The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 19, 1892, Image 4

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•it&lfi’fM&j, iria-l*-*. (>. gz v ■ - B: TICLE. FOR THE THOUGHTS ^OgtoBBESHiroans: Innir^itf^nmtr «# v*trrest 'r»*n*i.iH"» m^iligMiiii)i «ro iw-. •eieut (Jury* ii/MvimtUrt, 1'itlicrmwdc Association. AugustTaber* iftda'Aa'OeiUion wet St* Alopaha on ingest 2Dth and formally organised. Phe-followiiJj' i-omrniilee# wcw ap- ? ^prf>oihti}(£- via; - To solicit donations--B, B. dray, StTiieWooin; Joint M Lott, Douglas; r J. If; Baker, Atapaha; Y., H. Smith, "Sycamore;l)r, J.0 Goiylman, Tifton; 'A.jl; Parrialt, SjnrVs; W. I* K«*n- *A4ol; Jf. B. BeepmA, Nashville; "* lil. Do! email, Coal a; JoJ.n FohscI!, v* Kirkland. yV. Toaccipt propositions-—Thos. B Marshall, Wiliocoochcc; Jem 1 Bolt, ^TBroxUrn; JelT Kirkland, Beirson; :; flov. J, O. Wilkinson, Aispaba; 4. If. '; Qnmi, Enigma; J»>hti Lamb, Nash ville; M. '1'. Paulk, Kiseimui; B, Irby, Cyolonota; Huv. B. W. Hudcabi -♦Sparks, Tlw object of the association is permanently organize and butfil tabernacle on tbo most desirable loc tlqn, there* to carry on r. icrh-n Meetings every year; employ tho v<* ■■beet’ talent and otherwise to be vast importance in enlightening at christianizing the people throughout tbo Wirogra#* unction of G< All who are in tei'cstcd in tills grand teorfe, are very rnfpcctfnlly Invited io meet in the Methodist churrh in Ahpaha, at 1 o’clock on Tuesday, August 23 d, 1802. P. II., Chairman. -A. K. Kf.i,idfr, Secretary. Northern llorrlmi. .♦—Cuou, August 14 —Friday night At lU;f>U o'clock I took tho train for Brooklluld via Tifton. I was do for- tuimto as tu find the editor of that sterling newspaper, the Tiftov G.t- kkttk, on tho cars homeward bound. Being a Rood democrat, and not knowing tljero was a oat in thu ineal, ho was easily persuaded to go down to Brookfield aUo. ■ Ho early Satur day morning Wc boarded tlui Brims* Vick and Western IhiiukI onst. We . irtived at Brookfield about 7 a. tn. " vmulod onr way to tho store of /J* Mr. Olmryihwell, and after hearing U»e newa accepted a first-class break- - feast from Mrs, CbjirwhVell, Other -o - , ^i$own» eUlirt Tho bale and tbo r JrxfeliiiW tubacco hut Brookfield claims sweet pototdtw, tho coming . ^^pS’irdbk omp of south Georgia. The AlUl for thU town wtw choftm. yearn " ago And does not fully reprciont the country in which it van locatwb '- B'r'B*™' Knlgma west, thoro Is beyond •- '• don lit tlio best suction of Georgia, - hud when this naturally drained noun try shall be thickly dotted with ; Atuall farms, raWng corn, potatoes, ,''C^A.’-TlucV.toliaeijo and peanuts, with Irish - X-,T. potatiKW and sugar cane -\ erjr hU) shall bo a beautiful jnotnre " - • ■ with Its orchard*and neat cottages- - v* • ’when fine st<mk shall bo raised and '-wredl lor, whou tho school house and ‘church’ shall bo near by thin, will Dio 'rtd UU1 country‘cohcede tlio .lupori- orlty of . south Georgia. And that ;"*; v dayjsnot distant if tho people who -own; these green blltyvs of Wealth £»n> true to thcmsolvos. 