The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 08, 1892, Image 4

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anHwewiujii.'e.... A RECF.PTIC'LE FOR THE THOUGHTS CORRESRONDENTS, mm * TJtl'E GAZETTE: TGTON, G&# EM DAY,. APRIL »,--1.802. _ ,’rV'?jgc'KV&SSg zetTe letter-box, Events nf Interest Transpiring tili’lo 1ty u I nMliful ntul Kin- lent L’orps of U«|H»rt«f*» BoIioidIiiii’h ISmlget. ■ii., April -6 A hiwty trip to .Moultrie, .Colquitt county, rcvca^d ftftmp fngto for which I wnaunprc- tlie, fluent *>rpln In Berrien, Mr. Crenshaw, tlio principal, wn* tlio re- i;lpl«P yesWruHy ‘of (tiro of tlx- input beautiful lloral offerings I ever naw, Interspersed with orange blossoms, verbenas and woodbines were seven distinct geraniums, making in all a lovely billow. Would 1 were free from this restrolnt,’ Or uImi Imd hot* to win her. Would Him could make of m« a Habit, Or f» of her, u sinner. IIonnuiAN. w t ft 'I'urpentlno is being gathered at an •iniinuiiKO rat^i, although Cqlqpitt is an inland county, and much of,thc spirits and ^osin is hauled with mules jtwentjf mile? apd more. Tlic naval Htores manufacturers arc sapping one of tii9 moat valuable sources of wealth, Tito building of pew houses, bptli m town and country, is plicnoniinial. J ii liisH tlmn jtwo years jtlie center of yiojiitiatlon will follow ,tlio center gc '(igrupblealjy west of the Oenpileo. Superior court convened for flits spring .session on Monday, Judge Ilanseil Presiding witli ids accustom ed djgpity. Tho bar was represent ed by f5rili>, Kjiigtdic.rry of Vuldosta, McCall end Humphries of Quitman, A. T. McIntyre, senior and junior, of frJitjpiMville, and I had the honor to fnont, for tiie ilrst time, Col. BuhIi of pnmilla, Judge Hope of Ailmny, and (Col, Perry of Ty Ty. There were iiertlapH otliors 1 did not know as 1 WAff hunting hut one lawyer—-iron Hold. 0. Mitchell, of Thomnsvillo, jvlio was absent. The Press was represented by Capt. Triplett., and n ! nb for tile (Uznrris and Adel News, iy the way, wlmt are tlm News’ polities? I confess that it is hard for mo to find imt. The agent tliero. pf quoting tile Itninhridgc Democrat to prove tlio iieeossil.y for tlm Cranks’ !Pnrly. I do not allude to the mass pf good alliance farmers who. are peeking to better their condition by extra politic pxtrft political methods, inn, to tlmse jdostinhoilts wlm for hope nf olllee pro stirring ny strife among ilium prata. I Imawf a now blog mlvaimed a'i'lie (bird party will win In 1800 as it <|id In 18(1(1 liy the election nf Lincoln," Cap jf lie possible that any sane sontljoni mini desires ft thing? I hope i|ot, l)nd yet tljorii pro men in nil qgos wim will see liu man blond run like watfir for person id ambition. There is a vast uifti'i'- 0(100 between free speech aial fortl spoeeli nnd I do hope south < ieor- . giaiia will tuko duo notice nnd gov ern their tongues wisely and east, their voles for liomoeratio govern- ' (iiont, Imt 1 slmll revert to tills sub ject another day. Jtivlso your own ■provisions Ih tlio war cry In Colquitt, jind tlio lilies are weit laid in tlmt. illroot,Ion, I conversed with many iif hoi* leading farmers, and Mitchell fop congress and corn to sell seems Jo 1m tlm general desire, Colquitt is fast, coming! to the front and. I am FERTILIZERS FOR TOBACCO. FORMULAS GIVING NECESSARY EL EMENTS AND QUANTITY. Mr. I'.iischal Imparts Valuable Information It obit I v« to tlio IU*«|i»lsltn Fttrlllltt* lion for a Hucrcssfiil Crop. Migration Is quick to giro relief In sovore cases of linsdnclic or neuralgia, at Hr. .1.0. Unodtnan'a. Ilerrlen County