Cecil. '■■mkfmmmaOm Order to Perfect Service. UKomilA—IliumiKN Corvrv. ( Ai.ten Thompson,)*l for IMvproo In Her- „ J rien Superior fHmrt. Ba* Thomson. J Oonrtier Turn, W»l. !t appearing to the Court by tho return of tho Shorin', In tho above staled cam*, that tho de- fMmttnt duo* not rusiUa m raid county: amt It further appearing that he Ones not reside In a*M States It Lrf therefore ordered by the Court, tb.u. *er*lc* lm perfected -a tho defendant by tho publication of Uitaontor once a month for four month* before tho next terui of tlii#Court* in the lltttiK Gaxkttk, a newspaper published In Bor- riun county, Georgia. FnnPViw ft Poiztioner# Attortwj? nut toil: Aio. U. Haxhki.l, 8. C,'6. CV A true extract from tho minutes of Itvrrien KuKrior Court, OcUi'ocr Term, tWH. (i. W. MOOHB, Clerk. TJiis November 4th, uoi. Order to Perfect Service. GKOnOIA—llKUMKN Dll’NTY. W.J.Connell,) l.lliel for IHvoroo L Iter- C». } rien 8n*wrior Court, ININACoNNF.Ll.. ) OcfoW tVnil, l«»l. It «m>cnrlnjj to the Court by tl. ? return of tlw Sheriff, in tho above staunl earn), that tbohefcml- ant docs not reside In Raid county; and ft further apiiearlni!; that he does not reside in wild State: It is therefore ordered b> tho Court that service be jicifectcdon the dofeiuUoit by the publication of (hi-', order once a month, for four mouths be fore tho next term of this Court, in the Tifton ClAzirrrK, a newspaper published lu llcrrion county, fieorjilu. 1‘r.r.i’LEA ft Il'TCH, petitioner’s Attorney*, (•muted: A to II. Iiankeli,, Judjie 8. (.’. 8. V. A true extract from tho minutes of llorrlen Superior Cour*, October term. . u. w. AIoobr, Clerk. This Xovemlier 2nd, 1801. Order to Perfect Service. CJEOttOIA—Hkgiuf.n Cou.<ty. W. Ijr Stone. ) Llliel for Divorce in Horrlcn vs. } Sui»erior Court. Lopiha Stone.) Octobor Thrtn, 18U1, It atipcnrlni; to the Court by the mtum of the Sherlll, in tlie rImivo stated case, tGi»t tlie defend ant doeanot reside in said county; nnd Jt Inr- ther npiienrinu that he docs not i^ide lu said State: U is therefore ordered by the Court, that service be perfofltod on the defendant hy the publication of this order once a month, for four months, iiefore tho next term of this Court. Iii the Tifton O-umn, a nc’X'spkpor punched in Berrien couuty, (leorcla. ft Hn'oii, 1 M. W*. GENERAL ■|MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation Jo tire People of tlie Town ami the Surrounding Country to Pay llim n Visit at His New ami Elegant Store. Hie Specialties will be— IjOCJ Taking ell 1 Tim* Jwumry t.ou ; , r , yitssentyepTrftlti»r- . i STATIONS. ■. No. 4. l.v AUiauy. •• Dili I# 130 AUI " g3j|sp Sm - " Sumner....*.., Ar Tifton -Vo. 2. 4 4 32 6(«wu 5 lu am 600 CROCKERY HARDWARE Ly Tifton liruokflcld. “ Kinjciua “ Alapuliu... WniReuoci “ Bray's 63 27 »ui Tliere is no House in Town having such a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock of Goods. Ife carries nearly evnrytiling which conntltuto a ipmerAl stock of Dry floods, Notions, Heavy Groceries, etc. His stock Is all fresh ami a vtalt to hid store will bo mutcMly txnictlcial to pur chaser mid sc Iter. Send to Uuu for any and everything you tbxut Mitclieil W. Graskins, TIFTO oST, GEORGIA. Wes ton la.. Kirkland.. I'cnrson... McDonald...;. . MUlwood 1 Wairaboro... At Way-cross I.V VTaycnxui...., ** 8oh1»tterv!1le liolNiken Kaliunhu l.ulaton Atkinson WuynesviHe... *4 OB am 6 00 am No; 10. 