The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 22, 1892, Image 1

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Sgfe&: uc*'» 'jt: i Padrick Bros, sell everything. Go to Dr. J. C. Goodman’s for sporting goods. Iteud the new legal advertisements in -to-day’s paper. Don’t forget the laymen’s meeting at New River church to-morrow. Mr. J. S. Speight is off ou u visit to relatives and friends in Florida. Highest price paid for chickens and eggs nt Padrick Bros.’. Mrs. I/. 8. Price and children, of Sylvester,were visiting in Tifton this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Speight. There are about eighty members of the Tifton Baptist Sonday-sohool, and it continues to grow in numbers it ml interest. There have been protracted meet ing in both the Baptist and Methodist churches at Sparks recently. Wo have not learned the results. Miss Maggie Burton, of Albany passed through Tifton last Monday euroulc for Sparkii. Her visit will combine business and pleasure. Mammoth bargain sale nt Padrick Bros.’ Saturday, July 30tli. That popular Brunswick and Wes tern railroad conductor, Mr. A. W, Palin, and Miss Leila Hadden, of Tampa, Fla., were yesterday united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The “Snow Modern Tobacco Barn” gt Tifton, arc now iu fail operation and visitors urc coming in numbers every day to note the process of cur ing tobacco by this ucw method. ;. F. Paschal returned Mon day from visiting his family ut High Point, N. J. His vacation appears to have heeu decidedly beneficial, for lie is looking froBhcr and vigorous. Let everybody get a few bargains Saturday, July 30th, at Padrick Bros’. This is, truly, the season for relig ious revivals. Protracted meetings Will commence to-day at Lake View and Brushy Creek churches, Berrien connty, and it is hoped much good wilt uccrite. Rev. P. If. Grumpier is making strenuous efforts to organise a joint stock conjpatiy to erect a Methodist tabernacle at Alapalm. it is under stood that Mr. J. II. Baker, of that place, has donated the (and for that purpose. J 'guarantee every bottle of Plan- will begiu at once to improve it. He will plant an orchard and vineyard at once to illustrate what he knows about the science of farming. Capt J. II. Redding, of the state experimental station near Griffin, was in Tifton last v Wednesday and Thursday to investigate tobacco cur ing by the Snow Modern Barn pro cess. We shall have more to say of his visit here next week. Listen on July 30th yon will al most hear prices full At I’ndrick Bros. Mrs, T. S. Williams, nee Miss Lena Knight, of Sumner, was visiting her parents in this city last week. She did not forget the Gazette; but called at the sunctnm and left a “wheel” for n year’s subscription. The Gazette hits no stronger friend than Mrs. Lena Williams. Mrs. R. J. Hamlin, who has been sick for a long tiihc with consump- 8iimption or some disease akin to it, departed this Rfc lust Saturday night and her remains were buried the next day. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her departure. Her death 1ms been expected for some time. When you arc tired of having chills get a fide, bottle of Plantation Chill Cure and stop them. If it fails we will give you your money buck. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Mr. M. M. Moore, whoso fucc has been familiar at the Georgia South ern and Florida railroad depot as the obliging day clerk, bus been trans ferred to Kathlcdn and given the agency there. Thg (citizens of Tifton are sorry to lose him us one of thoir number, hut wish him well wherever bis lot may be oust. He is succeeded hern by Mr. J. E. llylc. The better class of Tifton’s colored people, those who have taken the trouble to inform themselves on the political issues of the day, proclaim their intention of voting the straight democratic ticket at the coming elco tiens. They arc beginning to realize (hut the democratic party is tho par ty for the southern people, white and colored to support. It guarantees to every man, regardless of race or color, the greatest degree of civil lib erty. Do not lei other merchants pulin iff other preparations jn you liecause they have not Plantation Chill Cure in stock. Apply to agent numed below, whoJguuruiiteeH it Dr. J. C. Hatch of Npvvb from Neighboring Count ten Ikt’inotl of tipoclnl Intercut to Gncctto Headers. titjoi? Chill Cure, and will cheerful- ""ly'refund money in case of failure. J. 0. Goodman. Capt. II. It Tift left Wednesday morning, via Atlanta, for a two weeks’ visit to his old home ami friend* ut Mystic, Oonn. His wife and children accompanied him from Atlanta and they will not return to Tifton until the first of October. Why pay other dealers 75c. and $1 cnil' Bit® for a chill cure when you can get Plantation Chill Cure, a better one, for 50c. ? Dr. J. C. Goodman. The Brunswick and Western rail road authorities, following up the work of catting down expenses, have dispensed with their construction train. This also dispenses with the services of Mr. A, 8. Speight, in ■Charge, and quite a number of hands. I sell more Plantation (dull Cure than any other'chill and fever ■ medicine, and do yon know why? Because it never fails to cure. