The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 03, 1892, Image 2

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IraTaifii The Tifton Gazette. Tho (JAZK-rri; U imltHitlied ew fog at Tifton, Jkirrfcn WlOtlfc yototl to Umj boat intorunt « r»tetl to Umj boat Intorunt of UW Kmwintf*:ti/m lft»m tittd Urn wljncont country/inti m uihjIi i (Ml every Vrlrtay morrv safe will WIU HMJHWIIV Rsk* tin* and onc/mm^rxiioiit or tho |»oo* * of Ilorrfpn JMiil4wmtl(riioii*<rounHo«. • m Jib* ’ The RiiliHorljiUoo pit poof Urn (MfkTTK in til JO pffr year, Mcsnto for «lx njontha, and aftoontafur llirou month*, tuiynliie lit ihIvriioh. ...„ ml. tut..... x .. Tito advertising run?# of Umj (Mzr/nr. nro reft- ionuldo ftml wilt imj fumlirti«d Upon application. ..t- .... . --fHintJnwrtionand A < Ivor lining bill! are due after ff r*t Insertion •Till lie presented when the money Is needed. Oomwponitaneo from nuldhUorlfw towns mm* SlciUnl and eotnuiunluatlons on timely topics are always weleoinu. Always write on ono side of tho paper, and don't forget to MtiUiso your name as an evidence of tfood fulUi, Kntered at Umj jmisPjIIIoi*, at Tifton, (teorg la, as fiutll mutter of the seeond class. Official Organ of Berrien County. IJ. T. At J,KN. Editor. New* am View*. Political Melange, i Democrats should tee to it that every third party speech is followed by. a democrat's one—from the same hostings or as soon thereafter as practical. “The truth is mighty and will prevail.” It is ,on the side bf democracy. The Macon Evoning News says Glut marriage is on tho wane, And this is l«up year. How about it, young ladies? It should not be forgotten that tile first Monday in September, by legal ehaotrneiit, is Labor Day, and a legal holiday in Georgia. Property in Tifton and Burrien county is advanolng in value every day and an investment it. it is more valuable than hank itook. Mr. II. A. Wrench and two sons, of Dalton, On., have purchased the Jirunswiok Advertiser and will con vert it into an afternoon daily. Tho fanners’ ulllanoo has petered out, just as was predicted it would do if launched upon the sea of parti san politics. Lot it rest in peace. When you are tired of liaving Chills get a 50c. bottle of Plantation Chill Ouro and stop them, If it fails wo will give you your money back. Dr. J. (J. Goodman. After all thut has boon said by the gossips, to the contrary, it now ap pears that the Plant railroad system Jms not gobbled up t|io Golumlms Southern. South Georgia editors are now tell ing their readers what they don’t knuw about tlm tolmoeo industry. Tho export growers read their disser tations with a smile. Ten years iienco a well regulated fafm In Berrien county will bring big money. Murk the prediction. If you want a farm in Berrien county you should buy it now, it matters unt wlmt political party a man belongs to his first, duty is to liia family, and his family calls for provisions and clothing! it tubus lime and tmery to scouro them. The peach crop has been marketed tlm returns are all In and the growers arc counting tho profits of the orop, Thil say the orop about Port Valley and Marslmllvillc has put $‘.100,000 In olroiilatjon In that section. By judicious murkoliug tlm (South Carolina melon growers have made tho 000 car loads which they Imui shipped tins year pay them *71,000, twice as much as imioli as they re ceived for 1,100 car loads shipped last year. Do not let other merchants palm oil other preparations in you because they have nut Plantation C'ldll Cure in Hlook. Apply to agent named below, who guarantees it, Dr. J. C, Goodman. Berrien county land, good farming land, can hu bought very cheap now and nil most favorable terms, ami a man with energy, economy and good judgment mm make the laud pay for itself in a few years, Maks the trial and be convinced. The school hook war, raging in other portions of the state, has not reached Berrien county yet and it is to hu hoped thut it will not, Our sohool board is patriotic and hugest enough to look well after the best in torus Ml of our schools and children. It was shown at the Gainesville meeting lost wouk that tho state till! Utice exchange commenced business with $74,000 throe yoms ago. Hut its assets now, with candidate l’eok as its president, is only Mb.OiJO, The anniiai loss has averaged #DJ,000. Flue allowing, eh? On tho 10th of September, In tlm superior of Blhb county, the petition of IV. B. Sparks, receiver of tlm Georgia Southern and Florida, to borrow .