The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 20, 1893, Image 2

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THE GAfcETTE! TlFTOfl, (I A., FRIDAY, JAN^AilV 20, J.Syl he Tifton Gazette. f KiirlHV tmirn- • It In de- x city «f Ifton mid tho adjacent country, mid »« *unH kit tlm support unit itnotiuntittiiiiont of the lust- Is of Uorrlim anil tumllguiius oountlen. Tits solisbrlptlon price of the (i\r.Kirn Is $1.00 > months, mill nouenufnr n ail vn _ Ilirnnoe, The mlvertl/dtig rtttos of tho iUzkttk nro ron- aonalilo uiul trill lio fttmlsltitil upon application, Ailvtirtislni: hills arn iluo after tint Insertion ami will he pro tented when the money is neeileil. OirrespqniUAOe from Mhrhlionnit towns Is so licited and coimnimlcatlona on timely topics are always welcome, Always write on one side of the paper, and don't forcet to enclose your name as anevidenceof nood faith. Entered at the pMtofflc., at Tifton, Oaorgla, aa mail mattet pt the seoontl elaas. Official Organ of Berrien Count;, B. T. ALLEN, Kill tor. BDITOBIAI KTOiriKOK id ilcud. Gen. Bonj. T. Butler Gone lo join the—spoony. The populists have about reached their destination—up Balt river, Yesterday, the 10th, wub u slate holiday, being the birthday of Gen ]tobert 15. Lee. Leap year is go no and some of our young lady friends are yet iiu-inur 1 tied. Ah, me! Three Macon gilts are just dying to sing in public on the jitnge, Tu, In, girls, let your dreams 'ou of better life, And now, the third parly faileJ to eleot ovon a constable or justice of the peace in Worth county. Allah, lie praised! There arc 100 Christian Endeavor societies in Georgia. It is,a kind of roligio-moral institution akin lo the Young Men's Christian Association Tho Ballimoro Bun miggusls swimming in a healthful exercise for girls, Tlie swim which the girls prefer to exercise in is the soolal swim. The existing cold wave is exceed ingly severe, hut it is only us a gen I In breeze ns compared with (lie one that will strike about 1)0,000 ltepubllciin post muster’s after Cleveland's inan giirntlon. f Commissioner liradwell estimates that there are 000,000 children in. ' Georgia within the school ages. As tlie Bollool census Is In he taken this Spring tlie exact, iiiinibcr will soon lie known without any guess work The Irwin Homily News oongrat iilulcs the people of Worth and If ■will ponlilies upon their respective selcotions for slierilT. tlreen and Jesse are both clever, and m have little dmibt they will inuko efficient officers, Henry Wutlprson, of Louisville Ky., mid George W. Obi Ids, of IMiihide!pMa, Pit,, are reported two happy edilors. Botlj have been solicited to become United Stales' p-W(Uitor8 from their respective states, luiNtiey declined Lieut ('lias. B. Sallerleo lias been ordered to Report for duty to a 00:11- tiianil of artillery, now stationed hi vi.oiIda, and lie will have to bid utlicti to the slate militia unless the order is revoked. Strong efforts are — being made in military circles to re- tiiin him in Georgia, Reviewing tlm unseemly discussion betwfleir Mrs. W. if. FollOU anil Ur. J. It. liawiliornc, ns to tlie present wlicreiiliouts of Jay Gould, the At lanta Ilerald tenders them Ibis tiit of advice “Lot this dismission end ubrnpu\ mid Whether or not Jay Gould is\ hell or hades lot us have peaoejn tfeorgia.” If” Tho unprsoedehted oold weather J Gfr^vf^oat tlie North mid 'West is ' fimWig the inhabitants thereof, wlioj I aro fliiuticiully aide to afford such a luxury, to hie l lie nisei ves to a more congenial climate—in south Georgia and Florida. Tho Georgia Southern stud Florida bus been doing a line business in this line the past three weeks. Gongnmnitn Kilgore, of Texas, is . responsible for tiic suggestion Unit \ Cleveland, during ills four year's re. ecus us president of tlie United Slates, has learned a few lessons in civil servioo reform, fwmi his little lecwsormid predecessor which he proposes to illuffrato very soon after 'taking the oa!j) of olllco. He will '•turn tlie riJbals out,” “It mnf’yot be that the turpentine !»tg$ South Ueorghwvil I become forests," says the. .Atlanta institution. That paper adds “that oprenc, which o«u be prepared noil need thgt- tho same change has been produced by heat, and tlie “product is a material resembling pure I’ara rubber in every way, and amenable to vulcanization.” No doubt, south Georgia turpentine farmers will