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Rev, J. W. Sullivan, a theological tIndent of Mercer University, will, without providential hiudratae, fill the appointment at Tifton Baptist church next Sunday morning at U o’clock. Citizens generally are cor dially invited to attend this service, Dr. yon ki.dw that Plantation Chill (Jure is sold muter a positive guarutt- H Wats !Mo. per bottle, hot if Good mun. Young Men’s Christian Associ ation In Tilton. As previously announced in these columns a number of the young men of the city met at Tifton Institute last Sunday afternoon ut 3 o’clock to consider the advisability of organiz ing a branch of the Young Meu’s Christian Association. The meeting was called to order by acting secretary B. T. Allen, and, after the customary devotional ser vices, bo explained the objects of tho meeting in a short speech in the course of which lie took occasion to say that, while he did i.ot wish to be understood as inimical to the work, if a permanent organization was de cided upon it would require the ex ercise of mere real moral conrugc and sacrifice of time, money and la bor than the young men of Tifton could possibly give it. He doited his remarks by reading a letter from the acting State Secretary along the same lino of thought and suggesting tiro organization of a young men's union prayer meeting to begin with anil, at the end of twelve months, they could come to a more accurate decision whether a Young Men’s Christian Association was desirable and could bo supported. Remarks were made by Rev. P. II. Cnimpler and others, after which it was decided to hold two prayer meet ings a week at the Methodist church —Tuesday and Friday nights—until the first Sunday in August and invite Secretary Anderson to come to Tif ton, look ovei the field aud advise them what best to Join the premise*. Early Risers, Itlsm, Knrly const Candidates for the various connty offices are beginning to blossom out in Coffee county. The protracted meeting at Salem, Worth county, closed with the acces sion of four members to the church. There will be a grand democratic rally . at Isnbellh, Worth county to day. Russell, Hammond-and other good spenkers will be on band. Tho trustees of tho Methodist church at Douglas arc offering their old house und lot for sale, we suppose for the pur (rose of building a larger and bet ter one. Messrs. Gray A Gutehell, nt Lelin- toti, expect to have their new mill in operation by the first of August. It is one of the best mills on the Bruns wick und Western railroad. Tho seoond quarterly session of the Coffee county alliance convened at Reedy Branch on the 7th inst Only seven out of about twenty-five snb-ulliances wore represented, u number of them having disbanded. The democratic barbecue und rally ut Acre lust Saturday was largely at tended and greatly enjoyed by all. Thu sjieuking was good ami the bar becue excellent It is suid that Judge Mershon’s speech wus u magnificent effort. Iter. J, W. Ridley was ordained, ou the second Sundu^inst, to the full work of the goMlel ministry ut Mt Olive churcV Worth county. The presbytery was enmposod of El- dors W. F. Cox, J. B. Arrington, W. W. Webb und U. T. Dowling. The Baptist congregation of Wil* lacoochoc, Coffee county, have excel lent prospects of securing a house of worship nt uu early date. Elder W. J. Sullivan, u theological student at Mercer, is in charge of affairs and is pushing the work with zeal and <>u- ergy. Tho “holiness meeting” ut Ty Ty Inst week wus greatly enjoyed by those who participated in it. Quite a number of persons professed con version to this lijiylier religious life, and have given up the use of tobac co and other vicious and usuless habit#. The Sumner Fair anil Watermelon l’ionic of the Worth/ County Agri cultural Society, at Fenian, last Fri day lias been very favorably reported. All the fruits and ^ege tables on ex hibition were of the very bust of their kind and reilocts much credit on the Worth county furmers who grow them. Mr. J. F. Monk, of Colquitt coun ty, was in the city Wednesday uml reports the third party in that coun ty not nearly so strong as has been reported. Tho sturdy democrats of that good old county are pulling themselves together in great shape and urc.organizing campaign clubs in every distriot. The democrats of the several dis tricts of Worth county have thrown off their lethargy and are organizing themselves into democratic clubs. Sumner organized on Thursday of last week with thirty-six members after only a few Lours notice. The democrats of Ty Ty and Poulan have also organized and will do good work for the party in the coming cum* paign. The Gazette is authorized to an- nounoe a great democratic rally aud barbecue next Thursday at Myrtle Spring, near Willingham, Worth county, on Alford A Sloan’s tram road. The place is a beautiful one for such an occasion. There will be plenty of eloquent speaking and toothsome barbecue. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Russel), Hammond, Mershou and others wre expected. Contractor J. 0. Hind lias for sale a large supply of firat-oluss lime, lath*. In accordance with the announce ment made in these columns several weeks since the annual institute of Irwin county teachers was held last week at Invinville, commencing on Monday morning, duly 11th, and continuing through the 15th. The attendance was small, only fifteen, owing to the fact that many of the teachers in charge of the public schools of Irwiu are from other counties ami had closed their sotiools und gone to their re spective homes for the summer vaca tion. The session, however, conducted by Prof. L. R. Tucker, proved to be a very pleasant and profitable one to those in attendance who took an in terest in tho proceedings. The lectures and discussions were confined to the rudimentary branches of an English education- -orthogra phy, reading, writing, English gram mar, arithmetic and geography, und the soienoe ami practice of teaching. Our farmers and nurserymen, with good land for cuttings, who desire to grow on contract, should write Stark Tl Iros., Nurserymen, Louisiana, Mo. They are heavy growers of cuttings in Georgia. ACCOMPLISHED BY THE GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA R. R. A Tr«p Developer of MutorliU ltmourcOB Along It* I.liu*--\ Mint Wonderful Stu’ccwH In Tolmocn Growing* Program Of Moll Baptist Sumluy-Sohool As socintion to lie held with Zion Hope church, Irwin county, July 20, 30 and 31, 1802. PIUtlAY. 11:00 a. m.—Introductory sermon by ltev. S. J. Sauls, alternate Elder W. Pipkins. 1:30 p. m.—Address of welcome by 8. M. Self. Response by II. T. Dowling. Short talks from delegates till adjournment. HATtlltDAY. 0:30 a. in.-—Invocation service by Elder J. A. Cox. General discussion on reports of delegates received on Friday to be introduced by G. W. Guest 1:30 p, m.—Suggestions with re gard to the improvement of our pres ent system to be introduced bv Elder W. F. Cox. Miscellaneous business. It will be seen that all the above is so closely connected that one dis cussion will bo ontiroly dependent on another, hence the necessity for it full delegation on Friday. We urge that the attendance lie full, so that the meeting will be fraught with pleasure und profit. Zion Hope also contemplates tin 1 beginning of her protracted meeting nt this lime. J. 1). C.vl.llOIJJf, W. W. WiiUBj 11. T. Dowuno, Committee. It Is n llxed amt IiiiiiuiIhIiIc taw Unit to Imvc good. Hound lienllh one must Intvc pure, rich sml ahumliint blood. There Is no Hhorlar nor surer route tlinn hy it course of Do Wilt's Sarsaparilla. J. Goodman. A Field Hay at Moultrie. Such are the /Eoliun whispers which comes to us with the winds and rains and over the tree tops from the fair county of Oolquitt—from the bounty of brave men and fair women, from tho connty of sturdy yeomen, who forever and aye stand shoulder to shoulder with tlimr fel- iowmen in days of trial and trouble. A field day at Moultrie! List Hut, urduy the iron-ribbcil democrats marched in review, with the banners of Cleveland und Russell at their bead. “Down with tlie force bill; down with its advocates, its sympathizers direct and indirect, whether they be third party men or not; and relief from the iniquities of McKinley tariff issuer,” wore the refrains of (.lie throng. Russell nod Spence were there, but where were Stevens, Winter, Griggs, Pickett and Jackson? Echo answers, where? Moaltrio and Colquitt, all hail! The democrats of the second district tender yon an old-fashioned shake.—Herald. From the Mftcon To)ci;rui«h. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad was constructed about three years ago through almost an unbrok en forest of pines, standing on lands that were considered worthless by the outside world. The gentlemen interested in this enterprise, however, lmd thoroughly examined the coun try mid knew what they were build ing on; and entrusting their affairs to those in whom they had confidence started out to develop the country and build up farms as fast as they cut down trees. The mumigenient realizing that the task wus a big one set about it in a broad ami liberal spirit They advertised first to tho world that the finest pine timber in Georgia wus to be found along its line, aud said to the saw mill man and maim facta rer, “If you will buy the machinery, we will haul it for you free, and will put you in us much side track us yon need and charge you no rental. This wus certainly an innovation, as it was the first in stance of a railroad company in Geor gia furnishing free side trucks and free tronsporbitibp for machinery. Tho mills along this road give the best evidence of the soundness of this policy. Tho attention of Hie management was then directed to tho melon busi ness, ami to enoourage this class of planter!, they agreed to put them in sidetracks free of rent, und furnish them ours tlmt could he loaded in any direction und to any market. Free sidetracks for melon growers was unothcr new tiling in Georgia, and tlie thousands of cars shipped annually show bow much the people appreciate it. Not content with ibis, they started a farm for the purpose of conduct ing experiments fur the benefit of the planters und to aid in tho rapid settling up of the country with a thrifty agricultural people us fast as tlie mill men should clear away the timber. A visit to tliia farm will open tlie eyes of the doubler, and if lie be a farmer, be will go away with the full determination of improving on the old methods, for indeed it is a mndul farm. And this is not all; for they invit ed the planters along tho line of road to visil this farm, and took them down free in