The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 25, 1892, Image 2

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Tifton Gazette. IMP 1 ' 1 ' > THE OAZKTTK : I IJ'TON, 0A„ FUJ1MY, MAltCH'HR, 1B02, CJazkitk U rmlrifrluid ovary Friday morn* Titton./ditfiTiri comity, (ioorgfa. it h «IA^ |M XIIU'U.n il , «io<M]t.i. u m nr. oit to the host iniere«t of the grow/ng city of ntton 0»d thu adjacent country, him I a* Mich >k» the AfjmKtrt and dieom-ageineut of llu* peo ple of Berrien and contiguous counties. The MilMoriptlon price ofctho tUr.KiTK If $i.m her yoar, W cent* f/»r »h montJih, and Wi-< ' fhm> months, nuyahlo in advance, *“,« advertising rotes of ' krents for the (lAiKTW are runr . Tho advertising n lonablc :«n<l will (w furnished ui*m appljintb’"- hills ore line after first Insertion and lien the m/inoy I* needed. Advertising hills W lie presented when the money . • Correspondence from neighboring towns Is sih licltcd ami dniniunnleatlons oil tfmely topic* are oinclal Organ of Berrien County, II. T. AI.LKN, Editor. News mid VIpwu. lion. Itobt. 0. M'bilifll will not join in o scramble for the sent in congress from tlm s.eooml district of fleorgitt, The Savannah News is doubtful if Senator Jhll’s southern tour Ims , InoruflBMl ids chances for the doino- Orutio presidential nomination. The pcorgid delegation should go to OHpigo uninslructcd. The best interest of tlie people ami the (Jemo- Oniliu party denmmls it. Tfru Pound is a bright newspaper, all the way from Ued Spring, N. 0,, p-bicli cm,id to the Gazkttk ashing ini exchange. It is thorough demo cratic! and no Imlf-banded politician /iced try to catch on to its tail, licit VV. j* Peek Is nosing armiml thu state to find a following to com fort him in Ids forlorn olmso after the governorship of Georgia. The Clitute may be a lively one but lie will never overtake the object of Ida affection, (■uu’t (ho Atlanta (JonslHntloii and Journal bo persuaded to give tho people a respite from their war of words over llitl and Cleveland? They liavo effectually killed off the vole of Georgia from either; wind jnore do they wish? «(JoI," Lurry Gantt Ims gone to Columbia, S. 0., to edit a paper in tlie interests of Governor Tillman. For gracious sake burn tlie bridges behind him so lie can’t come hack to Georgia, Georgia Ims had tpiite enough of tlio demagogic creature, fhithbort LlbcrahUnterpiise. The old saw that "A task well be gun is half llnislied" llmls an apt il- lustfallon In Uiu matter of breaking the Central railroad lease. The Ter minal company Ims attempted In dis pose of their Interest In that matter by giving ii]i tlio lease and returning the properly of the Central Itailroiul and Hanking Company to the oouyts, directors and Stockholders, averring Hint llm lease Ims proved iipprolll- ablo to them. The country will soon have an opportunity to verify (Ills o I large, 'There is a vast difference between tlie Farmers’ Alliance ami tlm Third •Party organizations, hut there some intoinperato members of the drat who would have the people be Hove they lire ono and the same tiling. Indeed, already the charge Ims gone forth that every nlliunoo- limn who fulls or refuses to oast bis political fortune with the St. Louis (“Missouri”) progeny Is a traitor. Home people think that Increasing llm circulating medium to $100 per Capita means that the government will give every man, woman, child, Indian and nigger in tlie country $100 nplcco fo disjioae of us they please. Let us disabuse their minds. No matter wlmt the circulation is nobody will handle any of the money pnloss lie has someth jug to sell. A peutoity of collateral and not a scarci ty of money is what’s tho matter with the people. If you have prop erty easily turned into money you may borrow all you want at t per Cent., tlio calamity howlers to tho Contrary.