The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 06, 1892, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE:'TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 0. J802. ifton Gazette. [itil»llMlt«<l f-vcry Friday m<»rn - —'- It •*" It’llOUnU, <fr‘oiVtn, 4>l t* V jar) Itircti ■ ™S, ..... ItMilc*- _ Mifc ^roviliiR oily nf _ **nt country, Mid u» Miofc l outwihjptfinoiii ».f tint |.«o- uiuIkuouh (.'oiuitli'Hi I’lpUDfi yirli c 11/ Mw Ua/ixrr. If ?LOO nnnlii for nix month*, aml2.1«-untofor MlM, myubte hi ftrlvkiu' tlvmlMlntf tatc.H of th« <»Ar,i rn'. tiro resi- Wl wj)lT* f\i\ " ** “ • BonaWti 'mil wj)l Eo fuinBlwd hm» ti|tj>Jk«Uo«. Advonlubifc Hill* wo liiyrufter Hrnt iiinvrtlon ami “"frill IM.lirowntod when tlio ufoney in iihhIhI. (VirrMiiomJmwo from nid^liliorliiK town* I* no- SioiUMl iiml I'Oiiiiuiiiili'iiilo.m on UiuoJy fijiluH urn MlmiWwcIwitio, Alvwty# ur/.vt on ana ri<Ut <>t tlio ii(i|ior. tuiil don't- forgot to tmuUwo your namo n* uhpyldimwi of good fulth. f^toreil hi thii |H«uiltloo, at Tlftou, Cie/irgla, *vlior of tlio iH iaind cIiim. cla) Organ of Berrien County. , ». T. ALLISX, Ihlllor. I Tumor lii Irwin County. The Gabbtti'. in authorized to an nounce Hint ihc lion. Henry 0. Turner ha* made an appointment; to lujOroen tlio puoplo of Irwin county on Huturday, tlio 7 th day of May, in defcimc of.purii democracy. Mr. Turner 1m tui ublo speaker, a llioroufjli democrat mid ull who go to hour him wjll Ik- abundantly re paid foV their time and trouble. The Gabktth bespeuk# for him i routing mooting. Itiiektoii’H Arnica flnlvo. Tint llitHT Hai.vk In ton world for C!tU», iirttlHCH, Hoi on, lib ore, Bull Illvoum,' Fever Horen, Tellur, Clumped Hands, Chilblains; Corns mid all Hkln Ki-uptlona, and positively cult!# Pile# nr no pay re i|Ulrod; It I# gimr/rtvictid to give period HiillHfnellon, or money rufliOUod, Pilot- ‘M atm* per box. J-V side by I’clevson <& I’milk. A f’ltii'ni iiowi. I'Mitor Italmiy spoiled a column and a half of Ida paper, tlio 1'awaon Wowa, hint week in a vain i-IYort In allow (hut Uhiiiriiniji liabh#, of the wound Congroiiionul diatrlot execu tive committee, and hie committee- tiioii Lranaoemled their powers at tin recent oulleil mceling hy adopting the Harris rosolu l ions, ■ JSditor llainoy i# generally very IfiVel-neitdud, but lie is so far off hie base relatin'l-i thin nuiller tfifil he makes hinim-lf iihmmlly ridieuloun. Hill, then, lie lias a calling to fulllll iv lopiij congrissioiml immlldate in whose Iniereat lie must do hut Hu— uni i# naturally opposed to anything he thinks limy not work fur good to hid favoVllc sehemo, Ml or Hulney forguls that the uirngrniaioiml noimnllleo in composed ol! tlio olmlrmen of the lovernl ootiii- ty ooimidltees, ami l.lmt each mom- her represents Ida county coiumitlee ex-olllolo; that these gentlemen are chosen and stationed upon the watch- tower to guard tlfo Interests of the parly and to sound the alarm ut the approach of danger until their aucJ conflors nre seleuted, mid Hint it. is a eolomu ditty for the faithful per foritliltica of which I In') are ivspmmi Ido to the jiarty. With his meinory refreshed upon these factu DU rely la- will not Insist that that the uongres- siotial committee—olmirmon of the enmity com ltd I lens- had no legiti mate right lo meet and take uoiiuse) L together? * And, with the seeds of pollliuul heresy lieing sown bronilmwl through the dint riot hy emmissarlos Daniels. I loud, Infest or, Ivey and oilier third party salelllles, whose highest ainhi- Wou Is the disruption of the demo- onitiu patty mifl;who propose to no- compllih thuir nefarious sohemo