I’edngogties at the Georgia Cliantaiiiina. TurroJr, April 4, 1802, Mu. Kkitoiu Wo had promised the Herrlon county teachers, in tho early part of the Chautauqua, to take some notes for tlio fisy.KTVK, nnd wc thought, by.tho cud, to iinve quite it budget, but we felt relieved when We saw yoiir bright pye, note-hook and poimil in the thickest of tho light. We never love to talk of war in llnmbleton’s presence. We will, however, give yon tlio benefit of an advantage wo had. Wo were pressed in as secretary of nil impromptu meeting of tho Horrien beys nnd thereby obtained tho names which we Imml you. This county pud more teacher* present than any other, and, taken as a body, they were a credit to their county, ever willing and ready to perform any task assigned While tlm lectures and instruction were tlm very best we can but regret that so little southern talent wih cm ployed. A good number of our boys stopped with Hro. A. A. Henderson, 6f tho (JtieplJ City Hotel, and fared sumptuously. Albany is a beautiful city and its inhabitants are noted for their hospi tality lost) angers, We inol the following from Ber rien at tlm Clmiitauipm! Misses Fail- nio Moore, iJpble Hutchinson, Baljic Ingram, Kva Duckworth, Hnlttm Leo Morphy, lillil Kerry, Leona Green, Mrs. !■!. L. MeXabli, Messrs, If. I) O’Quitii W. G. Crenshaw, II. I Shepherd, W, W. Hall, N. J. Cur rish, (1. W. Glildens, H. I,. MoNnbt), A. S. Gomlnum, J. W. K. Powell, J II. (lay, It. 0. Woodward, I,. It Lovilt, J. I*. Knight, J. A. Weaver, II. W. Gray, J. H, Gaskins, K. II, (iaskins, ,1. .1. Voting, W. K. Patten ,1. W. Moore, J. >V. Sutton, A. S Itoberts, H. I,. Patton, G. T. Patten It. L. I’aflnn, 0. L. Smith, J. W ((pilaw, J. W. Patton, C. It. O’Neil j“h C. Smith, H. 1). Panjk, J. A Webb, O. L. f'liesmitt, A. R. Klliott, J. M. Nutt, L. M. Guthrie and A. L Murphy. A good many were nimbi to attend on account of sickness, etc., ami sent III letters of regret, which were read. glad to know tbu Qakxwr Ims bad 'n lloii'u ultilVn il! ".ii' lion’H slnvvo In tlm good work of Jirliiglng her many advantages to ylow. Tlio Haiinor extended oourtn- • ales for which 1 return thanks. Long may if, wave I An a typical ante helium farmer a s Averu, Ksq., of Colquitt f in very Joshua—a head taller jhitn his people. Last year he made, on wliat was over eonsldored poor jaml, 7*00 hilshels of oorn—sold 110(1, and a four mule team loaded part, pt tht) fourth hundred on the 5th lust., 8 bales of Boa Island cotton, over 200 bushels, gathered, of Him swept potatoes and syrup In waste. Mr. Avcira plows, ami Ids Immlanine, manly boys, olso. 'J’lds work was done with only pvt) plowm I called up to shake Ills holiest Imml which does pot hold honest toll taken from t tlm poor tenant, and in spite of my piotestntions, Ida amiable wife ami ' tlaugbtpiy who is ns fair as n May Itiortijng, imon set before me a cup Of hot .eoffoe, fried Patthhll yams . nnd lioino ralsetj meat that would create an appetite in ft stomaeli thnt wim already over full, This old friend of tlm Gahutth and good gov- prnment Ipts already solved tlm Mil- aiuie jifoblem—-wlmt slmll we do to ImttAfr oqr condition? and is not. a mppiber of that onler, either. In- (teed, otip Imi only to roam thrmsgli . ami Herrlnn to know tlmt, ilitlossrosii f, shnw «ivo>. auiw . reiki**"' it uttemlaiiee "Late In Ih'P mill and early in rise will shorten the limit In your liount la the sales." Hal early In tied and a "Lillie Kiirly Riser," tlio pill ilmi makus life longer and bottefnnd wiser, ,1.11. Good will). lint, IlniMieiiiiigs. Mlti tin rum: I will furnish you