The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 14, 1892, Image 2

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u. ^III$IP§PPIPIIP5 t J, . — The Tifton Gazette. "““ Tho (Hums It mlbllshsd in* at Tlttan, nsrrfsn count] _the fw4t Interest „f tlio Browing ot Tifton and tho adjacent country, and aa »ucli ' tlio annuort and aiicmirnaiiiiieiit ot the |»o- t llerrlen and arilHguolli counties. daka _ phot • m,. C! oonttgnotur tv rh# luhacrlption price of tho (UZKrrc la lion r year, HO conta for ala inontlia, and ttcanta for month!, payable In artvan Tba advertising ratoa of tho ilo and will IKJ furnlahod ionabla Advortlau (i*/,r.rrr. ara roi . upon npplloatlon, Advertising hllla ara dua aftar llrat Inaortlon and trill ha proaontod when tha money la noodad. . Correspondence from rielglitwlng town! la to- lint tod and oommunlcatlona on timely topics a ini communications on timely toplca are alwaya welcome, Always writ* on ono side of to encloae your name iviibiiiisi nina the paper, and don’t as an evWeno*uf good faltl.. - Entered at the pofttomce, at Tifton, Georgia, »• Mofr T — .tier ot the wcoml class. Official Organ of Berrien Coanty I*. T. AI.I.KN, Editor. New* mid View*. Georgia demooruU are still rejoic ing orcr the grand victory of last tVedneaday, "Now prepare your ballots for Cleveland mid Hassell,” miggcaU the Arlington Courier. If yon are in arrears for this pit' per you will never And a more oppor tune timo to pay tlmn now, Good {Eilat in what Bro. ,1. 0, Johnson, the Oconee Knterprise, had to say when he awfike Thursday morning after the election and learned his county hod gone against democracy by 0 majority. He charges that it was ttie result of a house to house can- vuss among , the negroes night and day just before the eleotion by repub lican agents, men who are drawing pay from the government. Uro. Johnson says he accepts the result gracefully, with “charity for all and malice ugainst none.” Jlnt Uro. Johnson draws a great amount of consolation from Georgia’s 70,000 majority. He says! “God bless the Georgia dcmocracry! It honors itself, it honors the state and it is an tionor to the great party of which It forms so magnificent a parti” Now Try Tins, Jt will co»l you nothing sml will surely do you good, If you have a Cough, C’ohl or Not only ure tho rank and file of I any trouble wllli Throat, Chen or bung third partyism coming book to the Hr, Klr, «'“ Ncw r,l .* c0 . v , ai 7 for Coa \ i »i j.1,1 u., „e ,i,„ aumptlon, coughs slid cows M guaranteed democratic fold, but some of the I ^ or mo , loy win h« paid hack. leaders arc on the “stool of ri'iKin-lHufforor,from f.a Grlppp found It Juat tmice.'' iho thing and under Ita into had a apeudy fiepublioans are now “whistling to 1111,1 P urfu ‘ :t recartry. Try “' Rm P l01,H ‘; , is : >> rm.i i ~ tie at our oxponuo and loom for youruolf keep up their oourage, J bird par- j, ow g00( j „ ,|,| nK )t | B , Trial hotllca tyismin Georgia hasn’t proved the frm , nt ./, w . p, lU lk Sc Co’s, drug aloru. democratic boomerang and disorgun-1 n |/.o 90c. anil $l.oo. izer they liojied it would. Tliiril partyism swept over the | 1Ion _ Bilua TvBurl . c i cr k of the Worth Our Taxes. Silas Tygurt, clerk of slatu Inst Wednesday and found only of cumily commissioners, as a leu counties of one bundled and matter of gcnorul public interest to thirty-soveii willing to elect ropresen- t|lpoj(|i!t((|g of , )t . llicll 00 „ ntV) haa tativos of thut political persuasion. L ompUed , md f nrn | ihed f or publics Mrs. Lcaso has been spoken of «* non tlio following information relu- “llio woman who beat Ingalls." The t } vo to 0Hr p rt . BO nt year's eta to and result of her tour throngli Georgia CO unty taxes; indioatos that, if sliu keeps on, she ‘'County rate forgoneifol purposes will earu tho title of “tho woman 24 cents on the $100. County rutc Unit boat Weaver."