The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 22, 1892, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE : HI-TON, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 22, J 892. mm RECORD. DAILY DEVOTION DEMOCRACY, a It a Nobler Amlilton to Foltaw tlie jLeo.a ot lee iui«l .Tacluun Hum to lljrall 111 the 1’III net of King*. We lake tho following sketch .of Hon. lta) K. Russell from tho Savan nah Nwys: Jlen Russefl, of Decatur county, pas hecif the “head and front” of democratic offunding in-the second eotgrosslonal district for tho past twenty-five years, and stands to-day pre-eminent for unswerving devotion to the cardinal principles of tho par ty. ’ - ' Ilia praininunco as a journalist nud democratic loader have attracted so much attention to him that a brief re sume of his career will be interest ing. Won (as every tine calls him) was born sometime along in tho ’40s, and Is now just old enough for tlioBe who know-him to valuo him moro highly than before. Timo has only served to mellow and sweeten his genial dis position, and to know him,is to love him mid to name him is to praise. lien is a bom lighter of everything that iH lion-democratic or against tho south. He began this fighting busi ness early—in the first year of the ' " war, and among tho first companies to march to the front to illustrate Georgia. When the Pajnhridgc Indepen dents volunteered for the war and marched from her peaceful and shaded streets for tho din of carnage and battle, Hen was at tho head of tho column beating the kettle drum, Ilia position then seems to have been prophetic of his future career for he lias been at the head of every suliscipient movement for the disen- Lhrallmcnt of his people mid upbuild ing of his scction;hc hits been besting the drum; doing all the work and hurrahing, while others more fortu nate, if not less modest, have reaped All tho reward of political preferment Ren served the south during the entire. war; was never homo on a fur- ' lough, nor off on a sick list, lie was tjijh the chivalry of the. south -at Manas as, when they. fjr.'wfoteJheir. " ' efiftmw' immortality in the purple testament of bleeding war; ho was With them at the butchery in the era tor at Petersburg, and ho saw tho stainless drop from the nmoles: grasp in the Wilderness; and when at Appuntuto* the lyaryior’s banner took it*, flight to meet tiub warrior’s soul It left none more heart-broken at iu loss limn this brave drummer hoy lien was sounding the morning drum Bent an<l the evening tattoo on th tented fields of Virginia when the demagogues mid third partyites, wlio |tow besmirch his eliaraoter and l«* little his genius, were bejng spanked to sleep to keep them from crying over a nigger rising in tho quarters, He has stuck to ins country through Jean and fat, through fire, blood and water, and now that he is before Ids, countrymen for an elective office, it will be an ignominy and shame if hi high claims for their gratitude and indorsement arc to be ignored, l’ray the gods to intermit the plague that needs must light on such ingratitude At the close of the war Hen had nothing left of which to bo proud except his record as a confederate soldier. He is foolish enough still to > bc proud of it. He would not ex change that-badge of honor for nil the gems of Goleonda. To