The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 18, 1892, Image 2

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l / ms® V THE OAZKTTK: TJFTOfl, (A A., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1802. The Tifton Gazette. . Tho (1 aukvi'K 1 n published every Friday inoyn- Ing ut Tifton, j(«rr)i!ii county, (icjiridh. It 1/ «1u- Votoil to tin: I tout Intercut /*r th«* growing «flty of TitUni and the ntljtwant country, auit im mieh links Hie support and enomragcmimt of tlw poo- pin of llurrfcn am) continuous counties. The subscription price of the UK/.vtn v. 1f 9UM) tier year, W cent* for six months, ami 2A cents fur three months, payublc In advance. ' lion of the flAZKrrKarn rea- fnridshed upon application. Lhrou months, payable 1 The ailvcrUnlni/.ratoH loimhlu ami will he fun iminhlo ami will , . Advertising bills are <lu« after 1) rat Innertlon ami tvill Ihi presented when the money In needed, t.'orronpomlence fropi ndeblMirlng town* 1* so licited and communication* on timely topic* are always welcome. Alway* write on one side of the paper, ami don’t forget to enclose your name M un evidence of good faith. Entered at the lwatofUec, at 'Ilfton, (leorgia, a* lUttfl matter of Un; second clean. Official Organ of llcrrlen County, B. T, ALLKN. Kdltofr News mid Views. “All Tliero" Ib the name of Horne's latest Chinaman, says tliu Tribune. It is Imped lie’ll Nluy Tliero. An Albany Inishum! Leleplmneil Ii'ib wife mid nuked “if she wanted Some geese?" Tim reply cume witb- ont delay, “Yen, nonui haiyi right away !’’ 'J’lio Wayerosr Headlight aomise? •tho tlASSOTK of wishing .fudge At kinson eleeted to congress from the eluvoiitb district,. The Gazcttf. ban not even intimated snob a desire, not that it loves Atkinson less but Tur ner more. It is most amiiidng lo note tlio va rious oritieisms—good, bud and in different- made of Col. Dan W. Jiounlree’s late legal snoop. Accord ing lo tlio Allanla liotinlltdtloii the dashing young lawyer iH “in it” in more ways Ilian ono—niombcrs of the Uinhmond Terniinal direotoiy urn lo prosecute him for perjury. Congressman Turner's speech Thursday on the tariff revision was a very aide argument, and sustained that gentleman’s well-earned and riolily-doserved reputation of being the ablest member of the (leorgia delegation,—Macon Telegraph, I Dili. Anil yet, if some people bad l.lieir way, lie would lie Instantly deposed for a now man having neither his ability nor experience. Thu “II” correspondent of the Hyciunnro News is very iniieli exer cised about tlm great immorality that will bo engendered by the far mers of south (ieorgia growing to bacco, lie is lo lie pitied, lull, lie did II with his own little pen. We don't know who “It” is, hut suspect him In lie a pedagogic scribe from Ihe Hoplnmuirio style of his eiiiiiposi- lioiil lie ooi'taluly didn't graduate in login when his papa was sending him to school. We assist his Ingiot Fm- jlll'i's grow corn and rye, sell ll.em lo I' distillers and they nianiifacturi' from II a decoction that will make people oruzyi hut, uncording lo “II” il is highly immoral for the farmers lo grow corn mid rye. I'rof, M. S. l'atlul), a Iterrien county young gentleman who bus done excellent work us u /Beimel teacher in his and adjoining uonii- lies, is now Inking a nnriiml course in. the Klorida Normal /institute, White Springs, with the /icw of ap proximating perfection/ln his jiro- foBsion, 'I'o him klu/editor is iu- delitud for a iieall.yl i/vinted program of tlio llrsl, annual sesslim of the >Su- wanee IJivor (Jlmulauipm, lo he held at White