by ■ having their disciples don democrat ic gurmants, enter the fold and vole ill the priimiries for thu cmitllilate most likely to listen to their silly twaddle ami he sidetracked on their platform, will lie not insist with us t.lmt they nut only had the legitimate right to meet and counsel together hut also lo suggest a plan of notion to thwart the scheme and insist upon its enforuenien! This shifts the re sponsibility upon the enmity commit tees and the rank and tile of the par ty. Kdilor Hidnojt will not undertake lo deny that there was ami is emi-e for alarm. Kmlamry Daniels was in D&tvuor only a few days ugo on n jiroselyting expedition »nnd secivlly giving new itOnvercs,white and black, the grip, signals, signs, passwords and inslruotioiiH of ids heretical par ty in Georgia. Again, in his artlolo, Kditor ltain- eyolmra.-s that the conmdtteo was prompted in the mailer hy sinister motives. They have never attempted to disguise their motives—lo draw a lino between democrats and auti- dciuocrabi, and make boro that, thu ixinnaition shonfa Ik- oomj^?«l id delegatus in full sympathy with the iMrOPi?iiu)z(id deriitiDTiiV'v. 'I'hr boring for the bi-st iliterusto of the party llironghont the district. Hut as to Editor Rainey's motive in objecting to the committee's ac tion; it can Iw stated in one abort sentence—the nomination of a par-, licitlar candidate, simply because he is Ids follow-townsman. To this ond will ho jeopardise the host interest of the party in the district! Surely not. Tlio (Uzkttb man has his indi vidtml preference of candidates hut he is willing to sacrifice that prefer ence to the good of the party. There should he a higher motive actuating than mere personal ism. Jjot patriotism rather than passion rtijc the hour! Hkln Cliiimlicrliilii’H Ityc unit Ointment. A certain mire for Chronic Rore Kyen, Toller, Halt Rliuuni, Heiilil 11 end. Old Chronic Horen, Vavcr Horn#, Ke/.uinn, lu ll, Prairie Hcralolic#, More Nlpjile# amt Pilot} It Is cooling awl SO^tlllng. Hun- -I lid# of mum liny.: I men -aired hy ft after all other truatinunt hail failed, It in pul n|rln its and So cent hoxus, A l.ltllc I’craoiml. it is n jntrtincnt quoutfon for tlio rank and tile of our people to ask just now, Who are llicso third par ty lenders going about the country preaching political heresy, distract ing tlio minds of the people and alienating them from tlio party hand l'd down lo (hem by (heir fathers ami which lus been their sheet anchor of wifely for the past thirty years? Ye*, who are (hoy? I!. (1. Post, chairman of lie- stale committee, 1ms a record of twenty years, all of wldoli time he luei been the faithful heflohumu of tin' repuh iieatl party. During the (leriod of Hie south's llecpist distress lie was milk ing rubid republican speeches throughout thu north un-l west end living tlie passions of men against her prostrate people, Not qontent with the Injustice and injury coin* milled against the south in the past he now adds "insult lo injury,” by doming iimpng the people whom he ptOfcBSSea to hide end altaeldng himself lo liio SOattered seeds of re publicanism, negroes, a lew ambi tious oilier-hunting koiiI Ik i ti while men whose deinneniey have ever been i|Ui'lt|onable, ami n low other white men wlm, slopping to list u to ids lying tongue, have liven unwittingly le.l astray, seeks by their assistuuco to further hontulialc the south, (.'nil hove Die people from the indoltltla- lions of Hiieli a man ! Post is a car petbagger, indeed ! 