5 IA pm 10 6ii ant fn n& pm' 11 17 am fr» V> pm! 11 27 am Id U2 pm 11 4N am fa 12 pm' 12 oo m 10 20 put' 12 os pm ,10 26 pm U l r f |>m Jamaica fr» 44 pm 12 35 pm rylca* Marsh., fo »pm fl2 4apm Ar Brunswick I 7 15 pm l 10 piu PaHscn^er Trains—Svest. STATIONS. 'a Attorneys^ . l'jtKl’l.KS Granted: Atm. It. llsiNKKr.L, Judjfo 8. C, A trim extract from the mtuuto* of Berrien Huperlor Court, (KiUdior tonn^ttu. (i, w. Moouis, Clerk, Tills Novemlmr 4th, lftil. . . Rule to Perfect Service. OliOllOIA—Bbuhikn C'ol'NTV. C. 8. Colds, ) IjIlKji for Divorce 111 jlerrlen icrior Court, letober Term, 1891. vs. MAur Cons. ,l‘ It uppeurinK to the Court by Uoj return of tho Hhurlif, in tho above stated case, that tho defend ant does not reside In said county; and it further npiiearinj. 1 ; that he doen not reside in said State: It Is therefore ordered by tl»o Court that service bu perfected on tlie defendant by thopuhlleutlnu of this order once n month, for four months Ik.*- fore tho next term of Utlfif'Ourt, in UtoT»non UAXurcK, a newspaper published in Berrien county, Georula. 1‘kki'i.ks ft Hrr(’B. l*otlM(mcr’* Attorneys, Granted; Ami. H. Hannki.l, Jud|{e 8. C.B.G. A trim extract from the U)iimtos of Berrien Sujicrkir Court, October term. 18'Jl. O. \V. Mmone, Clock. This Novcmher 2nd, 1891. Berrien County Tax Sales For March. GKOUGLA—Bkkrikx Cocntv. Will Ix? sold tieforo the court house door In the town of Nashville, said state and county, In>- twoc.n the lejral hours of snip on tlm first Tuesday In March next,the followiii# property, to-vrlt: One house umt lot In the town or Adel, bound ed by lands of B. M. Devuno, Mrs, |). G. llulch- son. Fourth street rml t, K. l'ceples. I /avled on as tue property of y Uar|>orby virtuo of n II. fa. issued by tlvc ttu crfdlvetion for his shit:; and county tax fort'ie year !Mi|, Also, at tbc same time aitdiiliuie, ono store liouse nnd lot in the town of Adel, bounded by lands of L. M. Kennon on tho north, 11, K. Mlley 011 tlm cast. Fatten on the snutli nnd Bail road street on tlm went. lasvled on as tho properly of NusmImuiiu ft Co, by virtue of a rt. fa., Issued hy the tax collector (or their state ami county tax for tho vear JHJU. Also, at tlm same time and place, ono-lmlf in terest in four acres of land local ,d near the cen ter of lot numlKtr 67, In the ninth district of Ifcrrioti county, liuv'iic a nmimlssary house, stock lot and south end of mill house on same, mid iHiundedon tlm west by Georuta 8011 them and Florida railroad. levied on um tho property of J. B. Dopson Iiv virtue of a tl. fa. Hsued by tlm tax collector for tit * state and county tuxes for tho year 1891. Also, at the same timo nnd iiln *c, two shares of stock In tlm Adel Brick Wamhonso conipatiy and lirich warehoimo In tlm town of Adel, Gc«r- aia. Irnyled nu as the proimrty of ,1. J. Farrish, hy virtue of a tl. fn. Issued hy tho tax Vo Hector for his state and umuity tax for Um year IBM. Also, at tlm same time and place, one hundred nnd