The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 01, 1892, Image 4

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' ' > Till-: (JAZKTO : Tirj’OX, OAm l'KIlMY. Jl'bV 1, l»9t THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX. A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Vnvr mill JBviMt* at Inl-tT.I Tr»n»plr!l>g t'liroulilr.l liy a Fnllllffll anil 1:111- fllpnt (Jorpii of Itiiportorf. Aimoiinci'piont. Tv Tv, June- IB.— A «Hi>liiiew" Yneoting trill Le li'Wi} in Ty Ty, l»- giiroing up Monday night' after the Hocotnl in .Inly (llllt) and continue until the following Sunday Jiiglit, condltuUid By Hfv. I). M. Crawford. All pernorit iiileroHtwl In the movement aro cordially invited to attend. Friends from a distance will plotwo forward tlicIrmmiMto me gad homes will lie provided, •I, J. WlM.I.UIH, 1/11 I (( n II If Citron tnmtnlun on K 11 I I'll’ (I n/| liorsos and manga on JlIJiL TJ lvllj.1l i|or» with one or two apollciitlone. For Halo liy .1. VV. J’utilk & Co. Tlfton, On. ^ Pqlioutlnu'K Budget. Cuon., Juno 27, An iuo urenm Mupper at Mr. W. F. IIiutoII'h last week wan an ooonmou of mtfdi plea*- tiro to tltoHO who Wore present, I re gret my inability to acoept tlio very eourteoiiH invitation to In' present. ■Where Mrs. Harrell and Mr*, Bur- fop aro gathofed together there will pleasure! h« also, lee pream and timihi will dispel the enpni of any dano overling, Hut the all absorbing tophi was St. John’s Day at liahira, and our joy Was full to see (lie eolehration, in all its feuturos a eomph tu sueeoHs. Saturday morning I visited the grand homo and farm of John .1. Koherts, Esq., of Lowndes county. Mr, Hole pits lives near the Withhuiooeheo river ii| what Is known as the lower fork disti'lnl, and in (10(1 yards of where he was horn fill years ago, Soon after attaining his majority he tnurriud a lovely young woman, Miss Susan Vickers, from which union In has throe ohlldl'QU married, and live yet unmarried, Ids eldest and young est sons and three ('banning (laugh* ton-—*'lis estimable wife having died two years ago. Order, neatness and thrift, molds t|to visitor at the front #ato and enufrouts him in all his rusts and rumbles In the house and illicit llm farm which consists of Homo 1,511(1 aoros of land, abbot Bull of wldoh is olenred and in a high ntiitu of cultivation. Ifis # |>etMinml crop consists of til iiorim or a three- Btui(l farm. The present crop eon- nista of eoru, 22 aeres; iioUon, IB aerue; peumits, 2H auros; sugar cane and gardoh trunk, eatjli, I.J aores. The cotton ( is partly in his orchard (lovers 15 jlcrun and tibnlains nearly {ill the leading varieties of peaches, poaiH, apples, figs and other minor fruit. Trees handing beneath Ants- den ,l|inc> peaches mid yellow .Tune apples eaitso the sab acid sympathy to moisten your tongue as soon as yon rotor the orchard and Hake this (me" is said so often that you arc soon tank'd to deepe with the re mark “I don't blame Eve,” A line herd of half ami other grade Jersey imws Inr.lly nip the grass, and the butter crop is from 12 to 15 pounds pur week, the pasture being the nit- fivtnYli’i'lffiws. Twenty one fat pigs eat (ho surplus milk mid waste ap* pies, Ohlcknns and eggs are raised in abmidanee, and you only fully sum Up thu good of farm life when made to groan by the good tilings on the table. Mr. Huberts is a plain, pruelionl farmer one who has ideas of his own and follows them, His .fences ave. in good repair and yon ami eroi'.s anywhere without being thornpd by i briar, no ugly Mumps bidden by briars pear l.lm rows. All tlie land inside the femw is reserved for itwiro valuable crops. A large 8- room log house is the '’mansion" but ■ costly pictures of loved and honored ones adorn tbo walls ami the build ing is in an emerald setting of rare s.brubs and Rowers, evidencing the refined minds of tlui fair daughters who preside ;in guardian fairies over this happy l\opu\ TUla faint pieima of John J. Hoberfs mid Ins hmlte has k uiapy very many oonntorpnrts in the ver form of I^iyndcSj/ Does farm- gjinyV Ask snob liiwi as Mr. Itoli* \ts wim were born tn tbo occupation J hiyyM gained an easy