The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 30, 1892, Image 1

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m The Tifton Gazette. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1892. 11.00 PER ANNUM. VOL. 2-NO. 25. “ 'LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. P&vcmcnt Paragraph* I’IcUr*l Up and Pcn- alvcly Penned-AU l^rtalnlng to I’envno and Thing*. Several new families have moved to the city recently. The Gazette tenders them a hearty welcome. Go to Griffin & Staten, Valdosta, for youi clothing. Snita from $1 to . m. ltev. B. W. Huokabee, of Sparks, will speak in the interest of the third party ut Nashville to-day. This section is enjoying some bright weather. It is warm during the day but decidedly cool at night. Let there be no laggards next Wednesday. Every democrat should go to the polls aud vote for the party nominees. Pastor Crumpler will fill his ap pointments at the Methodist church next Sunday os usual. Let nil the people turn out and hear him. The Tifton Institute, under the administration of Prof. J. J. Hug gins, is growing rapidly in popular! ty with the patrons and pupils. Mr. L. S. Shepherd has opened stock of general merchandise l» tj Masonic building. He will telMiur rcuders about it next week. Prof. L. II. Lovitt, who is teaching school near Alapaha, piused through the city last Friday enrouto for Brushy Creek church to bd in-at tendance upon the singing couven lion. llev. P. H. Crnmpler will make Tifton-headquarters until after the meeting of the south Georgia con ferenco, which will convene some time in December at ColitmbuB. Mr. 1L J. Brinson, manager of Hotel Sadie, is having a • foundation | dug, iu the rear of‘the right wing of the building, for a green bouse to protect wiuter plants. Griffiii & Staten's handsome two- story budding, Valdosta, is the place to get your full goods. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Brice will move ■" back to Sparks from Mitchell connty ,? ~wifluir% > next' week or two. The people of Sj/u^-will give them licarty welcome on their return. Berrien county democrats, don’t fail to go to the polls next Wednes day aiid vote for democracy and re form, w represented by Messrs. Elias L. -Moore and Henry H. Knight. Mr. M. L. Parrish is now traveling in the intertest of E. II. Shackleford, of Albany, dealer, in wines, liquors and oigars. Mr. Irvin Parrish, who formerly represented this house, is now on the road for L. N. Plonsky. j Col. 0. W. Fulwood is complain ing vehemently about the night hawks and owls robbing his cane patch. We offer you a remedy, Col oucl: Get rid of the cano patch 1 The chandeliers for the Tifton Baptist chnrch has been received and will be put up to-morrow. Mr. W. Lennon, who so liberally donated these lights to the church is dae and no. doubt will receivo the grateful thanks of the congregation. HK L. A. Snow,of the Tift and Suow Fruit I'iu m is in the oity and ' remain until the middle of next rflt« a good op- of our pe ; fruit trees (his them from him best stock by so do- ocraoy. Follow-citizens, there must be something radically wrong in the third party movement when this venerable soldier of the cross feeta called npon to take the stump against it. Go and hear him. Hon. W. H. Snead, of Berrien county, accepted the third party nomination to run for senator in the Bixth district against Hon. E. L. Moore, the democratic nominee. The beet interests of the people of Geor gia demand the election of Moore. The Tift and Snow Fruit Farm Co. will engage largely in the nurso- ry business from this fall and winter, making a specialty of those fruits and the varieties best adapted to this section and Climate. The members of the oompany are very enthusiastic relative to the growth of fruit in this section aud they are determined that the industry shall be thoroughly tested. They are men who don’t do things by halves. A. W. Patterson, chairman of the county democratic executive com mittee, met with the Tifton club last Tuesday .night and gave the mem bers some good advice relative to polling the full democratic vote of the district next Wednesday. He is no speaker but a very forceful talk er. His presence at the olub, in- his offioial capaoity, will prove very sal utary to the canse of democracy in in the county. . - The democrats managers of the election next Wednesday, in Berrien und ajoining counties will do a good service to their country and'party if tliey will 8oe to it that the democrat ic tickets are not destroyed. It may be done and the election uhreiuona- sonably delayed. Plenty of ticket will be furnished to each polling place so that the managers can keep some in reserve all the time, The Gazette is informed that the Withinooochee Singing Convention hold a most delightful as well as successful session at the Brushy Creek church last Friday, Satnrduy and Sunday. There was a very large attendance, allot whom were most hospitably entertained by oitizens of tlie’utighborhqod. The lessons were entered into enthusiastically by the several leaders, and all who were present jjrcatly enjoyed the music, List year’s officers were unanimously re-elected, vli; W. Henry