'I'lm C'AZItrrn gave last week a llltlo hit of the history of A. tl. Dan- lid, uarpettmgger ami politlea! au- Ol’OhisI, lie I mm been appointed liunlenniil-genoral -if the campaign oonmbttooo hy virtue of Ids being atote tilliuiico leoturer. Ilo is n 'leep- ilyi'il republican who name smith a few years ago, managed lo join the alliance ami has been exalted to the holiumhle position of state leoturer, ami being received into the homes of the people is doing tlio fanners of llm snath more real damage limn the Wall street gold lings and republi can party could ever hope to do. Albert 'Vinter, editor of the Thonemi ille News, which ii tlio daily I bird party edition of the people’s •'.conondst, is another republican mid arpi'lhagger wlm oamo south idmut the lime Thomnsvillo began to boom up as a winter resort. Hinon then lie has tieen wandering about the state sowing soeds of discord mol dis- uimlent, and proving himself u jH-uee disturber generally, His profession before coming smith win that of 11 cold lie pedagogue, ami after lie arriv- d here (lie imtnral trond of ids mind led him (o established a dug college tit Whlghnm, Decatur cbtfnty, Hi# dog 1:11 in was so doggoi.ed bad that even tlio juvenile dogs declined t-i liSfoelido with him and, cm,sc- ijuenllv, the -log coitr!;e proved a iVilui-B, lining a thorough earpet- bagger lie is a lit mid willing tool in Die humid of Post, Daniel A Do. in their effort at despoiling the south, Hut isn’t he a dandy trying to teueh democracy to life-long democrat!-! Hot democrats of the second district take imstock in this man Winter. S. J-. Bishop, Mloldgitvi republican and eurjieUms-ger, is the (Idl'd party editor of Die Wayeross Herald, llis c (fusionsarc found in the so-oalhat Al liance. Department, lie oamo south oatuiisibly in « l -gitimute ,way--tmt like Hie majority of his illi who (mine sect, tlmnking God that he is so much wiser than these ignorant sduthnrn people, who don’t- know how to do Anything right, and with a devilish porsistotfey continues to impose Ids learning and politics upon the people. I/-t. democrats of the eleventh district beware of this man Bishop! Tlit* Gazkttb could give several more chapters of these sketches, but (liese will sufflcc to show the politic al complexion of those who essay to preach third party doctrine to our people. Thomas Hardware Company, • AND UBT.V1L lUlALEnS IK • McElreefa VUIne ot Carduf «mt THEDFORO'5 BLACK-DRAUGHT are for Bale by the following merchant* in licrriiiii county' .1. V. OoiHlnian.Tifton. II. II. Tift, •• I'urrUh iV IVcnlci*, Aticl. 31. ,1. SMWhn, A liar all a, c.’. I. Julio*, •• WMtliirtl >Sc Co , •* W. II. Flitch A Co,, N.wlivlllo. Nova unit Vlova. Hobcrf G. Mitclioll, .Jr., lias sev ered bis editorial connection with the Hlacksltcnr Times. True domocrafs are fighting and must continue to tight third-party- ism with it I own firebrand. The Dawson News clips from the Gazisttu. and, by the substitution of a word or two, makes editorial use of items without credit. Gen. John JI. Palmer, of Illinois, is looming u p us the most probable “western" democratic possibility, lie is a "great and good” democrat. '/'lie supremo court of Georgia has decided the statute imposing a coun ty tax ii)iiin rail roads to be constitu tional. The question will ho carried to the supreme cuurt of the United Htiites. The G.'