The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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K jp g' fo ie The Tifton Gazette. Tho Gazkttk Ik published every Frlilay morn ing at Tilton, Berrien county, Georgia. It is dr- j voted to the best interest «»f the growing rtiy of Tifton and the adjacent country, and son'll asks tlio support and oneoitrAgeineut of the peo- -rfen and contiguous comities pie of Jlorrl Thesubscription price of the GA/.rut: in £l.oo per year, 50 cents for six months, and UT.eonufor three months, payable In advance. Tin* advertising rates of the Gaxkttk are rea- ■onahlo and will be furnished upon application, Advertising; hill* are duo alter first Insertion and will ba presented when the money la needed. Correspondence from neighboring towns Is so licited atul communications on timely topic* arc Always welcome. Always write on one side of . , , • . . f .1 the paper, and don’t forgot to enclose your name • none With lilt* jKisllIVt'lit'sH ol UK as an evidence of good faith. i . Entered at the |*o*tortice, at Tifton, Georgia, as | aliovc'. mail matter of the sei ond class. CI.I'.YI-'I.A \HS CAMXHT. T1h> n- linn Imi'ii ini (illlcinl simiotmcc- mi'iit iif tlio fni'l, but the belief is fri>m'rnl IV'siilcnt Cleveland Inis mncle up Ins ealiini't and tin 1 follow- inn L'ontlinnon areanmni; the honored ninnIicr: lion. W. (Ireslmni, .1. C>. Carlisle, Uaniel l.aniont and lloke Smith. Oilier gentlemen have been iiienlioncd in iliis oomieetion, bill Tin; (iAZKTTK : 111 TON,, (.! A., FMJMY, FKliKTAKY 17, 1893 PlilCSS OPINIONS. Official Or?an of Ilerrlen County. II. T. ALI.KW Editor. EDITORIAL ETC III NOS. (tow Xorthon has boon suffriirg with cohl ami fever since hi* return from Cuba. The business men rejoicing over the eonneetion by wa ter of their eitv with Hriinswick. The appoint men t of Judge (iresham to be Secretary ol Statu has eviied nmeh criticism, favoiable ami unfa- voralile, in democratic* circles through out the country. Many of the true ami tried aj*n*t)eN of democracy ex- , press a feeling an\thing hut amiable, (hut tin* more conservative element, R. L. BOWEN, [SueeoMors to I. S. HOWEN.] TIFTON, v - - GEORGIA. —*-— DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, .•oiiliding implicitly in .Mr. (leve- f Macon ar, ‘j | al ,,j\ sin,.,.,-,. a ,|| M . ( (.|icf i«» the prin ciples of dcm«»er;iey, believe the se- that section for their lino product#, lection a most \vi*c one. It i-. Hinted llawkinsville Hbpateh and News. Guanoiii.imif:ii-tim'r.snrt>rx]iri'ssini; ] t),at his :i|■)>.>intni.-iit was inadu in Thr Sub-Troasnrv I'nm* is no Ion- rerooiiitmn «»! the services of that’ r,.,- l >r jug cLimored by the farmer. !••»»respectable Western eh-j||,. |, ls h’.micd | since the fallacy ment uho, believ in«x in tl i. s. Good, dean country aansrigc in niiohly sc roe In this pat't of the moral vineyard. There is no “selah” after this remark, but behold! bow great a truth! Albany Herald. Kvery acre of cotton planted in the South that displaces a needed acre of u " r "-i ,ro ' ,< ' , " ier | ' , ;‘ | i , i win Groceries «nd Hardware. cost the fanner who cultivates it double its value.