The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 07, 1892, Image 4

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f HE GAZETTE A RECEPTlCLp FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. pGnvsuiid ICventa trf Interest jjtrpniiplfltiff Chronicled -togrxt lulthfni Miul THU*, -ilopiittofivpA af Uflpnrljir*> • ICniglim Kelloi'H. ii.NKIMA, Ol'IoU'f 6.—.MhSHI'S. W,on ion it (iuijn arc Having tlWJr large ^wo ; H|,oi-y ai-ore Iioiimi painted; JCnig- iniy in on a Hoorn. (jjfjii if B. (innii inform# mo Hint pome niiiioruuHt allomplod to jvr.opk pie tram engine, a few Bight# aince, Homo four inilen south of thin place )»y planing obotrifotlon# on the track. HTii# wrecking Ininineoji in very dan gerous and is ]mn|#lial)lp, ipidnr the 'law, by a ynry hpuvy penalty. It pati’t be pqgnjbjo that the partieH who (lid it fully reuljzu (ho enormity of their crimp, It has only been a abort firm) alncfi Homo parlies were sent lo the Dado coal mines for life for soi ling lire lo bridges on Ibo. ('enlj'al (•ailrqail J.-ibI fall, and tlm poraon or persons who Jrioil |.o wreck Messrs. yVoslon <t (lipin’s Ir on engine may Vent asulired lltoy will be proHoeuled In the uluiosl extent of tin; law if their idonlity js disoovorod. Mtincrg. W- If. Murray, Japics mid Hebert Bellflower, of llerod, (la., are at Enigma thin week visiting relatives and friends. I rode up lo a genlh-nmu’s gale a few morning# slncjj and was greeted with this Hiibilalion, “flood morning, Colpnell'l lie took me to ben eitndi- dldale. It mai|e me feel bad. Dr. .1. II. Hammond madp it busi ness trip to Albany last Snlnrdiiy and pother to ,Sparks on Monday. There must be somn strong attrac tion up in Worth county for our young friuud A. I 1 !. Klliott, of Alapa 1m. Nearly every time I see him of late he js either tjjOI'O Of going there, Uenulifiil weatberl It makes far mers saw mill and tiirpenliim smile. —" liliss Lizzie I’uiWood, nf Al(l|!itllll, spent a day in Enigma the lirst of the week. Hunt, and Mrs. .1. I), (Infill vjailed Alapnlm to-day and will ho at tlm pmrriage of Mr. Otis Maker and Mias .Emilia Enhyoml, wlileli intere»tin event occurs thorn to night, Mr. E. V. Mali will go in Atlanta pi a fmv days for (.lift purpose of takj Ing a eoiirse of inguleul leetures till# fall nail winter, lie Inis been read ing tills yenr under tlm tupirsliip of Hr. .1, H. Hammond, who has spared Ho pains in giving lipn a thorough preparation fur entering tlm medical College, so Unit Im will at once lake pti c|iviable position in Ids class. To-day wll! decide the fate of a great many Georgia eundidales and will have a very decide^ inlluenne pvor llg> elcelioa assaraueo imsiaesH. I venture to say some candidates will get beat to-day; end thpii be will be sorry, old so very sorry, ho did pot opine round in lime and get me pi ifigure Ills elerllull. Widl, if lie lie p third party man that gels heat I shall not lie sorry worth a oont and yvlll try to struggle through wlilumt pm III,lie, premium I \vmdd have got- ,pm op ids policy. KmiUHAit. sense tenehes its pos#c##ors that tlmrc may he honest differences of opinion, and that if this is a free country each roan )iu» the right to hold or express hie opinirin, and y<Hp ids own ballot. The man wjjo lias not lirmness enough to vote ns lie pleases ought to be disfranchised, for if lie js guided by some other man’s will in easting bis yoto the other man votes twice and fie not at all. I admire life man who has the soiihu and courage to vote up to bis convictions of right, Now the negro, who did pot bring himself hurc, nor did he enfranchise himself, is tlm innocent cause of all this arrayillg" brother against brother making personal hatred among men wllp-e inleresls are identical. There used to boa process among card players called playing the dead man’s bund, (,'uffy is the dead man’s hand. Now that wo have elected North ern governor and a legislature pearly representing Hie will of the majority let us set our hands to healing the personal animosities engendered by uvea zealous parlizans, and all work for what >ve think wo have voted— the best interests of Georgia. \Ve have plenty to do and in tlm near fu ture I shall give my views. There Is no use linking, neltljor Harri son or Cleveland will lie oleelial mi|ess limy lake lie Witt's bllllc Early Risers They Imvc a “gel there" (painty possess ed hy no oilier p!