The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 20, 1892, Image 4

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TilK gazEttR *. tifT(>n, AMmY, MaT 26, l&M. A RECEPTIVE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. anil r.vonls of IitU'iotf TrfltiN|)frfitj( ^JironUlfd hy it I'oMbfnl anri Rfll- 1 -CwrpH of Ko|mrU*n». •£’ Bohninliui’t* itwlgct. C'kiil, May JO.—' IToni Jurnot) M. Seaj-boro, .of "Morn'ti, visited \uaKfeit<iVjiiv. 1J« brought iii« daughter, the tybo Mins Clara. Th$'dainty-little maiden, although a daughter of the Imasled “Unintcr bounty,” aaw the Georgia Southern tw.har first railroad. Slur is a very J'tlehm of Troy in beauty, has win. iiitig grace )n abundance, a fine in- . lolled, ayd we need her at wtlionl in Coed, Mm. W. R. Starting lnt« returned ’■' from a yirtt U> Florida reeii|ierateil, lion, t),' l>. fcuko in happy all save tiii» Mordecrii, the third party. .Have your atmmimiipn, daddy ! it will kill 'itself! , No rttltl here to-day to do any good and well diggers are busy. Marsha/J, J, Cox, of Ifahirn, re- Veivod a “painted eye” from a llcor- gia Southern employer at the mil- roud crossing at the llnhira depot yesterday, A town law forbids Hipp to obstruct the (Tossing more than f!v<' nilmiteH, Cox wanted to enforce the law, lienee the difficulty. HotittMl.iN. Cnroi scratches on Iioj’Hch and iiuingc mi llogM wit It out' or two 9itlo liy .1 \V, Paul It % i'.n* g iffilll Pff. upplleiitlomi. for •jS Cq, TOtoii, Chi. ♦ ■ hotter I'l'oin /.ion Hope, Zion Horn, May in. Wo h.tvi had Home nlen showers since we read Anything in the Gitzt'.rn: Iron j, oomtiyjwity I TJ.pi are looking line ilneo the rnimi, Mr. William Smith is litiildin;; a I jient residenee in tliis neighborhood, and tile work js being verv rap- idly, Tile Hulling mania Inis Honiiiwliiil iubsided Hpm the rains and uotlon planting and ttlibpplitg have become Hie order id' the day. That Htormy night in May hroiiglu Filler .1. A. (.'Of and wil’u good news. TllOyjtoW sing * lullabies to a new lioui'diir —a daughter. pur fiundny-Hi'hool is siill pm gresslng as nicely as we innild wish, Out' Huttlumeul people eululiu'l a idee weekly prayer meeting at some of Min brethren's housns every Sunday Vmllit, Is'ext, Sunday night it ■■ flonvenft at Mr. .laid; MnDuiiiel’a. o'ryhmly are 'nordlally invited. I It Is a tlxoil unit! law tImt to LiavO'good, sound health one imtsi lm\ Hire, vleli iiiul nlmuihuil hlmnl. Tlc-t s no shoi'HU'Her surer fouio lliiin I.y a e.oursH of lie. Util's Hiirsapiottln .1, t Mbudfnin. Alupnlm Homs. Ai.truiA, May 17. Mr. (). Iv Sutton, of I.euox, was in town I'liur.- ’ day, lkith lint. Mrs, S. K. h'ogle, of Tiflun, made jpuishort visit. In this place lint Satur day, I Ith Inst. Mr. .1. <1. I 'nlu was here the latter part of last week on husltiess. Mr, John MeCrniiie, of I’ltiehlooin, timdu a short, \lsit, to this place last rtliturdiiy, Mill iital. ®JA\'t'r ''' Woolard, ol l’i>ulnn,wns shilling tluisii of/i'nl days recently, lie hoHiifc'yon V 1 ' 1 ’ his business nffiurs. jnaiu'Ut ,Mi'ii, ol’ Tifion, lilloti his M,^rfimedy 1,1 ,00c. ut.l. W.ere last Sunday. 'I’’ C. W. Fulwood and II. T. The ' ’I’iftou, and .Inlin Marrow, hibov >>, wuro in Alnpidtai.ii Mon Itltli Inst, jljShe'.ep sheariiigs are in order now ^l t,li|n vicinity. \Aliotil 11.Bit sheep were relieved, of their llaoey wills at Mr. John l’mdltV tWo miles south west of hole, lust Tlmrsday. the I'.'th inst. Tho young people of Alupnlm had two SOQial entorlalliments last Meek, one Friday night' and the miter Sat. grday. night. The former was at the pesid'enoe of Dr. It. T. Kendrick anil at the fosldctiec Ilf Mr. ,1. 