be pleased to hear of this new use for tlieii product)it may help to increase prices, winch are now below the cost of produc tion. mimmnr von vknoBR. The question of selecting a presi dent for Mercer University, vice Dr. G. A. Nonnully resigned, is attract ing much attention throughout thu slate. The religious denomination of which tho University is n representa tive seem specially uud deeply inter csted and, notwithstanding it is about five months before the selection of a president is to be made, the names of several prominent gentlemen have been mentioned in that connection. Among the nominees is Gov. W. J. Northern lie is mi excellent gentle man mill well qualified to till the honorable mid responsible position. However, bis nomination seems to bo untimely for his ucceptance; lie would have to resign the exulted slit t.ion of governor before liis term bus half expired. The people of Georgia elected him governor by the greatest majority ever given a candidate for that place, ami it is llicir desire that !io sliould serve lo tho end of Ids term, lie sliould mill, wo believe, lie will goyeru himself by choir wishes, if reports he true Mercer Univtr sity is in need just now of a strong lliiauoial head, a president who is i riuocosfiil financier, and if tho ()a /,v,rrn was allowed to nunio tho man it would bo (Jnpt, John U. McCall,of Quit man, Brooks county, who is i mtltlbor of thu present hoard of trus tees and takes niliolt interest in liur welfare. Ho possesses every qoiilid- cation of head, lieurt and mind for tho pft'iilinr position of college presi dent, und lie Inis boon very successful in the conduct of his own lliiances. If lie could he induced to accept tlie place it would murk a new anil pros perous era for Mercer. viusm opinions. Educate your ohildren or allow (hem to grow up as ignorant as the ox tbey will liuVe to plow. Either of tho opportunities aro open to you. Tuk* your choice.—Sycamore News. Don’t sit urouqd and Micuwberize. Tliid piece of advice is addressed to the man who. thinks that the world owes him a living, and that it would ho an admission of weakness on his part if he, once being in u position lo earn a living, did more than half tlie amount of work for which he is paid. The same advice applies to* the citi zen who thinks that his ciiy is nutu- rally better than uny Other city ou tlie top side of creation, mid that it is un admission of weakness if lie, us thu representative of that city, did any thing to help it along —Macon Tele graph. Newspapers that sensationalize and fakes, publishing all sovts of rumors us news, without investigating the source wlienca they come, .or taking pains to in form themselves nH to whether they are true or not, cannot expect to enjoy the confidence of its readers or of the public in general The newspaper that is in the habit, of faking or printing false news, or which sensationalizes in order to make a display or get the credit of being enterprising, soon stands to the public in very much tho same light jilmt mi tinvoraoious man does to his fellows, 1 —Albany Ilerald. EDUCATE lor PROFIT ■ *r ACTKMIUKU MOOSE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,ATLANTA,BA. A lllih-Oradi Dm Suit Tralntno SolMl. TI.,,c^ OT.r«^Uln h lm.|. courM li Hoatii so ».s i In eslstencf 5 tt ?our« • In* i fit 4 net ;Th»l>niy school in*$e Aoutb Mmdnotad on lb# AcfuM. first* res tudnnt* enter any time. Band for mine, tinder hat ft Tlm llest lllooil Hoiocdy. August A. Kluges, tUO Cllmries street, Haiti more, Mil., writes: “From my youili I suffered from a poisonous tiilnt in my blood. My fiice mid body was continually affected with erup tion mid soroH. I mu now 42 yeurs of ago mid bail been Iroaled belli in Germany and Amorimi, but no rem edy nvercmno the trouble 1 used Bntmiin Blood Balm. I have used about twenty bottles, unit now my skin is clear, smootli mu! heultliy.utiu I consider (lie poison permanently driven from my blood. I indorse it as tlie best blood remedy.” UK01KUA in Vr.KVBI.AMtH CAB- I SKI'. A report having gone out from Washington that. Georgia would got a place in President-elect, Cleveland’s cabinet—ell her postmaster-general, nttornoy-gencrai or commissioner of agdoultitfe if her congressinmi cun unite upon mul )iivsent some one limn, but so far had failed to harm onize, led tlie Atlanta Joiirnul corre spondent to make an investigation and, of course, found it