Springs, h'lii., beginning .March an and closing April I. Thu program is un entertaining urn! prullt- nhlc one, and tlinsn who may tint! Itlnc to attend will he amply repaid for tliuir troll his and expense, Itmind trip tiekels will he sold at half fare from local stations on tho (ieorgia Southern and Florida railroad. The UniUtlRN COUNTY J’lONUKIt ■—now the Tifton Gazkttk—was the llrst paja'l' in the Blatol lo nomi nate JI on, Wm. .). Mprlhuii for gov ernor, August. HD, 18Ht), L year be fore lie was nominated.I After a term’s service, marked by moro per plexing isms than luui ofuiriieteiised any gubernatorial udiuiiiptrutioii for the past tweiily-tivo’years, he cones out with clean garments' and milar- jiished elutrauler; he luiy provcii*lilm- telf a true nmn and demoenit, who has ad min rntered the government upon simple Jeffersonian principles •for Hie tiest Intarests of the whole IH'ople. Yes, after a fair trial, lie inis sbowtl himself the right man in Hie right place and the Oaxkttk cheerfully bucoiiiIs his nmninulion ffir re-eleetion, There are prejmliees against him in some seel inns of smith (leorgia but they can, with proper explanation, he iiatistled. Pur-U’SlU-ul'le cures Hell In SthlllmiU'i). J’rK'C ,W(;|». Mold by .1. (Imuliimn tin,(list liiHi'nimlioii. “Thu Times docs not believe in it congressman liomciteuding on the congressional representation from a district and then transferring hi* liomcstcud to another district.” Here is a sample of the weapons with which the eleventh district At kinson organ, the lirmiswiek Times, is fighting Congressman Turner, who now represents Hie second district and lias Hie nntfonul, reputation of being the ablest nmn on the demo cratic side of the house. The Gazkttk is published in tho second district and has studiously avoided making any reference to or suggestion about who should repre sent the new (eleventh) district to which Mr. Turner’s county has-been nnfortunately added. Hut when such innuendoes .as the above is sought to he heaped upon Mr. Tur ner’s Innocent head its silence is no longer golden. Tho charge or insinuation that Mr. Turner has homesteaded upon the scut in Congress from the second district of Georgia is not only unjust hut absolutely untrue and cowardly; besides, it is evident that the Times' candidate is Imilt, of very doubtful material. The people of the second district are alone responsible for Mr. Turner’s long and continued services in congress, they homesteaded on his services and if there lie any odium attached to their conduct they feel proud in hearing it. Congressman Turner 1ms never posed us an office-seeker, mid if that is Hie price of the seal from the eleventh distriot lie will never occupy it. Me is a gentleman and true man In every sense of the terms, anil will never disgrace himself by training with Hie rubble in order to place himself in office. You hud better spike that gun, I fro. Times. IIiii'UIcii’m Arnica Halve. Till-; Hicmt Hai.vk In the world for 1‘iiih, Hi'IiIhuh, Holes, l.'lenrs, Hull itlicuni, fever Horos, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chiltilalnsi Corns niel nil Hliin Kruptlons, anil positively euros I'lles or no pay re ({Hired. Il Is guarimleed lo. Rive perfect siitlsfiuillon, or money refunded, l’rle.e DA cools per box. For side by Peterson iV Paulk. Not, a Candidate. We are authorized by I [on. Kobcrl (I. Mitchell to state lhal he has not boon, nor is he, a/candiil'do for cuti gress. This ih i)i response to uum- erons impiirioH ffom friends all over Ihe district. Tliesc have conveyed lo iiim the most {Hal tering tisBiinuiccB of support. \No| infill in Hie second ‘(strict is imirg worthy of tliesunport of Hie people thin Unhurt G, Mitch ell.