The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 15, 1892, Image 4

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THK (UZE'iTE:'111T0N, (Um i^tII)AY, APRIL 15,1892. ^ • •... li ( - : : -• ' .1 < L —— . , i »—■ m* THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX. A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. New* ond Kyent* of Interest Transpiring CJirotilcle by u Faithful mid K#fl- olont Corps of Reporter** Boliniutun’H Itiultcet. Cum, April ID,—Two of onr most prominent citisseiiH have taken unto themselves wives (luring thin happy leap year. On March the 3d, at tho resilience of tho bridu’it pnrciitn at Hay’s/Mill, Mr. William F.Mattliis 4> MWh Lily, daughter of Mr. William Umw. (I regret that thin wedding was not duly announced hi ti.u. Oaxnrris.) Mr*. Matthia adds n now charm to Cecil society, and wo congratulate our councilman on his good fortune. On the 7th inst,, in Cm!, Mr. J, T. Hobson was mnrrnjiLlo Miss Hat tie, oldest daughter oMVm. H. Star ling, Esq., lion. T. Futch ofllciat- ing. The bride, attired in a robe of while Cashmere and a tiara of orange blossoms, look I'uro an a hurled jieiir) NVltllltl It* tiflOUMM Him!I, And tho r.mnly form of the brido- groom, attired in u faultless suit of black, reminded me of tho strong contrast in the nature and duties of the sexes. limy tusto colfiHl Ini Joy*, o’on now, lire soaring the run fin* above, 'Who tnko tho saornd iiiarriago v , vwluod love* For houvon I* nmdo of wot The young gentlemen abovo named lire our loading morohmiU and es teemed for their unsullied character and we wish them every joy they so fondly anticipate, There are some bachelors on the north side of Main street who would do well to remember this is leap year and govern themselves accordingly. Miss Georgia Hhaw, of Kay’s Mill, is visiting her sister, .Mrs. W. F. Mntthls. Mrs. Henry Alderman is visiting friends in south Florida. Mrs, MnlllCj Hall is visiting relatives in brooks county. Mr, iirynnl tl ruddy now spoils tlie city star. Look out, offenders dubs may he trumps. One fourth of leap year gone and two of our host Imohelors. Have a earn hoys, or you will all he snowed under. I’ll declare I I am like the Hmi, Lewi! Cass at Chicago, The noise and uonfusion which pervades this assembly will prevent my being heard on the important topic of tliu third parly tills week. Messrs. Sessions A Lilko will open a splendid general store on tho cor ner of ltnijrond avenue anil Main street this week. 11. .1. Folsom, Esq., Inis made ar rungeme.nts to erect a stoic building oil the corner of Kailroad avenue nnd lilcliwdsoa street. The young soolety pcoplo Imd a Haclablo at the residence of Mr. .1. N llray Friday evening, Editor 11. 1). Smith, of the Adel News, and who by the way, makes himself ommplcu ously scarce ill Cecil,was lit attcmlanee and was blessed among the blessud Tltoso angels, friend Smith, arc liko candles, winglciui, but they have a habit of clipping the biittcrtly’s wings when they want, him to slay Kustov Sunday I Fair and bright ns tho Christian’s hope on tho morn of tho resurrection. Amid the din of political turmoil and clashing Inter, esl of men m pursuit of wealth and happiness let tin remember that, this is the anniversary of the -victory of righteousness over sin and death Let us, theroforo, shout Gloria Dei in If.tcchin, and return tlinnks that we arc in a land of religious liberty UO'.IUMIAN. from Enigma, “Regular” among the number, were in attendance. The farmers are busy now. They .are about done planting cotton and ready for plowing corn, The oat crop is looking well, and without sofiio accident will be abundant. Far mers arc preparing land