forty acres .if land, more or less, of lot nttiu- Imr 834, In tlm ninth district of said county, bounded on the north and east by a creek, south by a dividing line and wwt by original line, levied on as the proimrly of T. F. Liles by vlr* tun of » II. In. Issued by tlm tax collector for Ills state and county tax for Um year JrtH." Also, at the same time nnd place, one house and lot In Um town of Bparks, lxmiulod tho north by an alley, cast by lands of ,J.Ingram south by Main street and went by street.. J«ovle<l on as Ute projHiyty of J. A. Clark by virtue of a II. fa, Issued by tlm tax collector for fils b state and by of J. A. Clark _ „ taxeoltecfor for county tax for the year IBM. Also, ut tho same time and place, a house and lot In the Uiwn of Hparks, Imnm’cd mi the north by lands of .1.4, Hlncath, cast by hinds of 4. I,. Ingram, south by Main street, west by lauds of If. L. Farrish. Levied on as tlm property of 4. F, Furrlsh, awnit for H. Wuxelbaum ft Son and A. Qlldan ft Co. by virtue of u 11. fo. issued by tlm tux colleotor for Ids state aud comity tax for tho year IBM. The abov„ levies made and rcturr.vd to us by G. B. Scott, lawful countable, this February ad, 18U3. 1> W. Tjsox, Sheriff ik C. 4. II. Mct.’HAMK, Deputy KJmrlff. Citation. hbowiia—uzhcik* tvwxrv. To nil whom it nay concern: W, K, lAitnb Iihr applied to the undersigned, In duo form, for let ters of admlntsHratloii on the estate of W. M. Gri/hB f iAUt of said county, deceased; and I will pass upon the raum at my ofllce In Nashville on the lint Monday in March next. Given undr mvVand and official signature, this FcliritArt W(W. f. M. SMITH, (inlinnry. Citation. uKOiuilA—Damn, To all whom it may oontwn; H, Whitehurst has applied to tlm iindervlunud, In due form, for leave hi sell the lands Imloiiulug to tlm estate of sldee and I _ Nashville on tlm „ ild comity, deceased, iniss uiHin too sume at my ofllre in first Monday In March next, LconF. McKinney, la to of tile o— Given timler my In 1802. February 1st, t hand and olllcinl signature, this F. M. Smith, Ordinary. Citation. ikn Cwni. all whom It may ixmeern t Levi Sapp, ad- ** “ • late of anld county, vmderslKrmd, In dun ut» ft nut aald admin nd I will iwmv u|Hm the same at m; GKGRGIA-BKimir.N Copntv, To all whom It may ooficeri mlnUtrator of II. N. Sapp, late of Mild county, deoMeed. baa applied to the v 4 *" form, for letteta of dbmbdon from said admin- ktraUon, and I will jumv ii|Nm the tame at my NftafaWlji on the ffrat UmtUy_ inMn} ttmtion, offic* fa ..HMISMHPiHHIi next, Given under my hand and oftlclal siitna- tnro, this Jktniaty 4, vm. ' V. M. SMITH, Ordinary. Citation. OKOUGfA-Realm!* Coi'NTV. To all whom it niay concerns 8.F, Guthrie ami Moses (L Hztton, adinfoistrahiraof times- Ute of (4. 4, Suitor,, late «f said county, do- ceased, have applied to tlx undendanerd, In duo form, for letters of <Unnbn.inn fnsn said admin- la trot Ion. and I will post upon their amdlcathm at my ratioc In KaebvlUe on the first Monday it May ivxt. Given nnner my band and olHclal tbKtwtute, tills January 4,1W2. V.