The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 10, 1892, Image 4

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mm Kg/, *K §*f&\ tv THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX. A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS, nucl Kr.nt. of Cm.reH Tmn«|i)ri»(t 1 Clmmlol.'.l by It I' nn.1 I'ltll- I'.loot Cotjo. iif Kit|.oftvroi UoIumiiIuii’n IJuilgoi, Ciscil, June 7. We ere having a protracted meeting at the l\|elfiodint dumb cmidueti'tl hy Ponliir Clark, am-Mcd by Neva. Wehb, VVtills and Childress, and the nllendamns in vary good. Thu rains in our district are unev enly distrilmtibl, but have done much good. ' A Mr. Burnham is in town trying to buy stock sheep, 1ml has met w ith poor success so far. The sign painter, Mr, Oninos, is making “shingles” for our liusinoss men. Wo begin to bear of ripe melons, but, none have boon sent to market yet. (fardelling lias been a failure no far in Cecil lids year. J bad the pleasure of killing a large rnUlemiuke last Battirday in the suburbs of rialllr#. This calls to mind a preticbcr’s experience of the time when lie was on most pleasant terms with Satan. Hut I’arson Wells will tell you all about it when 1m lias on opportunity. There is a vast difference between Jaw and private opinion. Kven good King Henry was near losing bis crown by tinkering with t.JlO Mayor of Hell. Many of our best (hogroot) lawyers do not know wbnl appellate jurisdiction means. It is so funny that the trio in Brunswick should noininnto lieu HtIBsell, What do limy propose to give W. W. Wobb for llnisbing lias sell’s Tumor job? Guess they will give him Nesbitt's place as lie would make a good agricultural secretary. I think tlm Atlanta Journal imisi have come directly from under tlm Kimball bouse It is so full of llilc. J’vc Dill, Hi)), Cleveland, ami Hiving aloii and the Constitution until it's like IIki eleventh ipiail it iloii't taste good. I fenionnicy Is oneway lmiti-r the linniUinu. Heiiiuinber the Cluirlestoil enliven lion n)id the after piece This is no tiinujto use proscription. ' I stop tlm press to note tlm file! that Comielltnau Mallhls’ blaek borsu, George, is not a very moral horse like Wynn Johnson's. lie win) at work igulur tlm miirslml's or dors on tlm street, when, taking .id vantogu of tlm inattention of the marshal he made a break for liberty, lip Main and down Union streets be 1‘emimk'd mu of Gilpin's race only lie carried a wagon instead of John. Coroner's vui dlol - -no damage done, HollK.MI.VV. 1 THE (Tffl UtirUK MCI Mll Ill'll oil linrtox mu J mu two on (log* WlUl OIU* Of I WO nillp Itv J W. I'null; PI,Ml, Hu uEiiii applloBtlomi. Kor & t'e. Tifton. ttu Non Try Tills. It will east you nothing and will sine !y do volt good, It you Imve n eounti, oold.’mrilth' trouble elili llinmt, etn a or lungs, hr. Kltta's New hlsciivry lm Cbllsiltupllun, ebUgiis nml eotds Is cant niileml to glvt) relliM', or iinmev will lie paid back. Sulterms tioir, !n u'lUM"' louliil It Just tlm tiling and under h 1 use laid it annuity mot peifvel leeuvery, Tn n stiniple bojllo al our ux|huho mid leurii for youlself just lmw good n tiling It Is 'If lot lint lies free at .1. H' l'nnlli Co.'s (hug store, l.snyo st/.o oOc, amt ifl. - * ...... Npitrlis l.etlor. Sr ytttes, Ji|iii) It. The Sparkites and those living iinmetlinlely arouml the town are anxious for rain. We have been unusually dry lids spring