for trans planting their tobacco plants. Cow driving has been tho order for the past few days, anil sheep shearing will soon begin. Messrs. Weston A Gunn will, in a short time, move theft- Westonia mill up to a site two and a half miles cast of Enigma. They have scoured quite a huge amount of tirinxir out, in that direction and as they have all they can saw at tho Enigma mill for many years to conic, they decided to move the Westonia mill. This is an enterprising firm. Mrs. ,T, B, Gunn has just returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Dawson, Dr. ,1. II. Hammond spent several days last week among Ids ohl friends in Terrell county. Ho says somo of the political boys up thero ure incon solable. Miss Gertrude Smith, who lias been spending quite a while with the family of .fudge J. A. Ball, returned to her homo in Brunswick last Week. Mr, J. B. Gunn showed mo n few days smeo specimens of tho finest grades of phosphnlo rock which lie picked up sround Enigma. Should tills rook bo found here in ulmmluucc 'inigmu is elected. I learn that Mr. George Bunch, an old nnd highly respected of kilhoun county, is quite sick at tho home of Ids daughter in Enigma. There is lmt little ulckuuSS in this sec-lion at present. From tlx 1 best information I can gather ( infer that the Berrien conn ty alliance, at it squartcrly meeting in Nashville on the 7th inst., endorse) tho" nclbm of tho C'uthbert confer ence, democratic primaries and the andidaey of Hon. O. 11. Stevens, of rerrell county, for congress from the second congressional (list,riel,. A little ten-year old negro boy from Vaneevil who lias lieun hero some time goli j In school, matin an ffort yesterihv to annihilate onotli- little llOgri hoy, about his own ago, with a'ilS- jqHbro Smith A Wes son pistol; bird, in tho effort, lie sent n ball through his own leg, inflicting an ugly ami' painful wound. Good for Idm! Hr.iiui.Aii KILL ■ Cures scrnU-hi'H on liorsiw mid> oa dues will) imo or tw liuplleallons. For sale liv I’etuMoi) i run 111, Tlflon, tin. at l-liilgmii l-loboes. I^n'-.oma, April 111.—-Mr. W, Livingston, representing tho Albany bottling works was in town yesterday I think I can safely say thei-u is no third party in llorrion county; least, there is none organised. I visited Nashville one day last week, The people of that qtdet tie town seem to bo happy ami eon tented. Rev. J. W. Boose, of Tifton preached in thn .Methodist ohuv here la- f Sunday, There was preaching at the Tur ner clmreh, four miles north of this tioii of our fellowmen. Let both speakers and newspapers give up their harsh sayings, which only gall, grind, chafe and pinch, and places the probability of harmony further from you. I am not a third party man, hut an allianeeman and stand firm' on tho Ocala platform; I hold to all its de mands except one, and thnt one—the sub-treasury demand—I am willing to exchange for something better.. Tlie remainder of the Ocala platform is true democracy—principles that I lovo. There is one or more planks in tho St. Louis plnthm that-1 can. not endorse; they will have to come out heforo It -is dressed up, for all the longidng, grooving and novelty work you can put on it now will not make tlie varnish stick sufficient to hold its colors. I guess I, had hotter stop lest I weary somo one, and that U not my aim. Bat, Mr. Editor, indulge me in little more advice for it seems I Can’t stop wanting the people to lake heed to their footsteps. Good peo ple, alliancemeu and non-alliancomen, slop passing, those stringent resolu tions; they only create vanity, vexa tion nnd strife between you and your fellowmen, nnd many of them you cannot hope to keep. This calls to