The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 03, 1892, Image 4

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■p'/*'*•' < ■ > FHIDAV, flipTEMBEU 2. 1802. Pfp? i y A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Mown mid llvonta of Intormt Tmnsplrlng diroulolml by aFalUifiil »nd KfH- •elont Corps of Keportore. Bohemian's Budget. Ckcii, August SI.—Truth is a more poignant sword than slander, for conscious Innocence cures the lat ter but the former, like diamond dust, liaa no antidote. Tlio man who rules tho poor by deceit is a more hateful devil than an open tyrant. Revolution is the child of oppos ition. No rogue is so cunning as to go always untaught. Mutual concessions of many inter ests are the groundsills of democratic government. llcipublico—a thing of tho public —what a sad commentary on tho radical robber party in tho United Htales that has assumed tho above namo. Now, Mr. Kditor, tho senatorial matter is settled so far as the nomi nation of a candidate is concerned, and the host interest of tho demo erntio party bids mo sheath my pen ns to tlio methods used In its acoom- plishinont,' but I will say to “It. A.” mol tlio Valdosta Times that I wrote advisedly and retract nothing, I am no Ham .loneH man nnd pro for my tobacco without flavor, (lov. Colquitt may bn right after nil. HollItMIAN. Zion Hone Items. Zion Horn, August 20,-—Verily, wo are the spared monuments of God’s mercy; wo have had two days without rain, Corn crops aro very good here, while the continued wot wcathor has cut the cotton crop off more than one- half. There was preaching at the church last Wednesday night by Eider John A. Co*. There is a prayer-mooting being conducted here every Sabbath, Mr. B/G. Weeks, of Obo, Colquitt county, was in this vicinity ono day last week on business, Miss Willie Jordan lias been ill for the last few days, though not serious. Aftor hitching a Texas pony to a wagon, last Sunday, three young la dies of tliis settlement started to Mt- Zion church to big meeting. They had traveled only a mile or two when tho Texas pony took another notion and—1 guess tlio fair young ladies will Imve' to wait until next year, and then go. Messrs, 8. G. W. Hutton and W. I. Dupree attended the Peoples’ Party rally at Nashvilio on tho 27th inst. They report having had a good time, I hope tiorno good friend will give a receipt to make a political pot pie, “Bohemian" is competent. Autik M. H. i, Aimes Hoofing a tonic, or chiMrua who went ftafhf* lug up, should tako nitOWN’NTlIUm IIITTKHfl. It Is pluMMit; curwi Mularla. Indigestion, UllloiuuM*, Liver Coinplalnta and Neuralgia. Holguin HcIioch. Enigma, August 81,—Whar’s Dan? Mills running, wine flowing, mos iquitos singing, not raining quite so lilnoh ami everybody feeling lively livelier, liveliest, is about tho ordur of tilings here, Miss IlOttla Tyson, of Ciitbbort, Ih touching music at Alapaha and Kiiig. ma now. Him lias tun pupils at Ala- palm and six at Enigma. Him comes highly recommended, and I hope hIio may have a pleasant sojourn among us, and ho omiuoiilly suueossful in her undertaking. Misses Willie Kill worn! ami Mattie Grinin, of Alapalm, ami Miss l.ouolla Griffin, of Quitman, are visiting Enig ma tho guests of Mins Minnie Gunn. Tho visit* of those young ladles aro Always hailed with delight by tlm young pooplo of Enigma. They re turn home to day. ]Mr. J. B, Askew and Ins daughter, Miss Julia, will leave Imre to visit relatives*'“amf friends In’ ffanooek county to-day. Mr, W. T. Drew and lus son, Jesse, of Sumter county, and Mr. John Hiugimm of Marion county, spout Saturday nnd Sunday Inst in