'I’rwu^farius V ' ‘ ^ salvation of the people, Them was a meeting of the llniok £ .diitriel to organise 4 iJoinooiwt. To~ dub, aitd i mat' many friends of 'ZZ ‘‘I^tg.Hyhc* I do txillevo that aa I T '‘'Idm ‘. t>)b Lacy : Laatingv? And I know 1 paries '.' grows fntror, l also hnow ''that- ifspirmn Baker improves in -»*-a4v ■•: looks - and - weight ^ovory dmo I aoo %:z*L tlai^4he bappmoisTot"BeiTJasl-lfe criming pophlatibu depends roucb On on the toble, in tyevy;-|wtw to roigi;- nat Irwin.-* None arejtoo jioor or too wise to be without it. * A word to Col. Laslinger oiay lit future cause tbe dohvcry of itiy raaih lie damaged mi by not knowing 1 bad niorc than one nnrnc.; ' Hotrcrer; 1 am glad to bear from him any way. As a rule I find the honest think ing democrat* of Berrien for Webb for senator. They have a vivid ollscUoii of tho (irrupt methods by wbicb Col. I’fcpUtt was defeated years ago. .Bought vote uot highly cHtecmcil in Berrien. JS’o an Jays down a dollar he does not •poet to pick up with interest. -holIKMIAK. PuigmuKehocs. Khiom i, A ugust 1?;~- W e cent inne t« have weather in* this community, nan—rainy weather even! ladies and gentlemen aro gone from this place - to Brunawiok -day. Those of us loft at home, owing to the want of tin* nU*in>|i tsnt, hope tiiey may riuffcr a great deal of cujuym*ut and have a pleas ant limn generally. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Austin vinited Albany Uvt Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Gunn is attending th auigressional convention in Albany o-day. , Mrs. J. B, (4imn went up to Daw- ion last nigiit to seo her brother, i«fr. rf. K, Buszey, who is v>ry not expected to live but a vory shert Mrs. Mary Maloney returned to her home at Ilahira yesterday. Dr. J, It. Ilammond arid family lias bad a very pleasant vlait from his mother, Mrs. H. A. Hammond, and brother, Mr. H, K. IIamniond, of Ter- 'Uinlv, during the pustfow day*, left last night for Syeamoro, .ill return to their home about .ho last of tiiis week. Soverid gentlemen in this section 0 preparing to go into fish otilturo. vsi-re. M. T/Tlaslors, J. T. Austin d Zach Gray aro all arranging ■tids for the business. ♦*, It eoiitinues t<* rain hero every day <1 sometimes puts in a whole night (or good measure, The oldest inhab itants (isn't remember having seen ucii a “spell of weather.” it beat* nvthing »ini*e the tbu*l ami outstrips t as to the number of.days. 1 should have ganw. tn Brunswick in the excursion to-day, bin when 1 t(M»k stock last-night 1 fotmd *> one- coni copper pieces, an old rot li. fa., threo old .uuupaigu documents print ed in 185H ami an old worn out tick- et, which wax left over from the sup-; ply Oik hand when l voted for Cleve land the last time. H», .i* rstions was j scarce and lev old linen duster -lid not suit thu inclemency of the we, «r, 1 dut'idod not to go at present- 'A-Iiwoo.1 lt««. .. Wiicn tfu? Ott:ur. -'HI -m n* .ifiK.