mind a gratifying Il lustration. I noticed, Mr. Editor, in a January number of your paper, where the Board of Education passed resolution that tho public school E, P. BOWERS & BRO. - DEALERS IN — G eneral Merchandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produee Bought and Sold. Highest cask prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when yon come to Tifton with anything to soli. 1 STRIVE TO PLEASE ALL OF 01 CUSTOMERS. Thanking the public for a generous patronago in tho past, we earnestly solicit a continuance of tho same in the future. E. t-tf. IP. BOWEIST & BRO.) • Near tlie B. & W. Depot, TIPTON, GA. term should not eommeneo later than the first of April. Now, in your last issue I notice they hnvo extend ed the time as long ns they could. For myself and in behalf of my neighbors 1 thank them for rescind ing their funner action when they found it did not accord with tlie wish of tlie people, l would lo God everybody would bo willing to ro selrid hasty and wrong action. No, good people, don’t pass any resolu thins until you know you are right. Now, I am nwaro this is not a pop ular article, hut l believo it is good advice. 1 am not seeking popularity, hut justice between mail nnd man yours respectfully, John D. Cai.iioux A Closing Out Sale! GREAT - BARGAINS ! AT THE STORE OF TIFT# - Tifton, Georgia, O. M. Masonic Building, My Entire Stock, Comprising. Ladies' Dress Goods, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc., Etc Ts offered at and Below cost to close out. Gome and convince yonrself I am offering Genuine Bar gains. Yours Truly, Masonio Building. <). M. TIFT. Skin 1 (1 Ounrsntaed to m»e Itch in 110 mlmilus. BUli Forsclo by I’eUuson A Paulk, Tifton, On, (Uiniiiherbitii's Eyo niul Ointment. A certain curn far Clu-onle Bore Eyes, Totter, Balt Ulnuiin. Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fovor Soros, Eczema, Ileli, Prairie Beratchos, Boro Nipples and Piles. It la cooling and soothing, Hun dreds of cases liavu boon cured by It after all olhor treatment bad failed, It Is pm up In S!i anil SO cent boxes/ Misrepresented. Tipton, April 11,—I loam this- morning upon my arrival in town thnt a report is current I am endors ing the third party, nnd I lake tins meihml to frankly ami positively deny the report. I suppose the ru mor was put in plreulatlon by some one who desired to strengthen their own opinions on that measure. I have some olosc friends who hold to the third party platform as the best tiling for the great masses of the pco pie. Homo believe and advocate it from an honest opinion ami some ar gue it from Hellish motives with the hope of gaining personal political strength, While this is trite, 1 do not propose to raise any dogmatic argument with dm hope of convert ing nor yet inveigh severely against thoir opinions, as the only tendency of such a corn's# would’ be to add fuel to tho flames—it makes thorn more dotcrnnied in their views. Wo should, as citizens nnd neigh hors, with tongues for good reports, lmndli; this third party question with much thought and care. Good peo ple, think of the matter sincerely and carefully, at tho same time re memheriug that it. ts not a Ideal— llorrion county—Melton, but one which effects a great nation of more than sixty millions of people, and so many of Ilium fail of this spittle fric tion that, a, little mow ol such antag onism would promise yon treason, which would 1m paid to the utmost farthing. Mr. John Pearson, lirunswic.k mid Western conductor between Albany and Way-cross, met with an accident yesterday which will probably con iine him lo bis room for several days. Tho train was somewhat late at Tif ton, and Mr, Fiat-son, in 'hurrying from his oar, slipped and gave his knee a twist. He gave the matter no thought at first, but had walked but a short distance when his knee seemed to give wholly out, nttd bo could scarcely stop, When the train arrived in Albany it was necessary to procure a hook lo carry Mr. War- ton to the Mayo. Tlie sprain, though probably not it serious one, is very painful and will doubtless confine Mr, Pearson to his room for several days.