Enigma. They have boon traveling for several days through Qltr section of country looking at tlio lands. They express themselves as being highly pleased with tlm lands and growing crops in tlm vioifjily of EnlginK, and said when tlmjj loft boro on Monday last filial tlmy ox pouted to return in tho early fall to pm chime homes, While lore they were tlm guests of Dr. J, 11, Hammond and Jtulgo J. A. Hall. Mr. ami Mrs. (J, W. Smith wont up to Dawson Inst night to attend tlm funeral of Mr. .1, K. Holder, Mrs. Smith)* brother, who died Monday night and will be burled there to-day. Rev. P. II. Grumpier tlllod his reg ular appointments Imre on Saturday and Smtjjlly last, While hero ho oaHod on mo twloo, Ha is very oit torluining company and quite an ad. ■vooate of education. Elders S. J. Snuls and W. I. Pat- I'iok, of this place, attended a union meeting in Coffee comity last Satur day and Sunday. They returned homo Tuesday and report a pleasant, timo and a good mooting. Mr, Jesse Murray, who has been visiting relatives in Terrel! county for tlm pilot two weeks, returned homo yesterday. Tim base bull erase at Enigma Hoeum to liavo died u iinturni death But that malum no difference with mo ns 1 am a democrat ami opposed to 'labor, I am now getting ready to do a thriving business during tho fall coi). furring tho degrees of captain, coin- tiii|, ntA.;alul insuring the election of randi imts. Call early and get tho first go, P. 8.—Ho sure to bring tho cosh, Haunt,.in. Tlio Sparks’ School. Si’AHKs, August 20.—Tlm school to begin at this place tlm fitli of Sop toiulior will perhaps ho conducted by n little different schedule than lias heretofore been used in this comma nity. School means something more than merely sending a child to place to keep it out of misohiuf, School carries with it the solemn re- sponsible duty of a teaolmr nnd the work of ovury pupil, nnd when wo say work wn mean it with our whole heart banked up by tlm strongtli of our band. A teacher’s duty and work is to tnku tlm young mind and instill Into it tlm lasting impressions of mor- nlity ns well as n sense of civility urged on by piety. Wldlo we feel and understand the responsibility of a teacher as a toaelmr, wo know nnd fuel the need of tho hearty oo-oporn- tlou on tho part of the parent, We should i|0t bo ready to take the place of the prompt ing tlio child to do tilings which are contrary to tlm rule of suliool and teacher. We must first have confi dence enough in tlm tutor to trust to him tlm judgment of tlm child’s no. tlon on tlm impulse of tlm moment. We should limn, on parents, insist upon tlm elilld’sdoing its whole duty towards its teacher and fellow-stu- denis, or, in other words, wo should urge upon it tlio idoa of doing right which will he tho law of this aohool. “Do right it matte in not what your oomrndos think of it" is our motto nnd goldon rule and if this liu violated there wilt bo punishment inflicted ns a reward. Lot tho patrons remem ber that we onn’t teach school with out students nnd it is just ns much tlio duty of ono to come os another. May wo not insist, with consistency, that every pupil bo sent every day unless practically hindered, mid when tlm child oomos home with a tong story of the proceeds of tljnt day’s work in school give It to understand that it will but engender strife and produce fruit which will bo blttof to its own taste if overtaken. Will tho pooplo of Sparks and surrounding aonnminity give us tlm uso of their children's lima and talents for a few months? Remember that education as it is now looked upon, is tho chief olid of every human Mug. Look and seo tho