Griffin, President, and Walter Lindsey, Sec rutary. We have not learned where the next session will be held. The attendance of young men at the Yonng Men’s Union Prayer Meeting lost Sunday evening, at the Institute, was very gratifying to all oonaerned. The editor believes that it will continue to grow in attend ance so long as the present zeal and earnestness is manifested on the purt of those who projected it. All young men of Tifton, os well as visiting young men, are cordially invited to attend these meetings—held at the Institute at 6:16 o’clock every Sun day evening. We learn that some negro men went to Sparks lost Sunday night to take the south bound passenger train. They built a fire in the middled the road and sat down by it on tbs track, and while waiting fell asleep. The engineer seeing the light reversed his engine to stop, and had nearly done so before the ponderous machine reached the fire. The engineer’s pilot rolled the sleeping negroes pret ty lively, and our informant says that a few more turns, of the wheels It won id have been “all day Ishani” them. Underwood, of Camilla, the .ft Tifton Baptist an d at The ularly to king the **W. ic and righteousness shall exceed the right eousness of tlye Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter the king dom of heaven.” He will continue to fill the appointments of the pas tor, Dr. C. M. Irwin, on Jthe second and fourth Sundays iu each mouth until tnrther notice. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. DENOUNCED AS FALSE. Captain Hubba Write* a Letter to Dr. llokatt. Albany, September 28.—Dr. J. II. Pickett, of TyTy, chairman of the people’s party of the socond congress ional district, has written a letter to Captain R. Hobbs, chairman of the democratic committee, asking his as sistance in securing a division of managers at the polls in the coming elections. Captain Hobbs replied that the comity offioials had the mat ter in hand and referred Dr. Pickett to them. He also took occasion to score Dr. Piekett for the people’s party conduct at tlio recent Weaver melee here in granting no division of time and stating to Weaver that the democrata would not let him speak unless such division was granted. This statement, after saying it had been traced to Piokott, Captain Hobbs denounced as false. He con cluded his letter thus: “Yon Speak of honesty and fair dealing. When you act different from what you did at that Woaver mcotiirg, ! will be prepared to confer with you, but not until thqn. n The republican convention of this district meets hero to-morrow, Tho probability is that they will endorse the third party anil advise their voters to vote with it iu state and congressional elections. TEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. AND Batch of Mew* from Neighboring Countie* Deemed of Special Interest to Gaxette Headers. for , , POSTPONED AGAIN. The Hearing of the Tifton and Thomaavllle Haltroad Petition. Macon, September 28.—Again the hearing of the application of lteoeiver Sparks for $460,000 for the purpose of building a branch of the Georgia Southern and Florida from Tifton to Thomaaville has been postponed. Hearing on the application was set for to-day aud prominent lawyers were in attendance on the court. Hon. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, Hon. L. F. Gerrord, of Columbus, John I. Hull, of Griffin, were present besides Messrs. Dessau and Bartlett representing creditors and Messrs. Gustin, Guerry and Hall represent ing the receiver. An amendment to the petition. to the effect that the debt thus contract ed wonld be only a lien on the road between Tifton and Thoninsvillo and not npon the main line, altered the oomplexion of the petition and at torneys approving it ask for post- poncmcnt, because they believe their clients would agree to the borrowing of the money nnder these conditions. The hearing was set for October S4th. Declared Coy Hand. A mv, September 29.—The re publican convention of the second district met here to-day. B. F. Brambcrry, of Albany, introduced a resolution pledging the party to sup port Hand the third party candidate for congress. It was carried. Brura- barry said he Indorsed the third par ty because it was pledged to a free ballot and fair count and urged the party to support Hand. His spaeeli was the usual howl of fraud by tbe democrats and his wail of woo waa not received with any great enthusiasm. Only eight of the fifteen counties were represented,and there »m no enthusiasm at all. The negroes do not swallow this Pew dose with any dogive of relish. \i ‘i A rpedal from Thomaaville, dated September 20, says: A barn ou Mr. T. 0. Mttohsir* Trout Lake farm destroyed by fire to-night. Three d pounds of tobacco, owned H. Fauceit was burned, on thin* was only 8550 insurance, The Go to Dr. J. C. Goodman’s sporting goods. Mr. J. T. Denby, of Woith county, has handed lie a sample of the Wild Goose pea, which he esteems as a splendid field pea. He says it is a thrifty, and prolific pea and docs well in poorest soil. The grand jury of Colquitt coun ty, which was in session lost week, recommended the organization of a court under the general county court law. We did not learn who was re commended for judge. Mr. John Clements, who lives near Irwinville, planted this year one acre of long-staple oottou and expects to gather one hale from the patch. If it comes up to his expectations he will plant all of his cotton land in it next year.