The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 05, 1892, Image 1

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, ; ; i2 w«j #-f- Sftxfir E>~ ? .i i * ■'. ■••• .!' v2^'^ r v>>,?“?r'.. , . ' -. Jmstittict** * -y { -j * *.* ~ Hi ^NBHBLaa ^ ■ ’ ; ‘ .'■. • . • -V.-.y.^.-'-'i >ti- V. V^,’.v',-,vV xkx $51.00 PER ANNUM, TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1892. VOL, 2-NO. 17. — . — i. Hi ■7 LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. PavruMU Paraip*|ili> Pit lead Up and Pan- ■lively Penned—All Pertaining to Parsons and Things. Fruit jars at Padriok Bro.’s. • Read the new legal advertisements in to-day’s paper. - Mr. J. M. Owens has an advertise ment in this issue. Read it. Miss Imognne Walker, of Perote, Ala., is visiting Miss Ida Phillips. Go to Dr. J. C. Goodman’s for •porting goods. It continues to rain in this baili wick, and is delaying very much the harvesting of fodder. Master Tom Ohcsuutt lms vacaetd bis position at Tift’s state and is now attending school at New River. Would you save money? Then visit Padriok Bros, and they will ex plain. Rev. P. H. Crum pier will All his regular appointments at the Tifton Methodist church next Sunday. The “Get Rid Sale’’ still continues at Padriok Bro.’s. Their next sale day is August 20th. The peach and apple crops are both nearly gone, but the pear orop is still with us by a good majority. Contractor-J. 0. Hind'has for sale a large supply of first-class lime, shingles and laths. Misses Vlorrieand Margaret Smith, two charming young ladies of Syca more, are ytsiting Dr. J. 0. Good man. Rev. E. Ogden has moved to the 0. 8. Hargrett residence, on the cor ner of Fourth street aud Ridge ave nue. Don't wait until I am gone and then say Youmans stole my watch; but come after‘it ui once. H. A. Youmans. A man camo from Cecil this week to buy fruit jars from Padriok Bros, Such is tlio drawing effect of adver tising. 'die Gazkttk has some of its third party friends on the kiol(._ They must have been hit whero it hurts. Truth will hurt. Tifton is furnishing information relative to tobacco culturo to the balhnce of the state, even the state experiment station. Capital or labor? Both capital ami labor combine harmoniously at Padriok Bro.’s. They labor hard to save other pcoplo’s capital. / The Gazkttk regrets to have to chronicle the death of one of th« twin children of Mr. and Mrs. W T. Hargrett. They have our sympa thy in their bereavement. We neglected last week to tender our thanks to Hon. J. 0. Gruydon f or a dozen as tine peaches as can lie grown in this section, and that is saying a great deal for them Go to Dr. J. C. Goodman’s for summer drinks—coca-cola, milk (hakes, lemonades and the best of soda watoi always on draught Misses Lizzie Fulwood, Mattie G|iflln and Lillian McMillan have all returned from their visit to Adel and White Springs, but this editor don’t know what bcoanie of the gal lantSam Paulk The Georgia Southern and Florida I«ssenger train, due here at 2:50 a. m.Tluirsday morning knocked a negro oil the track near the Tift farm. Ho was sitting on the end of a crosstie asleep. All watches or other repairs not 'oaRwl for by 3 o’clock Sstnrda; August 18. will positively be sol for bill of repairs. H. A. Youmaxs. A traveling man, with one of Ed isott’s phonographs, was it:'the city Id aud musical next Thursday night and everybody is invited to attend. Admission to the entertainment, 10 cents; ohiidreu, free. The Gazkttk makes its politest onrtsey and thanks Miss Lizzie Fulwood for a most delicious pine apple presented him last Tuesday. The apple was grown on her broth er’s farm noar Winter Haven, Fla. Dr. J. R. Folsom, of Oeoil, waB a visitor in Tifton this morning, lie is an enthnsiastio supporter of Webb for tho senate from the sixth dis trict, aud says uearly all his neigh bors have the same trend of mind. The judiciary of Tifton district has been quite busy for the past few days trying to straighten out the en tanglements into which some unfor tunates had failed. The county court will have to assist iu some of the cases. Prof. J. II. Ghesnutt, of Adol, is now in charge of the Wow/River lit entry school and we ana . satisfied he will have a good schoAtond will give eminout satisfaction to all concerned. The school was commenced Tuesday morning. The primury last Saturday was de void of iuterest in Tifton. The vo ters of the 1314th district, with but little exception, are of one mind, and if every voter in the district had cast their ballots it would not have al tored the result. Mr. J. II.