The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 29, 1892, Image 2

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Thoilm« Is I «V"I>' Vrlil«vroc . tterrti-n ('-re'Cy-Tr'/nd*- >U* I UlTirum, IV *1111.11, IHHJiril 'I.... ■ .-l** il** I to tire MS <il tlu! gri]»lnj|jm of Jftinooriitlc circles lif : Rerr!e»A*uiUy; : ' fi IT.-.. Hr »• the people are 4II I may looking after ‘lie future iiecoMitlcH of life; I)um- tiw ni%mTK h »u/o tor ytnktj M Whitt for »if iiKintlH* aiul Client* for Jirco muiitlM, Payable in mlwtfiCf. Tlio ii<lvr/tl*)i)ir ratf* of tf)« Oajhttk nre roic ■Oflftbltf and will be jruinlfhijcJ upplltintJon. bill* itro dm* uft*r flr*». Iimrtloimmi will lx* iireiMinmd ^luoi tlgi nmooy Ih urndcd. Corr(Mtiou<Vrt^ front luriRliIximiir town* I* ***- liidicd and cQtgityiinicatfoiift on timely topic* S loped and (rfiinniiinicatloiw on timely topic* *r« .Iway* weleoibe.' Alwayu wrltf) on 01m aide of Im jwijHfr. and ilotyt forget u» imclinw your name UHannvid^nooof pmidfnlMi. • • Kntflred at tlu» pimtofllcp, at Til ton, (iporftln, a* /nail nuiUcr of tliu hijcoiiiI clan*. plllcial Organ of Borden Monty, I».~P. Al7liHN,' KdRorT 7 NcVVH llllU VICWH, It id iiulli/iritutivcly stated that South Dajrplimt Imo no Uilnl party nor any prourajDl* of one. pot). OliftK. fj. M <m wiljbpro" tnriiciltp pongrflHH from the fourth ( distribt. ijn lias already aoonrnil a mifllOioqt mimlM'r /if yqlcij to insure hia noiiiinat.joii. Tho (Imiiooratlp forces of the W'c- pnti congressional dislriot arc “In the Buddie," ami it la hoped they will make no inisluke In sclenting a can- didale to rejiresctit them in the ilfly- flnrd flongreM. No volor should be i)llo;vod In par ticipate! in tbc primary to morrow lmliKM he fit liy endorses I lie platfnrm pf tho national deinocmllo parly ro pcntly adnpled liy tho national demo pratio cpnvontlon at Chicago, and no ptli/ir, l|on. (luylo Mnl/endon, of Thom anvilIc, Hlionld keep hii) mouth aliut. when lie Ima nothing to any. Ilia Atlanta Ciinalilntion interview shown an iiniiaiial precocity,- -a lemlmioy In alioot off before the loading procoss jH completed, Home one asked up the other day if Wo ever saw a good former Whft was a poor miiji, apd we huyo been |opk!ng and thinking oyer slime, ami eaimot yet pul our IipmlH on mitt, Vfu jfpit dor )f thorn js not a moral in this Hoiiiowlviru.—Albuny News. Do/iiooruts, whiip you go tq the primary te-nmri'ow remqliibflr that 0. B. HI ovens, aonprding to. Berrien County Politics. Everything is quiet agd iwrc;i the linnsc journal, opposed out] voted against Urn taring of railroads'!)) the pquntioH through whiolj they jtiuis: as aian ugi)inst tho not organizing tho railroad conjnilssiolt’. It is tlie (pjymn duty of every deimiorat in Hurricu comity to go to the prltnat'lpi next Haturduy and vole for lion. Hen )'!. Huasell or Homo other good outspoken demo iirat aa tho party nominee for mm gi'caa. it, too, llml iimliaput ml democrats are ri(y>sim aa delegate and sent to the convention until atructod Berrien county is solidly demo pratio. Haven ilcmocrntlc dubs, in •overt of (lie strongest prcclnola in the oounty, represent near 1,500 pledged democratic voters. Ami there lire six other proniuoU (0 hear from, which will probably raise the figures jo >,(HIU. hVllnw-demoonits, of Bur- yieti ppulily, keep the hall rolling for a thorough organisation. If you willit to vole against, having pur plpptions sllpervisetl by federal bayonets you must vote for democra cy; tho republican jinrty deplores for snob a measure in its platform ami thii pcoplc’ij parly says there is do danger from litis source mill is silent, on tlie subject ill its platform; the demoonuio party declares emphatic ally against it in its ptatfoim, Vurily, verily, l say 1111I0 you, that these urp the days of the turncoat, ylic poljlipal spmersanlters ami ct'UW- ilsli, when the right .baud kimweth pot wliat the left hand Booth; and ylnh’t want to know. But 11 (lay of reckoning is coming, when the whoop of tho crank Is hoard mi more In (lie hind, and sound reason and true principle will resume her say.