The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 02, 1892, Image 1

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■ - OATH TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1392. VOL. 2—NO. 33, WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Pavement Paragraph* Picket! I'p ami Pen- nirrly Peiinetl-»A11 pcrininlnff to \ l’emouri mid Thingt*. his TIIo bill collector was on rounds yesterday—December 1. Read the lime table of the Colum bus Southern railway in this issue. U should C Pud rick Bros, stock bet buying anything, if IT want to save money. lion. IV. IV. Parrish, of Am, has done a line business this season with Big rice liuller. The season of backbones, spareribs, home made sausages and hog’s head cheese is at hand. Just SB days longer to buy goods at New York prices from Padries lj|ros. ' Cols. T. It. Perry and John Mur- row, of Ty Ty, was in the city last Monday on business. Mr. 0. L. Smith, candidate for slerk of Berrien superior court, wus Djo-civyagaui-yesterduy. 'Two dollars worth of goods for >1 ’adriok Bros. The slaughter sale iuues. Oapt. B. 0. Brown and Judge Si las Tygart, of near Nashville were in the oity the first of the week! on business. The latter was pushing up the chunks in his race for the democratic nomination to be olerk of Berrien superior court. Yesterday was the first of winter and it was as pretty a day as heart could wish for; in fact, the Indian summer of 1892 just closed has fur nished an extraordinary large pio- portion of bright, balmy days, un surpassed in any olimute. Bring your rice if yon want it oleaued nicely. Bring your long cottou if you want good samples, and your corn if you want good meal. S. IIahbbm,, Alogal, Ua. December 2. 3t Mrs. S. E. Fogle and sister, Miss Fannie Leonard, bav'e moved .from Tifton baok to Alapaha amktvill as sume the nmnagement^Hier hostel ry there again. Mr. L. S. Shepherd has leased he! house here and will oontinuo the private bourdiug busi ness. Mr. J. N. IVeioh, of Albany, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. effort will be made by t-lie Boj/ to srenre pgregation at Tifton k vices of a resident pastor. II. H. Knight, Berrien conn- entutlve in the •legislature, Saturday mid Sunday at liis t family. -; __ IVliy wear old hats* when IT can get new plies'from 10o to $5? -worth 30c to $7 at Padrick Bros. i’lie imijnrity-of Berrien county far mers have finished boiling sugar and syrup. The sugar cane crop lm? been very flue this year. Mr. IV. E. Connell, of Nashville, candidate for tax collector of Berrien county, was oirciilati|ig among his Tifton friends yesterday. Tumblers 39c per dozen at Pnd- Brns. floods are going rapidly. . Come while tho stock is large and mulct your pnrchuscs. This is a —ehuucacLnJife. time. Mr. John IV. Baker, tho Tifton district candidate for sheriff of Ber rien county, has been hustling uroulid liv-ly for tho past eight or ten days To-morrow is the democratic/iri hinry election to nominate caimJUutcs for county officers for Berrien coun ty. Be sure and. express your choice. Mr. Isbin T. Guldens, of Alapaha. clerk of Berrien superior court at the democratic primary election, wus in thf* city the first of the week shaking (lands with Ids friends. Tiie party, who went to Florida some days since on a fishing and hunting expedition, returned the fir«t of the week and reported having hud a most enjoyable trip. With perhaps slight exception*'the pork crop of Berrien county Will be I amply sufficient for home need*. Not BiBgftfe. Berrien county farmers will have bacon for sale next year, j Miss Florence Dunham, who has l been visiting in Tifton for some »* time the guest of Mr. J. M. Owens and family, will return toiler home in SL Augustine, Fla., to-night. The many friends of Mr. T. A. Spurlin are glad to see him in Tif ton again. He has had a severe tlis- jj, sic witli a case of typhoid fever at mie in Ifawkmsvillo. 