with a few Hat Items if you will give them space in your spicy col- umns. There is considerable sickness in this neighborhood, confined chiefly to lit grippe. My family have all been down with it, Imt is now con valescent. Mrs. Susan Phelps is ex pected to die with it, Ml. Zion Sunday-school is nour ishing under the miporiiitcmlonoy of W. II. Stripling. I hope it will not die again soon, as the second death is said to he a horrible thing, Tlm farmers in the vicinity of Hat are up and doing, planting the’r crops hut—not much cotton! They are haunt] to raise their own lmg and hominy. If 1 had my way limit' would he lililo cotton raised in Geor gia this year, A poor farmer s wife and daughter* have to work out in the potd ami heat to raise six can't* cotton, and then can’t, get money enough from their labor to pay the editor for his paper. I think the women ami girls ought to go hack to tlm old spinning wheel and Georgia loom and the men ami hoys to the plow and hoe. Well, Mr. Kditor, this is my first attempt lit writing for » newspaper •nml so I desist. If you accept this screed f will try to do hotter next liiiic. Mas, G.uiitna. ‘ ' ' '■!!? tf -dull, spirit!.,mi sm! stupid: If your Wood Is thick slid sVjgHlyt: Il vein Jipps- (lie is capricious aatt ui|ft rt'iln i./i need ilia, Kov liu)' rroiio JMU IV Oooduili Through the columns of the G.\- zuttk 1 take pleasure ill answering a letter of inquiry from Mr. J. M. Lutes, Bardis, Ga., relative to tho component elements of commercial fertilizers suitably adapted to the growth of yellow tobacco, thereby giving its readers tho benefit of the desired information. The component elements of fer tilizers for tobacco should be special ly adapted to the requirements of tlio plant, the character of tlm soil and the class or typo nf tobacco to he produced; that is, they should he such as to promote the growth and development of tho desired typo and to meet tlm deficiency nf the soil in supplementing that which best eon- tributes to tlm production oi tlm greatest quantity of tlm finest quali ty, It becomes more apparent every year that wiecessful and profitable tobacco growing of any type or class is based more on the intensive rather than extensive system. The elements most needed in to bacco fertilizers arc soluble phosphor ic acid, nitrogen and potash, nnd if tlm planters knew the composition and needs of their soil they might tlmn compound their own fertilizers supplementing the requisite elc incuts to produce tlm best results. Hut not knowing wliat. their boIIh most need and liow to compound fertilizers to supply the needed ele ments and their relative combination to prctfllice tlic best results. There fore, only general rules can he given in selecting or making a fertilizer for the tobacco crop. 'I'lie following formula* are highly recommended for bright yellow types: ' Very poor land, for each acre, mix well together! acid phosphate (So. Car. rock,) 200 lbs.; nitrate of soda, J 7o Mis.; sulphate of potash, lbs.) total per acre, 500 lbs. For fresh cleared land, acid plmss- phate (So. Car. rock,) 100 His.; ui Irate of soda, 140 llm.; sulphate of potash, 100 His.; total, pur acre, 401 lbs, ’ A composition highly reeommeded for any quality of land—acid phos phate (So. Car. rock,) 600 lbs.; cot ton seed motif 400 lbs.; kuinil, 100 total, per acre, 1,000 lbs’, If a less quantity be needed fol low proportion as uliovu given. It is a conceded fact, that North Carolina nnd Virginia farmers, in tho bright tobacco belt, use far too little fertili zers per acre, not exceeding in many eases 150 pounds. Then, is