—♦Advunce. It is as good as reading a romance to sit and heat tinole Jack Story talk of the time before and during the wot To hear his vidid description of those four years of blood, doseu’t fire our heart with ajmigipg for ;; repetition of those tempestuous years. —Syeamoro Nows. A prominent old gentleman of Georgia being asked who were the the. most popular officials of the state, named Hon. W. A. Harris, of Wortli county, secretary of the senate, as one of them, and suid ho had earned his popularity by the faithful per formance of the duties of the office. Hoti. Henry G. Turner addressed a large audience at Douglass on Monday. The ladies were out In full foioe to welocme this oharapion of democratic principle. The court house was gaily decked with flowers. Upon a rising vote there wus not u third party man present und only eight republicans. The offioc of tho clerk of flie su perior court of Coffee county was robbed Sunday night of tho old county seal, aud two Important records oontaining damaging evi denco against prominent parties gave evidence of being tampered with. The robbers are spotted and lmpor tant arrests will follow. The superior court of Clinch coun ty con veues next Monday and will lie adjourned Tuesday afternoon im til tho following Thursday morning in order that all the attuohees may have an opportunity to go tjjfine and vote. Irwin superior coilfFoonvoncs also next Monday and the Gazette supposes a similar oourso will be pursued there. The democrats of the fourth dii- trict of Worth county had a rally last Saturday. Col. J. G. Pol hill, of Isabella,-and W. A. Allen, of the Sumner Local, and others made speeches. Coj. Pol hill reports that it was a perfect democratic love-fealt; there wai plenty of democratic en tkusiosm and something good to eat on hand. Tho thorough democratic canvass of county closes at Warwiok tomorrow There is a general rally at Poulan to-day. The editor regrets be can not attend. Hons. Ben E. Russel, Jesse W. Walter*, James M. Griggs and William E. Wooten ate an ex oellent quartette to have at A demo cratic rally and barbecue; they are all auperb speakers. It is reported that a yonng man by the name of Leonard Sumner, of Worth connty, is stamping Irwin county in the interest of the &iid party. One of tbe results of this young man’* can vass has been to con vince the renembk J. J. Whiddon thafthe third party of Irwin county is not strong enough to eleot him to the legislature and he has withdrawn. Young Sumner’s father, one of the most exemplary citizens of Worth jhty, it tbe democrat io nominee the legislature And will, las sfcct- ; a good round majority. ; An Appeal Democrats. The editor of tho Gazette was pained last week, when attending the Colquitt county superior court, to hear life-long demoorate say they would not support the nominee of tho party for representative from personal reasons. We take it that surely these domoorats hnvo not properly considered tho matter, und risking the oliarge being burled into our face that we aro meddling with what don’t concern us, we ventme a few thoughts to our democratic friends of that county. If you follow the polioy you have marked ont you will vote against your party and your settled political convictions simply for the purpose of venting personal spleen or reek ing personal vengeance npon the can didate, Hon. J. B. Norman, Jr, Have yon ever seriously considered the foot that Mr. Norman is not the democratio party any more than any other democrat ? It is true, perhaps, you have good reason for personal grievance ngunst M r. Norman—but you should not murder the demo cratic party because of it. Mr. Nor man i» tho nominee of tho party, made so we conclude by a majority of the party in the county, and it is hiding with third partyites for the puipose of defeating Hou. John B. Paulk, the regular democratic nomi nee, and the Gazette learns that they are arguing the question to themselves in the same strain with our Colquitt county friends. Shame on sucii democracy! In that (Irwin) oonnty they have two democratic candidates iu the field, the nominee and an independent; aud the third party had two candidates in the race lmt one of them retired in favor of the other. Now, with the democrats divided and the third party united the election of a democrat is doubt ful to say the least Have tried almost every known reme dy for Itching Pile* without success, An ally hough! a box of De 'A'tU’i Witch llatel Salve, and ft has cured mr. 0.1), Haskins, Peoria, III. I)r. I. C. Goodman. DIRECT TRADE. Georgia Southern and Florida to Unite In Making It a Hnrces* at a Georgia Port. Col. Thomas P. Stovall has re turned from New York, where he has been over two months very large ly engaged in pushing forward the movement for direct trudo hetween foreign countries ami south Atlnnlio ports. The inauguration of