The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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$1,00 PER ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1892. SUNDAY-SCHOOL PICNICS. FRIDAY AT ALAPAHA AND SATUR DAY AT ENIGMA. floth FleiUHUit OcchhIohh—A. Mistake Cur- rect*4—Kobln*’ Appointment*—Color of HU County Committee. Alapaha enjoyed a Snnday-sohool picnic last Friday. The editor in tended to have been present and par ticipated in the festivities and good tilings of the occasion, but lie started for the train just iu time to get left. However, we learn that, the occa sion was a most pleasant one; there was a large attendance of people, old mid young, and an abundance of the most toothsome edibles for the noon repost.. There was not the slightest show of-disturbance to mar the quiet peace and joy of the day’s outing. Saturday morning we had better luck; we caught the train and went down to attend the Enigma Sunday- school picnic. Oapt Guun, of Wes ton & Gunn, kindly tendered the school "and its friends an excursion to the end of his tram road,.about Seven miles from Enigma; doubtless thinking it would aiWmKfry and zest to the occasion. In/ferns he was not mistaken. We enjoyed it and think We can speak for quite all who went mid say they enjoyed the trip very much. The sturt was inode at 8:30 a. m. mid a half hour’s run brought us to the picnic ground, where several hours until dinner was announced was spent in various ways—singing, chatting, etc. The dinner was excel lent and in abundance. Tho pio- nieers numbered about two hundred and fifty, and there was provisions enough on the ground to feed twice that number. About three o'clock p. in. the crowd was called together by stipcr- iutendeqt I). B. JjoFils when short speeches were made by the editoy and Rev. P. H. Grumpier. Aftcr"'Hte-'Speeclr{‘8 ‘the command Was given to “all aboard” and soon the bappy throng was gliding along homeward. BRIMS FROM OUR NOTH BOOK. - There is some excellent vocalists at Enigma and they rendered sweet music at the pieniu. Mr. J. 13. Gunn is one of nature's noblemen: if lie can’t entertain crowd no ope need try, aud lie does it in the quietest kind of u way. It is said that courting people nev er lose an opportunity to speak a good word for themselves. They did nobly on Saturday and it made us feel like courting a little ourself. Die picniccrs were safely landed jiuck at Enigma at 4 o’clock p. in., syhen the young men engaged in a game of base ball. We learn tliai Mr. Gunn gives the young men it. his gmploy an opportunity for recre ation every Saturday afternoon, when business is not rushing, and if they play hail he goes out and enjoys it with tl)ein. The idea is a good one and doubtless prevents many a violation of the Sabbath day. Men need (Aid will have recreation, uud if they don’t have an opportunity in the week time Sunday is invariably drawn, upon. Such is the most J ilsutible excuse given for the Sun- lay excursion. An Error Corrected. We are in receipt of two letters calling bur attention to un error in tile report of the officers of the Iter- rie,ii county Sunday school Associa tion and asking a correction thereof. Our young friend, Mr. J. E. Peeples, mode up the roll of officers from memory and hence the error of sub stituting the name of Mr. O. I. Jones for that, of Mr. G. H. Good, inan on the executive committee, There was no intention of doing any one an injustice. Here to the corrected roll of olfi- PM> Pretidtnc—H. T. Alien, Tifton. Vice^prexident—W. L. Kcnnon, •Adel. ecretary and Tretwnior—C. I. Public Spooking. lion. J. R. Robins.of Green comi ty will address the people on behalf of the people's party at the following tilues and places: ferry, Houston county, Saturday, May 28. Vienna, Dooly county, Monday, May 30. Sumner, Worth county, Tuesday, June 1. Adel, Berrien county, Wednesday, June 2. Moultrie, Golquitt comity, Thurs day, June 3. Mr. Robins is dislriot lecturer of the 8th district, aud is an able and eloquent speaker. Turn out with your wives, your