The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 21, 1892, Image 2

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am <1; Mnfi. . isos. ■ ■ ■: — jil Tifton Gazette, Tbef P*1 and the adjacent w,untry, ami M Mich * "" ‘"“oil tirtott or til* CUkOTTRlsttlfW • for six month*, and aftcentsfur * ton&l *fK:Sasa;sa.,, iafeRVfKw tho iiaiMr. ami dnn’i fypftU) anolnee your name ^Vntur.d attho jfiJSSlIw, »t Tlfum, Cleor*la, ae iiiall matter of tho ecctmtl uln«». Olilclai Organ of Berrien County n. T. ALL15N, Editor. Now* on tt Vlow*. Tho Georgia legislature meet* next Wednesday, October 20th, Tlie Waycross Herald is positively for sale or lease; tho sale of the prop erty |s preferred by the stock holders. The latest revised returns of tho #tutp election gives the democrats a 'majority of 70,305. It gets bigger inpd bigger. Ell Perkins, the humorist, bus di verted the republican rank* und joined the democratic hosts. The demos will now “get there MR Jt reemires a mujority, not a pin I'ality, vote to elect presidential elec- tots |n tlie state of Georgia. Hence the neoessity of every democrat cast ing his ballot ip the coming national* election The font big republicans*--Gresh am, MoYeagb, Bchnras and Cooley- who have announced for Cleveland are adding much strength to tlie democracy* Indeed, tlie stampede luisbepomo geneial, Tlie Young Men’s Democratic Club object to taking u Hand in tlie coming election, but are going to get a Russell on themselves, Bright Ben will receive their earnost support.-, ThpnmsvUle Tlinos-Entcrprise, The bondholder* of the Georgia (joutlierrraml Florida railroad liavu filed a petition for tlie foreclosure of their mortgage. Jt is now consid ered certain that the load will go to dale, Mercer Hnptl** Association met at Cairo on Tuesday of last week, Oupt, ,1, 0. MpOall was chosen moderator and W. T* Utmlden clerk. Tlie scs, cion was a plersant and pro|Hable one, and lasted tliree flays, To Georgia edltoi'Bi Tlie third party has cussed ns bine ana de pounced UP huge liars; bat, now, let’s return good for evil and ox tend to them a hearty invitation to oomo buck to their llrst love, the democrat- jp party,—Douglass Breepu. The Home Journal says; ''The de feated third party candidate for gov erimr of BMoi-ulu, Hon. Alonr,o l<\ iinskln, Is a native of Houston conn ty, ami lias always been quite pojm Jar iioro, l|o received only about 8,000 yotes out of a total of about 110,000.” GaoFTO readers should not mis- tulip the date iif the national pleoljon. 11 is iiold op Tuesday after tho llrst Monday—tjie fitli day of Novombor. pon’t forget it, hut be sure to go to tlie palls and register your names in favor at democracy and good govern incut, law-Inriff taxes and Himnoial , reform, Onwfprdvdlu Democrat: “A gen (Ionian wlm lias had experience in chicken raising says if m|t' farmer friends wlm are losing their chickens With sorehead will try trashing their heads with copperas water limy tylll cure npjirly every oaso. Try It. Ho nays he lias tried it |n several cusps jvith satisfactory results Col, Joe Bottle, of the sixth dis trict, lias discovered tills Is im u» hculthy year for third party oougres pional ouudidates, and withdraw from tlie rape. Thorp nrp a couple of physioians—l>rs. Hand and Mattox —in tills part pf tho poiitioal plnui orchard wlm might profit by biaex- ample, They’ll fliltlipr BO fruit this year, Bob- Wtpk, ip Quitman Sun, on- claims; “I just know ip my own mind that my old-tlmo friend, Will Walker, over at Alapainv, lias keen stomping tlie ground and throwing up his hat evory day since the e’,eo tmn. I know lie lias, He ootildn’ help it to save his life. Only one third partyito in (ho district. were, (.