victory in Ibntlli) ofMifo, a Jlablra Hodge, I'Vd-, A. M , eele* gil file natlviiy'|if thn great, link pd Oliristianity on sistnd by tlm The people began pouring into the neat little town of JIahirn as early as the evening of the. 2ild, and although tHfl day promised to be one of heat, and rain, by !! o’clock Friday morn ing it became evident that many peo ple would he gathered in the muss, liahira is a misnomer. The sur rounding country is anything but a desert as the numerous boxes and baskets of the neighbors abundantly proved. For forty years I have, at tended dinners of this kind and can truly soy I never saw a better one. The program ol the day was brief. Tito Masons marched in order from the hall to thn Methodist ehtirnh where speeches were made by dis tinguished brethren. Thu alcove and pillars of thu church were draped ami (looked with beautiful flowers and the immortal evergreen in an enchanting style. The people were to he entertained with a short talk by Hov. John M. Hendry which was suspended pro tern, and the brethren marched to meet those expected to come liy tbo train. Hon. II. P, Whit tington, Col. S. T. Kingslierry and a number of others count from Valdos ta and the procession it turned to the church, when addresses of welcome were delivered by Hov. J. W. Wells and Hon. W. W. Wold,. Mr. Webb Wits in a happy mood and in chaste and eloquent, manner delivered the wohierne of liahira to her visitors, He then introduced the orator S, T, Kingslierry, who delivered one of the most. cloqUOIit addresses it lias liccn my privilege to hear, and then tlie people were called to the table Boil feet long loaded with good tilings to oat, After dinner the people ro- usi'cmliled, and were addressed by that gifted mair J. M. Hendry and also Hov. I’. 11. Murray. Then un der the dinienlty of an afternoon au dience lion, lien Whittington, judge of tho enmity court, of Lowndes and Worshipful Master of Valdosta -edge, gave us words of wisdom in eloquent language. Hon. W. 1 Kunuvn, TV. M., Adel Lodge was present and many of ns ueru eager to hear him spunk, lint, the longest day has an end, and wore disappoint ed. Certainly our little sister lias cause to lie proud of her dclmt. Into such tv. Tin re were present some 1,511(1 people who seemed to have one mind let Ilnliint’s feast lieu uncross. llllllUMI.lX. —*•—<— « - -» IC><* Mini Skill Ointment, A f'ortiilti miiu fur Cliiunic Mori* Ryes, Tultvr, Mull IUiimiiii. Hcnlil Jlciul, OJA Cl:innIr, Horu»», Povur Horns, Kr/.num, I toll, Prulrin HorfttchoN, Soro Nipples mid Pilot*. ll Ih conllpg nml kouiMii«. Hun* •IiikIm of f’idM'H him* lionn » urri! Iiv ll nftcr utt otluir troiiimniit luul f t led, It In pul up iu 25 uiul .10 unlit Iioxuk. — Ha- - - - -- /loll llnoe Items. Zion Monti, June 28. Kvorvtldng is moving smoothly here as usual, Very little polities, but plenty of rain and crab grass, Mr. lion Dugans has the llnest crop of short notion in this section. Mr. IhiylosK nutehlnsoneame very near losing a line mule last week with colic. The literary school, under the mas terful management, of l’rof. I{, A. Hendrix, in progressing nicely, ll increases in numbers and interest ev- ory day. The services at tlie church liist, Sunday had tu be nlidttod because of tlie inclement weather. Mr. H. \V. Mims was in this vicin ity last week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. I'L Hilton Hutchinson was over hero from Ty-Ty lad. Sunday visiting relatives. He reports times lively lit Ty-Ty. Mr. d. K. Sutton has boon ooiidiij money from the peach trade. Hi orohofd will piitt him abouttilOO this year. Mr. Johnson Oliver has been very sick, lint we are glad to gay lie is out again. Mr, K. II. Hutchinson, S,-., is not enjoying very good health at present. He won't say \y|(at is the matter with Idm, but wo suspect he is a victim of a,) overdose of , rab grass. What has become of Vicinnr and Ncgnlar, we would like to hear from them again V Thorn is a shower comlny op, and lliero is S'weeLp-A' ebmiog, toe, and lor fear ho is if candidate I will hide out. jVith nislies te the G.UKtl'K f am rejatertia ,m- Z. H. H, A LETTER FROM