The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1892. ' LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. rnvement ratuffrnplm Plckrd Up mid Pen sively Penned —All Portnlntiijr to Persons and Tiling*. IBS. / qt^'I’mlriok BIfeok corkscrew suits nt^Tkulriok Bros. Mr,' L. E. Jay and wife have moved to Arlington, Calhoun county. Contractor John 0. Hina went to Calhoun county last week to bid on the new court house building, Capt C. A. Williams went up to — Macon the first ot the week to at tend the Grand Lodge, 1<’. & A. M., of Georgia. Last, Sunday will be recorded in the history of the year as a “rainy day.” It rained all day with scarce ly a minute’s cessation. Follow the crowd and U will go toPadrick Bro.’s, and when U get there U will buy something. Why ? Several citizens from Sumner were — "visiting in Tifton last Saturday. Among the number were Mrs. and Miss Padriok, Capt. Kimble and — • Profs. Kimble and Jenkins. A great deal of rice bus been pro duced in Berrien county this year. It has-become a profitable, as well as a favorite, crop since tbe introduc tion of improve'd macltgip*yV for --^.jdeaning ih Elder, of Quitman, bus become Hie pastor of the Adel Baptist church through the co operation of the church und the ex ecutive committee of Mercer Baptist association. Every Saturday is bargain day at MH Bro.’s. One enthusiastic cus tomer euid, “M r. Padriok, why don’t you call Saturdays Give away days, eii8teud of Bargain days Don’t forget - the young tneu’e prayer aud praise meeting at the Bap tist church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Subject: The new birth, Ail are invited to attend this service. Phillipsbnrg grows apaoe, Capt. Phillips hits two O-room and seven 4- room cottages already completed; they are cozy und comfortable, and ail but otip are occupied by good pay- §g& * x r lug tenants. Elder S. J. Sauls, of Enigma, was a welcome visitor to the Gazette Banotum tliis*week. ~ He win looking , after his interests as a candidate for tux receiver. The weather for the past few days have felt quite winterish, and a fine ' opportunity offered for wearing out that, coat and vest your wife dislikes so much. Mr. —llaokett, wife and.daugh ter. (Miss Myrtle) will take leave of Tifton within the next ten days for their former home, in Michigan His two eons will remain; they pre fer to live in the South. Capt. John A. Phillips has had a woodrack put up on the west side of the Georgia Southern railroad just north of the Tifton depot, and will furnish the road with a part of its wood supply from his Phillipsburg place. New goods every day at 'Padriok Uro.’s. Elder W. J. Sullivan, who has been residing at Alapaha twStmw time, ha* received: a calJL'from the Baptist church afAwSflia, Fla.. He aud his accomplish'd wife will take t heir leave in a few days for hia new field of labor. Tbe editor’s best 1 them. ding the inclement Sunday there was Baptist church itog, . The congregations, were small. -Cv/yf ■ i. S. A. Harrell, who has been some time with relatives in Tiflon and vicinity, «t Eastman last . mgh ,y - visit each churoh composing the asso ciation by the third Sunday in Janu ary next in behalf of the ossociationul mission cause. The oditor aud his wife tender thunks to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gray- don for a large package of the nice cake whioh graced their table lust Friday at the infair dinner, given to their son and daughter-in-law, nee Miss Mary Guest. Sickness prevent ed their attending the iufair. Prof. 0. L. Smith is engaged os bookkeeper for Messrs. Swindle & Griffin, Nashville, during the illness of Mr. W. H. Morris. He is an ex pert accountant nnd will certuinly give his employees satisfaction. Prof. Smith has recently compiled and had published a single entry text-book upon a new theory of his own, which bids fair to become the standard in all the commercial -schools of the country. Prof. Thomas E. Williams, county school commissioner, is gathering the necessary evidence to lay before the State Uuard of Educution whereby he hopes to seen re on enumeration of the school population of