The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 27, 1893, Image 2

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'if*r». Si Till*; OAZKTTKj 'UltOv, <SA„ i UlDAV, JANUARY 27, 1893. The Tifton Gazette. Tho Gat.kttk lnjr at Tifton, llorrl voted to tlu> best lu — Tifton and tho Adjacent noun try, mid jw sunh **k# the «uji|>ort ami encouragement of the pern <do of Ilerrlen und eoutlKumiM oounUea, The subHurlptton price of tho UAr.Krrie to *UJ0 K r year, flo cento for nix * ‘ “ *“ —~ rco months, payable in t months, and JifiosnW/pr iircu iiiuimm, iwyumo in Advance. The advertising mtos of thu OA/.wms are rea sonable and dm flirniahcd^ u|wm ap|dh:at^m, Advertising hills are due after first Insertion and will lie nresented when the money to heeded. pondenco from nelglilHmng towns to *jh Midfal n- ^ R, v UtofflCL omii matter of the naootul clans, K a Ujr A‘! J 1 ^ l i l ?J, at Tifton, fliwrgla, «* Onielal Organ of Berrien County, ». T. ALLEN, Editor. mrmuAi ktcj/inod. All the signs of MU|K>rHtitiou point to ft good crop ycM Tbo real fuel Mill appear litter. One by otic the county alliance* of Georgia art making, “about fiico” movement* nml himthng to got Imrk to nrigiiml priliripInH. Oof Imolc, stay back, mid nil will no well in tin: fu ture; taftevery citizen of Tifton “put Fix stakes down ” for utmic Improve blunt during 18011 and then work up i»t least to the stakes. The Gazhtik will bo niaile a bolter nowspaper than St was last year. “Old Horans” lias blown an ley liluHt upon us for a mouiii pant and brought a quantity of roknosN- grippe, epizootic, intliienza, ete.- witli it. But tile “ill wind’ll htw blown well for tho doctors. The editor of t)lo (lAZKn u lias bad more limn twenty years' oipeiienee In now,paplir work and acknowledges bo is only beginning to learn bow to conduct one properly, There are score* of people who haven't had it rtay’H experience who can tell all about it. Olio of ilia newsiest nml best print cd weeklies In the .State 1h located at Tifton, flit. Kdltor Allen is a has tier.- Quitman Hun, Thunks, Major; if ouriclollnqucnt subscribers would settle their past duos, we'd show you mid them model country newspaper, Indeed, The National Editorial Association will hold Us next annual meeting in Chicago, .May Id to SO, The llrst week to lie devoted to business of the Association, flection of otHeers, etc mid thu second week to partieipatioii in the World’s pnlillo press congress, which convenes on Muy 'ill, Twenty two hundred thousand invitations have been sent out for the meeting, Pid you ask us wlmt we think the Hister Foltoii-Prs, (knullnr mid Hawthorne controversy V Well, w think yes, we think Sister KeHoii Ahould join the tnfgels or go out Weal,' 'The'doctors treated her with more consideration limn she ilusei voJ lint, reader, did you know that, she wax under contract to do that lilt, work and in the name of progress!v journalism? Away with progrussiv journalism that, educates people to In professional tnisyliodjus. arc not absolutely necessary for the susteiianee of iif«; but there is noth' ing to tako the place of cotton m iui article of clothing. The West and Northwest enn grow the world’s sup ply of corn nml wheat much easier and cheaper than tliu .South, lienee it is tolly for southern farmers to at tempt competition. Jt can be readily seen, then, from a ‘careful survey of tho situation, that tho success of the southern farmer lies in producing so much of food crops, for ninn and beast, as will lie necessary for homo consumption— this includes supplying the demands for food of unfortunate