—Atlanta .Journal, for pauper purposes 4 cents on the „„ . r ... .. $100. Hlate rate for all purposes ’lho Atlanta Journal Joins cents on the $100. Total state Gazkttk in saying; "i’lio time Intsl„, u | co „ nt „ Ia tc 70.5 cents on the liqjj vut . coiim-.for -i.hmhtmoirrdtif df I $ 108?' Total taxable property $2,- Georgia to rest nit llielr arms. The 871,607. Total amount of tuxes November fight is still ahead '‘-"l ^^^fnndred and fifty dollars of Wednesday’s victory must ho repeat- 1 - -' ■ cd then,” the above amount is professional tax. lion. John Temple Graves has won jrajil of praises front ml miring audi ences in New York before whom he doll ye red IiIh democratic Cleveland speeches, Of him tlio New York Ihero being twenty-five lawyers, doc- lors and dentists in ' the county ami *2,520 of the above amount is the poll tax of the county; *14,202.611 goes to the state and $0,010.7!! is re- lalncd in tho county. Tlio llrnns- aml Western railroad tax is yet to World said; “Georgia has ever beott oomo for tlio present year, and the Georgia Southern and Floridu rad- noted for her silver-tongued orators. g Him Iras produced many, but not one present years." —•and we do not forgot tlio lamented 1 —— — 1 Mpimliiii'.ii Ciimcm. B. II. Clifford, New Cnasul, Win.,- was Grady—was more eloquent and cap tiVatlng Ilian JohllT. (1 raves, wlm i* I et-iml>lo<l with Neuralgia mid llliouinulUm pow in Now York under engagement hi* Htomaeli was dlmmlured, Ida I,Ivor In make a series of speeches In be- was affected to un alarming degree, ap half of Cleveland and Stevenson.” f( ' !l «•■<* 1,0 «’«“ ro (lured In e1o«h and strength. 1 lirco hot liepuliliomis ure omlnitvoriug to | tlei or fiieotrlo Blttors’eared him. consolo the thought] JMwprit Spephord,Harrisburg, tlb)had that Judges Cooley, Ureslmnt, Mo- » ™i>ltlng sore mi Ids log of' elgln. years' vig , >"• ""■'«> ;rr.nrt“7irs ■\VorthirJ, who Imvo iugcon oml tho I Arnica- Bnlvo, and hi* leg In sound und high tariff blind writing upon the well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had wall and, Hko tlio sensible men tlioy dvo largo Fever Korin on Ida lug, doelora have turned over to Ulovuluml M1 ^ 1 * * 10 wllli laourahlo. One bottle Klee- trio ami Itllluia amt one box llucklon'a Advice From County. The Gazettb extracts, from a private letter, the following election statistics und words of advice from Worth county; “For governor—Northen, 971, Peek, 002; Northcn’s majority, 303. “For senator—Wooten 979, Pick ett 018; Wooten’s majority, 303. “For representudvo—Sumner 982, Kctcheiis, 039; Sumner’s majority, 343.” The writer then continues: “J buve seen several people’s par ty lenders since the election und nev er in all my life saw such sad faces. I have no heart to rejoice or laugh at their sadness; but 1 can hurrah for democracy, i have seen several who suy thut they intended all the time to vote for Cleveland in No- be,. “We must now enter at once into the congressional campaign and strive to elect Russell by a larger majority. "My advice to all is not to guy or fret those who voted against us oil Wednesday, but go to work on them in u kind und friendly way to get buck into the democratic ranks. I think wc cun gain many votes from them witli projier management.” The writer bus struck tlio proper