||, l>r. .1. (1. Ooodtnaa. iron i*car jii'! , '(f'V v |f'n. nnd KiotiiiH’it <ii ,fui|(r v , fnko uu(vWiV »t mow urn ki»k. Ml drnhr* l.< t n ll, ’I |»# r Isrith;, <.t unin'* line Initio niur*C‘hid] «r w.t'.d red linen on wrnpper. LAYMEN'S UNION MEETING. Hit illinllOutldUHi ' l-’or A- i'o. Tiftin, (bv (hires Horatchos on hul'ses arid mange on i(oits wllli one or two side by ,1. W. I'aulk In this v l(y of consumption. A familiar beam' ' ' D.l ICI).- liwullho Isn't Ilf Id pretty fisky to ntglbci a cole or t'nugli One pitnuto Bough fore Is pleasant, safe and (md. Dr. .1. 0, Umulnmn. Ad Ides of Orghnl/nllou, I’roginin for Hec- oml Meeting, JCI«*. f Idle. . At the Hussion of the union meeting of Alell associiiiimi, bold at Mr. Zion eliure-li, Ibo If fill Sunday in May, Ul!)2, tlm mlvijablllty of organl/.iiig a Laymen's Union meeting was tlior- o iglily dismissed. Tlm ipiestion was decided in tlm iilllnnntivo and tlm time and place for organizalion was appointed, Accordingly a mealing was held at New llivcr eliip-eli .July 2!l(l, IN02, and an itrgunizntioj) perfOcM by the election of (!. Al. Willis modurntor and Joseph '1'. Webb as secretary. (In motion, Itrclhrcu .1. 'I'. Deidiy, .1. I), Callipun multi. W.Ouosl were ippnillled a enmmitlee to draft Mill- itjjlc, by-laws and constitution for tlm government of dm organization; also o nrrange progr.tni for the next meeting. Oil motion, Kesnlvcd to meet with Sa|eru ehureli, Worth county, nil Thlll'sday before the fourth Sunday m i letolier next. ('. Jl. Wu.I,in, Modcnilor. ,1, T, Wi||m, Seeroliiry. I>(IOOIl,VM. Thursday, i);llO a, in,—Call the meeting to order by llm moderator and prayer by Urn. Ilenry Willis. Address pf weloornaby Hro. .lobe V. Sullen. IDlifi II. III. -Whip. is tint whole duty of tlm lay membership of tlm elmrcli? Dismission opened by llro. Silas O'tjuin, 2:011 p. in Are, the lay members of llm rlmrrli within" tlm bounds of Atoll association doing their whole doty? If not, why not? Discussion opened hr Hro. .losoplt Sumner, Miscellaneous business. .1. T. Dps nr, .1. D. C.u.miu.x, G. W. Gunsi', ('oinniitteo. Worth County Local please copy. J-liDiciitfoii. ICditvr*Ti/fou Gaelic,: Fooling the need of an educational enthusiasm, let me ipeet the people through your valiiahlo column#, Doubtless, the greatest rpiestioo with which to agitato 1-liu minds of Ibo Southern people now is that pf edue/itiou, i The njjfids of cbildrpn slioujd bo trained and developed in the channel and U|rn in which you expect them to go, and when they arc old they will not depart from jt, - “Great oaks fyorn iiftjn acorns grow.” Great minds from fjttje chil- dreir spring. Hrironts, your children from their very ihfancy begin to learn of and grasp those Idoas'set before them liy their exeniplars, The mind of a chjld Is fully ela*ti- oal In ils nature. Its future size depends upon the amount of pressure brought lo bear upon it from out ward ob jects or circumstances. The intellect, God’s ipiage on liu- mnnity, is put jn the bands of the parents or guardian to a.great degree llint they may feed it from time to time as tiie child lias need to develop ils I act. The gorminnlion of noble aspira tions must be fed or else it will pjno away and feed on tlm evil intlunneo- of an intellectual <|iuigmire ; on an in fluenza of degradation; and on the bread of idleness and crime. In the morning of reason, tbo ten der tendrils of tlm mind begin lo reach out into tbo soil of the sur rounding inlluc|icos and take in tlm food u liCther it, bn palatablo