5!o icd the feyer hero sonic ago. Miss Stella Miller, after a most pleasant visit to her lie, in Tiflon, left M homo in Fort Valley, de of the city all m was ay. While salo, through agency, of his Heights,” to The purchaser AND Batch of Now* from Neighboring Countlo* Deemed of Spec Ini Interest to Gaxctte Header*. Worth superior court will convene next Monday morning for the fall session. The democratic primary of Col- qnitt couuty to nominate candidates for tho county officers will be held next Wednesday. Do yon know that Plantation Chill Cure is sold under a positive guaran tee? It costs 80c. per bottle, but if it fails the money will be given back Dr. J. 0. Goodman. .-II, of Mogul, in the oity last, here he consunr tiie Sexton real iidence lot oi Mr. L.-S. 8lie#ierd. will commence at once to put a hand some dwelling on the lot. There was a cutting affray at Len ox lost Saturday. A man by the name of Marshall ’inflioted twe or three slight flesh wounds in the face and -on the back of another by the uume of Long. He thought be had killed bis man and took to bis heels. Nobody tried to arrest him. ltev. J. L, Underwood will preach in the Tifton Baptist church on tli second Sunday in Deoembcr at 11 a. in. Ho will use for his text tho 30^b verse of the third ohnptet of the Gos- |k5I by St. John, “He must inoreasc, but I n.iist decrease.” The service will conclude with the observance of the Lord’s supper. Mr. W. Henry Griffin, candidate for ordinary of Berrien county, wus in tiie city last Tuesday aud at night addressed a small assemblage of dem ocrats on tiie outcome o£ the luto campaign. He referred to his candi dacy in the most modest way. He was a guest of tbo editor and Mr. Robert Turner while in the oity. The dwelling of Hon. IV. M. Avera, wh.o lives in the Upper Tenth district of Berrien county, with a good portion of it3 contents, were destroyed by fire last Friday night. The building was new and liaudsome. About two weeks previ ous a son-in-law of Mr.-Avera, had his dwelling and contents burned. There will be religions services at the Crescent school-house, three miles west of Ti'fatn, every Sunday afternoou except' the fifth, -"at 3 o’olook until-further notice. Mr. B. T. Cole will officiate the first and third Sundays and llev. J. IV. Reese the second and fourth. The people of that community are cordially in- • itcd to attend all these services. Rev. P. II. Grumpier will fill Inn regular appointments at the Tifton Methodist church next Sunday, morning and night. These are his last regular preoohing appointment* in Tifton before the meeting of the animal conference—sooth Georgia— and according to tiie denominational rule of f«q dent Change lie may nol ifeach in Tifton again, if ever, hr a ong time. Mr. A- 0. Alexander, Who has been an attaches of the GazhtTK for .t severalyidSillhs will leave next week, mu witli hi «?£ to yon, Our frieud, Green S. Nelson, sur prised a great many of tho boys in his race for tho democratic nomina tion for sheriff of Worth county. Here’s our Green, shake! The proceedings of the city coun cil of Moultrie will be published in the Banner at a cost of $25. Tiie “oity fathers” of this thriving place is nothing if not progressive. Hon. J. B. Paulk, Irwin county’i efficient\ member in tho legislature, was at homo last Saturday and Sun day and attended tiie ordination ser vice at Brushy Creek church on Sun day. Do not let other merchants palm off other preparations on you because they have not Plantation Chill Cure in stock. Apply to agent named below, who guarantees it. Dr. J. C. Goodman. The dwelling of .'Jr. J. IV. Herring, near Isabella, Worth county, narrow ly escaped destruction by fire one day last week. It is supposed the fire caught from a defect in the chimney. The third party of Worth comity, the Gazbttr ie informed, lias put out the following ticket for county officers: Ordinary, T, M. Lippitt; olerk, Jesse Forehand; sheriff,. Jesse Roberts; treasurer, Jesse Turner; tax oolieotor, IV. C. Williams; tax re ceiver, J. Z. Ross. When you are tired of having chills ;ot a 50o. bott|o of Plantation Chill hire and stop them. If it fails we will give you your money back. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Worth comity's demoorutio prima ry for the nomination oif tiie candi dates for comity officer was held on Thanksgiving day, witli the follow ing result! Ordinary, W. 3, Sumner; clerk, J. J. McDewcll; sheriff, G. 8. Nelson; oolieotor, A. P. Smith; re ceiver, 0. W. Graves; treasurer, R. K. Yonng; surveyor, Z. W.-Matthis; cor oner, Ed Eady. The oity oounoil of Moultrie ha* adopted an ordinance that, no ntihor under the age of elglitopK'' years, shall engage in any gafca'fif'uiiy na ture whatever inside of a b&r-iroom, and that they shall hot be allowed to loiter in or around a bar-room, after the lamps arc lighted. Any one found guilty of the above shall be fined not more than fifty nor less than one dollar. Two Instead of One. Mr. 0. 0. Jones, who has been car inspector at Tifton for the Bruns wick mid Western railway for more than throe years lias lost his situa tion. ' It came about in this way: A short time since the inspection of cars at Tifton for both the Bruns wick and Western and Georgia Southern and Floridu railroads were consolidated, for economy, and Mr. Jones placed m charge. The work grew upon him to suoli an extent that lie was unable to give satisfac tion and lie was relieved, lie gave the Bruuswiok and Western officials general satis faction up to the time of tho consolidation, as the Gazkttr is informed, and it is suspected that grave injustice has been done Mr. Jones by the Georgia Southern and Florida officials through whom the d\charge came. Mr. .Kemp, the car greaser, whose position was also consolidated at the same time, believ ing an injustice hud been done Mr. Jones, sent in his resignation as soon us lie heard of the discharge. Thus tiie Brunswick and Western road has lost two competent employes instead of oue. -THE GEORGIA SOLONS. MAKING UP THE RECORD OF A FIF TY DAYS’ SESSION. A Dreary limit Im* hu been Jmluigcil the Knttro Week—A Brief Reimne of the Most Important Work. was devoted mainly to reading hills second time. The bill of Mr. Reese to make the hurling of missiles or firing gnus at passenger trains a felony was passed without a dissenting voice. Notice. Parties owing me will find their ac counts in the hands of an attorney for collection if not settled by the first day of January. M. IV. Gaskins. Designed. Rev. C..II. Irwin, on account of hi* feeble health, resigned the pas toral care or the Tifton Baptist oliurcii af i/ conference held last Sunday afternoon. The go op old man left Tifton last Wednesday for Atlanta, and will spend his remaining days quietly with his children, Ho was greatly loved by every body in Tifton, regardless of denom- inutionu) connection, and ail regret ted very much that hie feeble health required that lie part with them, perhaps foWet. I guarantee every bottle of I’ian- I sell more Plantation Chill Cure than any other chill and fever medi cine, and do you know why? - Be cause it never fails to cure.' Dr. J. 0. Goodman. tation Chill Cure, and will cheerful ly refttwd money in caso of failure. Dr. J. 0. Goodman. There was not a quorum present at the opeuing of tho house Monday morning and tiie sergeant-at-arms hud to be sent out to hunt up the tardy mombers. Among the new bills presented was one to appoint- a county commis sion of agriculture for enoh and every county in tiie state. The bills passed were entirely of a local nature. Among the new bills presented in the senate was one to amend the law establishing county teachers’ insti tutes; also one to organise the Ogee- chee judicial circuit, composed of the counties of Sorovon, Bulloch, Bryau, Liberty, Tuttnail, Emanuel mid Ef fingham. Tiie senate passed tho Persous hill which amends tiie law regarding the j.iower of judges to send to jail for contempt tuid limits tho judge’s power in cases where disrespeot is shown the court or effort made to hinder the court in the discharge of its duty, mid in oases where u mail denies having money in his hands he shall not tie sent to jail unless lie has hud a trial by jury and {lending the trial ahull be admitted to bail. Also the hill of .Mr. Chambers to require clerks to keep a reserve index docket of executions. * IIf *t There was it big budget of bills passed in tho house Tuesday but nothing of Bpeoiul interest to Ga zette readers. The senate committee 1ms reported favorably on the Ham bill nnd it will pass that body. It prepares the way for quarterly settlements with teach ers of public schools. Onu of the bills makes the throw ing of any missile likely to produoo death, or the firing of guns at pas senger trains in this slate, a felony, and to prescribe a penalty therefor. Back from Chicago. The party of legislators and news paper men who’accompanied Gover nor Northen to Chicago for the pnr- gose of seeing the Colombian expo sition grounds and reporting the ne-' cessity or importance of Georgia ' being represented there next year returned to Atlanta last Sunday fully impressed with the importance of the state makitig nn exhibit. The legislative committee ore ear- nest in their-ndvocacy of a Georgia exhibit and a majority of them favor a legislative appropriation for that purpose. Some favor an ^exhibit, but doubt the constitutionality of an appropriation. One or two are out and out opposed to the state’s under taking an exhibit at nil. Gov. Nortlien, who has always been an earnest advocate of a state exhibit at tiie great exposition and who lias been at. work to that end for. more than u yenr, comes book more thoroughly aroused than ever, lie confesses himself surprised at wlmt he saw in Chicago and declares that it will be a disgrace to the state for it not to be represented there. The governor is inclined to believe that a method can be devised where by tho state can appropriate for an exhibit and yet keep within the hounds of the constitution. He is doubtful about the wisdom of un dertaking to erect a state building at this day, but ho is emphatic in the opinion that Georgia will miss the opportunity of the age if she fails to make u proper display of her vast iltion. It is not (infrequently that whisky drummers, from Albany and Valdos ta, come into Berrien ccunty, take orders and reoeivo puy for their liquid merchandise. They carry on their business so covertly it is difficult for the officers to catch up with them. It is a olear violation of law and if they will persist in it, the officers should make extra efforts to secure coses against them. Some of these drummers have the idea that) if they are oanght. violating the law tho guilt uttuohes to their principals and they will not be held responsible. This is an error—t lie party commit ting the itet is the one held amenda ble to the law. * ♦ Why pay other dealers 7fio. and $1 for a chill cure when you oun get Plantation Chill Cure, a better one, for 60c. ? Dn J. C..Goodman. The democratic executive commit tee has ordered a primary eleotion to be held in each precinct in Irwin county on Saturday, December 10th 1892, for the purpose of nominating candidates fur tiie various county of fices. None but true democrat* will be permitted to vote in said primary, Tbo executive committee will meet at Irwinville the following Monday to To-day, according to an enactment of the legislature, is Arbor Day In Georgia. It will hardly ire observed in Tifton or Berrien county; the peo ple, .in tho busy pursuit of their vo cations, bad lost sight of tbnfact such a law, creating Arbor l)uy holi day; is in existence. However, the Gazette hopes that many shade trees will be planted in Tifton dur ing tiie months of Janaary and Feb ruary next ’ The wind from the north blows sharp, ami ketn, and bad effects of colds *w seen. Ode Minute cough euro so sife and sure, will quickly perform a von drain cure. Faulk * Co. Lnwnde* county noroi. occurred last week' nocratics nty foiiovr- ?ntio ily satisraci , jtv who wialKOhimfldjjv--., w future. The young people oif Tifton rwnlt: I). .away,, roll, Sheriff; E. A.Carter, Collector; »«*. , F. It. C. Ellis, ~ ' ' entire. At Trinity Methodist church, In Atlanta, Wednesday evening, a large audience gathered witness tho marriage of Prof. Robert Guinn, secretary of the state department of education, and Miss Ora Brad welt, itb, Ordinary; i t |j e 'charming daughter of State Merit ; A. J. Har- m /f , l i ^ Asiifey, Treasurer; R. 8. Williams, rn Brilntwl I & ,rv *y° r * H J- Newxome, Coroner; B- s . PAepi«, ,G. W. Herndon, .