-SMlWtorjpwr^, tomovc, .U-'OM Im u-ipm 10 rtpc-B o! tho The protWAtAd rrtn#getJnjwrng the l*te eropw smne exUmt. Mr. Vfil’bm Tvoko ir;*Duffjrther pf a boby gir) who took^ap her abode lliere Sunday last. -SZZ I.-, - There are several in tbi« vicinity on Die sick hat. ; . Tho people of this yfcfnKjr met yesterday and cleaned up th© ebnrch yard at Flat Creek, thus lwautlfying the promises for their yearly meeting which convenes there on the "first Sunday in St-pfemlxsr and - Fiiday, and Saturday before. Mr. T{. D. Turner will wind up oat tbreahing for .Hits seasoti tlw coming week and will then be. ready for ginning his share of the .cotton crop one and a half miles from Flat Creek. • KMi,r SUf-fllcM, of Florida, preach es today at the church at Flat Creek and from there be goes to attend tho yearly meeting at Mt. Karan church five miles north of Alapaha. Watercourses in this vreinity booming and every one that ever getx swimming is in that fix Mr. Luke bar hud hard work to keep his milldam intact during tlic recent heavy Mr. H. II. Knight seems to U tlic clioice of the people in this county for their next rppmentativ tho legislature. Third party cit pted. W, Hirmr Gnu»Kty f meutttiYcay vHlK b^;he!d < -^Pha nsduinal cloewon for president MdixujograiimxM^HfS^u day, NQvcmlc-r $tli. ^ ^ ^ : 2rE0>.^cctida>fd^:3ounty . ofliccra jyiirttk# pUceM tiro \YcdneiP dhy ia JannAry, 189.2. ;. uvDnc* >---•- x«»nnff 11«ri«, or cniUlrcawbo want tsifjJ. - .. lmovvK-*! jluwi ,: mwwu. State Dbinocnvtlc TJntfmni. ' The comraUtec, on . resdiutions rc ported'the following: Tho democratic party of Georgia, in .-convention H-A«*ohibI^<l, • pledges anew its loyalty and devotion to the liiuv-houoictbpriuciplcs of domocru- ofM-promulgated, and. practiced by the fathers and cages of tho party. It iudorses; the platform adopted by the national democratic cunverj- tion of 1&D2 ami pledges its unile-l .arkl febthuajAsthj snppprt tr>‘ tlio elec- tion of its nominees—Grover Clove laud and A‘Hat K. Stevenson. It coinnicnds to the people of Geor gia the admiiiistr'atldn of Govenioi W. J. Northen and tho staU/ h-ut** ofilocra wdioRu most hoin st and eco uomicai management of the affaire of the rtato have comiuctoil so huge- lj* to tho progress' and prysporily of the people. ? . roit pjai'KPSTA, t fprl«tit»; i Goodman Uonsip. Goodjtav, August 16^—That rner may not Is* entirely forgotten I drop you a few linen. It rains inccKWintly and has dam aged fodder badly, And In some in stances have entirely rotted largo quantities.