TIFTON, BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT OF THE ALBANY HERALD. DIkIwn lf|» Hut Ni*vn» of Tifloh find KnyN Honu* I'leiiiiinif Tlilfitfit About tin* I’liu o urid I'nojilv anil lltrlr Kul^nirfKOM. Tiptos, June 2JL—Tliia «c*i:tion In Imv* In/ nu ovcrplu* of rain Ju*t now. FnruiH lire nil in lino condition And oropn arc looking well. Mclonn are plentiful in market, tint no one la shipping from tldn point. LfMt year convinced them IVacUch ht<j altnoxt a dril^ on thu market, being brought Into town in bu^glca, carts and wa^oriH, and have aIwavn found ruafjy sale. It Ih zitfe to way that the vnlue of the pencil crop in thiHHCction will eijtiHl at leant one-tenth of the cotton crop. —Very interesting services are lining hold at the Methodist church here, con ducted liy Revs, frumplcr, Uooth, Miller and others, huh In led by scvcinl gentlemen from Ashburn and vicinity who an; pro fessors of holiness. The doctrine of sanctification and holiness b hejn/ talked, worked and preached by men and women who seem very much in earnest iu whet they are doing. Three conversions are already reported, and the series of meet ings—three each day—promise to con tinue for an indefinite length of time. --Tifton undoubtedly has one of the handsomest liaptist churches in southern fleorgla. It Is said to have cost near $5,000 ami Is a model of artistic architec tural beauty. It will have to be seen to be appreciated, I have seen a great deal worse looking churches on tho most fash ionable streets of cities having ‘10.0(H) In habitants. This Is one of tho most dis tinctive fcHturas of Tlfton--»H Its public buildings are handsome and costly, and would do credit to u city of ten times its population and art a monument to the liberal spirit, public enterprise nnd pa triotism of Its citizens. Although only four years old, yet her name is symbolic of grit, enterprise ami energy, and it Is an honor to any man to be able to say that he Is a citizen of Tlfton. * * # —The tobacco farms are objects of in terest to all visitors to this section who are interested in llie development of wire grass Georgia. And truly they aro things of beauty. Respite the protracted drouth during tho spring (which old growers say has been tbo most unfavorable spring for transplanting they have ever seen, nnd which necessitated replanting in some places from three to five times,) the crop is now looking lino, being froig knee to shoulder high, according to variety and time of transplanting, and is one of the prettiest growing crops that fgbnvu ever seen. The earliest spoeies, among them the cigar varieties, are nlieady ripening, and a great deal of valuable weed Is be ing wasted for lack of curing facilities. Hut these will soon he here, four of the Snow modern barns being iu process of erection, and two of them nearly com pleted. These burns are of the latest model, and \% ill take each leaf as it ma tures, instead of waiting till the whole stulk ripens. Thu work on them Is be tug pushed for wind rapidly, ami In a few weeks Tlfton will l o shipping the choicest Varieties of tobacco to the manufactur ing ( fillers If the experiment this year pioxes n hiutcss—~nml of that there seems little doubt—Tlfton will probably have a tobacco frn lory Inside of two years. If southwest Georgia can grow tobacco, Tilton 1ms t.lui location, ability, capital and enterprise to manufacture It. • Hut don’t forget (he vineyards, for right hnu is a little gold mine. The I’lfts luivp a vineyard two miles from here thal is only two years old, yet they estimate the yield for this year at 25,000 pounds! Hut If two out of three pound** now* tin the vinos mature, the yield will not he less than 40,000 pounds. Now, these grapes generally average about 7 to H cents per pound—say 7| eenls. Taken pencil and figure out whit this w ill he for the second year, gn I thou guess, if you can, what the third and fourth years may do. Those grupet are already ripening, and shipping will begin In about ten days. —One of thu best things about Tlfton Is that tbero is no third party here. There is no roopr among these thrifty, energetic people for »uch