}, » ■ School Commissioner Brodwrii. Prof. Guinn ha* won a valuable prize in ilia matrimonial lotteiy. The north Georgia ednferonoe 5» in session at Madison, Bishop Fitr- . A ucw bill presented tn tho house Wednesday provides for the uppoiut ment, by the governor, of an assis tant statu soliool commissioner at salary of $1,800 a year. The bill to require a deposit of $2.80 of cos re by non-resident plain tiffs in justice courts, which was pending on adjournment yesterday, was taken up and passed. _ Both of Mr. BaeonV railroad measures were passed. One provides for limiting the issnuiiee of stocks und bonds, and the oilier makes it a felony to wreck ruilrou-i companies. A now hill was introduced in the senate to provide for the payment of per dium to member* of comity boards of education. The senate passed the bill requir ing insurance companies to pay the full insurance contracted for oil buildings, and in case of loss re quiring the value of a building in sured to be determined before u policy is issued thereon. resources at the exposlt A Telling Blow. Probably the most telling blow ad ministered.(o protection at the late election was the result in Connecti cut. That state is dotted ail over with protccoted industries. A larger per oentage of its people are onguged in protected industries than can be found in any other stut*. It has many millionaires whoso fortunes have been made by the tariff. It was the one doubtful state which the republicans were most oonfldent of carrying. They poured money like water in the coffers of their state committee. The demo crats curried the state by only 360 votes in 1888, and they nlmoat de spaired of holding it this yenr. The election came and to the sur prise of everybody the little demo cratic plnralty of 1888 grew to more than five thousand. Protection’s lit tle pet went squarely back on it and such a democratic victory ob had never been known before was achieved in the land of wooden nutmegs. Grovor Cleveland received the largest vole ever cast in Connecticut for a presidential candidate. Verily, MoKinleyism is dead, smashed and knooked out forever.-— Atlanta Journal. * - * • II Thursday was a busy day in the house. A perfect flood of new bills wero read, among them were two to repeal the law creating hoards of equalization, and, also, one to pro .vide for Hie organization und man agement of loan associations. Tiie house passed the. following memorial; Be it resolved bv the senate, and houee, That it is tiie sense of tho general assembly, that the bill now pending in the United States senate, uuiug house bill No. 7815, and known es the JIutclrbill, or sorno other law should he enacted,, at tbo earliest possible .late, whereby, the practice of selling farm products by per- sons who me not owners thereof, and commonly known ns “short selling,” shall 'bo so regulated And restricted that the value of the actual nroduota of the soil slm'.l riot be neater) down, and, in a largo meas ure, destroyed by tho imaginary and fictitious product* continually being offered by those who own little or none of the articles offered. The morning session of the sen State New*. The greatest increase in tiie num ber of new postoffiues established in the states during the past fiscal year was in Georgia. lion. Cecil Gabbott has resigned tho general management of the Co lumbus Southern railway to ocoept that of tho Savannah, Amcrious and Montgomery road. - Tho Macon and Atlantic rath and assets of every description w- sold Wednesday for *410,000 to John R. Young, of Savannah, repre senting it ayndioato of bondholders ami creditors.. Henry Horne arid editor A. A. Allen have been appointed receivers) for tiie Maoon Telegraph. Tho «Hvor* arp required to;g|Wif*'bmid . *10,000. An appUeati. made Monday to 1 in thirty days*. Thu Savannah, Montgomery railroad, on of creditors, has Won L '- haiids of a receiver. 11. Hawkins, as temporary if "" " ' - v ia Urn 1