The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 04, 1892, Image 1

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HK^EfflE2^^v.^.v;V:* -j ;•-.>: ;■ * SIS PKR ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1892. LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. tin examination and election of a county school commissioner will take place at Nashville on next Thursday, March 10th. Pavement Panminplia Picked 1’p anil Pea~ •Irely Pemied—All Pertaining to Pennine and Things. Bright people ognize a uood thing and buy it. Wo sell lot8 of people the Mule Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make ~. Goodman. " Read J.'D. Putterson’s stray mule notice in another column. Don’t forget Contractor Hind when you have building to do. Misses Alice Smith and' India Hodge, of Ashburn, visited relatives in Tifton last week. Contractor J. C. Hind will build you at lowest figures. Several new sheriff's sale adver tisements will be found in this paper to-day. Peruse them. Baker’s Bread, fresh every Satur day at Mrs. A. B. Graves’, Pitts building. Hon. Silus Tygarfc, living one mile north of Nusliville, has a field of the finest young oats we have seen this spring. '’"'Contractor Hind has a lurgequan tity of first-class lime for sale. Give him a call when in need of lime. Oupt, Sim Harrell, of Mogul, has a well displayed mercantile adver tisement in this paper, lteud what lie has to say. Ripe, rosy, sweet breathed spring is coming. Padrick Bros’, spring goods are coming and they are selling at wonderfully low prices for room Tobacco planters will find at the Store of Capt. H. H. Tift a supply of suitable c|oth to make plunt cov cringe during this cold weather? Mr. M. W. Gaskins is having the lumber placed on the g will ml for u fancy little store budding on the northwest corner of toe lot on which his pneent store is located. “Boss l’se ’fraid to tell how cheap I got dose galluses. Might V-st me. dill’s de Lord’s trufe, ho, Inif” lie re marked as lie left Pudtgck Bros’, store. Contractor Slack wjm build three elegant 4-room oc ttogos on the lots where the Sexton /cottages were re cently burned. The materials ure already being placed on the ground. There are many evidences of progress in material tliiugs through out Berrien county. We huve noted them, os we have traveled about the county, witli feelings of gratification. Winter is over for iis but not for U. Wei sol goods very !o to make room for the spring Btook we wil re ceive about the 15th. Paduick linos.' Mr. W, B. Bradford, the newly elected county treasurer, was circu lating among his friends at NobIi ville lust Tuesday, and/ smiling ns blandly as a fond father over the ar rival of his first boro, j ('apt. II. H. Tift hub closed a con tract with McssriHJy & Iliunbley of Providence, K. J./to bore an ar tesian weli. Tills well will be at an ' other location and will have no con nection with the old one. When'S thing looks like gold ami is too cheap to be gold it is either brass or a mistake. Our oiTcrings ure not brassy but may be mistakes- pADRtCK BllOS. Mr. Gns Allbrilton lias a splendid new residence nearly completed at Nashville. Dame Rumor says he bos bargained with a charming young Duly to take his name and fortune, and to keep the lipuse for him. The progress of Tifton Institute is still , upward and ouward, ami Prof. Mnrphey is greatly encouraged relative to it* degree of success. The regular attendance of pupils now is 90, and will be more than 100 very soon; you so. J. C. The county cominissioncm^let to Messrs. E. D. MorriB uniLK K. Tur ner the contract jo the county windmill wliich/j« to pump water into the- county Jail reservoir. They have about completed the work, and the mill was set in motion Tucsduy morning, and works like a charm. Wo truly bellovo Do Witt’s Little Ear- Risers are the most natural, most el ective, most prompt ami economical pill for biliousness, indigestion and inactive liver. J. C. Goodman. Oupt. J. I. Clements was in Tifton last.Sunday shaking hands with his many friends, lie is now a