11. Ron tty. — pSTlih primary filiation held here Saturday for delegates to represent tills dislT'Ict at Nashville, there to Choose others to represent the eoun- iit Alhuttn for tho purpose of iliOpaitig delegates to go to the mi- Berrien County Hondo,v Sell mil Assoelol loll. Aom, May J I, 18',12. JJtdTou .Qizumi Tho annual convention of the Berrien County Sunday-school Association was held at this place last Saturday and Sun day, the Tlh and 8th insts, Quite an interesting program Imd been arranged for the meeting, Imt owing to the absence of the presi- dent, secretary and others whose names appeared on the program ns leaders several material changes hud to lie, made, 'Pile convention met, in tin; Meth odist church at- Id o'clock Saturday morning and, after devotional ser vices led hy (', I. Jones, of Ahipulin, was organized for business by the election of Hi*v. Ji. W. Uiickahev, of Sparks, president and J. K. Peeples, of Adel, secretary, and tho business of tlte meeting was conducted in an orderly manner mid rapidly. Only nine out of tw'onty schools were represented. However, very flattering reports were made hy these school*, showing fiHti scholars and fil Otlicers and teaeliei's and amount spent for literature for last, quarter, iffill. After hearing the reports from tile Beholds the convention adjourned to meet, again at 2 o’clock p. in. The convention reif:.,eiiddod at 2:1)0 |i. m. After devotional exer cises led by Ituv. A. .1. I’arrisli, of Sparks, addresse* were made by I levs. S. W. Brown, II. W. lltteka- boc and A. .1. Parrish, Dr. A. C. dements and o tilers on the follow ing siddeetst '‘Ilow to make a Sim- day-school atlraelive,” and “Ilow to mcrcoute the opposition III Sunday Mehniil* in Berrien county.” These addresses wore all idile, eloquent and inel.i active. j Messrs. V. Stanton, superin tendent of the Wuyernss Methodist Smiday-selioohi iiml D, l>. Sweat,'y of tluj 27th d’mtriet Sunday- riehonl Assoeiiftioll, were added to the list iif visitors during the after- II null session, Sunday murnliig at, in n'eloek D. It. Sweat led in a “Sunday-school Bully. 11 fully one hundred elilldren were present. At. It o clock \ . I,. Stunt nil ileli.ered a beautiful ad dies", oil the “Power of l.lttle Things." The afternoon session was devoted to the eloiTum of nllleers for the en siling year, selecting the plftite for liolditig'lho next emiveritioli, anil the transaetioii of other ttuecwiarv bits! ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND T1F0N AND HER FOUNDER, Tin* oli'i'fioii of onii'crs rcFitlinl as follow »• l'rusiilt iit —II, M’. Mien, M’iflon. \ km* Ph's’i'Iciil \V. I., lu'imon, Ailrl. Sorivtary — ('. I. ,loi»es, Ala|»alia. Mxi'culivo ( oiumiltci' I)r. A. ( ’. ('li'iiicii1A(K*l: l-.lonos, Alannliu; l». W. I!UfkaltiM 1 , Sj»ju‘kd; II. 1*. IVi*jtlrK, NumIimIIi'. .1, I>. I'utliMsoii, Acli'S. Alapalia wuh hi'IofIimI :is tho plan* for lioMing tin* m*xt convi'iition, Tho following suhjorls won* ili.s- niMNt'fl durmu; llu* al'tcmooii: “'I’hr host niflhotl of coiulucl.iup; a Sumlav- school,' 1 mid tho “Until** of otlioui'M and li'acluT*,” also “Ohjoi’t Ioskoiih'’ hy \ . I.. Sianlon, I). II. Swout and ollllMM. Tho ooiivontion wan pvononncod a l)lj^ snot'oss hy all in attondanoo and now Add has her doors upon at all linu'H for fnt.iro oonvonlions. ,1. K. Pkki’i.ios, Soorolarv. --— • —.