sons and daughters and hear him. The People's Party Campaign Committee. Oscar Parker, Sec. Atlanta, Gu. A circular, of which the above is a true copy, is being quietly circula ted in the country districts of this and adjoining comities. It was by accident that we saw the .original from which we made our copy, and it is evident very few of them find lodgment among townspeople. This is a free country and people's party candidates and advocates have a right to speak wherever they may see (it, and are guaranteed a respect ful hearing by all who attend their meetings. This is right. Let. all democrats go and hear Mr. Robins; give yourself an opportuni ty to know what this new party is and proposes to do; then, take tin information you get home with you and look at it in the light of reason and if you ever hud any thought of going off with the people’s purtyites it will lie effectually dispelled. The Gazette is not afraid to ad vise democrats to go and hear party advocates because it only makes them stronger democrats; be cause' “error ceases to be dangerous when truth is left to combat it.” ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND HtttcH of »wk irom Nritfhborhii; Countios DocuuhI of Special Intercut tu tiiixctlclUuutcrp. The young men of Sumner have organized a debating society. There, is a flourishing literary school in die Lovely Hill settlement of Invin county. Prof. B. M. F. Goats is in charge, Par-n'SltPetdc euros Itch in nominates PrieoOOctsf Sold by J. C.. Goodman, Borne members of the committee of the people’s party oC-Grcenc coun ty are white and some black, the blacks being republicans. Of late tho state papers have been comment ing in rather caustiii strain upon the mutter, which Jeads ilieHewId-Jour- iml of that county to say: “Don’t lie too hard on us, brethren of tho press, Che offense was committed in a pari of the county where an overwhelm ing desire for parly success got Un- belter of good sense. We learn that they have thought belter of their action and have ceased to weep on the shoulder of their bnJlhcr in black. Greene countyites have become blind,* ed for a time, hut they will come around all rightist lost, and each day Witncsros tlie return of prodigals to the democratic board. Put us down as safely democratic.” In fdmo:.: overy neighborhood through- out the west there )s some one nr more poisons whose lives have been saved by CJmBitiOrlaiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea Remedy, or who have been cured of chronic (Marriueahy it. Such persons take especial pleasure in recommending It to nlhers. The praise that follows its introduction and use makes it very pop ular. Round-TO cent hollies for sale by Tlflon Drug Store and l’etcrs A Hclole, Cecil. The death of lion. John -F. Wall in announced, lie ivufy'seventy- eight years of age aud had represented Cof fee county in tlio legislature several terms. I Mlgrnllno is quick to give rcIBl^S.? severe cases of headache of neuralgia, at Dr J.C. Uond&iin’s. Mr. B. J. Wise, formerly of Ty Ty hut now of Savannah, is just re covering from a severe, illness. Ilis relatives in Berrien comity will lie pleased to learn of hla convalescence. Obi. Jm. M. (IriggB, 8oli, tor General of Pnl.-uthi Circuit, says: "Micraline lias always afforded mo prompt relief in cases of headache." At Dr, J. l’. Goodman's. Col. G, M. Hitch, formerly of Adel hut now of Quitman, Inis received the appointment of solicitor of the comity court of Brooks county. The Gazette tenders congratulations upon Ins success in securing the ap pointment, Nit's. It. Patton, Rockford, Bl„ writes: "Prom persona! expirlonce l can recommend Do Wilt's Hnrsnparilln, a cure lor Impure blood and general debili ty." .1. C. Goodman. Mr. D.H. llumiicutt, the duteotive who has been working on the Quur- Hiiriil , , , termun case, ielt yesterday morning for Tlipmttsville. Mr. Ilminioutt made n host of friends in Douglas who will he pleased to Imve him visit them at any lime.