—lhii abridge 1 lemocrat lion. 0. 11. Stevens, of Terrell, who Ims been endorsed for the fifty, third congress by tho Farmers’ Alii- mice of the sec,mu', district, speaking e f bis candidacy says; “1 urn a dem- pornl from principle, and will stand to the old ship. Tire endorsement, of the UjUhbert convention r is only an expression of choice ns between all the candidates and only oarrias that weight; it Ib not binding, and my iMiididaoy is subject to the voice pf the democratic primary or ex pres- ilfil) of tlio voters. jf i am not the nominee of the democratic conven tion 1 will cheerfully support who ever that convention puls forward,” Tim Ga/.ktit. cheerfully gives Mr, Stevens the benefit of this manly and patriotic personal platform, One of our follow-citiwns takes issue with the editor of the Gazkttk for calling Dr. Maoune an ex-repub lican, lie says lie knows Dr. Mn- cune; tlmt Dr. Macune was a Texas democrat until lie assisted in giving birth f/> tlm 8t, torn is progeny, and has never voted it republican ticket in bis life. Tlio editor Ims no desire to misrepresent anyone; with all duo deference to our friend’s statement, Investigation of Dr. Macuue’s our Horrien County Sheriff? Sale for April, flKOROM~MnHfKx*V>uW/ vl'iil lx? foM in'fnfc Unnit d/idr In the town of VttftlivjllP, *;t|»l Htoui uml county*, within tho level lippm of fin tlm tint 'nifgtlayln Aptfl next, Itm totin'* Mg I'fnfiprty, tfMtit: Ten Here* of laud. more or lea*. of kit number Hid, In tho tub district of said *tnta and county, l»f)i)it(lf;il on the nurtb and cant by land* of W. W. I'tirrluh and on the arnitli and \vc»t by land* of William f.ajitijdimy. I*v>d on aa tlie property - ... . . — ilierry by of Jamea raatlelierry ami Rachel raatlclx virtue of a fi. fa. loaned from the .luatlco court of the 1311th (tL lAtrictll. M., In favor of den» »K‘^uat Mid .lame* and Rachel Cnatlelairr)', l/ovy made ami returned to me by W.C.Rennett, L. (!. 'Oil* yobmury -J), m2. Mw,»l tlio Mint? time and place, one lot of lund containing six acre*, more or 1ca*, on Col' ()ultt atreet anu fronting 420 feet, more or 1c**, on Mill Htreet, kn»»wn aa block and runnlnR btmk Ml feet, more or lew, to Wildcat branch. Also one lot of lund containing three acre*, more — * •'of block ntindtera, past political record brought us to the conclusion tlmt ho was an Illi nois republican before going to Tex- We admit our investigation tnuy lm faulty, but we do know that the ToXM democracy Ims repudiated him. W« do know, further, that lie is our political enemy, made so by bis latest Hop. We do know, still further, that lie is our personal enemy by his having made uu atuiak upon our business. If defending our tuisincss treason let our opponents make (be most of it. The effort of the Cilthbert confer- 30 to forestall the action of tlie dainporutio congressional covcnfion ilie more it is examined the more it Ims the uppenrimeo of bigotry, dia- latorialism or lank of conlidcuco in llie wisdom of the iiomiimting con vention In select u suitable man to represent tlio district in oongress. Wlmt goml Ims it accomplished? Mr. Stevens manfully declares tlmt be iis a democrat ami will abide the notion of tlm -domooralio couvolition. His endorsement, (.hen does not give him