—_ V 11 I p(iM)\f tluanunorn to < ujc |\ III | a |l 11 A In h in inimr-pm. l\l!jli \lull id l''oc Hiiic py .1. )\. i'luilk kV ro., Tifion, On. Cr>vlti rnnnlj Itiinn* U.ou, T, 15. Vdwij^ o\ If win cotjn* t v, is tho proud father ol d htiby boy, that wniglu'd hvflvo pottHd* at birth. Ho \vi!l bt* thr«*o works old mwt Sitnday. Hon. Klbort Floti'luw lives in lr- win comityi two miles oast of Cluda station, Uoorgia Southorh and Klori* j da railroad, avid has an ologa.nt homo land, protty farm. T«o mil* 1 * atilj j lurtlior ojvnt Hon. T. l». > ounif livos; ho has a oomfortniilo homo a mod*, ol farm ibat ho rofwsoa $‘2t',00 for and is surrouhdod by plonty and undontmont. I 'Pin* country froin Uloda t«' Irwin. ! villo is as pretty as Ooorjfia affords. Ilaluli of N<*wm from NolKliborliig f'ounllo* of Hpt'itlul to Un'/Ji tto Itptwlt'M. T'he Clinch county Sunday-school convention will he held at Salem .church sixteen mile* southeast of Willncoochce on tho fith Sunday and Stitiirday before in this month. The South Georgia Holiness Asso ciation held a seven day;',’ meeting at Aalihiirn, beginnlttasin the 2d and closing on the 8th of May. Report* say* it. was one of the best meeting ever held in this section. The Poffec County Gazette, of Willtieoochce, lias gone the way of all unappreciated cmriitry newspa per*. However, iNpwberti’s bantling died bravely—itu/mUfst breath was eloipient in advocacy of the proposed Willucoochec and DuPont railroad. Several farmers of Poitlan and Syl vester are running against each other in the matter of a corn crop. The result Is several exceptionally fine pieces of corn, which'will go far to wards demonstrating old Worth’s ca pacity as a corn growing county.— Solomon, in Local. Try Indian Cholera Cordial for all bowel troubles. At Or. .1. C. Bootlinun'-, The Gazuttk Icanift that Dr. \V. I., Julian and a man hy the name of Johnson, both of Irwinvillc, had some trouble lust Sunday and the Doctor was the mifori.unato recipient of the contents of a shotgun loaded with bird shot. His wounds though painful is not serious. (.'apt. A. R Aittrey, a turpentine operatin' of Colquitt county, who lives about twenty-live miles west of Adel, was out diiviiar/aith his wife mill child last Hatfi/diiy, when the horse took fright, / her.tune uncon trollable mid mu away. lie was thrown from the buggy and instant ly killed. The funeral and burial sen tees took place (Sunday afternoon. Osear Johnson, the colored man who went crazy here about three weeks ago, was knocked off the rail- load by the passenger train just, (he oilier side of the depot ill Pouiuu, last Thursday ipontlng. The Inin knocked him off the track, ran up to the depot and then went buck to w here lie was and took him to Sum ner, where he could hlfve medical at tention, lull his wounds were too se rious nrul nothing could he done to save his life, both arms and his left leg being broken. He died Thurs day afternoon. Oscar bail boon in jail at Isabella, hut Sunday evening last lie asked to.lie permitted to go to church, which was done, and in stead of returning to the jailer, wan dered off, and was his way back to wards Sumner when lie met his sail fate. Local, ['iiuuwntie ooitvimtiim ut (,’hi-1 ,, , „ , ,, ■ ... . . , .. ,, P dull, spirliles* aM tiUndth.if yotft sell i.fljt quietly - Hutis. .1. It.. ok.tott Is ihu it aid vugjjlsh; if your ’inpe Itonioi v ii,.in,y 1 1 if•' is eapileious tod niieerinlu,you ntwl ' la sarsaparilla. l iii'liiSt iv-ntis take He | ^ I i ' Us..«.)>.