-Knight, weregret to an nounce is quite ill, caused froqT a wound received in battle durithe late war. Every five or six wars be is troubled by this wound, just why we are unable to state. He wish him a speedy recovery from his present illness. Rev. J. I.. Underwood, of Camilla, will fill the pulpit at the Tifton Bap tist church, ou the second Sunday inst He is classed among the best preachers of the state, aud we are sure all who hear him will be plcuscd with his discourses. Allnre invited to go and henr lum. Circumstances which he could not avoid or control prevented the editor from attending the Sunday-school convention last Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Zion Hoi^j cbiiroh, not withstanding hia great anxiety to be in attendance. The election of offi cers for tho ensuing jyear resulted in the choice of J. 1). Calhoun, presi dent; H. W. Willis vice-president; II. T. Dowling secretary. Tho Gazette presents to its read ers jo-day two new political an nouncements—Mr, George W. Moore asks a re-election to the office of clerk of the superior court mid Mr. Daniel W. Tison asks a re-cleotion to the office of sheriff. \Both gentlemen are good men and have served the people faithfully during the past two years. They are both fully com latent to discharges tho duties of their respective offices. Hon. L. G. Rutland, sr., came to our office week before last with basket containing a half peck of tho finest pouches and apples that we have ever seen grown in this conn try, and what was hotter, he said they wero to be ours—a present We ate peaches and applet two or three days with rapturous delight Mr. Jutland says his experience in propogating these peaches hasdemonsttated to his satisfaction that they will retain their originality from the *“d. He says the peaches presented its were from trees several generation* removed from the pared! tree, which was planted ou his place by a former own er many years ago, but the fruit i* a true reproduction of that token from the original tree—in size, color and flavor, Mr. Rutland has two or three ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SCISSORS PRQCESS. Dutch of New* from Neighboring Counties Doamod of Special Interact to Gaiette Boeder*. The young men of Moultrie have rgunized a military company. Prof, II. A. Sniilie lias been elect- principal of Sumner High School.. A third party Pigfcptt was caught iu a democratic Webb at Douglas last Monday. Profs. Williams and Goddard tins just oloscd an interesting singing school at Ty Ty. The hogs of Sycamore and vicinity are dying rapidly with the cholera or some similar disease. Douglas has a cigar factory iu op eration. Prof. Overman is the pro prietor. Hope it will prove a success. Do you know that Plantation Chill Cure is sold undor a positive guaran tee? It costs 50c. pur bottle, but if it fails the money will be given back to you. Dr. J. 0. Goodman. We are pleased to leBrn from tho Banner that tho pretty little town of Moultrie continues to grow and pros per. After an absonce of about four months the Moultrie Banner has found its way agaiu to our exchange (able. A protracted, meeting has just closed with tho Sumner Baptist church, resulting in several acces sions to the membership of the Church. The death of Mrs. Wyatt Ponlan, of Potilan, Worth epunty is an nounced. She was a’ good woinau and hod many relative aud friends to mourn bur deinisc. Do not loti other merchants palm off other preparations ou you because they have not Plantation Chill Cure in stock. Apply to agent named below, who guarantees it. f ronds and ihty are ad ycsteiday, and last night he gave an lhwmnd sw . rtli ng trees of the above exhibition of hi* wonderful “talking machine” at tho Tifton Institute building. All persons having work left with * Ifl please call for same at once, * Dtiiitt to cloiownv jewel- dosoribed peaches for sale, and lie will give a guarantee to every purchaser that they will produce a very fine peach and a perfect reproduction of the original species. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Tho base ball mania bus struok the young men of Moultrie, and we fear some of them are going to get caught out on a foul. It will not be good to eat, however. The commissioners revenue for Colquitt vertising for bids for the building of u new brick jail. It will contain two iron and two steel cells. I sell more Plantation Chill Core than any otlior chill and fever medicine, and do yon knqw why? Because it never fails to cure. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Nearly every boy in town has a float and cart or a pair of goats Mud a wagon, lii onr opinion an ox or a hoe would be a more profitable thing for them.—Douglas Breeze. The democrats of tho eighth dis trict of Worth county have organ ized a club witli forty-six members. Deacon S. U. Parker look the lead and was ohosen president. I guarantee every bottle of Plan tation Chill Cure, ami will cheerful ly refund money in case of failnre. Dr. J. C. Goodman. A railroad meeting was held in Moultrie last Monday to talk up the interest of the Albuny and Boston railroad. The cit ! zcni are very anx ious for a raiiroad and we hope they will get one soon.* Ex-editor It. D. Smith, of the Adel News, has become a full fledged citizen of Sycamore. He has purchased a residence lot on Snnrisc Hill and is building a neat and com modious cottage thereon. Why pay other dealer* 75c. und $1 ftr a chill cure when you can get Plantation Chill Cure, a bettor one, for 50e. ? Dr. J. C. Goodman The death of Archie E. ’Smith, marshal of Sycamore, has cast a gloom over thit/comiminity. He possessed s chcesxul disposition and a true Christian character, and was always first in every good word aud work. ’ When you are tired of having chills get a SOe. bottle of Plantation ChiH Cure and atop them, itj.ll ....• vmtr An Ashburn negress was found guilty of selling whiskey ^ithout li- eense iu that. Christian town aud was fined and in defaulAdf payment to woik on the atreets/thirty days. A squad of six negro men went over from Sycamore to work her time out. It U a truth In medicine that the small- eel dose that performs tho cure ts the host. Dc Witt’s Little Early Kisers sro the smallest pills, will perform the cure and are the heat. J. C. Goodman. Capt W, C. Ashley met a violent death at his home at Irwinvillo last, week. Ou Wednesday while having bis dwolling prised, and while sittiug on or holding to one of the ]>o)es used in prizing the house, eomu of tho props slipped, upsetting the one Mr. Ashley was on. He was thrown several feet in the air, and when he came down bis head struck a block frittering the skuil. Ho liugored till Thursday when he died.—Douglas Breeze. ltuckUui’s Arnica Salve. The Best Sai.vr In the world for Cuts, Prulaos, doles, Ulcers, Hall Rheum, Fovor Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains: Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively euros Plies or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prlco 28 cents per box. For sale by Polorson ft Paulk. SOME STATISTICS. (jr*n<I Me Potlt Juror* for (he October Term, Uorrlen flaptirlor Court. Messrs, J. G. Gruydon, II. II. Knight, J. R. McCruuie, W. L. Kcn- uon, A. W. Patterson, G. W. Moore, aud M. J. McMillan, jury oonimission- cis, wero engaged tho first of tho week revising tho jury boxes of Berrien county. Mr. Grayd<m reached home from Nashville yesterday at noon and fur nishes us witli valuable information connected with tbo commissioners’ work together with tho lists of grand and petit jurors drawn to serve at the October term, 1892, of Borrien superior court. Thcro are 1697 voters in Berrien oouuty, whose names appear on the digest, and are distributed through the districts of the county as follows: Tifton, 103, Adel 138. Uiver Baud 78, Now River lOILUecil 89, Sparks 224, Lenox 79, BrWkflold 97, Alap- aha 166, Connell’s Mill 81, Ray’s Mill 107, Upper Tenth 126 and Nashville 203. Of course this does not show tho correct voting stiongth of the county, os there are several hundred whose mimes do not appear ou the digest because of over-nge. The census of 1890 gives Berrien county a voting population of 2,200. Six hundred names were taken from the digest fof jurors, and these were sub-divided into grand ami traverse jurors according to the law governing the revision of the jury boxes of the state, After completing their work of revision tbo commissioners drow the following to serve as grnud jurors at tho next superior court. TIFTON DIST, DEMOCRATS. m ROUSING MEETING OF THE LAST TUESDAY NIGHT. CLUB A. W. Patterson B. F Moore, or., J. W Hutton, K. D. Morris, .1. W. Gisklns, Marshall Green, K. P Bowen, F. M. Shaw, sr., Peeples, T. K. Williams, C. H. Goodman, L. F. Harper, H. E. Lindsey, D C. Clements, Tho following' traverse jurors: J. J. Nobles, Jan. T. (hit) ft, J. J. Stephens, B. B. Cblsum, L. 11. Love, A. 0. Mat this, B. J. Connell, Jr.. L. H. Crawford, I., W. E. Fouulln, Ji„ 4. T. Crosliy, D. J. Morrison, 3. 