and everything in the line of vegeta tion la snIToi'liig, The melon crop needs it specially just at this time tluil I'm melons may grow to a iiiit- ehanlable size. Tim erop has had many disadvantages this season and Will lie a little late, we think now that shipments will begin about the 1st hist. Pur town with others have ev- perienccd the general depression, but there continues evidence of pros purity and progress. The (ram road of Messrs. Meek with A Rogers Is tlnisbod to within itiift! bf^tlmli turpentine stiU and the engine hringHti dally cars load ed With sjiirltH and lumber. Their raw mill Is located about two miles _ ftuiii Sparks, I’arties copiiiiim to imild In. spite ,t)u> lmt'd limes.. Mr. Green lias (dried Ills eo,\y residence and Lovilt la having a nice tiw'room res- idenee built on tlm weijpwdebf Good man street, wldle Mr. Mwillcv lias the lumber on his lot to build liis dwell- There ha* Ivon some changes in tlm mercantile business. Mr, Lewis mid Mr, Coin have united tlieir ef forts, consolidated tlieir storks and becomi! Golc & Lewis, Mr, lajwl* lias formed another copartnersliif very reeently, Inn ing returned last week from a trip to W'ayite county with hia young bride, Mr. I 1 ’, li'lalcher has moved his fami ly from Brooks county to Sparks and a line line of groceries. Mr. .1. 7j. Elliott, lias rebuilt and opened up again at Ids old stand. Wo are glad to say that Mr. Elliott returned home with Ids wife on Mon day evening, her health being per foully restored. This announcement will be joyfully received by their many friends who have commiserated them in their past alilictiom and mis fortunes, Polities I Politics! Wherever you go you hear private and public po litical discussions. The writer lakes but little part in political matters, lint would respectfully suggest to everyone to keep cool. The politic al Issues now agitating our common wealth are worthy of serious consid eration ami calm discussion, lmt to allow our zeal to carry us so far that we forget the common courtesies due each other as friends, neighbors, rel atives and fellow citizens is not good judgment, Away with the spirit of dogmatism ami fanaticism in religion or politics. It is not, becoming in a man who liven in the land pf the free ami the homo of the brave. I may not like a man’s religions or po litical views, luil. if Iw is an upright, honest citizen lie is worthy of my respect and shall have it. I will not allow the difference in our political or religious views to prejudice me agniust him to the extent that I am hlindcd to his ninny manly virtues. .All good citizens tcel interested in polities hut let us heap cool, ho mod- orate in what we do and say, and have peace, for when there is strife and contention there cun lie no pros perity. W, II. JtllVANT. « SjM»rli)M*i> Cnwr*, H. II. (’IliVord, New (‘urhpI, Win, \vnn iroubled wiili iii'iuTilirlfi mid rlimmifitlmn III* hIIHiiii' Ii WMH disordered lll'l livi’l' W'llM lllll'l'tMl to Mil llllinhltltf degl’W, Uppl'HlC I i'll M\vay nml In wan ini'HIdy I'mluced in IIchIi Mild Mt'Ollglll. Tilted bottle* of I’.Jei.lHe !Ifflrrt'M (tired hint. /'idutird Mieplterd, Hut li'but}', III , Inn! a rntndnif More on hlri lejr of Held VW*' Mtiiidiiig. Tied til rue bottled oj Kleet lie IlillelH and seven hou’H lbn kleii'n Aritleu Halve mul bin leg in HOtlttd mid welt. <101111 HpenUer, (itlMwlm, O , lind live large favor Mores on (*.