superior claims before tho QOnven lion of any other candidate; conse ipienlly lie Ims gained nothing by it. The district alliance will gain noth ing, if tlie convention fails to ratify its endorsement, except a fooling of olmgrin and resentment, The only tiling the oonforcnco should have done, according In our view, was to Imvo recommended tlmt the muni lion of a candidate for congress be made by primary election; and, then, let tlio naudidulo receiving the great est number of votes be declared tlie nominee. Then no feeling over tlio matter would have been engendered. ’That, tlm conference, ns hold, Ims created antagonisms is a fact tlmt can’t be giiiiisayod, ami just wlmt re sult will come of It cannot yet be conceived. We trust, however, the con volition will name a candidate upon whom nil parties can Imrmon iso. We are for peace and harmony. If,Mr. Stevens is tlie nominee of tlie democratic convention ho will receive our warmest. Biipport. or I(*m, Ikj1ii« the nortli Imlf __ fronting about too feet on Umar*tr«et and ex- b'tidliia Houth about 210 feet t<i land* of U. I„ 1’arrhb, Maid Inc endowd with plank fence ;u!ko onn lot of land known So, 11 nf block T, fronting cant on Center Htreet altont 120 and extending back about :>oo feet to Wildcat branch, and im- proveiitcuU thereon (al«f» one lot nf land con taining otic acre more nr lean fronting anutb on Main Htreet nbput210 feet and extending north about 210 feet to laiida of .1. ,1. Kincatb, uounded on tlio fait by InndH of Dmtk Alderman and went by land* of H. L. rarrl*h; nlHo one lot on tlio northeaHt corner of Cleveland anil Main Ktrcetfl fumtlnn HO feet on Main Htreet and 1)0 tv*it on Cleveland Htreet; one lot known aa No. i In block (I, on the HouihwcHt comer of Main and (loodiuan mrcoM, fronting oo feet on Main Ktrcct and no feet on f Joodman Htreet in the town of MparkH, raid county and State, levied on aa the projierty of ,1. Jf. Rmvau by virtue of a inortmiKc l|. fa. bmuod from the Superior court of Haul county in favor of John IManouty v* Co., v« ||. Rowan. Tbls February JW, lHUit. AI*o, at the Hftnie time find place, two town lotn In block number 20. in the town or Add, bound ed on tlio nortli by Third Htreet, went by Cleve land avenue and Houth bv Kourth street; alan, ‘ Vile! Imitnded an tlie eant one lot In the town of Ail by land* of ,1. I,. l'arrl*h and on the north by hi run th Htreet, tlm an me lielne 20dx2fi« feet and X directly w«*t of and ndioJnltiK the lot of J, urrbih on which tic now live*: also ono lot in tlie town of Adel, bounded on the east by land* of hucy Motthl* and on the south l^jr KJ|jhth *tre«i,'tho Hume latlna MlxW feet, and’ lyln'ir di* ruetly west of tho lot on which Wiley Matt jfauhw »ow redden; also ono lot in the town of Adel known iui tho Klticrt WUker*on lot, It beinifJthe and Florida rallrond, on the nortl , Retiu' MorrlHoti and on the south by land* or ,1 K. 1 furnace, the Mine bdnj; lODxlMKj feet; also one lot In t.ho town of Adel, bounded on tho went (tcorpla Houthom ar.d Florida railroad and on tlinHoutli by Klirhth street ami on the cast by It. (1. Wilby.and on the north by lands lAtids of -j- of .1. ,1. Hoducs, the samo bdnif W0x2«K) fwtt and helna tin: hiiiitli half of the lot on which J. J. l/odpw now rcHldcs. levied on an the Oooil l.uokH. (lund looks srn more than skin deep dnpondlng upon aiiesllhy eondtUon of ■ill Hie vllul nrguns. If the liver he In- mllvu, you Imve n hlllious Innh nud IT your kidneys he alfaoted you have pluchmi hum. Hoouro good health and you will have