The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 06, 1892, Image 3

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PsWvmw . * * m THE GAZETTE: TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, MAY. 6, 1892. • V . " 1. fit* EU- Sir*. ‘ \ - ,'.g rr - THE TIME, THE SOUTH AND ROPE READY FOR IT. Straight Commercial Cemimii)leatloi» to Foreign LiuHlu-ThoNeedaiirt Demand of the South. Atlanta, April 22.—Editoh Trl- Kpiwrmi For years direct trade with foreign countries has been the dream nnd effort of the Booth. There is no doubt that this hope is now within grasp to proper trial, and it is sure that the time is'ripe for it and a bold, vigorous and concerted effort should be mado to get the vast benefit. The long money stringency here, when plenty prevails elsowhere, the steady crippling of southern interests, die stress of the fanners in spite of their big crops, the vassalago of southern interests to Wall street, and the outlook of foreign dollars to trend southward, makes it imperative and timely for tho south to free her self from northern money lliralldom and seek now trade and other busi ness allies. The south has, from Providence, gveat ports and deep harbors, con nected by shorter lines, usable all the year round, with the gulf and the west Nature lias lavishly favored this section and equipped her for trade supremacy, giving her the sole production of the world’s best staple endless timber for her own merchant marine, and inexhaustible iron and coal for manufactures. It is criminal for her not to use tier advantages. Sho has slept long enough—too long upon them. The day of redemption is hers to secure. No power can thwart her if she wills to succeed. ' The long deferred goal is hero to reach, if slic Indtry,- Every aim of interest, every Hope of relief from evils, every lesson of experience, every impulse of pride, every dic tate of sense, every law of self-de fense impels her to business Bide petulance and financial relief. Among tlnj, most effective agencies to give these will be direct trade. Direct trade will afford new resources bf money, now. marlret for our prod nets of even^lind, less expense of fco^eWcrmiddlc men to Icr. eon profit, tlie transfer of business centers here, multiplied financial av emics, more good immigration, more nnd cheaper capital, 1110/e trade con nections, larger competition of, buy ers-for our goods and productions, better and more sources from which to buy tlie goods we want, increase ■til industries, extended trade rela A Dishonest, Editor. • It was at Lincoln, 111., that a relig ious revival was ill progress, and the evangelist, after a powerful sermon on tho Christian duty of debt-paying, called upon all the- members of tlie congregation who paid their debts to stand up. Tho congregation rose almost to a man. After they wore seated the evangelist invited those who did not pay their debts to stand. A solitary, forlorn-looking individual' rose to life feet, and explained that while lie found himself in that cate gory very unwillingly, he could not help himself, as lie was tlie editor and proprietor of tlie local paper and could not pay up, as all the congre gation owed him their subscriptions. Such a flood of money as poured into that office tlie next morning hud never been known in thu history of the paper. FOUND COINC THE ROUNDS OF THE GEORGIA PRESS. Facts.F'nnrlo. end News Item. J.nealilcnlly plated-SomellUu)? of Interest to Cvury Gnsette Header. Tho TiCton Drug Store desires us to publish tho following testimonial as they handle the remedy and believe It to ire reliable; “I bought a 50 cent bottle of Chamberlain’s .Pain Bnlm and applied