The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 23, 1892, Image 4

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THE GAZETTE: Til*TON. OA., FRIDAY. HEITEMEEi? 23, 1892. T,HE COLUMNS OF MANGES, Stows It«m« Solectert J/iboft:lio Itosil. 1 (lit/nlti'. tl»' omiiitiy districts liavi; jogged oh in tbo same oid rut. It in time,now to ronov'ftto the rural district* with scientific *jra%nph$ village farming and rural hisfl delivery.” [mproving in the i^lio farmori financial re in, corn mid |r cntlng, Hour pi taste, ooatoil r cured by Do the famous mm. wnswlck jtho fetnnlo yd and work now they s street*. Now Lunds lor.Settlement, Tlio government is ■ soon to open up to general settlement portions of tlio I’uyallup and Colville Indian reservations In the 8late of Wasliing- ton. Tlio Colville, reservation con tains about 8,000,000 acre* while the other though small in very valuable twoauie it joins the city of '1'aconia. 'J’lio Puyalliipa are among the wealthiest IndianH on the continent by reason of their valuable holding!) there. It ifl to bn hoped that the govern mont will find sonic moans of settlijig- possessed no powers of annoy Keltlior Hard- Yenhnl unless laily lllserH. |ltypum Imuu name, naincB part* of accepted. ■ by John vho him us the I BO flood fcri'.nm. 1 Kisers, OOlll- Fiind nf. .in the (a and Uoor- u lior lie dla Vs, he ijy oh- PlIll'tH III I civil- m)' m romii- I*'-:!. Illl- a W Itch m it. lidniBii. |i. Is re lick ltfic- u, Htlltus Jive boon All Unit Mvlw fllooiirtul od. No [taken to Olllplilll- uniilo a I"". Emptlon. a ft's priiUj Wi One tiiiid those new lands in a toter^my*thaii has oliaraiterjjiiil^ijjr trniiwetidns in thowC Oklahoma for illustration, bushed scenes of lawlessnoss, bru tality and tyranny tlint were posi tively shocking when it was flint opened to settlement. It was a race' In which the strong overcame the weak, and under such eiroimistaqous an equal distribution, or oven an equal opportunity for scouring' tlio boncllls offered was impossible. Homicides wore of appalling fre quency and a perfect reign of terror ensued. In their greed for choice selections, men scrupled at no flrlmo. The biggest bully was the greatest gainer, b'mipy an army of somojlf),- 000 settlors on the .boundary line waiting for tlio order from emigrc.-is to cross over and take possession Tile moment llm order eomos this ■[groat, blustering throng of Immunity Hi in pell mull to stake off their claims. Home mounted on fleet horses has ten to their favorite section abend of all (itlmi'H. Frequently morn than one lay claim to a single stake,ago, anil the one who liuinllus his gun quickest secures it. This is all wrong and a method should ho devised whereby equal op portunity nlmiild be afforded all until. il Holllern a I 111 the possibility of blond shed, so far iih is passible, be averted. Atlanta Ilurnld. NEW AND GOOD. bouu\ hlorltf» Worth Head lug ami Worth ROfetlll tig. Of ex-eoiigressman Charles 1 tough • erty, of Florida, and a yanked tourist tlio following story is told: The southerner proposed a wager of £10 that, bare to the waist, lie could lie face down upon the ground for thirty minutes, during which time any mo tion on his part tending to drive away a visiting mosquito or otiter insect should lie considered an ad mission of defeat. The proposition was accepted, and the ordeal entered upon at once. Il soon became apparent that, though mo«quitocs.,i}r-K',r;tm»—WCTft fastenintp»*Themsblvcs to repletion, I 