keynote of the campaign from from now until tho 8th day of November. Nothing will be gained by democrats twitting the deceived and defeated third, purtyites too strongly.' There is plenty of room for argument re maining in the bosom of our deluded friends, und we still have confidence them sulllcient to believe thut they will yet listen to tlio voice of reason, and decide the political ques tions agitating tlio people in the fear of God and in harmony witli the best interest of the masses. Howovcr, if they are not yet con vinced what is the will of' the great majority of this people; if they arc still not satisfied to be democratic, shibboleth und consent i.hut tlie imi- ority shill! rule then leave them quietly to thontselves. Time, isola tion and reflection will strfcly work out their redemption. Again, by pursuing this course to- wurd our deceived fellow-citizens, who ure Becking fitmnoiul relief at the end of the rainbow, you have nothing to regret when they begin to come buok—for they are coming back, everyone of them! You can then take them by tho hand with the satisfied consciousness that you have done them no hurt. Ijct our democratic friends remem ber that -"a soft answer turneth away wrath,” but on the contrary, harsh words begot resentment. It was hu man nature in the days of Solomon uttd it is tlm same to-day as it was then. Gentle persuasion has con quered more Blubbom spirits than denunciation und villifloation. Democrats be manly and discreet! —t- THIS SPACE BELONGS TO— E. P. BOWEN & BRO. DEALERS IN — ; Greneral Merchandise. To the Voter, or B«rh« Cm«y' > Mrehr nnoun.-emyeelf M a candM»le f“r Uie wnc« oi Jtu (o'.U-ctor or your eouipf, itni.ociu to Lriioant. »“.KlcjLNSI dSBSioi SSf ** &S5-27 Fob Tax Cow-teron. FfHuir*cltlz«n«: 1 am » candidate for wje. olUli or Tax Collector «.t FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ret to tho .Umoeratlc' urluiory.l >uie». Simula you tionor luo ».«.-— - will endeavor to ill.etiam- the ilutlri thereof. will oodeavor to dlrehan with credit tc of tho people. ret tat au - . witii credit to uiyreif and the entire MtlnfMUlm* lam yourfellojvK-ltl: Country Produee Bought and Sold. -pfrtBnce in tne omn m will, if BueceMfdU enilearor to ttwUia a faithful, Highest caxk prices prices paid for chickens find eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. 1 STRIVE 10 PLEASE ALL.OF OUR CUSTOMERS. and prompt public remant. With this pron .ml thsnxln. uiy frlenus for their repyort In tho. .ut, I hereby eamoitly lollcit your support In. bs Jcuiocratlo prlmxry. Kespretfull^;^^ Thanking the public for a generous patronage in the past, we earnestly solicit a continuance of the Same in the future. E, 1-tf. P. BOWEN & BRO, Near the B. & XV. Depot, TIFTON, GA» TIFTON DRUG STORE Fob OaoiXABT. To ths Votsrs of Rerrien county.: l announoo mystlf a exndldato for the office of Ordinary of your county subject to ths democratic prlnisnr, and earnestly eullclt your support. If elected ! will strive to jive general aatlsfaotlon In my ad- mlnlatratlon of the office. Thanking you for past confidence bsstoired on me, ^*m respectfully, FobTax Collxotob. . To tlio votera of llerrlen county: 1 am a esndi. data for Tax Collector of llerrlen county subject to the action of the democratic primary. I am a young man, and believe myself fully competent to discharge the dutiet of the office to the satis faction ortho people. I solicit your support and f elected, will try to merit your approval In performance of the treat rtpoeed in me. iiobkbt anna. It burs a Fuu. Supply of- TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Porf'uinery, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND » VARNISHES. The most select stock of Tobaccos ami C%ars In the city. My customers can be served 'Witli good Havana cigars. I call special attention to Prof. Dexter's Catarrh Cure, Magic,Balm Kidney .illd Giver Cure, I.ung Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Cleanse] •inti Rheumatic Cure, They are proprietary medicines that are recommended ' very highly for the purposes claimod for them. to- FRESHEST and BEST GARDEN SEEDS, ull the year round, Oall nnd see me. Tifton, Go, April 22,1891. J. C. GOODMAN. I3IGr BARGAINS -;IN’- live, ami dc|oorany, won- Inllmmoed sol-. Arn( ■ Ualve WMd m ml4dy , gold by ly by disappointment ID tlimv hunt |,, w j. aulk & llrH|< Ktoru , for ofiloe. ]n the light of the fuel that thoso men were in the foremilk HouIII (InorKilv Gltilla, Indeed. I,rill n.iii. 1 ol ll» l.l.l.riL i»»ill«»» III Q^ryj., . I. LU.. Inn «, * rvwvon.ri tlio govoriiiiioiit, this lump of consol at ion dwindles into absolute nothing Itess. T!|b Wayoross Herald ocmtlnues to sustain Its right, to tho titlo of “dum- oomtio newspaper by oontraot.” Re that lie returned last week to his du ties us comluotor on tlio Georgia Southern and Florida railroad. We wish our gcnl.d young fiieml immu nity from ntiy similar attacks.” While lira. Harrison, of flip Thom- astoii Times, is languishing on a sick Flection TIckotM. 'Hie Ga/.kttk is prepared to print tickets for the ensuing elections at tlio shortest possible notice and at reasonable prices. Tha patronage of looal candidates is respectfully solic ited. DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. I curry a full line of Dry-Cfoads, and am selling "Winter Goods away Helow Cost to make room for a splendid Stammer Stock Giw Ic lot Patroiage ini 111 toe if Money. Political Announcements. Fon Tax Cou-ectob. .Jtlam, T. O. Kkiout. Fob Ci.tRB sursmoi'.CoouT. bave bad mu» wperlence fa Ui* office and servant. Wlth tbls proinlso. i th« Von Clkhx sui'khiou Covet. Tbe undsrelgnod offers himself ns nesnt for Clerk of the Superior Court of IWrrlsn coun- r, subject to the domooreUc-prlmxry, «nd ■ I ............. n... Cnll/1..I.I.nP. fttlJ {luucmtlc* primary, and soltc- ipjjort of my fellow-citizens. Bbould l In belnf - ^ ’ Kff sucooed endeavor to disohnrKO fl»e with credit to myself and to the tlon of tlio public. n|r nominated and elected 1 will ehnriie Jhe duties of thepfllon i ceneral satlsl'ao* if.i'. i , I’KKl'LEH. Fob SHKniTF. To the Votera of Uerrlen County; At tha solic itation of frienda 1 am a candidate for Rherlfl of lorrien county, auldect to tho Uemocratie pri mary. 1 thank my frlonus for the confident be stowed on me in the past and ask their support In the primary, if elected I will faithfully dis charge Lbe*dutfc» of the oftice to the best of iuv ability. Henby L. Iaivitt. Fob ouDiNABY. ■ ^ I announce myself a candiilate for the office of Ordinary of Uerrlen county subject to democrat* Ic nomination, if held, and respectfully solicit tlio suffrage of the jwople pledging myself if -* — 1 * u - osts Of tlic— those. rigidly guard the lnt whom Iserve. Respectfully, W. IIenuy UuiFrix, Foil Tax Collxotos. At the solicitationbf friends I horeby announco myself as a candidate for Tax Collector of Her rien county, subject to the democratic primary ....