it to uiy limbs, which have been afflicted with rheumatism at intervals for one year. At the time I bought tho Pain Halm I was unable to walk. I can truth fully say that Pain Haim lias completely cured me. H. II. Fasti, Hollywood, Kan. Mr. A. H. Cox, the leading drug gist of Hollywood, vouches for the truth of the above statement. tions, relief to our farmers, greatoi mercantile facilities, business friend chips, closer linking of home and foreign interests, the vast Pacific coast trade, business enlargement, increased acurelhns of revenue foi our railways and a wider and bettor foreign acquaintance with our vo sources arid the lino attractions of cur country. Direct trade is the necessity of our condition, mid the means of our re demption from "northern financial AVIiat is the sense of our making oilier sections the conduit of onr wares to Europe, and paying unnec essary toll which wo can save? It is a folly. Tlie remedy is in our grasp I'CjiiusL-tAtte it. Ottr interest is self-evident and our duty imperative'. The time come to act. The fruit is ripe to pluck. Wo must reap the harvest, Gov. Northih is in full sympathy with this vital movetnonl, and will aid it by all means in Ida power. This article is the beginning of a full: discussion of ■.the great matter and will be followed by others. I. W. Avmtv. Many men strive for fame who’ wouldn’t have t he slightest idea what to do with it if they had it. f aiACR-DSAUOHl its cure. Conniption. All otlior tilings being equal, a baritone voice in a titan nnd a con tralto voire in a woman will wear hotter nnd last longer than any of the others. tar-WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. It is interesting to note that of the 328,000 divorces granted in tlie Uni ted States during the last twenty years, 310,000 were granted at the request of the wives. Try UL/>PN-DHUu *'i»r Dyspepsia* v Wo have noticed that when you tell a woman her daughter is just the image of her when she was that igc, the mother looks pleased and the daughter looks scared. WcEtRF.E'S WISE OF CASDUI fm Weak Nctrea. Itusincss Promptness. The world needs nothing tin than business promptness, Lot tlie people of -any community he a strictly pay-as-you-go people and that community will prosper despite all tlie hard times and finan cial reverses that can come. Hut on tlie other hand bike a com munity where the people do not pay anything promptly, and in spite of good times and all Iho favorable con ditions possible, sucl: a community will not prosper. Its business will always lie clogged and retarded. It should be tho first chapter in business, and oven moral ethics, that business promptness is one of the pre-eminent things. Let tho boys lie taught that, debt is the solemn obligation of honor, and they will become good nnd pro grossive citizens, nnd desirable exam ples in their community.—Home Tribune. The third party will kill the alii-, mice, the democratic party will kill the third party, nod then tlie repub lican party must go. .Inst think of tlie political funerals we will have to attend, says the Quitman Sun. McElr-o’v WINE OF OARPUI tor female diiea.ea. In nlritos! every ltolghhothifoil through out the west there Is some one or mort persons whoso lives have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic., Cholera ami Dlar rhcca Remedy, or w ho have boon cured of chronic diarrhera by It. Such persons lake especial pleasure in recommending It to olhcrs, Tho praise that follows its Introduction nnd use makes It very pop ular. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Tifton Drug Store and Peters & Delete, Cecil. Tito South's Mister!line. When a delegation of colored men called on the president of (lie United Slates yesterday, to confer about lynching in the south, that narrow advocate of tho force hill advised thorn to collect the details and give them to him and to the newspapers. Of course such details would make good campaign material for the re publicans, and ns 'to south is to lx; singled out for tin investigation we judge the republican campaign will he run more or less on tlie bloody shirt order, with a force lull to follow whenever the republicans are able to pass it. It is the fate of the south to Jio singled out for such attacks as are mado by’ tho republicans, and this fact should lie sufficient to keep the southern people united. If the republicans were not at heart in fav or of the force bill the president of the United States would not be ask ing for details of lynching* in one section, when lynch law is not con fined to this section.—Atlanta Her aid. Yet Prouoniteetl Hopeless Saved. From a letter w ritton by Mrs. Ada B, I, of Groton,8. D„ woqu,t;o! ''Wit* a wjtlt» coin which retried on my s, cough set in and finally terminated i cbneompitou. Four doctor* gave me ityirip J could live but a short time, e myself up to my Saviour, delcr- I if i could not stay with my friends earth, 1 would meet absent ones i. Sty husband was advised to got Jiig’s Kbw Discovery for cunsump- ;lw and colds?' I gave it a trial; 3 Might bottles. It hits cured I (hank God [ an. now a Well Mil nan.'” Trial hollies free at v Faulk’s drug store. Regular J i who repudiates allegiance does not prove s tb*t party. The ALL SORTS OF THINGS. M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL :: MERCHANT, I-iOcal Time Tabl Taking *tfeut January 3ft,, W02. fl cl:ungc without ; notice. Extends a Most Cordial Invitation To tlie People of tlie Town nnd tho Surrounding Country to P Hint a Visit at Ills New and Elegant Store. His Specialties will be— CROCKERY BHOK8, HATS, CAPS, Goods, *11, HARDWARE There is no House in Town having such a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock of Goods. Ho carrion nearly everything which { oiiMltute a general stock of Dry Goods, Not loan, Heavy Omoerien, ntc. His stock h till frcRh and a vinit to lib stow will ho mutually heneileial to pur chaser nml teller. Send to him for any Ami everything you need. Here is tho experience of tlie “Tal- nliOHsee Girl,” as unrated by the Tal- lnhnssenn: A young lady ate half a wedding eako, then tried to dream of hot future husband. Now she says she would rather die than marry tho man slit; saw in that l ream. Mitchell W. Grashins, = _ TIPTON, G EORGIA. TIFTON DRUG STORE STATION*. No. 4. — No. 2. Lv Allinny it 86am 3 SO no) “ Du vis f 1 W nm 4 17 am '• Millingimm... 12 06 am 4 nut Isulx'llu f2 16 am 4 46 am u i’oulan Vi n am Vi 21) urn 4 615 tun “ Sumner 5 03 n m •• Tv Ty ft! 41 mu 5 20 am Ar Tifton B«an, Lv Tifton M 00 am * C 0B am “ Kmgiim 0 34 urn •• Ahii ulm *6 i» am 0 64 am 6 • “ WilijuwM>ehce.. f.1 68 ani 7 loam O “ Dray s 7 2*2 am •• wMllcl'ust... 7 27 am •* Weston In 7 84 mu 7 i “ Kirkland 7 41 atn *• *4 22 nm 7 60 uiu “ MeDomild (4 28 am 8 10 am •• Millwood * 21 am •* Wurnnlmro I7» 00 am h 60 am Ar Wnyeri'ss 6 26 mu u 10 am No. 10. ia Lv Waycmm ..... 6 .10 pm f.'. •!< ion 10 00 am “ Bchlntu rville in 1* am •• Hoboken [6 i n nm n» 2d am 1 1 “ Nnlmnin fli 14 | 111 10 4 4 am 1 " Lulnton fit At pm J« 63 in i “ Atkinson fit no nm 11 00 r m a; " >Savue*ville. . f« ."