The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 16, 1892, Image 2

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■ppme of *aeii 'i&W/h i,ih : f^w. 6f- j>»> ^|i<Vv,'filialpemedlnry' $ jwrrwwi fwtujiiyyr*iK<ny,ui.>. ■**> i^trfUr^ /tfuNtty, W' idt. %>V$i Mi an»| *>t \m phr»* n*y,»(ilu f)i Huvfsm •!. •< ,.;, i, ihMftttw ot tliO .**>. ittfle ftlnii«ji«r<l ‘n|/on »i4tj/M(6«jbirh Ilta-nflfrilU'* after Urm, luncrthm And ,»*tt wimfl UtC'iU'Micy)-* iii'julmlj Htfur from tiirf|'hl»odnjc'l*»wrtJ» iHfi<»- ,f|fi<JWmvm from tli!!- nt'iiLfc, lo «j/pj |i9fr- pt tbii oornfijon school* of th£ county ami mke-"them absolutely, free <o every. rJiibl,$>& fwi U !}§$$: T(m ijA/.i:iK ilraivs rawwisiMflo-l Minis' front the ■ pruer'tcal tinanihitlj!' with which Lin; projtosilfttii' Uiwifissji reCotyiid hy two sypCcvsivo grand -jit- rles, tlm hoinil of ed ubutiii’ri,' the comity coinmiHsiom'i'n and the boards of trustees nml directors of nenfiy every school in (ho comity. 'I'licy have spoken in miniisiiiknli'i; Jun- K'.iuf'V they mo tired mnl <1 i-- glistetl’Vwth lltebk'iii itl fre- reboots mi l want something real nml imicli- (Ijljjgftpi ^ lU'ibakc tfel, f.lit llfttl tildes iiryiioi>inl every one Jbfwtf jitr'i^Smey with Kite peo- V for « single'thing tEreiieral ;FARMERS’ ,SUPP£llS l ''A ; . ; SPS^fi^ v^ _ . : -y[-:y : .-« Country Produce Bought and ; 4 §old kft£ft$>mirmnii’a<>>» i finely nr<? AI vVit y« write mj »nto ditto of Kfyfy.ffcroi 'loiVt fowb t'r minlfW >nur nun* i0.nnrat.ftw |«{*MofltV^ ( a« 'fifUitf, Oftfir^la, a* ’HufU't- of iiin.wj)lt(( elan*. |j|<‘,. never stye Mint w e eiiirgct at home. i If theprice should he n few cents iiigliei,it wilt still bucWopw lo trudo, lit home for bywloitig so (he money remains among us nml each one gels to liuotUe it oftoner, hut the prices nrc not highcr In.Tiftbn, or the other towns of Berrien- enmity, than else where. Our merebnnli sell iis cheap ns the retail merchants of (lie cities do, ho we save nothing hy sending 3 and hem. jNflcinl Organ of Berrien Cbiiflty VfOODWORK. :«TACiilffl5; for ehielrcns and AgiisVand .farm products you come to Tiffcn witli anything tori'll. THE BEST IS nt Send TEN cent* to ?8 'J They ("in readily observe hy the i-xperit'iieu of other counties, where (lie plan tins been tried, Mint much belter results accrue lo nil concerned —teacher, patron and pupil, To begin with tlic luachur; Under the present general law, where the {nib- lib fund has to he supjileuienled by tuition, tbo.teaolier.ims iiis mind di vided between ivbat he is trying to leach the children and bow and when he is going to collect his tui- tioli lo Hijpply his innnctilalc necessi ties, This very condition hits driven many of the best teitobers into other and more mtiBfaotory vocntlmie. 'I'licy tpiit lonohing from n .'senso of Justice -to tlu>jn«olvcH, to tlieir pat rons ami to their pupils, , The cousoleiitioiis tcftchtu, with his mental foroes divided, recognises hi lent name given lo (ligmelles hy the I AMnnia dmifilal, I ' The legiHlnlure will endeavor to ennui a law prohibiting (he sale of i/igah.'Mrf» in (Jt-'Orgju. They have "v(dimleer'l> songs nil at Aeltblirn. ’ Kxplain, Bro, Tlson, - jt is a now liiiiil lo ill? I'oiti-loeii young tieovglaiis are tm- iag i dncalcd in theology at the Bap* list Seminary, Tsiulsvillc, Ky, The avefugo "Uiiess Who” ooluain in lla newspapers, according to our observation, arc great ^iromotbrs of iilung. Header, arc yon opposed to the acp n piauee of Mill Atlunla soldiers’ home? If so, you shorild