The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 27, 1892, Image 3

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1 S!)2 Schedule ir Effect April IT, M. W. GASKINS GENERAL :■ MERCHA Extends a Most Cordial Invitation of llir Timvii mill the HtirroniMlIng Cimntrj to 1 Him ii Vidit lit 11 in Now anil Klcgiuit S tori'. TV. It, Ii. fur Auicticw, AfbaAy ruuC & N It. U. for Madfeort, AtVwi at point* beyond; Urursia U*Ur«*td NtilU-.t>a-\ii!o anil AukuM*. tunMP yniwj, At YalwW|r wlili A.df., M*m**«»that Him*, am), 41 l&Miii TV.1*. IV. H.’ur Meulgtjmery amt T- termed to,mi nfttilous. . lor further infnffmallor. apply I..J. IIAKKIS, Tkkrt Ant.. Macon. Tjckei AjtU Tn.vfliuu K*M*nser A J A. V. KWIT.TrJ 'HARDWARE CROCKERY' 104 DEAl.Ki: IS Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc., Etc Special attention /jlrcn io Electric There b no House in Town having such a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock oi' Goods. o carrie* neai'v ovrv.ithhut which eunMiHW a ireneral Mock «*f I>ry <liu>t , ji, Ni.‘tiini llwivy rlrH.nv. Ills tt».< k J* »U tre»h hit tutih utoir "'ll he mutually btiHrftvlal to |»»r GO T*» ’IKK TIFTON DRUG For SIKMITINO ti Nt»t* Hue of !tonuu«*A>. um IfevhK **ki 1 iftgM o that the money of I'lallny. la- kept as imielt ns 1 n|,o make a »pn eihy of repairing hitch ?f the people, line ntvl , i>mp!ienM'il w niches, eiiumi? {bat nil state UutUfaeliun cttpfluilrcil <Jlrc me x WMW! to limit'.' I trill U. At YOU-MANtj. .* - . ■■ Mitchell W. Or i TIKT^ lint opp.itt«uity U> JuU life <k home. TUE (iAZKTTK: TIFTON, (JA., FRIDAY, MAY -27. ' ALL SORTS OF THINGS. FOUND GOING THE ROUNDS OF THE GEORGIA PRESS. Faetn.F>nclM awl Neva Item. I.aoni.knlly StatwI-Honietlilng »f Intrrr.t to Every Gautto Header. A man in Oconee county claims to Jbavo a direct message from Clod that thore will bo a famine of two] years nil over the world. It will begin, According to this new, prophet, in 1893. He claims that this will ho a fino crop year, and that it will lie the last one made until 1895. This t fnl- low ought to quit eating so much jneat for supper, and maybe lie would not then have bad dreams,—Dawson News. fJcElrj»J«WINE < OFC»RDin lor female dlieam Men aud women were made to git married—men in particular. I have beard tell of women that wouldn’t marry, but up to the present time bein I have never seen many of that sort. The way to tell whether a wo man will marry or not is lo cut tier finger. If her finger don’t bleed she won’t marry, but if it does bleed she slio will marry. If you don’t believe that you can try it and find out for yourself. 1 have said it and 1 will stiek to it. What is writ is writ.— Unfits Handers. BSJrWINE OF CARD’JI, A Tonic for Women. Tile celebrated Dr. Tanner, who first achieved fame by fasting, has struck out in a new field. He has purchased a New Mexican ranch of 1,5911 acres, upon which I e is to place 190 poor orphans, about equal ly divided between llie sexes, whom ho proposes to bring up in absolute ignorance of the existence of alcohol, tobacco or narcotics of any kind, to- lying upon their intermarriage to prodiicc a perfect race,. The world will look on .with interest to see what sort of people can bo reared in the absence of temptation. McELREE’S WINE OF CARDUI for Wnk Ncr.os The alliance, in its original form, is one of the grandest orders that was ever conceived in the brain of man; its principles as set forth in the con stiUition are of the loftiest; its mu tives were its pure a< the driven snow; its 'teachings of the highest, and its social features unsurpassed. Will tho members of this noble ordel allow its good intentions defeated, and its