—Perry Journal. Anti-cigarette legislation is getting ijnitc* popular in all the states. There is a law in (icorgia against selling them to minors, but it is about the worst dead-letter on the statute books. Albany Herald. The high price of meat and lard is due to the short hog crop of the West. It illustrates the folly of the people of (icorgia in depending on regrets that the supply of tlx odori ferous mcrchandiM 1 is n«»t equal t<> the demand. The census of l s !*'i giw*> the niim j ber of the great army <»1 lawyer* in the 1‘nited Mates at TJ.lbd. A w:ig sug gest* that there are mm t**• * many. 1 Atlanta i* booked for a new ii.urn- j ing paper- I’lie Sun under the man- agemeiil of W. I.. Scruggs and >. \\ . Small, barked with a capital ol (iov. Norlbun will attend the Cleveland inauguration in company witli t wei.t v-threc real < icorgia colonels. Wonder if lie will survive the ordeal? Now and then you w ill find a man, even in good old llrrrien eoiintv, w ho has ti penchant for serving on I lie jury. They are known in court par lance iis “professional jurors.'' Judge Jackson, President llam son’s appointee to succeed Justice Lamar on the supreme bench, has uni been continued by the senate ami the general opinion is that he will not be. President-elect Cleveland denies saying “that the new administration Would be one of business men ex clusively.” The indications points to an exclusive Cleveland adminis tration. The (icorgia papers, one and all, are urging upon their lamer const li nen Is the absolute nceessil y of making their farms self sustaining; that grow on their farms every tiling pos nihli* needed for home consumption. The tobacco being manufactured at Cyeloneta lias been placet on sale at the Cyeloneta store and on lie* (icorgia Southern's commissary train. Tobacco users, who have hied the “Cyeloneta Twist,” say it is par ex relonn ,,f s n, |, proposed legislation, and has loettides taught ami iu«i*led upon returned to the fold of the grand old by the Parmer*' Alii iiiit, avsi*te the demonatir party to victory ratio than iindci take t«» si cure their w i*h« 1111o11g11 the agency of a new i .ic Albany New s ami I emoeratie party \d \ ertiser. .Make up your mind that there will ' be no increase of currency, that the .Mi. t .olid' ba* long b« i n lookni . Jj;l j|,ai,k s will not be molested, a- a ■-•'■ |. ■ ■ - - i I. i I i t v, ami lii- ,| 1( . ri . wll | | )( . tax l.-vii-l, .I>|».intiii.-tit ha- <av..tml '-tv Iml- «<■' l|( , lllIll? in f„,will n " ' uli : * 1 ' mill ilurini; < 1-v. lan.l’s a.I- '-'ary "f In- 'l i . a-uiy. t 'uiI.U-rt l.iUiwal Kn- C..I. I). I .ainoiil, a* ( lev eland's ' lorim r I peel,,I t, surprise i S'ciclary, wa < d for. but it is a li"tll I I eeei \ c ibinel a.