—Snip- then in Bmmicr laical. A third party infant 1ms Ihmii horn in Bropko county. Snead, of Berrien, and Hagan, of lawmlea poimties, were kt the ‘‘honiin,’’ and noted as wet nurses. They tried to envclup Hum Orillln, tho Hopuhlipnn, into assisting to wrap Hie "new born’’ about with swaddling clotliee, hut . Samuel was wise 1 Hum they suspeet- hiI uml their Joys in this direction wore turned to grief. ocrats arc too busily engaged ut their respective vocations to give much at tention to political matters. However, the Ga/.ettk does not wist: to convey the imjirossion that the people ure not vitally interested, for the contrary is true. People nre taking an interest in politics this year who have novor done so before, and n sentiment prevails among them that tlie democratic party slionid put forward their very best material to fill tho various ofllcns; tiiey are pur- icularly emphatio in tho mutter of county ofltoes. 'J!ltc editor of tho (Ja/.kitk lias heard Hie, question of nominaling county officers discussed pro rl run, liy sdlis tun tipi citizens from every section of the county, and tlie majority seem to favor nom inations at tills particular time, not withstanding it is contrary to the established rule in the county. They say the conditions arc not what they were in the good old days Hint have past, When everybody would 1111 for office who wished and yield- d only when the last ballot was counted. In tlie past the )so[dc wore nil united in one political fam ily) they know lint one political song, and that was set to a democratic tune; they voted without hesitation or reservation for tho democratic nominees in sli/tc and national poli tics and for their respective neigh bors and friends engaged in a friend ly scnili race for the various comity offices. Tlicyj say it was all well enough then for tlie “hoys'’ to engage in Hip biennial friendly tills; but, iyiw, "afljnlier Itiohurd is in the field,” Third partyism is Htulking abroad, infusing foreign Idood in the domo- (lrfttlo political body; the prophets of tills new political haul is scattering industriously the seeds of discord and discontent, I'oqtiiHng new polit ical taqtiiis to counteract, the baleful jnlBiencie of their teachings.- They believe the democrats of' the county slionid nominate and unite upon one good man for each nottitty offiuC at liinst for tills cno time. It may lie triio'tlmt, Hie third party contingent in the county Old not put Ollt a full ticket nr 11 single nom illpq at the Beaverdam meeting, still there Call In; no disguising tlie fact that their mjly hope of success -Is to Oonuuntrnto their strength upon one ticket ami cajole the democrats into division in 11 scrub race. This dom ooi'uls slionid not permit. If the (Iahkttk dosired to foster ils Hellish interest tho editor would urge a “sortth race," but we are will iug to sael'illoe pnisoiml intoicsts for tins once, to tlie future welfaVe of the domooralie party in Beiric; county. ■* fMiMHiv «n<1 nil XftfVi (Ut* ‘ *iainl Kfefil . .taaa-i c’MfP hr fit- (utvlnte Hr wvrirtt Vft jh»wurn in iKoHRiitHlH #»f i'a**, lift* foU It hi* iifcjr to make It known to hi* mmnrinu