* Corn crops ape pretty good, but itou will lx) damaged. Sweet po tatoes twem to be doing wel Several oi our neighlior* aro feast- " thcnmelves on new R’Vt-et i.uftitck’ id one or two arc enjoying new con bread made from corn grown till year.. Thcro rooms to bo a heavy crop ot pine must this year. We are not much interested in pot- itio*. I guess wc will have ns good president a« any of your folks. Wo had rather see the river fall a little then to go to any {Kililical har angue. Wo want better i deeper and "broader r**lifrim ctions; pii>W that is not asliam- cd of itself; broader duuwipth t' truth; and less of political tomfoolery. Some of the boys walked upon a lrovc or envoy of wild tin keys, said /• be 22 in number, a few days since, •ionic of them want to know it this sn’t Septcmlsv. Beaches gone, apples golfing scarce md not many pears in this vicinity. Yours, A Weak Pltitlorin. What is th** anti-demooratio claim on which thu leaden? of-the third par ty movement propose lo ask.the’peo ple"-for their indorsement and porl7 Tho whito voters of Georgia are Asked to desert their own party organization.' ' ♦;* 1. Booansfi of Dio democratic par ty, not having control of tho govern- incnt, has failed to repeal tho repub lican legislation. • - -• 2. Because tho democratic ^urty, not having cvuitrol of dm evuatu and executive department, luCi been un able to repeal thb Mclvinloy law, ah though it distinctly pledged itself to » at the first opportunity.- Becauao a few eastern and iiortberii democrat# joined tiro rc- ptiblicAiis in defeating tho passage of tho treo cohiago bill in the house. 4. Because, the dortiocrat* of the Hum were eoinpelled to vote appro priations already provided for in latty passed by Tom Heed’s congress. Because the democratic majori ty in the ImW ware unable to jh*1 tin* republican s«*natn to tnkn up and ]kum tlu« taiiff 1411*: - which t to that lv.wly. , * i. Because the dvinocraU- fiavo shown that they Ate unablu to sign and put Into operation the law® which, they aro pledged to enact whenever'they have power,—Con- itumion. • ■ • • I). C.J^lcmcoUfB X J. Nobles;; •.■’"*■ Jus T. (irioiir, * , i. i. Bteplicns, i ; vunxd ■ prMsas 3. K-Ur»y,^_... W. I). WUk«r»oi», J.W.Panfsh. ,T. IL.Tucker, H R. Ctilsum, LTB J.QVC. , VA. —r-si . A. I). Malt].is, . - Ixiodard Itobert*, B. J: Connali, jr;,-- li.-P; Loritv L. it. Craw ford, 1). K. McPhaul,* •. 4.:n. Oriner,., A- . AV-X. iGrfmu. ^ VV. K. Fouatlft, jr., - A. y.ifiimpaoa, - - .- J.-T, Crosby, Arcblo (iwklaa, Jr.; D .7, Sforrfton, J. >\ Pope, J.B. Ford. . J. A. Parrish, ; J. B. Willi*ms, J, K. Brrsn, Jr., O.-W. Fender; - -• T. J. Snflivnnt, - . - N. M 'Wbltebutst,; Sf. AVeek*; " W. R. Edmondson, J. S. BJrmona,, ^' Neeilliaui Joiner, It. M. Mima. - jnMli,ugw(,Uldi : i» kali takennuik" rltfc the bow soliM^iU In U» Htat*. Is nnw caiw- fsk -<w> xanfip uatfuna- rtetv aitil cburnlw- or all ibinonil w.WftjfrtiiwyiMittwte^;> . Trertdwit nJiooi &tinitlon An Oydlmacc _ Bo it ordainwl by tbo City- Council-of Tifton, that from nnd afier -tHc- pa*»ag<- of thlx ordlftante, It- shall hd unlaw-fui for un purty <w. parties, to sell at retail within the Incorporate limit* of t lie citt of Tifton, any fresh imats—bcnf, pork, multob,'k!it or rea!