■ail-led, T|m ballot oast was light and shows that the .people lipd given them very little thought, al though they compassed some very important matter/! in tlie conduct of our state government. Tlie amend ments all looked to economy in the administration of state affairs' and their adoption arc a stride in the right direction. The death of Judge Wm, D. Mitchell, of Tlmmasville, is an nounced, and is the source of much sorrow in that oity. Ho was an elder brother of Hon. Jtobk G. Mitchell, so widely and favorubly known throughout this scotion of country, Hcwasun upright man, loved und honored by the people of Thomas- vj))o und Thomas county; no citizen stood higher in the estimation of the people. He died of paralysis, Georgia Legislature. There will be one bunJred and fifty-eight straight democrats, four teen third party men and three re publicans in the house. There will be but one third party man in the senate and no republican. The house will number among its members twenty-two wbo served in tlie lust house. There will be two colored mem bers in the house, Anthony Wilson, of Camden, and W. II, Stiles, of IJbcrty. The session, under the constitu tional amend meat.adopted, cun only lust fifty days. J-Jatwj Etc,, Etc, Dyspepsia,* distress after siting, sour •tofbachi poor appclllu, bin! taste, coated ' ‘ min longue and liearttmrn are wired bv De Wilt's Uttle Burly lllscrs, (lie famous little pills, Dr. .1, i). Goodman. hunt Election Note*. The secretary of stuto sent an offi cial communication to tlie governor concerning the state election returns. In Ills report the secretary states Unit five counties Imvu failed to send ip returns of the election of state seuutors and members of tlie huilae of representatives, Tho five counties are | Charlton, ICmanuel, JJncdM Telfair and Bul lock, These counties Imvo sent re turns about the election of governor und other stale house officers, It may be that tlie oilier returns are sealed up in these. If so it can not be discovered until utter tlie legislature convenes, as llie papers cannot tie opened until then. If snph is (lie uuse, then the legis lators from the live counties named cannot take part in tlie opening of the session of the legislature. If the returns are not sent ut ail, then tile election iimnugera ure sub- ecl. to proscont|on, l’bo returns ns received show that the following counties Imvo eleoted Kupublicuns: Fannin, Forsyth, Gam- den, Franklin, Liberty ami Union, Tlie following counties send third party men to the legislature; Mc- DutUe, Oconee, Fanldiug, Taliaferro, Warren and Washington. In some of tlie counties the seats of tlie third party members and re. publicans will bu contested.—Atlan ta Journal.' I’bo four "constitutional amend ‘ J voted for lit the lute election f bavtf nppnpil jt Millinery fttorp, ncaiu join# finihlmjf pf Mr*. A, If, Omni' •tow, (tniJ solicit the patronsgo of tho la* (Up* of Tlfum and *iirwmml|ng country, My "took if thp latest fashions ami stylus. l’rjue* pitigp for all giwlfl" «f hats, etc., fpirin thp pp||imimf*t to t|ie i)ni'Ht, An inspection of mynew stuck will iMMivliuw you tlmt yny style* are tlie latest pini jifittcrrm tiio daintiest ever shown iu Tlftpu. rail early, Hcspectfullv, MIfW Have your eye* examinuit ami fitted by a Bc.ientiiic : Optician PHIL HARBIS, 117-tint. Al.llAXY, OfcOltOU. YOU WANT Tho Beit Stock and Lowest Bates. Vnr ill'lnat rihtnmonbt to Mitvu expellees on fr.