gooil looks. JSloclrlo llll iers Is tho great allorntlvo and tonic nets dlreetly nil tlioso vital organs. Cures pimples, hlotehes, hnlls ami given a good complexion. Hold at I’eluraun A I’aulk'a drug Htnro, (SOc. per hotllo. Wlicnuvor. Wlioiiovir wo arrive at the honest conclusion tlmt tlie tlomoornlio parly no longer represents and strives to curry out tlio best, principles nf gov eminent; whenever wo tire fully con vineod tlmt the democratic party ii guilty of enacting lntvs in interest of particular olooses uml not for the good of all tlie ]K)oplo: whenever wc foci in humor to find fault with Ub lenders, its policy, ami to make odi mis opinparfdonn in the interest of Borne new departure] then, instead of claiming to be r. democrat, wc shall march right straight out into some other political organisation. We shall never stultify our conscience by remaining in a party that does not possess our entire confidence and our most loyal allegiance. Thu G a7kitk subscribes fully to the above sentiments by lion. 1km K. Hussell, of the Hninbridgo Demo crat, and rises only to remark that tho “whenever” is not now. OOXSUKmON OVBBB An obi physician, fPtjrcd 1mmpraolbv,bavin?; had piiotod fit jd* hand* by an Kasf India udMlmi ary iti .... ...» no tnrnudwof a dimplo voyctaidt? romody lor Hi* •pv'cdv and permanent euro «f Omsnn>i>- Mon, UroimnUI*, t atari h, Astbinu and all tbn at aim laiu^ AlTcutlons, aUo a ponUtyc and radica i «nir» Cot NVrvtiU* IkddRty «u«<t all .Vcrvou* (Vun •lalntH, aftor having tpatthi It* wonderful iiiro vf povwt* in UtimiAtuta of ntwit, ha* fell it hU duty to make R known* sutTcnoif foil. ‘ “" ’ to rrAkr# \ctnub‘d ti; till* niui(vQ) and a denlti*... fT.tnnlm:.? will youd five of cbi.r^uoall IllllUIll) emieiu't.i «»u figvt trvc i«M’ilw.n;n,lo i wIm -.tuaitv 4t, this re»il\>i\ in ttvnnan. Ftwirh ILll IvtT.l lllsitl.l L.I..1 C.4U .ImuIII.Imu a FiiuUMi, wtfrt lull dlmiUmw t»v.' prcjmi lnk and | **■*““ ’ * mbtns's>iug wtch ’iCtt JjLOt dace, wlioro KllsTt WIlkcrfon formifrly rcHidfxl totiiidcd on the cast l?y tlio (lcorcla ftouthern * ' 1 rtn by land* of Hictm Hi Wllliy ik MatthlH—R. 0. Wilby amt orouerty id Wiley Matthls-hv virtue of o fl. fa. i**n«d from Her riuu sii|H-rior court In favor of H. R. .laqucH & Tinsley Company vs. said- Wllliy Jb Matthl*. This Kabrtmrj 2», lxirj. Mho, at thu samo time and place, one light Hor rid mare iimleunmcd Dolly, six years old. Ia>vled ii as the properly of Rouse & liempwy by vlr- M.A.0EXTON, Fire Insurance TIFT03ST, CiEORGIA, Represents the following old, reliable and popular flro insurance companies ami solicits the patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of Sort. - imeriea, “Greenwich,*’ Total Assets, $1,056,035,43, “Hartford.’’ Total assets, $6,576,010.13, “Central City,” or Selma, Ala, Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “AStna” and |“0rlent.” |M. WILKES, Resident, Dentist, TII-TOSr, or.OlKKA, 4, np stairs, Taulk pricV, Office—1Um>iu building, • Can be ffiund in hi* offlee fnttn the 1st to 15th of cacti month, the residue of tlmo will bo devoted to country patjunu—at their Uomcs IT desired. ,.c Founded in 1703. Founded in 18S4. Founded In 1810. DR. J. A. MqCREA, Physician and Surgeon, Real Estate and Renting Agent. Has on his list of Real Estate some very desirable farm lands in the vicinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida." Keep yoar eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lands are within oue and seven miles of town. If you havo any Real Estate—houses or land—for gale or rent you will receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with me. I am, vory respectfully, l-I M. A. SEXTON. DR.N. PETERSON Physician and'Surgeon. TIFTON, - GKOnOIA. DR. J. C. GOODMAN, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, - OUoHQIA. Offigr—Room In the Tifton Drug Store. KIT* Thanking the public for Its past liberal patronage and solluit a continuation of the same. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO E. P. BOWEN & BRO. DEALERS IN — Greneral Merchandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. -... , .... jy . tuo of u morliiimo (I. fit. lawit-d from Hurrlqn Hit- i F» — pcrlor court In rttvorof 1C. R. i,uwU&<'o. ugnlnHt huId Holme &' llumpHuy. Tills March 1, lintf. Also, at thu xamu time and place, one lintise and lot In the town of Adel, located on the n*»rth> west corner oflfntohliuoii avenue Mid Hoventh street, and iHiuudodon the north by original land line, on the east by Hutchinson avenue, on the south by He vent li street and dn tlio west by Rail road avenue, eoiitulnliiK one more or less, Highest cash prices prices pnicl for eb'mkens ami eggs, and farm produets generally. Give us a call when you cornu to Tifton with anything to sell iHdnglhe plnoo whereon M. ,1. Young now reside*. >vlei* * * *" d on a* llm property of M..I. Young by vir tue of three 11. Ihh, Issued from Hie superior court of TIioiiiuh county in favor of .1. T. f'uipeji- peraiul A. 11. Cone iuplnnt. Wilby & Mattlila, * h. n< • • - dnliimntH, and .1. II. Ileater mid St. ,1. Young, HcciirPIc*. Also one ft. fa. l**uod from tho au- icrlor court of Thoiuns county in favor of the bank of ThomiiHville, tranKferees, plaint Ilfs, iiualiiHt Wilby Sc Mattlil*, clnimnutH, and M. J. Yunna, miuurlty. 'litis March 1, IHir.l. 1). W.Tihok, HherllT 11. C. Petition for Charter. OKOlUlIA-bi’.nitiH.N Cm ntv. To the Hupurlor Court of said County. Tha petition nf W. H. Kcnder and J. N\ Itray hIiow* that they, and such other pcrcomt ah may siiuws 111.,*■ iiiivyi hum sneu mm i ]a imuiq as niny be UH*oclaU*d with them, desire to miter Into an luoMKilfttloim under tlie name and style of tho CFCllr UIMIIKU CO St VAS Y; That the object of Halil umoclntlnn I.* the mn- nlii^c itml oiwrnttng u general saw mill huHlunAS for the mnniifaetur6 of lmiibcr, stave.*, laths and shingles, and sucli other article or thing a* (h ilHCully imolo and inuimf icrurcd by a saw-tnlll and plaidutr mill nml iiIhi h pemMal mcrenn- tile bimliii’HH In eottncetloti with Hald saw mill. Hub! business to lw cartled on in tho town of wll, In said County ami State. And for the fiiribci' purpose of earning out the object of said assoefatlon. they ilei-lru to have power to purchase and hold pronertyt mil Hi * * * ‘ ‘ and to e aml/pc»Hoi»aJ, to sue and b«* sueil, and else all puwor# usually coiiturroil tipon corporu* ay b with tho laws ol (morula ; and that s:\Maasocln thm Is to have its principal oftlee and place of lm duo** lu said town of Cecil, said oounty and State ; and tla* antd saw mills and >planln^ mills ami mercantile Imslmms are to be run by said association for tho purpose of imumfiiciurinK ‘ iitor ‘ * “ lumber. Moves, laths and shini’los, etc., and buy- lug and selling of general mcic.lmiidlse as afore dd, and wdllcy of tli lm same for profit and gain. IVlUbmerH further show that tho capital Mock »f said UHsoelullon aetually paid In I* tho imm of ly pal twelve tliimnand dollar* (4|>2,UOO), and they de- ‘ll Ik sire to hnvo tho privilette of inereaslna said cap ital stock at any time to an amount, not