at first or not. And whatever yon feed the mind of the child on that ymi may expect to lie virtually the elements of ils nature and Ibo course of its inclination. Some, very few, send down their deteruiiiialions and tak< Cliffy In 1'ollttcs. ■ Oik'll,, October 6,- Tlm election being over and those of i\n who have it Oil tlm table to wit, lire enjoying -our disli of crow, wo may also have a little lime for relleetion. For llio lirst lime in 21) years I lie negro lies been a dangerous factor in politics. White neighbor Inis been arraigned ngniiiNt while neighbor and oufly Inis found himself an im portant- politician. I state the fuel pot to seni-rh for the eauso but lo di rect tlm sensible poor while men ol Georgia to i^m probable effoeL From tins tjuie forward «Ir’to men Will bo dividyd|in Wepruia. Thu Rush Imiid with which inch mild unnms as "rotten,'' “nigger-hugger” Vrnsoal" and the move lovely petypbi- thet# o/“tyranls”and “traitor” hurled at third partyitus have burned tlm ^and too deep-to efface. Common locp'liold below the cares of neglhct him; -tho white people think they have time yet. So the spirit ends in tlm sad reality that our people are dying in tlmir own conceit and aw pot sending to school and grasping tlm golden opportunities offered them. Children should be taught to rule father than to bo rilled. A spirit of refinement and pride should be stirred deep in the heart of every child to look far higher mllu- eneos and elmrishTinblo thoughts of nfnnhood. Not, only* the pulpit of the city is filled with a learned man hut the altar of the rustic clmi-eh is honorod with one. Nona but tbo] most learned at. tempts to practice at tlm bar, The ranks of educated men are fast mustering to llm roll call of responsible positions. Loarned men are filling the responsible positions and money'seats in the country. Learned men now sing llm songs of the nation—and proolai m llm truths of philosophy. lijso no, parents, and give your children ml opportunity. Fit them for the labors of a lifetime. If you do not, the children sliopld visa op and dnigrace your feeble efforts with an invincible ambjijon to sale higher in intellectual pursuits, The school at .Sparks is growing. 0>;o, D, (ioii.viti). AUoes-rA.OA-, March 22,180V tlP.NTLBMKSItidvila mo pleasury to make the r.ilhovliiz auttt-iiumt cnm-erniiift tlm i-nratlvfi puwrr otA’Qur wiimlorilil KlactroixMe. 1 have bum-rail untohl aaony tor tlm last fourteen yerre, luj- trouhle have IjeelloonBtitmttoll. 1 have Hpeut several thouaaml thillars lu theelturt to reyuln my health, havhmheeo treatoil hy emlnont pliy- “ " ol Ahiiaile North ami KAUth. 1 eontlumi.l to pet wiiteii, mu 11 finally 1 was u'i .'eii up to tile. Coil- aLlpatiiiii, mrplit liver unit ahaUered-uervoH, I true reduced aliimat to shi.i and Itoeea. Alter tlil.i ataae id nil’,lira my friuud,ThomuuC. Swift, Kuip, lute vicu preeldi-ut of tl.u S. H. S. Cu.,ilrz(id rnu to dlaenntl'iuc the useof nil ■mdluluea mill treat myaeir with yonr. araiul remedy. | ino-t uilitiU I liuil tin faith lu tlu- Klectriipulae. lult my conltdcnee lu my /rlvod ludueed mu to uiuke the trial. Alter ii-ihu the tCoetrnpulsethree numtlia I was restored to perfoe' liealgl, and now welph tor, pinyuts. I owe It all to your Kleerropolse, nml tinliealtatliijrly pnmouneo It the meat wun- "Ul I. .. -IIIV.S h'eeatngntuhle, in- children who want bulhl- hm up. should I like unovvN s utim ttvrTIOMS. IS In pli'iuuMiti eure« Maliirlu, Indtjteatlnu, a, Liver umiplalidi, amt Neurulttla. llUlllUMIIlS it's md very pkmsnut lo eoimh nml buck, ’I'e sillier pnin in chent nml lack. Many penpto emilil stop If, fnr unrS liy uimplv usInyOm- Mliyulu t’lingli Guru. Dr,,!. t> tioollmjm. The 'millipede being made from rcpiimjciiniAm in demueruey in the Nertll, Kind and West because of the iniipiity of prnleotiop and feder al inlei-fereneo with oloutions should open tlm eyes of southern people and cause them In stop and think before going