■ an , • iGl.VlJJ. lint llii)i|ieiiiiigs.', May 8,—Sheep shearing is liiii oider in Hataliouts. Mr. .1. \Vbullion clipped the llceuc off of ahout "in' liumlruil yesterday. The shcpherirs whip can he heard in al most every direction driving the sheep to tile shearer. I read of lishiug parties every week. Gabriel and I went rocuntly ami caught ton trout. We went again yesterday And caught, with hook and lini', one hundred and live perch- -warmiKitlj, stump knocker and red breast. 1 also found a hoe tie!. 1 mid a bird's most. Gabriel has killed u’.oiT time than tamkps tips year. Oil Snmlay M'li'iu! is in a dilapida ted condition because of 'illicit, sick ness in the nitftnmnlf.y. Hitpe it will not die, as Gabriel rays, now that (lie rain luts eofttei he lias not time to at- teml the. funeral of a. Smiduy-scliool. I.’olitics t< quiet in Hataliouts, Imt little third party now days. Wow and then a candidate comes round, Imt Gabriel.doesn’t have much to say to tlu ni. lie just takes a chew of tramp tobacco off of his own piece and goes on to hk'work or fishing. \To have all had the la grippe this spring and the grip of hard times has got us now, Imt I must go to the garden and g"t vegetables tor dinner or Gabriel will look at me with, the eye lie looks at the ettt with. liestwislue. l,. the Gvzrni: and uiiiidlet ing editor. Mil', (quaint All SkH. li llnw Cluck snd Kih i*v Over. c(imen AdveritH/. Tifion, which has been made tem porary headquarters of tlte New Georgia Lumber Exchange, is located at the crossing of the Brunswick & Western, Georgia Southern and Flor ida and Thontasvillc, Tifton and Au gusta railroads in Berrien county, Georgia. As a city, it lias the finest location with respect to drainage, water, timber, fertility of soil and al titude sooth of Macon—indeed, tip region of the state is more bipat than this thriving section of the wiregrass. The altitude of the city is I!(i5 feet above sea level, and is surrounded by tlie most fertile lands to lie found in Georgia, It boast, of a tine hotel college, two fine churches, one of the largest saw and planing mills in the state, a steam ginning plant, a tur pentine distillery which turns out 8,(100 barrels of _ turpentine per an mini, many large brick buildings, and as many tasteful residences as can be found in any city of its size in Georgia. (-'apt. II. II, Tift will soon com plete a large shingle mill, and will ship Georgia yellow pine shingles into Cotmeetic® and other eastern states. These will be put ill yards of his own, and a well directed effort will be made to have them take the place their wortli justifies. Once In troduced, they will hold their own against all comers. The machinery lias arrived, am! there will soon be in operation at this place one of the largest barrel factories tu the state. The factory is now turning out 50 light barrels li day. Vartios have contracted for ground end will erect a large wood excelsior factory in this city. ('apt. Tift is making additions to his planing mill, lie will mid a bail'd saw and other machinery for work ing easing*,.mouldings, brackets, etc The inaeliinory is here Cnpt. II. II. Tift, the moving anil controlling gonitis of tliis region, has recently been elected president of the Georgia Lumber Exchange. Hr was hitrn in Mystic, ('mm., in 1 S-iI served mi apprenticeship as mauhin ist, went to sea for three years ai steamship engineer botwnph New York and Galveston, afterwards go ing to Albany, Gu.t wliere lie was general supcriiiumdeilt >qf a machine s-hop and novelty works: Subsequent ly he engaged in say milling neat' tlint, city, whore, after nearly two years wrestling with ague ami a do elming market, he pulled up stakes in March, 1872, and taking a lff th rattle-trap of a saw mill with him lo cated it. 40 miles from