The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 06, 1892, Image 4

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GAZETTE: TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 0. 1895, A KECEPT1CLE FOR THE THOUGHTS QF CORRESPONDENTS. »tw« (Mill liri-nls at Jiitwesl Tninfjtlrtiitf i.'lironlelcil liy ii I'nlltiful uml 15HI- riovt Corps of 1ta>|i»rlifr». GoodiimnGosKlp. GooIiman, April 2B.—I have been ho busy lately X Imven’tjmd the lime to keep up our comer. Our people are busy looking after their farms uh well ns many domestic dtitles—tlie cows are to pen, llio yearlings and calves arc to look af ter, the pigs to feed and so oil to the end of a very long chajtter, until we know very little about politics. Yon «W we are non-partisan,.but want to say this much to yc editor and the leaders of the democratic, party—go a little *lpw iii your denunciation of the views of others; mid, yo want a word will) the toilers and working clash who have to depend upon their labdr.for sustenance, pay but little— >ib, pay no—-attention to- the gab of politicians, democratic, republican or third party. Vote for no man be eiMtso lie belongs to this, that or the , other party, |Vfl ,p?jtf^},.gr $|/dr/i to bo a free people, ami a man has the right to vote as bo pleases. Now, Use tlmt right and make no fuss about it. We should not form an alliance With any political party, but read and think (or ourselves and let those wlio abuse us severely alone, The Alapaba river is on the down Ward tendency, There is a good crop of cut-worms this sluing. Goodman <fc .McKinnon have quit< a number of brick on their yard. Mr. t-l. M. Griflln lias on a big *mile. There came lo his Iioiim* tilt] other night a little man, and as lie and Mrs. Grlfiht Imve boon blcssqi with only live boys before,- they an naturally glad, but Hogue said “Golly, I’d rather lie was a gal.” J, (lu.vmt. Pur-a-Hlll-dilc euros itoll in 110minutes Price aOOts. Hold by .1. Goodman. "bale to tiril anil anil early to line will sliorlim Him rmul In your home In Hie rales." Hut early Lo hod and a "l.ltthi Karly Ulner,” Hie pill Unit makes life toiigut and Ijoliav aml wiser. .1 C. (ioml mini. Uoliumhui’M Budget. Cki-ii,, May II.-—It is dry enoiigl here to suit a prohibitionist or grnin speeuloior) just rain enough fell yesterday lo eout the air, Outs are doing bad, Our people are hick. Bullion) lias nur county had an epidemic cholera morbus, but wo have a giant of that disease stalking amongst ns. Mrs, T. L. lluvton and \V. It Star ling are quite sielt along with many sif the younger folks. Mr. llnrdy llountroc’s little son, lilllie, was painfully burned Satur day night with hot water. Messrs. Welsh and Sharp are hav ing a lively party wrangle in tin Valdosta Times. Ho much foi children who play In the fire. There is hilt one step from all this peoples', thlrd-allianee party to socialism. look at the present, state of Jfranuo, the only republic of ICurope of any considerable slut*. liven to day, while I write, the blood of poor deluded Frenchmen may be flowing like water, The like has happened there pro now. It verily looks as though we were courting socialism hero, On Sunday evening Mr. W. !•', Mathis' little hoy Imd the misfortune to get his arm broken about a half mi Ilian above the elbow, lie is do ing well, Little Annul Folsom had a narrow escape from death recently. He was gored » a cow who planted her keen lions astride Ills body twice, pinning bim to a plank wall. The dittos of the town met Thursday evening and organised n literary club with l’rof. Crenshaw, president! Mr, Sessions, vice-presi dent and .T. T. Webb, Jr., scoretary mid treasurer. ltonv.Mi.vs. (Jch Jas. M. Glrtgj;i, Hotletor-Uemirnt nf Va tail la Circuit, saysi "Mtcrsllnu imn ntwayn afforded mr prompt relief tu eases of lieadache." At Ur, .1. 