* Nth tar\ iv .it« be < at In poiutlimit in tl of the Navy. Mr. Hoke Ninitli, a* s *ccrctar the Interior, i* a satislaetory ree* I I 1 '|| of (iclgi.l's < i e*»I'g I a 11 s ai'e imt highly gratified :d tin* apjtoinlu f< rpn* :, e- 1 uar.l III . //.i /'/./;ss-, The obi fa ti i i urehiiis’s song I'lleiH'c The (icorgia man in Cleveland's cabinet seems to have bobbed up in the prison ol President lloke Smith, of the Atl.oila Journal Company This remind* us that the (’oust it ut mu eiml nines t • * ha ration of “now,” and acts might be a little sick. did you gel tint bat,” was suddenly called to mind lln* morning, >>i direct ! reversion, by a wildly excited nidi- 1 vid mil who bail* from Tifton, < leot gia, | rushing into the Mayor’s court witli eyes dilated and hair standing si raiglit in search of an ollicer. Treuihling with feai and excili iiient lie unfolded Ills tale of w oe. It seems that in sonic uiysternm* manner he was suddenly nrnimnavi gated by three negro boys, who waue so very rude and umeremoniouH in llieir inlrodnel'toii t hat In* hat was j knocked Ii*o111 hi* head, and before the excited young man could recover II, one of the negroes being badly in Heed of head, ga» liel ed it up ami pulled for I lie svv amp. At Iasi aeeoiinlM the bare headed individual and a trust\ ollieer were on a still bunt for the nib nders. San ford, ( I I I .» The t i v/1 ill, mu- ai:v eit i/.eti of \l|a,,j j I l illon, cannot form the sledilest idea W ho i* the IlidlV filial relei red al"»v e. The citizens n| Tifhm don't generally act in a manner to excite How’s This. We offer t hie 11iimlred I tollars Ke- for any ca*e of Catarrh that, •an not be cured by I bill's Catarrh ('m e. * I*'. .1 ( in \ t'.v A (I h ops. J'oledo, ( Hilo. We. the undersigned, have known , i'. J. Cheiiev f.»r the 1.1*1 lift ecu years <n, |t 'iu majoi ity. |„.|i,. V( . |,iui perfectly honorable idy *ati*lied but j m ; »|| lm*ine*s transact ions and linan- nally able to carry out any obliga tion* made by their linn. \\ i -t A, Wholesale Ih'liggi-Us, Toledo, Ohio. Wahling, I\innitn A’ Marvin, Whole sale lh'ilggi*|s, 'Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s (’atarrii (hire is taken inter- nallv, letmg directly upon the blood and :: munm i vurl.'ees of the system. Price 7n cent*, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Ill I llopE17 L. iar, proverbial street and saving, “when DO YOU TRADE WITH US? IF NOT, WHY NOT? You Should Trade with Progressive Dealers. We NA/ant Your Trade, And in order to merit your patronage we will employ every worthy agency and give yon the lowest possible prices. We will continue to give you the biggest val ues for your money than any mercantile establishment In the -jity. We are buying n large and very select stock of Spring and Summer Goods, And must make room for it, lienee we are selling our old stock at rock-bottom pri ces that will not fail to make them sell. KOI'TII iioCND. JKO. 1. fi 45 a. m. 0 30 a. in. 11 25 a. iu. 1 OUp.UI. I^eave Atlanta *• McDonough " t.'oluiuhus “ •Klchland “ Dawson. “ Albany Arrivo Thomasville “ Jacksonville “ Brunswick 7 10 a. ni. 8 25 a. ui. 12 05 p. in. 1 40 p. m. 2 38 p. tu. 3 35 p. Ul. G 10 p. m. 8 25 a. ni. 7 25 a. m. MOUTH HOUND. t-NO. 2. Jxo. 4, I/eave Brunswick 1 30 V. Ul. “ Jacksonvillle c 30p. m. " Thomasville 