his mind it is a far more worthy ambition to havo been a follower of Jackson and law. than to have burned incense in tho palaces of kings. Hen would still light on this line if in his pres ence you traduced the memory of a bravo confederate. Ho fought gallantly to sustain the confederacy, and now that it. exists only an » memory, it i* to him a sa cred one—sweet as the memory of a buried love. It is the nature of the f man to be sincere and steadfast. The ! success or defeat of his principles or [IJv friends never lessons bis loyalty to SHH either. .. . ... It would make a lamp post Isiiga MBS .toliwir Ben relate his experience ia working his way as a ragged paroled wfed front New York to Savannah d Ifccncc Jo Uaiuhridgc hotveray tho drc-V the unpaid soldiers of immortal principles were subjected. Yet, in the face of all this, seemingly sensi ble people have the hardihood to re fuse honor where honor is due, and profess to regard with indifference what are contemptuously called war records and war heroes. Since the surrender Hen has proved that pence hath her victories no less renowned Jhn,n war. Ilis' distin guished eareor as editor of tho Bain- bridgo Democrat has been a series of continued struggles and exalted triumphs for the people he loves. Taking up the editorial tripod when the Btatc was reeking with tho filth of reconstruction lie has indeed been the Henry of Navarre, whoso white plume led the van in tho reform movement which culminated in tho overthrow pf Bullockism and White- loyism in Georgia, It required Sam Jones’ backbone and iron-ribbed in tegrity to be a fearless and indepen dent editor in those days. The blandishments of wealth and oflioe were tho glittering guerdons which a venal executive glaringly flaunted as rewards for base and servile partisan ship, But the time-honored Demo crat, under the editorship of Hen Russell, never crooked the pregnant hinges of tho knee that thrift might follow fawning. In no part of tho state was the war against Bullock and his pals disljn guished by greater courage amj ubil ity tbau in southwest Georgia. Bullockism first, and then Whitlcy- ism were uprooted from the soil they polluted. The overthrow of "Slip pery Dick” Wliiteley and his banish ment to the slums of Colorado are direct results of Ben Russell's brave and unceasing warfare against rad icalism and everything that is radical in tendency. The second district will do ilsoif honor and place the entire state un der obligations to it if Ben Russell is sent to congress from that district, Hie first man who nominated Turner for the place he has so honorably filled—what more fitting than hould bo Turner’s successor? lieu Russell hns spent both time and mon $v, many years and many dollars, in advocating tho claims of office,for others in all parts of tho district. IBs vast work has ail along been lin selfish and unrewarded. Since the first olootion of Tcto Smith in 1874, there has not lioen a break in tho continuous lin'o of democratic viola- lies.' In no single campaign from that time to the present oouhl tho democrats have tyon without his pow erful pen and influence. Itu is rec ognucil throughout the state as the leader of tho dcinocratio hosts, ami a rejection of him ami his claims would, in the present slate of affairs tiring untold disaster to the