The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 16, 1892, Image 1

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■WSi ANNUM, TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 189 IP-POTCB. . ~— BS MEN AND LOAFERS ITALIC ABOUT. near future to stay three weeks or a month. Oapt 0. II. Miller, of Fort Val ley, father of Miss Miller (Tifton’s accoinplislied milliuer), was in the city last week visiting his daughter. He was much pleased with the little city, although his stay was very brief. ■Viss Miller will be pleased to have tlfo~“ public Mnspect her stock of Chiistmus novelties. The G.vzi:m: promising as men of honor to sup port the nominees. ► The primary election in Irwin county to nominate democratic can didates for the various comity offices passed off very quietly last Satur day. lion. 11. W. Clements was nominated for clerk superior court without opposition. Hon." Daniel Tucker received the nomination for ordinary and lion. William l’anlk for Treasurer. lion. Elijah llogan received the majority of the votes for sheriff, hut Ilia right to the nomina tion will probably be contested by Hon. Jesso l’aulk. The G.vzbtte failed to learn who was nominated for the other offices. Presents suitable for every one, at Padriok Brothers. Miss Oarric Molnnis, daughter of D. A. Mclnms, 1 eloped from her father’s homo near Minnie, Irwin county, a few nights ago with John Lisonby, and the two were made one by marriage at the residence of James T. Walker. Tlie Fruit Industry. v ; Extensive additions are being made this winter to the fruit industry in the vicinity of T’iflon. Everything lias been astir at the Tift ami Snow fruit farm. Ill addi tion to the hundred acres planted last season the company is bonding every effort to plant out. another hundred acres this winter, ami we are informed by the superintendent, -Mr. Wblfzburker, that the work is progressing very Satisfactorily. When this wink is completed the Tift and Snow Co. will have some thing more than fortv thousand fruit trees planted -the great majority of which will he peach trees. Messrs. W. 6.Tift, C. II. Good man, \V. IT; Military, Silas O'Quin and otiiers are putting out a great many peach trees this winter aggre gating not less than an hundred, acres more. We submit, that this is not a bad allowing for Tiftotfe second season in the matter of fruit growing. It. is way ahead of the showing made at Fort Valley and Marshallville the second season of the industry in that section. It shows Unit the people of MAKING UP THE RECORD OF A FIF TY DAYS’ SESSION. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SCISSORS PROCESS. U|Uitlirutlon ( Cnlvin'M llnnk •tV Hume Ulllr (iutie Hutcli of Newn from Neighboring Cuiiiitic* * Deemed of N|iet‘lnl Interest to fiiizette It ruder**. iphs Picked Up and Pen t-All Pertaining to , and Things. Both branches of the legislature put in a lively day’s work last. Satur day killing measures - -good, bad and iiidiffcreu I, 'The fust, measure to pass under Hie legislative guillotine was the Board of Tax Equalization law. A bill to repeal it was passed by the house with scarcely a dissenting Voice. There is no doubt the senate will concur. ’As the Uaz.ktti: intimated last week the senate did not hesitate to adopt the house bill providing for a Slimmer session next July. There was the merest protest by three or four senators, whose minds were in doubt whether or net it would be constitutional. Atlanta artesian and iisa Miller’s new felt The farmers of Colquitt county are tiow busy seeding their out crops. Tlie city council of Valdosta lias received two applications for street railway charters. The Moultrie Banner has gone back into the hands of Tison & Cul pepper. The Banner can be made a paying paper. The outlook is that the mercantile business of Moultrie is to bo over done. Three or four good stores there might do well, but no more. Jersey Cream chewing tobacco, the best on the market, can be had only, at J. W. Paulk & Co.’s, The demooratio executive commit tee of Coffee county has been reor ganized to serve the ensuing two years. John Vickers was made qhairmau and N. M. Pafford secre tary. The negro desperado, John Urooms, who killed Bailiff Hamlin, at Ty-Ty, several years ago is soon to receive The court has sen- J ns, of Baltimore, PBBHoaTthe wiiiCt-T'. * dy, S'.cent^’per pound—Xmas 'adrick Brothers. I n of tho firm of imler gives Tifton tead of one. , r has gone hack to county, and will his future home. ic ladies, the babies; on Mrs. Graves, irrtfli, of Cecil, lias tper; read it. You ur advertising col- 1ms heard of -no ;ment for religious services at either church of the city for next Sunday. It is tho regular time for .Methodist services, but tho paBtor, Rev. P. II. Crumpler, is in attendance upon tho annual South Georgia Conference. Tho Young Men 1 union prayer meeting services will be held during the remainder of tlie winter every Sunduy afternoon, promptly at 3 o’clock, at the Institute. Every young man in the oity, resident or visitor, is cordially invited to at tend. Give your wife an elegant oak suite—Onest German mirrors. Spe cial Xmas prices for everybody, at After two or three days the baide's parents sent for the couple to come home. The bride wont, but the groom concluded lie had better stay away until tho storm of anger hud passed over. The sequel is—the bride is at homo with her parents and they will not per mit her to return to her husband; they say they will carry her to Florida. . Bring your rice if yon want it denned nicely. Bring your long cotton if you want good samples; and your corn if you want good meal. S. IIaubki.1., Mogul, Go, Colquitt’s Primary. The primary elcotion in Colquitt county, to nominate candidates for county officers, passed off very qniotly with tho following result: OltMNABY. S. G. Gregory . 