—-Tlipnuisvllrn Times-Enterprise. This bit of news will lie received with regret by many democrats throughout the old second district. The Gazkttk has already intimated ils high regard fur Mr. Mitchell,and if he was a candidate would receive ils cordial support ns well as the solid democratic vote of Herrien con n I y. Who is the second choice of the llcrrien county deinocmoy for the place llu' Gazuttk is md, prepared lu say. They limy present a candi date from among their own number. Now Try Tills. Il will cost you Iiollilim any will sure ly do you good, If you litivu a Cmurh, l old or ally trouble xvltli Tbroat C'besi or lamas. Dr. Kina’s New Discovery for Consumption, Couabs and Holds is auiinintccd lo give relief, or money will lie psld buck. Hulfcrora from l,u Grippe found II Jusl tlio fliiiia and under Ils use bud ii speedy and perfect recovery. Try a siunpie bottle at our expense mid learn for yourself jusl bow good ii tiling II Is. Trial hollies free at Peterson & Paulk's drug store. I,urge sl/.a flOu. and $1. A petition Ims been tiled in the superior court of Hibb county, by MoTigho A Co., asking for the re- muvtil of Mr. W. H. Sparks as re colvor of the Macon Construction t’ompimy and its railroad projiertlcs —(leorgia Southern and Florida, Macon and Hinmnglmm and Macon and Atlantic—and the appointment of a successor. The petition is founded upon tho charges of extrav agance and partiality in his admin istration of the company's affairs. .Specimen Cases. H. II, HHlTord, New ('asset, \\T*., was troubled with neuralgia and rbemnatlsm, Ills slomncb was dfsornered, his liver was iiITteled to an alarming degree, up. polite foil away, and was terribly re duced la llesli and strength. Three bo' ties of Kloctrle Hitters eared Idm. Kdwill'd Hlmpbeid, llarrlslmra, til., lmd a 111 an lug sure on Ids leg of eight years' standing. I'sed three bottles of Klorlrle Hitlers end seven boxes of lluek- leu's Arnica Halve, uml Ills leg li stiiiml and well .lolui H|t(iiker, Oainwba, O., bud live large fever sores on bis leg, doe- tors ssld be was Inemidde. One lioltle Kteclrie Hitlers and one box lluekleit's Arnica Halve eared him ci.tlr.'ly. Sold ,11v I’eldrson * Paulk, druggists. Berrien County Sheriff's Sale For A|irfl. (II'.OIHIJA-Iir.iiiiinx Cdcstv, Will 1st n.,1.1 Is'foni the curt li.sosr ,lonr In the Piwu of Nrisl.vlllc, ssiil stiiu: and nsinty, within tile legiil Infill, of Mile, on tlie llrsl, TiU’S.Uy la April next, itie following jiro| erty. lo wlt: Ton seres of l.m.l, morn or less, of lot numlier kin. In the mil fllslriet. of said state and comity, tsmnilad on the north sml east hy hinds of \v. XV. Currish and un Ihe sooth and west hy lands of William Castlelierry. levied on as the property of dames CastJeherry ami Itaelnd 'Castlelierry he virtue of a 11, fa. Issued from the Justice court of the lltlllh district n. M-, lo favor of .1. .f. <11,1- dens against said James ami Itaehel Casllelsirry. 1 s;vv made and returned to me hy XV. C, llennett, !,.