fair name traded in the dost of a political party that was brought forth in iniquity, and is being led b\ political sofa-heads, demagogues, car pel-baggers and army deserters? We ■don't believe it. •CoS' BLACK-DRAUGHT Oa cu-ei Coslltp.uisr, Now a newspaper in one aspect, js like a hotel table. It presents l< its readers literary viands and views Jrnm many different writers on man. different subjects to suit,many differ cot tastes. There is something for the old and young; for ministers and laymen, for ihe parents and children for the poetic and prosaic, for Ihe practical and devotional; and in slum for all sorts and conditions of men— and women too. If now one of these classes of persons objected to articles suited for any of the other classes, and rejects a newspaper on that ac count, he is just as unreasonable in this, as if be refused to take bis din ner at a hotenablo because be dis- likeS sonic articles of food which others ei^By. Try BjL*CK»0BAUQHT DyvpeptU. Tube u Paper. A man Who docs not take a news- pap'or because it will require an out lay of a dollar or two has a poor idea THE PLATFORM .if of economy. Ho would probably be surprised if any one should suggest that It is as much his duty to provide his family with good food for the mind as with victuals and clothes for 'tho’lxvly. Tbs farmer who exacts from his children constant employ incut at tile drudgery of the farm, and docs not take a newspaper that " Ids family may pleasantly while away their leisure bom's and aoqnVrc a full knmvtadgc of important llct* and events, should not he turpised if bin children , exhibit that uneontimcss which oomdfi from ignorance of cur rent thought and achievements. A boy w>,j?earod cannot he expected to grow up with »■ feeling of lovo for i; the old homestead; indeed, if be has s and spirit, he will picha- Adopted l»y tlio Democracy in Convention Ammblnt. Following is the platform of prin ciples adopted by tho state demo cratic convention at Atlanta on Wed nesday, May 18: 1. liesolved, That we, the demo crats of Georgia, in convention as sembled, 'reaffirm our devotion to the time honored principles of our his toric party. We believe that the powers delegated by tho people should be strictly construed; that Ihe autonomy of states and the rights of local self-government and home rule should be zealously guarded; that'no money should lie taken from (he peo ple under any pretext for other than public purposes; that tho strictest economy should bo exercised in all governmental expenditures, whether local, state or national; that legisla tion should tie confined to tho legiti mate objects of the government,' that public office is a solemn public trust. 2. Wo believe that the same care and caution should lie used by tho government, both state and national, in tlie expenditure of public money as is used by prudent men in their own private affairs. It. We believe that the right of taxation wasdelegated to the govern ment, both state and national, to lie used silly for absolute necessities, ami any other use of this power is dishonest and tyrannical. 4. A surplus revenue in the treas ury is a glittering prize to be sought after by political thieves and plun derers. ■ ft. We arc miwmpromisingly op posed to tho enlargement of federal powers; to tits usurpation by the cen tral government of the functions ol state; to bounties and subsidies in every form; to every species of class legislation tutd government of par tisanship with private enterprise.-!; to the whole theory and practice of pa ternalism. 