condition of your race in its conflict for mipiomaay with an other. Sou the drift of your country's talent. Look at your own surround lugs and son if it is not beat tlml you build good aohool houses ami employ teachers who have a vim? Is It not timo you were putting into tlm brain of your child wlmt you expect to leave it or give it? I insist, that you look at these point* with a due con sideration, Send your children, we will do thorn good, Gko. D. Godard. MOORE NOMINATED BY ACCLAMA- TION ON FIRST BALLOT. DemormOi of the Sixth District are United ■nd will March to Victory In November Next. The convention of tlm sixth sena torial district met in tho court house at Valdosta Inst Wednesday in ac cordance with tho call made by the chairman of the district executive committee. There was a full delegation pres ent from all threo of tho counties composing tlm district—Lowndes, Echols and Berrien. Tlm convention wns called to order by lion. 1*. B. Whittlo, chairman of the district executive committee, and organised for business by electing Hon. L. K. Lastlngcr, of Berrien, temporary chairman, and Mr. San ders, of Kclfols, temporary secretary and Hon, C. R. Pendleton, of Lowndes, assistant. It being found that there were no contesting delegations, the temporary organisation was made permanent Tim following resolutions wore presented by Hon. W. G. Avora, of Berrien county, and unanimously adopted: nasottirroNs. 1. That onch county shall be entitled to ton votos. 9. Thst whore any county shall liavo more or loss than Ion delegates, It shall divide tlio ontlro vote aiming tho dele- gates present. 0. That In tho call of counties tlm chairman of each delegation shall 'an nounce the vote of his county. lint in the selection of a candidate tee appointed by the cancus for that purpose: np.aor.tmoNa. At a caucus of the Berrlon.connty del egation, hold this day. It being oilfclally announced that lion. E. L. Moore wlfl receive In the convention tho entlro vote of Lowndes county, a mnjorlty of the votes of Echols county nnd tlio vote of Berrien county being divided, it is appar ent that tlio further uso of tho namo of Hon, W. W. Webb for senatorial honors will tend to divide rather than untte.tlio democracy of the sixth senatorial district; therefore, be It— limited, by this caucus. That the entire vote of Berrien .county be cost for the Hon. E. L. Mooro. Itemhed, further, That the Berrien couuty delegation unitedly tender to Mr. Wchb their hearty tbanka and congratu lations for his many and manly efforts In behalf of pore democracy, that we ex press to him our entire confidence In Ida ability and worthiness to fill the office to which be hae aspired, and fully bellevo he will lie rewarded ' KILL Hi Pnulk 4 Vo. UMSWltitOOd to MU* Itch In SO minutes. Kor sols by J. IE Ttftou, (la. S ■f. Ti a majority vote shall bo necessary to a choice. Chairman Las ti tiger announced that nominations for senator were in order. lion. C. II. Shaw, of Berrien, aroso and in a brief patriotic spceeh movsd that Hon. E. L. Moore, tho choice of Lowndf county according to tho ro tntion system, bo nominated by nc- elamatiou. Tho motion was grootod by lioarty oliooring. This nomination was seconded by lion. J, M. Wilkin son. Chairman Lostingcr thoit read the following letter from lion. W. W Wobb, one of tho candidates for sen atorial ^honors: i wrrnnnAWAi, i.rttbk. To the hhnittyttk nnd Iftmbert of the Dent orri/lio Hirth Bmatorial District Conten lion: GBNTt.r.MKN—Holding ns I do tlio pub lie welfare high above personal ambition ami realising the peril todomocraey by In ternal dissension I lieg to withdraw from tlm senatorial contosl now ponding. 