0. (loodmiui'i. It Is a trutti in imitllctnc Hint the small- list done that performs Hie care is the I/m, Dp Witt’* LltHe Karly Riser* ant tilts suiallost pills, will perform the mire pud »to the best. J', (.'. Goodman. Alnpiilm News. Ai.seaiiA, May il,~IIon. M. H. Clyatt, of Nashville, was fn town TlutrsiUy, SStli ult, Clapt, )V. I*. Little, of Nashville, was hero Hunday, 1st Inst Mr. D. B, LcFlls, of Knlgina, Is In town to-day on husiness. Mr. K J. Fill wood, of Adel, Is visiting bis parents here. Mr. C, H. Goodman spent a short time here last week among his friends and ac qualnlances. .Mr. W. .1. Harris was around slinking hands with his many friends Satur day, 80th ult., and Sunday, 1st Inst. Mr. and Mrs. M- T. Kastcrs, of Knlgma, weru circulating among their many friends here Saturday, 80th ult. Mr, Joe Lou, of Coffee comity, passed through hero Saturday, 80th ult. enroule to Lenox on a visit to relatives there. Prof. W. T. Cockrell, who Is teaching near Ocala, Irwin county,passed through Mapaliu Friday, itlHIi ult. on Ids way to HIcliland, Oa., to visit Ids family there. Prof, A. S. Paulk, of this place, la teaching seven miles northwest of here. Miss H. H. Ayres and Hold, Smith, of Knlgma, spent several days at Hie Alup aim river near this place, and report a few llsli and an abundance of fan. Mrs. 11. T, Kendrick und her son, Wil lie Friar, made a short visit to Valdosta on business the lulter part of last week. Miss Maggie Griffin, wlio bus been vis King relatives liure for several weeks past/left yesterday morning forlicrlioinu In Quitman accompanied by tier cousin, Miss Mattie Grlllln, of tills place. Messrs KiihhcII A Walls and M. .1. Kent imve been working Alapuha the past week III the Interest of the MnUint Aid, Loan and Investment Company, of Allnnta, Oa. The young people have enjoyed two plenl-s during the past week. One Tues day the Mill, and one Saturday 80fh nit. amt they report having had a delightful time at both. At the latter everything moved In u merry nndjidieerl’nl manner Dinner was annonnwd at about I o'clock uml all seemed to enjoy the repast very imifl|i. Thera was an abundant supply for all present, and enough for many more. John Jenkins end Dsn Cobb, two no- gross on Ciuiaoy A Porter's turpentine works, Indulged In a lively combat tint- urdny evening, the. .'101 Ii nil., In Dun Cobb's house, In which tlm former was shot In Hie arm uml the tidier received a knife wound In I lie stile. They still wore not suHslled, so "Johnny got his gun," olid Dan did likewise, John tired oil' both barrels, shill, the,door to Ills uiddn and proceeded In rutouil, when Dan sud denly mndi, his apjiettruauo, as did the muzzle of u shotgun In the window of John's Imt. One barrel went off, the other snapped, amt John would itimlilless Imve went off too, Imd the opportunity presented Itself. Only one mustard-sued shut took effect. It Idt ./aim's wife In llio face. Luckily, It missed bur heel. Him will recover. "All Is well Unit ends well." there lies man and Imast dead on the! WEATHER CROP BULLETIN HO. 6. name spot. 1 ruder tin, IMrecUim ul tin, IV s. Mr. F.dilrir, it was here lllltt it- ImyartiMSmt irf A»rli-t/lt«r«. Heeiuc-d to me that wc bad the (Hist The crop report shows it, scarcity still time since leaving homo. Altera of rain all over Georgia. , t> Aha rata necaw etwcutinl now to time Dr. W. ventured up to where! (j »gg Col. F. lay and inquired, “What is The absence of rain with the chilly the matter’/” Getting no reply, be nights has retarded growth and made, examined tlic Colonel’s pulse, and the season backward. Cotton phmt- inimi'dmtcly .