The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 10, 1893, Image 2

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The Tifton Gazette. Tlic Oazhttk is published c« ery Friday morn- ln« at Tifton, Jlerrlen county, deorniu. It Is do- vo <SI to the heat Interest oi the growing elty of Tifton aiul the adjacent. country, anil an mi«*h n«Us the sitnport and encouragement of the peo- jile of Berrien an ' " THE GAZETTE: TIFTON* FRIDAY.'FEBRUARY 10. 1893. anti contiguous counties, The subscription price of tin? dAZirn r. Is fl.oo per year, 50 cents for six months, and Scents for three months, payable In advance. The advert!sitit: rates of tin* d v/rrrr. are rea- fioilalde and will he furnished upon application. AdvertI'.inn hills are due after first insertion and will hi presented when the money Is needed. Correspondence from neljfhhotlntr town* I* so licited and communication* on timely topic* are always welcome. Always write on one side of :'|’ n ;i}m>1 i•>)i credit Would lie to par,'l tl»8 paper, and don’t forget vo enclose your naipy | - ■* ... 1 .is an evidence of good faith. lintbred at the postolli-e, at Tifton, fiuorgl: mall matter of tin: second class. CHE/HT AX/) CAS/J. An oxdiungo, (liscUHsing the rela tive value of these t wo bases of eoiit- nieree, lias this to say I “Credit is just as essential as cash. One is just as important as the her. A cautious use of credit has enabled many a man to gain a foothold who could never have succeeded without it. It is the abuse, not the judicious use of credit that is to he condemned. Official Orjjfan of Berrien County. I i. T. ALLI2X* Kill lor. kmtojum nrc/nsus. iretiil m-l to let of any caiisi run bellir judgement, li ihle to gel your pel haps, serious Jiilgo Perlnim’s impress upon the AV ay cross Herald is already* very market). Kditor S. It. Illanton is now hold ing down tin* tripod at Smithville on the las* County A newspaper needs public spirited patrons as well as an editor. We newspaper men ean only do what good men help IIS to do. Fee ( 'mill- j lv Knterprise. I lev*. Dr. Henry MeDonahl, pastor of the seeoml llaplisl church, of At- lanl", surely ha> a Kindiy d eling to wart! lawyers, lie says “liny are the salt of the earth.” Although there ire thirteen lunar months in a year February will have no lull moon. I he last was on .lamiarr Hist ami tlie next will he on the first da\ of March. Von should he e your zeal in beh.ilf away with your If you do, you an self into I roll hie trtmhlc. The <*if.v council of llniiisw i- k has passed an oidiiuiiiee retpiiriug all sa loons to ( lose up from I at night In a iiVlorl, lie .! morning, and the 'rimes very properly designates if as a good night's work. Kditor Kamkdl, of the I,at 1 range j Craphir, arguing in fax or of the credit system, says : “The earth it self tloes biMliess on erod.l pa\ing the wages ol the toilers at harvest time, aiul incentives for right living are based on promi-c of reward.” (iov. Nol l hell has aeeeptetl, for himself and staff, an invitation to be present at the inaugural ion ceremon icM at Washington ,\|aii h Mi. lie has not yet appointed Ids new stall bin will do so at once that the ap pointees may have time to prepare for I lie t rip. Maine pronounce* and * mil 11mazed” her husband the She says that “in» Mr. Maine, or any private letter or paper til Air. Maine's, or any material whatever for a biog raphy has been given out to any one.” Judge l„ <2- C. I .a mar'.