7 50 a. ui. *' Albany 11 55 a. in. 3 35 p. m. “ Dewson 12 19 p. ui. 6 05 p, Ul. “ •Hiehland 1 35 p. in. 7 lOp.uu “ Columbus 3 10p. in, 9 30 p. m. “ McDonough 0 60 p. Ul. Arrivo Atlanta 8 00 p. ui. We are yours for low prices. Tifton, On., January 2, 1805k I- S. * R. L.. BOWEN. TIFTON DRUG STORE —— K Klips ,v Fur.i. Si'i*i*i,v or Do ji TOILKT AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine I’ci'fumui'j', School Hooks and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. 'The most, select stock of Tobaccos and Cigars in the city. My cuHlomcjs can lie served with good Havana cigars. -v-- I call special attention to Prof. Poxtur’sCatarrh Cures Magic* llaltu lxhliicy and Liver Cure, Lung Kestorer, Mesmeric Blood Cleanse! anil Klienmatie (hire. They are proprietary medicines that are recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. Itay- PliKSIIKST and BEST HAPPEN SEEPS, all tho year round. Call and see me. Tifton, Om April Fill. J. C\ (iOODMAN. It is reported from Washing! that I Ion. .1. I,. I mlenvood, of (‘a mil la, will probably be an lor (lie positimi of I niie <*onsul general at Havana, under the (’le vela ml ad in i ii i*t ration, lie vv mild make a satisfactory otVnT.d and the Hv/.i rii*: trusts lie will receive the appointment. Your uncle Alfred intimate* that he is going to be vvilb tbc boys when the time arrives for the election uf an Cliitcd States senator to succeed himself Alfred II. < ’oh|uitt. 'There is in this senatorial matter a large si/.e disappointment for somebndv and we don’t think that soniebudv vv’ll be the “Hero of ( Hlistce.” Thf Harnesville (ia/.eit^ savs: *»Wr think the younger politieiaus of Hem-gin can well afford to go slow, pic. Their opportunity will come in due course of time.” However, it HcetiiH to he the young politicians motto to “apply early to avoid the null.” Editor Triplett, of (lie TiiouiasviHc Tinivs-Kiitorpriso, makes the unkind c»t Itit of ail alien he suggests the annexation of Hawaii for a dumping ground in which to cast such political cranks as SocklosH Jerry, Sister Mary Kllen, Jingo Tom and he might mid Kido Jones and Handy Ik.. the allenlmii s| | (M l V lilt III e> • I negro urehiu.s , ot i a -1 . |. f • I i. *: 11,1 ! I, /’ Mil i scu.'s l\ . Jn.ll < hii* dm; * ■ iii!i lie II• I III.Ill;' W 11 11 < ‘1*1*1 A i • .I I lull* I 111 nil, MU IU e\oi !'it / -I i; )iers. The ‘-National Agneultural I’nion” is an I'lnglish ion parallel !•» Iiie “ I ’ai iih i s’ A Ili nice,’’ uf the l nite.I Slates. The org.mizalmn, a* it* name indi cates, is composed <*| farmers, and its purpose is the correct inn of govern 1 n«'li t at abuses “aiul for lm •ot tmuriil of tin* <*«in11 i|ii >n >>i .igi’i •ul lm i*l*.' 1 hr «’ >1111 > 1:ti111 of Hu. S-'.ng li.*b f:irnu-r« i* iliai the bu ■'li'IIS of t: xa- ti<*m ar« not fairly »li*li i mli'il ami that they Iu vo more than lu'ii* slum to bvnr. I'hi• x 'b-maml ll :il ill •v sin •uM In* ivlic ml liotn a ilirot 1 In v for tlio I.iihI lux, I In* jmmm" r;tt in.) tbc i • In - caliniin lax ami that l Ih'm oha -gos Nlinuhl bo |*:ti* 1 out o tin* nati HID 1 tr<*;iMir • by nioui y r;ii.