party at large, hot those in the district whom ho has befriended in the past rally to his standard and sec to it that he is re warded for his faithful services In be half of good government, lie has boon the herald to sound the buttle cry in the past for every one worthy of public trust. Wright, Fleming, Smith, Turner; Hammond, Bower, Spence, Bush, Mitchell and scores ,()f others havo been the subject of his lofty panegyric. Now that ho is for the first time before the district it is proper that those, and the many oth ers whoso politieal battles he lias so hotly fought, should arise as one man and Commend him to the people as a democrat indeed ill whom there is no guile. G. F. XV. Wayeross, Ga. steamers, ranging from 1,733' to 1,333 tons burden.' Jts steamers «;ill begin GATHERED FROM THE C0LBMNS.0F ^hijt n^ular trips on ;Septc.«lier OUR EXCHANGES. 4 g m,d * f 6w f, ,w , wi steamers will be added to the line just as soon as business warrants the addition... ■' ' The Philadelphia I.odgov, an inde pendent paper, pays this high tribute to Mr. Cleveland: “The administra tion ,‘of President Cleveland, clean, progressive yet cpnserva.ivc,' success fully grappling with tho problem of an element restored to office after a generation, proved to the country that no one party has a monopoly of patriotism, political capability or pull- lie virtue. Tho solidity of American institutions, tho capacity of the peo ple to goverb, tlie genuine brother hood of the American electorate wore amply demonstrated by Mr. Cleve land’s administration. And when, on an issuo lie himself had aggressively allocated, Mr. Cleveland was retired to private life, he took with him into tlm privacy of his ideal homo the re spect of his political opponents no loss than the affection of hit* party friends. ALL SORTS OF THINGS. FnoU, Fimclpti nud 'Nnri Item* Selected - For tlio Fm* of the fiend > 1 era of tho Gazette. . There are men who will hunt tip' an opportunity to run down some body else. Tho campaign liar and tho snake editor will nu.iv get in their work as tho contest is open. The chief points at ‘ issue in the Homestead trouble are the points of the Pinkerton bayonets. Tho sub-alliances of Alabama arc voting against leaving the democratic party. This is wise and patriotic. A miss is good as a mile. This is probably why a man doesn’t feel the distance when lie’s got a nice girl with him. The kind of love that will buy dia monds when in funds is more plenti ful than the sterling sort that will saw wood if necessary. As tho peoples’ party is supposed to consist of farmers it was natural that they should go to tho Field for one of their candidates. There soem to be some difference of opion as to what Adlai means, but it is clear to tho American mind that Stiivenson means to be elected. One of the delegates to the Omaha convention was a full-blooded Indian. Experience hns shown that a full In dian is very apt to be bloodied. fflcEjrtiO'B WINE. OF CAHOUt lor female dUeawa Tile Peoples’ party claim that the planks In their platform are all sound. That seems to be the trouble with tlie party itself--all sound and no Wholesale Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigar House. . • i Special attention given to Jug trade. CUT Orders promptly filled. FRICK LIST. Old Private fctwk Uyo .