it. atiy wonder (hat the planter withholding his hand and contributing so sparing ly the requisite element absolutely necessary to produce profitable re turns should sit down at harvest and unjustly complain of his so-called providential misfortunes? lie that sowoth sparingly may expuut to reap sparingly. It is not uncommon up north for planters on “soil superior to ours” to apply 00ft to 1,00(1 ponllda per acre, and harvest from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per aero, while Virginia and North Carolina farmers harvest only from 1100 to '7000 pounds per nr The conclusion must naturally follow that the difference is in favor of tlio bountiful supply of fertilizer as tlm cost, aside from the fertilizer, is the same in one crop ns the other, The planters in South Cnrolhi i are using oven heavier applications than arc railed for by the above formulas with decided beneficial results, ami they arc getting ahead of the plant ers in the Old districts from Ilia fact they more generally grow improved varieties now use improved methods of growing', curing, etc. So far as e.nnmeroiat fertilizers are concerned these analyzing highest ill phosphoric acid, nitrogen tuul pot ash are tho cheapest even at a higher price, for the cost,of trmisjioning and applying a cheap fertihaer lathe same as for the best. A soluble, quick aeliug nitrate, U decide llv better for blight yellow tobacco than the slow acting one, because this type muss bn pushed vigorously tv early maturity, ripening it yellow, and at a time when the weather Is most fav orable to the earing process. Sul phide of pota.dt is better than chlor ine for any ulww of tobacuc from tlm fact that el 4o' ine 'unpurts u gucimr color to the plants, causing them <q cure a darker color and also destroys the baling quality. The so-called “muriate of potash” U unsuited to any class of tobacco and planters should beware .of it; as it is clioapcr than the sulphate it is largely used by fertilizer manufacturers. Wood ashes either caustic or leached, arc unsujted to lljc yellow types hut (nay bo used successfully in tho culture of cigar tobacco. The constituent agricultural value of wood ashes arc carbonates and phos phates of potash,-tnagnesja and lime. Cotton liqll ashes Is also nit excellent fertilizer for cigar tobacco- Shooting ut Cyelonetn. News readied Tifton early yester day morning of a shooting tlmt took place at Cycloneta the night before. A young Sir. Irby, cousin to tho furm superintendent, was staying at Mr. Anderson’s store. Ho was in the store between 10 nnd 11 o’clock post ing hooks, the front door Ht slight ly ujar. The scoundrel who did tho shooting crept up to the front door and steadied his pistol against the facing. The ball struck young Irby hack of the head andglauced around the skull nearly to the right ear. Suspicion rests upon one of a quar tette of durkies who were there Hie curly part of the evening waiting for to heat a ride to the through freight Valdosta. After the shooting they could not ho found. Mrs. {.. It. Patton, KpcktviC, Iil v Writeai "From persons! .cxperierico I can, recommend lie Witt’s Haruaparfilo, a cure for impure Wood and general debili ty." ,1. O, Woodman. OO TO TIH5 I)r. Goodman’* Tifton Drug Store For SPOUTING GOODS, W ren„. (l ni. r . r k.. >t)il lUlU!, Fill) Cnx^iet^eUy $IJQ. KfT* FrerylxHly are Invited ty caU and exam- Inuth *“ I tlicjw good*. i)lt. J. C. CIOODMAN, Tiftyrt, Oa. ♦Special Notice. The ordor requiring the public aoliooJi nf Iter* — i close by Bcjitcmbcr 1 has been re- rlcn county to yoked onu the time extended