the then near est town on tlie sight of what is now the city of Tifton. At that time the Captain Imd beside his mill as a start er u debt of MlhOIIO to wrestle with From fifth conditions has grown ills immense business ami property. To day lie lias us many diverse interests us almost any man in Georgia, lie sides liis large saw mills hei.s u dis tiller, owning one of the largest tur pentine manufactories in tho state lie owns and is building tlie Tifton and Augusta railroad, not having bonded it for a dollar; is the owner of all unimproved— and much that is improved—property in Tifton, and personally attends to tlie sale of all building sites, lie is by ail odds tho largest farmer in that section of Geor gia, making tobacco a specialty this season, lie has extensive mercantile interests, and is one of the largest laud owners as well aa one of tho largest single holders of yellow pine stumpage ia Georgia. (.'apt. Tift, is a public spirited eiti 7,en mid first in all good works. In Programme of the Union Meet ing Melt Association, To lie held with Now River church, May 27tb, 28th and 29tb. rum ay. 10:00 a.m.—Introductory sermon by Elder J. B. Arrington. Alternate, Elder II. T, Dowling, Adjourn until 2 p. m., then meet and organize. 2:81) p. What Bible authority have we for union meetings? Dis cussions opened by G. W. Guest. 3:80 p. m.— Is it right to connect foot washing with the Lord’s supper? Discussion opened by Elder S. J. Sauls. SATl'ItnAY. 9:80 a. m.—Invocation service led by G. W. Watson. 10:0(1—Arc the pastors and hurtles as rigid as they should be in the examination of applicants for membership? Discussion opened by Elder Wiley Pipkin. 11:00 a.m.—Are the pastors dis charging their duties in warning tlie churches against moderate tippling? Discussion opened by J. D. Cal houn. A ljoiirn for dinner. 1:80 p. m.—Does not churcli mem bers waste too much time in romanc ing and vain jesting? Discussion opened by Elder J. A. Cox. 2:80 n. m.—Aro the heathen ac countable beings; and, if so, wdio are responsible for tlieir,salvation? Dis cussion opened by S. M. Self. $80 p. m.—Brethren arc request ed to give their best- methods for get ting the churches to unite in union meetings and conventions, SUKOAV MOtlNlNU. Sunday-school mass meeting con lucled hy B. T. Alien. W. F. Cox, S. M. Sici.k, Committee. OR. N. PETERSON Physician and Surgeon. TJjrfOX, - OEOBOIA. Omcr.—Wlth J. W. Paulk & Co. Calls nuswiTisI pn»ti|itly (lay or night. Oflio pnutk'ti will nuxlre attention between the hours of 7:00 amt 10 -jo a. m., anil 3 ;00 and 4 30 p. in. J. M. WILKES. Resident .Dentiet. TIFTON, OKOKOtA. Owicb—Romn up nuli-s, PauHt VHplj buUdiuj^ foun j ln office from the Lit to 16th of each month, the residue ot tfmt will be devoted to country patients -at thoir homes tf desired. - 29-*f. DR. J. C. GOODMAN Physician "and Surgeon* TIFTON GEORGIA. Office—Room In tho Tifton Dm# Store. tF* Thanking the public for its past liberal patronage and solicit a continuation of the same, It in n truth in medicine that the small chi cIohc tliut performs the cure in tlie best. De Witt’s Little Early Kisers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure ami mo the best. ,J. O'. Goodman. The Tifton Drug Store desires ns to publish the following testimonial aH they handle the remedy and believe it to be reliable; “1 bought a 50 cent bottle ol Cbambcrlain’a i'ain Enlm and applied ii to my limbs, which have been alllicted with rheumatism at inleivals for one year. At the thjjo I bought the Pain Kalin 1 was unable to walk. I can truth fully pay that Pain Halm has completely cured me. R. II. F.vun, Hollywood Kan. Mr. A. II. Cox, the leading drug gist of JI oily wood, vouches for the truth ofthc above statement. Order to Perfect Service, OKORfi r.