to ho u bun dle of silly twaddle. He says: “My investigation among our wor thy delegation failed to show uny beavor-liku work, any faction^, liny visible" rivalry, or any disposition to volunteer aid to Mr. Cleveland in Ins O.ktmiot selection. * * “On the contrary, the opinion is dominant that Mr. Cleveland knows whom he wishes for his advisor and when, to address them." If Mr. Cleveland has intlninlcd to thu Georgia members or any other delegation of congressmen what his purposes aro or will bo in the selec tion of his cabinet officers, bp is not the Urovor Cleveland tlie pimple elected to ho president of the United Btutes—the Cleveland who bus ever shown a courage of his convictions, who Inn! a policy nmt tlm manhood to maintain it. despite liny pressure that could he brought to txmr against him. Notwithstanding the many fakir stories emanating in and coming out from Washington relative to Mr. Cleveland mid his cabinet-making, all without tangible foundation to rest upon, there is a strong under- i uncut of opinion that Georgia will receive a cabinet appointment under Cleveland. The opinion seems to be built.upon the theory that the South should have at least out 1 representa tive in tlie cabinet, anil Giwgiu per force of her prominence as ft southern lioiltired. Tifton Ginnery, TIFTON, GEORGIA. GOLDEN $ sIeaTH, Pro i»riu torn* The above ginnery I* now pro|»firod for ginning abort *L»jj)o cotton at usual prints. l'rumpt at tention Riven ami satisfaction guaranteed. Wo Imvo a flrotcliiHN irrlnt mill In tij uration amt will grind onuo u week—Haturdnys. Hnlf> fjiotlon KimranUMid, We have ample power to run all our machine ry at tlio sumo lime. «4-tf. fl()U)K>J & H1NKATII MStaSOAUtSAIa^ THIS SPACE BELONGb TO E. P. BOWEN & BRO. DEALERS IN General MercliancLise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Highest cash prices prices paid for chiqkeim nnd eggH, and farm products generally. Give its a call when you ctfme to Tifton with anything to sell. Thanking the public* for a generous patronago in the past, wo earnestly solicit u continuance of the same in the future. E. P. BOWEN & BRO., 1-tf. Near thp B. & W. Depot,.TIFTON, GA, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TEN oonts to on Onion 8q., N. V., for our prlzo isamo, “Blind Luck,” and win a New Home Sewing Machine. . Tho New Home Sewing Machine Co. ORAMOE, MASS. ^.tou/FOR SMX BY Dealer wanted. Apply to New Homo ffcwfug Mae|)(nc.Coiui>any f W We«t Alabama- street, Atlanta, (fa. TIFTON DRUG STORE f —— Kkki's a Fui.i. Hum.r of- M Draffs, hki Patent llil TOILET ANI) FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Perfumery, School Books and Stationax'y. Larrps of Every Description. # ■* paints,Tons * and * varnishes. The most select stonk of Tobsccos anil Cigars In the city. My customers can be served witli good Havana cigars. I call special attention to Prof. Doxtcr’a Cntnrrli Cure, Magic Diilni Kidney and Liver Cure. Lung Itestorer, Memncrio DIood Cleaiiset and iflicfilliatlc Cure. They are proprietary medicines tliat are recommended very highly for tlie purposos claimed for them. tar FRESHEST and BEST GARDEN SEED8, all the year rennd. Call and seo me, Tifton, Gn., April 1801. J. C. G OODMAN. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM A thoroughly toototl Homocly r'T’l ALL BLOOD end SKID DISEASES. Thin fftftnriard rtm. 'y b«trt tr uml not found wamiiu, for forty yrara *- nn rnilni’iif h|iy<luLui, v*its* lint used with o«rljd:t tin varying *«oe»Mf5fr illjpjsi'i I r.wUlo.i it In roCwiiimAtidfidj It ! TUB CO N N BCTTCITT Indemnity Association, IOP WATKHDIlllY* CONN* “all Popular Forms of eXSBUYTHE'SK. riHtsTiS WOODWORK, atoms; - CAVEATS, TRADE MABKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, atoJ .Jwr chart* in tba fricuttfu' JViuencdu •In tb« City. •Wr month*. Addr«M Mul - . iRUfl, 3U1 Brnadww. A*w York C PHIL HARRIS, 4 Have your eyes nxninlnod and fitted by n Scientific Optician, PHIL HARRIS, 2T.t1»l. AUIANV, (IBORGIA. TIFTON HTKAIOHT LIFE, and I»|>; found wnntuu, fur forty ye*ra t nn enilm>i>i DliyAluLui, vl-u imn uned I UL» a.itf uh vuiyUif aucoonj fo f r.wuluii It Ih reouuimended. »• unvvr lain f« (i.ii'M'.l (routine Href naie, nulckly uud uiiftuuily (IiIvlHf nut all dHtimae awrirtf front flip ».j;Aff*m tbroutu the modi out of tim l»vtr and kid* Horn uitiruiit any u.'pledAfiit nr lejurinue offteff. If u Hoi tu* renuit uf Ijjtnoratiee or Au|ia.