citizen of Macon, having accepted a position with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad us a stock claim agent for the Macon and Brunswick division, lie resides at 607 Georgia avenue. are the quickest to Tee thing and buy it. It fa a truth In medicine that the small- eat dose that performs the cure is ilie liesl. Re Witt's Liitle Early Kisers are tlie smallest pills, will perforin tho euro and arc the best. .). Goodman. Tifton was honored the first ofthe week by a visit from the accomplished Miss Sutton, who is engaged by tiie Brunswick and Westesn/ailway and the Brunswick Ti mes ly write up the country on the lintrof the railroad between Brnnswictynud Albany. She fell iii love with Tifton. Noting the enthusiasm with which the people lmve taken to tobacco culture she ex pressed a fear that there will be un over-production. She evidently doesn’t know liow universal tlm use of the weed bus become. It is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good, sound health one must Imvc pure, rich aud abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route lliun by a course of De Wilt’s Sarsaparilla. J. 0. Goodman. THE IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF H. C. OVERSTREET AT SUMNER LAST SUNDAY. ObKorvnl by flu* Mmhiik of iNuhfUit, Tifton, AlnptiUii rtml Wlllumooliop— A De port of the Day's OoIiik*. lift*. Little Bennie Harrison to turn the democratic Alter several unsucccssfip ho has succeeded in ohoy official bead of Postmaster co uues Is out. attempts ug oil the James II. Kirby, of Alupnjia, khd installing in his eteud a verdant/country disciple of his—MaultricyUall by name, from Lowndes county. The Gazette Inis the utmost contempt for a man who will become a turncout for the sake of a petty office. Moultrie Hull 1ms sold “his birthright for a mess of pottage” that will bring him a rich icward of bitter exjierience. “Late to lied and and early to rise will shorten tin: road to your home ill the skies." Hut early to bed and a "Little Early Riser," tlie pill that makes life longer and boiler and wiser. J. C. Good man. The 18th day of -May has been se lected by the state executive commit tee us the time und Atlanta the place for holding the State convention to select delegates to represent Georgia in tlie National convention ut Chica go to nominate candidates for presi dent and vice-president. This will necessitate tlie holding of tlie county conventions much earlier than has been ciislomary. Chairman I’ceples, of the Berrien county executive com iiiiltce, lias intimated his intention of calling his committee together at once to arrange for the county con vention. Last Sunday at Sumner, under the direction of Tifton Lodge, No.^7, F. &. A. M., wiis the funeral service ill memory of a deceased member, Henry ('. Overstreet, whose death' was reported in these columns some time since. For the accommodation of the Masonic fraternities at Wilhicoochee, Alupuha and Tifton, und others wli wish to attend, the management the Brunswick and Western r kindly run a special funeral from Willoeooehee to Sumner return. Just here, we desire press the thunks of the people road for its kindness, whose Allleials have ul ways shown 4 jenerons dispo sition to oblige, as far us they could, the people living along the line. The funeral train, Louring about two hundred and fifty souls, arrived at Sumner at 10:3d a. m. Conductor John Pearson was in charge and won tho admiration of ul! by his uniform courtesy. After reaching Sumner the mystic brotherhood met in the Alford Hall, clothed themselves with the regalia of the order, formed in a column of twos and inarched to the Methodist church, where a special funeral ser mon was delivered by Rev. Jason Shirali. There was u great, concourse of people in attendance, tho little ohurch was crowded to its utmost Capacity and more than half of the people had to disperse themselves to tho public und private houses in the vil lage in order to make themselves comfortable, owing to the inclemen cy of the weather. The services ut tho church was