$450,000 with Which to com- plate tho Tifton mid Thoinasvillo railroad will be board, That Urn pe tition will bo sanctioned tbero it lit tle doubt. If Hon, Bon E. Russell is a candi date by the operation of frauli, as is being iterated and re-iterated by some of the late Stevens organs, how and why do they pluy tho hypocrite by condoning the fraud. The Ga- zettk knows Russell sufficiently well to believe that lie would not be come a party to any sort of fraud, he would /not ucocpta nomination se cured by fraud, and any imputations to that effect is not only unkind und unjust to him but unworthy tho per sons wiio make them. The third party jieopls of Worth und Berrien countios huro hod tho good sense to nominate their very best men for representatives in the legislature, men whom the G a si mu believes would servo tliolr counties' interests to the best of the knowl edge and ability, without rugard to purty politics. But, then, they arc in llio wrong party mid will not be elected. . * * - . . .. . ' :- •• . • . - ... . - ,. John Churchwell & Son, DEALERS IN f General - Merchandise, BROOKFIELD, GEORGIA. We bag to Inform tlio public tliat we have on hand a complete and well selected stock of General Merchaiidfsot fconslsttnK Inipart of £ - Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Etc. Which wc will sell at HOCK JSOTTOM WlfCKS. Wo have no wood to buy or rent to pay, and hence can afford to sell our goods at PRICKS TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES. Call to see us when you come to Drookfleld and we will convince you that we will jioeitively save you much money. Wo will lie prepared to buy oottou and all other kinds of country produce and pay therefor the HlOllttBT MARKKT TRICK!). Ho eure and let us hid on your cot ton, and sell you your supplies. Country Produee Bought and Trade at the Cheap Cash Store, Highest cash prices prices paid for chickens and oggs, and farm ] generally, Givo us a coll when you eomo to Tifton With anything where you can buy the greatest rjuantlty and best quality of goods for tho least amount of money, __ v Don't forget to call on us \ wo will Imj found at tho sumo otd stand.' Yours very respectfully, Jlrookflohl, On., July 29,1S03. John Chlirchwoll Jt Soil. Dull Times Make Low Prices ! JAMES Z. ELLIOTT, Valdosta democrats are working up a big barbecue and rally for tho 10th of September, and invite their friends of every political huo to go and hour tho truths of democracy ex pounded, ns well us enjoy the tooth, some barbecue. Let everybody go, Cheap rate* on tho railroads. Thousands upon thousands of the better oluss of tho colored voters of Georgia will snpporl Governor Nor- then and the entire democratic stale ticket in tho present campaign, l’lioy have at last dto covered who are their real friends in time of need. Georgia lias been called upon by Die imtiouul demoartitio executive committee to furnish a full quota of campaign speakers. The requisition calls for the services of Hons. if. (). DuBIgnon, A. O. Bacon, It. W. Pat terson and other eloquent Georgia democrats. The enmmitteo Ims de termined upon a vigorous cumpaigu throughout the country. Owing to tho dullness of the trade atul appreciating the fact that Low Prices !h tho remedy—the great incentive tliat gives to trade a rushing im petus, has determined to inaugurate a cut in prices that will convince the trade that lie is determined not to bo nndorsold. ITo has a largo and com plotc stock of