— L )tly fioI|- 1141 - * —* — *-*•— cltzcns. If 1 am tntrusi office l will it* icit tlio support of my fellow, tod with the duties of the fM „, tlithe dutL.,_. dischi rge them faithfully null ‘ — *billt“ All 1 clontly occordlug to my best ability. - - %|Of llESYBlt. Fob Tukahukeb. I hereby announce myself a candidate for eleo* lian to the office of treasurer of Rerrien county, subject to democratic primary. Remembering your past kindness I earnestly sollalt your vote in “ * * -,if to Uie coming election. 1 pledge m^scl fully UUclTarge every duty to thol lty if ducted. Yours respectfully. faith- tst ofinyabll. H. Finron. Fob Kuwtirr. At tho solicitation of many*frlnnds T offer my self sa a candidate for tbo office of Hlieriff of Uorrlen county, subject to democratic t if ulcctud 1 will discharge the duties of t to the vury best of my skill ami ability. t, ifullr, John W. Ua eoffica uty, V Respectfully, Joun W. Raekk. For Clerk St i'EHtou Court. __ _ idf a Candida election_to the office of Clerk of the Bupei l hereby announce myself a candidate for re duction to the office of Cleft of the Superior Court of Rerrien county, subject to democratic primary. Thanking the people for their past primary. Thanking the people for their post kitidue** and confidence reposed in me I ear nestly edict their support In tlio coming eleo tion. I pledge myself, if elected, to a faithful .... JTMII, U WBCWU. t . rforuiance of the duties of the office to the of my ability. K m St O. W. Moore. Fob Sheriff. To the Voters of Berrien County: 1 offer my self as a candidate lot re-election to the office of Sheriff of said county, subject to tho democratic primary- I thank you, one atul all, for your alio- gianoo to my candidacy two years ago and ear nestly solicit your support at the ensuing elec tion. I promise, If elected, to faithfully r-erform the duties of the office to the best of ltiy sbintyv—- * Daniil w. Tisox, For Tax collbctou. MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT it Is fully stocked with, the best goods. furring to lust wouk'i gluption ami U* Led hl| locum Ifiirin nrmwil anil puR rcsiilta t|ui lleralil iimkoa an llllgra- |j,| )cd tlio u'lovo alamlor on south tilom, md, w» boliovo, ndioNis ( Uwg i rtl |, g onuM,,'! havp iivuuvcl a oliargu ugainst Gov, NorHian hmm Lwmrnh further from tlio truth if iio deollneil to Intorfuvo with tlio law , u , lwd tr!utl f()rly yoar8> lind csUblisheU jireomlanta uilativo Vhe Uleu of a "auuth (jwrgia otiili” to tbo bolding of state pjisotlqw. j g j irv . 1)os t uro ,] a , The Borald uaya; "Wo oamiot but Pm , Ura Hoyrtwn’o xubstitnto’a believe that Gov. Nnrtlimi in Im «*» (,,formation ana edification the Ga- Jor party li.ta nctonly bald the aoalva y(rn , K wU , , U(tu m , pi(tll Qoort<iw of juBfcitt in an even band a» lie I j, tn entirely free frutn oliillx patent bound by outli to do in the intewsU mai ;| 0 j, u , , )l0 „ 8a y (j j, a b»oluty folly of ail parties uiul ul ol'i».e«, but L^dv W ‘fc|t|» thflir olijll nostrums in eeriously four ho tawipi^n ot tlmt oection, tim ranks of tlio oppoviti^n. 'lbore ( }A ,Kn«suggoeU to tlm lomm 1. nothing hko tbo sense of wrong to ^ tlml tUp Qwrgil> Southorn and fan thu fires of Halo.” C|ov. North- FI|]Hd4 ruil ,, om) tol| , ottondi mw . on’s bo ol.iofoxoo.utvo of I , hurC) nl8( , tllrougll , outll Georgia is tbo dlrwsfe milill of Ins w- Oc o r gm- .(own in Florida and even Wm ° 1 UW H" , mU >*P by Tbomaeton au far*• UGmngc. fiot in nuiiiafaotiiiiiic law and preoe- 8() ^ dQ1) , t ^ kbout Muth dent to mi.t the oaprices "of all P ar * j Georgia cbilia anymore; you’ll ox tie* and all ii miscs. pose yonr Ignoranoo of the most firr What idialHtprnin * man If he «!