-tRla (ilnirgi-H utter yon loo,(mw H'h not very plummet In eoiigli ami lie hack. To miller pain In chest mid back. Many nuoplo could slop It. for sure lly slimilybsIngOuu Mluuto Cough Cure, Dr. J. 0 Uaodiiinn. Htlil They Dome Hack, Mr, J. C, A. Wiloher Is onu of the leading oitigenu and most extensive farmers In Giussunek county. He was the |eadei of tlie third party iu Ids county until tlie recent olootion lie lias now announced tlmt lie will support Major Blank for oougres?. On Ids plantation be organized democratic plab amt twenty third party men joined Itutouoc, Of thp fifty residents on Ids place lip be lleves every one will came over, Not one by one, but by tlie Jojen and tliu score. Watson's followers mo deserting him and it will not be a surprise if Major Ifiuok carries tho district by 3,00(1 majority,—Atlanta Herald. Thorp Is wo use talking, lljfifilPT- Ha son or Cleveland wifi ho visited uni they toko Dp Will's MOo Early !t|s T«''miBlt3 They have a "|ipl there" quality possess " 'H, ilr. *1, 0, (lumlmnn oil by n« other pll|, arrl ales. ess sprs. Had, but True 1 Gnberratorial Oaudidate Peek fail ed to carry Ids own county. Mr, Gorman, cmididato for seoretury of state, failed to inuteriallso in Ills own oounty. Mr. Maliaffcy, who desired to bo attornoy geuorai went under m lijs own county, Wo need not men tlon tlie candidate fur commissioner of ugriptilture and Ids fate iu Nidi moml county. What more need bo saidf Were nicii ever so thoroughly and properly rebuked and repudiet- ed before in tlie history ot this coun try. Never, Jit November next, the rest of t|io lender*--those who are posing no concressional onndi- dates—will be dfidt with in a similar nmnner.—OoonM Flderprise, ... .. ■THIS SPAC1E J3ELON0S TO «*,' z>- PvliUcai Announccmcnls. Foil TAX ltl’xWVK)l, i run i A-*’ i -i’" . E. P. BOWEN & DEALERS IN Greneral IVtercliaiid-iBe. sulijei-t in ”(♦* tip . PTwri*fiar7"%";; ynp CLIutK atTKW'n C|»V“T M,H'dt}lS>r.votet - - fii| FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ountry Produee Bought and Sold. !!»- tlie uruuiry, rrtmtlsinr thotUft faithful uwenar^ - nf the duties or the utileu Iu tlie event 1 am t!u«-. » W *«« p ^'o^SB | SUIT,!. you Tax HBVKIVKII. rs of Haiti county s I announco my*. To fttiif a cindiilaUJ for Tax “ d^Miuuratl ty, subject to tlie t i|ji t y«ur •u|»port t Receiver of your coun-. ratic primary, anti solic iVev.H.J. Baulh. m Iligliest cask prices prices paid for cliickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when you como to Tifton with anything to sell. WE STRIVE" TO PLEASE ALL OF 01 CUSTOMERS. I l>U!ivtvdt|»ns: i am a caudidati Thanking the public for a generous patronage in the past, wo earnestly V*^thed#wSw c «u r p p /|Diar)%and C *o U Hcit n tLn Bn.nn In Abo fithlvii I VOtAI. HflOlllll YOU bOtlOr IUO With t! Fp» Tax CovIsEctoh. Tp the Voter, pf llerrlen County: Hereby announce luy-Mlf »» a oandldat. for tlie uMcc of Tux Collector pf your PPUPty, «*BW-W» demporatip prlmarL and »olleit your .dpi'?”; Should J he elected J al l dUcliarfe the dutle> “l theoplep wlilifplly pnd