to ltaginbef 1. .. .... - - - HeportH must filed with Con nty Bclujul -* ' fT v ‘ sloner by December 5. . „ , . . » A. W. PATTKIiftON, President. U. MW Ci ALBANY, GEORGIA. Wholesale Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigar House. Special attention given to Jug trade. Orders promptly filled. a'KIOB I.IST. Old Private Stock lire $5 00 per gallon. oldXXXX Uye....: *'“* 14 OUolona Bye, WtO Sf>o Rye Alliance ye a oo Old No. 10 It) 2 50 Callfowfa Kye... Dougherty Co. Rye.. 200 . jgberty Co. Bye 150 Old N* C.Corn... 2 50 OeorglaCom 2 00 Obi Holland din, 2 Stamp .‘too Oood Holland (iln 2 00 Tom din 2 00 Pure Old Poach noo Apple Brandy 8 00 Cognac Brandy 5 00 doodUum 2 00 ftwuut Catawba Wine 150 Thomas.’. Hardware.’. Company, . WHOLK8ALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN B BTtiVKB.f^r^l **TOVF f M. /^\ 8TOVKH.-\' 'T~ BTOYICS. f . ^ 4 :ToVI’B. I BTOVI&t. fl 1 HTOVKM; \/ KTOVKH. IH 4 UTOV \'A. -A- MTtlVr’Jf. BTOVF8. y t FROM CHEAPEST TO BEST. iif® mm mm l lroca .OJ,. lcctc.l tfickpf which I am eclllng low dtwti. I can't bo beaten on frpm the fact J bny all my gotHli* Nwith—lr» the .cheapest market*—And I get from 2 to 7 percent. Discount for Cash, I have no Wood to Buy or Rent to Pay. All I ask Is a fair trial and you will be oon ylnced. 8. HARBELL, Mogal, Georgia. WRITK l’OH ntICJ5S. • Wlioleunle Dc,tiers in - Turpentiiie Tools and Supx>lies. Manufuoturers of the BLAICI5 HACK, —. ORDER A SAMPLE LOT Mill Supplies, Giant Stitch Belt. THOMAS llAltDWAUF. CO., VaUlostn, G«. The bent hack made. - INDEMNITY - AM Of Watoybuvy, Oonnocticnit, Guaranteed System of Scientific Life and Accident Insurance At the Most Reasonable Rates. J. W, HANNON, Stnto Agent, Dgrlts’ lluildlug, TIFTON, OA. ISJSjweial and Local Agents wanted in uvery County in the State. Good llefeiviiec* Itequircd. 1 refer 1iv iiunnUHlou to the follovrlng parties who are among the many who have Itcenjiald fot necldent.t l»v tho Connneetleut Indemnity: W. 11. Oliver, A. .1. MeCrea, W. Al. Hcllare, J. T.Smith, Homer Murray, !>. IVnmtll, Tifton{ Jan. T. Urndy, A»hlmoi | W. .Mmaton, AVIllingham, da. For full particnlara, call oil or addreM 4. W. HANNON, Tifton, da. Thomas Hardware Company •GUNS, . Wu Dell WHOt.K8.VLK DKALKRS IN PISTOLS .’. AND .’. CARTRIDGES.■ fiKOj WB town <JV_ the lvgitV May nex\ HcveutA No. Ida, tu\_ , ty, living thlJ now reside*, l land line, wes by lands of bv it dividing Mu nf J. H. Kiaanl I tho Just loo Court oil favor of .1. J. drilling, I osscBslon noticed In \ turned to me liy U. B. I 181W. M. Berrien County Sheri for maV. diamniA—iu?imnn< cotfxrv. Will las sold before the court house door lu tho town of Nashville, said state and county, on tho Hrxt Tuesday In Mav next, between tno legal hours of tale, to the hlghext bidder for cash, tho J dlowing property, to-wlt: . One Unhorse power portable engine and boiler* lade by the Taylor idauiifaetnrliig Comjnu*y. made by the Taylor Mamifavturloc Couipnoy* the saw mill and all machinery and fixtures con nected with laid engine am! milt. Levied on ns tlm proimrty of 4. M. Baskina by virtue,4 * mortgage 11. fi\., Kiued fmm Bcrrfcu county co In favor of W. II. Brlgga against told Bosk! This March loth, im. of a imrt ;ins. Alw, at the same time and place, one Hlmy Patent Ufcomotive Y~ ~‘ »—---- Engine, which eon 1m seen at v l Mvl«U' Adel, in’said county. levied on oh the property of Willry At Matthls~B, O. WUhy and Wile J Matthls—by virtue of a tl. fa.jHsued from Herr Hon auiitrlor court lu favor of t Work " * “ h Lima Machine iVorks against said Wllby & Mattliis. Tlifu ‘ lOtti,!"