* mint lc has fallen upon democratic shoulders; President Harrison has called lion. Ilowcll e. .1 aek*o|| to succeed Inin as associate justice of ihc supreme court- of I lie I lilted Males. The up poinI un til is considered a splendid tine from a judicial view, as Mr. Jackson is an able jurist. Col. Isaac W. Avery, of Atlanta, who has <|ev oled much tunc and I a I cut to the agitation of the gucstum of southern direct trade, says lie is in receipt of a cablegram from e.tiropc stating that a contract bad been clos ciI ami signed which will inaugurate direct Inidc between England and Georgia at. Savannah or IIruiiMv ick. At the last meeting uf the Mercer law class an election of class olliecis was held, ami alter some lively ha I loting and clectimiccring by the boys, tin* billowing were defied: George S. .bums, president ; C. A. Anderson, v iee-presideiil ; George Ivieiitei. sce- retarv : W. T. Ihickhaller, treasurer ; AV. W. Peimet, chaplain ; Dr. .1 'I'. ]laimnoml, surgeon ; Deo. V. Steed, corresponding secretary. The class, under the afJi direction of the facul ty, is making line progress, ami some line legal ability is being shaped that, will do credit to the bar wherever they may he admitted. .Macon Tel egraph. Commissioner Ne&biif, of the state agricult lira I department, advises farm ers ttV reseed their oat crops where they were killed by the late freeze just sis quickly* sis possible, and not tu plant (he land in e«nton as has been the. custom among farmers hereto fore. He insists that the farmer who follows thin advice will no* regret it. Pit ESS OPINIONS. [Sucecoiors to I. H. BOWEN.] t lyzc the whole world of commerce and create vast armies of paupers,” Our contemporary jft right; the credit system is as old as commerce itself. It has been used by trades men advantageously, to both the seller ami the buyer, in every age of the world. It is not the system it- s.elf, hut, the abuse of it, that has worked so much damage in the pres ent era. The buyer and seller both ahiiii’* it: the former by purchasing article- for uliMi he has no special need, the latter by encouraging their customers, when morally certain they are good lor their contracts, to Imv I l things w liieh t hey could ami should I do without. In this way* many* a good iinn has been stranded aiul be come a financial wreck. Il is an crroimous impression that has gained foothold among llm pen pie dial it make* no difference how foolish a purchase may be so long as it is paid for in cash, it is all right. 11, is not all right ; it is an abuse of llm eu-h system buying a thing just became you have the money and jiM as wasteful a - if you bad bought il on credit and hav e no in* for i*. \either system excuses .sin I. S. A R. L. BOWEN, About tint, bent tliiii" the third pally boj’H win -lo is to miiku a big crop of corn, wheat, meat, oata, pear, potato,-a, mid the anrplmi plant in cotton, and vote the democratic tick et at the -next election.—Carrollton iint-a. IVof. 1 licks predicts that Fchriian will he a Ktoriny month; that we will | have another allow atorm, followed! by two cold wavea. It will make no difference to the fruit prow era, uuleaa llie cold ij .intense, and mileas we have aoine extra warm wl-ather he- Iwuen the atoiana. lint Hieka may not he right. Ft. Valley I.eader. The high price of pork throughout, the country, altrihntahlo to the short crop in the weal, la exciting general comment I hroughoiit I lie country, and raises the plication, -Why don’t south ern fanners raise more porn Since 1 their recent experiences with cotton they will no doubt endeavor to act! ,,,| mimt make room for It, lienee we are selling our old stock at rock-bottom