partial direct the duly of dctnooruui to support flfflll ShwhwhIi-bihI Brunswick I. i A I * * fit" t 1 * I**" tuna lilt I ilm luuviuitiiwt nP Alt.. itinnl. iiiinuiiiiot in liii imtirttiriTiTcapaoity hnt os the duty accredited represen tative of tho party. Your vote will be oountod in fuvor of the democrat ic party and not in favor of M r. Norman ns an iudividuulj; it records your fealty or loyalty to the demo cratic party aud not your personal friendship for Mr. Norman. On the other hand, a vote for Mr. Mnrphy endorses his political principles and Hie republican party, rather than your personal friendship us a man. Again, have you scnouily consider ed the fact that it 1* almost absolute ly impossible for tho party to noml nnte a candidate entirely free from personfl antagonism, a man who hus no enemies I Indeed, it is a maxim as old as exporeinoe itself that a nuin who has no enemies is one who has little individualism or settled char acter; he is a man whoso life lias been made up of little nothings; he is a mail who is unstable and vacillat ing in everything he undertakes. A man who will attempt to do his whole duty in life will oertainly get in soniobody’s way, und the moment he docs it he hug made an enemy. It should not be so, bill then it is— and your voting against your party will not change it Fellow-democrats, of Colquitt county, tho Gazette beseeches you to hold party principles, tho best inter ests of your neighbors and your country, fnr above personal piqun and personal dislikes. If you want your party principles to prevuil and put into actire oiierution you must vote for tho parly candidates for there is no oilier way tho show your allegiance to the party and its prin ciples. We ho|>o this upiK-al will not be in vain 1 Since we union this line we wnnt to say that we have iieard similar talk from democrats in Berrien, Ir win Mid Worth counties. In Berrien connty, democrata have said thoy would rote against Mr. Kuight for personal reasons; and now, we appeal to your sense of justice to tho demo cratic party, to think of what you are doing. Of oouqp third partyites wiil enoourage you in so doing, be cause every silent democratic vote means a half vote for the third party, aud every democratic vote cast for Mr. Roberts means two votes for the tnird party. You can easily discover why the third partyites will enoour- age you in this ootirse. In ’Worth county there aw some demoorate who are talking as in Colquitt and Berrien. It is all wrong, founds, go to tho polls and vote the straight tjckeL The palladium of your country’s liberty is ind issolubly connected with the democratic party and your neighbors are expecting you to do your duty. Iu Irwin county we u:id was but tho beginning of thu muoh desired cud. Both lines only em braced outgoing freights. Imports are needed to. iomul up the freight part of tlio plan, while a good pas sage service is an essential feature. For thi-Be matters we have been work ing. To scoiirc all these features of freight exports and imports and pas sengers, culls for fine steamers and office fuoilitics on both sides of the sea. And the pretty certainty of tho oargoes and travel is demanded to save ship owners from loss, or any how divide the r;sk. As we have be fore stated, a moderate guarantee of business was the common sense re quirement of the ship men. The railroads that have forces to work np . business were the ones to give this guarantee, und they have many of them ngrecd to do so, and the others are about to assume their part of it. This wiil give us the best line. Hitherto Georgia has borne tbe burdeii of this agitation and this movement, but Florida hascome into hearty support and active coopera tion with the movement, and her great railway the Plant system is in with us, while tbe nut and powerful East Tennessee, Virginia and Ueor- uiu system has given its practical support to the imperial benefuctioo. Chicago is flooding Europe with literature descriptive of her advan tages and attractions, and is offering every inducement to the world’s folks to go to her big fair next year. She is in hot contest with New York for for municipal supremacy of this con tinent, olniniiug that the greatest commercial markets of the world aro interior, like Loudon, Paris, Vienna and—Chicago. A purt of the plan of Col. Stovall and raysolf in this vital direct trade project is to advertise southern splen did advantages in Europe, m a fine, illustrated pamphlet, in which we have the co-oporation of the railroads aud will need the morohante, manu facturers und land couipauies us co- •edjututora. All hands icoognize that wo mast get for the south her full 1 share of the wave of foreign visitation to the United States next year that will nub to see our colossal exposition at Chicago. People must come or re turn by the south, and now is the time to prepare for them. Our Hou is getting thoroughly aroused l the chance, and is keen to use it, would be criminal not to do so. The movement will be pushed with nil possible vigor, and the patriotro and practical co-operation of ov< interest, agency, oitiam and corpora^;, - *— 'IfcjWil tiou ia most earnestly iuwked.