*A-U<ti ). but (t ie roumfed upon coronl-M am w and a tborough Lwowledi# of modern modlciil welenoe. If, rfTectually purldei and eui'lfueA the tuned Mid brlnga ealtli to Urn niiilurtv. A* n aonerat lonlq II* wHIumi-a rival, and In lU nnftlvilipf i*Allii-*Svluf tirupurtfea It ie abAoiutely 'omlyompafliuli rt-jn • n XfL y £\\ er» CUMULATIVE LIFE, 90-PA’yttirnt Life and Tontine. tiry. olftl intoi t la without'a rival, nnd In lU Hnnlytlsof ,.i i.... it (a bUioiutely a tty remedy er-- ted to the public. HIa a panacea for lie renultliiv from Imuurentuf Impnva Ihed rnootl the yurtent of life; qulqr etifMarroAiU, I’lwre * filioaiM and rrcjil! nheitn.niHtu, l.lvrr. ttlwidrr IIImamv. f>L RMit hertotu UImomh. vfe. sfi4prn«t mate Weak* Ten, Fifteen and Twcntv Year Kndnwment and Old Ace Uonefit, also Accident IlenefltidniconPec- tlou with any of Umw. AU pulleliM IneonteBUldo alter two year.. Caali nnd paid up Innurunco valtwt after from two to ten years, with extunaion of t.alley In caao of lanae, divIduntU in advance. Head ua your aro und kind of policy desired nnd wit will lend estimate on name. J. W. HANNON, Hi*n v I A«t. f 0ia Walnut St. 9 Macon, On. iNvctTiQATc ron vounsftr. Hon'd for our rrec Ooolt nf Valuable lafbrtuntlon, lo>*etktrr with a 'wonder ful array of cfrUflcntM • remarkable ctirea from the altnplMt to the mnut rlr- B lent dlauaao, aflor nil known rrmnilca ad failed. Tncwc corllfleatM laitlfy with no uncertain aound, flOit Itotanle Blood llaltn la tho beat,cheapen, Wlrkaat,f real- ^ eat and moat powerful Jdood Purifier ever (t j known lo the world. per hottl* i (vo for f hottlee. For *alo by drufrclstatlf not, Mod tati Addr.ii BLOOD BALM CO., Allssts, ( ilvatliiiiartci'M Far mum Buy Your H«U4«y Ovals from DR. J. C. GOODMAN. lie h*» d bratttlftsl rolled loll of udjALBUMS, Watrr Sets, CMitwaft; tn4 Plush Goods uf l.fwi newoat tlcnl uu*. Ala«> a tare* noAottnieni of hentttiful * CHRISTMAS BOOKS ft»r nhfldttihi IMIMA uf wny frun* two Cnchmt to three feet In length Afro aupplv . . FIRE WORKS, . . Flru-Cru«.'kct'x,'attn«Mi-Crai'kcrx AS )r Iluo 11. « i . I. .111 < .nla, c% u{)on>i v 4Nx fry$SJ3ir;i * u r ii M.vA.. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTON, GEOIIG1A, tieprexonU tho following old, reliable and populnr fire insurance companies mid solicits the patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North Amerkt, • - Founded In'1792. “Greenwich,” Tout Assets, 91,656,0311,43. - Founded It 1234. “Hartford.” Total assets, 96,576,616.13. - Founded In 1810. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. . Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “.Ulna” and “Orient.” Real Estate and Renting Agent. Ilus on Ids list of Beal Estate some very desirable farm lands in the vicinity of the “Gate City to Booth Georgia and Florida.” Keep yonr eye on it, and don’t let it get too high prieed before purchasing. These lands are within one and seven milts of town. . If you have any Real Estate—houses or land—for sale or rent you will receive prontpt and courteous service by placing them with me. I am, very respectfully, Uf. M. A. SEXTON. JOHN C. HIND, C ontraotor and 13nilcler, TIFTON. GEORGIA. AI.Ij kinds of woodwork done on SHORT NOTICE. •: ty Plans and «poolt,cations funiished <m applieuti.m. * 1-ly. SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. C. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, m Hats, JStc.* Etc. I have opened % Millinery Htore, deett* . pylng one-half of Mr*. A. B. Graves’ store, and solicit tho patronage of the In dies of Tifton and turroundlfif country. My stock Is the latest fashions and stylos. Trices range for all grades of hats, etc., from the commonest to tho finest. An Inspection of my new stock will convince you that my styles are tho latest and patterns the daintiest aver shown ln Tifton. Call early. Respectfully, MISS MILLER. NOTICE TO FARMERS. On. of the noted Rnglebnrg lllco Hullen h«n punduuied hr ' nnd t era now prepired to zhnuiti, hnU nnd *r»4. yonr rio,. The thnit*. «* re.wn.lile-one elRhr), nnd on»-hnlt of hwn nnd chnO'. rn*u«tfuUy, December t.SSW. D.t>.lRBY,M.n. C or. ...i. i. f. - The ntiderelxned hen ent9blltt*d In TtftwtK . ,hc,» tat repnlrlny^nd utathKtttftx oT nU Uud* of tamioire. Cabinet Work a Sp<sdaUy.-:f| I Will conMnn. tv MBtnel for nH ntnue. of bn Udine, and juu.nlM the b».t wMtutk* burnt figaree. tllTetnenttinl.