prl- TIFTOTST, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, Groceries «"<* Hardware. DO YOU TRADE WITH US? IF NOT, WHY NOT? You Should Tracis with Progressive Dealers, + ( We Want Your Trade, And in order lo merit your patronage we will employ every worthy agency and give yon the lowest possible prices. We will continue to give you the biggest val ues for your money Ilian any mercantile establishment in the uity. We are buying a large and very select stock of Spring and Summer Goods, • II (Ill's brought I I wo a i e | i A! | H. J JIIIM'K < i the “aul helilie” biographies of purest of fakes, mauiiseripl by uir The doeirme of ihe Farmer’s Alli ance that any ami all credit is hurt fill i - eiToiwoii*-, bn( l lie manlier ill u liieli ii. lias been taught and ab .li- lieiiee (luTeindil urged upon tin* ii i«■ m be rs has done much good Iliidiiglioul (he country. The mem her.* of thi* organization have prac ticed a whole-mine economy in iluir effort* in adltere strictly to the doe trine; they have made less foolish purchases, confining them to abso lute neecH*ilicM. X K till o /•/1 HO HA T,‘o\. “I doll! cure to be <|t|op*d III the mailer, for personal leasoiiH,” says a large south tieorgia planter, speak ing of the farmers opposition to Ne gro emigration from the Stale, lull 1 think the farmers are making a mistake. The negro laborers are gelling more and more diflii-nlt to handle even year, and the only men of ihe race who aie worth encourag ing lo minim in the late are the ones who are iliiifly enough lo gel small farms for themselves. Il is becom ing moi e evident from year to )« ar ilia 1 the solution of the lieglo prob lent, as it is called, is lo be found in making it abs«(|iitel\ neeessaiy for the bulk of them to become land ov\ nets, tbilv m that way do llicv get lie* si Use of I Ill'll’ Il lie relallolls lo the mm! ami the duties of riliz iisnip. I will never bother myself lo slop any oi"’ of tin* la ml lc*-. and migratory negroos from going a* far avvav Iroin Deorgia a* (hey can gel nmnoy I" pax I in ir vv ay. 11 will he lid lo | be si ate vv lu ll all of 'lien a new and white farmers suggestion. The porkers into Albany every day or I'videnees that the best of hogs ean be raised right here in wire- grass I ieorgia. I lerald. Why is it that the old coggers of lo day ean come along and marry Mich young ladies? Uerausc the young men are too sorry we guess. Ihii the average young man of to day wouldd't marry if he could, and tiiese “|o\ely sweets” have found il out by some means and think when one these old bucks propose that it D the last chance and they say yes. Well, vve don’t know but what they act very wisely after all. We know of t w o or three once young ladies who hive waited for certain young men to take them in until they are now old maids and off I he carpel. | its Unit will not fail to make them sell. We are yours for low prices, Tifton, On., January 2, 1H0U. I. S. & K. T,. BOWEN. T3IFTOK! ORWG STORE Klilil'S A Fl'l.l. Sui'PLV OF ■'ft? j I. I 'i in 0 ) Cl TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, •rl uim.'ry, School Hooks and Stul ion ary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. A. ISTew Route — BETWEEN — Thomasville and Atlanta, Ga., With thruufch conchc-s daily via C. ft. Railway ival (i. -M. X (i. Iluilroad. KOCTII IMil/NlL Leave Allan a •• Mcl)oi.oii|:k.. r“ rolnmitm*.... “ ‘Richland Dawrion “ Albany Arrive Thomas vide. “ Jacksonville.. “ Rrnnsvvlck — ■ t.XO. 1. | $NO,.*L f Tlfl tt.'in. ! . J 8 Yir»a. in.'.... 12 05 p.m.; 0 45 u. III. 1 40)1. 