Berrien county early next year. He is satis fied that the enumeration made in 1890 by tbe authority of the United Spates is altogether imperfect, ft"d by its unfaithfulness will deprivo the county of hsr just proportion of the public school fund derived from the State. Mr. T. F. Toon, Jr., who has been the faithful and efficieut night agent and operator at tile Brunswick And Western railroad ot Tiftojj^for more than a year, hus b&p^lremotcd and sent to Albany as chief clerk in the freight department. Ilia place her is filled by Mr. M. J. Chaney, win tilled tbe place so acceptably prior to Mr. Toon, but who took the ugenoy at Sumner to get a rest from .night work. Tifton regrets to lose Mr. l.’oo» and his pleasant little wife as citizens; mid, at the same time, wel comes Mr. Chancy back to his first |ove. Hon. Warner L. Kennon, Berrien county’s representative in the last legislature, doubtless feels the fulj, force of the sentiment, “Trouble nev- r comes single-handed,” in the Imp. penings of last week. First, the death of a beloved brother in Mocou and, second, the death of a sister-in- law iif Brunswick. The latter was the wife of W. A. Kennon, a sterling young business man of Brunswick, and tiie only sister of the late Henry W* Grudv, und widely kuowii us a woman of stiiierior attainments— possessing an unusually cultivated und versatile intellect. The Gazette deeply sympathises with Mr. Kennon in his bereavement. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND Butch of Nm from Neighboring Co tin tic* Deemed nf Special Intercut to Gatette Header*. Mortuary. The news was received in the city yesterday of tho death on Wedneg. day of Mrs. Dr. 1{. U. Snead, of Nashville, of typho-nudarial fever, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Snead’s maiden name wus Wilkes, a sister of- Mr. James T. Wilkes, of Adel, and highly esteemed for her many excellent and womauly truits of character. The deepest sympathy of tho edit or goes out to the stricken husband and the many relatives and friend* of the deceased in their sad bereave menb She was accntnpa- E. Giay- - A Blaise. On Monday evening, nbont 8 o’clock, c.tiacns of Tifton wore star tled by the wild screams of a locomo tive whiitlo at the Georgia Southern depot. They soon discovered that it ws* calling for help Us extinguish ■ the flames that, bad enveloped a freight car. The cal contained sixty compress ed bales of cotton. It had been loaded at Macon and w 4 cnrot.Ce to Brautwio* for shipment to Eu rope. Tbe alarm was rounded too late, iov ev ir, as the car and much of the cotton wo* consumed; the loss i«. es- * I.nfciiuafi '1 fii'tfl itt i/I i&J. <■ Irwin county will pay her county court judge a salary of $850 a year. Something enunense! Those bar gains ut Pudrick Bros.. Ashbnrn Lodge, I. 0. <). F., is in a piosperous condition, nnd lias thir ty-six members. The grand jury of Irwin county hus recommended the establishment, of a county Qliaiu gang. ■ A good deal of sickness is report ed in tho upper part of Worth coun ty, hut nothing of a serious nature. The democracy of Lowndes county will nominate candidates for county officers from Ordinary down to Cor oner. Real estate at Moultrie, Colquitt county, is rapidly advancing in price. It is so high now that it is almost out of sight. Oren Coney will bo hanged at Vienna, Dooly county, to-day. The execution will be public and witness, ed by a large crowd of people. Short cotton in this seotion is be coming a thing of the past. Far mers fiud that tiie long staple pays much better.