$S oo per pnllon. Old XXXX Kye fiw Okolmm Uyo, iS’ti 3 fid •• Alliance H>e 3 00 “ Old Nt», 10 live 2 00 rail fund* Rye • 200 l»oui*lu’ny Co.ttye . . IM OUt N. O.Tnm 8M Gih.rula Corn ► W Old Holland (tin, 2 Rttunp ■. 3W Hood Holland U in ,— *'*0 Tenuis'In ■ IMK) PmftOld iviudi :<«> Applo llr.vmiv • 8 00 CnRiuiollranuy. ■ r »oo Wood Rum 2 oi> Sweet .Catawba Wine -. - ■ , - IM lte|iresr.nt«l by lnv.'is lVvnnisn, DR. N. PETERSON ' Physician and Surgecfn. TIKTON, - OKOttOU. orhsr-wiui j. w. rauik ,v Co. fall, nn.wcroU jiromtim SayuIrM. Oiiico iiraotioo vrlll mM\e tulontlea between timhtt.u'iiotMtOQand 10:.TO a. in .aiirl 3:(W ami * .OT )i. m. "bate to licit ami »u<l early to rise will shorten the roail to your home In the skies." Hut early to licit ami iv "Little Early Riser," the pill that makes life loiter anil hotter amt wiser. J. 0. Good man. Guaranteed to clue Itch In hi) rnluutcs. UR Uljlllli For sate try J. W. I’nulk & Co., Tlfton, On. “To know the beauty of apology in its fulness it, .should he nut m the same spirit of frankness. We lire all liable to offend at any moment, and substance. There is an unfortunate disposition in a man to attend much more to the faults of his companions which offend him than their perfections which please him. It is tlie privilege of every Ameri can to rise to a point of order, but the men at Homestead should see ts it that they do not rise to the point of disorder. It is now alleged that “General” Field, ane of tho Peoples’ parly ngm Races, was a quartermaster during tlie war. No wonder ho lived to he a politician. Somebody asks for a list of tho Re publican leaders who declined the national chairmanship. It would bo easier to name those who did not do- oiilic, says tlie Atlanta Journal. New Jersey is losing ground in the literal sense of the word. The geol ogists are calling attention to the fact that, old ocean is eating off groat hunks of hor coast line every year. J65"wwe OFcasoui, • TonL- fm Women. This has been a mighty had year for truck farmers and small emigres candidates. Tho dry weather killed the early vegetable* and tlio little candidate was pulled before it was ripo. Weaver's vile denunciations of the south and her people are all tho cam paign documents needed to show up the candidate of the so-called Peo ples’ party in his true fight. They speak volumes. A Thomasville conductor lias cleared several hundred dollars spec ulating in melons this season. Re turns a few days ago show that one ear that ho had bought on the track and sold netted him over *200. Two little girls who work in tho Macon cotton factory got into a diffi culty and one stabbed the other. Their ages wore eight and ton years, and their names Clpo Dikes and Alice Hardin, f.lleo received tho wound. ■ctlBEC'l WISE US C.MI0UI fur W.A Nttvaa It is reported that W- E. Warren, Berrien County Sheriff's Sale FOB AtmttHT. OUoUliJA -Iiiumins Couxrv. Will aolil iKiforo iltc court Iioum rtooi it* \txe town of Xonln Ilk', «:tM Blaus un«l county, ta'twtxm tin* loitnl Iioutb of *:ile on the llr«t Tucailay In Anunjt next, the following iftojusrtv Uvwlt: Fifty acicR. molt! t»r Ub», uV lot of laotl No. 217, In tho 10th (liAirii't of m-itil coutily, lummlotl on fhn north J»y hunt of R- Taylor, on tho ca*t by Iniitl of \V. w. Titniuoiih, on iltu boiuli liy lanti of