neighbors— mid make cotton the money crop, and give careful attention to its prepara tion for market in order to obtain the highest ruling price. Let “quality mid not quantity" be the motto. The Oazkttk is not to be under stood ns ad vising against the planting of tobacco, fruit, melons, etc,) only caution against planting them as a staple without any thought being given fo the question of a market, They should have at least some idea in advance of planting ns to where mid what is tho demand for such a crop, mid the probable price to lie realized for it, Then they are in a position to ealniihile the cost of pro duction and preparation for market, and can form an approximately correct idea as to the profitableness of the crop, The ?!azi:ttu conscientiously be lieves llml lolmcuo, melons, fruits, po tatoes, syrup, ete., call be made prof itable side crops if our farmers will follow tlio rules Isiii down above, re membering also that the snicnblcncss of a crop greatly depend* upon the care given its preparation for market. It is often tliu ease that there is a strong demand lor a first-class article of food product, ns Mr Instance syrup, when there is no demand for a .poor article lit any price. Indeed, a poor article frequently stagnates mid kills tlto nmrlc.t. J’ItJIM OVINJOKH. The World's fair should be opened on Bundny. Less barm would result from tliis Ilian turning the throngs loose iti Chicago.—Timcs-Knferpnsc. Credit will never again be cheap in Georgia until the risk on tile part of tlio creditor is reduced. When money is certain of quick and easy collection it can be had cheap. But as long as collections arc slow and uncertain so long wllljiioney be dear mid difficult to obtain.—Libyral-Kn- lorpriso. Jlecciver Sparks is having estab lished a tobacco factory at OMloneta, The plant is to he a small ojie at first, but it solves the serious difficul ty of poor prices for the tobacco with which tile growers have bad to con tend. The planters were successful in -growing the crops mid met with bountiful yields, (lycloneta alone pro ducing over 5,000 pounds on twenty- two acres, but they were forced to sell in Virginia at from 5 to 111 cents, —Cord clean. With politics out of the way, wise and energetic application to business will bring prosperity to every section of Ibis great state, throughout which the elements of success abound. Of course there will lie hindrances to many, providential or otherwise, but to the great majority the way is clear for unobstructed devotion to business, Let each man use the talents entrust ed to him, and the, result will he profitable many fold. Witli the op portunity now carefully considered mid wisely used, mid tliu operations repeated continually {throughout the year, success will surely come. Fail ure will not come without suilieietii cause. -Dawson News. Grape Vines (Vaiu'iiiiieo-I to cure Itch to till mlmites. IHUI For sain by it'. Paulk A Co., Tifton, (In. Htrengtli mid llenllli. If you lire not feeling strong mid healthy try Electric Bitters. II " I,a Grippe” lias loft you weak and weary, use Electric Billers. This remedy acts directly on liver, sloni- acIi and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to portorm their functions. If you are nfllloted with sick headache, you will find speedy mid periimiiciit relief by taking Hleetrio Bitters. One tnnl will emtvfiiee you that tills is the ^yafiludy you need. Large bottles only 50c, ul I'aulk’s drug store. FIMUMIA MA11JCXT, A great deal is being Hiiid of late, in tbo dismission of the question of diversifying farm crops, about tin- folly of