<i pm ll fa* |.m 2 . •• damn fen.. Sf... fit 62 pm 11 22 r>m 3 “ l*>!e*‘ Marsh.. IT 02 i m fll ;f2 pm 4 Ar llmnswiek 7 20 pm 11 60 pm 41 — Kitties a Ei'i t. Sut 1 mo i mm, (illlCS 6 TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fino Perfumory, School llooks nnd Stulionnry Mlgr&llno Is quirk to give relief In evcrc cases of headache or neuralgia, at Dr. J.C. Goodman's. Printing began in Georgia in the year 1703, with the Gazette at Sn- vnniialt. James Johnston waj^-etfe printer. This was thejottly place where the erection of^a press was at tempted before the revolution, nml like many of its contcinpni (tries the Gazette was compelled temporarily to suspend when the stamp act was passed. (Good Looks. Good looks nrc more than skin dorp, depending upo a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver he Inactive yon have a billions look, if your kidneys be affected you have a pinched look, If your stomach bo disordered you have a dyspeptic; look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Dll tors Is tho great alterative nnd tonic nets directly on lltesc vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives n good complexion. Hold at Peterson & Paulk's drugstore, 50e. per boltlo. Jack Turnor, it third parly loader, while in Atlanta the oilier day; said: “I am going to raise n sensation in political circles before I leave. I will raise all the hell I can.” Jack Turner and all other third party leaders are not working for liter good .if the people. They are in the field for themselves, and wottl “raise hell" all over Georgia if it were in their power, but, fortunately, the masses of the people are catch ing on to tho tricks of bis company of bell raisers.' CONSUMPTION CURED. An oldphvsician, retired from practice, having had placed In hU hand* by an Ka*t India iniindnn- ary the formula of a simple vegetable. remedy for the speedy and |>criiian«nt euro of fonnunip- tlon, Ilronelifti*, Catarrh, Asthma nnd all Hi mat nnd Hung Affection*, also a paid tire ami radical pure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com* Plaint*, after having texted it* wonderful cura tive powers In thousands of cases, 1ms felt it his duty to make it known to Ids suffering fellows, Actuated by this motive nnd a desire to relievo iffp; human suffering.! will xend fm* of charge,to nil It, ill I v recipe, in Herman, French or who desire it, tlii\tfvlpe. . . Kngllsh, with full directions for preparing ami using. Bent by mail by addressing with stamp, Ing tillspajieri \v. A, Novi;*, WO Powers naming this paper! Mock, IliKihester. X. Y. X. PETEItSON, M. II. J. W. PAULK, Ivarrps of Every Description. PAINTS, ToILsTaNdT VARNISHES. The most select stock of Tobaccos nnil Cigars in Iho city. My customers can be served with good^lavnna cigars, T call special attention to Prof* l)oxt<*r*H(Jafitirli (.'tires Magic Balm, Kidney ami LfvorCtiro, Lung Kostoror, Mt'hiuerlc Blootl (Teansei and Kht'iimat ie Cure. They arc proprietary medicines that arc recommended very highly for the pm poses claimed for them. j@" I'RKSIIKST and BEST GARDEN SEEDS, all the year rmtml. Call ami sco trie. Tifton, Ga., April 22, 18111. J. C. Cl OODMAN. 1U( i BA.RG-AHSTS ! IN- DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. II Puxsougpr Trtiins—1 I'ttsKOngor Tut ins—West. HTATIOMN. Lv )irun*wici( Marsh. .InumirA Waynwtvlllc...*on — l.ul.Ttnn NubunU ilnl.nkcn selduttcrVille Ar Wajcnws . .. l.v Wayemtw •* Warcsbnm — •• Mill win id 4 * McDonald " IVarson *• Klrklitml •• WrMunia " HH Mile lYiht.., ’• Hi-fiv's •' WillaootK’hoe. “ Al'ij iUir» •' Enigma...... " Ilroukilchl.. . \r TlfUm So, l. So. 3. Tifton Yy-Ty ... Sumner I“<»ulan —... iMibella WiMingluuu Da\|a — Ai Albany "XTcnT uTon * jn! pin; 'A IS 02 pm f4 16 18 12 ion is yo pinj rs .e, pm is 42 pm f» M j tu n* (•■.