iHiiao IJoytl, iunl on tin* wohl by !;tml of J. M. Warron. IsOvitulon hb tho piujutrly t»f Artlen Hoytl hy virtno of ;t IV In, Isuuetlirom tho.lutilico court. U4‘)tli tliitriot, O, M-, of bn id county, in favor of F. W. uaablun, xilmlnlHirnior of w. NY. <Lv*kIni!i. lB.'yy ntsulo autl returned to mo hy M. NY. l.. O. hi votiHCMlon uotl- fltjtl in writing;, UiIb June l«th, lk r 2. Al«'*, tUtho ittiiio timo ami plnee, till that lot or jmrcol of In ml N<»lil ami comoyotl u> W. Vick- orif hy Mary Klnartl ami boM hy Rlbm autl Wiley to Jodojth Jl/aillor, containing Vfio foot from on tho IJ. H. vV K. i«.K. on the went ami nnminj: went 200 fimt, cmniucuolni; 2 hhu ka Ami tlfty f';«t Minitli of tho lot on which tho (J. ft. A l f tl»t|K>i in a I untied tom totminjt '.*iHN feet uc.*t, tlu*n Month 2o0 feel to tho atnvtlna |>o|ut j nlBvonuof tho atljoiinui; loin of the above dcmirUx'd bind on tin/ west, ,'RW 'Get Miuarc, uli*o i low,lift) feet by 109 feet, thivc l»lorw« tif tho Bald ini ujioii which the aaltl (!. rt. A P, depot Ik Biuinlcd, one of ftalil h>tH la«l nsuned adjolnlni? the ilj;ht of way of <$«{<{ milvoud autl the other <»f hhId lot, hot ImliiK on the ejwt bIjIo cf nuhl raid rail* road; all In tho counf.y of lterrlcn, In aahl State, and Known aa :t pmt of lot No. HM, in the Vlh dlntrlctof »»id county• and lHsinp; tomo fully do Nci lls'd oh heJnjf in thy town of la'no.v, lift, J,ov U*il on UH Urn pr«n tirty t»f .l.m'pli liradlor hy v|i tuer of a mortal’Ro ft. la. iNBued from lk<riiim «ii perlor court in favor of Inylm liron, Ibw v m.vlt and rmnrncd to mo hy J. It. McCvroih', in pnty Hhcrlil, ihlB Jum? 2i»th, l-.c. li.YNIKL W. tWOS, Sheriff It. l J. M. WILKES, He Bide rit Jlontist Iinox, OBOBUtA. Ukvic.k—lloom 4, up buini, Faulk brick hmhitr.u. Can Ik* found in hlH otlleo from the IbI to 1M.U «*f each month, the rwdduo of time vrlll Im devoted to country imtionti -tit their hompn II dezirv'd. ii‘>tf bi D15NT1STS, COUDKUt, UKOROIA* OrriCB—ltonk JUdldliiR, Room No. I, up vuin*. DR. J. C GOODMAN ‘ Physician anti Surgeon, TIPTON OHoHOU. nrni’R-Hi'tiiii In hu* Ttftou INruit Bt«*re. t,j/" llu-.iAtiijf the ptatdir for it* pRMt liberal pHtronK^c and toHtvit a eontinuation of thCMimo. ^'q’~q laney Physician uiid Surgeon MUUL'nUIi, • rlKOBOU. OtferH hln Hcrvitve to tho pcopla of ('oh)uttt and adjacent *N*itntlcn. iyumiUi in tuiw drug atow. FULWOOD fit ALEXANDER. LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, rivToN, • oBonuia. Prompt attention glvtut hi all Ivaal buxlnen*. tf>/‘ <jJ Ti«)K-lAi\o ilidhllnjp, Room No. 1. A WILKE ^ Attorney - at-1, a w Ali|U„ • UBOBWIU. Will practb-Mi in till thi'iounll"*oflh«Hfnuhcrn Juiih i.d i'ireult of liynrulft. dpeelal atteuthm jlh'H’lnl to- all loniir.ltpM of tins proleusien and •pt ieral IiUkImcbj* Holii'ltcd. Y*ly PylctY Mnnh. Jkitaien .. Waynoivlllo.. Atklioton... . Lulaton ...... Nahuntn...... llidKiken ftchlnttervillo Ar WttycitM* Lv Wayc row W»iwloro. .MIUmikmI ,, MvDouahl,. Pcaraon Kirklatnl WtttonU l¥ Wliu Foal... Uray’* WlUaoooehee. Ahvpana lutlpfox llrooMlehi Ar Tlfton I* Tlfton pTy hummr Potilau )paladin ... Willingham Darla,. Ar Albany ‘TH«i Stitt KlClUfU) UOBB8. A W. TUCKKU. HOBBS & TUCKER, -! B A. jST Tv K 11 8 , (- *13 Ob am US tthm 413 M mu fit’ 41 am f!2 -W am IW 67 am , fl Wnwl 3 laptu I 30 out* in W ani ... - ** "* "f Atop oti signal. * • I>wil t v^exnui»t Rtu'.d»y. ‘TohnccTa it Albany' with‘Central niWroail'ol thxnrla, ('oltimhuN Kouthcrn mi’wny,wnl ttavau? naft, Morjda and Weatern railway. t'onnncts at Wayeroea with Hav ansL^., Florid^ ami Wcatern railway. Jaekrniivlllo amt Ht. Ix>ut* Pullman jaUmp alceplnr car upon iraimi Xt«.'S ami I. V. J). Own**, J. A. MrUumr. Traille Manager. U. P. A. • F. W. Akoikr, OIOO. W- IIAINKR, A. U P. A Ueu'irtupt. \ m | It AI LKOAI). SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE Schedule In Effect July 3, 1832. "HuTST ALBANY, G EOliG l As DepoBitory of Hotighorty, Worth, I,<?o uml J' ClountioB, and tho City of Albany. Uuy nuil noil KAolinnift'.; glvo {iiompt uitonlion to rollectfotiH, ami rt'inlt for *nin« on day of pay mO»it ul current ruU»R; rcculva dopoRlu Holtjccl to titffhi cliccki, mu I lenit money on approved llrno papers. ('ouoHpondrnce Rollrtii'd. R iiin. * aoiTG aoirm No. 1, t WwV India' Vast Mail.» Utlvo. Mueon " Cordole ll-dv> a. 111. 3:16 J*. III. •• mon .1:47 “ Arrive .Hnmswii’k •• \ ivUhvHtu •* JtMjH'r B:4M •• " White Rprluif. .. 7:2H •• •• UkufUy. . R .rt<) - •• Hitminon l* 37 •' •' Fahvtku 10 *fi» “ rn j. r i when our brother »*)•*, ‘I wn* wrong;!of FowcrsviHc, sr.l.i the pouches lot me try again,’ let to not chill his i 011 seven acres of trees fur tii.460, frank impulses, Let us i«i<l our share, the buyer taking all risks sad ex- to the beauty of his apology hy a pense ot gathering. A sale of the REFRIGERATORS AND ALSO STOVES, From tlm fJtrapfKl 10 Unrk** IlrlPiant, eoneodml to he. llui best In Urn w<nhl. they filRi'ilUUily Iwvm no ctjnil lu the world. Manufactnn b *11 Ulnda of — Tinware, Stove Pipe, Gutters, Ktc. [XT’ Hlioclttl price* mndn to UotrU ami hoaid* luff hntiH'H WiHv nr call on n* when in nF*,d *«f anytbini; In otir line» we {cnaraatro t« save you money. ,J. T. IMIYJI * 14 104 I'attemon nuc*»t, Valih^ta, i»a. BOYD & BBO. HEAD40ABTLES PCX Crockery, China ain) Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Beserlptioa, Tin ware, i f blldtvwavo, Woodwnro. ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. No, l Iravt’H Mmcuii after arrival of imMiming , iiK'i.iiiiK tniiiiM on i'Udnti. Nntithwi Hiam, C»c «>r- ttU, KantTmutw^w. VliVtlnla aud UiHWjjfl and (‘on .Vorthorn, ami Macon and Kabmttm -* ■ mi) it wi«Ih. So. S h:ivvch Macon after nrrtvut «f iuotuidag ttlU'riK’on iniiii.* on lint Ctnitial, hrmthwcHtviin. Mm«’>n and Northern ami iicoifia »atJn»*.dM, ami cnmiccfaat Tifloh with Kicnawlck and Wertem for ilrviwwlckatid tfovikaonvillv vki Krunwatck and lYc,s(<im .-.'id ah.FiorRIaand \V**tern t atPalnUa for Ht. AM|';odim< and all poim* iu Kar’. nml Mouth Plortdu, mat wild the Ht. Johan and oDuwuIm river htc..uurd. O0IXU NOHIII. No. 5, West India hatt Mall.- N»». 4, Lxpieaa *. Man. t/*uro 1‘aUtku I'W a. iu. 4HA p. in. •• llamtiuu) ti :24 “ U:30 -« '• I.hIm CViv V.Fl “ 7:Nl •* White Hj rlnfc h ;m) •• idSi *» “ Jnaper * AO *• t) 8k) “ •• VtldoJU - .... k :M» «* 10:18 “ 11 it •» 12:10 a. TO- • dackr-oitvilhj. K:1A u. tn •* ilnnmvvick 7M a. in. •• (\irUdo 1 :iki |*. in. 1 “ Arrive Maron lilt “ 4:30 »k trusting, hearty God-spee<l.” ■ttr BucK-oaiuoni vtottvrr* CoitoUpapon. A popular author says: “I have no propensity to envy any one, least of oil the rich and grail;, .lent, ii I were disposed to