a conglomora lion of ignorance, prejudice and com munism. There is a corporal's guard of Poatoninns In lien ion county, but none of thorn In Tilton. -*Ono thing Tlfton needs is better streets In the business portion of »lie town, but everything cannot heduno at once, and there will come in time. 1 H ft —One of Tlfton’* latent enterprises is a barrel fectory, which Is turning out a tine grade of barrels, w hich have a mar ket right at. home, —lUurlou does not want Stevens for congress. Mho wanted Mitchell, and wanted him bad, hut she wllUupport whoever is nominated in Albany. —Kvcrv day more or less visitors are Iu Tlfton, looking at iis manufacturing industries, farms, vineyards and tobacco and uli go away saying they haw never seen it equaled. Ibis is sure to«)p>ar good fruit in the future, In shape of ^n vested capital and increase of citizen It is a truth In medicine that the si eat dose that performs the cum jfl bos*. !)c Witt’s Knrly lilscrsf ho smallest pllh, will perform (bo j it! grp iM 4> V- WoadfHAD^ ll IVnLorty Institutes for , 1HO-. To tlie Teachers, Students utid County School Commissioners ol Georgia: 'it give* me pleasure to an nounce to you that the generosity of tlie trustees 'of (lie Peabody Fund ims enabled me to hold three teach ers’ institutes tills summer. Each institute will continue for twenty- five days exclusive of Sundays. 1 have endeavored, as far as possible, to consult tho interests of tlie teach ers in tlie selection of tlie time when a majority of them would be at luls- uro, and in the selection of places which would lie convenient of access and Which would afford good facili ties for board. Tlie object of these institutes is not simply pleasure, but business— tlie business of improving tbo teach ers and elevating the standard of the profession here ip Georgia. Tlie course of instruction will, in the main, lie limited to tire branches the aw requires to ho taught in the com mon schools of the slate. Attendance, of course, upon tlie Peabody Institutes is entirely volun tary. Certificates will ho issued to those who remain during tlie entire session of tlie Institute. While* these certificates cannot, under the law, take the place of licenses, or exempt tlie holders from 'lie usual examina tions, yet thoy will lio recommenda tions to all who h'dd them. I'tMK ANU M.AUli ()F TUB 1NHT1TUTBH. Athens—July Hi to August 12. Savannah—July 2d to August 17. Amevicus—July 25 to August 20. INSTUt'CTCmS. As State School Commissioner 1 am charged with the supervision of ail Institutes, but 1 urn glad tu say that 1 have secured the assistance mill co-operation of some of thu ablest educators in tlie statu. At Athens the Stale Normal School will lie iu operation at tlie same time, and the corps of instructors lliero will consist of tlie following: Profes sor Lawton 15. Evans, of Augusta; G. G. Horn!, of Athens; W. M. Slaton, of Atlanta; Otis Ashmore, of Savan nah; ,1. T. Derry, of Macon; .Miss Mary A. Bacon, of Milledgeville. During my nbsepcu Prof. Evans will preside. For further information relative to tlie Institute at Athena a idress him at Augusta. At Savannah the following is tlie corps of instructors: Professors \V. 11. Baker; of Savannah; B. M. Zettler, of Maconf J. M. Gannon, of Savan nah; Airs. AL E. Harden, of Savan nah; ami in the coh institute Prof. Ii. 11. White and Lucy l.aney. Prof. Baker will be tin’ conductor during iny absence, and lie will give full in formation as to^lic details. At Americus Professors Chas. Lane, of Atlanta; Win. Harper, of Americus; J. W. Frederick, of Moil- toxunia; A. I. Branham, of Bruns wick; and in the colored institute Professors 11. I.. Walker and Floyd Snelsnn, will constitute tlie corps of msVuctors. Prof. Latte wilt serve ns conductor in my absence. He or Prof. IIarper will give full informa tion relative to this institute. TltANSI'OIITATtuN. Tile railroad authorities have kind ly offered the rate of four cents a mile for the round trip. Apply to tlie railroad agontthat you have paid full fare, and tnis certificate, when emuitovsigned by prof. Evans, at Athens, Lane at Americas or Bakur at Savannah, will