9, We, who have within a genera tion seen elections opened by the tap if a drum, nod the judicial powors-of the state usurped by court martial, and a legislature seized by a military clerk, and the legally elected repre sentatives of the people, turned out office to make by force A subservient majority have no desire to take any chances on tho political future. 7. Wc consider tho government control of postofliecs as proper and necessary, because the seal of the let ter protects the private affairs of tin citizen from governmental espionage but we protest except in the regula tion of prices against extending the control over telegraphs and tele phones, and placing in our midst i iiordeof office-holders who will only lie amenalile lo national laws and may til. any time, by the will of th majority, or, its often happens in out! federal affairs, by the will of a mi nority, be fumed into spies aud in formers. While we oppose govern mental ownership of railroads we en dorse our state railroad commission laws and demand that the powers ot die interstate railroad commission b< enlarged so as to provide a rigid honest and just control of railroad transportation. X. We demand the ircc and un limited coinage of silver and gold on a parity with each other to the cm that tlie money of the people shall lie such in quantity and quality was originally contemplated by the constitution. ft. We demand that the prohibitory 19 per cent tax oti state batik issue In; stricken out of the national hank law. and when tins is done, we de sire that a uniform system of bank itig lie provided for by the legisla lure of the state of Georgia, will a flexible expansive state bank cur renry. We further demand that the prohibition in tlie natidiud hank law against accepting real estate ns sc curdy for loans shall be stricken therefrom. 19. Wc demand that the amount of the circulating medium lie speedi lv increased oil the sound basis sub lieent to meet the needs of tlie conn try. 'll. Wo demand that congress shall pass such burs as will effectual ly prevent the dealing in futures all agricultural and mechanical pro ductions; providing a Kiringeiil sys tem procedure in trials that will se cure prompt conviction, and impos ing Midi penalties us shall secure tho most perfect ounpliancc with tlie law. 12. llelicving in the doctrines of equal rights to ali and * penial privil eges to none, we demand— a. That our national legislation shall tie so framed in the future a« to not baiid up one industry at tf.e ex pense of .mother. b. We regard as the most impor tant issue before tile people a reform of the iniquitous tariff and mand a removal of the existing heavy tax from the necessities of life, that the poor of oor land must have. e. We further demand ii i.nst amT equitable system of graduated tax on incomes. d. Wc believe that the money of country should tie kept us much as |>uunh!c in the hand;, of the people, to the necessary expenses of the gov- eminent economically and honestly administered. 13. Wo demand retrenchment and reform in the expenditure of national revenues and especially a correction of the present pension system which ests like a mammoth war on our section of tho union. 14. Wc therefore, in a spirit of mutual conocsirpn, offer this, our platform, to the democracy of Geor gia, and pray .that a divine provi dence may incline our hearts to wis dom, justice and moderation. Huc.klen’s Arnica Halve. Tiib Bust 8m,va In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Smes, Ulcers, Snlt Ulieuiu, ■'ever Bores, Teller, Clisp|ied Hands, Chilblains: Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay ro (pllred. It is guaranteed to give perfect sntlsfnetion, or money refunded. Price 2,‘> cents per box. For sale by Peterson iV Paulk. Money! Money ’ TO LOAN On real oninto. nr for ImjirovtMnenlA, or lmlltlliiK pur] >0808, at I lit* low rati* of a* a jn-r cent, tier an num; from five to :wont> years timo.T»v Tin* Mutual l-iuil an<IJtuU<liim Bvmlloato, of Jersey City. N. .1. I'urlliiT parik'nlurs olworfully ami pronuill.Y furnished l»y W. II. HASKINS, Ajjont, IstMiox, tia. New Firm, New Store, New Goods. J. W. PAULK & CO.,* DRUGGISTS. Complete Stock of Fresh Drills, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Toilet Articles, aneh as Perfumery, Colognes, Kxtvacts, Pomades, Hair Oils, Toilet Creams and Powders. Brushes, foil line of Tooth ilrushoR, Nail Hrushes, Hair llrushoa, Shoe Hrushes and Clothes Brushes. Those goods are of the very best quality and are to lie sold as cheap as country dirt. Fine Stock of Lamp Goods, Elegant Assortment of Combs, Fresh Garden Seeds in Season. Wc him* just roocivoil om* of Tuft’s njaufinfioont Arctic Soda Fountains, and are dispensin'*; delicious Sofia wafer. Only Hit* purest Iruif syrnfts used. l)r. X. Peterson is in charge of our prescription department. .J. W. PA U LK CO. Paulk’s now Wick building, TIFTOX, DKOKDIA. I-ooal Time TAblffl Tuklng effort January 3d, 1**3. ‘ tj change without rmlice. A WORD To the Public! I hove a noil bike ted stock of BOYD & UEADd’JARTEUS FOR which I am selling tow down. I can’t Ihj Watch tin taiir REFRIGERATORS AND ALSO STOVES, From the cheapest to llnek’s Mrllliant, roiu a «ito l to he tho Wid. in the world, they ahnoluuJy Sihvo no etjunl In the world. —— Mnnnfartnre* all kinds of —— Tinware, Stove Pipe, (.utters, Hie. Crockery, China and Glass W are, Lamps of Every Description. Tinware', 11 ollowwo re. W'lotlwai'i ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. PuHsenger Trains—ISO hTATIOXB, No. 4. No. « N> S. f I.v Albany. 1 AT am .1 w* am -... i m *• l»a\fs fl Mam 4 17 am . 47 | il •* >\ Ullnithniii... 12 iHi am 4 32 an, ' K® ** iiulietla VI If. am 4 43 am .. jyp® “ Pouhin fi 23 aiu 4 53 am '* Sumner. U w am '5 03 MU i "i9 ” Ty-Ty f2 41 am i jiAM Ar Tifton r. 45 am • N" "B I.v Tifton 83 00 am lC(*a\a " llrookllrhl .... o 24 am “ Knmnirt o 34 am e:<]H '• Alajiaha *3 3x am (> £4 am *• \\ illaeiNM-hee. Ft r*H am 7 19 am " tiraj's 7 a am ' •' fl ** !« .Mile IN ml... 7 27 am •• Mestonia 7 .VI am -' H •• Kirkland 7 41 atu . ■ •• IVar-on *4 22 am . „• Pfl •• Mel mould 14 .W am 8 io«m s i-'hii •• .MillV\INH| 8 21 am " ** M .i rests im .... fS fl!‘ am 8 so um fl Ar Wayeros* 5 23 am t» lo am 1" .*>«<’■ , No. id. I.v WayernRb ’> on pm m on am •• Selilattrrvlllo. IT* 4M p in 1“ is am 12 h'.jm •• lloltokeu IB N; j a hi 20 am l «»51 ui ** N.ilmtifa f«. 14 | lit m 44 am I <i, ni “ l.ulaton Id 23 pli hi M m 2 121 in •* Atk'ltiMill fi. ft) j li u «) im 2 *30 jin •* \>avnesvllie... n. ;t»* pu 11 tie pm . •• .lamaiea ft* 52 1 ll 11 12 nm # jC’| >t •• Pyles’ Marsh.. 17 U2 pm fll 32 ntn .\r Hninawlck.— 7 WI pm II 5(i pm ' m Pnssongor Trains—West.' VTA rtoNH. I.v linmHwkL. .. •• I'yle.V Murtdi. •• Jamaica .• Waym-Hvllle. . AtkiitHou •* i.uhttofi " Nwhunta ” Ii ken ..... •• Seldiltterv ilte Ar \\ .lU’IMfiK .... Id Wajrrov* ... •• Wan'd inti " MHiWno.1 M. Itoii.ihl froth the f.ietl hn> all my gooiln North Ii beam >*t markets—-und J get lenn 2 to 7 p« i Discount for Cash. Hr .Hjiei lal j rh’t - nmc’.e to Imti h nnd I iii^ lioiiHtMi. Wi lie or rail on us when to ne anything in our line; m neyr «l. 'I' I \M l’altcranu I have no Wood to Buy or Rent to Pay. All I ask is a fair trial and you will he eon v hired. S.I LARRELL, Mogul, C«eoi'gin. WATCH THIS SHACK l'Oll JAMES Z. ELLIOTT’S OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. Kivk'and... • Weston la .... • m Mile l»on.. ’• drav’a. •• \V||liM-«HK’hee ” Al;i|biii;i ** l.niglilk — Iti.N.kttehl Ar Tilton I.v rifion. .... ” T> l\ •• Sumner •• I’on Ian . . iMbcUn . .. ■ WHIitigham •• ik.