(« lei/, doeiot'tt w.dd lie wan inetituble One bottle iCIeclfic ItllteiH and otie bits liuekjHiV Amlea Halve eared him entire ly. Ho)ii by J, \V, I'aulli »V I’o., KiriU. i t I'll \\ (iuariintee.l to ettie 1 r h ill ibdi in ;(;> mituiteM. Mjlllll I'or Hide by .1. W. aullt A ('o., Tirton, Hu. tuimnfc frojij Valdosta: atitl died hochi nfter reaching KuHliville. Jfer re- nminn \wrv. interred at Mt. I’urnfi five mi(e« esiHl of here. We extend our uiucm* condolence U> the be- reavedftnnily. On TliUtHclay l;ii<t at o’clock Mr. Iaither J. Moon// Mi^h M. F. Wilkliison were tuunnl in the holy bondH of mntrimony at the rexidence of the. hrideV: parent#. Rev. R II. Crumpler oHIcinting. Wo wwh them health, contentment and Ijappine^, and may their sail over life’s ocean l>e calm and serene. Vjcixoh, 1,dim;# ~ Ndedtns «i tonic, or children wlto want bulM* tnir tip. Hliotild take imOWN K IKON lilTTriUX. It 1h plL'iiMunt; ctiroM Mftlnrla. lndi#rc»tio;i, illiloUMticK*,. Liver OompliilntN xml Neumiylii. Alapohn Nows. Alncmia, ,ltmo 7.— Mr. Joe Price, of I'otihit, is in town to-day. Pol. John Mu now, of I'v J'y, was in Imnt several days ret’enlly. Air. 1‘). II. t iooilwin, of l,ois, was in Alajiali i the llrst of llu* week. Mrs. Aurelia Hnrgrctt, of Tlfton, is visiting relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. P'lddens made 11 short visit to Tifton the latter part of last week. Miss Klla Lee Woolard and her little ><Hler Katie, of Poiihm, are vis iting their many friends in Alupalm. Mr. W. J. Sullivan, a I baptist min ister of Camilla, preached several very able sermons in the Methodist church hero Sunday amt .Monday last. Misses Orio and Stella Raker two of AlapnhaV most charming young Indies, arrived hen* Tlmnulay morn ing from * Macon, where they have, been attending Wesleyan Kemajo U lu’l'L Foil ego. Wo gladly welcome them hack Into our midst, Fetor V Inkers, colored, passcU through here Monday in search of a horse thief who had stolen his mule Sat today night las*, at Harrison’s still, Oftccn miles northeast of here, Tin* thief was arrested at Valdosta Monday evening and brought hack by Messrs. Silas Tygurt and Will N. Smith. We are unable to leftrn the negro's name at this writing. Kssie Relic, the Lmonth>i.o|d In fant ihinght ’r of Mr. and Mr#. I), l>, Rorminy, dieil Sunday lunripo# last of dysentery at Na^hvilla. Site vvas ltcply to W. II. liryant. Tifton, dune 1, 1892. Mil Kiutoic I notice in your pa per of Inst, week an article on “church pollit.y,” written hy Rvo, W. II. Bry ant, of Sparks, a|x<> your very appro, prhitu reply to same. Rut as (lie ar ticle has its healing in the wrong place I wish to way a few words, also, in reply. 1 most heartily agree with the writer of that article in his first and second paragraphs and especially do I sanction the third, where In* con cludes hy saving “Baptists should have thus saith the Lord for all they do or say,” Says Bro, W. II. Ik “I have been constrained o write this hy a dispo si tin a I see in many directions among Baptists to infringe on the indepen dent 1 y of the churches and to drift in many things from our old Baptist moorings into the destructive cur rent of Romanism.” Now Bro. when you saw my name signed to the list of appointments, did you have “Thus saith the Lord” for taking offense a! hearsays and publicly crit icise tin* executive committee of Mell association? If you