.zettb is not engaged in reading democrats out of the- demo cratic parly. They rend themselves not wlieii they adopt another politic al faith than that promulgated by the deinooratio convention. The supreme court of Georgia has decided the etatuto providing for the imposition of a county tax on rail, roads In lie eonstiiutium.l. Tlio rail- roads will carry I lie matter before the supremo court of the United K lates. During the recent visit to St. Ma rys of Governor Northen and Oom- mlssionvr Brailwcll it is said memn- ries dear lo both were recalled. The latter’s father is buried in thu oid cemetery and the formei’s father commanded his first military com pany ut old Point Peter, just beiow lllu town, ivndetvil historical by be ing the place where our troops wore stationed to repot Hie attacks of the Ihitish during the war of i-S13. * (blnmnlee.l lo cuio beli In Uo minuius. lit GliiUH t-’Ormile by I’eternon Paulk, Tifion, tlii. Droireiuiimo Per the annual mooting of tlui Ber rien t'onnty .Sunday Scliool Asse- eialiou to bo held in I In' Methodist church at Adel, May 7th and 8th, t'ldl I" order at 10 o'clock a. m. liivoenlloii service by It, I. Jones, of Ahiputia. Adilrc;i!i of welcome Ity ,I. R, Peonies. Iti’.p.rie-e by f) It, Hweat, of Wayeross. T\ lint Is ii Sunday-school Discussion led by II. T, Allen, of Tlfmu. I’lie- power of Mtllo things—Address by V. I,. Stanton, of Wayeross. Intermission for dinner, one hour, fall to order at I o’clock p, in. Dovollomil lierv/eo by II. P, Pooblos. of Nashville, .Music In (he Sunday-school—Address by .1, U. Dean, of Tlflo'o. The Sunday-school work—Address by I’. II. Marshal), of Willacoochee, presl- dont twenty-seventh district Sunday- school association. Miscellaneous business, election of oftlcers, etc. The evening session will bo dnvnlcd o hearing reports of tlio president ami secretary, also reports from the ditfer- ont selmols of llm county. KUSn.lY, Sunday,school mass meeting at to o'clock «. Hi., conducted by I). It. Sweat, of W'nyi loss Voluntary short speeches fo, the good of ihe Cause. I t:lKl if in —Sunday-school sermon by Hcv. S. TV, Brown. S ni.iBi.fl’l «r-/C»i. nrv\r*.~vr ~r~ hovk«. "fTN oTovia., mom. STOVSS. I , . !',! !>. I 1 STOI CS. ,\/ STOV1SI. I-S STOVIX, STOVSS. stovcs. siures. V—X sTiiviv*. V stoiks.J_L«< stotbs.NwX stoves.* FROM CHEAPEST TO BEST. WlllTK Foil I’JtlCK*. ■ WhoU^tale IHialcru In - Turpentine Tools and Supplies. M.Tn«*f.Vdtnren» of the BLAKE HACK, The belt back made. OHDIsR A BAMl’I.K LOT Mill Supplies, Giant Stitch Belt. THOMAS HAltmVAltH CO., ViililoKtu, On. ISAAC S. BOWEN. Sffia GROCER l«r t KKBl- A KKKSII AND TVBU. BBt.KCt£t) BTOUK OK Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AM) fcVJSIiYTHJtffJ t’HIIALLY FOUNT) IN A 1IUSTCI.ASS STORK. l Pay tho Highest Cash Price for Country Produce. AND \nu. 1'LEASE YOU WITH GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Clieapcr Than You Can Huy Elsewhere. ISA AC S. BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. JOHN C. HIND, Contractor, and IBuilder, TIFTOiST, - GEOEGIA. AT.T. KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE. C/F* I’huis and apcolllentiona furnished on application. My Thomas Hardware Company ■GUNS, WIIOLKRALV. DEALERS IN IMsT’OLS AND (’ART1UDGES >U* Soil Lower Hum Anyli ST/’' NYrltu uh for jirict'N -Also 11 a itn w.\ it r, Tiswauk, >VlH>J>KN\VAHR, FaKM HtTl’MKft, ('nrpenlDni' mid Tlkk.h axi) SrriT.rms. t7f*WrJto n» for whnt ytm wa«t. Resident lieinrat:, , TIFTON, OJSOROIA. Ofk/ub—lioolu 4, U1» stnlr*. .Vi-Uflc brlci - bWffdltiE. Cun l*o found In M» oflicc* from tte Ut to 161b of each month, tiro kiUIuo -of time will be dovntet! to couuto'piUmiu-at their homes U Drs, J. W. & D. J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, Conm-J.K, - UKOROIA. Oericn—IIank II,ill.Mr,;. Kwmi No. I, up stair*. DR. N. PETERSON Physician and Surgeon. Tll-TON, UF.OWIIA. Ol'ttcr.