«. HM1TII, On'lMty- TIFTON DRUG STORE Nkki'h a Fiji.r, Spm.v op- TOILET ANI) FANCY ARTICLES, Fine PorTumery, Seliool Books and Stationary. Lamps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. Tho most select slock of Tobaccos and t’lgars in tho city. My customers con lio served with gooil Havana cigars. I call special attention to’l’rnf. Dexter's Cnturrli Cure, IVtnglc Diilin. Kidney mill Giver Cure, I.tttig ltentoror, Mesmeric Dlond ClemiHei mid ltlicunuttlc Cure, They are proprietary medicines tlmt sre recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. ,gjT FliKSflEST and BEST CAUDEN SEEDS, nil the year round Cull and sec mo. Tifton, Git., April !!2, 1801. J. C. GOODMAN. Ev Bnuuwitk. .T" '• J’yJoa* Jfajwh.. u .lamnfca ,• WnjnwvUlC... •• Atkinson *» Luhiton ....... “ Nahunta •• HoNikan “ tudiluttarvillc. Ar Wuycrt Lv WaycroKS.. ^, “ Wnreslmro... MUDvimnI McDonald Pearson Kirkland Wcato.da um Milo Pita... Gray'# WilU'nocliQo. Alnpalw Knlcma ...... Brooktlold.... Ar TifUm No. 1, *"f SHim f7 to am K W am 8 22 am ' 8 30 hui 8 57 aui 8 48 aui I) 09 am 0 19 kill 9 40 utn 10 M km 11 foam 11 4d mu U 57 am 12 18 pm 12 27 pm 12 85 pm 12 43 |.|I1 13 47 pm 12 51 pm 1 13 pin I 37 put 1 40 piu 2 95 pm 5 3 26 pm 2 60 pin 3 07 pm 3 10 pm 3 23 pm 5 37 pm 3 62 pm 4 20 pin' No. 9. j •No. IK, “Too pin mSTam (2 29 pm, f4 15 am 12 31pm 4 33 am ft 49 pm! 5 30 am ft 66 pm * faw pm f;» 13 pm f3 51 piu 13 40l»m 4 00 pin No. I, 10 35 pm 11 33 pm U 15 am 12 W am s=wr 2 loam Lv Tifton... “ Suiunor. “ I'oulun “ DaUdla WHliiiKluun., “ 1 tat la Ar Albany “TTO attttion. " f stop on signal. ’ • Dally, except Sunday. ’'Cmtncolu nt Alluvny with < 'entrsrVaJlroailTtf Gmiruia, Colmuhun Southern railway, and Savam tli, Florida and Western railway. Connect# at Wayorn## with Savannah, Florida and Western railway. 4ack#onvillo and St. Loot# lhiltniau aliwplug car upon train# Non. 3 and,4. C. )>. OWKSM J. A. Mcin-n iK, Traftlc Mutineer. G-1\ A« F. W. ANmr.n, A. G. F, A. , ! II AIL ROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE. Sohedule In Effsot January 9,1893. BIGr BA-RCIAlINS -IN- DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. I carry a full lino of Dry-C5oodH, ami .t-m HGlling "Winter Goods a,way Below Cost to make room for a splendid Summer Stock. uoi no aopTii, Ito. 1, "7 S’o.3, West l idla Kxpre## . fast Mall.} Mall. U-OO ti. ui.f8^6"p. in. \aam Mainiu “ t'onlelts..,. '• Tifton “ Yftldtmta... " •• l2iV«> City.. *• llumptmi.. Arrfto Fnlntkc,.. .JW.. .. ;vr - . *Nu.l leave# Mm roll ifkrVrmal uTicumSg morning train# on Central. Kouthwj#«n», Gcor- uiu, Ham TirniimuMN.*, Ylrniiiiiv mid Georgia and \ slairon and Birmingham r.illniad#. ' No. .1 leave# Maoon aflvr tirrik#! of lacomli— uftornoon irniUH on the Central, SmiUiwcAtei Maeon ami Northern an l tiemwta railroaila, rorwevtn fti lUlatka h». Aur.wiin# am idntn In Hnat and South I'lorlda, and with t .bo St. John# and o< t L'w.iha liter #tcamer«. tioiMi Nbirrit. Went India Fast Mail. 6:45 0 :M 8.-00 9#W Vri,‘,V£j.