—Albany Herald. CONSUMPTION CURED. Att otii I'livsIfUu, rt'tlrint from practice, having ban put coil hi’■ *■*“* * I'liU’otl In iil.t li.uitl:' by art Hast India mts«luiv ary luu formula of a simple vogetalilo remedy for klip spoeily am! permanent euro of Consump tion; BronchOt*, Catarrh, Asthma'ami all throat ami Lung AlToolloua, also a poiTUvo aml.ra'lloal Nervous Debility ami nl) Nervous tom- cure _ JMj iitutoti*, after having tested lla wonderful eitm- live l owers In thousand* of iMUkjs. ha* felt it Ills duty tomitUo it known to hi a RnTjrtiUf fallow*. Aeiimte.i jiv Gil* motive and a de-div to it ii. .t human suiTerlim.l will solid free ol’ obnrwnto all who deslio it, thU reolj o, t.i German. French or KnttlUh, with full direction* for j re| mint* and uslnp. How, hy mall by icldrovd.ijt 'vlth fcumjv, imtuiiu thw rajier. >v. A, 6W lnwerr liltB'k, itcHiiu’Stor, N. Y. Notice to Toneliers. lu olmdlmu/o lo tnltrueilon* from tho State Hoti iol rominlMiiMi^r, nil tern.her* <»f tin* noun* ty,, wUUo 4ud eolofad, art* i^iulrvd tonttoml of the TV»ac*her»* Omul)* li^iltute, t»> th.* leiMtion m J I In’ iidld at Nn«hvU!o on the f<»orih Fotnf.’tty, «Ul I1 iwlnuiiii; at u a. m. T, K. Wir.i.t.VMtt, C. H. C I’olqttln I'ouuty Tax Notice. My ftniiotiitmimu ft*r tho thlnl round or# a? follows' Moultrie pi-whot* ilMst dtalrleN April Wth from 10 a. m. tu4ii. mi. Utvoislleld pm’fnei, UiMli dhtrlot, April ttst, (rout» Vo to a. nu Antrey Antwy'* tUil* HT-tth dUtHet, April Very frequently wo itro askod Rtieh que** tlon* as thoso, Why don’t U «iharR<» GOc. for that hat iniukod 4Me.; lIAc. for that shirt markod 25c.} 10o. for Umt towel marked 0o., an«l *o on? It would *»vo V lota of trouble. It would would not bo bothered with pen- nioH, otc. >Vo acknowledge It is trouhlo 5 lmt, If wo can ulToril to sell at those figures wo have no right to clmrgo more simply to save trouble, >Vc aro not looking for a business whore thero Is no trouhlo. Wo aro working for our customers' Inter est—"A penny saved ts a ponny inatlo”—end when wo can save them any thing wo do so. We cxjHRit to hold our own. Oitrinqtto will bo— Twelve Months' Support. OEOlirilA—11EIMIIKX COVNTVI To nil whom It may conciirn: Tim nm-ralsor. *- **-* «— ** - ' — ".MB appointed by the "under figned, in due form, to set apart a twelve numtW support to Mr*. L. K ... apL *. wt- —... ,. —, — - — — —. .— r - McKtniuiy ond her minor cliHdrnn, out of tho os- tat« of 1J*J. McKinney, Into of *ald county ue- * * tiiclr report, l will pass tqp tho Ar.« ceased, having tnnde their report, l will p i the saute at my in Nashville on Monday in May next. I liven under my hand am. official signature, this April 4,1832. K. M. smith, ordinary. Twelve Months’ Support. GUO BO tA~4UsUmcA C.'oL'.NT Y. To all whom it may Concern t The appraiser* appointed liy tlib uhiUtaiguml, U pniiier l'urui,U, -■ *”>rt lo Mrs. Ze! sot apart a twolvo moot Jin’ support . l«im .TcruJgnn ami her minor ulmdren, out of the usUvto of A. .Temigau, into of said county do- cuasod, liav lug inaile tlud. report, 1 wil! pans up on ilio same ar *■* ‘ i,, ‘ ... my otfico in Koshvlllo on the first Monday in May next. Given under my hand und official sigr.aiurti| this A}»rll 4,18W. F. M. Bmitii, Ordinary