-ailed for the beer. I i«g 1ms beim delayed and the stand , , , ■, , , T c .... will lie lielow tile average in most of tliouglit he said liear,an(l I, ofcoti sc,LgB unless there is an early dropped further back into my hollow ra - mi Q or(l) otl ts and wlieat arc gum, After a half dozen bottles of thriving ill somu portion of the stale, beer and a large lemon wore iorcod The M* prop 18 excellent. seiouslteSR and speech, lie was ' m 'I except the mx/rheast counties. In mediately asked) “If Cox’s Little riv-1 the semthern tier of counties no rein or lienr innl been after him'/” and lie of any amount has fallen for neuriy He was then asked “If lie "i* weeks and the drouth is beeoni- u >ng HurioiiH, Comiilniut ih hIho uni- no * 1 vernal of cully nights. While the was then asked “If he heard * i ny'L]j),yH Ktem fairly warm and thej'e has thing?” and he said no. been an average amount of sunshine, Wo tliouglit too miii’li of otir Col- the nights have been coltt and this onel to have him seared so badly and has kept the ground chilled and re- . , , 4 tardeil plant growth. r lhe season is not bo revenged; solve got om Win- ^ ha l ckwai % exce pt |)ro bab!y in cheaters and pistols and followed his J H()rne northwest counties, track hack to where he took fright, Cotton planting has been delayed and there were the tracks of a third chiefly on account of the want of party man where he had been |is|,. rain, which has left the ground hard i.i. and packed and m fioSr condition for mg the day before and—that was | c,. what the Colonel smelt! He was not use to them in Tifton. Fihiikhman, said no. saw anything'/” and lie said [.,, May L Old tilt dust! the latter section there are more fav- VVe are very dr v here at ° r 'l , ’ lc 1 rc l ,,irU '.. u h, ‘ vp , b ‘; t,n J * I lurht. MfinU f.f'M U'fiUfll IlflVO koilfc tIK* /.ton Ilopo I'cticllings. Zion Hoi llio dust! W present. The farmers haven’t illum ed their cotton yet and we would suggest peas in tin, place of the mor tal cotton. Sheep shearing is in order new and a good crop is being fleeced. working. Even in the southern conn ties the planting is not yet finished and some of tho lato planting will not come for want of rain. Cotton which is up needs rain badly in every section, except tho northeast. From Fair lady customers and courtly gotn tlemen. ’ Wc try to' carry a lii ’ goods io that Fair Maidens And stalwart youths, old men and matrons, can be suited. Store tliat, is not only attractive in \t its livings and goods, but which is > renowned for the high quality and cheapness of its goods, cannot help being well patronized by a Band of where we have enough room to enlarge our stock, which we wilt do at once. Wc buy only bargains and buy them because we can. We sell bargains because we will. We can not look out for our would-be compet itors. Our aim is to dive to rock-bottom and give our eustomers the ben efit. Come and look us over, we have the goods, U have the money. An exchange will be mutually beneficial to both. Parks’ Huiiding. PADIIICK BROS. light showers which have kept the soil in a better stale. Tho stand of cotton will he lielow the average in -i majority of counties, unless abundant rain fallH soon. Com lias stood tlic drouth much better than cotton and except in the southwestern dt,turtles is in n fair J. T. BOYD & BBO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Crockery, China and Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Description, Tinware, Hollow ware, Woodware. I (S’# M Karly Kisers, Karly Itlsers,, Ksrlv Dinara, tho famous 11ttlo pills for annulf- pnllim, liesilaelie, ityspepsia unit nervousness. J. V, (limihmin. RIG EXCITEMENT, Will, I, Party of Tlftim rUlteriueit on llio Alsimliii lttver. Mu. Hi,non—Last Friday myself und live other Tifton llshm-men went lo the Abipuha river in quest of fish und full, but our fun was of a very serious mituro. We arrived at Hi m., slrttek camp mid ate dinner. It was then pro posed that we go to the Smith Tur ner hike not far away. Tills we did, well armed with Winchester rifles, pistols and Ashing tm-kle. Just here I will give it us my