—Brcezt Wo truly believe Dc Witt's Little Ear ly Hindis lire the most natural, most ef fective, most prompt ami economic,,! pill for hlliousiirer., Indigestion and ,inactive liver. J. (J. Goodman. WUhou’s Work. Dr. J. F. Wilson, of Fottlan. is a most enthusiastic horticulturist ami is doing smile good work toward at tracting fruit growers to this section of Georgia. The following i Ids latest scheme as given to an Albany News and Ad vertiser reporter “The national convention of fruit growers vvili meet in Atlanta on June 1st and will bu iff session there for four or live days. 1 will Ik: in uLLcmlafi(X ( upon Hie sessions of the convention and lifter they 1 am going to make an offer to have them visit, southwest Georgia. “S would like very much to have some friends from Albany go with me and urge upon the visitors the importance of giving us a visit to see wlint. we are doing in tin- way of fruit culture. The Gazette islplensdd'to leant that the present sisniytreekly mail route to null from Tt Ty ami Moul trie will he changed Jfo a tri-weekly after the first of duly. We will then be able to serve our Golquitt comity readers iu better shape than new Bright people arc ttie quickest to ognize a dooil thing and inly It. We sell ibis of people the Little hurls' ItiserH. If you arc not bright tlieno pills will make you so. J. V. Goodman. The Coffee county primaries will be held on the 18tb of June instead of the first Saturday in July its was first published. The change was made necessary by the district con vention fixing the time of the con gressional convention for the 20th of June, mid Wayoross as the place. "Late to tied and and early to rise will shorten tho road to your home In the skies.” lint early to bed and a "Little Early Riser," life pill that makes lire longer and better anti wiser, J. C. Good man. Oapt.. John Mcl’lmul, of feulan, Worth county, secured from the late state convention the place of an al- teinate at Chicago, lie is now mak ing a tour of the groat southwest, west and multi west and proposes to he in Chicago id (lie opening of the mtliunnl democratic convention and stay they until it closes. The real object of ilis four is to visit (lie vine yards of California and note the clinmfiu advantages of tho two sec tions for the culture of grapes. It Is a fixed slid Imiiinmlile hnv dint to have good. sound health one niti-t have pure, rich and abundant IiIihkI. There tb no nhortertor direr route than by a course of Do Wilt's 8ui«ap»il)lu, J. t'. Good man. Tho Brisbane scheme to tniild a railroad from Mobley’s hlnlf on tlm Oeinulgec river to Albany in Dough erty comity we dare say has been lost sight of by many [Wplc tliroiiglnnit the state The line traversed a por tion of Telfair, Irwin, Worth amt Dougherty comities, and the grading I; wtm ubout complete wlteii tliu scheme ■If they accept the invitation . projKoe to*hate tlieui conn to Tiftmi I *#* abandoned. The work ytg done ihen visit Ponton, Mien to Ail-ary, in !841-2. arid was among litt first going back by Goto inbox. if we j railroad work dose in the state. The ! ul«kt' a united effort to gel them here i am ar.ludM viicv will i.nii.e uml \ r ha. GoimfUttce -W.. l£ucka«! they can only be utijm d w« A. 0. Clem-j beautiful attractions .ore offer . * t grain? i* still intact t i;t* idtiff marly ui! the til tin* western wnv from i I 'rL i "• .... I:ere wd vt tie. w,irk, and affoids civil vii- will ‘it Sure to w ant to see them.'' ‘ giiietl* of lb? pivaeut da) an ocular dcnioiistrntion of the ideas of the civil engineers of that day as to rail road building; they were sure that a locomotive could not climb n hill or grade and consequently the roadbed must be as nearly level as it was pos sible to make It If dull, spiritless mid stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish: if vour appe tite is capricious and uncertain,yon need a sarsaparilla. For best results take Do Witt’s. .1 0. Goodman There stems to be some unpleasant feelings growing out of the results of (lie holiness meeting at Ashburn. The young jeweler, George Christian, was carried homo to His