\—io-ithii'* cocnty. ,1. WniiM, i I.ibol for Dlvoroo In Her- vs. > rir.n Sit|-.orlor foutt, AV. W. WiuiH. ) March Tejm, lKitt, It appearlnR to the Court by tho rrturn of the Sheriff, in tin; abovo amtei! ease, that the de fendunt does not reside In said county; and i. further appearing that ho does no*, reside in said State: It i* therefore ordered by the Court, that Huniee he purfeetod on the defendant try the publication of thH order ouch* a month for four months lie foie the next term of tlds Court,In the Tifton ca/kh-E.h newspaper published in Her- vien county, (ieorgiA, v'j Hitch, petitloncra Attorneys. Cranted: Aim li. H.VNst.i.L, Judge S. O. S. f. A true extract from the minutes of Herrien Hut erior t ourl, Term, W.F2. (i. >V. MOORE. Clerk. Tlii> .tjfty 10th, My. Drs. J. W. & D. J. WILLIAMS,' DENTISTS, - CORDKI.K, ...... UEUROU. OrriCE -Bank Buliaiag. Room No. t, up ,U18. DR. G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOtRLTIUE, - GEORGIA. Olfeni his BorviceB to the people or Colquitt l * - counties. In new drug store. and adjacent counties. tr**OkFlck FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW, REAL ESTATE Ai COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - OEORGtA. Prompt attention given to all legal busineil. gy Office—Love Hollaing, Room No. li JOHN A. WILKES, Attorney * a t - L a w , ADEL, • GEORGIA. Will practice In all the counties of the Southern Judicial Circuit of Georgia. Special attention directed to all branches of the profession and geucral business solleltod. 84y. Dissolution Notice. TV connrtnerHhlp heretofore existing between p...*. 1 ctersim and .lake W. Paulk, under the tirm name of Peterson A Paulk, is this buy dis solved bj mutual ecn^eut, Di. N. Peterson with draw Iniv froin the same. .lake W. Paulk assumes oil liabilities and will collect all iudchtcdnoM. PllTKItsoJi A PAVf.K. Tifton, Ga., May Pth. I’artnrrslil|i Notice. Tlie wndorsigiu'd have thlfj day associated themselves together, under the hi lit nnmc of .1. W. Paulk A Co., for tho purpose of dealing in drugs, chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes anil other merchandise connected with a general drug ImsinesR, in the city of Tifton. Jake W. Pafi.k, I). L. ToMiiF.iu.ix. Tifton, (in., May Oth, 1802. Dissolution Notice. The Arm of Timinona* Moore Co., (W. W. Timmons T. P. Moore and II. I,. Covlugton) is this tiny dissolved by imitual consent, T. F. Moore retiring. 11. L. Covington and W. W. T* mi nous, under the firm name of Covington Sc Timmons, will t-<m?tiiuc the imsiuess, asstime all liabilities anil collect all iritlebtcduess. Timmons, Momuk A Co. This April Id, 1HW. I sx 4 ho wiw tmited in nmrriugo to Miss Willinglmm, of Albany, (hi., ami to her moral ami social worth is dim, in a lm*go measure, the charming society wliicli lias fommd about tho thriving city of Tifton, destined to be ono of the loading trado centers in (icorgiu—Northwest, Lumberman. Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following ft; m Alev B. Dope, A. J). C , 0«nubamU*r Dcp t. Ttnn, and Oft. lie save; “We !mvo Imd an ejvUU'mic of whooping eou^h litre, imd Chtmddaiii * C-ouglt Kc«wcdy has been the only mod him* tbai lias done- any Tl ere U no danger 1'ii‘in cough ’when • ibis" remedy freely vi'iven- li ci iidpfcioly ooni rid* Hie disease. 