did, then 1 am deceived in the language of the Scriptures. If you are right I hid you Rod speed. However, I can’t see for the life of me when you have seen the slightest divergence from Baptist pollity t< Romanism in the Mell association; and, if you have, why you did not meet with the body and use your host efforts to eliminate the perni cious doctrine or practice. The fact is you have never met with the asso eiation since the Sparks church be came a member. Again, you lmv never met with the Sunday-seliool convention since its institution, not withstanding repeated and strong so licitations, exeept when held at yom home church. Then, I take it, you arc going by hearsays and thereby making public slang of it. Now Bro. B., I am not on the e\ (•eutive committee this year, hut was on the special committee of the Sun day-school convention to arrange that. program you saw all thin Baptist Komai»i.»m in, and it was a request not an order, It is strange that out. of tin' live preacher* present none of them saw any violation of church pollity. Now, Bro, B., this i; about the wav it stands; You saw something advertised you did tint like—perhaps Bro. Allen’s appointment at Sparks church jumped at eonclu-dons, and forthwith give them to the public. Von saw inv name signed to tlm pro gram, and as I had been on the ex ecutive committee for a long time thought l was ,still on it and preeded to read me a lecture, made the blaze* tie'! I think Would he bettor followed backward than forward. Now, we have always boon on tin best of terms- if there was a cent or a jar between us I do not know it- and when yov saw the olfensiw* pro gram, wouldn’t it have been better for you’to writu me instead of the press? You know I would have giv en you all tlie fact in tin* ease, ami it would have boon “Tims saith the Lord” on your part. I atg constrained to write this in boliajf of the association, the execu tive committee and myself, not in a spirit of discussion or petulaney but In adviie. a brother as a brother. I respectfully ask the brother \vh was to go to Mparks to call in the ap pointment, us it was not the intention of the convention or the committee to have the speaker* step in and inter- foru with Um internal rigid* of the ehurehps nr otherwise give offense, \n. nn, then* was no such thought! I hmmin, au ever, vonr brother in J. I.). Calhoi v. The tti'xt niwtiiig of tlio Sttmlay-solmol coiivontion will l>u w ith Zh)ll llopy olmroh on tlu* next tilth Mimlity anil Saturday Iwfoixs anil I hope to see Bro. It, on hand I'e.ttlt to work tor Uln i-t. ,1. D, C, Proirritm Of ilw Sunday-school cek-hratkm to l«; held at. Nashville, Gu., Juno 26, 1802. Exercises opened hy prayer and song. 1 Address—H. B. Peeples, Nashville. 10:30 a. m,—Bong by,pupils. Address—B. W, Huckabec, Btiarks. J 1:00 a. m.—Song by primary class. Address—llev. B. W. Brown, Adel. 12:00 in.- -Bong. Adjourn for dinner. 2:00 p. in.—Bong. Address—B. T. Allen, Tifton. 2:30 p. m.— Song. Devotional Services—W. P. lame, Nashville. Ulosing Hymn. The two schools have united and with the literary school and entire community a good and profitable time is anticipated. A cordial welcome is extended to all wlio nitty wish to come and are invited to bring a wall tilled basket. B. P. Pm:i't,EB, W. II. Mounts, J. 11. G.xuv, Committee. / JtJClJAim itOBHS TL'CKl IIOBBf & TUCK H -—i bankers; iR ALBANY, GEORGIA. Doportit ory of IJoughorty, WovtL, I<g« and Counties, and tlte City of Albany. liny and sell Exchange; give prompt attention to collections, and remit fori on day of payment at current rates; reoolvo deposits subject to sight check') lend money on approved time papers. Correspondence solicited. 