498 Ol.KUK. G. W. Newton . .828 BHKBlW, T. B. Sharp A .i.260 W.J. Hhodes...., : 127 R. 8, Ilarviu 88 THEA6UBKB. J. A. Tillman, Sr.'. .880 M. M. Blanton 98 G. W. Hooker......... 71 N. L. Uarnto..89 T.H. Murphy.... 87 TAX CoLLKC.Tim. J.G. Tiruluck . ....208 J, 0. May 10D E. W. McUranie. 7184! TAX HKOBIVKB. G. J?. Clark .. 317 W. a Hunt... 94 suuvitYoa. f the Tifton Baptist :ing preparation for a and praise service on Pad rick Brothers. ’ Berrien county’s efficient tax- gatherer, Hon. H. C. Baker, was in the city last Monduy to All his lost appointment at Tifton precinct for 1892 and, indeed, the hist before closing his books. Those of our citizens ,who have not paid their taxes will now have executions against f neck scarfs, fancy fct received at Miss- Bis just reward. fenced him to bo' lisugod on Friday, January 6tlv. Why pay other dealers 75o. and $1 will publish a brief if the proceedings of M Conference next for a chill cure when yon oan get Plantation Chill Cure, a better ouo, for 50o. ? Dr. J. 0. Uoodmun. The first session of Irwin county court was held last Monday, with Judge J antes B, Clements presiding. A number of legal lights wore pres ent and the machinery of the new tribunal wasBtarted off in fairly good shape. Mr. 8. H. Peters and Miss Fannie Allen' were married’ on Tuesday evening of lust week at the home of hor father, Mr. H. D. Allen, near Naylor, Lowndes county. Only tho relatives and intimate friends of tho contracting parties were present I sell more Plantation Chill Cure than any other obill and fever roedi- oine, and do you know why ? Be cause it never fails to cure. ’ Dr. J. pier left Tifton iference Tuesday . Brown, of tho l Tuesday Sidba* ""'Oqr exchanges do not speak in very complimentary terms of the circus that is billed to exhibit here on tho ,24th inst. The Valdosta It buy any goods Ik Brothers 1)4 in’s advertise- ods on fourth bu wore to buy I other holiday My headquarter* are ut I’adrick Brotliers, Will oomo to see U as usual. Bast a i , - : Dentl. It U the painful duty of tin- Ga- jiuttk to chronicle the death, on last Tuesday, of Mr. 11. M. Knight, of Sparks, after a painful illness of maity mbhths from paralysis Re was a brother of Messrs. J. H. and J. E. Knight, both of whom are well end favorably known at Tifton and throughout this section of country. Ho ielvcsiiwifr ami six children to mourn his death—three of ids chil dren, it hoy and two girls, are minors. He was n good citizen, kind hus band und a most indulgent father. His remains were burled on Wed nesday with masonic honors. r has opened [ulk building Petition to all ts care. He lup-staiis. ■lay goods in ■ the young, fir baskets, dies, friiits, etc. Go aucl see them. Hon. Clarence M. Stark, of Stork Bros., Louisiana, Mo., the most ex tensive nurserymen in tho world, have engaged rooms at tho Sadie for the winter for himself and family. The Gazkttk has it from a very au thentic source that this firm will es tablish a southern branoh of- their extensive nursery business in this vcinity, in order: to furnish fruit trees and other nursery stock especi ally adapted to this section. If they do, they will meet with a generous welcome front our people. The opinion was freely expressed ycsleiday. thafJanx---llor!i veto the summer t- asiou bill. He w looking UP law on the constitution al ily'of tlie measure. of tho Uobcr ir.vestigifting committee a “sort of dug-fail.” Suppose it mean* by the expression that the committee neither censures or ex onerates Judge Uobcr. lion. A. 0. Bacon loses two of his pet railroad bills—the two ho though t most important, viz: Placing rail- road schedules-under tho charge of tho railroad (-‘oiiud-H^aassflMHttl Lbrother of phased the 111 lay the la splendid [tv of the Lay from Imiuin in lars to ho ■ Mow. ■ bill in- fiiKhvilU-, ■ are go- BTst. otii" jjL.Xuf.knx. 00 amount to bo determin 45 road OomffiiiBioner. I 70 howcveiynmktoi|i^| W. It. Key... J. R. Fields .. Eugene Dyke. It J. Norman. T. H.McOaU. Jl^filflfl^ieiu^Tiftoii, bride’s parents, Mr. und M McClelland, to wlttiess the < which joined in the holy matrimony Mr. E. II. High Lowndes county, and JjU McClelland. Judge W. W. ford officiated. 'J'lie happy couple left onl noon train for their foti near Cat Creek, Lowndes carrying with thorn many lutiohs and wishes for the get a 60c. bottle of PlutiiiitintoJLj|jH Cure and stop them. If it fiiTi^W will give you your money back. Dr. J. 0. Goodman. The marriage’of Mr. Joseph E. Johnson, of New Orleans, La., and Miss Hattie Parker,of Worth couuty, was celebrated on the 8d inst., at the home of tho bride’s father, Hon. 8. D. Parker, near I’arketsville. Rev, II. L.Rachels officiated. Tht pair, uftera sumptnons wedding dtoper, loft future iiomc in New Orlerm s, carrying with them the c-on- G. G. Henderson.. A. J. Strickland... J. J. Giles . .. David Murphy, Sr J. T. Norman Eli Clark........ Sam Gay-........ J.A, Johnsoni... . OOCMTY A. I).Patterson... E. A. Milligan; ,.. Church-, NbTiz.u-. Services of tin- Kpiseopal ri Jet other merchi preparations on >- they-bave not l’hmi in stock. Apply tr of 1:1.' remembered that it ,he iirauch oollsgea ei ch- 1 [“•'-'fhe «W^c«Mo prist®ry