Cit&tion. GEORGIA-tiimuiRN County. To all whom it may vomivrn: 15. Lamb v administrator of the estate of W. 1>. Griffin, late of wild county ducuoaod, has made application '—i, for leave to soli tho undovsigtiftd, in proper form, flic iaml bo longing to said oiur.l.e, and 1 will pass upon hU Haiti application at m|* oftlco in N’mdi- \hie or M10 first Momlay m May next. Given dal Hlguature, this Aprl undof my libuti and officl 4, \m. V. M. SMITH, Ordinary. Citation, CIKOHat.V—llHnmiix Cni- rv. To nH whom it may concern: James W. Ter- ris’i, atlmfnfstrator of the estate of Annul Purrish lau« of Haiti county decoastd, htut mailo applica tion to the undcrtlaned, hi proper form, ft leave lo sell the land belonging to Haiti estate, anti t will pass upon said application at my office in Nashville ott tlie flrit Monday in May next, munder * Given under my hand untl offldnl signature, thin April t, 1032. P. M. SMITH, Ordinary. Citation. GKORGIA—llrnmr..v County. To all whom it may concern s J^.vt Sapp, ad ministrator of II. N. Sapp, late m uiid county, u»pi deceased, has applied to tlie undersigned, in due form, for letterM of dhml<«don from said adtntn- Honest Quantity, Honest Quality, Hell cheap, sell a heap, and keep always at it. There are umre goods; There aro Jietter goods; Tboro aw goads lower Mi ptfco; Thero aro inoro Iwrgoin*; Thoro aro no frauds and humbugs; There aro no idiopwoVw and back number goods; Thero fa everything now, and thiMi, and atyllsli, ai d wasonablo, and reasonable, and avail able, end suitable, Ui every line wo car- Veen tty command, 81*t, rrom «lo 4 n, to, Flensadt Hil'clmrvh, 1 pMv autrict, April ««1, from 9 to i() a in, tt-.isidt t 1 1 r Kobiufcmi product, lcM*h ditirluApril 28x1, ow irnum UMtor wouii.t it be forjfmVgtuinlm, ^Wavrhir ptcclubl, MMth district, Aprll ilAl, from h t»> ip- jg 11s iillju Imnncmizc tillsf|umUou in a qulot, milil, fi-ii-mUy way, giving good anil solid mourn for iIkmIoo- trliii'H wo adviK-nlo aial tlwt without litililh'ing, for I lull you tilings am (juttiitDt W bs‘l iihiiM sail you o.-ui «fcc> it if you "'ill i!to|i I'itH-ltii-.jr utiounli Sum'lay. NevViul jiaviios j to take 1411-0001- vvitw of tho feiufli- Ty T>- [ vcdiio;, I'fl.ih Ulorlct, A.trl, Sfcl. from 2 to. 1-. m Mil,',! Monk, Hr’,. UUth ill-utct. Arm »lh, fro.n y to tn a. uu Mill s’woii pcrnluet, 1STW lUaHfct, April v\>h, front a to B p. m ThlgpCu pvectuct. 1483d district, April Wth, HfWtrr t'roek Twtth rlUtrlce* April ntfUi, from s U* H p. an. AbmUtU* pA'Cloct. db»Vrlct, April filth, .. , t ( ' from t ro 1 Vcrv uriivtfiiUy, ■ i'is ft Ct.AUK, B.T.Ii .F <5. Love BuiUUng, Tifton, 0 a. TIFTON DRUG STORE For SPOUTING GOODS. istration, and l will pant upon the same at my office In NaHhvillo on the first.Monday ‘ ** ..., —, v . r .in May next. Given under my hand and official signa ture, tills January 4, lKtr2. F. M. SMITH, ordinary Mogal, Georgia. — T UKAIHJUAUTItltS roll Crockery, China and Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Description, Tinware, Hollow ware, Wood-yvare. A.lso Stoyesi* From the olieapoat to Hack's Brilliant, oonct to ho tho host In tho world, they absolutely have no equal in the world. HI —— Manufuctnmt nil kinds of —• Tinware, Stove Pipe, Gaiters, Etc. WP* Special prices made to hotels and hoard ing houses. M'rlto or call on us wban In neod of anything In our line; we guarantee io save you money. J. T. r B0Y*> A BUG., * 44 m Patterson street, V aldosta, Oa, ALBANY, GEORGIA. Wholesale Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigar House. Special attention given to .Tug trade. tSi’ Orders promptly filled. Olil Private 8toek Rye Old XXXX Rye — f PRICK MHT. • .