8-( PUBLIC SALE. (GKUB67A—IlHlittlKff Coe.NTV. ♦ Under and l»v virUie of an urdor from the lion. Auj:. H. .Haiwell, ,Ju«Ikc of the Su|>erlor Court of *aid count)', vrlll be Hold in the town of A<J<d, in Biitd comity, on the twelfth (U/ day of July next, bctwien tlie h>Ku! hour* of ttale. to the* lif^lient bidder for ciwh, the following described pro|>cr- ty, to-wlt: One (!) llfteep-horse power Water- town hteum engine, one (1) fifteen horse power It. T. boiler, one (1) dydraullc press, one (1) CO-saw gin. two (2) short cotton gins, one (I) cotton ele- v.itor, two (2> long cotton gins—English make,-- onc(l)trrlHt nilH, rrunies, shaf ting, pulleys, bands ami all other urtlcleM used for operating said machinery; also, fioxlOO feet of laud on the smith side of utreut, in saidtownof Adel,on which is located said machinery; and, also, the mill house erected on said land, AU of saiu property to 1kj sold as the pro|H*rty of HolsirUi M Young, and for the purpose of liquidating the clfalrsof said firm. The property will be Bold unencum bered and a iiencet title given, This June «th, m2. JOHN T, JIOBEJtm Receiver of Young & Wakeford. Just ns sure ns hot,weather comes, there will be more or less bowel com plaint In this vicinity. Kvery person nml especially families, might to hnvo some reliable medicine at hand for Instant use In case it Jh needed. A 22 or DO cant bel le of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholc-rn and Diarrhu n Remedy is just, what you ought to have und nil that you would need, even for the most Severn and dangerous •asua It is the best, the most reliable and most successful treatment known and is pleasant to take. Kor sale by Tifton Drug Store and Peters & Belotc, Cecil. lion. Tlirniit Williams, of Dooly county, is a visitor to Tiftoii and a guest of his son, Mi. C. A. Williams, ami family. The Sunday-school at the Brushy Creek church is in a flourishing con dition under the superintendency of Prof. Osborn L. Smith. Hon. .lames Whiddon, of Irwin county, was in tin* city the first of the week enroute to Way cross to attend a Third party convention. is’ofc nvspr:i»siA, Iudi^.’.sti.ui. iimi storiiftch «litor«!or»i. take H'*01V.VM ttr TKH?. *,a (icah-m keep it, ?l |M.V IhUHc. Gcutilm* lift* IrutlG murk and crossed red Hue: on u rapper. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old |>',ivhIi-Iiiii, retired I'rumpriicr-lce, having had placed in hi* hand* by an La-d India uiiBidott- ary t (in formula of u Himple vegetable remedy lor the speedy amt permanent cure of ( oiiMuutj - tlon, linmehltli*. (Jutarrh, AaIIuiiu and all throat and Lung Alleellom*, mIbo a positive anil radical cure f*«rNervous iKddlpy and all Nervous Com- {ilalotii, aiti-t hwv ing te.