*is Ar Album . . . No. 1, 7 *ct> am f7 37 anti in ‘ 47 am 18 ftal 18 | till 4:41 S 03 anil A 11 aiu; I h fttiij ts -hfLruji OJ 8 I'd am> ib .‘d i i»i«^ * I t aiu] fu «»j m l * ami A* 171 in 1 i> la am AT iowLJ N-». . . , to (\,am' '< tipm] l<» •-•'uiui flfl Oil j oe H> 48 e.lll>.. in 3,» : .m;no .'<> \ \M ii ttt|.ni;«io Mvtfv] i n 77 I III 9H n jiini U -U jiin! 11 47 | ini. ...... 11 M 1 III,r:t 10 pm . 12 tapmSn -'on 12 32 inii' t'2 41 pin! l to pur. . ^ l 20 pm M2 Of* ;;m | 1 C' pm If 12 23 aud . a* i-m tl2 :•,%»»» 2 inpucflL’ •*! am 2 in ju i fl2 -is am 2 .“J | ii»TV2 f*7 am : __ - 471 mi n wo«r 4 V;,i u> t itOiuju to " \ Meal nCatlotu ^ SB • iv.Uy, exeppi 8nnili;'^Jj Coiinei-ia at A'.hany with Georgia, ('olumlniH Southern railway,! nub. riorida and \V»-s:ern railway, i on nee s .1 W.iy«ro*h nlth Kavai amt M c'siecn r.tlh.ay. .taekbomllld and si. I.«*uj8 l’i «lei ping ear upon trains Noa. 3 rim! . I>. «iwi J. A. Mi tIDkMIf 1 lathe M;,nitvr. *l.)*.iL 1 M \ «Si:o. AV. HAIM24.1 V (• f A. ^ (*eflTC tait Sditta mI {kfi3 HA I LRU A. SUWANNEE RIVER Schedule In Effect April a ■ NEW pli-ARtf, — Tins S PA OK n K IiON o s To — E. P. BOWEM & BPO. — DKAl.KItS IN Gren (11 Mere! 1 j i udi se. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. THE ONLY PERFECT 5 eV/mo fAECHAMis/^ .Family USB. Heud for elrenlnr anil j.rlee list t«i Whrelei »Ne WitRoii Mfg.. ( o., Atlanta, tin. For Hale liy W. A. JIKNDKHKON, Tlftmi, (in. H. A. YOUMANS, Tifton, Georgia, Iliglit'xt cai'li p gciU'i’Jilly. Dive i hit kens and eggs, and farm products conn* t»> Tifton with anything to sell. I ALL (If Milt M iruti ('ordtfta •• ’Miron. . •• Y.ihlosOi.. •la«|Mir. •• Ij.kedty *• ihmipem . Arrive i'nlatk.: i No. 1. " ent In H.l } l an.Mnll.l 11 n. fi>." __ • ^rm. lib • |J;;n “ U 5:13 ; se D.-flO 1 Irttve’s* Man'll after arTtval of~i 1 ni in-4 11 oh Cent rah Sn«thu»AU'J uiti. lUiwt TemieHM-,-. \ iruinla f.nd .Macon ami Hliiuinuham mllroads.* No. .5 leaven .Macon after arrival nC afternoon tr.diiH on the Central, Shfp Macon and Northern ae.d (ieorcia r • omifeti* at I’alatkv f«*r St. Au^c.-l point8‘it i:».at ami S<nith Florida,.' the . .hdof* and Ockhiwaha rKer • Si-.T." ■ I’a hit ka Hampton l-4k<> (. Im d.iHjir \ ibMU lif'ot, ... Cor»Ieii» .. •• Maeuu j\Ve*»t iudli 1 Knst >lailj ..i'S’W a. | •hss . :• iflo 10:11 ...• ii>, mi 1 4 AO * Arrl^^— So. ■J leave* I\i!atia'o'fter dia mall fi?*n» Taitit'a and with all iml^fllny: aftermxin trail Southwestern. Macon and XorlL_„^ FoHt IT une—ee. Virginia and thmtttH an.I IMrndhchuiu i'ailroad>. \... 4 !.:»*• * l’ulatka :*rter arrival i from Si. Aukuatine an*J Koi.vta fu I lorida and enimeela at Alaeott v luondnff fralita on ('mintl, Sout and Northern. (Jeor^hv, nnd Kaat kinla ’iml Georafoi i illm nil Cmlfi re-'ttlnileil train l*vtweei» Atlanta ami < toil, Ik All traine arrive and depart unk at Maeon and I'alatka. Lleirani aI. cpin^ earn will \hs mm .. an t N*>. I. Koi further information apply to i jum ti<>n | oim* or t*» i rliaimms. ur.rAJS Ticket Auent, Alaeou. Ticket Ac II IU HNS. JAS. I rrav. INw. Ant. Mai on. (iullil \ i KNAI’|\Ti;ift! ( t|fir lle-V‘1 Ihtwii. 5T.V»K>\«. T It .-fl 1 * a. m. I.v .Maeon 12 .‘>0 p. m. **■ S'fVce, . Lv. 12*11“ “ “.. .MicaIU l on “ •• •* Monti*eller . *i l :45 “ “ Cnihsleii. ^ 2 .1* “ “ 3.15“ •• •* Yaftr*v flic.* “ . Thomunon., .*• 4 (k‘ “ *• 4,15“ ** “ Thnud'tta Spa* ** AVisnlhury....'* 5:13 •• “ Hants Cily. * 3:41 “ “ • .. .IK - .*--... . . :.Vi *• *• ..MounfvH!e...v , ‘ ll UK* “ “ Ar ..1j4 GraT»cv...L’H