*oil fi «'m a tax • »u iiiniinoN. There i* il'.ii • loll am! for st ri ’Ic*' rogulaliou o mill oaJ.A ami ;v gviiei >\\ roJm*;io)i of i lirir oba> gos. OiKlilrii'.s Artili ii Salx o. 'r ii lb->T v i; in the world foi ‘ uts. liruisrs. Sous, t leeiSuit Itlicum I'V yer Snres, Titlei, Cliappe.i I lands, I kilbhuus: ('oi ns uiul nil SUin Kniplhms, Hint positively eurc* Pile* or no juiv n M'liied. H is g it ti i a lit cut I to give perfect salisfie lion, or money iclnt’ricn *•*» cents per Imi\. For *j.le by ,). \\ l*mi!i; A ('o., 'lit I on, La Important Knlcs oT (’otuliict. Never fail to be punctual at the tune appointed. Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil •picstion. Never make yourself tin* liero of your own story. Never forget that, if you are taitli- i’iiI in a few ilungs, y ui may be ruler ovi i many. Never exhibit too great familiarity with the new aeipiaintanee; you may giv offense. Never will a gentlem in alluib* to compiestv vvliieh he may have made with ladies. Never fail to offer the easiest and best at in the room to an invalid and eldei ly por*on or a lady. Never neglect to perforin timeout, mission which the friend intrusted to you. Y ou must not forget. Never send yoin-g'lesi who is ac customed to a warm room, off into a cold, d imp spare be I to sleep. Never enter a room filled with peo ple without a slight bow to the gen eral company when first entering. Never aeecp* of favors or hospitali ties without ren lering an cxrhingo of eivilties When opputuni'y offers. Never fail to answer an invitation, either personally or by letter, within a week after the invitation is received. Never cross th" leg or put out one foot in the street-car, or places where it will trouble others when passing by. Never fail to tell the truth. If truthful you may gel your reward. \on will get your punishment if you deeeive. Never borrow Money <»nd nogleet. *.opav. If you do yon will soon be known as a person of no business in tegrity . Never fail to sav kind and encour aging words to those wham you meet in distress. Your kindness may lift them out of th.'ii despair. Never refuse t > receive an apology. You may not receive friendship, but courtesy will re*, pi ire, when an apu! ogy is offered, that you accept it. Never examine the cuds in the card-basket. While they may be ex posed in the drawing room, you ate not ex peeled to turn them over un less in\ itc 1 to do *o. TI f 10 (’ON N KCTICUT Indemnity Association, st ba in ut ijti:, OF WATKlllWItY, CONN. 'Writes all Popular Forms of Policies.'! Cnil’LATtVK 1,1 FK, SiO-l'uyincnt I.ifV and Tout I in*. Tin. riftn'ii lent Twenty Year Kn*l«iwim‘nt an«t old A; r t* Udih'IH. also AcciOont IRmipIUk in cnupcc linn will an\ uf ilu'se. All policii>s incunlt'slaHH* alter t wo year.*., ('anti ami paid up InvuraMiT* \,iIih* af-.c r from two ro lun years, .villi extension of | oltcy in «•.»*»> of lapse, iliiidemlH in advance. Send ni* yonrapeand kind of policy deni rod and we will »t-nd tstlniale oil same. .1. \V. HANNON, Guii’l ArI., !