8. Ford, 3. B. Williams, 0. W. Fender. N. M. Whltchuist, W. It Edmondson, Needham Jo'uer, J. T. Wright, Josoph Holton, W. ltcniy Grinin, H. V. Rountree, D. 8. Robinson, Malcolm Gaskins, M. A. Hexton. John Webb, Charles Konlt, J. J. Paulk, H. II. Tift. James Hltrrls, .1 H. Lindsey, E. C. Parrish, drawn were as W. 1). Nesmith, J. K. Gray, W. 0. Wllkorson, J. W. Parrish, T, N. Tuoker, Leonard Koheits, B. V. Lovlu, 0 K. McPhaul, W. L. Griffin, A. V. Himpson, Archie Gaskins, Jr., .1. F. Pope. 4. KrParrish, J. E. Bryan, Jr., T. J. Sullivan', M. Weeks, J. 8. Hlruoun, R. M. Mina. A New Kind of Insurance. For S5 cents you cm Insure yonrsell aud family against any bad results from an attack uf bowel complaint during the the summer. One nr two dosesot Chant- berlaln's Colic. Cholera and Dtarrluia Remedy will cure any ordinary case- It never fails and la pleasant and cafe to take. No family can afford to lie with out it For sale al Wand 50 cents por by Tlftou Drug Htore and I* ‘ .tie. 1 Cecil. Patriotic llcuotutlon anti KnthUfUattr Ad* drcMM-Tho Club Contlntx* (be Work of Thorough Orsantiatlou, Kto, The Tifton District Democratic Club met pursuant to adjournment in Tifton Institute building, August 2d, at 8 p. m. In the absence of President Ful- wood the secretary, B. T. Allen, called the meeting to order. Rev. W. W. Webb was elected to preside over the meeting. The minutes of the previous meet ing were rcud and adopted. Report of Judge W, W. Ruther ford, chairman of the campaign committee, gave the ohcering news that 170 white voters had signed tho club’s roll of membership. lie said lie was confident that Tifton district would poll at the coming elections more than 200 democratic votes. The report wus received with enthu siastic cheers. Mr. B. T. Allen, chairman of tho oommittco on resolutions, read the following which wus adopted unani mously by a standing rote amid the wildest checriug: Whereas, The democratic party hat. since Its organisation, subscribed to and proclaimed thoao principle* that will evor remain tho only security for the continuance of free government: and. Whereas, It has guaranteed that per sonal rights shall bo preserved: that all cltlxena ahall liavo equal rights before tho law; that the reserved right,, of tho in supremacy of the fedora', govornmont within the flmlte of tho «on- stRullon, tho Iruo haala of our llhortlea, shall ho maintained and roopoeted; and Whoroaa tho democratic party pledges Itaolf to purify the national admlntstra- lion from corruption, to restore ccouomy In tho administration of the national gov- ornmunt, to reduco taxation to tho re (pilroiuenls of economical govornmont and glvo to tho people a sound, healthy currencyi therefore no It Resolved, That wo, tho domoerats of Tifton district, Borrien county, In con vention assembled reaffirm our devotion to the time-honored principles of tho 'rand party. Resolved, That wo endersc the prlncl plea of our party as set forth In Its plat- form, and we hall with pleasure the non. iunlhma of Grover Cleveland and A. E, Stevenson, believing as wu do that those names are the earliest of pure, shin and economical admlnlatratlou of our federal government. w B believe tho duly of the hour as well as patriotism calls upon all of our citizens to put on the full armor of democracy and go to tbo front to meet all enemies of our party and principles and thorn to fight for them until tho last enemy Is vanquished and tho principles of pure government firmly established. Resolved, That wo heartily endoran tbo administration of Gov. iV.J. North ern as pure, upright, economical srd hie. Resolved, That we will ever be found la the ranks of pure democracy fighting for Its principles, and that all of the nominees of the party shall have our loy al nupporl. A call was made for a report from the democratic convention at Nash ville on Monday. Hon. W. H. Love, ex-chairman of the Tifton district executive committee, esme torwurd nnd made a report. He said that the convention was most harmonious —a political lovo feast—and he was proud lie wus permitted to attend the meeting. In the re-orgnuizutiou of the comity executive committee lion. 51. A. Sexton wns selected as his euccossor, and lie was sure tho new committeeman would prove leader of whom the democrats of the district would fool proud when tho •moke of the campaign (hull have passed away. Hoti. M. A. Sexton was called for and be came forward; among otlior ■things, he said that while lie lmd uc copied the trust reposed iu him by his fellow-democrats