elf.eieutTy best ot uiy ability, W. E. CONXXtb, Poa Tax Cob.LwrroR. „u*uiiti»na> I Mm m rjtmlitlate for the Holioit a continuance of the same in the future. E. P. BOWEIST So SRC., l-tf. Near tlie B. & W, Depot, TIFTON, GA. Berrien .county. iulij .VW'tifjSi J inv*elf uritl Ihe antir* *atUfacUos| of tbp jipujile, Fur Clerk blderior Couut. m TIFTON DRUG STORE Notyvlthstandlng my inimy frleudi do not lo-. - repy. - | licit hiu umuli 1 hereby announce lay-Mlfacan- Ilidatp for the Clerk', oftfee of Berrfonjwunty. IfkKl’8 A Fuu. Succi.v OK- | have had wme experience In the onto, au j mi. if MtimMMrtil. imiWvor to make a faithful With this jtromlM dll, If *upce*ifiil, ewlwvui id urompt puldfu Kcrvant. id tbankiiiR my frtanu* fpi , jbanklnir my frtend* ftr their support In tbR pant. 1 hereby enrupitly sollult your lupport iu ilio dppiMmuip primary. Jlosi^cffuliy, MILA* l vo. YQARTe ypR ORPiXAUV. , Tu tlie Ynter* of llprrjinn county: I announce mvBpif a candidate for the olheo of OriJlnarj' of i , »ubJ«ot tp thp democratic prim.\rr TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Ppiifumory, School Books and Stationary. your county subject tp thp demoorutic pruiiAov and earneatlv apUcit ypur sui port. If «Ject*tf f will Btrlvc tdfclvo fcoueral sajjafftfitlpa Iu my adj , of thconipu. Tiiankiniyyuu for j aat pontidcnco Vpstowpd ou me, ^um re*i'®etfulg' l Larrpa of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS • AND * VARNISHES. The moat seleet atock of Tobitccoa and Clparn (p Ifio city. My cuatomera can be served with good Havana cigars. I call special attention to Prof. Dexter’s CatnrrJi Cure, Magic Palm Kidney and Liver Cure, LuilB Restorer, Mesmeric Blued Cletumei and Itlieiuiiatlc Cure. They arc propriotary medicines (but are recommeadud very highly for the purposes dalnied for them.. J6V* FRESHEST and BEST thflbEN SEEDS, all tho year round. Gall and sec me. Tifton, Ga, April 22, 1801. J. C. GOODMAN. Fuji Tax Copi.KGTUR. Tp the va f er.< of llerrlen county .* I am a candl-t- date for Tax ( ollciuor of |lcrrien couuty subject to tlie action of thu dopiberatle priuiury. I au\ a youpff uian, ami believprnyutif fully eoiupoten^ r to dkenarge thu tlutlwi «f tlie ofllee to the *atl»-. _ .m • licit your support and I IrerftiHtofillU Ure 1 ll«UEUT (1 nitty*. Fon 8u her ion Couirr. ndpraii'iied olter* Iifmselff a* a cnndldatp j for Clerk (if the Superior Court of Berrien count. Nubjppt to the deiuoeratic primary, and boIIcx. bo BUppottof my fellow-eitlrens. Bhould l succeed in bplnie nopunatud and elected I will endeavor to UkcharKe the duties of the office witi * with credit to myself and to the genera) Bathfao* - tiop pf the public. if, IV~ Fob"tiukHiFF. V Tp thp Voter* of Berrien County: At the solio. itaiioti of friemlB 1 am a uundidn’.e for Sherffl of llerrlen county, subject to the democratic pil» inary. I thuuk my friends for the confidence l e« at owed on uto In the pa»t and ajik their subport iu thp primary. If elected I will faithfully diik charge the duties of tlie oillnt to the beet of my* [ ability. hlnuv J.. Lovrrr. BIG BAlRCIA-INB ! For OtiplNARV. I announce myself a candidate for the uffiee of del Ortlinary of llerrlen county subject to democraPt io iioiuiiiatioii, if held, and resfccoifuUy solicit -:IN:- J the auitruRQ ot the people mytelf if elected to rigidly guard the interest* of tho#* J whom I serve. llcspecifully, W. llKMir