1U.; V 30 a. 111. j 2 08 p. III. 1125 8 *< •!:*. tl 111 :i ;i5 p. m 0 10 p. 111 8 25 a. III. 7 26 a. in. 1 00 p. ill. NOUTII IMU’Mi. Leave HiVnswiek — “ Juckstmvillle. “ Thonmsville “ Albany “ iJuwson “ "Richland , *Ko. 2. i |»Q. 4, ^ . 7"30i,.m. U30|i. m . 7 50 tt. Ill . u .Vi a. hi. 3 35 p. in. . 12 19 p.lll. 5 05 p, III. . 135)1. 111.; 7 10 p. in. Columbus i 3 10 ji. m, 0 30p. m. “ McDonough | o 06 p.m.j Arrive Atlanta.. ........I 8 00p.m (Daily. {Daily except Sunday. "Dinner sta tion. The only line running through coaches be tween Thoiuasville ami Atlanta. ( lose connection in Atlanta for all points North, I'«5st and West. CECIL OARUKTT, (Jencral Manager. Ijocal Time Table, To take clTeet at 2:00 o’clock a. in., Thursday, February 2nd, 1893; Passenger Trains-'Hast. I *nor rrcutMn svmpal lii/.id will not bo g. n|il by \iiiili ! young by old : is life. Ft. how they ought to In with, mid are You heied in after you get men like you were d im n. Hut then, such ( dimes I lerald. W vv ai d ran ( lire How’s This. «• offer < hie 11 illidied Dollars He- foi any easi uf (‘aiarrh that not be euroil b\ Mali's ('atarrh F. .1. Cim.slv A. ( «*., I’ropH. I oledo, ( )hb We, (lie undi’iMgiied, ban known F. J. ('lu ii. y furlhe la^J lil’teeii yeais and believe him poiuoliy iioiior.ihlu in all I>uduetraiisaelioiis ami linau oi.dly able lo « ai ry out any obliga tions made by their linn. West A' Trunx, Wholesale D'niggists, Toledo, Ohio W aiding, Iximian A Marvin, Wliole- sale Dntggi sf s, 'Toledo, ( )|iio. ! lall’s ('atari’ll ( lire is taken inter nally, n'ting directly upon the blood and mucuous .surfaces of the system. Hriee V•» eonls per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Te*tiiiioiii:ils free. 1 The most select stock of Tohiirros nr.d Cigars in the city. My cuslomej’s can he served with good Havana cigars. >■— j I rail special niteniion to Prof. er’s C'aturrli Cure, ?.Iagie Palin | Kidney and l ixerOure, lamg Keston*!*, !Mesnierf<* IMood Cleanse) and Ithenniutii 1 Cure, They are proprie.tary mvd'eineH that are recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. £&r FIiFSIlFS'r and BEST (iAUI)FN' SEEDS, all tlm year round. Call and see me. Tin.",, (la.. Aprils, IMH. ,T. C\ OOOT^iAN. Tl 1 M CON X I X’TKT T Indemnity Association, or wATionin itY, conn. all Popular Forms of Policies STATIONS. No. 4. j No. 2. * No. 8. Lv Albaliv 1 lOamj 1 15 pm 2 (id ] in “ Dav is fl 28 mu si 85 i m 2 40 1 M “ W illimthAiu... tl 38am si 4i pm 3 15 ] ill “ Isabella 11 17 am! si .*3 j in 3 40 | m “ Pmilan fl 53 uml 12 <:4 pin 4 05 ) III “ Sumner 11 69am! 82 12 j m 4 35 ] III “ Tv-Tv 12 Plain 82 25 jnu 6 06 ] 111 Ar Tifton j 6 46 ]>m 1 " No. 12. Lv Tifton 28 mu 82 45 j m 6 30 am *• llrooktleld.... 2 42 am 18 on | m (i on am “ Kuiama 2 60 am lw Id j 111 10 20 am “ Alaiudia s3 03 a m S3 li pm 7 10 am *• Willacnoehee. 13 22 a III S3 4n j in 8 17 am •* Dray’s J3 ’.4 am S3 42 | in 8 27 am •» 68 Mile Post... 13 28 itltl ►3 4 » | in 8 42 am Kirkland 3 38 alp S3 a.1 j in 9 03 am « Pearson s3 vi al.i s4 on ) m 9 15 am McDonald 13 ...• am c4 li pin 9 4o ; m *• Millwood 14 08 am >■4 25 | m lo 13 am •* XV aivsboro .... 14 27 am 8-1 4. j in 11 oo cm Ar Wax cross 4 40 am 82 (HI J 111 11 Ml MU Lv Waveross 9 20 am 6 15 pm 12 30 ) 111 “ Sclilattcrvllle. 19 88 am 85 34 i m 1 25 pill •* Hoboken 19 45 uu s6 42 ] 111 1 50 | m »• Nalmuoi fio (>2 am s(> on jnu 2 40 ] ill " LuLtioi, tin 17 am sll (18 j 111 3 10 | 111 »• Atkinson ... tin 23 am 8(1 111 pin 3 27 j ill •• W aviiHsville... nn 39 am si; 23 pm 3 50 ] III 11 Jaiuaica .in 49 am s7 39 I III 4 30) m Ar llruiiHvvIek 11 in um 7 in pm 1. 