$5 oo pep gallon, boo •* ,360 « Alliance ltyo........ 300 “ Old No. 10 Rye 2 BO •• California Rye 200 “ Dougherty Co. Rye . 1C Old N. C.Coru.. Okolona Rye,‘l87C . 2 GO CSQfrr< rre-A. Old Hoflanti uln, 2 Htamp .100 Good Holland Gin.. 200 Tom Gin 2 00 1’itro Old Vcaeh.toj Apple Brandy 8 00 Cognac Brandy....♦ 500 Good Rum 2 00 Bwoet Catawlis Wine 150 GKOBGIA- Otation. -BKimir.N County. To all w hom it may concern: W. H. Bryant ha* applied, in proper form, to tho undersigned, for permanent letters of administration oh tho estate of Mr*. Kirnna Bryant, Into of said county, deceased, and 1 will pitas upon hi* application at my office In Nashville on the ftr*t Monday in May next, Giyen under my hand and offteinl signa ture, this April 24th, lrt'»2. F. M. Hmitii. Ordinary. Citation. GKORGIA—Ban tuitx County. To all whom it may concern j 8. F. Guthrie ami Moses G. Sutton, administrator* of the oh- tate of 8- J. Button, late of said county, ... roufl* do- oewied, hare applied to tho undersigned,... —, of dhraission from said admin- TOiMWii, mm- form, for let tel „— — htraUtm, anti 1 will pass upon their Application at my oftlco In Naidiville on the first llomiay in Givett under my hnr.a and official M.ivnext, Givett under my 1 signature, this flVflTII, Ordinary. Berrien County Sheriff’s Sales FOR MAY. (IKOROIA—IVzniillN CliUlftY. Will fcv, Mu ttM court Soor In the town of! N’snhv iUc\ aaltl oUPe and connft*, on Lhs the lei ■ town >"• •' 1 ll-v. .Hit! iwv, Ant Tuwtluyin May next, between the legal lieur* t>f twlo, to highest Wihlcr for eaab, Ute fbHowtaF projieriy, **»-wit One to-httrse jAiwei portable engi tc and 1-oiler, imie hy the Taylor Manuf«cturlTi« Company, the xaw mill all iMtidilntry xcu dxtnrea cou- WHiliatl wiih Mid c.u;lt*r att*! mill, Levied cm the property of JE. M. B,a»kln* hy virtu* of a mev^age «. fa., l**«tuNi from IDrrieiv c<mncy court h» favor of W. H. dfi^*.* agxiua: said lU*U»»a. Tltln March tnth, lt» r £*.. Also, at iho *wiw* lira* an J f.toice. one ffhay V'aront Ii-<ruuoiive Kaclnr , which can K* wth at Nice line off ITamm^ckti, Hare lb\U* and !t*t*, f A<01. in a*Id .nx-mi.y. [>»vhnt Fu;i t'D#.pift SetMl.GO. {of WBi/y A- Matthl*-K. G. „ j MHUils 4>y virtue ol> ft. f*. iasned from Her- . ..iAClnr. wl f A«nl. m aahl ctainty. la?vi«tj on ns the pmporry * WBhv am) Wiley Rcprcrcntcd by Inwtx pAttRisn, AN ORDINANCE. Bo It ordained by Bio City Connell of Tifton, That from and after the paaaag# of tills ordinance it ahall bo unlawful for. any )terson or persous to throw any tin cans, wire, crockery, glassware or any other article or matter calculated to be come a nuisance upon any street, lano or other public pines or unenclosed lot Sn said city. Viulaton of this ordinance . upon conviction shall lie punished by a J fine of not least hah ft nor morn than f 10, confluOmcnt in tho etty jail not moto than twenty days, or hard'work’upon ' aid city not more than ten the .trouts ofm dr.yo. Bolt further ordained, by the authori ty aforesaid, Thai all trash; tin cans crockery, wire, glsnswaro, etc., shall be dopealtuu on Fourth street In tlie tow” 1 place between Central and Uidge avenues until tlie couucti shall designate a new dumping ground .. Adopted April 4th, 1S02. 'N 'v.-- . J. B. Goduman, Clerk. Money! Money! TO LOAN On iral oi for tmprovemnv*, or tralhUns puvr«*ro, at thr low rat* of 3* * w*r iwat, ttv sm* nnm; from flv* *“ * aa * — Mutual baud aatl )' Tits .1 Mil PuDfline 8vu(1h*{t, u; inwf City, X J. Kurthvr clwerful’iy Mid premptiy fumMbnt Uv ' '.V. H. IVAClCIXH, team, Qa. Special Notice. aSESSSSe?*- R«u«i* wwst «1*d; W . all fcii:. ^ t'fh j.c.i)0!.'*i):it.\v.-nn«ii -a..;. pfeui, vv.usox.stvrar b.c. j'^ 1 ^