('. This Fehruary an, ISM. Also, at the same time ami place, one lot of land eoulalulng six acres. Inure or less, onCol- ijultt street I fronting (VII feet, more or less, on said street, known as block CC, and running hack ran feet, more nr less, to XVildeat hraneh. A Iso one lot of land containing three acres, more or less, Isdug the north half of Idock nunilier,*, fronting ahouteiBl reel on Ijimar street and ex tending south ahont Vlu feet tolumlsorlf. I- Parrish, said lot enclosed with plank fence; also nne lot of iand known No, 11 of block T. fronting east on Center street aliuiit 120 and extending bank aliuat liflll feet to W ildcat hruneli, and Im provements thereon; also one hit of land eou- tnlnlng one acre more or less fronting smith un Main street id,nut 2UI feet and extending north ahont 2)e feet to lands of J. J. Hlueath. Hounded on the east hy lands of Hook Alderman and west hy lands of II. I,. Parrish; also one lot on the northeast eoreer of Cleveland and .Alitln streets fronting ml feet nil .Xlitlu street and isi feet on Cleveland street; one lot known us No. 1 lu block II, on the south vest corner of Mum and ijoodlmin streets, fronting 12) feet no Main street uml mi feet on (iuodmaii street lu the town of Sparks, said comity ami Stale. Is,vied on as the property of d. It. llowun hy virtue of a mortgage (I. fa. Issued from the Superior conn of sum onumv In favor of John l-Tannery A Co., va J. II. Kowan. This Keliniary 211, IH:>2. Also, at the same time and place.two town lots In hlnek numlier 211, lu the town of Adel, hound ed on the mirth hy Third street, west hy Cleve land avenue and south by Vourlll street; also, one lot In the town of Adu! hounded an the east hv lands of J. I,. I’arrlsh and on the north hy Seventh street, the smile lielng 2121x2121 feel lltul IV log directly west of slid adlnfnleg the lot of J. f,. Currish on which he now lives; also one lot In the town of Adel, hounded on the cast hy lands of bony Mai this mid on the sooth hy klghth streel, tho same la-lug 20(1x2121 feet, and lying dl- reetly west of the lot on which XVIley Matilda now resides; also one lot hi the town of Adel known as the Klburt WTIkerson lot., It being the place where Klhert XVIIkerson formerly resi led, hounded on Ihe cusl hy the (ieorgia Southern and l-'lurlds railroad, on the north hy lands of llutsy Morrison anil on the sniilh hv lands of J. |,\ llariiuge, Ihe same being 1121x2121 feet; also one lot In the low-n of A del, linn mil'll nil the went lleorglu Southern and Khirida railroad and un the south hv Klghth si rent atm on theeastby Inuds of It. (I. XVflhv, and on the north hy lands of .1. .1. Hodges, the same helng lmixvisi feet and lielltg the soldi) half of the lot on which J. J. Hodges now resides, ladled on as the property ..I XVIIliy ,V Matthls It. (I. XVIIliv and XVIley Manilla hy virtue of a II. fa. Issued from Iter ricii superior eolirt lu favor of H. It. .Iiupies Tlnslev Company va. said XVIIliy vY Matthls. This February 20. Iwra, Also, at the same time and place, one light sor rel mure nude named Molly, six tears old. tat vied on as the property of House .V (hunpacy by vir tue id a mortgage It. fa. issued from Iterrfen su perior eourt In fiiviiruf F-. It. la-wls A Co. against said ItuiiHo A Mempsey. This March I. Ise2. Also, at the same time and plane, one house ami lot hi the town of Adel, liieuied on tho north west corner of Hulehlusou avenue and govt-nth al reel, and P, eluded on Ihe north hy original land lino, no the east hy Hulrlduami avenue, on the soulh hy Seventh struct and on the west hy llall- riiad avoillie, eiintalidilg one sere more or less, being the plan- whereon XI. ,1 Young now resides, lad led on as the property of XI. J. Voting hy vir tue of three II. fas. Issued from the superior court of Thomas county In favor of J. T. Culpole per and A. II. Cone aealnst XVIIliy ,Y Xlalthls, elidmanls, and .1. il Heater and XI. .1. Young, securities. Also one II. fa. Issued from Urn am perlur entirl of Thomas county lu fnvtir of the hunk