oxceod- lui: fifty t lmuKund dollar* (^f»u,000», That said capital stock shall Iw divided into shares of one hundred dollar* (ftWO) each. Your pctloncrs would pray tlio icisslinc of an order by said Court, granting tins, theli nppll- eatlun, and that thev end their successors bo In corporated for and during a term not nxcoodlup twenty ('.kb years, with tho privilege of renewal at the expiration of said twenty (20) year*, for the purpose herein set forth. And petition,n* will ever pray, et6, u * Vrlill Jt HLATl’lll A AHHI.KY, IVt it loner's Attorney s. (1 KORfI! A—Uerrlen County. (’lerks* otllce of the Huporior Court, said county. —Tlie above and foregoing petition this day tiled in olllce and recorded as required by law. KKIIIU'AHY 17, IWJ. «. w. MOORK, Clerk Superior Court. Uerrlen County, Borrion County Sheriff's Sales For April. (iKORfllA—llr.niHKx County. Will M sold before the court home door In the town of Nashville, said state and county, on the first Tuesday In April next, between tlie leirnl hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cosh, the following property, to-w|t: Ono Iron gray mare mule six year* old, tft‘$ band* high, named Kate j unc black marc mule seven years old, 15* f hands high, named Reek one lOack horse mule seven years old. l.V, Invndi high, named Tolu*: and ono black horse mute seven years old, la‘4 hands high, named Hob. Royled on as the property of 8. U. C’ul|*epper to sat My n mortgage ft. fa. Issued from the superior court of Thnmux county, (ieorgla. In favor of the Rank of Thomasvllle, transOrrecs, etc., and against H. (I. Culi>epp*r. Tills Feb’y 4U1, Uwa. Also, at the samo time and place, one large steed line hor^e mule, uliout eleven year* old. namrd l.ogan 5 also one lai ge st.vd black morn miilc aVa'.nt Ion year* old named Mary, levied on as the property or 8. U. IMIpepiiev to satlafy ** •* * 1 * the superior court a mortgage ft. fa. Issued from ...... of Thomas county. Deorgiu. In favor of 4. T.Oul pepper and A. H. Cone and against 8.0. Cul|n»|>- per. Thl* February Hdi, IHtrj, Also, at tho same time and ptsw. one black hers© mute about nix yearn old named Tom, one black horse nude alsmt twelve years old named liill* one Iwj man* mult* almut twelve years old named Reek. Levied on os tin jiropetty of 8.0, tNilpoiiper <0 satisfy a luortgage ft. fn. issued from I bo su|*erim court of Thimms county, fieoe- gia. In favor of 4. T. Culpeper an*l A. 11. Cone, and against 8. U. Culpepper and W. 11. t'ulpem l»er. This February Rb.Wl, Also, at tho value time and place, one black Imm miiM alumk twelve years old named dim. one l*iy horse mole about nine years old naim*t Alf, ono liay mare imtlo about six umth old WE m 10 m ALL OF III CUSTOMERS. Tlwnklng tho public for a generous patronage in tho past, we earnestly solicit a continuance of the samo in the future. t-tf. IT!. P. BOWEN & BRO., Near then. & W. Depot, TIFTON, GA. FURNITURE! b'urniture for tlie Eurlor, Furniture foi- the Bod Room, Purniture for tlie Kitchen, Kurnituro of A.11 Kinds. J lmve the largest and best stock of FURNITURE of every style mul kind to be found in Berrien county or in this section of Georgia, and will not bo undersold by any house in the State. Before buying Furniture of any kind, give roe a call. It Mill pay you W. .A. HENDERSON, t-tf. PurltH Unfitting, TIFTON, GA. ISAAC S. BOWEN, rums GROCER FANCY! 