further toward tlm political disruption of the solid, south, lion, Waller tj. G resit Ain, who declined tlm tliinl parly nomination for presi dent, ittni Hon. Wayne Me.Vengh, Gmfield's nllonmy geul-ral, have tie- scried the g, o. p. and will vote for l'lev viand. Dy-pop*!8., distress after i-atlng, sour stomneh, pour nppeltte, bad taste, eoatcil ton Kite ami beuribiiro are mtred UV Do Witt’s I,Rile l-larty Hlaors, tho fwnmto Hi tie pitta. Dr. .1. G. tiOCotnau, and the troubles of disappointment and grow lo be towering oaks in the forest and wilderness of intellect. These eases are few. Those arc few who lmvo tho determination of a Franklin or a l'atrick Henry. There is a certain storehouse put in the hands of tlm pnrents for every child, 'flm parents mast walk out in tho dewy morning of life and scatter o|i|inrluniiies which tlm child can cnlne along and gather up to feed its iippolltd and serve as a Idling to the work, ll is for you, fathers and mothers, to say whether you expect yonr liny to rolleot erudit or sorrow upon your white hair as they bloom for tho grave. Von must say wlietli er your (laughter shall lie a rake or a igiccii of humanity. If you deny them their portion of your pare you may expect a prodigal or beggar instead of an honor. If you refuse them tlm opportunities entrusted to you as faithful servants of Immunity, you may expect them to lie failures in this life. The great responsibility yf educa tion depanda tiffin tlm parents. Will you give them these oppor tunities mid make man nml women mit of them or will you refuse them ami lump lo yourselves dishonor and disappointment ? Will you erv “a little more sleep and a little more slumber" while, stu-li heaving (ides dash by you and already heave atloat on the deep blue sea of despair? Can you fail to see the need of of school ing your children while responsunli- lies are growing so great upon thorn ? Children atv-generally vvlmt they are lilted for. (f you lit them for higher stations in life they will lid them. If you neglect them tlu-y will lid the Imvor'sluttons ami occupy tlm rear seals in elmrcli and in state. Will you stand ami see your chil dren swelter in their own life blood while in such a contest with other l-nuM for supremacy V Did the white children receive their allure of the public funds- lust year? ’I'lie negroes, in IStH payed '(>10,000 taxes on $M,200,000 in tlm state of Georgia, While the whites payed #Mif),-l22.nO taxes on if tf),- 000, worth of property. The negroes received (-100,000 school funds, ft 01,1)00 utoie than they paved luxes, while tho whites received only $725,000 school# funds for their children, fl the whites Imd received in'proportion to the negroes they would have used over $1,000,000 for this purpose. One cause of this is: the negroes go to school and no hindrrimo dl'tor •laifiil fllrfcovery of i!iu ano. With 11, profound aoiihu of gratMudu for my recovery, f tun. Your* roapettfuiJv, II. IliVfciis. Pur nil Information, iSrn., ml dims MiueiropoiHC Co., Atlanta, (in. ar>r» Perry Hf.reeti Anantla Died ion TieUetH. Tho (lAznrru is prepared to print tickotfl .for the" ensuing elections at tlm shortest possible notice and at reasonable prices. The patronage of local candidates respectfully solic ited. I “oil (leal Announcement. To tho voters nf f»nld onntpy: T anmmnoa my- Mtfli a tM.ttililaic lor Tax lUicuherof your ooun- ty, Ktihjcct, to tiio domocnitlo lu lmnvy, nml nollo It your mil)port. Itr.v.H. J.Saum. PAV VOlIIt CITY TAX. liy order-of tho City ('omicll of Tlfton, at n meeting hold October lid. 18irj, I was Instructed to open tho (ax hooks of Tlfton for the payment John Churchwell & Son, t; _ - ■ s>«,: DEALERS IN General - Merchandise, BROOKFIEI-n, GEORGIA. y¥n |i(»« tn inform the public* tlmt y/a lmvo on hand a complete and well selected eijock of (lencraX Memh#pdls/>,oom»isllDgiti part of . . Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Staple arid. Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Etc., Which we will sell at ROOK KOTTOJtt J'JilCEH, We have no wood to buy m rent to pay, and. hence cun airord to sell our {roods at , • PRICES TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES. f!all to bco tin when you como to Hrookfleld and we will convince you that wo will poaitively Bavo. yon much money, We will he prepared to liny oottou and all other kind* of country produce and pay therefor tho ■ HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, lie mire and let us bid on your cotton, and «ell you your supplies. Trade fjt the Ch@ap Cash Store, where you xian buy the pmitest quantity and best quality of goods J for the loast amount of money. Don’t forget tq call qn us{ we will l»e found at the same old stajid. Youni very respectfully, iirookficid, fin., July 80, lfnw. John Churchwell & Son. J- T- BOYD & BRO. HEADQUASTB8S FOB Crockery, China and Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Description, Tinware, Hollowware, Weoctware. ICE-CREAM . FREEZERS. REFRIGERATORS AND ALSO STOVES, Vrpm the eheapest to ilunk’s Jlrllllant, conceded to he the bent In the world, they abBolutely havy no equal in Ibo world. Mai>ufnctlires all kinds of .<•— • Tinware, S|pvc Pipe, Gutters, Etc. Special prJocB made to hotels and board ing hquacK, Write qr call on us whon In need of tvnytbjng Inoui'line; wo gunmnUte to save you •?. T, ItOYD & BRO., 1(HPflttpwqn Bcruot, Valdosta, ru. money 44 % New Firm, New Store, New Goods. J. W. PAULK & CO PBUGGXST&.- Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs* CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. I Toilet Articles, (Utah as Pttmhiory, Colognos, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oils, Toilet Ot-anms and Powders, Brushes, foil lino of Tooth Brushes, Null Ilrnsiies, Hair Brushes, Shoo Brushes and Clothes Brushes, These goods are of the very host quality and are to be sold as cheap as country dirt, Fine Stock of Lamp Goods, Elegant /VsHortmorit of Combs, Frosli Garden Seeds in Season. If ton for the payment of city tax on the loth of October and cIohg them on the Whit of November. ' Ali perftouA will take notion and govern tbem- wdves accordingly. ExcootlottH aguiiist dcfauli- ers will he idMticd promptly. J.ll Goodman, T. T.C. Citation. flEOliniA -Heron ex County, To all whom it mayconcccn: John I’opc ban applied to the uuileirtlgned, hi pro|>er forut t for IgUtirt qr aiiinlDiBtratlon oit the estute «»r Si Ida Hope, late of “aid conuty dccoaned, and 1 will paxa mum hid fluid application at my olllco 1 " ‘ 'lie on the Mist Monthly ' *’ lu NmhvUfe on the Mrat Monthly In Novmnher next. Given under my hand and ollleial tdgn.'t turo, thin October ltd, 18ir» F. M.HMi ll 1, Ordinary. Citation. O KO(U JIA -11K H It tKX Cou NT V. To all whom It tuny concern: J. J. and AY. iMiiidt, admi'.il itriGors ol H. N. I’iirrlsh. late of «ahl cqnntv, docearted, have applied to the nn- derxigned lo proper form for letter* of dUmlxHiou “ ‘ ’rn.thl mliiiinUtration, and I will jiatw .1 ,,i.1 l.wi .I.... S ti... ..III.,.. 1.. V null front thuli upon Uudr Htdd ap|dtcatiou at iuv oflh'e In .Nanh- vlllo o.i ti.i’ flrst Monday next. Given under my hand and oihvinl signature, ihU Octolatr 3, Hpw. ' V*. SMYni^Orolnury. (il'ORGlH Citation. -IlEltlUtiN iVUNiy. To all whom It, may eoucorH j O. W- Moore, atlmlnlMt-rator of Ellraheth Watfion, late of Huld 'minty deceased, ban applied to the undersigned In proper Torm for lemon of dt-unlMidon fr<»n\ bin said admlniAtratlou, and I will pass upon Id* nalil application at my uillco h\ Xashvllle oil the lirst Motidny'in January next. Given under my hand and ollleial hlgnatnn*. this October18U‘2. K. M. &>Uth% Oi;d\i»ary. Citation, GKORGIA—Ukrhikx County. To all whom It may concern: H. 11. lVeple*. admlniattutor of Harmon ll Avera.lateuf ttaht county deceased, tins applied to the imdcnitgncd in proper form for letter.