mother in Brolitre county it perfect, lunatic, pro duced by undue mental excitement. While laboring under temporary ab erration or mental strain a number of ladies and gentlemen were induced to give up their jewelry—watches, rings, pins, etc., for the purpose of raising money to build a holiness tabernacle somewhere. This is the report Unit has gone abroad. We believe in religion and believe it the duty of every matt and woman who lias come to the years of accountabil ity tu give heed to the Gospel ami make preparation to meet their God, but take no stock in tho methods, under the guise of religion, which dethrone reason and turn the Weak- Minded beside themselves. Visit tlie people's slore til Barks’ building. I’adriok Bros, will cer tainly make it pleasant for you. Brices tire dropping, The third party mania has broken out. again in Golquitt county. Aim'll twenty-live disciples of the new po litical heresy met in thcThigpen dis trict on the Ttii of May, endorsed tlie tit. Louis platform and issued a call for a county meeting on the 1st, of June, when further steps will he taken to perfect the organization of lho new party. This is tt free coun try and these men have a right to act as they please in politics, but it is to be hoped Unit they will discover the folly of leaving the old democratic ship mid return before Ihcidesof No vember. As it is, tlm third party people have drawn the line, boldly until naked themselves to (lie full view of tin: sturdy democratic hosts of Colquitt county, and afforded Hie democrats an opportunity of know ing the position of their enemies. 'The battle is now on in Colquitt county, and the democracy will march on to victory as of yore. It Inis been whispered in our cur Unit this movement it: Colquitt county is headed and urged on by l>. L. Buys who is a prospective candidate for the legislature, and who sees no chance for til is promotion in the democratic ranks, We have enough hats iu our bat tery to supply the county. Give us a etdi and we will sell you, Bahrick Bros Nearly eight years ago, in 1884, one of the most terrific cyclones Geor gia has ever known started in I In lower section of Dougherty county and passed through tlie counties of Worth and Irwin to the Alapaha river, where it disappeared. Its track was ffom a mile to a mile amt a half wide and every tree of any size wits felled to Hie earth. The object of this reference to tlie cyclone is to call the attention of the readers to the fact that portions of this hur ricane’s track have been chosen its the site of two «f the prettiest farms ill Georgia—that of Judge I). H. Pope, near Sylvester,and the oth er the experimental farm of the Georgia Sonfln-jTi and Florida rail road at Gyuloiicta. Then must not, bo less limn a hnlf million acres of 11) is- hind; some of the very Uml pine laud in Georgia, with n cluv subsoil and susceptible of n high stale of ’cultivation. The terrific work of! the cyclone renders the dealing of this land a matter of small expense, end (hero is room for at least five hundred similar farms to those men- tiened. Let the Old cyclone track lx- occupied, and the work of thor ough development la.- commenced. Ootid family buggy fw into cheap. Gan iav used single- !ft double. . Fox :terms and price.; apply- to I'titowd ><c Alexander, Tilton, via. y LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. lMvriimtt I’arnpratiltK l*i ke I l’|i «»«1 Pen* •lively Penned—All PertninhiK t«» Pcmmu nml Thing*. Go to Dr. J. C. Goodman’s for .sporting goods. Harvesting out-s is tho order now among tlie farmers. Ghioken pox Ims gone tlie round of I lie voting iiconic of Tifton. Gapt. H. II. T.ift went to Atlanta on business the first of tlie week. Don’t forget Gontractor Hind when you have building to do. Go to the Tifton Drug Store for cold drinks—milks shukes, soda wa ter, etc. An institute for Berrien county school teachers was held in Nashville last Saturday. There, is scarcely any loafers in Tifton. All who will work can get something to dont living prices. Rond