-.i’cd it* wonderful e.uru- 11 vo power** In thoUHiwidBof i'as(?B, lain felt It his duty lo loaUe H known 1«* lit** hitlVeniig fellow*. Aelnated hy tins motive und a desire to relieve Iunuiiu withering,I will send free* of charge,to nil who died it it. (hi* recipe, in llernmtt, French or LugtMi, with lull dirn Hons for prepai'ing und using. Sent by mail by addressing with stum,!, naming thiB paper. AV. A. Niivkh, 820 I'owert#' Uloek, Uociieriter, N. Y. PRIVATE SALE Of Saw Mill, Lumber, Carta, El?.. I oiler for sale the following property t One Watertown h tea in engine, llx'Jti, one Water town Bteaui engine, tlx 12, one 60-horse power steel boil er, «>ne portable engine and boiler, gung odger, one saw mill—including three circular »awH, one gague rolli r, carriage, etc., one log “Jack," Bteam feed, truck:*, lw*i butting aaws, and all the tooia and attachments used at and in cunuection with a naw mill. Also one new train engine and76.000 feet of lumber. All the above property near the town of lA'ttox, lierrlen county, tin. Vine niltJ location, with good timber territory. Said prop erty will la* soul at private sale. For terms, ad dress me at Valdosta, (la. This dune h, lSti2. JOHN T. UOHKIITH, Bceeivcr of Young & Wakeford. Bfcrriun County Sheriff's Sales FOR JITLY. OKoiuilA-llmuiir.* Cocntv. Will |*e sold beforu the court house diM*r In the town of Nashville, said state .uul county, on the find. Tuesday in Jrf.V next, between the legal huors i)t eale, to the idglicst bidder for cash, the following property, to?wit: Tliroe hundred ptiiU) acres, More or leu*, of lot of land number five hundred and seven (W7;. in the loth district, of said county, luamdcd on the south hv the Lowndes county line and on the west by the Util and loth district Hue. Levied on as the property of Joel W. Farri di by virtue of a /}. fit. beueil from Horrten county court in ifivor ol itoherts ,X Wilkes. Levy made and returned me |*y county liaililT, tlds June 8, IHtr/. lJANILL W, THjUN, Hlieriir Ji, C. Administrator's Sale, OKOHHIA—liKHiUKM County i Hy virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary «*f Uer.iec county, wilt bo sold on Iju.* first Tuesday in July, la:»2, ut the court house |n utiil county,* iMtiween the legal sab* hours, all thv* laud belonging to the estate of \V. II. (Ir|niu, lat« of said county dtcoused. Said lands c.miH|atji)g of town lot* in tile town of Nashville, (uuhldjng the phiee w'.u'iT*)!! said dec, used tiled jjdso W‘»ou and bmher land* Ijing south of Nushv|jle for ghout two miles; also two mill sites. Alt of said lands will i e sold in lots to suit purchasers. Terms, h •h, <| in three months and bn)Alice ill slv moiiilm. Titles made at time **f Iasi payment, curlty will be re«|UlreiL This Juno 7,1802, Yon can bny— 10 yarja of drcBt plaid* foi 29c. 10 yards of dress lawfn for 29c. 10 yards of SA-incii dotted aulas for 4 20 yards of One yard-wide bleaching only 08c., usually sold for 10c a yen Only 10 yards of each told to each i tomer. Our stock jb large and goods < ing overy day. We fnusf red and customers will reap tt liarvest.J This is a— Slaughter Sale 1 ! Straw lints of all styles will go j for a song. Ladies’ lints of all kinds, flowers, etc. Come early and get the choice. Our goods are all These prices good only! that date, M See what you get in GROCERIES! 20 pounds -ranulated sugar. $L 20 pfumls pond head rice, ft, SO pounds good starch, $1. 