—Valdosta Times. The town of Douglas, in Coffee county, is to bo incorporated. Ap. plication will be made to the present legislature for a charter. A flourishing Sunday-school has been organized ut Mt. Horeb church Worth county. It has a wide field to work m and ban and should accom plish much good. A mass mesting of tho democracy of Worth county will he held at Isa bella on Wednesday, November Ittth to nominate candidates for the vari one county offices. The democrutr of Coffee comity will hold u primary to nominate can didates for county officers, on Hie first Saturday in December, the third day. The Times oredits Dame Rumor with saying “that ten Valdosta youths and ten sweet maidens will join tlioir fortuues before the holi days.” That’s right. Valdosta and Lowndes county uro having a surfeit of elections this year. They have already had five and there will bo three more before the first of J auuarv. The average suffrage —slinger of Lowndes county seems to he “in it” by a large majority. Colquitt county has a full list of candidates from which to select her county officers. The Gazette pre dicts that those who polls the most votes will be elected. The Banner says the health com mittee of Moultrie is looking well after sanitary matters; they don’t propose to have any sickness in their town. Good. The postofficc at Moultrie, Colquitt county, tins been advanced to a money order offlcj^wrtfif"oitizen» will find it a great convenience in the matter of forwarding and receiving mouoy. I’rof. J. W. Edmondson, late of Sumner High School, having boon admitted to the legal fraternity hae formed a partnership with Col. W. A. S. Humphreys, of Quitman, in the practice of bi» profession. The Mallary Baptist Association Will bold ite next session at Union church, Worth county. It will make the third annual meeting of the body held in that county within a period of fonr year*. Worth Superior court has boon adjourned until tiie first Monday in I .member. The Judge and Solicitor ha/1 important persona) business in Atlanta, which they must needs look after. week, which bruised all of one side and broae one leg near the hip. Dr. Sikes dressed bis injuries, und when last, heard from was getting along very well. On Wednesday morning of last- week an express package, containing $700, was lost or stolen at Willing ham, sixteen miles eust of Albany, under very mysterious circumstances. The package wus consigned by bank ers Hobs & Tucker to the lumber firm of Alford & Sloan, at Willingham. Uupt. Sloan, of tho lumber firm, is express agent ut Willingham, but bud a young mun named Allenin his place at the time. The train arrived late on Wednesday morning, and J. L. Singletcrry, ilie express messenger, handed the hook out to Allen to sign for the package, which he did. The train had started off, und ns Allen had charge of the mail, lie tail to put it on, calling to Singleterry to put tho’package on the ground with the express book. Singlctcrry’s witneses say that he put the puckugo off on the ground with the express book, but when Allen returned from throwing in the mail tho package was not there. Allen’s witnesses say the package was iievcr delivered. As the mutter stands Capt. Sloan, the express agent ut Willingham, will have to bear the loss. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. » Uooil Farm lug. Talking with Mr. E. J. Smith, who lives neur Ty Ty, that gentle man gave the editor 1 the following statement of his fawning'ojierat ions for tl« past year: He planted thirty acres and had no help in its cultivation except small hoy. Helms harvested 0^bales of cotton averaging 685 pounds each, WO bnahels of corn, ^50 bushels of peas, 300 bushels of sweet potatoes und an abundance of pimlurs and oliufus. This is what the Gazette calls a good one-horse farm. I-'eaiH Entertained. Musler Robert Harris, 14 years old brother of Mr. Arthur llarriB, left home on Thursday morning to limit bis brother’s cow, nnd at tiie hour of going to press he has not been heard from. His brother is out' on the hum, and fears are entertained as to hisSafety Some friends think he may have decided to visit friends in the country, und is ull right.—Val dosta Times. Union Association. Tho union association’of the Prim itive Buptist Church, held its annual meeting ot Cut creek, beginning on the Hlli, and closing on the 18th. About 85 ministers were in attend ance ami many delegates from the twenty churches of the association. It is said to have been one of the best meetings of the association for years. The next annual meeting will be held ut Mllltown.—Valdosta Times. THE SOLONS MEET FOR A FIFTY DAY’S SESSION. Alklnton In Kittled Speaker of tho limine nnd Cloy I'mddcnt of the Senate. 