order that they might see for themselves the result of an experiment which they me conduct ing iu tobacco growing, which is des tined to become tho great crop of this section, and which is said by experts to excel any portion of the United States for tobacco growing. Surely tlie phut tors along this road should congratulate themselves that it is under such progressive manage ment, und tlu- people should give it their hearty support and eo-opera- tipji; for no other country in Georgia lias boon so benelltted hy the,building of u railroad through it us lias this along the line of the Ucoigit, South ern und Florida. Should all the roads pursue this policy of helping to build up the people along their lines, that feeling of antagonism of the people towards these corporal tons would pass away, und tlie railroads would not Ire afraid to submit their cases in court to juries taken from citizens along their lines, for the peo ple w6uld not submit to an Injustice being done to the railroad that had been Buch a factor ill building them up and aiding them in their various pursuits. Watch tho courts, and you will see the mutts of a policy of building up. About Onions. 1 Mr. E. II. Tift, who has i farm about two miles northeast o Tifton, on the Tifton mid Northeast-, ern railroad, has made an experiment in onion cnllpre with very gratifying results. From less tlmn an nore of land he has already sold $150 worth of onions, und Hie crop is not yet ex hausted. A similar experiment was made on the Tift Brothers farm, two miles north of Tifton, with equally good results. The onions growh were large and well matured. applications. A Go. Tifton, Os. Cures scratches on horses and mange on dogs with one or tvro For sale hy J. \V. Paulk Worth County Sunday-School Association. The Gazette is authorized by Rev. J. J; Williams, of Ty Ty, President of the'Worth Comity Sunday-School Association, to make the following announcement, request aud invita tion: Tho Wortli County Sunday-school Association will hold its next quar terly meeting nt Sycamore on Friday before the second Sunday in August. The several Sunday-schools of the county arc earnestly requested to send a full representation to tlie meeting. All ministers of the gospel and Smulay-sohoot workers are cordially invited to he present. Everybody will be made welcome. Go to l)r. J. U Goodman* for summer drinks—coca-cola, milk shakes, lemonades und tho beat of soda wutot always on draught, i ilyu. I,. It, P*i,ton, Rockford, III., write*! “From nentMuu expnriento l ean recommend Go .Wltt’o Sarsaparilla, «, U te a truih iu 'medicine llirt the smvIU esi :<lowi Hist .uerfnntt* the wire tel!* White Unit! Ksrly Miters urc 0 f (dll', will .*«* Padrick Bros, aru receiving a nico line of furniture—they will fill the second story of the Parks’ tmildiug, nml you can save money by seeing their stook boforo buying. They will sell you from the lowest priced liedstead to the finest walnut and oak suites. If dull, aptrhlc** and stupid; If your blood 1» thick and sluggish; if vnur appe tite Is capricious and uncertain, you ucotl _ a sarsaparilla. For treat ruautta take Da s White 1. O. Goodman Iu a Netv Role. Tho real beauty of curly pine has scarcely been rightly appreciated even ut its home. But it lias grndti ally worked its way into public favor; at home and abroad, und now it is the rule in this section to finish all buildings of any consequence in cur ly pine) it is susceptible of a perfect (folisli and when properly oiled and varnished there is uo wood tlmt can surpass it iu elegant appearance. The variety works of this section ale now iisiugcurly pine in the man ufacture of their costliest pulpits, mantels, etc., and is thepopnlur wood at homo for any ornamental work. But its merits as a fine wood is rapidly extending abroad, The tut* liobs of the north and west now call- for it in the finish of their ucw pala tial residences. And now it is to la- given u new role, a Canadian piano manufacturer hits sent Contractor Slack an order for enough to be used s in the manufacture of logs amt eases for two pianos. These instruments, when completed, will be exhibited at the most prominent Cttniidti exposi tion!, nml probably in the World’s Fair, Chicago. Capt. II. II- Tift’s mammoth saw mill has tlie order in band, and he will Imve the honor of furnishing the curly lumber for the first pine wood piano over nnmufio lured. Now. Try Tills. It will cost you nothing anil will surely ilo you good! II you have n cough, eolil S3 1 t yo map | ip or nn.v trouble with throat, chest or lungs. I)r. King’* New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and folds Is guaranteed to give relief, or money will Ire paid back. m ' - ir oufforers from Is grippe found it just the thing slut under its sse had s speedy xu ‘ perfect leeovery. Try n sample bottle « . our expedite nr.iUenru for youweW last / how good s thing it is. Trisl bottle* Irvft .. al J. W. IV.ulk & Co.'s drug store'gC ; situ 50c. and #1. Mr. li H. Tift commenced 3hip ping grttpeB from his vineyard week. He has christened his viu yard after the place of his «»ti in L’ouneoticutt—The Mystic yard. The manager, Mr. Oil sent the editor lost Ti pin of the crop of Niagaras -annul Ire excelled i.i ai- “*•* a sprig of vine, four mr so; p.rting three lx