40 liars soap, $1. Uply $1 worth of each article to tho customer, Let everyone come npd save motif j hy trading at the people’s store, 'hv DR, N. PETERSON, rii'inn and Sure-con, Til TON, iisonuiA. WllUt's’ <Jit'lll li'lsli SpeellU' Cttrcjs < .up or, iti unv «*r nil r<f il« tortus, Kiihj’swll t>r r* ftil'uui, bt'd.cbiils. ron- smpjHbm, notaUs, rlutumntKn, old non***. U gilpjtt*. mlbtonjut, acute cnUrrlt, chronic i\a*n\^ninnh, mpl I'aturil* *h all ll* Miugtis, ipiier. uysjii’jjs la tmaorQul- rets fiivd ncuvfti^in nnywlu'ie, internal oT oviemnk throat of all kinils, wotub dUertkv'H, hiunwThtva, nU nmk* and female (ilfteuHits, rluji womb, any nml all KimU of NOivw, poi*on* and vnipltoii#, cvlh , putnlvsiH, lltduln, skill diseases, .liver oi kithiey tyouhh**. geueral doldllty if U»« physical or iH'Koua system, sore w*. unit fill (mpmjth'sut' -Kuif tii-HCK. -With .1 W I'aulk & Go. (\ilU answureil prumptly *h*y or night. ufilf*Mir»ctl.'e will receive attention between the hours ol t*;0D ami pt.-LUl <v. m., umi ;{;0U uod ■I:<‘lu p. in, J, M. wilkes!' - ’ Il-o h i d o it I' Dentist , Tirn.i.N, cnoRai.v. Ot itch Room 4, up stairs, Faulk i.rlck Ituilihug. Cau he found id I in ot! ee from the 1st to 16th of each uionlli. the ve^nlue ol time \\fiI ha devoted to country patients at their* if ileslred. - M il. * Drs. J. 'w.- & D. J. WILLIAMST DENTISTS, COIIDEU 1 :, ui.uudi.v. Him!) Hull,Hue, ltfjom No. v, uj> sluin'. DR, j," C, GOODMAN" " Physiciirn und Bnrgoon, •nrniN auoiiaiA. On n r ~H«>om in the Tifton Drug Store. ’■ f* Thuukitkg tho p..Idle for its past liberal ptiirouftne and stdieit a continuation of the same. dr! gVc. laney, l^lij-sioian tuui Saivyieon Monr.Titiic, - liwimu. Oilers ills servloi d to tlm people ef Colquitt ami adjacent counties. Thtick In new drag a to re. F u lwood^alexander" LAW, HEAL ESTATE ANIi COLLEETIONS, TIFTON, . C.KOttmx, 1'rompt. .vltomion given to all legal businesa. { g oi H« i; L*»ve Jluildiag, Kvmmu So. 1. " john'X’wLlkeb,’ A ! t o t- ti (.• y • ;i I ■ Lit w , AbKt.. - UllolUilx, Will pr.n *itv in all theeontitiesof.thcHouttern .ImHciul ( ireuit of tUauvia. Sfamld attrition’ dir.-yted t*» a’i br tm b*;s »»t (he pr.ueMiou amt K<Hu-l.»l l*ustni«.*s -m l h in w. # j\. iju re(|«iiieii» iinr.iuww 4, in.'-. w. L. 1.4MU. Adtnisilatrsitor, Citation. (IKORCHA- Hr.UlUfiS iDUKTV. To all whom It may iioneisrn: (leo. W. Moore ha., made application to the undersigned, in duo form, for letters of mhnlnlti!ration on the estate ol Tliomaa A. Baker, late ot wild county dceeaa- e#. nixi 1 will pass upon said n».pHf:*:h>u nl my otllee in N.odn llle on tju* first Monday in July next, (liven under my hand and official signa ture, this June fit!*, is 1 .* 1 .!, F. M. SMITH, Ordinary. Citation. (IKOUllIA- Bnatir.N Coi'M V* To ail whom it may cnitccrn: Fetor Keulz has made application to tin* undersigned, in due form, for lettiMHof guurdl.m.dtip of the minor heirs of Artemus Umitx, lute or said county Ue- •eusod, and I will pass iqioo said application at KEMEMBEK! JUNE 11TH iu the day. .. ^ Tell nil of your nig it no they can come , hetielit of (gu Hale, Youra for bargalnaS inv ofiiee in Nashville on the first Monday In ■ *er tity hand ami (dilciai HVJl!. F. M. SMITH, Ordinary. .uly next. Given under my signature, this June 0,1822. Citation, GKORG1A I'.iaMflHN roCM'Vt To nil win mi it iii..y concern; \Y, W. Timmons has app.lied to tlte undersigned, In due form, for letter. <•!' ii'lieinidraLiitn on the *.statu of G. F.. Br.igdoti, la'c of 'aid county deceased, and I will j'.ihs (.j im r.tid i'jip.ieatloti at my ofiiee In Nnali- vllle on the first Mom'.ay in July next. Given m’.de. iuv l»and utid ofifi-ial signature, ild.