vole iiguinst ii at the Jimnory clontion. M i. \V, P, Clyde states Mint “sqtitfi* era raiirbnds oluirgn olieapur rates on ffi^ess fruillo than do northern ; or east ern roads," Unt lie is a very,in- iiiested party, and Ilia country will aclcpt Ills utatoment cum ffrano ml in. K Tin* • cargo of ■'Florida oranges, A nhipped direct from jofiiondiim to B London, Eilg„ is' reported lo liuvn ^^arrivod in com punitive good ebullition ^Rn| so)d for satisfactory prliies, This was flio first but will not bo the last eiiipment nnnle aoroso the Atlantic. (to to -the polls damiary -Itli ami voic for local taxation in support of JPtlnr ooimnon schools of J.lefrlen I gonW. U4’s throw wide the doors / v Wu! ptjbtio schools of oiir.eomily ' anTiiiiaktrtiiii blosslngof an Piugllsli ediioatlou Indeed free to every olnUi of I olmol are, lie lie while or lihioll, Now Mini a cattipaign Is to bo k wage.) willi llie)ieoplo lo secure their ■t an’epl iif the nililler’a home, il is ■No he lmped> tiioso uuttspnpers fav^r- ■h ilie aegoptancc'will give ns some deal reason why (lm Inline should I ho aeeeptcd ijllld not ti'jr to plaster till! ■ ptojiict ovur With sophistry mid sunti- we shoiild do our trolling When a farmer brings in syrup, turnips, jiotaloes, bin ter, chickens, eggs or anything produced on his farm the town people ought to Iniy it ami pay him just, as much for it as the same tilings would cost to lay line other thing should ever he the towns in TIFTOW DRUG STORE thorn down here from place, Not shipped to any one oi tile county that our farmers can raise at home, No farmer ohotild evdl- bo made to haul back homo anything that he has brought to town to eel). Everything that we need to cut can be raised right here in Berrien county' mid when our fanners are made to fool that we will give their products Mm preference mid that they'cmi soil everything they bring to town, it will eueourago thorn to produce everything we need to cut. It is just us important for the merchnut to Observe this rule of buy ing everything they ban at home as it is for farmers ami other consumer* tortmy at lums, tbo rale works well both ways. . By giving, tbo funner a good price for bis,products it encourages lifm and the money soon conies baok to the merchant and so it keeps going around from ,one to .another, aucl' we will all get ulong better and a Tittle nionoy Will go along ways. Every industry started, dip in-any one cif our ’towns .or county ough.t to bo palrortiwtd unci encoiiruged; If this is done,wo .can soonbuy all.our fiiriiUiire and nuavly cvcrylliiiig used on the farm and iiv housekeeping at home, as welt as what ive cat. It Is Mic amounts that.we Bemloft to buy the products of athor people, and never comes buck again, that makes money so scarce and times bo dull mut tight. How IMaoase is Xdnu.sciL i ulwni-pilov) mta WwM»toui of liyilrogouaml ptiflillM Suiw ooittnliwil In the lUmon- i ottliu tho tmynhjRl dlvturlnmuit knmvn os >o. To onto, Clio aloctflo iiijific of tin, »y«- IIIIM llo.niWMjit li> Iho if Mill Ivu SHSof. With tho -nhiotro|ioiw, tho rtnol i niKililuii or tho lK»ly h mi llxotf tlmt mi—tho vliolixor—tho moot nogntlvo onh- o lo Iho world, In ahoorhoil. Tim iwammi- 1 of tho pofUtlvo KOWio, ornwoo tho i.lmnuu, u oiiiiihiuilhlo, Mm ivlmit hrmuht Into oontnot Fine Perfumery, School Books an’ct Stntionnvy, Larrps of Every Description PAINTS, * OILS ^ AND^.; VARNISHES. Have yourcyc8 eramlneil and Sciuntitio : Or; Tho most select stonk of Tohnccos anil 'Cigars in the city, My customers can ho served with good Hoviina cigars. 