Dr. N. Peterson's new pro fessional card in tliis issue. He will make n specialty of office practice. The young people of Enigma en joyed a dance last Saturday night at the residence of Mr. Mack Easters. Contractor J. C. Hind lias for sale large supply of first-class 11 me, shingles uml laths. Mrs. W. If. Oliver, who has been plitts nidi for a long lime from gen eral debility, tlie Gazette is pleased to learn is improving. Mr. Marrow reports his tobacco crop slightly bitten in spots, by lit' frost of lust Monday morning. He thinks the injury is slight. Mr. Gits Sptirliti spent the first part of Hie week in Httwkinsyillc visiting his parents. It was his first During tlie past twelve months. I)r. Gaskins, of Coffee county, was in Tifton lust Sunday en route homo from the Louisville Medical College, lie will not graduate until next year. f is the ipinioti of growers Hint the grape crop lias been cut off 50 per cent by the drouth. However, there is lots of grapes on Lite vines, Going! going! gone! Is how our goods sell, we turn them loose at iintill profit. BadrWK Bros, The Gazette job office is turning out sonic- very pretty work now. (live us your orders; elegant stock of sta tionery on hand; we will surely please you. The gardener viewetli his garden early in the morning to see whether it, is sick or dead. The cool dry weather is playing sod havoc with them. There was a slight, shower of rain in litis vicinity lust Sunday morning and I lie cold wave which followed it would do credit to tlie month of De cember. .Staff eonv-qioinleiit M. M. Fol som, of tlie Atlanta Journal, spent two days iu Tifton lust week. He “look iu” tho Enigma Sunday-school picnic last Saturday. Marsliitl McCrae lias, by purchase, possessed himself of u couple of fine young half breed blood hounds, and when they get a little older lte will he ready for sport, indeed. Remember to attend tile union meeting ul New River church to-day, to-morrow and Sunday. Dr. G. M. Irwin and Eider W. 'V. Webb are the delegates from Tf/ton church. Several of Tifton's young gentle men went out to the Aiupahu river Tuesday morning for a coupiKof days’ outing, and will dispel tin? to- dium of their stay by enticing the tinny tribe. Mr. G. A. Williams taken his hot:ntls out for a elmse nearly every week, and rarely ever fniis to strike the trail of u wildcat and enjoy tlie .sport' of a morning's chase to the fullest extent. There was a large ami enthusias tic meeting of the Tifton 1 ,od<;e, f'tvVu-i' Knights: of I’ythios, last jjaYttraKlaSaBi. Wight- ’Uhc Sir Knight, tog daily' -a ttatl at that pit at Tifton make the ( to he remombt Mr. F. .J. tlie foundation chicken ranch on fruit farm. He l large shipment from middle Geor, Some of our ci^i cholera morbns ffi etahles. This great measure by t tables witi) a go per aud salt. Tr The Valdosta A. Peeples, ’ day en route via I ern and Florida Northen where tlie sweets of camp I Quite a lot of m the Tifton mark quotations are: ] white wool, 21c. don't understand 1 in the price of hlaok Guess it is u scheme black sheep in the i Smith and through BbigMiv morning—the torn jti advance of th tlie forfner J to the woods elmlo his would- the latest news fn Two mulatto cit and Kveredge little light Sun which Burnell] Itis upper lip. Tit difficulty* Moud the courts ing the math says he is still iu the 1 At the u Tweuty-se school Aa rien county 24 Sunday-scho officers ami 1,347, or hu i report. The < (o see these some conjecture a report; the exact known anti rati the proper,] in tlie county.””' F|t» Jersey 1 11 offer a limit cows, fresh in t: prices writu to 1 tin. There 1 riage consult tlie bride’s Fla., on W 18th inst., i N. Brown 1 am were ran of mutrimo officiating. Tlie contr known iu witli iter wid Tifton ] to Florida 1 young lady and imssesses 1 moots of | is an employ in oonneetiqi industry, Union for 1 faithfulness as have j will join luting th sran mati The ban ton hist i taken nxnt until - their 1 Save avenh ready tor t The reeoip duly tteknow probit; Glmtiiherlnl! wtiuis * ■ j.-jc,y .• y