* June i.'li. l .'ii, F. M. ^MFHl. Urdi.iary, Order to Perleet Service, ' Gl’.OHGiA- Bkucikn Cou.vrv. Nam.V J. Wt.nn, j I.lbcl for Divnrei* in ller- vs. •- lien Hnnvrlor Coutt, W. W. N\ run. ) March Tcaui. 1WJ2. It appeacii!;: *0 tlte Court by the return of the Shi rlir, inthcubu.i «:ated that the de fendant doe* not reside In said eouoiv; and, li turtlicr api>earin,! *hut he does not reside in skid #tah : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that .-vnint bo l erfevited on the iiefemlant l*y the publication of thU order once a month tor four motitbK befiifi* the next iem* of this Court,})) the Tuton G.\/t) j it., a newspaper published in Ber rien ennuiv, Georgia. IT.I.l'hD« A Hitch, Petitioner* Attornrvs. Granted: Ad). II. IIansEU*. Judge f*. C. S. C. A true;e\tr,mt I nun tlm minutes of lierrieu Hupcriof Court, March Term, 8H'.*2. G. W. MOollt:, clerk. This May Pith, 1»9. PakkM Hi'it.MMi, Tifton, G*. „ ir ALBANY, GEORGIA. Wholesale Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigar House. Special attention given to Jug trade, ’ Orders promptly filled. MUCK LIST. Tax Receiver’s Last Round. llUUMKN FBl'NTY. ~“‘ (V"|l, \p.Ui-dirtvto:, June IBIM. itivor Pend l.mth iDsrrie.:, tune UtL. ^»V*W. IMMh district. June kiHlu Kj^rks, X47Nth district. Jtuu* trtU., • l>*m\ f UVikb d-strtt t. June Atib - IJSCtMWrleJ, Jdttr -1st and ;Wmi, Uvd 4 I,rs>, J. ^ FTClt. r«. K. 11.' ( onuly Teacher’s institute. GFOUGIA Bl.uUUA COPNTV. The June scsai.iii of the Iter Hon County Teach er's Institute io postponed from tlm Third Satur day, 18th Inst., to Urn Fourth Saturday,2f»th last. r. k. wii.i.iamS, c.s. ■■ Afton. lift., June 1st, 1822. Notice to School Teachers. GFOUGIA- ID nun s Coc.vrv. IU onier ol the lion. S. *». It rad Hell, statt* ooHiad enminissloner, there will lm an cxatnlnn- lion of applicant* for teaeliur’s lieeiwe al Nash- v illc on Satnvdav, June \8th, 1W>2. + T. K. WILLIAMS C.S.C, A lion. Gft., June 1st, 1*12. Xotlec (0 School Teachers. GKOKGIA-WttU'fN CfH’NTV. Hy order of tlu* bust** S* ho**l Commissioner, H>*n. S !>. Hr.i'lvell, an examination of :tppH- i t hins f-vr maoher's H*vni*e will la* held at Irwin- viUe on Jvituronv. Jom- pub, |«r:. alOHX Y. 1 LLT( iU R, C. 8. C. llnl.y, Ga., May Mat, lft*2. l)l«solutlon \olire. YlrcA'.tj Artneishlp beretofoivcxfMinf« bciiecun Dr. lVtor*«>n ami .';*ho V,*. I’aulk. uniler ibc firm )•:»««' t.f A lk«u!h J* vhis day dis solve*! by mutual •suisew?, D« . N. Peterson with- drawing'from the same. Jake W. Caulk assumes all Biibllitles ami will ctdleeL alt Indthtediraw. Pcrtusox A Pui.n. Tllion. Oa., May nth. \m. Partnership Xotlrr. The Mu.lerXigiHii have ikis day tbomikilvoH.uvgether, under (he firm ».a»rA: of J. W. PmuUv A Co., lor tlu* pMrp<>se of ilenllng in dfoge, vIw.oicals, jmluts. oils, varnlshe* ami other uvtrMwmtK* tonneeCed with a ketvertd dHW b«si3**Hii. to the eftv bf Tifton. 1 .tUKU W.. PHt*».rv» , M*< j l > • • • 01*1 Private E OblNXXX Rye.... Okoloim Hve, 1870.. Alliam o live Old No. 10 Itvo California Uye D*m«herty Cq. Uye,.... Old N.C.Coyty^,....... Gc**rglaC«rn 200 Old Holland Gin, 2 Stamp ! GimmI Holland Gill ! Tom Gin ! Pure Old Peach : Apple llraudv ; (Nignae.llrandy 1 GinkI Hum ! Hweot Catawba «Wine .. .f600 per gallon, ...f.w .*• — 3 60 « 5WI «. .... I'M “ ... 2 WO •• . . 1 60 «« 2 50 •• Ucprcscnuul Ijty lhavin’ pAitiyii, TXFTOivr SALE STABLES* TI FTON. . OKOEwl I A. r. k. W ILLIAMS, Proprietor, ISfone y! JcLoiToyl TO LOAN On rv.l or l.un-xw. »t tin- li " I (wu r I