>Ji! Wnlnilt Ht., illiipon, On. A, ISTexv Route - BETWEEN — Thomasville and Atlanta, 6a., With thronpli coauhes daily via C. 8. Railway and («. M. & U. Railroad. XDally. {Dally except Sunday. 'Dinner »ta- tion. The only line running through coaches be- tween TtiumaHvillc and Atlanta. * ( tone connection in Atlanta for all points North, Kfiat and West. CECIL GABBKTT, General Manuger. ljocal Time Table, To take etreut at J :00 o’clock a. iu., Thursday r Fehruary 2ml, 1893. PiiHxuiiKer Trill n»—lCust. STATIONS. No. 4. No. 2. • No. 8. Lv Albany. 110 am 1 15 pm "~2 00 pui ** Davis fl 28 am si 35 pml 2 40 piu “ XV illinghain... fl 38 ftU. si 47 pm 3 15 pm ** Isabella 11 4i am si 63 pm: 3 40 piu “ Poulan fl 53 aiu 12 04 pm 4 05 pm “ Sumner 11 59 am s2 12 pm 4 35 pm “ ;ry-T>* f2 10 am h2 25 pm 5 05 put Ar 1 fftoil 6 45 pm • No. 111. Lv Tifton 5*2 28 am 82 46 pin 5 30 am “ Blonkliuld 2 42 ain 13 00 ] Ul li 00 am “ Knigma 2 50 am m3 07 pin fO 20 am “ Alanuha s3 03 am m3 17 pm 7 10 am *• XV illaeooeheu. t;< 22 am s3 40 pui 8 17 am “ Grav’s 13 ',4 am m3 42 pui 8 27 am “ 08 Mile Post... 13 28 am h3 45 i.m 8 42aiu “ Kirkland 3 38 am 83 65 pm 9 03 am “ Pearson h3 45 am s4 03 pm 9 15 am “ McDonald 13 o.v -am r4 1» pm 9 40 am “ Millwood 14 08 am h4 25 pm 10 13 nut ** XX aresboro — f4 27 aui 84 47 pui 11 oo am Ar Wav cross 4 40 am s2 00 put 11 30 am Lv XV ay cross 9 20 am 5 15 pm 12 30 f ill *• Hehlatlei-ville. f'.i 38 am »5 34 pui 1 25 pm “ Hoboken .— fo 45 am «5 42 pm l 50 pm “ Nahum.* fio 02 am rC 0o pm 2 40 pm *■ Lulaloi. Mo 17 am 86 08 pm 3 10 pm “ Atkinson — fio 23 am 86 16 pm 3 27 pm “ XX aymuvilto... lio 3*j am 86 23 pill 3 50 pin “ Jamaica iio 4* am «7 39 pm 4 3(1 pm Ar Brunswick 11 lo am 7 10 pm 6 00 pm PiiHHCtigrcr TruiiiN—West. STATIONS, No. 1. No. 3. •No, 11. Lv itrunswick 7 20 am “Tlopiii 4 15 aui *• Jamaica 7 60 am 17 40 pin 5 2# am ,* \\ ay nesvillc... 8 06 am 17 57 jnr f< 05 am “ Atkinson 8 13 am 18 66 pin C 20 am “ Lulaton 8 20 am 18 13 pm 6 40 am •* Nahuuta 8 29 am 18 21 pm 7 00 am O Hoboken 8 43 am 18 40 1 m 7 60 am “ Hrhlaiterville . 8 52 am fH 50 pm H 16 am Ar XV ay cross 9 10 am u 10 pm 8 66 am Lv Way-crusti 9 25 aai 9 20 pm 10 00 am “ Ware shorn — 9 46 am 19 35 pui 11 00 mn “ Millwomi 10 13 am 9 55 pm 12 00 ui “ McDonald lo 24 am no w. pm 12 30 piu •• Pearson 10 42 am aid 22 pm 1 20 pm •• Kirkland 10 60 am lo 31 pm l 35 pm *• W8 Mile Post... 11 05 am no 45 pm 2 00 pu *• Gray's 11 09 am no 48 pm 2 16 pn. “ XV llianoochee.. 11 13 am no 50 pm 2 26 pm “ Alapana — 11 34 am (111 13 pm 3 17 pm “ Knigma 11 63 aui fll 25 pm fS 60pm “ Brookflnid 12 02 pm 11 33 pin 4 20 pm Ar No. f. l.v Tifton 12 20 pm all 47 am 6 50 am " Tv-Tv 12 42 pm 112 05 am 6 35 am •• Sumner 12 W. pm 112 17 am 7 05 am “ Poulan fl 04 pin f 12 25 am 7 40 am “ Isabella 1 12 pin f13 32 am 8 15 am “ XX illinghain... 1 29 pin 112 40 urn 8 4>aui “ Davis 1 35 pm r12 62 am 9 25am Ar Albany ‘ 2 00 pm 1 10 ain 10 20 am Grape Vines An immense stock of the leading old and new varieties, one and two years old. No better Vines in the United States—heavily rooted, carefully grad d, well packed end guaranteed to reach customers in good condition. Special prices on large lots to Planters? write for quotations. Putt Line of SEEDS. FL/VNTS, TREES, BULBS, Etc. Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue Free to Buyers. 900 ^cres-26 Greenhouses* 39 Years. The Storrs & Harrison Co. I’AINESVILLE, Lake Co., 0. f Meal station. f Bto; m signal. * Daily, except Bup.tay. Direel cuimeetToiT* made 'at Way cross with through I’Mllina’. steeping cars for Bt. Louis, .Montgomery, Birmingham, Nashville, Chatta nooga, New York, daeksouvllle, Tampa and ln- torriiediutu points. Keeliniug chair ears between Way-cross and Montgomery via Bainbridge- C. D. Owknh, W. It. Daviimuik, Trafllc Manager. fl.B. A. (J. W. CnATEH, GKO. W. HA1XKH, A. D. t*. A. Gen’l Supt. l’> Id B ARGAINS! IN: DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. ! ftirry ji full lino of IDrv-Ooods, nnd am sollinsj; Wintor Goods nwuy Ttelow Oost to mako room for a splendid Summer Stock. 1UILKOAD. Suwanee River Route to Florida. VIA ATLANTA. Kk.vd i Down. cnEDVr.R IN F.kkkct OrroiiKA i6Tn, 1892. Rkad Ui* V. M. A.M. r. m. A.M. 6 00 5 40 Lv. I’aiatka Ar V 41 8 40 6 30 7 (HI •• . — Jaekvecville »• 8 30 740 8 ;u* •> on •* laiks Citv »* 6 26 5 35 9 28 U 53 ** laaper “ 5 33 4 43 10 38 10 M ** X uldosta •* 4 27 3 43 A.M r.N. 12 IS 14 +1 “ Tifton •» 2 63 2 13 1 47 2 10 *• *• l 05 12 45 4 10 4*35 *• . . . Macon Juntion . .. »* 1(1 40 10 26 4 30 C 5W A r M atan Lv 10 20 10 06 7 461 S 05, “ T 10 f 50 1 1 A.M. r. m. 1 25)12 55 “ Chv.ttanooga “ 2 12 12 51 1*. M. A.M. »*. M. A.M. 7 20 9 25 « 9 05 7 30 A.M. 1*. M. r. m. 1 20 1 10 “ Kvantvillo “ 1 30 7 25 I :io. “ Ht. Louis »• 7 35 10 40 Ar Chicago Lv 4 00 l 1 iA.U. r.Mr- Short Line to World’s Fair. Si.kki-ino Cait on XimiT Trains Hrtwkp.k Macon and 1’alatka. Double Daily I'utlinan Bleeiilng <’2r Service Be tween .iacksonvilto, Kla.. Nashville and Ht. Louis Without Change. Connects in L'nion Depot at Macon with Mnrun and Nortliern Railroad, Georgia Railroad, Cen tral Railroad Mid Southwestern Railroad, north and south; and In l T nlon Itepots at lake City ami Palatka with all trains from points in Flor ida, east, west and south. H. BURNS, A. V. KNAPP, Trxv. Pass. Apt., Trafllc Man'gr, Maeou, Ga. ri, Macon. Ga. CONNECTIONS. OCTOBER 16th, 1892. MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Is tullv sti u'ki'il \\*iili tlu- Dost ■roods. \Y. 0. Tl FT. It’D D’VTNI >, 4.1 A.M. f.\-7 a n,x •• . K 40 •• I WOO ** 10 00 •* lino •• stations. AKAl» UI*. . .Macon. Ar, 2 00 f’.V Hofkee.. Idzella Montpelier... Culinden .... Yatesville ... 12 00 n'n. “ — Thomaston 12 4S •• | *• Thundering Springs. 1 30 IMS.' •* WoNHlbury M.*» *• .Ar Columbus AW) *’ ' “ Griffin 2 00 •• j •• HarrisCityr “ -Cnlnmiius- fi 30 •• •* — . Greenville 2 30 “ | *• GdesMa 3M " J •' Mountville. 1 10 12 30 12 10 D 25 11 00 13 00 Ar l.tGrange Lt' 0 00 TirHiiN. i. V.. 1 aim an 1. IWW. 3 2W Connection* with Atlanta and Westl*ulnt K. R. H. HI’RNH. A. C. KNAPP, Trav. l-as-*. Agi. Tmftlr Manager, Mav«*n,t;a, Mavon,Q iSxSiSJI£4