growing a crop for which no market can be found. The matter of a market for farm products, the Oakkttk admits, is a vory important one, one which every farmer should consider before even planting a crop, and one which near ly every ono in tills section of isoijit- try uegleelt. Tim very smallest de tail of planting, cultivating, harvest ing, preparing -or market and selling A crop should be considered and re- dimed as nearly as possible to an ab solute certainly before the crop is : j-lmited, Tho neglect, to,, consider i-lther one of these particulars way n-sult in the crop failing to prove profitable to the grower. Cotton to the only slapln crop of tho Bomb, am! unit to it comes rice. Cotton is ono of tile world's absolute necessities, Tobacen, melons, «ugar, pyrup, fruits, etc., are luxuries, They rut! Alin IK.I TVIIHI), The older people of the present, ns in every generation of the past, arc onroftiliy watching the conduct of the younger people. It, is natural that they should i it is an important mat ter for llu'in to know what manner of mini and women tire to control the affairs of the generation (lint, is to succeed them, These studehls of the frailties of Injiimn iinturo sometimes give , vent' to their feelings and thoughts as Iiiin a correspondent in the (.Wdclcnn in the following para graph : “In every town that I have visited (and 1 have traveled a great deal) I Imvu found young men of poor pa rents who do not. pretend to hit a lick of work, but who, novortlieloss, dress themselves in the very height of fash ion, parade tliu BireutM with tlm dig nity of a king Utld are loaders i(T life best society in tile place. Tliu young ladles, ns a rule, put them and seem to think they am made of gold, when, tako my word for it, it who id hen most shameful waste,of powder and shot, to s|mnt them." Voting people of Tifton, you nro being w atched, mol we hope yon may over conduct yourselves in a manner alike croditnble to yourselves, your parents and your town. All honora ble , labor is dignified, atiil every young luatt should become self-sup. porting, and tho one that does not subject himself to the above just eritieism. A young lady who shows a preference for a young limn who depends upon his parents for a Ilvu- liltood, shows ft decided taste for frivolity and worthlessness and does herself a grave injustioo, 1/it i mi lloxv's Tills. We offer One I hundred Dollars lie- wfird for any ease of 'Catarrh thui can not, lie cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F, -i. Chunky A Co., Drops, Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney fur the last fifteen years and believe him pcrfeelly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to’ carry out any obliga tions nmdo by Iheir firm. West, A Trtinx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Klnipin dr Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Mali's Catarrh Cure is taken Mtur ns! ly, noting directly upon the blood and uiueuous surfaces of the system Brie# 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists, Testimonials free. Tifton Ginnery, TIFTON, GEORGIA. An Immense stack of the leading old amt new varieties, one and two y .nrs old. No better Vines in theWited Sutcs—-heavily rooted, carefully grad d, well packed end guaranteed to reach cus'oroers In good condition. Special priced oij large lota to Planters! write for quotations. Pull Line of SEEDS, PL./VNTS, TREES, BULBS, Etc. Handsomely Jlluiirattd Catalogue Free la Duyert. 900 /Acres—28 Greenhouses, 99 Years. The Storrs & Harrison Co. PAINESVILLB. Lake Co., 0. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO E. P. BOWEN & BRG. — DEALERS IN eXa BUY THE 'sx- rf&JHRI&G THE BEST (S THE CHEAPEST. Send TEN oont-, to en Union 8ft., N. V., for our prize nsmo, “ Blind tuck," and win n New Homo Sowing Machine. ' .trsf-oj., CM. J Greneral |:Ct ORAHOB. MASS. ‘I'.leuw/'FOH SSAI.E BY e *tuvtt*- Dwiilcr wanted. Ajiply to tho Kew TfnniQ' iwlng Machine Co “* street, Atlii Sowing Machine Couipany, 10 Svent Alubaiu.v. Mlivnta.Uu. FARMERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Highest eaah prices prides paid for chickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. ffl Ml 10 PLEASE ALL OF 000 Thanking tho public for a generous patroiiag#'iit.tho past, wo earnestly solicit a continuance of the same in the future. 33. uf. P\ POWIGiST & BRO., Near the B. & W. Depot, TIFTOJJrGA. TIFTON DRUG STORE It kkps a Fut.r. Scm.v of— TOILET AN» FANCY, ARTICLES, Fine Perfumery, School Books and Stationni'y. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS • AND * VARNISHES. The most select stock of Tobaccos nml Clears in tho city. My customers can be served with good Havana cigars. GOLDEN & SINEATH, l‘ro|irietoi‘H. Core, snratcliea on* horses nml manga on Jh UUUl'l dual with one or two ideations, for sate to* I W. Paulk lh>. Tifton, Ua. The Gutlilwrt Libcral-Miiterprloe tells itH readers that a short cotton crop wilt enhance the price just iu the recent short supply of' coal and pork has advanced the price of thorn- staple -trtlcles; that mooting in can- his and alliances and ‘resolving’ to plant lean cotton Isn’t worth a tmubco, Each Individual farmer must not for himself," mid actually plant loss cot ton. lu logic is good ; “novor mind About your ncigidsira" but “ phvyt your own cotton cron on bn.nne*,i principles,’' n-t knowing try earing wliat your neighbor* sr-* proposing to do in that particiiW,' Tilts *1m»v« fillnory In now fortrltknhitr Nhnrt otaplo cotton nt imirnl prlcoo. rrompt nt- tent ion Klvon nml tmtUliunlrm nuaruntood. Wo lmvo a llrritcIiiHH mill In oporutiois ami will jrrlml onco a w««k -Haturdny*. Hatln- faclton ((immntocd. Wo lmvo amfdo power to rnn nil nur machine** r> ut. ilin oitino Unto (lOU)KN A 8INHATII. wANTEm Hoaloil Iddr* f«»r tho oroof Ion of a liuttae In lf|»# lonvlllo, lkirrlcn county, Hoornin. HfMJ 11 x .« foot. Id toot liotwooit joint#, witli 8 foot plarxa. llrlck plllowa. Hiack Inlck cliliu- noy. Tlm*o door# nml OVo window*, llount only to bo hulled In. Tho lumber nuiftt bo free of hiioi# ami boar ln*pooihm ua nocond cla#». IUiIk roodsud for ton day*. Atldro.M, M. 11. COlIKh I'. O. lln* itt/rif “h t Gn. Notjco to Debtors and Creditors. (IKOlUlIA-IlKtoltlNN CmiNTV. All poroMiia lmvliiK domund* am‘ln*t Urn ostuto uf W. I). (irllhn, Into of *atd Ktatr and county tUcvimcd, am hereby noltltcd to rondor in their (Icmniuto to tho muiemlffimd Rcc<»rdlnR: to law; and alt poraoun Uidddcd to *ald ontnto am re iiulroil to umkv (mmodlato paymont. -A MII, / * * W. K. LAMII, Adiuinl*'tutor of W, IL Orillia, dccoimod, NttahvUlts Januury i“, iwi.T. -RWiw. lIciultiunrtet'M Fur -tot- Buy Tear Holiday Oeodi from DR. C. GOODMAN. —JOI- He ha* a fMHUtttfiil coHcotlun of w4» Water Ms, Elinm and P!csh Goods pl’tliMHiMVKtdrHium* A too a lttrjre awwrtwAmt ut itfMu&iru! OII1USTMAS BOOKS fuV children, TRH.Ul of any ar,e from two Inchw 1** threw foot in length. Also great lupply . . FIRE WORKS, . Flri'-Crnckers.'iHiiion-Ci'm'kcrs any Utivlict. nml JlnwiMiCsmtlr,. Aim', s nl-'-s llns pf FtlKftH FANCY FANt-IKS nil.: KltCITN. jfyiM r-o;.