—w1l,hout j’flrst hav ing obtained a license fur ilmt purp-*— and all part lea vloiating this orttiiu ehail, wpon conviction thereof, bo floeil ' be impridoned tipt Jays., or.wurk unou the public work* not longer than thirty liayx. * W • -••• ■ - • - Be itfutthor onjalhedilbrttt! nuthorl ly aforc-HuId, .Thst tba aiiooffie iiu lor ni fling fresh meats within tbo -city Undo* ' Timm shall be $9-’i ncr anniun. •*’* - - Be ItTurdiSr ordalhtd.byllio Auikpilty afotcMid, That ail ordinances and parts of oniinancra in conliiut with ibl« ordi nance arc herel^ repealed, -v- * F«r lonrwlf, fwqBBjr 8 ” 881 F«r Foar ffif*,.’ tirtwX There I* aopUwj tbat;ofl’»i|a; 1 bcUvf'o; k* to*.: +. •7 tine of jpxigs. Padriek Bros Th«7 are receiving a lina of f, nail Knmttnrtf'of Alt' > ■ ■■ ■■ b Hcdstcndrt^SppingkiMntti * Hales. Tables, Rurcmt Wash Standji, Kte*. -- . - Chalni for raikrt?' ./- .Chain* forMotf>«r,- ■> ^ V>,-- her — T v--, awl h«r aanUU* Uttle 1« . GoonvAJCLTcrkr. , 4.4.4891.-;^.^ ‘ E. r. Bowrh, Mayor pro t< . Apjirovcd. August 1, . Political Annouccwneats. itta. ^re.cla^iorina Tor 4b*t!ir It'f ci, •*, but w*caH‘l hack Awrn.> We »ranl room to •nr „ 1 my.wii a L-nmiMare ;or l UP mr.Cf «>» inlliiary «r ntrrli-n rjmnty mbject n> Uenv *ivt *’ r.imm*a*».m. If hct«l, amt ■MsnMtfuttj- ioiHpP tLsrssi(s!*Lm>tmm.'9m9-p . Hk.srv 0*ir*n*. Auguit 18.- Ilev. W. I. Batuefc and family, of Atlanta, arrival here Inst Sunday morning *nh will mkc this place their futgre jlmme. Tho {Msiple of Knignut lutcmMilui an«i.-l»iH famlty a hearty weioume. Ue pmudn'd at tho Bnpliut church here hut Sun day night- Mra. li, M. Hnatoru and children, who hnvc lawn* spondiug nomt- time her»t wIDt relatives, returned to thdf home In Albany ywlerday. Wo arc glad to loam that Cspt. S. R. Weibm, who liaa hoer, quite sick at h<* homo la Alhhuy, for etv<jnl d\vs, [n rapidly recovering. ! . . . . RBacr./p. STsm D»uch**Si’ thk’t’l 'wouliTiret I U vllbont »n EUctru-dw for owt.^ P*A» m?-t T ^re K V(^AhV*itk2?evi ohSls ly fimfly tor Ii%cr a year, anil toko i4ca-eire lit -*'—*- ,*•—-—* — Op*> r i. Merchant. «r««'iuy. ikul-lM'r t»» Out ilMnoerattr; >rl ami oaniMity rdionihe (umu.rt trt my-1 i-tiwn*.- tqi am ratrustwt wkb the Untie* <.Ukv : will .lt-^iwr,;n tbcnj faithfully as ‘Irmly accWUi^ to u.y Lva; nMU*y. -• XLXt-jr iinrrrit.. VoaTTVA/tBsa,-- I hrr.-hy cirrjtbca myretl ae^nUMatnfnrrln «to« ft tin i>!kre*»f UTujmrerM 0rrrlcn cmrnts, |nl»y*ot t.» •Inbeerello primary. RrmamUertr^- - Toa Biirxarr. . . It «Woa I will ‘tUumuo th« UnUoa uf th* allU\ to tho vti.y leu of oiy dUlt awl ability. it.mij»atniUjr,... Juux VT. JUiuta. Court ot Ih rri.'.i c.rt«at/,4nl)>ct tn drm.*rat»-- nf«!3 j..tkul.«-i,- ft the orenla* <Cr.