„ I mod section of th* Kmpiro State of wlmie world ami lijen lit. thudys Fall mill Wlntor Ailliouiicchout. We know it is early to commence talking to the people about buying Fall and Wlntor goods, bat ns the curliest Impressions are tlic most last ing wo desire to impress ntonco upon tlic |>coplc of Berrien, Irwin, Worth, Colquitt ami Coffee oonuties that our store is headquarters for stnplo and fancy dry goods, notions, clothing, lints, boots uiul shoes, in fact a full lino bf general merolmmlise. Our Mr. J. N. Griffin, with an ex perience of many years in tho mer cantile business in Ynldostq, and ful ly acquainted with tlio wants of the people of this particular section of country, Inis just returned from the northen and eastern markets where lie purchased tlio most complete stock of goods ever presented to tlio trade by any merchant or firm in this section. Our entire stock of goods was purchased at unprecedented bar gains ami we are giving our custom ers the benefit ot Mr. Griffin’s deal We We just oounpied onr new, elegant and capacious two-story brick building, ami we invite the (sjople to call and see lit whether they buy anything or not. Our clerks are po lite and attentive, mid uro always willing and anxious to show you our superb stock of goods—confident -iHWfffrl'aa good thliiffs it wmtsir lit,vo dyspepsia If lie lakes 1 Re Kaity HInert, 'Pi'* J*' 1 n»V Hu weal Do wnt’s r.u- Good pup, Plies of people have Will* If fuel Halve 4, 0. Goodman. vo 111 Will lies, bill Do Will’s enro Uwei. fir. that oor goods and prices cannot be ’ “ id •' dii|)lioatod in this country. When yon oomc to Valdosta lie sure to in ^nlro fnrotir houseahu come to sw us. e wnut your trntle ami, oonsequent- ly will be sure to treat you right. Respectfully, nmmi? & Stavsjt. TIFTON, GA„ Angust 27, 1801. TL II. TIFT. RAILJIOAD. Suwanee River Route to Florida. M. A.. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, ft RAD t'P lOMlOMAr. ralatka Lv. O.S.&F, TIFTOJST, aiSORGl-A, Ueprcaenta the following old, reliable ami popular fire insurance companies and solioits the patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, - “Greenwich,” Total Assets, $1,656,035,13. - “Hartford.” Total assets, $6,576,616.13. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “.Etna” and “Orient.” Fonnded In 170$. Founded In 1S34. Founded In 1810. Real Estate and Renting. Agent. Has on his list of Real Estate some very desirable form lands ifl the vicinity ot the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced, before purchasing. These lands are within one and Devon miles of town. If yon bave Bny Heal Estate-houses or land—for sale or rent you will receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with me. 1 I atn, very respectfully, M. A . SEXTON. i-tf. JOHN C. HIND 4* C ontr actor and Builder, TIFTOJSr, GEORGIA. ATJL KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. SmM The umterflijcneU presont John O. Croydon to oi Rerrien county as a candidate far the cltUcnfi o . _ . Tax Collector, imbjcct to the notion of the demc- Yotehn or Tiftok Dmtrict. Y&af, Sohodulo In Sffeot August 21,1802. ttoPTEa. r. 5 33. 8 22 800. 665 6 60. 6 48 6 30. 4 26 847 2 60 215 118 A.M.r.M. u 0010 720 166 KM, 006 710 A.K, 1261 180 r.u, 400 Hamilton lake City Jasper ilooata Tifton Cortleie Macon Atlanta Chattanooga Nashville Evansville Lr. Chicago Ar. W.&A. LAN. C„ K, ft I, 746 786 1586 N.C.aat.L 7 30 6 26 A.M. 100 . 10 40 .... Short Line to World’s Fair. Blekvino Car I'alatka to Macon. Car Atlanta to Bt. Louis loutChanm, Cotuawtt In Union at ilacnn srltb J' Pullman Sleenti llrooda south: and in Union Depotai frtWn points in Florltia, iK3Pt, tM FI so* avid specification* fumiiitietl on