1 further beg, through you, to tender my deepest huarlfull gthlllmle for tlm mark of high esteem exhibited In tho eanvass by my friends wliosogouorously supported ine for senatorial honor, suu to assure l hem that 1 Imvo no Idglmr am- billon than to ho found lighting under the banner patriotically raised by Thom as Jefferson ami to-day proudly hold aloft by Grover Cleveland, and Inscribed "pure democracy. Kcspoctfiilly, Wii.i.iam W. Wnnn. Mr. Shaw’s motion was then put to o vote and carried unanimously. Hons. W. A, Carter, of Lowndes, John A. Carter, of.Echols, and M. A Soxton of Berrien counties were np pointed a committee to notify Mr, Mooro of his nomination and ask bis acceptance, nnd to invite ids nnd Mr Wobb’s attendance upon tlio cottven lion. Tho committee retired but Ni>H%jeturtmd accompanied by Messrs, Wcnh nnd Mooro The former was first introduced to tho convention. Ho made n short speech gracefully accepting ms do font and pledging ids services to tho enuso of democracy and tho nominee, Tlio latter, In a very few words, accepted tho nomination and prom- ised a faithful pcrfoiimmoo of ovevy •Inly devolving on him as senator to tho very best of his ability. Ho said he felt his unfitness for tho office, but ns U had como to him unsought )tis House of patriotism admonished him that he should accept the trust nnd do all lio could to enrry the ban. nor of the district democracy to vie tory, Thus tho contest, which promised to bo a bitter fight to tlio finish, was quiptiy and harmoniously terminated However, to fully understand and appreciate llm moans by widen was brought about the happy consnminn. lion of rite work of tho convention it U: necessary to give publication to the action of the caucus of the Berri en delegation hold just prior to the mooting of the ohitvontwn. In tltU caucus the senatorial situation, was fully mid frtety discussed, and re by the party in tho near future. Respectfully submitted, L. E. Lastinuku, W. L. Kbnnon, M. A. Sbxton, Committee, Hons. L. E. Lastingqr of Berrien, R. Pendleton of Lowndes nnd \V. A. Ham of Echols were chosen to servo as a district executive commit tee for. the next two years. Hon. L, E. Lastingor was elected by the con. vontion chairman of, the committee. Tlio following resolution, offered by Hon, J. M. Wilkinson, was unatv imously adopted: nttsoi.nTtoNS. neutral, That tho executive commlttco of the sixth senatorial district shall have tho power to prescribe tho manner of solectlng delegates to tho district convon. lion, to appoint the time and place for tho selection of such delegates, and to issue the cull for the meeting of the con- vention. Tho convention then adjourned sins die, having overlooked what the Gazkttu believes should have been made an important featuro of tho convention’s proceedings—the ap pointment of a committee on resolu tions nnd platform and tlio adoption of their report. However the con vention was composed of true and tried democrats, standing squarely upon the state and national platforms of tlio democratic party as onnnoiat- cd at Atlanta and Chicago, and ovor ready to battle valiantly for the nom inees of tho party from president down to constable. Bat notwithstanding tlio truth of this old saw, a man who Is soon parted from Ills rnonoy is not necessarily a fool. This will be obvious when you learn how A WISE MAN Can part with bis money and B richer than ho was b4. If U go to Fodrlck Bro.’s during their Slaughter Sale ! U will wonder, then buy and still B rich. Our, fall goods will bgln to arrive about September 18th. We must haye room for