'i* I ilv I’rib- King | Fulton W that i of tlio |ys one- kCiiim- 1 ptl. [of dll W Bilth t| lh« last jig ban glOpP; till b& J A Little Olid’sExperience In A Lighthouse. Mr. mill Mrs boron TresooU sro keep- tirs ef llm (lev. btfllillmiisc nl Him,I lluntim Midi. pml me blessed wllli H dnuxllfer, four yours old, bast April Mini ivii« lukon dawn yvlUi Measles, followed with a iliqk|lful Cough Biel turning Into s b'uvoi 1 . Doctors nl heino mid Detroit Honied hor, lull In vale, sho grew worse nipidly, mull she win a innro "handful of belies."- Tiem slie trial! l)r, King’s Now Dlsemei'v mid allor the use ef two and n halt bellies, wns completely cured. They sny Dr, is bin', New Discovery In wo il 11 Its weight In gold, yot you may got a trial.bottle frou al .1, W. l’attlk & Co's, drug (tore. Dcienidal Ic Economy, Til? ooiilieinleal ami honost moth- he ilcmocratlo party have emTNvipaaciisly timnifestcd in SJulhoi‘11 ktaUm ellU'ii tlio war that our taxpayer* ll1 '" ""' villi "K l< ’ 111,1 ,i| U r ^ ../yielding tlio control of local governments to any other iftrty. At the close of the war the south owed about 41(10,(100,000. The ro- publicniiu bad full swing fur about five years and hi that time they in creased our debt to (844,040,40. Then tlio democrats regained control of the state governments, and reduc ed oar indebtedness to about 4108,- 000,000. • This rocoril of honesty and econo, my is Unmatched in tlio liislory of tho world wlmn our circumstances aru taken into consideration. Our tax payers liavu buhi tlirough the mill onoc, ami they arc in no mood to try it again. They have learned by sail experiunoo tlmt the republican imriy is the party of pin- toerttby and bayonet rule; the party of negro domination, and the party of profligate extravagance. ■ As a matter of economy ami .bast, boss, say nothing of other reason's, the south will remain solid, and roll up something like her usual demo- emtio majority—Constitution, Strength anil Uoulth, l If you are uol feeling strong Will health, try liluotrlo Hitters. If "biUlrlpp" has left you wosk imtl weary, use Klee 10 Hitters. Tide tctiimU nets directly Liver, Htommili ami Kidneys, gently those orgrus .to perform tUelv If you arc sllllntod with fsiok on will findspeedy ami pormn anus so far as tlm honorable gentle limn was concerned, mid that barring accidents ho was-a certain winner, Twenty-five minutes passed and the ox-congressman still remained mo tionless, A happy thought struck tlm tourist. Taking from his pocket a burning glass Unit happened to lie in |ds possession, ho focussed it upon tho’barn flesh before him. Tho ex- coiigrcHsnmii stood it for a moment, then winced, twisted, and finally, unable to endure it longer, sprang to his feet with tlm remark ; “Well, yank, you’ve won; but if you’ll bar yellow jackets I’ll go you another 410.-—Now York Advertiser. * i * * The editor of The West Point .Iminfal in Ids valedictory this week says ; “It in the liislory of all newspapers tlmt they get stranded in West Point. Probably if a millionaire shook! inad vertently settle amongst them with a steam outfit, Hoc press and all the latest improved job material, and all the necessaries for a city paper in full blast they “might” simply, as a mutter of course, give such a galvan ised editor their hearty support.” He says in conclusion : “In giving up the paper wo kindly wish Clod speed to all tlio readers of Tho Journal. tho irate temper down and the ulodcmt lieiibnio more