* pm ft) 17 pin y a/sitm So. .1 y 4.1 tun 11:» 0.1 pm m 11 Kt pin slO 43 pm 11 27 i m . - 10 70 n n 20a no ,io r m lie M 5 , 12 43 • 1 <W .« no U I to m fll lupin i 4flpt» . ? .xir fa *:o ,n .1 46 ?tf 4 30 r No. 6 '.'01— 7 foam s Mam o oo ma s iqbi» ■PM 8 40an^ 2 47 pinj 11 oh at* I otonin it 13pin' l co am* 10 00km f S»op«m signal." ; Daily, except Sunday. (TuTmn t •» ut Albany with Cent ml nillroadoV, Columbus (km them rail way, and Savan- nuM, Klorida and V.r*t« rn ntllwax. Conned* a« Waycmss with Savannah. Florid* ami Western railway. .InrkKonvilla and St. !.ouls l’nllnmn palaca sleeping car upon trains Nos. 3 and 4. C. D. Oviah, J. A. McDcrFiK, Traffic Manager. <!, I’ F. W.AMiiKii, CIUO. W. HAINI-H, A. H, V. A. nen*» Sunt. r l 20 pm f12 06 nm 1 16 pm 112 2,1 atu 2 01 i uijH'i Oil am 2 lOpmjflS 41 am 2 ly pm if 12 4s ami "2 pm‘ri2 67 am RAILROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE. Sahtiale in Effect April 17, 1892, I carry n full lino of Dry-Goods, nnd nm selling Winter Goods away Jlelow C 1 ost to make room i’or a splendid Bnmmor Stock. (the ic Youf MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTHENT Is fully stocked with, the best goods. TIFTON, OA„ August 27, !RM. EE, ii. t:I FT. M. -A. SEXTON, Fire In suran ce Agen t, TII'TON, GEORG I A, Represents the following obi, reliable atxl popular lire insurance companies and solicits the patronage of thv insuring public: Insurance Company^ of North America, “Greenwich," Total Assets, $1,656,035.13, "Hartford.” Total assets, 80,570,010.13. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. ^Also, write for tlie.“Liverpool and London and Globe," “JElna" and “Orient.” Founded in 1702. Founded In ISIU. Founded in 1NI0. lip.Ai.rns is Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested In tlie following from Alex TV Pope, A. D. C, Commander Dop’t. Teen, and Ga. tie Bays; “Vic have bad an epidemic of whooping cough here, and Cbamblsia's Cough Remedy has been tho only medicine (bat lias done any g-jod.” There la no danger from wliooping cough when litlo rcimdy U 'freely given. It completely controls the dlscaso. lifl cent bottles for sale by Tifton Drugstore and l’ctora A Bciotc. Cecil. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Presh GaNeti Sccdg * Spcdaliyt KUFiANT LINK DP Stationary! Writing VI’M* S'fuf.K OJ* PfopriGtary Medicines, eojirurir* AssotfruKst of Pipes, Cigars. Clsarettrs, Tobacco. Tite last confederate command to surrender is said to have been com pany A, tenth .Missouri infantry, on the 0th of June, 18G5, The colonel of the TcgimetiU W. 51. Moose, in now speaker of the Kentucky legis- txre, and tho cotrqsray'r, captain, J. A. i» a candidate for the state !»"■> *« M » hiss «r fv.Ws rati . I .IBS wr* Its. FKtVMfON f.- f’.tDUt. M'»a<c 01 StgafOSn. < 4Wa. - tnMMIKtK. Tt/h«vOJaSfciui*^G?l,: 5 bac«« yncvcKi io thu JflKo W. ranlh new l>5Js:k■ hulkJifTfj, on Malm wtrcvt, Real Estate and Renting Agent. lias on his list of lieu! Kslatc soitio very desirable farm lands in the vicinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida." Keep your eye on it, und don’t let it got too high priced before purchasing. There lands arc within one utul seven miles of town. If you hunt any Heal Estate—houses or hind—for sale or rent you will receive prompl and courteous service by placing them with me. I am, very respectfully, Mf. M. A. SEXTON. | So. 1, | noisti mt tji West India* 1 Fast Mail. S r o. 3, lApreM MaU. U'nve Mnenn a. in.* 8:46 p. m» *' t'ordele . 