opinion if that lake was imniod after the discoverer, Smith Turner, he was a very bravo iiiaii. When we got to the lake wu were surprised to find throe oowa lying dead within a few feet of each other, and here is where the writer took (lie lirst fright. However, ho sileceeded In not letting the other hoys know it, Imt determined to stay in the biggest crowd the ha hi I ice of tho time. The llsli did not bite as rapidly as we thought they should. As is us ual with suoli crowds there was a doctor and a colonel (everybody knows majors are noted for eowardlee and colonels arc prompted for brav ery) and Col. F. sorted out to hunt a better lake, leaving myself in charge of the remaining sqlmd, It was not long before one of the boys exclaimed: “There mmt lie a tornado coming through tho swamp,’ Looking through a snuHl open gap I saw Col, F. with Ills Imt in Iris ham! coming faster tlmn I thought- ii pos- slblc for a man to run, I omrtd’t speak, but soon enclowd myself within a large hollow gum whloti 1 hud spotted, with an eye and an car out just far enough to see and hear, ftnd not lie seen. Tim Colonel ' soon roneluid the-spot where thc dcad cows fell prostrate/ upon the grojUj-ft and 1 thought) to myself, Our Holiday-school is moving on condition. Tho need of rnin is in a lively manner. greatest in tho soutliwesl, and at There was preaching at tho church some ll|»ts corn Is turning yellow. i J In northern counties there hs a little 0,1 till, 1st nist. by the pastor, Elder I „„ tn tlu , of th , W.I'.Cox. corn crop. The crop is being worked Fishing parties are the Ol'gor of I ml plowed in all sections. Some the day now. 'The writer attended corn jiottoms in the northeast are ro om 1 on tho lid Inst, at the TrestloPHprted as sfill too wet for pjautlilg- , , Oats and wheat are in very good hike, dure was plenty “ M »! “ Lndiito# ® north. In the south well ftH |)I(*uty of other good edible's 1 0! vtQ oHpecinlly uru suiforing Hovcrely and, truly, thero wan a plenty <>f from drought. Snmll grain is head pretty girls then,', Wo would cliroii'ling out and if rain comon in a short iele the wid mnv« of one gcntlonmn P ,m, rwill be good. ,e "K B "' k llm a "y 1,ul , 1,1 * ex.-ellem in tho central, western and fill pli-aduigs, but we will say lie hud j Kouthtvcstern comities. In tlu, north- ph-iity of strings to his bow and the I east- also, there is a fair set. In the girls don’t, get any rest when lie northwest it seems that tip, peach ,,rf „!,.r. crop will ho somewhat short-, * ,, ,, Gardens and sniftlt truck are re- Kveryhody is invited to Zion Hope ^ „ el)C . raUy in g 00 d ( , )m btion. on tho fifwt Sunday in Juno to heai'I | Jlt ^ beginning to sutler for want of the Sunday-school address by Kdilor|raln in southern and contra) district II. T. Allen. Suc-oss, peace and plenty for tho I - Try Ind!,.n Oholern Cordial for art Gav.ktth; Z. II. RCFSISESATORS AND ALSO STOVES, t) IB chettpcHt lo lluck’a IlriUkiui, conceded tulwtlm iHist lu tho world, they abnolute!/ Iiuvh no e<)ual in tlu* world. —,— all kind* of —- Tinware, Steve Pipe, Gutters, Etc. Sir Spcdnl prior* mado to hotol* and board ing himscH. Write or call on na when in n«od of unytlipiglu our lino j ww uuiirantee to aavoyou money. .1, T. HOYD & URO., 44 ldl r.utewon afreet, Vai.poi*ta, Oa. JAMES Z. ELLIOTTS OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. I will resume business in about two week. A complete stiff merchandise will be opened. I cordially invite all my old customer* an all who want flrstelass goods at low prices to call and see me. Very Ki-spcctfitlly, Sparks, Ga, April 20,1802. JAMES Z. ELLIOTT. timed troubles. At Dr. .1. Ct. tldStlmnn's SonUierii iiitptfst. Ooiivcntloii. |1 fl HI ft H /( Atlanta, May d.