concluded ut twelve o'clock. Then the Masonic fraternity again formed and begun the march to the cemetery, followed by an immense throng of people. Tlie cemetery is located just be yond the southern town limits, half a mile from the church, and only a few minutes were occupied in reach ing it. In the procession there was not lessllmu one hundred Masons. At the cemetery tho irnternily formed a hollow circle around the grave and invited the immediate rel atives to take position ut Uie foot of (lie grave. Capt. J. W. Overstreet and wife, the aged father und moth er of tin' deceased, followed by their children—including their sons-in- law uud danglitcrs-in-law—accepted the invitation. The sons-in-law present were Messrs. A. II. HJl'tw, N. W. Horne, II. II. Parker und Clem ents. Then was performed the beautiful funeral ceremony found in the Ma sonic ritual, the officers of Tifton Lodge officiating. It was a most im pressive servin' throughout. And when the last sad requiem Imd been sung und the lost solemn rite performed which consigned the mortal remains of Henry C. Over- street to the grave, until the dawning of the general resurreciion morn, tlie announcement was made that a with feelings of solemn pride. In tlie burial service of their former citizen, whose manly traits of char acter hud won their highest admira tion, they have the sweet conscious ness of having “done what they could.” MASONIC RESOLUTIONS. At a called meeting of Tifton Lodge, No. 27, F. & A. M., held on the evening of February 29th, 1892, the following resolutions wore unan imously adopted and forwarded to the 0AZ.BTTR, witli the request that they be published: Rrsoi.vkb, That this lodge, liy a unanimous vote of the same, do here- tendyr our thanks and apprecia tin' officials of the Brunswick I’estern railroad for their kind- mid courtesy in letting us have train on which wo want to the uncrul of our deceased brother, Henry (’. Overstreet on February 28th, 1892. To conductor John Pearson, we tender our thanks for courtesies shown tho body'by his polite atten tion. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND IJnloli «f Nimvm from NidgliliorluK ('miniIt** Deemed of Special Intrr«**t to UiuHto llpiulmt, We saw a young lady exercising her leap year privileges lust Sunday afternoon. She escorted one of our boys home and asked I lie bashful young fellow’s father to grant them a marriage document Douglass Breeze. Early Kisers, Early Kisers, Early Kisers, tlie famous little pills for consti pation, alck headache, dyspepsia and nervousness. ,1. t.’. Goodman. Offers nmsirtnnhfes never liefnre ttarpasspil, If ul, for tlio Instruction amt entertainment The Wurcshoro Union is now till home print mid decidedly tlie beet piijior published in Ware county. The Gazette commends the Union for not attempting to serve two mas ters. hut takes democracy us its po litical faith. If dull, spiritless aud stupid; if your 'lick and sluggish; if your appe- To tlie good people of Sunnier, the ladies especially, we lender our thanks for their unexjiecteil though highly appreciated feast, ami for courtesies generally shown us. We were shown kindness and good will on every side, und nolo Him from whom all that is good comes wc tender a heartfelt prayer for all. K. E. Youmans, Sec'y. INCIDENTS OR THE IIAY. A bevy of Tifton young ladies were chatting gaily when one was heard lo say: “Oh, yes, we have our l/iro along; couldn't do without him on such occasions! He is very quiet, doesn’t talk much—where he cun he hoard—but is always on hand at the proper time.” A wag, from down the road, ex pressed this thoughtful distinction relative to a prevailing disease: “A man with,a million of wealth has la grippe, tile man with a few I lion- sands lias simple grip, the man with only a hundred or two Ims a coimnoir Imd cold, and flic dead pear mail Ims nothing ul nil.” blood Ih tlii tho in mpridouH and unrurtnin, you nead a Httr*upnrilln. For bo»l results' lake Do Witt’s. J. C. Goodman. The hourly grown daughter o f a Mr. Hogiins, who lives just over tho Alupnlm