- o^.all -n-l pxo.pIup my «iwk. J, V. ViOOil.MA.N. I call'special nitenlfon>to-Prut 1 , Dexter’s Cnturrh Cure, Mugie Bilim Kidney mfiV r.lver’CiVrli,.LtVng ItcstoCor, Mesmertc Blood Cleiiiisoi nml Ulieiiuuittc- Cure. They arc proprietory nlddlclnes tlmv are recommondo-t Very highly for the purposox claimed for them. par FRESHEST Attn BEST GARDEN SEEDS; all thu year round, Call and sco me. Tifton, Ga„ April !W, 1801. J. C. GOODMAN. I - CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, otc. Porlnfftrmattim r.-.i. «r.a H.ndsook writ, to HUNS A uo, tot nmiAuwiT, ntv yokc. S ldcit buren't for .ecurini: i»tont> In Amortca. rtrr iiftt.nt token out by ut U brou»bt btforo tbo public by a nottco Cl,an ir-o of oturio In tbo Scientific ametiijg loan shnulil be wltlinm It. Weoklr. SB.OO a L Bmaclway, J PHIL HARRIS, Have yourcyo* examined and fitted by iScientilic' : Optician. - PHIL HARRIS, zr-tlnl. ALIIANY, (IKOUIUA. TIFTON TITK OONNECTICITT Indemnity Association, I OF XVATKltllllltY, CONN. ( Writes all Poplar Forms of Policles.]- STHAIOllT OFF, CUMULATIVE LIFE, aO-Puyment LtT«f mill Tontliif. Ton, Fittmi »mt Twonty Year Kiutuwmont anil Otil An Itoneftt, ut.u Acltlvtit ltonaOto In unttroc- tlon with any of theao. All polldoa liw**»nte*tnhh AU polidoa iiWonteatuhle alter two yeura. Cosh ami paid up Inauranco vulm* alter from two to ten year*, with extcualon of i oiloy in ea*o of lapse, dividend* in advance. Hand un >tmrape timl klVul or ptdloy desired and we will tend estimate $ on aame. J. XV. HANNON, Gcn’t Agt„ t»l» Wttlimf Sf. r Macon, On. M.A. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTON, OEOHCUA, Hoprcretit* the following old, reliable and popular lire insurance companies. and solicits- the patronage of the insuring - public: Insurance Tom pan j of North America, “Greenwich,” Total Assets, §1,050,055,13, - “Hartford,” Total assets, SS,576,«16.i3. “Central City,” of Scima, Ala, Also, write for tbo “Liverpool and London and (Biobc,” “.Etna” and “Orient.” Pounded in 179* Founded In 1934 Founded In 1810. SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA, e, A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, Huts, JStc.. Etc. • 1 havo nimnert % Millinery Store, ocou» pylng one-hulf of Mr*. A. U. Graves' store, and solicit the patrenage of the ln- t dies of Tifton and turrouudlng country. My stock 1* the latest fashions and strifes. ITfcos range for sit grades of hats, ete., from the commonest to the finest. An inspection of my new stock will convince you tbnt my styles are the latest and patterns the daintiest ever shown in Tifton. Call sarly, > Respectfully, M18B MII.LKR. NOTICE TO FARMERS. On. of th. nnt.-I r.nxl.bnre Hire Htillrn liu 1-reu purclta-e-l liy amt t .Bl tinw prapan-t l# thrnah, ball, poll.h amt xniJu jour rlic. Tti. rhatxc. ire waaonaUo-HBMHnghdz rire amt m‘io half of .irun a-«t rbatt. 1 ■ Vory micetfully, • nwrabre'l, tM8. «. t«ny. 3U u.'k'.r. AnS Cabinet Work. Real Estate and Renting Agent. ITt« on his list of Real Estate some very desinrblc farin land* in tbe vicinity of the “Gate City t(i Sooth Georgia and Florida.”' Keep your eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purshnaing. The,tc IiuuIe aw within ono uud torch toiIra of town. If you have any Rea! Estate—hottaea or lstth—for mile or rent yott will receive prompt and sourtdon#* uervice by piaovng them with me. K * I .-nt, very r« ( vctfu’«l), i-tf. ■ • ' M. A. SIiIXTOX. Tt* nn.tmSjtnrft h.» i •tot- tur rtfatrin* ani uur.uf. trib-tn -vf fvmttnnj. - Cabinet Work a fl® l will ywittnba tn m-ttra-it fnr all oluKt ur tm-liUs<..r<ilit gn»r»nlf« tbn t.rrt^wo/k — 1 Otva an a trhi/. ZXOlll. ■ . ■ - - 4———-— mM i* irSIvra'.i