*" ,x«n. DANIEL W. TISON, Sheriff 11. C. Twelve Months' Support. UKowirA—lUnuiKx coomrv. iom it ir To all whom it may concern: Tlie appraisers iMM»otntod by the undesigned, in due tom, to not mart a twelve months' support to Mrs. L. K, McKinney and her minor children, out of the ro ute of I). .1. McKinney, late of said county Oe- ceuKcd, laving made their report, 1 will pass up- ‘ • In Nashville on the on the Hume at my office in Nashville on tlio first Mondav la May next. Utven nndcr my hand und ORtcfi<! alfrVuUire, this April 4. unfit. K. AL ».wrni, Ordinary. Twelve Months 4 Suppott. OKORtilA—B Flint ILN ('<IVNTV. To all whom il may concern: Tlm appraisers appointed by tlm undersigned, in proper form,to not apart a twelve ninnthn' support to Airs. Zel- pha Jcrnigan and her minor cntldren, out of tho estate nf A. Jemfgun, late of said county de- ...... __ . T _..Jffanv ceased, lutving made their re|Hirt, l will „ . - . , w ...„ pass up on the same at my office in Nushvillu on the tint Monday in May next. (liven under my hand and official signature, this April 4.1B02. Smith, Ofdlnary. SMITH * WESSON PISTOLS Ijiwer than Anybody. S^r* Write ns for prices. Also UahdvvAnn, •nswAnn. WotlDF-NWAUK, Farm st ypuKs, Carpenters' nnd Blacksmiths' Toot* and ftcrcUM. >ViUe us.for wliat you want- Citation. OKORHIA—ItKIlRIK., Covxtv.' To »l? whom It may oemccrn: W, E. TjiiiiIi, udmiiiistrator of the CHtute of«W. I). Griffin, late of said county deceased, has made apidicatlon to “■ '* ' J 'ibriei the undersiKned.'in projHT form, for leave to hell hemngl““ * 4 ^— the land I *ln 2 to said estate, and I will paws application at my office in Na«h- upon his wild appBca tlon at my vlllo on the first Monday in Ma; cm I si Pi _. _.jy next. under my hand and officii) signal!! 4,1852. Given iivsur I’lttoaHin’, this April F. M. SMITH;Onltnury. THOMAS HARDWARE VAI.DOHTA, OEOUOtA. CO- Citation. GKORGIA -BfiRRlfc* rntiXTV. ! To all whom it may concern; James W. rlsh, n'hntn|»trntor of the estnto nf Ansd I' late of said county !iecease«l. hvs nowU ai. * ‘ mb), In pn i j»?r forjD f for iHdotigfng to sold eMvtr, S ipllcathm at mynlfio* omliir in May next. Hon to tho nndmlgixH), leave to re!! the land ladot *andl will wm niton ‘ “ * file otttlN} 1 THE GAZETTE Job New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I am ploaspil ti>'qi.nmiiii v to (liy friomla and patron* in the cowt tics oi Boi-rieii. Invin, Worth ami Colquitt that I hava just received n compietu COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT Ami nm prepare-! to evocute at rlirn't noiiee am! in workmanlike manner ail pI.-uiso* of eoumievi'iul ami legal blank priming. t sifiieit vonr oi'iieri) ainj guarantee to give eulire tetli.- f.action in prion* ami qua'.iiv of work. lieiqjectfnliy .13. 'J 1 . ALLEN Tit’lets. uhonii/A. WamMmMM I in NavhvBle on the first Given under my hand am April t, VW. F. Given nnder my hand and officjaHlgnaturenhla Citation. GEOBGIA^lftlUiAtKN roWfv; To all when 1 ! U may roncern i ndnistmtov of H. N. Sapp, late has am dim to tbr Wnn, for letter* of ^llAmlwlon from fculIVi tunf,ltiliJi»oniiij J I,t&e? . Fi M. *SUTH t Onlinar; Citation. l;KOR(HA-nv»jtf* Cih-stv, ),.M it f ',T’ Tu*l! .ih'.ri it';i,a;j .-nM.-t'ni: W H. *i:elM. i't l.n-i. 7 r»n«, to til, utMlei fur'-.l f’ Oen. nf (|,lni&lf-.r«lluii i Mt»» of Kr*. Kmiiia l*)t of win o riorenwili and 1 trill f*iu uimo Mi .[.j-iicsinm«,{ «i, umn'In KaUivillkmift. *r>r to M*r wjn.^tnwnaft'lfrnjyhiiiitl .ml .Ololol *m«,v tv, ut.iif - . M.Surru, Onilrjir,. IHHaiH 1 .aSSffi SP15CW8. k«tk;e. n in ItVopw. ro no, of Hj TWl«>, m dM