river in Irwin county, was burned to death on Monday, l'Vbru- jtiry22d. It is tho name old story; her clothing took flro and frightened her out of her wits, und there was no one near with snUicionb presence of mind to save her from a horrible death, BticlilcnN Arnica Salve. Tiik Bkht Balvk in the world for Guts, HrulneM, Bourn, I'lcera, Sail liiieiim, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skin tiruptiona, and positively euros Files or no pay re* t|Hired, ll is guaranteed to give perfect saiittfaction, or money refunded, l’rice ‘Jfi eenlH per box. For sale by Felerson iV Faulk. *?.H1TF.. One loose Friday Doservhitf I’rulKts Wo deni re to say lo our clti/.ena, tlm for years wo Imvo been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr King’s Now Isifo Fills, ifucklen’s Arnica Salvo and Electric Bit tors, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or tlmt, Imvo given such universal satisfac lion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, ami we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great, popular ify purely on their meiils. Feterson & Faulk, druggists. ALBANY, GA. Special Schools open March 7th, Assembly on March 27lb. Itrltlinnt Program, Studded with Illustri ous Name* of Literary Lights, Iimn Imm’H Prepared, This Great Moral amt Kilura- tioiiul. Institution Ibis it*’ Influence more widely felt e»r generally reeopdeod, and all are Invited to enjoy tin* xvui- |HMtum of literatim.*, imttlc and art. PROGRAM IN DETAIL. Sunday, March 27. 11:00 n. in—Sermon by I lev. I. .1 Wort eater, Mas*, 4: ;«u ti. ll;.—'VuAnerr. Memorial. fcOOp. in.—'lift 7 lion, Charle* \Ve*so|i/Wi*ky. Lannlng. of Col, C. It. Wooten, Monday, Mareli 28. 3:00 p. m.—Ileeitations, llev. A.S. Hurston. Address, Dr. O. S. l*re*l>ms Kditor l*ubllc Opln- Mrs. L. R. Patton, Rockford, III,. , y , , , , , , writes: “From personal experience I can WWIttlfuI luiieli Imd been dprcjul by My great trouble was constipation un til I tried “ -- t Simmons Relief, ll is n bless ing to mankind and only 40c a bottle. For aale by Dr. .1 t. Goodman, Tifton. Berrien Superior Court ootiveneir ou the thirdr Motulwy ittst., and we guess the term wilt be enlivened by tlie presence of several wen Id-he con gressmen. The people, no doubt, wUI be pleased to bear from all of them. . , i'wif. A. W. T’a'.-tertoA, ;pr*»iJ.etit : of tho board of edtjcatvqu, gives no- thisissue of the U.afcmt that recommend De’ Witt’s Harsaparilla, ... cure for impure blow! and goneral debpf ty." J. C. Goodman. / The meeting .of tlie Lajlifts Aid Society of the Afethodist/rfturch last Monday evening nt thr refldence of .Mr. W. O. Tift WMp'jjreatlyeulivened by (lie Jongl-y ndrty addendum. It created nfaej/f nerriment ami iwais of IwttghMr filled the interstices which wherwisc would have been occupied by tlie monotony of prosaic silence, it is (old of Mr. M'. 0. Tift Unit ho purposely piutted the donkey’s tail to the shoulder of a “-Ghe citizens of the town for the Mu- sons and their families at Alford's Hull under tin: auspices of the load lodge Ktilgitl, of Honor, of which Mr. Overstreet was also a member, and were cordially itsvilcd to repuir Oat Chase. Capt. 0. A. WiHinntsund a niitmter of gentlemen of the city had quite a lot of sport chasing,\ with tyjmok of liomnls, the cutauioi tils yfokeii of in the last issue of tin of them w<m ttinn utorning and this chase only served to make the participants nnxtons for the big chase to take place Tuesday morning, when the oilier cat was to be turned loose. The eat wus turned loose about two hours before the dogs were loosed, but being crippled tlie chase was but a tame affair. The dogs run up on it in about fifteen minutes and a bloody light occurred in which two of tlie dogs fared rath er badly before the cat was killed. The dogs were called olt and carried lo I,title river swamp where, luckily for the day’s 8|>nrt, they jumped two cats which, after a half day’s chase, was not overtaken. In the excite ment of the last chase the cat that was turned loose was forgotten It gives the Gazette pleasure to unnhiinc.o that. Mr- K. K. I’uselial, a representative of the Snow Modern Ham Tobacco Company, arrived in Tifton Wednesday morning uud will make his hcndqiinrtois here to fill the phtoc of Capt Snow until that gentleman can come himself. Mr. I’aschul comes witli tlie reputation of having large experience, gathered from long connection with tlie Barn Company, and being fully tut compe tent to advise in tlie planting, culti vating and curing of tobacco as (’apt. Snow, and withal is a perfect gentleman. Ion, WuiOiliiKton, |). f . SubjtHJt:—••Tla* Wert." |*. lt>. 