Griffin. DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, For Tax C’oLi.itcTon. citation of friend* myself a* a cumlldate for Tax At tlie KnllcUatipnor frieml* IherebyminnmiecV rion county, subject to the democratic primary I and earnestly foil'*'* •*- *—• — Udtthe supitort of inv follow*. witr‘ 1 SHOES AND HATS. citxcns. If I am intrusted with the duties of the office 1 will discharge them faithfully and eflk clently according to iny best ability. Au-un Hrctur, . ,ioy arc perfect little trees, healthy, correct, uml well rooted. ('umdHtlng of six special varie ties, v|x: Klbcrtu, Foster. (JruufonU Karly, Al- oxundur, Ibuli, and Wonderful. Have yon hcuu thu humlstmic orchard nf Mr. If. Unto nt Fort Valley, Oa. V These were June it iiiio mi Tit hum. In nddltlon can suptily you with trees of nny desircd sliui in IVar, Appfn, f'herry, IMuin, Pru- nts, --also the Uiisshtn ami other apricots.—Ibib motto Asparagus, conceded thu bent. Horn! f*r raialoguc. Kstab!lulled ) ALEX. PULLEN. 1870 J Milford, Milford Nurseries. ; Delaware. il Reward for a Kingl I will |iay thu highest-Market Re ward for KING COTTON, long or Short. Always oil thu Street. W. F. HARRELL, Cecil, Ga., August 10, 1802. General Repairs And Cabinet Work. The undersigned has -established 111 Tlftnn a shop for repairing and manufacturing or all kinds of furiilturu. Cabinet Work a Specialty. | will continue to contract for all classes of liulldlngs and guarantee the Iwst work at thu lowest Itgures. (live me a trial. II. I*. NTimilH. Administrator's Sola. UKOUOlA -'UKnniF.N CiWKTV. _ Vttuur and by virtue of an order from i ^ „ v virtue of an order fnnn tho C\mrt of Ortlinary of sc-bt tmnty, grunted at the ctotubtir tenn, bK/win _l»e »!otdY)tjFtiw‘ Uto' house door of said county, In UieWvV of ... Vllto, Itetwcen tho’legal htmrs or sale on the Tueftwsy ln Nuyetulier next; Twenty-Uve ucm. more or less, tif laud niimlwr in Ui* tuh tlls- estAte of woru an* iticVmsde to SC eftrat »rc or less, lot of tin Id rs. KHasIksI doscrihiMl . Id Mrs KM II , tit of heita aud cnnllton. 'SVTtUs, cash. O. W. MotiRK, AdnilnlstraPir, r tb# Item' lu ROAD NOTICE.' {K<)HU tA-IU’.imiK.N CotJJTpVv FonTUUASL’RKR. I hereby announce mysolf a oandidale for elec* “ A “ * irer^f llerrlen county, rimary. Iteimmibcriiig estly solicit your voto In * ‘ if to r tian to the office of treasurer <6f to oeiuocmtie pi ‘ [subject I your past kindliest 1 earnestly I carry a full lino of Dry-ClooclH, and am ,,, ^ . iiliocomingelcotlrm. t pladGB lnv.eff to falfhi selling Winter Goods away 33elow Cost to nr‘n make room foi- a splendid Summer Stock. w, It. Fvtoh. Foa Hnmirr, Give He loir pita and 1 fill Save loi Money. . At the solicitation of many friend* I otter. my» •elf as a eatuliduto for the office of Sheriff of MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT Is fully’ stocked With the best goods. For Clkrk Bifkrioq Court. iy announce else,lion to the office it lie pc«>ple foe tliefi l hereby announce myself a candidate for fe- *_.w 0 f c*lo r k of the Superior, Court of iiorrieii county, subject to democrat Io Thanking tlie “■ primary, Thanking the jieoplu for their past kindness and confidence reposed in me I, ear* nostly sol lot their support in >»-- TIPTON, OA., August 9T, tflOI, II. TIFT. tlon, I pledge performance of t liest of tiiy ability, eir support in tho coining elec- It,-. E o.w.Moona, M. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, . To the Voters of Berrien County: I offer m; j self as a candidate for re-election to the office da oountyt ‘ ‘ glance to my candj .. .. neatly solid tion. 1 proml the duties ' Foil BiiKRtrr. rlati County: I offer my* rc-idccf/on to the office of aura uutiuHt Mllllcfit In till* llffmnOM**- ' primary. WHtHfVBVJ'. »""* ,'WHO *>)U «M|. Pit your support at tho ensuing elec* omise.if electeil, to faithfully perform of the office to tho best of my ability, 1)*mel W.Tioox, Fon tax collector. T1i« umltirtleneil nrewnt John a. Grantim t*> tho cltlwn. ot Ilorrlro county ai a Mmiulau for - Tax Colleen,r, .object to the action of tfle ilemc- TIFTON, GEORGIA, • Roproacnts tlto following old,- roliablo and papular firo innurance tOrapa^pj and solicits tho patronage of the inauring public: Insurance Company of North Amerlea, « “Greenwich," Total Assets, $1,050,035,43, “Hartford." Total assets, $6,576,610.13. “Central City," of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tho “Liverpool and London and Globe," “.Gtna” aud “Orient." Founded In 170$. Founded In 1034. Founded In 1810.1 , - nipotont., f _ suffrage of our fellowjcitizcna. Voters erTtrroN District. Citation. (IKURDlli—Behnikn County. '* ~\6r T«, all fWm It may concerst M. \V, Moore, KltZADeth Wat,on, 1,1c of ,abl namlnlettator of 1 county iIcccMMt, ha» appllcl to the unttefetMoa In nromr fonu for letter, of ill.mlMlon fr.m lit, en it odnilnUtretlon, anil I RrUl |upon hie eat't apiilliettlon at my olllee tn NathTlIle un tho Hret Monday In January next, (liven under nt hand and ofttctal .lgnature, thl. October 3, lari, F. Sf. Burra, ordinary, Real Estate and Renting Agent, “sarai ^ atliDlnlsIfRtor of Has on his list of Real Estate some very desirable form lands In the gffi-j. vicinity of tlie “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye jsldailpit on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. Those lauds are within one and sevot, miles of town. Nntlve, Pnrtiwi imlubteii lo the unfitt'stgiKHl eiUnir by note or tipOQunt, will jjpfia? omne forwai'd and tetllomt onto. M, W. Gaokinr. imn it may cunccrti t AU iicranna In* " ^ • ** If you have any Real Estate—houses or land receive prompt and courtcons service by placing them with me. I am, very respectfully, j »*«• M. A. 8EXTOIQ-. for sale or rent you will |<tK0R(7M-7,«*n.£c<.lw.' Toall whom i. maJiSuncMtu John : wm toirstml are hrroby notinml tUt, A, emit ruuy, aii nnlcr — — cause b* Himwn to the cmitr , gruittoil by ilio iiiiilwmUrneti ma NGvcmlicr, lHRAsttslabHotiing tbrw new nnv uittfkoii nui by Uio nan) c«unthii*iMoa'«$i »u|k - ml tor that purpiwti, mud wmmsccii.g at MuUwr ry OrchArtl running to lho town nf Atlcl hucr- aay c Kids a stKtVhig tttth* wwit (miiI ;if Fmirth attret ,• also cnnmpMHJlnii at th* (witemlttf V*« sti^t to Intermit with the V^tbvUlc aml Qultutuu Mil nmr *T* At MaUblv'5 also mm loaning from rail* toail 4uaMw|utfwar ,1. H. C4t rik,VSvm th* S’kslt- vD o rtiHl OiUtniAn rgxrt to ffitoparct with south *ti k ACt to 1 QuButuu mail cm\ y>t liwl•’hbiMmYaitiiuc, Xiui' ulng tlie im>v.— *'— —mxam«w- IntorHCpu with NaslutUc ami qnttman I'liail ht or near ,1. It. l*urrlnh $ y.Dc«ialfc» (lljUKintUiuini fHr Pn. ' Vhiijviuan <X»Uf.tyC JOHN C. HIND, Contractor and ‘Builder 9 TIFTON, * GEORGIA. ALT, KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. I and sptwifivAtiops fwuMicd Pit »i^cat& IraSff