—In Faulk bduk bulldlnir. All call* jiromjitly responded to day or night. DR. J. C. GOODMAN, » Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, • dEoRUIA. Office—Room in the Tifton Drug: Store. tV' Thaiiklnif the for iw past liberat patiHnage and solicit * ooutimiotlou of the same. DR.G.C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOtlLTRIB, - UEORUIA. Offers Ida services t/> the pcoplo of Colqnllt ml adjacent comities. trff~OvncK in now drtig store. FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - GEORGIA. Prompt attention fclven foali toffal business. PJT*OFFtCK~Lovc lluilUin(c, ltooiu Ko. 1. JOHN A. WILKES, At tornoy - at-Law, - AL-r.l., - GEORGIA. Will practice In all the counties of the Southern .Tmiltial Circuit of Ocnrplu. Special attention directed to all branches of the profession and piuerul business solicited. My. H. A. YOUMANS, Tifton, Georgia, 194 ■ DEAf.EK IN- Watches, ChaiuS^^* - Jewelry, Etc., Etc Special nlloutlon given to Ele«trld Plating. . I also make n specialty of repairing lino and complicated watches Satisfaction guaranteed Give me a trial. Hi A. YOUMANS. HEELER ibsori'S Ptt-Aiw T.I COMAS /. HARDWARE Valdosta, ukohgia. MllllWIi - iw Of Wateubury, Connecticut. Gunrantccd System of Scientific Life and Accident Insurance At the Most Reasonable Rates. The above prognmme will he in- lowpcrstul by 8tmga aelected Ivy tho Adbl Htt 'i(!ay-?e!iool. It is earnestly desired that every Bimiluy-aotmol in (lie county bo vep- rcaontcd Ivy delegates; hut. if tills bo impossible, du tlio next boat thing ami (end tt writ ton riqmrt of your M’hbol. It is highly important that there bo a roivort form my kohooi so that t!m Stiudiiy-5clre?y.staiisiica of the comity emi he properly com piled. H. H. 1‘kkiu*. l’residelit. im ra i lUgiuiiztld demoenwy. They mvi m- Wl^lis » I'bwtev 0 f strietoeH^aikVl'Xn, Ga. f ^ " ,, “ l —-*■ ■ * .. . iurcs siu-.ilcJvva on bore!- and uu-egc on does wllii owe or two for sale by I'otcrMvt ti vl. AV. HAISNON, Stato Agent, Purka* Bnltittng, TIFTON, GA. »,Snt'cia) ami Uaa! Agent* wanted in cverv Counfy in Ike Statu. Good iu'ieivucos Hoquired. THE O/iLY PERFECT 5& I\W WHANismi AAMlbY USB. 8imd for tlrt idar amt price \Ut to Wbeolei Si \\ il*>n Mfo., Co., AtifuiUi, (Li. Fur a-.1i, In- U' a lit Vl\> tv iv»*>n Vo.* AUmu», (hi. For «*ie ii j: \V. JL. III.N'l'LURON, Tiftixi, Om. I refer I'Y prriidFMcon to the lollonim ttviddnn# by tb('(*Duqi>AcUm*t lixlrnwi; Hmuer Murrty, d, l), lVumil, Tilt* who nre amonp the ntanv nvIio have l«en rnid for -malty.- W..H.rmnr,.l..r. VWra. If. St.8ell.rj.J.V.gnrtth. -'. Omit}-, Ashburn; W. R.Jobustan, WtlUaglunv, 0*. Fnr U:!l (urGvliUrl. Call ,11! <ir lullin’*, J. W. It ANNON, Tifton, aid THE GAZETTE Job Printing- Office. New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I am pleased to announce to my friends nod patrol Hcrrtoii, Irwin, Worih and Colquitt that I have just Ilia in the com ties of nlquitt that I have just received a complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT And am prepared to vxcento at short notice and in workmanlike manner nil dosses of eommeceint and legal blank printing. “ l mviielt your ivrdera ami giiarautw to give entire sale ftetion in prior* an-1 -piaUty of work. llfp'l’lM U'U! Ill VACNA, TIFTCS Dissolution Notice. ' Tlte firm of YimtAoitH, Afoon* tk Co., (W. W. i'lmttumfc T. f. Moore .inti II. Covington) it thJ* tiny tJlMolvcfi hy rr.itiwl Wfi*ent L T. f\ p« .mai n flscin, s. ft. •Moore retibinir. H. L. Oo’vinKir.w emi w. Vr\ TlmmouD, uutler t|»w ilnn name of Covitigtoft A Timimmu, «vlU continue tl>* l*0Bl.w*4* k tiAButn# Rlt . lUhliltieB RUil ail liutetitcilnv**. - Tikkosn, MootMa * Cw Tbl* A j*rll Ifl, W3J. ’ ,. SALE TIFTON, -