0|*nlnu 4th Annual A*m*iiiIiIv. MuMc, illiM’s, UociLitioUK ami Hjwr.he*. Tu«>mliiy, Mur«*l» 81). 11:00 a. in. - Aililtvn* liy K. II. llii'hiinlfcnn. .'):«) |*. in.—AtltlrtHxaml lltcluitionx by llev. H. iMtrxton. H.tNI |». III.—AlllllTM llov. I.J. IauixIii^. Wi*4|ii«*«mIii.v, Mnrch HO. 11:00 «. in.—*?. I n >1. C*urr>, 1). U.amlS, U. Ilrailucll, .Stale Sc1i«h*1 t'oiiitiiiaxbiiier. 3.00 ii. iii.— Ailtlrtwx. 8KK) ji. in.—Munlnil Convert. 1’rof. C\ C. ('axe ami rhautampm ('boniR. TliiirMlny, March .*11. 11:00 a. m.-llev. 1. ,1. Liiisinn, W’orrexter, Max*. 3:001». .M.--Hell Itinuin^, \V. 1'. UolicrljhiA ami F. K. llrookM, HeeltatJium. j>. iii.—llev. .1. It. Hawthorne, Atlanta, da. 0:<N) jt. iii.-American ('olumliimi Tableaux. I'lhluy, April I. 104)0 a. iii.—dovernor** Day. 10:00 n. in.- Concert. Cliautamt'.ia Chonta, l*r»»r. C. (*. Caw*, comlin'tor. 3:00 p. \w.-~Afttltviw. linn. W. 4. Nnnheu, tl-.nernor «>f tlHtrula with staff ami Military ex* curt by K. d. •lultiirnon. 3 2m ii. m. -Hell ltiik(v|ii|r, AY. D. Knlwrumn. IleclutthtUN, F. i:. ltmoki*. HiOGn. iii.—Hterreoptlnan, CVK. Holton, Cleve- laml, Ohio. IkM Utlln) SwiUerlamt. Saturday, April 2, 11:00 a. in.—CMUlirn Day. MiihIc am) Short AihlrvMeit. 8;0i»p. hi.—Athletic KxhilkitmiM, W. (1. An- tlcrxoii ami clfUixcK. Sunday, April 8. 3:00 p. m.-International 8. S. Work, 11. F. Jneohn, of ('hl. rtjio. 111. ^11:00 a. in.—Sermon hy Dr. A. K. Ihinninir, 1). Monday, April 4. H.-oo p. in.-Stereoptlean IAT’tnrc, l*rof. C. K. Ilolton. h.i^laml umi laimlun. Tuexday, April A. loam p, in.-Htercoptlenii lasttnw, l*n»f. C. K. Holton. Italy. •J .,'fc “I have jtiwl iccoverwl from a Beronil atlitek of the grip lliio 3*car,” 8»y» Mr. •fas. O. JoncH, puhlfnlier of the LoriIoi Mexla, Tcxjw. “In liic latter coko I uifeti riuimlKTlufii’* ( ough Kemetly, an'l I think with eoriicldei’tthle aueccM. only he- l;ig in hed i» lit lie over two day* ogu f n.u ten days for the tlm alltick. Tho Micond altaek l am. Mithftuil v»uo)d have hetn thither aud partuke of iL Tlie ben j equolly m had a* the Aral but for tho use tho edietkm was pronounced ami march back to town wins begun. The splendid repast spread at Al- ford’a liall was bountiful and if any one failed to gel something to eat it was their fault. Tlie hospitality of of lid* remedy* as I had to go lo bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the Arid case I wuk aide to at* tend to bunine*# u1k)uI two days lK*fore getting down/’ .10 cent bottle* for wile by Tlflon Drug Store, and Peters & Be- Migratlneis quick to gtvo relief in xevero caKew of h‘‘uda('lie or neuralgia, al Dr. .l.C. (j< o mini’s. • .•.THE.'.DEPARTMENTS.'. Will Ik« under the dlm-tlmt of the .Ude*t niHirial- - fpwl: li*tt' In Aincrit'.i, an<l will nlTordop] ortmiliW for cnltuiv that tmut thon»uj;hly coiumcml tlwm- hcIvos to all. W.)». Amikhmin, M. D., of tin* Aduliihl Acad emy, of Hmoklyti will aualn U* ITtwhlrnt of the chuutampia lT(\H|. al S' lnml. with an alih* von»a of i*.rt.*di»iHiit«. All within rcjjch of AHtany should uivc their children the advantage* of tlii* train- lug* l*«oK. (*. 11. Wki.M*, tlie |n*crleM |«nuien and master of the lient and l•lm|•le8r me Hum I* of iMNik kreiduu and I test methn ; S of ImslueNa, w HI ajrain *T .' n . '/“wire «*f the Commervial De|>artment, hurjn* "THeii fiiet guarantees advantage* in'thii Hue e«|tiul in all resiiceta to tlie mTUNil* of Cough- ki’epale. l'i*or. r. C. Cask, will lie In chalice of the School of .Munir, which iiiMin'x musienl ailvan- taires tlmt ran only lie e«|iialed ut theliestCon-* »w*r\ttt**rie» of Hoftion, or via? ol«l w-or'd. Tftfffers' Normal CJnsss the p«>plu- of Sumner on this occa sion wus truly unboumltHl, while Into, t'rell. Judge F. M. tiib'ih, tho ever obliging Ordinary of Berrien county, pretty young l«dy present Dr. 0. Goodman pinned one to a lady’s those who served the diutier won the j n?