subdued. Let us all lie friends. The outfit goes to tile faction wo have so emphatically and cordially fought to flic Kolb executive committee. We have striven to save our citizens, lint to no pm pose, Lot no man arraign u:< in this little bitumens transaction, it is but to save our contract; We fed that onr full duly Inis been complied with." John Church well & Son, DEALERS IN General - Merchandise, BROOKFIELD, GEORGIA.. We Iwtf to inform the public that wo have on hand a complete and will fiolcctod atock of General Mcrtiliandlfte, coiiNUtlnp in part of Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Staple and Fancy Groceries-, Tobacco, Etc., Wliidh we will Hell at HOCK BOTTOM Pill CHS. Wo have no wood to bay or rent to pay, and hence can afford to Hell our ghods at PRICES TO [SUIT THE HARD TIMES. (’all to noeli'i when you come to Mrookfiehl and wo will convince you that we will poHitively flavo you mu eli money. Wo will bo prepared to buy cotton and all other kinds of country produce nnd pay therefor tho HHiIfKBT MAltKi/f l’UIC’EH. He mire and let ui bill on your cotton, and hcII you your huppllce. r B ‘ ■' ootid bnUdnfek be Can be found in liln oflicO from the Jut to loth of euc!» mouth, tlm roHlduv of tliuu will t.u tieMiied to couutry pfttUmU-dit thSlT Ihhhon If cUnircd, * , iw-lf. Trad© at IKe Cheap Cash Store, whoro you can buy tho [rreareHt quantity and Invjt quality of for tlio leant amount of money. Don't forget U> call on uh j wo will be found at tin; Hame old stand. Yours very rcapeetfulty, t jir.sikBiriii, i!.i., July is, isw. .John Cliurchwcll & Son. Dis. J. V/. & D. J. DENTISTS, oditURUs, ------ oKonoiA. oyFicis—llank lluildlng, Itocm Mo. 1, up Htaira IT DR.’j7c" GOODMAN" Pliyssiolan and knrgcon, TIKTOS OKoROIA. OmnK—ltufuu in tho Tifton Druj; Store. TlmuklUfC thepubtie for it a j -as t liberal paMoimj>«; and solicit a continuation nf tJier^mo. J- T- * ♦ Speaking oi Jjolin Sibloy, The Homo Tribune says : "Imagine u tribune of tlio people, a modern Pliiyinnatns, riding from town on a bioyolfl, and occasionally Hpllltliig the middle of cotton rows with the same new funglcd vehicle, il is impossible' for John to be elect ed, Imt on account of personal inter csl in his career, wo would like to kco hini run well, Wo don’t sec how lie can command tlio full third party vole, unless he will renounce his bicycle, just ;ts Tom Watson sold Ills law books. “No, that won’t do; a lmppy thought strikes us. Lot him keep Ills bicycle and bocomo tlio cyclone attachllfont for (‘ycloiic Davis’ cycle rania. At this lie would bo oven greater success than Terrell Speed in tlio Dervish waits." BOYD & BRO. HKADaUABTSHS FOB DR. G. C. LANEY, Plxysician and Surgeon MOUU'IW!, • OEOUOIA. . _ ■ REFRIGERATORS AfiD ALSO STOVES, Urockery, China ant) Glass Ware, Lamps of livery Description, Tinware, Ilollowwaro, Woodwara. ICE-CREAMSjFREEZERS. OlTord Ilia nor vices tu tlio pcoj.lo of Cubpiltt and adinufuit cmmtlcH. 87jr*OFHCK in new dru[f Htoro. From tho clioapcHt to liuck'H Hfitllant, ooucedort to bn the l.cflt in tlio world, they abHolutoly liavo no eijual In the world. Manufactured all kind* of Tinware, Stove Pipe, Gutters, Etc. VTT" Bpcclal prlcoB mado to hotoia and board* lug houaoft. Write or rail on uh wlicu In need of !U4jrth[iif; tn our lino; wo guarantee tyw.voym Af DTK monoy, 41 j. t. iioyi) Ai rtr.o., 1M I'attorHcu Kiroot, Valdosta, (Ja. Will practice In all tlio countlea of the ftouthora Judicial Circuit of Goi>rpf:i. .Special