of Thomasvllle, trillisferees, plalntltrs, against w lit,> .v Matthls, ehifmatita, ami M. J. \uimg, sveurlty. This xlareli I, ts:i2. It. XV.Tlsnx, txlierllf It. ( Petition for Charter. UKOIMHA Hmuiui:n ('m’NTY. To llu* Hii|aM'ior Court of hiiIiI County. The pel It Ion ol W. S. KcihUt ami .1. N, Hray NlimvN that limy, uml hiicIi otlicr ikm'hihh it* may lx* uNMociad'il wllhllicm, ili’Hlrc lo imitr into ui» auiMK’iatioim timlur tin? mum? ami alylo of the CKCII. I.CMIIICU COMPANY ; That the ohjoet of naId aHHoeiallou i* the run iiliikt mill o|>eratln^; a huw mill hUKinuKH for thi' ommUHcum.' of hnnhor. huh* ami Mhlmrh 1 *, ami hiihIi oilier urtiele or tiling uh h (Miially made ami iiianufaetunNl hy a Haw-mill and |diin(ii|r in 111 ami iiIho a yrm*ial meri'un- tlie IiiihIuch* in oonueetlon with naid aaw mill. Halil IniHlm’HH lo he earrleil on in the town Cecil, In Halil County ami Stale. And for the further purporte of camini; nut the ohjeet or an hi aaaoelat Ion. they <lc*lre to have power lo pnvehaae ami hold property, real ami personal, to aue anil ho aned, ami to'ever- elae all power* nanally eo«il‘envd upon cori'ora tion* (if.HfmUar character, a* mar ho comtwtenl with the law* of tieor^l.- ; anil tliat MihlaHHocia- tIon Ih to have il* prlm lpal olllce ami place of IniHineMH in aahl town of Cecil, aaiil county and State ; ami the Hnhl aaw iiiIIIh ami tplanln^ iiiIIIh and mercantile ImikIochh an* to he nut hy said artaoelatlon for the pnrpoxe of oiamifactorim' Inmher. atavea, latha ami Hhln^len, etc., and hny- Ina ami mdllna of general mcrchamllae a* afore aahl, and aellin^ of the anme for i>rolit and ualn. Petllmnera furl her allow that ihe caidlal atoc‘ f aaid a>cMM>iatlou actually paid in la the auui of twelve thouaaml dollar* oM’j.auui, and they «lc alrc lo have the prh Hcac of Incrcaainu aahl cap tial atock al any time to an amount not exceed ing lift) thouaaml dollara (8;a»,n<H»), That aahl capital atm’k ahull ho divided Into aharoa of one hundred dollar* each. Your pctlonera would pray the paaalnu of no order by auld Court, n run tiny; this, tlicir uppli- atlon, and that thc\ and their Mueepaaora he lu- orporuted for and during <> term md exceeding twenl> (20) >eara, wltli the privilege «*f renewal at the expiration of a.nd twenty (,S4») year*, for iln purpose herein act forth, And petitionei’a will ever prav, otu. SI.ATP.If vV A8MI.PV, Petji loner’* Atlornpy a. (iPOIKJIA- Ucrrlen County. Clerka* olllce of the Superior Court, aahl county •The above and foreaolit): petition till* day lllcd in olllce and recorded iva rvipilred hy law. Kk.uui \ii\ 17, l*l»2. «. W. MtioUK, Clerk Superior Court, Iterrien County. Berrien County Sheriff’s S<\les For April. (IF.OUUIA Hi'.ltltlKN Cot’X’iV. Will Ih> Hold hefore the eourt houve door In the town of Naahvllle, aahl atate and county, on the Ural Tueaday in April next, lietween On* leiral hour* of sale, to the htuhoat, bidder for e»ah, th( following looperty, to-wit: One Imn gray oiure mule alx year* old, \5 handa high, named Kate; one black mare mulii aevcu ve.ira old, 15‘, hamla high, named Heck; one black Imrae mule aeven yearn old. ift*, handa high, named Tohe; and one black home mule seven year* old, 15^ handa high, named Hob. 1 .eyled on aa the pnjpertv i*f s. <•. Culpepper to sat 1st) a mortgage ft. fa.iaauedfromlhoHU|a?rlor court ,if Thomaa county, (ieorgia, In favor of the llauk or Tlmmanvillc, tranafernH'a, etc., and against S. <J. Culpepper. Tills Feb’) sjtli, Also, at tho anme tune and place, one large sited hay horse mule, about eleven wars old, named Pogaui also one large-sited hfae-k mare nude about leu yearn old named Mary, levied on as the proper!) or S. U. Culpeppov ’to satisfy a mortgage tt. fa. issued fr*im the auiKoior cour of Thomaa county, (leorgia, in favor nf,1. T. Cul (K'plH’r a*.