1 KKF.l' A KUKRI! AND WKI.I. HKOiCTKO STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND KVKRYTHIND USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS STORK. I Pay the Highest Cash Price for Country Produce AND WILL IT45A8B YOU WITH GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS namrd 1.1)1. one bay m»n> nml? about live year* “ ‘ abdulti’O old nnnmd .lane. «*aa black horn nmle abdul'tyo >v«r* obi no*ued dohn, our momu* otbqvd maty iimlo about, twelve yi*ar* old tuvWd Mary, ,Vne black horn* mule aWui m*ven war* old nrmwd Mike, oiiv bay fiiftw mule about vjbtMi jrwtw old ivAiiicd KU^on^Korral mstr mule »vb»ml upf. )Yar« old namOil l*»vk. and 01m buy mau» midoalmut eight yctR'sntd na uwl lb*w. levied ut» s^‘ Uie rbntuoa .. . .. ....... p«r and A. ll. Vouw nnd ^ralnitt 8. f(. v'ulpcpia*r. 'Thl* ' !>. R\ TtHOA, {sbvrjft R. i\ v.rop'rty of 8. CM ulprp)H»r tosaUafy a i»Vrig ft. fa. isimcd fWvm tho *n|*vvior court o’ Thfii comvly. Ut*o* j;l.«, in favor <*r4.T ('ulpcpj*ir February 4tb, lm vuiViff. HonxbyutaRbv naming thi> paper. W. A, Novi Rlov’U, RwlMHlei*, N Y, Here’s a Bargain for S«ae Man. A splendid fatni of iw arrem, tx\tm milM fw>ut|i of lUwkftold, Vim aeaveH —* wick and Wiwtfin* rri'.vo itMoti on IU RrrtnS' ................... 1 iwhL* Tbfvw Arc thirty bum. acres lu .ul.lvattuo; bearing pear 4 —.»»p. good water ami iujrovcmanu*. This f«t\n cdui Ivatr* 1 bcbrttl hi, AsftvrRb c if sold in nexlsixiv day*. \ Apply u» M. V. tiKVroN. He cl Altaic I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Drs. J. W. & D, J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, COItBRLK, UKOUGIA, OKFHK-Jt.nk Jlulldlnp, IiiMtin No. 1, np >Ulr«. TIFTON, • GKOROIA. Prompt attention given to call*, day or nisht, Ijrornufi at residence. 2-tf. OmoR—In Paulk brick building. All calls promptly responded to tUty or night, DR.G.C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOliXTIUlC, - (IKOltOIA. Offer* Ills non'ice* to tlio people cf Colquitt and adjacent counties. tiro PFics in new drug store. G. A. WHITAKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AK VAU>pfiTA, • GEOKOIA. I^egal business solicited* and gives prompt ,iUh ‘ton tent ion, tjr*OK«nn—Ilarrell Ruildlng, FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - GKOKClA. Prompt attention given to all logal bustiicss, " ' jRjjj | ‘ dfOnii'K-liovc Rullding, Room No. 1. JOHN A. WILKES, Attorney - at-Law ADEL, - CliOIlGlA, Will practice in all tlio counties of the Bouthtru 4ud)dal Circuit of Oeorgia. attention directed to all branches of the profession and general business solicited. 8-1 y. H. A. YOUMANS, Tifton, Georgia, 104. ■ DKAr.I’.K 1N- Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. attention given to Electric Special Plating. I nlun make n specialty of. repairing lino ami complicated watches Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mo a trial. H. A. YOUMANS. IlAdtft ‘ NEW mmi JOHN C. HIND, Ooiitraotor »nd Builder, TIFTON-, , GEOPQIA, AI.I. KINDS OF WOODWORK pONE QN SHORT NOTtOE- THE ORLY PERFECT sedifiQ CifwwiisM AAMIbYDSE. Semi lor drmiar ami price lift to Wbetivt . ^ ... n | # VlllWi Mfg., On . Allan)] . For aale by \V. A. HS.NRKU80N,Tifton, <1*. SHOE SHOP. Having cpcnwl a 8tn?e Hhop in Tifton I a>n iimtr J prenuied to rwair wwtt a«at;> and Hmudv. fthikplntbe fthf Masonic ImiUilng, rear of the Brunswick and Menem depot. M. D WHIKLKU. Money! Money! TO LOAN 'l3e Mimsj fitul jwectfewtlop* furuishetl on n^nulan, 1-Ij’. Ob n»> estate, at fat tAinmYsMAta. nf twilitlng patiywni, at the law rale nl ,* u t. per S )»( ftwn ftto ta taentj- thne. lw T» J 3® SSwjlWBkWiWW! <S™t< «tfl. at .ieilflV itty, h. .r. Vnijgj, »& j pnwially fni!>(;*ou t.v W. U. 1U6KINS, Lruux, .