--TI,e oonven- | [j J )Jg | ()f(j | [;() th,ii promises to he a huge gathering. About I,Mill delegates, 1 understand, have been provided for. Next Sat urday will tie devoted to addresses about the centennial of missions. As there is no house large enough for the immense audience the eon- Special attention given to Jug trade volition will divide and hold tn'detlngs j Q! ’ Orders promptly filled, in two of tho largest churches in the ALBANY, GEORGIA. | Wholesale Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigar House. as hear. , ,,, ritlCKUHT. city, so as to give tho people as well out i;rlvnt® stei* ityo »5ooi,.re»Uim. the delegates an opportunity to I oKiUm*itU, 1a m r, *, . | Allliiiii-i* live 1,00 l . At. 1. mu Ml,. 10 live aw I OnllfetnlR live ti IX, u.i.n.Iiu DoiiKliirtyCM, llye U“ l-ioili npnilis. oiuN.0.hum aw Si-ahks, May 6.—Mr. Artemus Hwffuiiun"!iiu!ii’suini'i’i.L. 1% lliSiunit mu auo Turn (in, a oo III o’clock, only six minutes between I lijuu"rjnmify’.'l!'.L’.L'.’..L1. alS their deaths. Four of their children !iii 8 Xu,!111!I111 ’.! 1!!! Sw are very low, two of them are not 118 " wl «“»«"■»' vl "' expected to live through to-day. They lived two miles above Sparks. l.aGrippi, is the cause. J, J, S. IteproHcntuil by Iuwin 1‘AHittsit. A WORD 50,000 Pouncls Wool Wanted. Jo th6 Public mmm m V/i-ftf^rtud It’ Wm will juiy tin* nmrUj't j*rioe hi i*.uh j fnv Fifty Tbuu»*u(l omntU tit’ \V»ml. W, 4. XFfVSKlNM .V L’O.. r 1*1-11, May i, 18’,i2. Administi ator’a 1 havi> n woU wtcuietl wtouk of Sale. UKOUcHA—Ut nui«s i'oi'.ST'Y: Uy virtue of an oru»r from the four*, of OnU* navy of wtti t ounty, m tuu'tl it*, ih« Mr,v tprm, w|M b«* *oM Inpitm' llm « u\»ri hutvn.' «lonr tn tho town of Nualivhlo twtwbvn the lnwrut bmirR of on thn tVrst Tn»>A«lay in .(mu’ m*M. Bo* following |in*p«rty to-wit; r*’c lonuicd tun) forty lo rv,**, uitiro or Uhh, of tnx Nn ana, vast hnlf of lot No, 3*‘4, two tomtlrv it Hint forty-nvo aorv*. more f»r Jo**, of lot No. vsn, am! o.w htuMlitni atir>'», more or to**, of tut No. :w.\ tft thp tmh ilWtih’t of «ah^ county. 8oht »* tin* tainl tufr- tonitinK to the uAtnto or Ausul r»rrt*U, t,\t* nZ naiit t onnty ttactMftm, for tlu* buncltt of lu>Cr* of Rutil th'tH't'wnt, furiiw) maito known on «Uy of calv. rbtH Mny tl. tWPJ. W. IUhhiah, A/tmtittylrafor. For Kent. Ktvo nUn* lurj>i nn*jn* up rttnir* tho .Viitnn hvtok ImlliUnit. Atv* u‘<» ntw* storo* jiut ttn- Sn wuno Unlhttu*, Nino h»nt*Ion. Vrt<*r# w#M«*nnt»h). Aj ( ly to H. If. IstlVF, or Kn.wtv.nKi Aiajxandka Tifton, tt»., Jwi.k, Money! TO, LOAN •t?s; I ouev On vimU CAtatM, or fov impmvmnent.**, or UniUUnR porp-o^A, At tho low txitf of |u;r vor*f. per ah- uunu ff'nn f.vo to twenv- Jt-an Unw. hy T*>« KLulan/l HnlMwtp ,r<nt*ov t’ity, N.niHW jurthnln^ ohwv^'iy ai k 4 promptly fmnl*!»ftU‘v \ >V It BiSkkNst. Agitttt, Urn*, Un. fl wm whloh t am sclllnp low -town, I can’t he twatnn on from the fntt I buy alt my pood* North—In the ohoujKMt market*—» I pet from a to T jurcent Discount for Cash, ! have no Wood tp Buy or Rent to Pay All I «*W I* a fair trial ami you will to con VittttH)' 8. II A lUlED.. Mojjol, OOOl*! ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Wl — THIS SPACK BFJ.ONOS TO — E. P. BOWEM & BRO. — DKALEI1S IN — General IVEercliandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Highest cash prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tifton Jull 1 STRIVE 10 PLEASE ALL OF " J Thanking the puhlic-for a generous patronago iu tho past, we earnest solicit a continuance of the same in the future. v—' ~ - - -it IB t-tf. P. BOWEN & BH<)4 Nour tlic B. & W. Depot, TIFTON, OA. A Closing Out Sale! great"- bargains ! AT THE STORE OF O. Mo TIFT, Masonic Building, - Tifton, Georgia My Entire Stock, Comprising * Ladies’ Dress Goods, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc., El la offered at- and below cost to close out. mad convince yourself 1 am offering Gutmfa gains. " Yours'TsniLviT v : Masonic “* J '" U HHBBH