\d A. M.‘Cone and against 8- (I. Ctdpep pei. This Fehniurv 4th, iwrj, Also, at the sjiio<*' time and plfloo, pup hhmk horse mule about six year* old named Tom, ono black home mule about twelve yearn old name/ Hill, one hay mare mule about twelve yearn nl named Heck. \x<\ ltd ot» a* the pnii*erty pf (1 ctdpep|H>r to twtlsf) a nnotgagp p. f:v. issued from the superior court of Thomaa county, < leer gia. In fnvot of .1. T. CuljK'p|H i r and A. H. Cotie and against S. (I. CnlpeptH'r and >V ll.Culpep' |H>r. 'rids February 4th. U«tt. Aho. at the same time and place, one black home mule about twelve yearn old tunned .Inn one hay home mule about nine years old name ' \lf, one Iiay mare mule about six ypam oh i-T.’ned MU, one bay mare mule about live yearn old named .lane, one black home node about ten yearn old named dohn, one mouw colored maw node about twelve years old nauuid .Mar), ono IdiK’k horu» mule dhont seven war* old in<mcd Mike, one tw*>) mate mule about eight yearn old nAmed HI', one sorrel»icrv* mule idsmt'sU yearn old oumed Ut< k, »iol ooe hay nun »,mle al>ont eight yearn ohl named U»>sP. levied on as the property c.f S. fi CuljH'Pper to satisfy amovtgagg It. fu, issued from the superior nmrt of Thomax countv, < ieorgia, »n favor of ,1. T. Cul|K>pp»r and A. U Cone and agaluftl S. tl. Culpepjw'r. Thin February 4th, Ikv»2. I». NY. TlftDX, Sherltl 1». C. M.A.8EXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTON, QEORGI A, Roprosents the following old, reliable and popular fire insurance companies and solicits the patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, - - Founded In 1702. "(.rccnulch,” Tolal Assets, $ I,(Wfi,O.U.iJ. - ’ Founded lu 1*34. “Hartford.” Total assets, $0,570,010.13. - Founded in 1810. “Central City,” of 8clma, Ala. Also, xyiite for tlie “Liverpool and London and (.lobe,” “.Etna” and “Orient,” Real Estate and Renting Agent. Has on his list of Heal Estate some very desirable farm lands in tlie vicinity of tlie “Gate City to .South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye on it, und don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lands are within ono and seven miles of town. If you havn any Real Estate—houses or lund'-for sale or rent you will receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with me. • ' I am, very respectfully, 1-tf. * . M. .A- SEXTON. j. M. WILKES, Resident Dontint . TIFTON, (IFJinOIA. OFFICE—ftootn 4, «P Atulrs, Tan Ik brick building. Can ho fount) In his oflloe from the 1st to lr.tli of ouch month, the residue of time will Ihi devoted to country’ patlents-at their homes If desired. ’ 2>-tf. DR. J. A. McCREA, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, - HKOmtlA. Prompt attention given to calls, dayior nlglit. rft'-OFFKJK at rcsfdenoe. 2 «. — THIS SPACE BELONGS TO — E. P. BOWEN & BRO. — DEALERS IN — Greneral Merchandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Highest cash prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and farm product! generally. Give us a call xvhen you cugie to Tifton with anything to sell. m STRIVE Id PLEASE ILL OF 01 CUSTOMERS. Thanking the public for a generous patronage in the past, xve earnestly solicit a continuance of tlie same in tlie future. 3?). 