( j Uw tjj tlrut it be slated in the Ua- 'cessw; this was purposely, too, they beat wishes of alt hy their exceeding ZKrrl > that the aojdiers’ pension say. The occasion' wm, indeed, polite attention. _ ! bhmke have Imsco received ut his of* pteasttot, (watlimi!, and regret that j Somner. peoyte, ut well as *1"^ j fice, ami those peniionera who hive urgent btislitesi dcmani'u upon'oorjK 018 ^ nsnwiihber lout oiyeadv berm supplied o»n get a itod ii* fjt'cm attending, j % tuul :U impretni* v wrempph;* by citlii'iig at (>».office. I.oeUl HcriipN. Tifton isiniiWdof a shoanuvker one who thoroughly’understands tlie business. Mr. (finis. L. (building, of Sioley, was visiting liis purents near Tifton Iasi Sunday. Mr. J. Z. I'filioft, temporary re ceiver, will have an auction at Adel every Saturday until the Wilby stock of merchandise is sold. I Our esteemed subscriber, I’rof. J. J. Voting, is teaching a public school at the Kountui!i~Hegd ichoolhouse, four miles west of Nashville. The connection of Mr. George K. Clarke with the Gazette was severed last Saturday afternoon and he left for Valdosta Sunday—stopping over lit Adel. Mr. Kdgur Turner and Miss .Mag gie (iiillin were married lajt Sunday morning lit the home j»f*the bride’s uncle, Mr. \Y. (L.MfTtae, near Nnab- ville. tiev—Kw. Brown officiated. Wo extend congratulations. 'Ttie Georgia Chautauqua, at Alba ny, will begin next Monday. The various classes will be formed and thoroughly drilled before the open ing of the Assembly, on the 27th. Everybody in southwest Georgia is interested in the success of the Geor gia Chautauqua and should patron ize it title rally. They are wise par ents who give their children tlie ben efit of Uie special training which the Cimutauuiu affords. See the pro gram in this paper V Will fiij'iy tlio rich oxi «*ltf«.*n Hlhllcal truth* h) Hev, A. K. DuiitiiiiK. ihvat-t.'oinpliiibiMleK.'hular ami trnilor Clirlxtinn. Dr. Du»iilnj£ I* islluirof tliu ol.lmt :iml tnoHt widely clnnibtcd rrli^ioiL* J'.uriul.s of Amorim, ami (t l< » trliunpli worthy of (’liaiitau<|iia to wviin* 1*1'* cftlclcnt acrvict'*. r.: Half rate, round trip fan*, on all the rail* Grand Hillary Conclave I'udr roimuaml of Od. K»l. L Wlt,’htfur(t«(W* nor'* Dav- Friday, April li*f. ('onfiMfenite* kt-terans ami all M>hli«ra under their old leader*. Twent.v coiujtanleH in llm* to art as t*!*eort of honor t*» (iotenmr W. J.Xurtbcn. tfF* For tnatraetloii ami rntertiiniueot, for profit or pleai»itr»*. the F«*t util A.nm al Sksmion DkoKoi v ( ii \t VAi't, a ha* never had an ihiuaI. K. Iloiins 1‘redtlenl. J. S. Davis Su|« rintemleut. A. W. .Mt *k., Secretary. W. A. 1H >«’AN, Sii|t‘rlntemlent of iu*tnu*tloo. The Jury Lists. (IK.VNI) JUItY W. II. Morrij, It. Itemltey, B. F. Moore, Sr., II. C. Baker, G. A. Farrtak, J. G. Graytion, L. l'uuik. F. M. Slmw,.Ir., T. L. M urn lie y, J. W. Fateh.' James T. Wilkes, .lost W. Parrish, W, Henry Gitflln. William <:finer, H. F. Lindsey. J. 1. Patten, it Z, VVliiiehursl, I.eonard Harper, W. K. Giddeus, F. \V. Gaskins, Sandois Gilihs, T. E. Willtams, Isaiah Partin, 8. 11. IKvnuiney, J.T. WUkersoe, M. E. Parrish, W. M. Avera, AL J. Young. FEltT JURORS. L. Wells, J. E, Bryan!, Jr., J. S. Cowart, W. W. Giddeus, Edward Maior, K. A. Kilt'll, Ira .1, Simon, D. H. Paulk, M. G Sinnous, M. W. Henderson, M. J. Tison. D. .1. Dickerson, Richard Tucker, .1. G. Pale, XV. H. Lee. Moses C., N, M. Butler, B. M. Bryant, T. O. Knight, N. K. Patterson, j. II. C. Morris, Perry Summerlin, A. U- Jones, J. Ii. Wright, W. W. (Ian. Ansel Mnnhis, A. J. McCr«. M. J. Griner. H M. McNahhv * S. A. Juhan. W ,tr, HnttWK*. Sr.Slarstml (ll L. ’’ Johnson. J- D. KlU W, W, l*arri',h, ’’’.