00 ] 111 I’.isss.-iikt.-i* Trains- STATION’S. X,,. No. 3. "No. 11. I.v Rnmswick 7 20 am V 10 1 III 4 15 am •> Jamaica 7 mi am 17 40 1 in 5 20 a m ,* Waynvki llle.. k on am 17 67 1 in 0 05 a ui STKAiOIIT Mi l;, ( i;:.u:hativ:: i.ifk, UO-l*n,Vinrlit’r mill Tonlinc. Ten, t- iftiM-M :ni<l Tvcn*y Year Ln liiwmant and nb! A**c Dcucllt. also Accident Mcnellts in ernirei tlo.i wj b any ol llii'.-ii*. All ptiMeic* lanaiU s'alilc alter two >cmCa di and | aid tiI. iiisiir.incc alb !’ limn two o» u>ii years. wi*h cviensbni <*f i-nlicy in tii'C <d la | sc, dl. idem I* in a Ivatirr. Sand us yniir age and kind <d' pidlcy desired and we « ill send cslimale m; same. •I. W. HANNON, <ien*l Agt., OIB Walnut St., iUaeon, Ga. Kiedia 1,0 D ’.X ’.M •d■•, nr cbil !itii vvh Ini* up mIi* iiid hike ud. el. a ( ill d eht'S are gone, bei ter immigral urn from ihi* north ami come in to take ill and eventually bei substantial citizens el’s.” Siiimv M’S IliDN UI'l’TiOHH. It Is |.U‘iiMi«il; < men Malaria. Indlirciitlun, UllloiiHiicivs, Liver Compluinl.s and Ncurulkia. Fifton Ginnery, H, Tiniiv. i.iioiu.ii, GOLDEN & SINEA’ Prnpriet ors. ■■I will idiiees solid an I home mak vacant pi BROWN’S IRON BITTERS curoa Dy3popaia, 1n- dlgos bion &Dcbility. While in Wilcox county last week oil business, we were pleased |o ob serve the decided miprovcments in that county during the pa-t two de cades. The people in Wilcox are liv ing in belter lumses, have belter slock, better vehicles, and seem to lie more prosperous than we ever saw them before. Nearly every fanner has built himself a good framed house sin.c we used to know (In m. Everywhere we *veid we noticed bains full ol coni and fodder, and smoke houses well tilled with meat and syrup. There is not a county in the stale, mu’ in the I *ii!ed Males, lo-dav in heller shape for liv itig or enjoying life than Wilmv. We uu dersiand that mortgaged f ains are wr\ rare in \\ ilcox county. Macon (’omitv < iii/.cn. dim l ■>l .11 ■ 11’ VV,. 11.11 .1! I ln> .III "inu.'tv I* uoM |uv|'.ircil I colUm sil u*u.iI |>i in- . I'i 1 it. 11 :nul ’Mll-I.H lion nUiO'.iiltM'd 1 limlrl.iHM yi'Nt mill in . ul m;h »• .1 \utIv S.i: 111.1;,\ s. .iiilccd. 1 *• I»I1«.w. 1 lo run .ill 1 mr m;i iu< time. ooi.iu x ,x siv»;\in Ilendi|iinrters lair I! \1 11 x Euy Ycur Holiday Gocda from Grape Vines An immense stock of the leading old and new varieties, one and two years old. No better Vines in Ihe United States—heavily rooted, carefully grad d, well packed and guaranteed to reach eus < mers in good condition. Special prices op large Iot3 to PiApterj; write for quotations. Pull Line of SEED?, PL/VNTS, TREE?, BULB5, Etc. Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue Free to Buyers. 900 /Vcres- 20 Greenhouses, 39 Years. The Storrs & Harrison Co. PAINESVILLE. Lake Co., 0. AIMS! IN- “ Aikinsi.u “ Lulainn “ Nalmntn “ Hnliokfcii .... “ hclilat lew illy Ar Way cross .... I.v WaycroHH “ XV.ircHl.oro ... “ Millwood “ McDonald — “ l’e!ir*«m “ Kiikiand • 1'H Mile fust.. ’• Unix's “ WiUa* , ooi'lieii. “ Alupiuiii “ Kni”im “ Rrooklb'id Ar Tiftoi I.v Tifton t.... “ Ty-Ty •• Sumner “ I’mi lun “ I -alrlki " Willingham.. " Davis Ar Albany - -j II Meal station. s Li ami 18 951 in «> 20 aui 8 20 anil 18 13 i m n 40 am 8 29 am 18 211 m 7 00 fiii 8 45 am' 18 40 ] m 7 60 am 8 62 am 18 60 j m 8 15 am v in ami o 10 i ne 8 65 am 9 25 am 9 201 in to 00 aui 9 40 am 19 36 j m 11 00 am lo 13 ami 9 65 j ui IV 00 m lu 24 am'flO (Hi j ui 1‘. 