—- ;iC ;\3 "SoTi,- StT4~ m “ W L ave Falatka....... •• Hampton... '• iJiko City... — ^WVr... Valuer llfton fordole — Arrive 51aoo;i ' 4iW •* I No. ftenvifT iSOatTfa a ftefarrival firt iPtaS UIUI . c/tcrnoon laomi tuid dla mail from Tamj a and connect* Av Macon all outgoing t/ternoon train* on Northern, with all outgoing 8«>uUiwestern, M, r on Ontralf MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT Is fully stocked with tho best goods. TIKTON, GA., August 87, 1801. The Singer Manufacturing Company, THE SEWING XAOBINX XANWA0TUBZB8 0T THE WOELD. With a Record of 9,000,000 Made and Sold. Now offer three entirely ilifforeut New Eumily Sowing Machines— Ouciu.AToit, Vimu roii axii AUTOMATIC (single tlirowl). Citation. MKOKGIA—Iffigntitx Cnu.vrr. * . To all whom it mz.y cowsei o t 4o#hua JernJgsin nuke# application to the nn«ler*1gneri In pi» 4 vr form for |n<n>MU#nt lottrra of a»lir.inf»trat hm mi tlMMitaui of Aaron -VamlgMi. lat« of «aid c*nmty, «lecn»w?d f and 1 will jom upon hK said aimlienrion at i?iy m Ns»h I1K? oh tlm ffntt Mor«<lay l.» Mare.h next. Glrc* under trry hand and oflt- clal lilgiuLire, till* 4'annai7 25, F, M. HMtTic, Grill nary* n'mffiiBBHigH lter«’8 a Bnrga'n for Some iiUa. A *|*lendld form nf lb« wren, thrm ;nlln« wnufi of Hrookfo M. twarest #t#,tlun on rim BtnW»- tvkk ant* WoiUsm raltorad. TUmre are thirty n*:»t'ji fo culthratkin; iwarlnr i»ear !«.#•*; t tnod. water -juid buproremcMU, Tkia farm van m bad at a aacriikre <f xi5»l lit m-xt rtx«y Ajijdy fn M. A. Mvh IGN, Hen! -U’mt. B* Vtl , - I11 elegmit, convenient «n<t lirtlstie cabinet- work, witli now ymleiiteil Btond and all the latest atlaolnnentii and modem iinprovementA W. H. C. OLIVER, TIFTON, GEORGIA, Agent for Borriori, Colquitt, Worth and Irwin COUNTIES. All orders for macMnes, attaeiimenls and keedlea will feeeive prompt and eHieivut aUeuliou. Address all orclers to A . II. CL OI,IVKR, A gent, TVni.v, lU:ijm«K C’uu»TV,-flvtiwtu 1 fill to Ii low. Kant Tomu»wo, Vlralnla and Geuraii aud Mamt nud lltrmlirgham rullnutd*. No, 4 Ioavm Falatka after arrival of from Ht. AngunUne nnd i-obita in F^atand H TT TTTTT • . -5 -. i— • J - J- JL • • WB... v-T-.-v:. Florida ami voumcia at Maeon with all nutsi morning train# on Contnd. Soutlia'cate^n, Martin ami Northern, Georgia, and Hast Twine#*ee, Vlr- , giiii? ami Georgia nffma*la. Voaoretlou Inr iratitubHl train liutwran AtUnta and W arid un ion, 11. e. .- All train# arrive amt depart from union deuota at Maeon ami Falatka. k I’lepmt Hlrepliig raw will l j run on twimiNo^ 3 ami No. 4. For further Information apply to agentn at junction iMiints or to 1.. J. ICAhum. u C. CANOVA Ticket Agent, Maeon. Tl'kc*. Agent, “ 11- IIC11N8, 4A.8. MKNZU Trav. Fiu*. AgL^Mucon. ^ Gril l Agt, Schedule lu Effoct January 3* 1333* lteaiV liuwn. 5:43 a. m. Lv Macon Ar. Machines, Station#, Sofkte.. !4»lla •' «... Montpelier.... “ Cttllmleii “ ‘‘...Yate#vllte.....“ «...TUouuurton„.“ «...U»rrki •» b....Montit\UW....‘ t Ar. .!.« Gran20...Lv, a -V) 7:33 7:55 3:45 •• " S:H» •• “ W J2. " “ 11:30" " li'.-OJ J*. 131. 12 30 •' 1 KW r0 " 1.-25" " JM* CtuinorUon in Union' G. 8. & F. It S. for ' lutka, St. Aug 11 H. ;->r HjnraahAn, Mllle^cvl . W. It. It. for Aturriowh AHany awl ft N. K. It. for Ma»U*t*o, At%«w*A imlnw heynodi' Georgia Kibwta! MlUftlgrvliU- and Aiifroata, amt ; yum*. At Vateavtn# with A, ft V. ii«n# on that line, and i*t La r W. F. K. It. for Montgumwj w tcruwHlUte oiatUm*. For furthur information L.J.KARItlB, SnSwl Agt , Maom. Ticket