tifis ieajiMsn, the sulqve.t of my c-nvy would 1)' a healthy young man,, in full p.v.w,«uon of EU f.i-rengtb and foeultie.', in the morning to work for hi* cti'iWmi, or bringing then 4 ■' ' (sMoher, on 500 trees for 3500 is also reported. This is the time of year when eve rybody goes off on n health and pleasure trip and ntfejnu soon after tired anti worn out, nud, snore JuttJCy flfiprrsst'd with the fact tint “thort (a no plaee.iikc homo” for ahvilnu rest asfd comfort. HsunswicW. is to have a diit-ct line, of »**amer»,to Liverpootand Bromen, New Firm, New Store, New Goods. J. W. PAULK & CO„ .TJIUJGOI8TS. Complete Stock of Fresh Bruges* CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Toilet Articles, a ' Perfiunery, Culoghhn, Extracts, I’oinailes, Hair Oils, Toihii Creams and Powders.' Brushes, full fine of Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Shoe Brushes cud ('iotiifi* Brushes, These goods aro of the lo-iy licst quality and Jt'e. to he sold m cheap as country dirt Fine Btook of Limp Goods, Elegant Assortment of Combs, ^ Fresh Garden Seeds in Season. We havo j,lit rif.-cived one of TuftV magnlaeont ArothvSoda I'liuntains, :,:;d ora dl :p, nri'Jg deltcions > nU water. Oiliy the purest fruit setups used. Dr. N. l’eterson is in charge of our piescripthm diquulJiijont. ‘afe *■ - s.'rrf 'Tr waEmi'Am No. 2 Iravcfl Palatka nftor arrival fa.<t Wwt In dia limit frnuv Taiiit'a mid ooanrrt* at Mnti'U with nil rudgnimr all^nmoiv tralrm in Cotvbrak K»*»itlnvut(*ri', M:»o*n und Ji'irtherti, Un>r|cU, l*;v**t T..miii»*a vh'. Virginia *nd Uw'iata railnwvl*. No. 4 lavix P.ilutka alter anlvnl **t tialna frouv R*». Ai*r:u«ti »r and potntd in Knot and Hnnth Florid v *-i»| couiMst* at Tlfton tvlth i:nu.nw<rk Wotflertt fn*u» Urutmwlek, Ga., atvd J-vrkMMi- Villr, Fla < loi»a i onM*v'»iott at Mai-oti for Xu*h~ villi*, La’.lsYllle.i'im init.vtl, Kvai.avi’-to, Sr. L»u- U and Chb’Of'.o. Wi n t lit.** t>» World** Fair via (ieorrfft Raiilhrrn and Fhtfida, IX-nlruJ, IVwk’ra . and AtUMic, Naihvlllc, C.1mttn\ noga and 8t, |,imD and I outtviHo avid Na-Uvllte, amt Macon with allnai^oing morning train* on vli« Central railroad. All trains arrive and rt**i*art ln*m union ilojota nt Ma^m ami FalatVa. Klejpmt >ilc€]dng vara will l« run ou train* No. 3 und No. 4. For further Information apply to amenta at Juiu tinuj otnirfor to . ■ U. It. KKlKFKK. Tirkrl Agvnt, (•alatka, Fla. U. IIDUNR*Trav. l*a<a. Av^. Macon. JAM. MKNVIKS, (Ten. Jacksonville, Fla. A.C. KNAFF,Truffle Mnagvr. ningUMilrt Schodulo ii\ Effect July 3,189fc , UcavT ikisrui MiV) k. in. 12 tW M.)«. 12:4'» “ •* 1 CO “ “ 143“ “ 2 * 4 « ii":: . %•&'* » 0:U* “ ** 6:4<» ‘ ft.n Station*. r—>iMxa....Ar> 1 .. .\.Sofk*NF. - . tv. Uw»W» •• 1 otp*U«f..v. M .,. Culhwieu .. Yate»villf,.,..“ ‘. .Thonvaatoa*. * TtdtmrriK HfIC* “ 1 ...Woodbury, *. **. * .;.Monnt\i)V3....‘ l * Af. -tn Keauinir p. a>, U CM J. tUu WH* “ “ Y-tft/a Wffft u 1 - .Yu-V/q ** ; 9t 8:13“ . Ti» M .: . row ii *<■< . ti-3S> “v v 3A1 “ \ t»n “ < *w * -»s>a CumMsrtloa in Colon HM, Macoy.flit-a * (iftiralvf HouUH'rn hmi WofidA raUrtmd foe doutv t-aj.c < ity, FolstVa. Ht. Auguadr^ am* point* In FovriiU; tY.itral rad rood MitledwvUlo und Intmvhpi: tt-ad for AmvncuA Ashtwvy and lAifauln and Northern railroad for Mad!«*u> Ail l,uh. ar.'t pntvta l»c;,i.ud: Gv'»rjr« raw