this immense stock. Political A ren ruaiK i rmi sii inurr. To the Voters of tlorrlun tvSbu tuSon of friontU Iam s t-si Berrien county, subject uiury. I thank my frlen Itowui) on mo In tlio twist: h the priintliy, If elected I ehnrfio tlie (tulles of tlio oHii-e i„ t ability. llBsitY i„ | ron UKUIXAHV. '""J I nnnnunee myself 8 candidate for in,, „m,. n of I Onlliury nr liorrlon county suble t — J In nomination, If boh!, and tlio sultraito of tlio Iieolilo pit , elected to rl|!lilly guard tlio lot. whom l servo. Itosiioctfully, W. Hk.nhY ( ron tax ooLbscroa. At tho solicitation of friends I hereby announre I myself ass candidate for Tax Collector r* " rlon county, subject to tho democratic hi anil earnestly eoDolt the eepnort nr iny fellow, cltiens. till am entrusted with the dutlcu of tin, nOloe I wluinocbargu them faithfully and lint* olently according to my best ability. Ad.liix IIrari n, Feu Ttkasi'kkii. I hereby announce mysolf « tlan to the oltice nf troasmer of J subject to democratic primary. S mr past kindness I earnestly solicit your,o io coming election. I pledge myself t u r, fully discharge every duty to the best of mv ■ the remainder of our aummer goods must b sold at New York wholesale prices. B (n time and wo will C that U are suited. Note the following prices which will give you a faint idea of wlmt we are offering: Dresa lawn, per yard, 0 Brllllantlne, per ynrd; 9 Black cashmere, yor yerd, S Oottonado (worth 95c), per yard, 1 Ladles’ buttoned shoes, per pair, fi Ladies' shirt waists, . S Good corsets, . 2 Boys' pants, per pair, a Mens’ drawers, 2 1 paper, 800 pins, C i paper Sharpe’s needles, 8 Enijs, 8 12 bars soap, 2 19 boxes matches, C Head rice, per pound, 8 Best candy, per pound, 1 Starch, per pound, ( Coffee, per pound; i Maccaroni, Imported, U Steel nails, 80 ponnds, for $1 Bod springs, only $1 Mattresses, only $8 Silk parasols, each, ' StraW hats, 8 for lOo. and upward. We ore here to sell. Come and C bed buying. fully discharge every duty to the best ofnivi ity If elected. Yours respectfully^ ^ Fob Siutmrr, At tho lolicltatlon of many friends I lli'r iL lerldl 1 elected t n(l( diseliiirge tho dutlai of tbe'ids to tbo very best of iny skill amt ubllliy. n..—.—s/..IVo solf u» a cjMidlilato for J;lie ofllco uf,„, Uorrien county nioerrtlo j lM!«*t of m/3 ResjjeqtfuHy, , John W. BiKsifl FOB CLKHK BOfBUlon CORKTi Jjr announce mvsvlf a cunUIdtu oloatlon (o tho office of C'lork of the L„ . Court of IJorrlen county, subject to clemocr J iriuiary. Tlmnkinr 1 (inilucM nnU connHei .jo people for their i Now Try This. It will cost yon nothing nml will sure ly do you good, If you have a cough, Cold or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr.U.1 tlon King's Now Discovery for coneump- , coughs and colds Is guaranteed to paid back, lit Just tho thing nnd ttnilur Its nso had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a smple bottle at our expense and learn fur yourself Just how gootl a thing It its. Trial bottles free at J. W. Paulk & Co. sMrug store. Large sire 50c. and $1. Oootlinnn Gossip. Goodman, August 26.