fellow a. ctnati*«l hy thi* Hiotlvn ami a ileRln* to rcll«*vo iiiuiHn *uln*rlnif,l will w*ml fn-B nr <;lmrni*,tu all ylw dexlri* It, thl* rahllM, In tlnnnan, Krcneh or IUh, with full illrectlon* for preparing and 1 it. tvoit hy mall hy adilreMnIng with Htnmp, naming thi* f»aj*ir W. A, Nov kb, m l*ower»’ JAMES Z. ELLIOTT, Owing to the dullness of the trade and appreciating the fact,that Low Prices is the remedy—the great incentive that gives to trade a wishing im petus, has determined to inaugurate n cut in prices that will convince the trade that lie is determined not to he undersold, lie has a largo and dong pinto stock of general merchandise; ho can mid will save yon money. Don’t fail to call 011 him before making your purchases. Very Respectfully, Sparks,(ia., Juno 17,180‘2. .TAMICH Z.'KLUOTT. Ipp - , It ts'li until tu medicine tliul the miiiilh lk>u .pi^fond* (ho cure Is the Ay I It’s I mile Karlv Itlsers Kie Ppills, will perform ait d,T. (loiidiiuin. pliim-rs, soM jilanrog mill. IismumI at A,la In U-ril-i) am tlie im,|sirt» ut C. V. ylrttw of » morti-UKS U. in. ImmO'I fn rlor «mrt In furor of J. s. Hollolteia’* Sons Crohi.-rty i-ilnu-tl out In -;il(! a. fa. Iternndant noinliol In wrlllnir, tills.Imre #1.1««. IJAMr.l. W. TISDX.slii-rlfr II,F, Dull Times Make Low Prices! Highest cash pvieqs pricey paid for cl;ickcns and qggs, and farm products gtmerajly. Giyo us a coil tvlrnii you dome fo Tiftoh’witlt anj’lhliig'to sell. f STRIVE TO PLEASE AU Of OUR CUSTOMERS. * WILKES’ * GREAT * IRISH«SPECIFIC, * Cure Cures Cancers, Catarrh and'all other Blood Diseases. Guaranteed. H. A. M’DONOUGH, QeJnevoJ A gent for IPloricln and Crciorgiu,. PATTERSON, GKORGIA. For Sale in Tilton by I>r. .T. C. Goodman, e-tim. M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL : : MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation To tlie People of the Town (tod the Surround loir Country to 1* Him n Visit at His New mid ICIeguiit Store. MIh Speoinlt.ios will bo - There Is no Houae iri Town having such a Complete Assortment ahd Carefully Selected Stock of Goods, /ch <?fli Uo cwrdf'R iio/irly everything wh/ch ennuptma a peuentf utoek of Dry OqoiIh, Notion*, ftqitry Orodwrluii, «u<, ill* ntwk I* all frtmh ami a.vlHlt to hi* atimi will ho mutitiiily J;uUvflvl4i to‘ ihit uhnacrniiilroIIit, . ' ,*•' l< Homl to him for any anti nycrytlilnK yon Hoed. IVTi toll ell "W". Grasfcus, TIFTON,dEGRGIA. ISAAC S. I30WE1S T , staple GROCER fasgr i ur.iip v ritiisir ano hhlkctki) stock ok Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes ami Kvniiv'riiiNfi rncAi.i.v kucnd in a rinsTCLAiw RTOitH. t’rouruin Of Midi Baptist Sumlay-Sohool As social ion to lie lu.dd with Zion Hope clinrcli, Irwin county, July sill, dll ami Ml, IR’dii. raiiuY. 1 (win. ffif—Introdaotory sermon liy J!qv. H. d. Hauls, alternate Elder W. Pipkins. t:M0 p. m. Address of welcome hy S. M, Self. Response hy II. T. Dowling. Short, talks from delegates till mljminiment. n.u'uaiuv. Ditto a. til.— 1 nvocation service liy Kltjer d. A. Cox. Gqnoral discussion on rejiorls of delegates received on Friday to lie Introduced by (I. W. Guest. HttO pi, in. -Hiiggestions with re gard to ® improvement of our pres ent System to lie introduced by Elder \V. I' 1 . Cox. Miscellaneous blisincds. It will lie seen (hat nil tlie above is so closely e.onncotcd that one dis- mission will he entirely dependent on another, hence the necessity for » full delegation on Friday. Wo urge that tlie attendance bo full, an Hint the meeting will he fraught jvith pleasure and pi-ollt. Zion Hope also contemplates tlie beginning of lwr protracted meeting