11 nr* din nmt llnrrln Ite-KIretrd. • In accordance with u proclamation by Gov. Nortlion—acting under the recently adopted constitutional amendment | the legislature nf Geor gia assembled in the cupitol at At lanta lust Wednesday morning, 10 o’olook. Both branches were organized for business with as little noise ns possi ble. Hon. A. S. Clay wus elected president of the senate without oppo- sition; also Hon. IV, Y. Atkinson speaker of the house. Hou. W. A. Harris is again at tho secretary’s desk in tho senate, while Hou. Mark Hardin continues to clerk for the house. Hgn. D. T. l’auik, of Irwin coun ty, is messenger for the senate, and Hon. James 11. Smith, of Coffeo county, fills a similar position for the house. Bills have already commenced to pour in both houses in a steady stream—one of them looking to an acceptance of the Atlanta soldiers’ home by the state culls for an an mi al appropriation of $30,000. A bill lias also been introduced to repeal the general act oreuting board of equalization of tux return*. Yesterday was devoted to reading the governor’s message, which is quite a lengthy document, and u cun vass of the returns of tho state elec tions. f " Masonic Elections. Macon, October 27.—At the meet ing of grand lodge of Free and Ac cepted Musons this' morning the of ficers for the ensuing year were elec ted. They were: Grand master, John S. DnviJson. Deputy grand master, James Ritshin. Senior grand warden, Ronben Jones. Junior grand warden, J. P. Shan non. Grand treasurer, W. B. Daniel. Grand secretory, Andrew Wolihin. Grand chaplain, Rev. W. R. Hu bert. Senior grand deacon, R. B. Nishet. Junior grand deacon, W. 'I'. Ken esy- Grand mnislml, W. U. Purklmrst. First grand steward, 1L T. Ken drick. Second grand steward, B. F. Tlinr- nmn. * Third grand steward, T. L. Sims. Grand tyler, Charles W. Freeman, Notice. I propose to close ont my entire first day Cull stock of merchandise by the of January al reduced prices, and get iny prices before buying elsewhere. M.W, Gabkins. me OTSPEPTIA, Indlfpvttnn. mid Htnumrh disorder*, tite HllOWNH IKON ItlTTKllS. All dofclunkvvit U, ?1 jwr Iwttle. Uenulnehflt trade mam %utl cmnmk. rod Hues on wrapper, - 'Ill ltAII.UOAD. Suwanee River Route to Florida. VIA ATLANTA. Do you wont to buy a Dane Mill t If you do we will sell you the best 8 Roller Mill sold.-1* iucb large roller for $85.00. Sugar Pans lu proportion. Write for Catalogue. W. II. BRIGGS & SONS, Valdosta, Gn. -* An Accident. Mr. John llaucom, the chair man, who has for a long thne been a familiar figure to tiie people of Lowndes county, met with ii serious accident last Monday, lie was driv ing along the road with a load of oliair*. when the wheels struok an obstacle and overturned the curt up on him. No bones were broken, but lie is seriously hurt, and being al most eighty year* old, may not recov er,—Times. heiiKnvt.K is tout o< will'll linn, \«a. ItH.M* 1 Down, j hS.'jCir.i ft 00 3 40 Lv Vatatka Ar 11.10 7 00 “ JackstNivlUe .. 8 3ft U00, •* IAka City.... 0 281 UN *• Iw»p«r low to to *• Valdosta.... a.m »*.?».! 12 18 14 44 •• TifUW .... 1 47 2 10 *« Cordele 410- 4 35 “ ....Mftron.bullion 4 30; tftO Ar Mamin 7 4fti 8 06, « Atlanta It K All I P 94ft 040 830. 740 025 ft3ft 333' 443 427; 343 . Chattanooga ...Nanhvillo 12511230, I'.M. A.M.| 7 20 Ofifti A.M. I a . M.‘ 120 l to " Kt-anavDIe..., im 7 30. »♦ Ht. 1/juU 10 401 Ar Cklcfigty •2 53 213 1 Oft,12 43 M 40 10 23 U 10 20 10W 7 10 0 60 4.M. 2121231 »'* M. A.M. IIOft 700 ,1*. M. ia> i ! 400 A.M. KM. Lv Short Line to World's Fair. Hl.KMVtNU CAM 08 NlOMt THAI8P t)RVWeK8 MAttix ani> Talatka. Double Dally lMUinan Hlsrpinu C2r Service Be tween Jm’kMtnvIIlc, KIa., NurUvUIc and Ht. UiiiIi Without Change. Conuoeta In Y)ulou Depot ut Macon with J ami Northern lUUroail, Georgia lUilroad, cen tral Nallrnad ami Southwaatern Bailmail, north andMmthj ami In Union Depot atralatka with all tralna from iwilnta In Florida, east, waat and Kinw- committee Ifeli j timuted at between $3,000 und on haa feerreindd 1000. . V , misers wiHi 1'he origin of the fire ■“ ““ w ?tss, -irti.v- jy.