—It contin ues to rnin, and rain tlio hardest within the memory of tlio oldest in habitant. Almost every day there is a heavy rain. The roads are all in an almost ini passable condition, and it will toko nn nlmndanco of work to make thorn ready for tlio semi-annual inspection by tlio grand juries, as well as tor the nac of the traveling public. Tlio floating brtdgo across tho Ala patia river near boro has brokou loose from Us moorings, nnd now tlio river is impassnhlo nt that point, Wo can sonrcoly got nlong without bridge across tlio Alapaha rivor at this point as thoro is a great deal of travel that usod the floating bridge, and the Irwin county authorities should sen to it that a good subs tun tia! bridge is built thoro at once. If our people would turn their at tuntltm to bettor roads, more bridges, more and better improved farms, more pigs, poultry, oattio, etc., and prate less about polities, it seams to me they would ha happier and times would bo bettor. Head, think nnd net without so much unnecessary po litical demonstration. Vote ns intel ligent freemen—as you please—and strive to build up better society, bet tor chnrcheo, bettor Softools, better roads, and let political mass meetings of every hno alone, as they tend only to strife and discontent. Or:t community is feasting on sitnp peas, new potatoes and now com bread, but oid home-raised bacon is soarco. This is not as it should be; wo must move up a pug and raiso our own meat. Cotton is damaged badly; some of our neighbors have us much ns a bale pinked out. Your as over, J. Gl’ntkb. —■— ID Dll Cures tcratchu* tin neatly lollct tlielr tuppurt in tho contlne tun, r elected. * tu <a - ■ torforiimneo of tho duut*ri?r*tuc’oirh it’Ht of my ability. O. ,\Y. j| Fon 811 KHii'i*. To the Voter* of lkrrien County: 1 iJ •elf an a canrildato for reflection to the »L Sherlir of Mid county, subject to tbe demfl *• you, ono and all, for y Uacy two yours ago i support at tho cniuing L if fleeted, to faithfully peril » office to tho best of my.abili! JUNIRL V\V1’ison Fob Tax CV>mtbnm.\ Tlio umlorslptod present John 0,'Gravel on to tho eitixens of Herrlcn,county as a candidate r»r Tax Collector, subject to the action of the demo. • cruiio party, and solicit for him the undivided \ support of the people. We believe him to bo ' comjietent, faithful and hottest, aud worthy the siilTrage of our fellowjeiUzens. Votehu or Ttytfm pvtrfiCr. Notice te the Public. QKOltGI A-—Hkkhikn* County : Borne thier or thierea broku into and my (iwelliun boujw^uear ava nostoinco. ^ n Usu> IIHHIMf 1 Ua Ji- bonao V4.fG in sib iiiopey, coat and test, and a elmin of dreds one hundred mid foriy-fuur uma. uiore or ‘ " \ ‘ “ of lot at land No. the ytb laud diritrirO (1311th militia district) of originally Irwin i.uJ] Heirtun oount|r,Ma: From Mark < aatl«beviyjt.| Mutthow irry, and from Mutthew c» l»orry to (i. W. Wlinsjond, uleo, n lumnire fiuMl Mutihrw CuitUbeiry to H. WhflQhurst on tB',1 ah hi 144 stores of land—the muncage has bti i liken np but no names li:vs been torn off; also, a number of lax nnd oilier receipts. to,-; Tlie urn Parks’ Iluildin^, T/rro.v, Qktuoja, ® L( :ton, Georgia. jned has oponed a flistclass board- ln{ house in Aa Julian building und will sene “ i public with board and lodging at reasonable M. Roomt are large and airy; Furniture netv and thoroughly ron- ovated; Table furniehtd with the host visions the markets afford. rublic patronage solicited. 17-tf, J. SI. OWENS. taken np k also, a nmi _ r persons are hereby nolUled anti ’warned not! trade,! — * 21 ’* , In any way, for any of the above d»>m property, G. W. All Adel,July Utb, IWtt, $30 REWARD. We will pay the above reward foi r bonsloa und delivery to tho Jailor of Ikrrwn the \ described couviotwi lingleton—very dark gingercako color, ‘d, niHJUt five fset in height, *nd moustacu TIFTOIST •re fgP- , t JE] >T3 CC sMkV W ^ raflr SALE STABLES. TIPTON, - GEORGIA. (1. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, (oHowir flam I „ 18 or 1# years old, weighs alMHit 140 pounds. Leo WlUlauii-iiark fflngereake color, 2fi yearn of age, alMiut five feet nnd threo Indies in height and wcL-lis About li r . iiouads. Htuall black AM. F. 11. fllRMANtv HUO., Kay’s Mill, Ga^ PRIVATE SALE. ~ aKOIUlIA—ltElIKIP.V POIISTV. la acconlan.a, wlih an >j;rvi'iiiantiiud. !