1\ BOWEN & BRO., 1-tf. Near Hi,> II. & W. Depot, TIPTON, <iA. IT U It N I T U II E! igant lew Ski A riving in Euvnituro for tlie Bai’lor, Eurnitvire for the Bed Boom, Bumiture for tho ivitclion, Eumiture of ^Vll Binds I liitvo the largest and best, stock of FURNITURE of every style and kind to lie found in Herrien county or in this section of Georgia, and xvill not he undersold hy any house in tlie State. Ilefore buying Furniture of any kind, give me a call. It will pay you W. A. HEN m: I {SOX, Parks Hull,ling, TIPTON, HA. 1-if ISAAC S. BOWEN, :stakr GROCER FANCY" , • . [ KKKF A FRKSII AXIl IVKU. SKrjiCTKn STOCK or . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND KVKUYTH1XU (WALLY FOUND IN A FIR8T-ULAKN STORK. I Pay tho Highest Cash Price for Country Produce . . AND Wild, 1M.F.A8K YOl! WITH . GOOD GOODS. LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Drs. J. W. & D. J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, CORDBMt, (IKOROIA. (IFrc'B— llauk Hull,line, Room No. 1, tt), stairs. .DR. N. PETERSON Physician and Surgeon. TIFTON, - (IKOUIII.V. Offiuk—In 1’uulk brick lmlldlnp. All culla promiitly n?»iioiidcd to day or night. DR. J. C. GOODMAN, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, - GEoIlOn. Officio—Room In the Tifton Drop Btore. tt/** Thunk Inp the public for Its j unit liberal putronape and tiullclt a continuation of the same. DR. G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOUI.TIUK, - OKOItlltA. OITcrsliiR serviccM to the people of CohpiiU and adjacent counties. fcir'UHFlUB in new drug store. G. A. WHITAKER, -AT-LAW AND INSURANCE AGENT, VAUMI8TA, - (lEOIHUA. ?pal h tention. SlfOFFiuR—Harrell Huildinp, Room No. S. FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW, HEAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - (IKOROIA. Prompt attention piven to all lopnl husinesfi. tlF'OFFlPK—liiive lUiildiup, Room No. l. JOHN A. WILKES. A 11 o v n o y - at-Law, ADKK DKOROIA. Will pntet/cc in all tiicmrut/esof the Sonthern Judicial Circuit of ficorpia. Hpccial attention directed to all hranrhoH of the profesHiou ami pcuerul business Holicilvd. My. H. A. Y0UMANS, Tifton, Georgia, 194 DEALER IN Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. Special attention given to Electric Plating. I alao nmfcc a Hpednlty of repairing line and complicated iralcfies Satisfaction gnaranteed. Give mo a trial. II. A. YOUMANS. aro AA NEW \ N'QH-ArH/ \ Hero’s a llargain for Some Man. A splendid farm of 1M acres, three mUcn south of IttiMikth'ld, the nci»n*st stalin'.) on the Unm*. wlt k and Western T.illMad- Thvw? ar»‘ tMrtv .ii r»v iii I’liltlvnrii'h; t.V» hctirifip tear uihsI n..ti>r <\nd tmpiox i meut*. Thi* f.vnn can no h.iit ot;»»•' ' Ith.H’ If -old in next slv?y da) *. At'ph to M. \ SI \H‘\, Real Kst»r» Apvht. JOHN C. HIND, Contractor and T3uilclex% TIFTON, (iI'X>H(I I A, AIT, KINDS OP WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. I i ' Han* uml s|>o('hix'ut:iii)s fnrnishoj on a|m|i,xRt|on, 1-ly. THE OHLY PERFECT seWihq miWiiSM FAMILY USB. Send for ciri «nd privo list to Whcelo A Wilson Mfp., Co., Atlanta. fJn. For wle by W. A. ilKNDXRRON, Tifton, Da. SI l()E SI IO I *. llavinp opened a Bhue Shop in Tifton l am prepared to do repair »orV neatly amt cheaply. in the obi Masonic Huiidinp, rear of ‘tin? Mmnswick and H'cftcni dcimt. M. D. W HKKKKR. Money! Money! TO LOAN On ret*! estate, or for 'impncement*, nr Imndfo^ purjwwet*, at the low rate of |*-r «vn«. per nn- nunij frr*T»j five to larrnty ?v:tr* 1 fan. hy Tint Mutual Ijtud and l‘uild»np b'i wdloafe, nl Ji'fiv.y City, X. .1 F'.riher particuiaM cliverinliv unit PVmnj.tty fiimiAlum t-v \Y, It. HASKINS, A punt, l*nox, Cia,. HHHHhkHHhHmhhhuhBh