entitle you to a rate of one chut per mile returning, if you cam ot purchase through tick eta to tlie plaoo where the institute is hold, purchase a ticket to the near est point where stiolt ticket can ho purchased, and repurchase at that place, taking' certificates from both agents, noAttO. Board at eaeli place can lie secured at mluuwl rates; and for full infor mation on this point write to tho parties mentioned above. COMUtKIt INSttTUTKS. Two institutes for colored teach ers will is 1 held, one at Savannah ami one at Americas, where instruc tion will bo given by white instruc tors as well as tlie colored instruc tors. Colored teachers desiring to attend the Savannah institute, should apply t» Prof. Wright for terms of board, etc., mid those wishing to n tJtritWUitecd to cure ftclt tn 30; mtngtw. For »a!q hj J. \Y. t-aurs I'd Co., TirtoM, da, Dull Times Make Low Prices! i »ft» \ / . r. JAMES Z. ELLIOTT, Uwrug to tlie dullness of tho (rado and appreciating thu fact that Low Prices is the remedy—the great incentive that gives to trade a rushing im petus, lias determined to inaugurate a cut in prices that will convince the trade that he is determined not to be undersold. He baa a large and com--, plcte stock of general merchandise; he can and will save you money. Don't fail to call on him before making yonr purchases. Very Respectfully, , Sparks, Ga., Juno 17,1892. JAMES Z. ELLIOTT. * WILKES’ * GREAT * IRISH * SPECIFIC,.* Cures Cancers, Catarrh and all other Blood Diseases. Guaranteed. Jr Cure H. A. M'DONOUGH,. General Agent for Florida and Georgia. ' PATTERSON, GEORGIA. For Sale in Tifton by I)r. J. C. Goodman. 6-8m. attend at Americus apply to Prof, Walker. COUNTY SCHOOI. COMMISSIONERS. A’oil arc cordially invited to be present, unless your duties in con nection with tlie county teachers' in stitute eontlict, at one of tlie follow ing places: Athens—July 15th and Savannah—July 2l)th and 21st. Ainerieus-.July 25th and 2Cth. You arc entitled to your per diem for each day you are absent on tills business. The same rates of trans portation and board given to teach ers ami students will be extended you and members of hoards of edu cation^ Will not tlie press, daily nnd weekly, lend a helping hand in h ; effort for tlie benefit of tlie teachers of Georgia? S. JJ. Uhauwku., State Si'hool Commissioner. Biicltlcn's Am leu .Solve. The Upst In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soma, Ulcers, Balt Itlicmn, Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains: Corns and all Skin Kfltptiupa, and positively cures Piles or no pay re-, i|Ulred. Ifia guaranteed to give peffsci satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2.7 cents per box. Fur sale liy Peterson ' I'uulk. __ Cupt. flurry Burns, the indefatig able traveling passenger ugeiit of the Georgia youthen) ami Florida railroad, was in the city Wednesday gathering up sample tobacco plants to take with him on his eastern (rip in tlm interest of his road. Tlie specimens secured were very tine and will, doilblless, elicit favorable com ment wherever exhibited. He cur- rietl samples of both plug and cigar leaf. Cupt. Burns was so elated o\er what, lie saw while here that lie made an investin' lit iti real estate about a mile utid a half from the city, LADIICM N'jedlncll tj.ldc, <i, children who want bmM- lus uli, .-liuuld tukc WS’S 111118 UCITEKD. nitowS It t>; piiivuiu: cure* Muiurln. hi<i!pcit!iri. lUUoiviticM. Uvcr vouuH,until ami .Stfurulgiu The Crop Sold. The following from the New York Herald of tlie 2Bd inst., will be of interest to Georgia tobacco growers: Si'ittNonki.n, Maud., June 22.