* of dismission from bln Bald administration, ami I will puss upon ht« said Application at my nflicd In Nashville on tl»? lirst >lomlay lo January next. Given umkrmv hand nnd ottlcial signature, this OotolHsr 3, E. M. smith, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale, G KOItOl A UKItH I KM t 'ou STY. ITmler and by virtue of nn order from the Court of Ordinary of .mhl county, granted at. the “ ” *"■ ’ “ • ' * Wfore tho cmtrt October Verni, lB’W, will Imj sold hottn dons of said co'-.nty, In tho town of Nash- vllle, between the legal lumra of H;Ue oi\ the ttrst Tncsdav In NovcmUo.f next: Twenty-rive act**, more or less, of laud tmmber In the nt h dis trict of anld county, belonging to the estate of Mr». EliaalM)tU Watwm, decti:ise*l, a,ml mow* f«tl« ly described in r> «leed of conveyance made to mild Mim Klytaltfth Watson. Bold lor the b*ne- tlf, uf heirs and creditors. Tenns, cash. (1, W. Mooitt:, Admlnlatmtor. U0\I> NOTICEk GEOUG1A--HKW«tkv County- To all wUntn It may concern: All pcr^mB tm * ‘- t, ff 1 tenssted ars hereby norlflctl that, tf no good iMmse he tliuwa contrno .ouler wfll l«o Wo Jiavo just vooctlvc-d one of Tuft's magnificent Arctic Soda Fountains, and aro dispensing delicious Soda water, Only tbo purest fruit syrups used* Dr, N, Peterson is in charge of our prescription department. J, A\ r . PAULK & CO. Paulk’# now bliok building TIFTON, GHOHGIA. ISAAC S. liOWKY • jTAPii GROCER FANCY' , • . I KKUO A tmiCSIt AN|) WT.I.I. SllI.KCTKD.STOtK OF . • . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN A VIHST-CMSh I1TOHE. I Pay tho Highest Cttsh Price for Country Produce* , • . AND WILL PLEASE YOU WITH . * . GOOD GOODS, LOW,PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. 1 Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BOWEN, TIFTON, GEORGIA. General Repairs And Cabinet Work. TV) undcwlgned Ihib. Mtttt’.lhhcd In Tlfton a Ghup for repairing and m'kuutiMttbrtng of nil kind* of furniture. Cabinet Work a Specialty, I will continue U» coutraot for all oI.mmmjb of hfilldlngs and gnarutitvc the best work at the lowest ttgurea. Give mo a trial. 2+Am. R- IV STUBIW. , S muted by tho uuderslgned vn Mio tth day of c.rentber, e*tsh!l*hlug thioe uow >oa*h m mirkciUmt by the read emnmLw.'oitoni Upjvdntx ed for that piu-po^o, onocommonumgat MuHH>^ ry Orchard wtrailng to the town of Adel intrr- recthig at tho at-l eu.d of Fourth Mivot; also ono commencing at tho cast end of Fourth street to Intcrwot wlui the Nashville and <putman read near .1. A. ftlatthl.V; a'ouMinc leading ffoorMU- ig vllln ttnd »JuUu’,tsn nutd to buerwet with mmlh Mnna.. ... eml of MUtohln*on nvenue. And »lw disoontlm ulng tho v?-ad now lead tug from Mullawry Or- chAnl 1‘4 ttdhs went of Add lo wheve raimtod IntCMOds with Xa.»h\lll> and tjuitranu rojul at or near »L 11. Uarrlsh’s place dlaoontlnutng NAiihtlPouod Gntun.oi road ftom milrt'ou og-sw ing vwntibtg c*?t\var«lJlo \» here the row road l*i- trrwfiis ttcar ihe plantadon of J. N\ Mat-thl*. tK'iolww A tsrjr W, 11. SM7AD. I hnirman Ibmrd r«nmty •'omml'olonem. Tifton Ginnery, TUTOR, GEORG! A GOLDEN & SINEATH, Crop vu'tui-H. The above gianr ry Is now prepared for ginning short staple cotton at usttiU privet. Prompt at tention given and Kstisfavtion guarenteed. We will have a flridclasa gri-'t mill in <qn*ra- tlon In the near futme. Ample povrer. AVAL YOU WANT Th« Sett Stock and Lovoit Bate#, Eor distant shljunents to save expenses on freight ehargea oiler you 100,000 • cxnnder, 1’mlt, nnd Wmidetfiil. Have you seen the Imndsotne ordiard of Mt\ J. It. Hate at Fort Valley, Yhe*« Junk Uuddkd Tuvuts. In nddlttm. can supply you with trees of an desired nlze in Uww, Apple, Uhoriry, Pthtu, Pn «ti,- also the Hultsian and other aprtcots.—X'i, inetto Asimragus, combed the heat, ' ttead f *v Catalogue* v liatnhlishcd ) AlJBX. PtlLLWr, si m I will pay the highest Market Re ward for K IXG COTTON, Long or Short. Always on the Street. i)Otj>a> .v sixK.VTh. C "■ : \ A- V' Cecil, (i3., August ID, 1S02 V