attention dlrcctetl to all branchcn of tlm pri'feHRioli uml general business mdioited. - 8-ly. New Firm, New Store, New Goods. J. W. PAULK & GO ■>) i^RTiaaisTs. Oom]>lete Stock of Fresh Drugs, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Toilet Articles, such ns Perfumery, Colognes, Extracts, Pomades, ITair Oils, Toilet (Jroams and Powders. Brushes, fail lino of Toolli Hrushos, Nail Ilrnslies, Hair Hrnslicn, Shoo Ilviishcs and Clothes Hrnslies. These goods are of tho very best quality and aro to lie sold as cheap as country dirt. Fine .Stock of Lamp Goods, Elegant Assortment of Combs, • Fresh Garden Seeds in Season. We have just received one of Tuft’s magnificent Arctic Soda Fountains, and aro dispensing delicious S-ula water. Only, the purest fruit ayrups.uscd. Dr. N. Peterson is in charge of our proscription, department. J. W. PAXrjYK & CO. Paulk’s now brick building , TIFTON, GEOKOI A ISAAC S. BOWEN, ! "Staple OCE FANCY I I ta:tel» A FUK8H AND WKI.L SELECTED STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND KVaitYTIItmi l!8tJAT.LV VOUND IN A I'lnsT I.'MSS STOCK. I Pay the Highest Cash Price for Country Produce. AND WILL I'LKASK YOU WITH I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. Gen. Gordon told a good one about a darkey named George, who lives with Coll James L. Smith. ' George came up one morning nnd Col. Smith nuked how every tiling wiut gutting .thing. “Jcs-s Ik's’ In (In world ; my Wap is perfectly cIoaii, an’ wo had Olid of de lies’ rains las’ iiight.” Col Smith immediately set off to sue George who laid brought in such Ihutoring report. When he got there he found thnt George’s crop was grassy, and that they had not had ft drop of min in tlmt section in ?. month. Col. Smith then asked George why he told ft hit such hor rible linn, when the truth would no- iiwor so much boiler. George replied: “Miirsc Jim, Iso gwiuo to toll you de trait dis time, I tins to tell bo» to keep up my Itluanoc. You jess notice a imm wlio idlers tells de t ruff nil’ ho ain’t got a hit of ’tlnencc, but iiss tot him be ft big liar mi’ ho‘s (jot. hluohco wid eborylmdy.’’ Gen. Gordon says ilmt the roiistMi why some of tfie TIFTON, GEORGIA; M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL j; MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation DR. N. PETERSGN, Physician and Surgeon© TIFTON. - (1KOUMA. office—Witii J. W, l’a»*Jk& Co. Gall* ■.uidy/cipil yiidujuly day or nijrht. ' ".wjlicu will revive ai —' OfliG« . bp l)«u r.) oi tt :tH> and 10 ^i0 £0 j). in. aUcntbm bc.twBon tu:11 3.00 ami J. M. WILKES, Resident Dontist . TILTON. OEOnOIA. OpncK—Ibjom 4, up ktnire, l*aitlK brick williams; FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, U| REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION TIVTON, - OKOROIA. ’rornpt attontiou given to all local ImMnewi. S;[? w OFFK!Ur-f.ovo llulblingt Koom J l No. 1. JOHN A. WILKES, Attorney * at-Law A1)KL, - CIKWICHA. AND D yj_ Tifton, Georgia. Tho umlorslKuetl nns opened a IDstcltisfl board* tg house in Uie Julian builtlltitf audwillsoi vo tho^tblic with board ami lodging at reasonable licoms are large and airg; Furniture new and tlmonigUg ret* mated; Table furnished with tho bed pro* virions the markets afford. Public patronage solicited. 