at this time. J.T), C.vuiors, . W. W. Wmm,. II. T. Oinvi.tNC. ' Committee. I Pay tlio Hiyhast Casii Price for Country Produce. and win. must: von with Mrs. writes: recommend lie Will’s, ititrxitpntlittv. a mire for import! Wood and neorrnl .leidil- iv.” ,1.0. ilm-.loino I,. U. I’allon, Ihwkfortl, tit,, "Erom porsonnl experience-1 etn ('IK I l)i' Wltl'a GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC B, BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Til It Huanuitced System of Sclentillc Life and Accident Insurance At the Most Reasonable Hates. .1. W. HANNON, State Agent, I’m'Its’ Hull.;itI,g, TIPTON, OA. tisrt,Hji(-cial ami l.ocul Agents wanted in every County in tlio State. Good Referents# U.'tjnlrod. I refer liv |wrml«(on to (he q.llpwlnfr |.urtle» eim »re timnnn Ure in.u« wtmhave Ireen .»|il for iraa w.jiipfiVoiyA.a. MidVft. vV. m.b«ii»w.j.T.Onir Rf.chUmt* Cy the rmiuni'ctlcut IntjcmniLi TATiu, t. Mnwly llninur Murray, .1. J>, IVtiMAll. tintin Kt*r full o«U nn «»c uthlrvM Job THJ5 -. w. M. N*u.n*. J. t. smith, A&hbum; W. K. JchbHnn, SVItUbuham.Ua. ,U>V. HANNt»S, TirtbStt, \J*. alziTTE i ir^t'TriitrrSfflOHHnT . . ——-r . FARMERS' SUPPLIES A ~ - u t -Z:" SPECIALTY, Country Produce Bought Sold, Thafiklng tlio public for a gqporouS patropago ip the past, wo earnestly solicit a iiojitiimatico of tho tugfl ip.the future, 1-tf. 35, V, BOWEN BBO„ Npnr tlie B. & W. Depot, TIPTON. QAy - TIFTON DRUG STORE Kiif.i'rt a Fcr.r. S(/m,r of— iiiBfe TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fii>e PprfiIB> or yi SflhpqJ Boojcs and fStat X_,arpps pf Every Deseripl PAINTS, ¥ Q1L§ '¥ AND * YARNIS SHOES AND HATS. I carry a frill lino of I^)ry : (lootlH, and : am Helling AVJdter Goo«1h arva-y Helow Post to i jhtike room for a splendid Summer Stoqk. / I Give Ic Kir Patronage @J I Will' to Km . «y FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTpf Is fully stoolced with the best goods. Tirmft o.\„ August a?, mot. II. IT. TIFT. M'. A- SEXTO 1ST, Fire Insurance Agent; 1 TIFTON, GEORGIA, Represents the following old, ru|iah)c and popular lire insurance companies ai»() solicits tbc patronage of tlis insuring public: , . Insurance Company #f North America, “Greenwich,'* Total Assets, $1,656,035,43, “Hartford.’’ Totnl assets, $6,576,610.13. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tlie “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “•Etna” and “Orient,” Founded in 1792. Founded In 1831, Founded in 1810, Printing- Office. New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I Ain pli'iiM tl to iuiuounoo to mv friend# and patrons in tho com of lierrum. Invtn, \V otrtii and Cohjiiitt chat 1 have just rreefyed a complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT And am prepared to eteeute at slmrt notiu- and in workmanlike manner all of enitmior eiiwses nf euitmievt'ia! and legnl. blank printing. f solicit your of-dvrs and goarantce to give entire satisfaction in prices and quality of work, ' Rcspectfolly B. T. ALLEN anViN, (Imamu, Real Estate and Renting Age*? lliw on his list of Iienl Estate some very desirahlo farm lands 'in iha ’ viriinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye 1 ((U It, and don’t let it gbt fno liigh priced before purclipsing. , ' r ' " | These lands nre within one uhu seven milss of .town. , ;,, 7 .!' ' If you huw. any Repl EsUtc—hauses or 1aftij--for Ml* or rent you wi^ receive proiupt atitl courteous service by placing them with me. 1 am, very respectfully, >-‘f- M. A. m JOHN C. HIND, Contractor and ,13uilcleri§! TILTTOISr, GKORGIA. AI.I, KI S’ JDS OF WOOmVOI SHOUT NOT1 J xty USjT* Wmvbjm