— Reports show Unit in several of tlie tobacco growing towns of Massachu setts and Commoticutt tho planters have already contracted to sell this year's crop at from 25 to BO fonts a pound. These are very high prices, nnd till' fact that they arc offered ire- fore tlie (limits live sot out in the field presages iliuoli excitement in the tobacco market later on. The 1891 crop Inis been cleaned upas never before. The latest sulu was five cases of Haraiiu seed wrappers at tlie enormous prico of 00 cents a pound. l'ort i)Ysi>f;pxiA, Tmlltm-f .f.’i tun! Stomivh -hu riVni, tot** KUoW .V N IRON lll'l'I IOHH. All .WIi'Mic. : .I|,',1 |H'f hnttii-. Unminrhav Siouc uiurs Hal cr.tfMtl ml lii*cac>u wrapper. Still Ahead! And U aill always find us there in selling tho piust goods for the money. Our last "bargain day” was such a grand success we will have, another in order to still furthorther reduce our stock. The good people came from far mul near and carried home niovu gutid* for the amount of money spent than ever bed '-•■J,- f IIIMYJIU. Will be our next “BABGJUfY DAY,” when we will sell— 1(1 yards dress plaids for 32c. IU yards checks for Stic. , 10 yards best bleaching for 73o. Only’lO yards of eaeli article to 'he cua. tomer Oent’s nice summer coals only 30c. each. Big reduction In CLOTHING I Fen- straw hats loft; eorne * and get yonr choice nt less than factory price. / 4s5 berj of laundry for $). 20 pounds grrtiiulutcd sugnr for $1. 20 pounds good ricu for §1. Only 20 pounds to eiujli customer. I .S ib cun fresh tom Hoes lor lUe. i Those prices for July 2d only* Controler?) of Low Prices, pAr.Ks’ BuiJjnu,. TIFTON, GA. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An olil physician, rciiTOl fmm practice, tiAvint; hiui pifttvtl u» III* hrtmU by mi fcaut It alia mhutou* ary the formula ot u simple v#-j*eui»lc remedy fvt\ the *p«eUv amt permanent cere ot Coiuump- llon, Hromrhiiift, f’atttrTh, Asthma Ami alt tlm»At and lamg Atreothcw, also n ponittve nnd radical cure foi Ncrvou* Lh)i>UiL>' ami all Nervous ( tmi- pi.tiuts, nfeer im\ inir t**steil iijuvonderfid rur*. ti\Ti power* in thousand* of case*, id** felt ti IdJ duty to tr.Aku it known to hi* autterma fellow*. Aetnated bv tins motive and a desire to relieve Imman FJimfrloifd will wort fiee of all who desire It, ud* rindpu, in »*cmian, Prr.vteb or with Wtl directions for i»iv|iar»nc ar.d u*lnc. Sent MtenalMjy .A*l«lr» H*.ln« \flth sump, thi« p-qwir. W. A. Novw, s-jo fowoW Mock, llocnest*?. X. V Dwelling to Rent. The *So»y (hWoge r.**b»«ntv at tho c*>met uf mu llld-rc avenue, near r fra Rap cist renrth street an* church. lV*»eatioit izlveii atonro. Ami C, S. IIAitURUtT,"^ 1 * a, Ua. To the Public. * HuJJcr. fctaufe* ten t tmnd> rb* Patent IjHshei* an hour: dr** ttw. «*iv bieolTi frwn «toft horse Onu nuj Itfor, in nw twar hew ibr the hivak rt- jmUihe* P^WtoTunlt, ysari nnd bh,* proerna/wtd «uc,jay. lattAre* Berrien County Sheriff’s Sal FORAtTOVHT. GEORGIA—nritiui N County. Will bo Bold beforv the court house door In theT town of Nashville, said state and county, on tb« first Tuesday In Auoi'ST next, twtween the lepat hours ol sale, to the lduiwst Ittcltlvr for ca*b, tbw fodotritt£ ]ivoporty, town: One pianun; mid cotisistiup of enstne, l'Gf!er,' planer*, *\W» and a.»l tho fixture* WlouKing tof said ptaninft mill, located at Adel In saq) county, levied on a* the proHrlv of 0. V. t«oodw<u by virtu* of a inoi tjrafro Ii. fa. ImuihI from tb* rujo»- vlor c\a>rt in tavur of .1. H. ikbofieUl's Aon* & Co. Property poiutcu out In said fi. fa. I>efendaot notified In wrltinir, tld* Juno .".o. U1C. UAXlEi. W. TiSON. Sberiff B.C. Order to Perfect Service, UEORU1A—BERKIKM I'OCNTV. Na.nov .1. Wv.db, i Llliel for Divorce In B*jk vs. J ’rjMU ttuterior Cuutl. W. W. Webb. ) March T**tn, Wtt. It apiMiarlni? to the Court by the trtwni of tb« Hhorltf. iu the above stated cau> that th« d#» fondant doe* not reside In said county; and It shit ins * further ai'pciting that be ikj» resW !*(rtPa. It iw tlicrefor* ordered lor tb* Court, servleo be perfected r.n tbo dcIVudantby th*f publication of thi* ortior ou«m a month for font t.nmiha before tbo next term of this thn TtTTov CsAXKTTn.arewnpaprr published in B*r^ rien county, Oeorpis. I’xtrt.ts J* llrruH. Petitunrer* Attoitvys. Uramud; Aro. I! Hanskli.. Jbdjro M. C. 8. C. A tnte extract from tb* minutes of Hmba Sujttrtor Court, March Trnu. <H9?. Cs-.W. XWKE.Clerk. This May 16th, M2. Notica tf) Debtors and Crcditora. ^P4)R(}|Af~8cX(RtKN County. k All pen»f4T%.Indebted to the esut* of Vat* Maker, late of said county demon* 1. art rcumM «xt to make immudlatu payment, and *H “ : — bavitur rUJuri —’—