>, and l^twren '.lie lisip. of Thomas A. llafctr, Uto id ■v.i'i vimnt}, deceasaiti thouml.r»ti;iwdareau. nairtred to uti'wr at private sato the real retain hiOMialOII tn Htilll Ilwnilnt. Said mil uslatq consists .It via acres «t land, with all tlic 1m.. ct ot said . —., ...jai wherOv 1)11 tho said Thomas A. tlakcr llve.1 amt Sled, ---11 I Commissioner's SaJe, 1 (IKOltniA—Rnunax Cersiv: lljr virtue or a ilMtre, ot t»e super,or ronrt <£ said count,, IvrIU wt) 011 tlm AntTuMda, In Hcptcmhcr, nt NaalivlUo, i tho U ral hours of sale the Wit: hot of land No. 425 III said count}'. Tho above stated decree was (rant ed In tho case or Cox v». A. W. I'8tler>,u., admin istrator on tho citato or J. D. Knlcht, dooouttK Terms cash. H. II.rKKl'UHk, Cotmnlislonor, Administrator's Sale. nKORniA-Ilmtuiss CotxTV: Under and by vtrtno of an order fronted by th« Court o[ Ordinary of laid county, »t the Aucust Tonu thereof, will bo «old Iwfore the onartbeusa door tn the town of Nashville, said county, l.«, tween the Icptl home or sale on the BietTucsday In Sentember next, lot of land No. 27-J In the Sth illttrlct of said county. Bald land hdmiL'Iruc to tho estate of,Annin Jcmiran, Into ot said county deceased, and sold for illalrllmtiou amour th. heirs or said deceased. Tonus mado known on the day of sale. This Aogtut l, UTO. ZU.PIIA ,1 Kit moan, Adinlkistratrlx. JOSHUA JBIW10AN, AiUnlnlslrator, I will pay the highest Market Re ward for KING COTTON, Long or Short Always on tbe Streei. W. F. HARRELL. Aug. l»lh. •ntls splemtiil tn*tttnttan, which bus tnJwn mnk wlU» the Vest ftchtxmU in the flute. Is r.t>w vkwy tile at sccumnAiniaUny; one luktuirect (tOQ) pupils from Abroad. Ksies of tuition Very low. m»lU» nf Viwn unturpesMaiK Boenl clmrrp: no It sold; good wnduty and churches of AAtions. Write for ^rthsr punk'ytluT*^ JH-im. rmtdsnt floard of K»iucA^aa.- Adminijtrator's Sale. nEonnu-ntmitax conrir. Un.ler ami lay virtue of an order granted hy the Court of Ordinary of s«ld comity, at lb* Anonat Tarn th-rcor, uhl be Mid Sefofttfc* court heusd door In IM town of Nvihvtlie, aaht •asinty, twtwmt tbe !e*nl hours or tale entire first Toewlay In 8«itemtier next, lot -No, 1, lit houses awl Kiangt on suRed M tbo adoption of tlm follow- lv , ulau ’ 1 now with ©mi or two 1 iqg resoiiitions prejxtred by a commit- <&^?Tlfton, y ‘ ‘ HU .— Administrator’s Sale, (iKonniA-nsunixK cotuertt. Under and by virtue of an order grantedbv the Court of Ordinary of mid county, at tlio Annul Term thereof, will be sold before tbe court house door In the town of Nashville, said oonhty, bo, tween the local hours of salt on the first Tuva.' district of said county. Said the esuto of Malcolm McMillan. Sr. county deceased, and sold for tlie bom-fit aad crwllton, subject lo the willow's Hover. Terms made known on -.lie ilay e.r sai<. Thu August 1.18U. ItANDf’.IJ. MCMILLAN, JAMBS McMlI.I.A N, MtWfc It niity conccrl sUrainlstrsUtr at Jsuw Murray, !>.*« nppu*< to th* «r»fter»ifcWNl, In hropor Mr«, tot Wax* tr* sell the land bvl.nixing to tho estnii* of nairl »lot e. ilent, *mi l wilt paw lepoii Ills Mill application %\ ln .*“**»« «!»■«!* nepuunuvr next (i«veu Muter in, ok»3 signature* this August L to ■i. mm. res mo.—dm Cytation. nRonnu-n«»*u« coett*. To all whom It wav concern: ’em', hav applied lo the mtden (orm, tat permaticet letters on the estate of John A- Nes rtoni) deceased, and I <rfl_- anpllcailon at my oiBen m Nail luS’d l Sd , Jn , SrCg|5^nj Citation.