general merchandise; ho can and will savo you money. Don’t fail to call on him boforo making yotir purchases. Very Respectfully, Sparks, Go., Juno 17,1802. JAMES Z. ELLIOTT. M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL ;■ MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation To the People of the To wound the Surrounding Country to F Him u Visit at His New and IClcgaut Store. His Specialties will bo- CROCKERY BIIOKB, 1IATB, 0Al*8, DllfcBB CJOODB, &o., Sio, HARDWARE Thoro is no House in Town having such a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stoek of Goods. Hu carries nearly everything whlujt constitute a (tenoral stock of Dry Goods, Notions, lloavy (ironorles, oto. Ills stock Is all fresh ami a visit tft Ills store will bo mutually beuollelal to pur chaser anil solter. Hem! to him for any and everything you need. Tho third party wlioopcis arogrow lug faint under the war campaign democrats arc waging against their heresies, am! many of their would-be orators are being knocked out in the llrst round. * * ♦ Lot democratic speakers remember Hint vituperation ami abuse will not answer for argument ami are impo tent to win back an erring brother from tho vagaries of third. partylsm. Argue the questions of the day kind ly and firmly, but do not fall to toll the whole truth simply because some body’s feelings might got milled, Mitchell "W. Graskins, TIFTON, GEOEGIA. ISAAC S. BOWEN, impel GROCER FANCY I The Atlanta Journal says: “The presoul oumpaign is bringing to the front in Georgia an army of demo cratic thunderers whose voices might hover have been heard in tlm ab sence of un amorgenoy such as is upon ns. It’s an ill wind, elo.” The best feature of the campaign is, how ever, this “army of douiooratlo thun, derers” have truth, right und justioc ou their side, which accounts for and assists their sudden oloquenoe. Dyspepsia, distress after eating, tour stepinelt, poor appetite, bad taste, coated tritium are cured by Pi tqngU(l ami heartburn ore cured by Do Will’s I,title Early Risers, the famous lltllii plus, Dr. J. U. Uacduian. a louer ntmi auugxi iiumionujn. who was for so*urnl yuant Comtninsiuuov of Agrloulturo or tlio siito of U corn la. Atlanta, Oa., July Dili, ltea. DK.viv«iRt-‘Boma time early in May I am- OlUtlotl fruiu whal 1 nail htaml of It. that tlto uimiuii tiwui on.iv i null mmru w u.iuuiiim KbtblfupoiMi kukh uymimiw tinvo 0« sale, utiabl lH>i.rsor*li-otouu>. 1 lixtlieen tnrmrj.y yran a sulTorpr null a iUmiuuuI snn.miia. ,.r the shim »ntl Uv vt, anti l wstatstl u> see U» otteet <>t hu KlMIttawlM UISHI those ilnrans. AttuunUug- ir.l trlfo k'l*ntu apan * highVt*»r, bit! oxi»- rlemw-lmi a. my ilvur h.u com Why pav other dealers Tie. and $1 for a oiiifl cure whmt you can get J'luatution (’hill Ottrc, a beUKr out-,, dfitr fllio, ? Dr, J. U, Goodnittu, vvrhcd. irnaif. Ylurtlly .......iy I tUMte a local application w my Urer, Pluoln* tlm plate In oontaut Herewith for almut fpur hours* This application juwiuctol conshh . nr hours.' this aiJpHmhm ii Jwrviuj my HM*r to at. of the* opinion now simtil Jt w.wu It iwssoU away of ;tl kinwknuuxM well, I am . lemtil ! mahe a ttw mute almllitr k|i|ilitat t«ik, thmigh Irn Mvt-w, that t ktiatl tie sreatti twiiamail 7r not anUroty etimt Iilsatt my ohyalaml atouiaet,. I apt'tfml thaKloettoiHilw touiy dkuchtar, who lets been a gw at attlTerer r<iri mtmlwrtif sprlnga with Caver amt lutwal trtniTtlea. -St two (leys’ tlnta site not Italy filter U» favor, but of tho tmwl eintiutly at «.li. jlel In all ewwi fi akitnaia •» eoii.ltlar the Watt- n«t»;|s« atiuoet ini!i>iwwie|l>lr Vt'bjayjry trejy, h.'-r all intones!ten, tree ail<tr.'« AT1.ANT10 Kt.OUTHOr T. Htumsaaox roiaR co„ Alt ‘ - Atlanta, lla. Do jon know that Plantation Olittl Umv is sold under a positive guaran tee? Jt ousts 50o, jHtr bottle, but if it fails Sfe money wijl be given bocii tit yog, Dr- J, u Goodman. 1 KKKl* A VUKHIl AND \VKt.I, 8Kt.IiCTKt) STOCK OF . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND BV’KtlYTUINO UBOAU.Y FOUND IN A FIHBT-tTeV88 BTOttK. I Pay tha Highest Cash Price "'for Country Produce. . • , AND WIU. rt.F.ARE YOU WITH . " , GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Soil Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC 8. BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Of Wutorbury, Connecticut.. IMS \ Guaranteed System or Scientific Life and Accident Insnrance At the Most Reasonable Rates. J. W. HANNON, State Agent, Parka* BulKHug, TIFTON, GA. «n.Sitooiiii ami Local Agents wanted in every County in the State. Good llorcrvncea Required. i refer by iwtinlwlnti hi the folliMrinc partb-a who ara amons tha mattr who hart haan raid for hwblitnu by IbaCosnnaoilout Indemnity t W. It. Oliver, A. J. McCrea, W. K. Hollar., J.T.Smith, ibmiorMurray,,!. I). }'eamll,Ttftnnl,v««.T.(IrmUj, Aahbumi W.R. Jobiuion, WUUiif.liain,«a. Fur full y-arUctilant, n» or ailitreaa ,r. W. HANNON, Tllt,)U, Oa. GAZETTE Job .Printing Gfl3.ce, E. P. BOWEN & - DEALERS IN - , ' ' : ^ 1J FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIAI «STRIVE Ifl PLEASE ALL I OUR« Tltanking tho public for a generous patronage in the' past, wo ea solicit a continuance of tho same in the future. E. P. BOWEN aSrtBRO/T i-tf. Near the B. & W. Depot, TIFTON, Cl TIFTON DRUG STORI ■ Kukus a Full Supply of n in n 1 Tk ‘ ir v • 1 m, TOILET AND FANCY''ABTIOLES^— Fine Perfumery, School Bookstand Stationary Larrps of Every Description: 1 PAINTS, * OILS * AND a VARNISH Tho most seleut stoek of Tobaccos and Cigars .In the city.’ My customers ean-be served with good Havana cigars. I call special attention to Prof. Dezter’aCuinrrli Cure, Magic Bal Kidney null Liver Cure, Lung Kostdror, Mesmeric Blood Cicamel anil Itlieuimitlc Cure. They are proprietary jpedlclnos that are rscomtnsndtd very highly for the purposes utfdmod for them. BcS' FRESHEST and BEST GARDEN SEEDS, tdl the year to; Call and see mo. Tifton, Ga., April 22,1891. „ J. C. GOODMAN, BI Gr BA.RGrA.HNT B -:IN:- DRY-GOODS, CL0THII SHOES AND HATS. 1 carry a full line of Dry-Qoods, and am. selling AVinter Goods away Below Ops make room for a splendid Summer Stock, Give le Yir Psttronage ai I Will Save lea Hone;. MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DBRARTMENT Is fully stocked with the best goods. N TIFTON, OA., August »7, 1891. H. H. TIFT. M. A,. SEXTON,.. Fire Insurance Agent, ‘ TIFTON, GEORGIA, Represents tho following old, reliable and popular fire insurance companies and solicits the patronage of the insuring publio: I Insnrance Company of North America, .••Greenwich," Total Assets, $1,650,030,43. ••Hartford.” Total assets, 96,576,016.11. ••Central City,** of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tho "Liverpool and London and Globe,” “Etna” and “Orient.” Founded in 1702. Fonndcd In 1S34, Founded in 1610, Real Estate and Renting Agent nos oii his list of Res! Estate some very desirable farm lands in the vicinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep yonr ey>- on it, and don’t let it get too high prioed before purchasing. Those lands are within one and seven miles of town. If you have any Beal Estate—houses or land—for sale br rent you will receive prompt and courteous aorvieo by placiug them withiroc. ' • New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I ani, pleased to announce to my friomla and patrons in the com ties of Benion, Irwin, Worth and Colquitt dint I have just received a complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT L And am prepared to oxoeute at short notice and in workmanliko manner all otasaoK of comieerelal nnd itgal blank printing. t solicit yonr orders and guarantee to give entire satisfaction ha price* and quality of work.. Respectfully wvKiW.HXft, •p m A T T T?xr okhuoia. -P, JL'i i-tf. I am, very respectfully, M. A. SEXTOTSI'^* JOHN C. HIND Contractor and H Ull(3.6 TIFTON, GEOBGXA, ALL. KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, .. A '