2:00 p. in. 11:26 « •• Tifton 3 :x\ " l ts) a. ra* •• Vnblosfu 6:16 2:46 " " Jasper G :V6 " .1 Ja1 •• •• lathe City r ;m •* 5 :(W •• *• Hampton It If) 0:15 •• Arrive lNilntkn 10:25 " 7:46 *• No. 1 leaven Macon alter arrival o ineomfrij morning train* on Central, Sonthwe* gia, Ka*l ’l'eime*M:e, Virginia and ( Maeon nml Hinnlnuhatr. i:ii!roudi>. eru, lirof* corgw and. No. ,1 Ifsive* Macon after arrival of incmnimt afternoon »rains on the, Southwestern., Ma«ou and Northern nml fieoivtu railroad*, ami loimcctH at lalatka for St. AneuHtine and all point* In l!a*t and South Florida, and tilth Um the Ht. Juhito and Ocklaw ahii liver xteameri. No. 2, No. 4, Ofll.NH M'llTII. West India Fast Mails LxptvM Mi’ll. i**ave ililatlia. .. '•■kt ii. m. * :I0 n. ra. “ Hampton fl 61 “ t»:.17 •• •' LakeCitv 8 '.111 “ Hlu'5 •• " Jasper 9 111) “ 11:64 “ " VnldoHta.. 10.11 •• 1 00 a. UK •• U AI •• 2 :,'i0 “ •• f.irdrlp 1p. in. 4:28 •« Arrive Maeon l;lo « 7:15 ’• Nm. 2 lr.tvfiN l’.il.tlbti iifn-r at rival fa*i AVnaA In ti In until from Tftimiu bjj«1 rimmntu at Mnvcm with all tuiUfoln;; nitsTnoon train# im Central^ ButillivicAtcrii, Macon ami Norlkcm, <ici»rnfa v L*ut Tcimjomoc, Vi it ini* anti (Ivor;: in »mi Macoa and lUrmtimham ntilroml*. No. I lcn\c* •|*aUi!ktt after arrival of train* fr<>m Hi. Auuuhtinc and point* in Bust ami .Smith l i 'lorldft and connccu at. Mf Abu tm.wljh all outuoin^ n, Mai"— morning train* on Central. Southwestern,Macon and Northern. Ueorgin, nnd luutt Teime^iee, Vir- ginla nml morula milrond*. Connection for \c*tilm)cd train ln'twccti AthiutA anti WiaUniS ton. D. C. All tmiltN arrive ami depart from uninn depot* nt Macon and Palutka. Elegant idoeplmc uir* will be nm on trains No. .land No. l. For further infonnathm apply to agent* *V luiietinn point* or to L. .1. (lAltHIB. L. V. (LVNOVA, Tiekel Auent, Maeon. Ticket Act lit, F.T!atk.u If. liril.VS, JAS. MKX/IKS. Trav. Pijm. Apt. Macon. tien‘1 Agt, 1‘alatka, A. F. K.NAiT, Traffic Manager. Schsdule in Effect April 17,1832. TIFTON INSTITUTE. The Spring Term of the Uiovo sr.hnol will Vpin on Momlay, Jnnmin' 4th, !fc»2. and r*»:iiinm> f'j. Twenty week*. 1'n^hytbpnding th's se**lfm will receive the tiwwltof th» public wlmol fmul. MONTH: High Deli.x.l, $.*».0(K itead Down. Station*. Itemi l’p. lltfM a. m. Lv... .M.vuii Ar. 12:10 p. r.i. 12:00 p. m. - Lv. 11 tfo *. m. 12:4f ” - I.inlla " 10 .‘43 “ “ l •• •* - Moui(ieHer.. 1»:.'5” “ 1.1*' ** “ **•... Culknlen - 0:10 ” •» i ».. .. •* \*e*vllt\». . 0^6 ” ** .1:13- ** ’n»OlUU*tOVc...- *16” 4:1*0 *• " -.Thuml’ag Si’gs - 7:»” “ 4 : %> - - .AVotMllnrv—** 7 :U0 ” ^ 5:15 - “ lUrri* City...” *v 6.40 - “ ...'Ode*** " 6-A5 •* »* 6 :c - - “...Mount* 111®. " 635“ « r.-;#! “ - Ar...Ui tirange...Lv. 5A0” ” Touneetivu in Union IKimt. Maeon, , with V;tldo*u, Lake City. 1’a, O. S «V K. It. H. for Vul latVa, St. An gust Ifte .mil point* in Florid*; C» K. Ii. for S.urfmnab, Mllle - , pv\ttU‘ and Fateutvjn; B v \V. It. II. for Amerieuw, Allunv ami Kufaula; M> A N. It. it. for M uiison, Athens nnd Tula, and point* beyond; (ie<»rftitt H:iiiru*d for S^usa, MiUedffintlle *:ul Augusta, and &c) ptdnU tr«- rojul. At Yntewville with A. A' V. H. H. fnr*ja- on that line, and at La <;«! with JL W. 1*. K. H. for Montgx»mcr>‘and l>e\on»t and ia* termefliaU’ sut.on*. For further iufnr?,iat««u a»<ply to I*. J. II CHIUS. k.V. &TQKJL Ticket rdacon. Ticket Apt., laix m H. WHML TitreliQfi Rtmnm Agv .it. Matxau, A. t\ KXAlT.Trame Man ilaua pwr. TUITION' PEII I’riinnry, $2.00. laUinilCdlntc, $2.f>0. Vimilft iwaaMrcf it t.,> b^rtaalns At lb* V.n. to t'teiiv fi.-ir )wwjs‘^«***iS*av(oo, On7rr« r »rtalil« boffylinp, bc-.iUhy foration ami roiw^wdenS tetehers.S Kor farther Ml'ff m ^ j \ r j. j- p .p'. .Vi-man Riiaxliit til «l>TO THE TIFTON DRUG STORE For SKOItTIXU GOOOS, Nice line uf IbnwafitA tmiU niM W' Krwl** 'l- aw InvltM hn ftHwpfWHt*, '"'Ei’ki'MIiMf