17-tf. J. M. OWENS. TIFTON _ . >* (X pa r • L" r}. t:J H3 ^ m3SB£ Ps SALE STABLES. TIPTON, - GEORGIA, (h A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, •Local Time Table, Taking cO'oot January 3d, 189ST. Subject to change without notice. Passenger Trains—Knst. 6TAT10NH. No. 4. No. 3. Lv Ailmuy, 1 35 am 3 rat am “ D»vh n 56 am 4 17 am “ Willingham,.. f5S 06 am 4 32 am “ Ijulolla 12 10 am 4 45 am *• t'oulan 12 23 art) 4 53 am “ Stnmttr f'i 20 am 5 03 am A K r& VI 41 tun 6 20 am I.v Tifton a3 00 an> 1! 0 GO nm “ llruoktlold c 24 nut “ Enigma (1 34 am " Aiapaha “ IViliacoochce.. “ Oray’n n3 SA am fi 54 nni f3 M am 7 1U am 7 22 am 7 41 am 7 50 nm “ roaroon....... a i 22 ftut “ McDonald 14 38 am 6 10 am “ M ill wornl 1 21 am “ Waresboro.... f5 C3 am 8 50 tun Ar WayeroM 6 25 ant 0 10 am So. 10. I,v WaycroM 5 30 pm 10 00 am •' scblattorvllle. '* Hoboken —. f6 48 pm 16 56 pm 10 18 am 10 26 nm *' Nahutim fO 14 pm 10 44 am “ • LuliUou ... Ml 23 pm 10 6.1 m *' Atkinson. i.... ft‘> CO pm 11 00 J Ul •• Wayncjvllle... «•» 36 pm 11 ofi iim •• Jamaica " I’ylca' Marah.. to 62 ptu 11 22 pm n ct. u fli 32 i in At Hrunaniok 7 20 pin 1 11 DO pit. * No. 8. T oo pm 2 47 i m s 20 pm 3 4{1 ptu 4 itf» i m 4 30 pm 4 20 pm t» oo pm 1 No. 12; 4 lfi »m 4 <5 am U> 03 a m 6 40 nm o 20 alu o SO aur t> 40 Mil 7 0C,4!U 7 20 am 7 40 am 8 43aiu 9 20 am 10 20 am to CO am PnsHeiiger Train*—W '*t. 1100 m 12 43 pm* \ 06 p m 1 wpm 2 12 pm a so pm 2 60pm •3 so pm 4 00 pm 4 60 pm No. 1. No. 8 *No. li. f.viVT.UAWlck./ l*ylW Slatali.. *• Jamftlrn WayncHYille... •' Atkiujoiis. .** I«uittton... “ Nnhuuta... •• lU4mkcn. '• St’hhttvrYlllo Ar Wajeroas... 'Wtun ft xt am 7 47 am J 06 am « 11 am 8 *2 am 8 aoiuea 8 44 tun 8 62 am V 10 am f? W pu> j*fl 12 pm fa 20 pm ^Wpm VI 42 pia ffl 61 pin ro oopm ffl iTpio To the Henjile ol'the Town ond tlic 8iirronn<Uiig Country to Poy Him ft Visitant His New smtl Etegimt Store, His Hpeelnitios will be NVayciinvj *• Ware^horo... " Millwood “ McDonald ... '* IVarion Kirkland, n am fi 33pm J. No. 9 45 pm flO^OO pro 3 90 am f* 16 am 4 rskm 6*eaMt Si; is; 0 46 am 7 20 am 7 46 am 9 2D am CROCKERY 8HOK8, Hats, cArs, »tt KM HARDWARE HOOP3, vVV-, tfiA’o tYoatouki^v... wmiovSU.. WHw’oocbco.. H0 ®£tn 12W |>m a .... 12 4Bp Atapauo " lic.lgma ... " «n>*kU»td At, HftoiL ..... 10 4fi am IP m am fl3 30 nw 11 18 pm ■" U 27 pm 31 35 pm 11 43 pm u 41 pm 11 61 pm 12 13 pm 11 wpm 12 41 pin 1 00 pm fliWfim . h> so am li» am it so am n fit 10 pro -\ *i\ a» ail third pju ty Iciulcfti tc-H bo many nn«> ^ tnk)ptt Btocjjjrfe AlUen*. j is t,*i kwp ; |t^ theif iiiliuonwL 1 i^itylftoo you that xtaU U]m (bey wmitd toll tins (ruth they row iietd. Lsvfb'ii (loules mtly 1 " .mid have but ivw followt iK in esum Ik.V LVs, d«h| siorq. (comity, There is no House In Town lwviiig sndt a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock of Goods. Uo vsvrhs nearly wcrvUitnfl whies cassiSuoo S ftsml *l-,li ,.r t>rj «<-sk M)il.uw, Hctiv, llnustls*, vt«. Ills stock l» all fresh sml» vi-ft to ),U ,.,tno vs.l he inutosliv bsuceoli,' w jcir- '11 ; tv ‘flrtott.... Ty*ly “ Sumner •kVi.limgham.-v l>avt* . KUOpia 1 45 pm a M pm 2 IO ^ Hi ii'i \f> ran ill aii ml fsi »atu f!2 41 am 2 32 pm U2 JiT iim imn* 1 4* pin* ft Cfl am Ar All*any ....... J 15 nm) IStuuu -yr.’-T .L'V.T — ^ - chawoT ami #dlet\ lk»»d to blm for any ami everything you wed. A >t:al AafPer • tm v{vniiTcicW at Albany’ f« 8 10am slip | * Warn 9 Warn 10 00 am • liafljr, extent &tu>.U; 1 or, pm 1 Wpro l Si an* 320pm * 0 20 am too am; „ ^'30*110 3 OOaiu floor? la. CtdomlMv» > Bo,«^5,n railway, * itvd), FtoriiJ* »i 7yj ■ * • Mitolaell W. CL N.Dueeit al \ amt Wwteifn T JwikNenivft y.m <r*wr- . m OTHTfffl lajrff