50 com bottles lor sale by Tifton Store and 1 chow A Belote. Cecil. Berrien County Sheriff's^Sales For juxk. GEORr J3A—Hkriur.x CorsTV. Wilt in* sold ttcfcro the nmxt Ikmim? d«»jr in tho town of Nashville, said sUto and mmjitY, on Hie tlr»«t< Tu«:sda> In June nett, tH twccn tin legal hours of «'lv', to the highest hlddof for cash, the following pr«»jM*rty, t(8wlt: Ixus of iaiid N'os. :»r>7, iWl and 200 in the Ninth district of said count), levied on as the pr *iH;r- t.v of S. WhUehurst by virtue of a II. fa. is; (ted f'ntin Herrien su'jorlor court. In favoruf w. W. Chisholm iN Co. against iRiid S. Whitehurst. T»*»»nt In imteke^lou nodded in wriling. This May d, im. Also, at the same time aud place, one iron nm'n named Hill and «n.e iwn gray mule named John and one peddler's wagon, landed on us he property of Jacob Davis by virtue of a mort- gage tl. fa. issued from Herrien superior court m favor of >l»-rri:v Ma'-cr agalnM ^vid Jacob l)n- vis, This Ma\ 11. Uri. DA NU'I, W. TlSd.V .ShcrHT H. V. Administrator’s Sale. fiFORivlA - Couvn t - Hy virtue 4>f .hi order from the Coprt of OrdJ- nurx of said, granted at the May term, will ije soM Iseforc the court Hou*« door >n the town of Nashvliie between the lawful hour* of -tie on the Arst tv.c*dav in done nex.’, the foUovving projuMty uvwlt • llirrc hundred and for y nen-i, more or less, nf lot No .723. oast half of lot No. ;Sl4. hundred awl farty-th? aenn. UiOfv ka less, of lot Tin. and ono hundred acres, more ct lesv. of ^ xn. ?SA all in the ltth diet dor, jjf '-id county. Sold u* the lam. be* qJ Aj,in*1 Parrleh, latent •iAbi county deneoaed. f v »r the benofii «.f i,,;jce of ’ lalUdeKViieni. 'feiinn made known on day of j ijalo. Thl^May 2,18" Compute theHe prices with M’hat U have been paying*. Men’s Suspenders, 10c.; Men’B Llhen Collars, 10c.; Hose, flc. worth 20c.; Necjc rit'8,10c. rt«Rt.; Druss Buttons, 5c, dor..; .^hirt Buttons, Gc. ^ross; Hair Bins. 5c. 100; Paper Pins: 1c. each 080; Ladies- llamlkerehiefK, Jj. 5. 0, and 10c.; Ladles' folding Fans, 10c. Site Assoitnsoiit. I lewis. Large Turkish Bath, 40c. pair: Crash Linen, 7, 0 ami 10c. yarifi .t, it. P, Coates Sjiool Cotton, 4c.; Print*, B and Oo. yard; ChaUles, 44c. yard; yard-wide Blcacrdug, He. yard; 38-inch Colored India Flonnc- in?, 20c.; BB-Inch White Swiss Flourcing, 2#c.i Men's Summer Coats, BOc. White Goods, Black Lawns, Ultlita Silks, Bedford Cords, Etc. Entirely Beyond Competition. 1.allies’ Undorvesls, tOe..; Ladles' Shirt Waists, 33e ; 1 set (1 hone and 2 steel) Crochet Needles, Be ; 140 Scw iug Needle*, 8c ; Bedsteads, $1.41). • Full Tjine Ladies’ trimmed hats, shapes, etc. Laces, ribbons, etc. Slate Pencils, 20 for Be.; Fish Hooks, 20 Tor Oc.; Hammers, 13c.; Steel Squares, 60c, See our 10c. Counters and U will find marvelous valuss. . . Tacks. 1e. paper; Hand S»\ir, 38c, each; Locks with 2 kpy», 10c. I GROCERIES.; We have added a seleded stock of shelf good* in this linn Quality Is wcat we are after while we expect to save you money in this line. Coffee, Arhucklc’s Boirrted, 22|c.; Cof fee, Bio Green, 22e.; Columbia ltiver Sal mon, 18c.; Peas, 14c.; Fresh Com, He.; Armour's 21b. can Beof, with Key, 20c.; Sardines. Sc.; 40 Bars Soap, ft; Starch, Be. pound; Hnnff, 8 boxes for 10c,; Sugar, 18 lbs. for ft. . If anything is not perfectly satis factory we will cheerfully refund till# money. Will any one. do moru? Fadriok Brothers. 50,000 Pounds Wool Wanted. Wc will nay tl»c hljfhe for Fifty ThotMtttfttf l*oi W. . mttrket'prW In c«g»h fla of Wtiol. '.HSIOMH A CO^ ' C’pcU, UViirgia. TON SAl^ STABOS. TIFT</tN. - f OEQROIA. usn Aiitntnlttmtur f, A h Proprietor,