- G-u n.iy 4timy. _ Q.vr. Moduu. Come, srv hmyotBe nerve to aim f in p; . We«»frj> bo oM KrtodaoVer-v t’refarsclilifKatccet am! hav*fi * Renetcfcer tU# Day ami Wl jcmr w zm* wpC. r;; • rarka* Halldlng, Ttrro#» Cri TH! ’ Tvnneesxe miners liave raoro grit than IVunsylvama strikoni. They eoptnee the militia and M6|wl them back home. yvnrffirmin' ** * rhb <ihl time parent did net wear out the litUe breechoa of his son. They were caivfully romuvvd Iwfo'rw tho wear and tuar begatT.' ' Tf your Blend meet* with varsity jifoomu' do not offend Mm by Inquiring into] ^ no rtaUfl* t* tho |■«!•;}<• th it It bw i*B)*ort a Octal tlm» we wtesbl not bo 'tlthunt It for ifoaMe Its Dost-, It has taken the - - pbyrteltn. -- *sl= >t It to recwmpWuded fur. ^ot ucwdrw of —itldun iua eojr of na token since sn, hate Wl tlie KIectn>poU«, whUe Ufog lOTf* mmI dim wore uanlbeety, . R- J/AMlKOTOll, u A4H**e book. ilrwrlUnjr tnotnwnl ■ UhakuR reut^oBiohi ftent-MV reettnaa. Stu ri!T oi *»tt r.rttntr. rebjrctlo ItJ^MiiocrttK primjtr. 1 U-auk yfui, olio .-ni.l all. for yrntf file- (rla*».-e »o n.r ,-iin U taC-.lwo jrew uro ami ear twsily relh-fty-wf Mi tt* tomtac Wro" t»nn I pr»-nk,*f »K-cu 5 1. tn * the <IutK-s ot the o«er to the Tilm, anil ail Di&Ti*- owing to 1khik< .-'l'i;‘ b .*^jidii^grttb'An4.dvmb«niro>v . ;A godl >.lab ol excelImit melt . '.b»Bdii>ldHyrowI ves v^thet t&tatte ZB wWtojwpm.w rod if any of;tnwr p<y>p!r m? jkv : raUi>)r (hrir «*<nl - f-sr rvT.-.-IMXm- fflh wiy-ediwrv lor- ovili -To n4wtiair iadic* v>om uot h*iDciv,*a uBjwochot :«i tVtilii.FiWM ■ -ajwck* ba gla-l to Udf yoit Ml. Thus mI*™ not only Avoid of?a*.iding yon c frrJnd,|V j> Tifton but you give plc«unv l«» hi* neigh- * ■ ■ - - W, TJk> tlrction^f ILEiringron.';a Mrong third pr»rty to tho presi dency ot ib* »wt<* allitnw*, in -rhw of IiK'b that the alHunrr hr- b**»*n taking an a»*tlv,‘ in-politics cum-1 not Jjc without U* jhjUucuI wftmtf- i p\m*;*ter**? hm T. 'In?'- ... . , f > . r tt Haiprit tmtll; fwthfr nntit*q.* ■» W ^ a . t*i.oc-1 SlTOrL .Alis&yi oh j$* ■ •--- - - — - - - IwiFKMli.O’r On rlnok'lll it,. . “ *• Ctiit.rjn’ii. - vl/ne.1 tm-aent John «. ntwrOWITo cron- !»"«▼. »wl ortliw fnr hire the- BwtlrJUmt M|>|«nrt uf the rwnpte. We’balieva Mm tn be sas»a!sTsuaAs;* f ssxr - V.rreae og Trrros Dwouct. Money I Money! • "vo- iioAN ■; r»i teat tMax*, or ftsr Iwvmn*r.»mii«; or hoOrtteg i tw-Vrere.*ty,eiawnwW»iir(irruiV'jicr*»: * inn*! t.-em SreU. iwvatr yLiw.lIetfc W ThV I uiasXLVu, A*ewt salestae: Twxosv^fheo: Mat Ml load awl N llqhnipbijiV Biirtgrt, Aujjrud id.-A luge «nd •nthnslMtro demonmtlo dub wiw or- ganivytl h-w> thi* evening. - - Genial .loo »nhh. of Ady(, !# hare looking for a lost hor*«. Administrator’*-' Sf»Vr> ‘ Mftjgtfig I will pay the lughful Market Uu- r K!Nt*■ : wrrGN';' L*mg;w •>rnr*K*i>.1 AmeaaM.'Ttvwi •k—ynrreV. VWrAncr-^ 2 jtn^wa-vtKRtwT/..-. -sUSaUtf A- , ... ,Do« hem* f»a deathhftht? slBajjci! SSKS'-** *g«@sasst; Mm . v .. i-P-Al^riaVr/-'" lst>*twwWiw>>iMneiafX»:-»aa<-in ewi tig, nwift inl^a.—_ __ „ V-V-r J--4V f~*-*s^**-| I