he was afraid they had made a mistake. He pledged himself to do the very best he could, and begged tho earnest and active co-operation of every member of tho dull in the discharge of his multifarious duties. lie then closed by stating that tbo county executive committee bad selected the 20th of August as the day for holding the primary for tho nomination of • can didate for representative and slate senator, and Ini trusted every dwuo- orat iu tho district would do his full duty. Ou that day^the registrar would bo in Tifton for the purpose of registering voters and he hoped every democrat would see to "it that, hit mutto ay-peara ou the hook. . A. A,Her anJ W. W. ty, democratic dub, were recognized in the audience by, Mr. Sexton and on hia motion they were invited to address tho club. Both accepted and ntodc sterling democratic speeches, being frequently interrupted by rous ing cheers. The latter is young man in his teens, but his speech would have been creditable to one much older than he. Two colored citizens, Robert Cope land and Sum Saylor, wero culled on and they made short talks avowing their allegiance .to the democratic party iu the present campaign. Both inode intelligent and thoughtful talks. Saylor said lie wus a negro, not by choice but through the dis pensation of an Allwise God. lie couldn't help his birth and proposed to make tho very best of his condi tion; he proposed to know only a ne gro’s place and conduct himself as a negro gentleman. Ho had affiliated with the republican party ever since ho became of age, bnt be had learned it was not tho thing for a southern man, either white or black, to do. He had learned that the negro’s in terest wan identical with the south ern white man and ho proposed henceforward to assist the democrats of the south iu maintaining those in terests. lions, ff- K. Wooton, of Albany W. IV. Welib, of Iluliira, W. A. Allen und W. W. Ingram, of Sumner, wero elected to honorary memboship in tin- Tifton District Democratic Club. A resolution was unanimously adopted inviting Hon. W. K. Wooten to add reus the club at its next meet- Tuvsduy night, August ltith. A resolution wus aleo adopted iu* viting Hon. W. W. Webb, of Lowndes couuty, to address tho people of the Tifton (1314th) district ou Saturday afternoon, August 20th, at 4 o’clock. Judge Rutherford offered the fol lowing resolution which wus unani mously adopted: Resolved, That tho sincere thanks of tho olub are due to and are hereby tendered Messrs. Al len and Ingram for their timely and appropriate addressee. Also tho —j colored spenkera for tlioir entertain* moot of the meeting. B. T. Allen offered the, following resolution which was itnauimd)«ly adopted: Resolved by the members of the Tifton district democratic olub, Tl||t wc hereby pledge our* selves one und all, to follow the lead uf our district committeeman, IIon,j M. A. Sexton, aud support him in every measure looking to the inter est of the party—county, distriot, state oud uatioual. Tho club then adjourned to the next regular meeting. Kteetrlc Hitters, Tlds remedy Is tiecomlug so well known end so popular u to need no special men. tlou. /Ill who hava used Electric lilt* tore alng the aame song of pralae. A par, cr medicine does not exlal and It la guar anteed to do all that la claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all dlaeaaca of the liver and kldneya, will remove pimples, bolls, sott rheum and other affecuou* cauaed by Impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevont a» well as < all malarial fevera. For cure ot .'' nclio, constipation and indigestion trjt Electric llll ten.. Halisfactlon guaran teed or money refunded. Price 50c. and SI per bottlo at J. W. Paulk A Co.,* drug store. Attention Voters ortlio People’s Party, Borrien County- You aro hereby rospeotfally re quited to meet in mass meeting in the court house in Nashville, by .10 o’clock on August 27th next, for the purpose of electing delegate* to the congressional and senatorial wmt Cions, to nominate a candidate: legislative honors and to attend other matters of importance- T July 25th, 1882. N. E. TAWRKsgy, Uhn Uncounted Security ut the ! I mum Cost. The Fidelity Mutual, of phis; is nut the o'dcst, nor is it^ largest insurance comuony-’ world, but it is miqueation strongest. No company of" havo any knowledge, whether, f or domestic, can compare wit! resources ard enduring poa plans conform to well establia anraliCc principles, ami cu“ wojik points of both co-op old Hue systems of in ‘ '“ iron