-. •;I;; The .Qmi0, Local «ay p: “ f - if. tig 8tb district, gfiSSy Why Brooks ia I'rosperouK, There is no doubt but that Brook* is the greatest county in Georgia. She raises bigger crops and greater variety, and hus less third party than any county in the state. On Tuesday lost Mr. ZaOk Knight shipped a oarload of hogs and unotli er ef cattle to, Savannah. Mr, Ed Young Bold him fqny-mcn of tiie hog, and seven of the steer* realizing therefrom $32G net oa*h. The hogs brought 6 cents on their feet and the steer* $.7 a head, The balance of the two can, flfty-*even bogs and fifty- six Cattle iu all, wa» made np from Brook* county. In speaking of hu sale Mr. Young said that he would hot give hi* hog crop this year for the beat four mule c-otlon crop i a the county.—Constitu tion. _ Our Namenakc. Born on Saturday, the 22d instant, to Dr and Mr*. J. It Piilaom, of Cecil, a twelve pound son. Mother and son doing well. The young man hi» hceij given the “Benjamin Alleu . Koisoni. 1 *4 ltn f d ot ‘ 41 The State Fair. Quito anumlierof Tiftonhiii* have visited Georgia’s agricultural expo sition this week. Tliey report tho ogricultarai, also tho poultry und live stock, as being very good. They say the premium for the best county display will go either to Han- cook or Worth, with the chances very much in favor of Worth county. The premium for the largest and best individual display will probably g» to K. L. Gird tier, of l’oulan. They say that gambling is carried on openly and above board on tho ground. llorsc racing seems to be the lead ing feature of the fair. Tho Nation in Mourning. Neyer, since the assassination of President Garfield, has the great heart of the people of the United States been wrapped in deeper gloom than now, wlien called to mourn the death of Mr*. President Harrison. The sympathy of the nation goes ont to the President; political hostil ity and ooniroverty are hushed while mourning his and their loss, and that charity which speaketh no evil jwvadrii tho whole country while the grief-stricken family ami friends pay the tost sod tribute to the bo toyed dead. Mr*. Harriepn «u a woman of ex Sraordinary caste of character, i*>»- sezsmg unusual culture and refine ment, and she mored in tho circle of national society with unexcelled grace and dignity. Her death Waarihe etui of» noble life thq,triumph of a Itf Vw!' 1 II. IIUIINH, Tmv. l*iwn. Aitt., MttCNHl, (Ilk. A. r. KNAPP, Tralbc Mhii’^t. Macoti. lifl. CONNECTIONS* OCTOBER 16th, IlKAU l»l». RTATIOX*. 23o k u. Xr7 yUcim tf. \t i)7 1892. n s KnSrx 123 19 3ft 1210 1120 II UO A.M, 0 45 tf 44 H 19 fl 00 017 71A 1093 Hofkc« l.Dt'lln .. MuntbeUer I'UlIlKltfli YntruvUle will) A. A’ V. ThoimutUin Tb'llliMf 8|>’» WiNHllmr}' I,v Coluiulms Ar (irlllln lUrrl* City Ar Poltimbtw I.vGrrrnvlllo Ar iklrsM Mtrtintvlllo Lv lAlinnpj£ 7 00 A.M. Bl« “ 8 flO *♦ 910 « • 1000 “ M. A: 11. 'll 00 “ A. sic y. ; M. A: U. 1200 8*K. 1243 M. & II. (L II. & G. M. A 11. C. R. R. M. A U. 1 30 KM. 010 •• 560 »» SOB “ <‘onn«ctltmn wltlt AUAiiUomi ¥T«a!l\J^; Srftr H. lUtUNtt, Trar. Pirn. Agt. Mimniii, (ia. . A.C. KNAP . Traffic .Matugrr, Mjuxid, Ga. m Berrien County Shenff's Sales For Dcewnlwr. OKOIUIIA-llrnuiz:i Will Iw Kill twfnre ll» iHrtlrtUouM iloor In tt» town n! Nutavlllr.uliUtnte.nilnninCr.lwlwMa a* U-K.I lu.ur. Ilf Kiln on Use Bnt In IHwmnlwr imU. ttw tiSlnwlni5iiHHwr»r,»in»lt: Km Bt I,ml So. as, In I|» lntti .lUiricl nf mI.1 1-nmii.y, twins ihn |)lir« weerenn Vt. H. tMtmw Cnnrt of the tuna ,lUirM.<i tn f.vir nf Pnui* Rnlwrt. tt t.'o. Iwvy wiotnml In UIO ej U.U1M UaUbU, L C„ Mih tu!M-r XI. IWEi. Alwi.« Uip Mnte time .ml n^i-r, »U th»l tract ■ of Inml tn tt:e ti-wn of,_ In ralJ et iimtoI of ami tn tfco town .late nn 1 rnuttt.v, Known Uul till follow*; North half of lot No. J, fronting twriaj-a« f«tt tw llallo mnnlll»-li«:K one 6u»ll«l Ont tn botiMor.uinihmuo mover wnuilnwl vo L--- of px.-ll* nn «thl or In; l.-vlttl 0.1 m to. iirojwrti- nf. duo. way-Mil SKA , apsliwt MKl Wilt., * ini, m until«. In Administrator’s Sal*. (IKORtilA-IliinKiex fV.-x-n. Colter ami fij vlrtnc <>t Conn al Onlliwry nf Mill c OittnbM VtTOi, W®, will re rt»nof>&M wtunv. t ‘ itl>. \