30] III 10 42 amlHlO 221 m 1 *0 ] Oi 10 Miami 10 31 j-in 1 85jm 11 05 am,110 45 j in 2 00 j n 11 09 am)I lo 48 | in 2 16 j u. 11 13 u>ni110 50 pin 2 25] ui 11 34 am'ull V3 | m 3 17 pin 11 63 am Dll 26 j lie f3 60] in 12 02 | ill 11 86 1 III !• 4 26 j in 5 00] ui No. 7. 12 20] in nil 47 nin! 6 60 am 12 42 j in llv 05 am ' ii 35 am 12 Mi j in fl2 17 am! 7 06 a in fl 04 j m 112 26 mil 7 40 am 1 12 pi i 112 32 mu 8 16 am t 29) m 112 40am! 8 46 i.m 1 85 p in 4 12 b2 a iv. j I) 26 r. m 2 00 pud 1 10 um 10 20 no f »« signal. • Daily, except Sup day. Direct connection made at W’u\cross with d'loueli Pullman Hlt*p] Injr cars for ftt. l.ouis, Montjiouiery, Uliuilnclmm, Nashville, Chattu- noojia. New York, .lack''onvillc, Taiujiu and in- termediate ) oinls. Ih‘cliiii’i)r chair cars between Way cross ami Montgomery via llahibvhlac* (’. d.’dvvknh, W. 51. Davidson, Trofllo Manager. fl. 1*. A. (i. W. ( oaths, URO. \V. 1!AIM'S, A. D. 1*. A. , Ucn’l Supt. H AIT.HOAD. Suwanec River Route to Florida. VIA ATLANTA. C. goookah. DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. Lino of Dry-floods, and am Clouds away Hc-Ioav Cost to a splendid Summer Stock. I DIM D'linruiihT i IidJI I’Mllk »Y , Tifmii. lu tniuetes IL. bn t li Mi I ten. DO 1.1 s of an\ ,»|,i* from I v o in.'lica i lo ihn'c Me! In b"iwlb. A Do nn.«t hU]>| h | . . FlIfF WORKS. . . I’lre-Criirki'i-s, ( imniin-CnirKci s Sb.V Rockrls ai.d Uoinun t aml 1,-w. Also, n idee line of KI’.KSM I'XWX I'ANDlPM and F’lit' I I'S. Don' loryct inwall and c\.indue in» ’*• •« k. J, v. MOIMI \ V. ID v i> Down. smipiivi.k in Kffkct Oriolii:*. b Til, 1892. ItKAl) t'p d. M. A.M. P. M. A.M. 5 00 5 40 Lv. Palatka Ar *9 45 8 Ml n 30 7 on “ Jneksocv llle .... * “ K 30 7 8 35 9 (M> “ .... Dike ( llv “ 0 25 5 35 9 28 9 53 " lasper • “ 5.13 4 43 10 ;w 10 58 4 21' :i 44 12 18 H 44 “ Tifton “ 2 53' 2 13 1 47 2 Ul “ Corilele “ 1 06112 45 4 III 4 35 “ . Macon dilution . . . “ 10 40.1ft 25 4 Ml 4 59 Ar Macau Lv 10 :ino 05 7 43 j 8 03 " Atlanta “ 7 10. (i 50 A.M.jl*. M. 1 25|12 55 1 “ — Cbattanoojra. “ 2 12 12 61 P. M. A.M., P. V. A.M. 7 20 9 25 •* Nashville •* 9 05 7 30 A.M I’M. P. M. l 20 l in •• 7 25 7 ;«1 " Evansville “ 1 1 30 10 40 |Ar Chleam* Lv 1 4 00 i 1 A.M. P. >1. Short Line to World’s Fair. SLKKPINU (’Alt ON NKIIIT TltAlNN RETXVF.KN M.VVO^ AN» l’Al.ATKA. Double D-.illv Pullman Slecpinir f'2r Service lle- tween Jscksom lllu, Fla., Nasbvllle amt St. lauds Without Change. Connects In Cnlon De] Jt at Maeon with Macon and Northern Railroad, tieorgia Railroad, Cen tral Railroad and Southwestern Railroad, north and south: and in Union Dv.pots at l-vke City *ml Palatka with all trains from points In Flor ., east, west and south. II. Ill'llNft, Tmv. Pa-c*. Ajrt., Macon, (la. A. C. KNAPP, Trailic Mun’pr, Macon, (la. a O N N K O TIO N S. OCTOBER 10th, 1892. Il l) U XVN li 45 A M. I.V 8 Ho ,k , “ 8 40 “ ; '• 1) HO ••. •• to on “ •• it no KTATlMNR. —Maeon... .. ttotkee . Lizella. .. Mom]icl1er. . .Culloden .. Yatcvixillc . nKAp. ci*. ... .Ar. jfOOr. h '* i l ttf •• . ... ’» 12 30 o - 12 in *' .. . *• jU24 •* “ it oo •• FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT is fully stocked the host goods. W. O. TIFT. '!II'8«;n. i; v.. .(amiarv 1. ink*. 12 no x’x. •* ... Thovnanlon 11 1060 12 45 " •* Thnndrrinj: ftjirfnpR.. “ uot »» 130P.M. “ Wma.'bnry “ 842 “ 015 “ Ar Co'umlu;i>. Lv 0 on a.m, “ drittln “ : •» 17 “ ! " If Arris City “ 7 15 “ i “ •Cotumbns- •• td*2 " (Irtcnville. ) “ odcnMi... i •* Mountville. A r I «'i(l raiiKe . I.v 6 00 • Cimtieetions with Athimu md WestPotnt; R. T?, II IIP 11 NS, A.C. K.VAVI% 5 Ml 2 no « 30 2 :m U 54 ;*• 2** 00 0 50 0 30 Trav. Pans. Ajjt. Maeo.v, tin. Trad e Mia/ftfw. Macon, («