'I cull special attention to Prof, rtexlcr's Oiitnri li Cure, Magic Bnrai Kiiltioy nml I.lvcr Cure, laing Restorer, Mesmeric Blood CU'iutsci lUid IMicnumtic Cure. They are proprietary modlolncs tint aro focommemluil very highly for tho purposes claimed for them. ; • **• PilEStfEST and BEST OAHDEN SEEDS, all Mio year round Call mid see vie. / Tifton, Ga, April ‘22,1891. . J. O- C400DMAlSrV. the editorial, the business mid the mechanical inmmguiiiont of his pa per, 111 trying to keep up with all of them tie not (inly fulls ill his business, but beoomes u Sordid, so cial outourt,) Tints, a teuoher, wlio vstecijis the profession, will leave it rather than disgrace himself by low- /ror’"iu,ntnushltimonu to freight charges oliof yoy 100, 'llioy arc porfeot little tn mid well root oil. OmBlutiil ties, viz: KU»crta, Kostor,| cxamler, ITiuir, an<l Woniiil Have you seen tho lnind j .1. H. Hale at K«.rt Valki .10X15 HlDDKl) Tuplill. I In ntldirion enn supply J d(wired size iu Poar, Appll uis,—also :lic- Russian nml metto ARparapua, coucedl Bond lsr rntuloguea KstaliHnhod ) ■ 1R70 }■ Milford Nurseries. )■ eniig the 8tUtidurd of oilueaMoii ttiitf Iliiitliy ckoing out a miserablp wtls- lOIIIW, I Tlic eoiisok'litious leaclver also feels, under such condition;."Mint lie 1a not in position to give Ii is faith fill, prompt-paying patrons a just return for their money) Mmir Children ift-c negleoteil 1 from a litw ,of necessity over which lie has no control—solf- ]irei«rvatioii is always, tlm llrst law to ho obeyed iicoording to nature. , Tims, the render can readily dis cover the benellts to he derived front the conditions to bo established by adopting the now law, Thu all-im portant law ofsclfipresort'aMon will be provided for mut tho teachers, ui _ paid a BHlisfaotory salary front, t)i»-^ LMmno^fu^eah do.voScHTs'en'ilro f[( a pettifog- ... ^•CoovuTr.' X|'" i"'--i "I duly, bin proven lo I carry A full lino of Drv-Goocla, and am selling ’Winter Goods away 33elow Cost to rrialce room for a splendid Bummer Stock. TfFTON. f, a. willI stated mi Iho best of anthorUy e “iH'e.1'0 OOJipers” of Dough- FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT Is fully stocked witli the best goods. Fi re Insnr TI FTOIST, j, "f the Q.iiilmnn 8nn, I I Imt lie and Uoiigress- iKiuvtl oneo workod lin the same oomilry FilmihaHis devil and I’umn. Ik says : <*]t lilalnbridgo Argils, In |he slxiieB, eitoli of us In lour yearf’course |vis.’ Hen is no.y u "'hill' Mill jell- 'hi' bMSffludu'’' ill a ill.,.. V ' c .. GEORGIA; •PPsoiits thd following qld, reliable and popular fire immi and solicits tho patronage of tlic insuring public: Insurance Company of NforMi America, - . pc “Greenwich,» Total Assets, 91,050,035,13. . r “Hartford.” Total assets, S(i,:.70,Ct6.l3. - r “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for the “I.lrrmool and London .md itflAh * r.u. nu u»K0 pioiiRitru lu polutlntr to Tlic undcrei Ipx DOOM In t tlic puhlhl" i Berrien County Shoriff'i Sale ■ FoavfssVAkv. lOlA-tlviwisj cimirtv... cal (piestlon—it in „ soc’lal biid one. ItisaqdeatiOn ti oiatoiRv Ttls aqdMtidh uptm.whioll all similes of political opinion can mid should agree. All should work and vote -loguMior in this inatter for the.common good. It is a matter lo i to full to go to the'polls and yot*^ ' issociatidn at. feidiiy lu; 2,>p. I I the 0i)!eur« I odook MVieit instead of tuition, we will bin coemheA batlsfadtory teuotiere end aoheols uu si. Every I hoi uiitil tlien.