The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 03, 1893, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE: TIFTON, GA., l-'IIIDAY. MAIK II 3, 1893. The Tifton Gazette. The Oazf.ttk Is published every Friday morn* Iat Tifton, Berrien county, Georgia. It In de voted to the l>est interest nr the growing crlty of Tifton and the adjacent, country, and aa aiieli asks the support and encouragement of the pen- ple of Berrien and contiguous counties. The subscription price of the Gazette Is *1.00 nor year, .’*o cents for six months, and itVeentafor t ireo months, payable In advance. The advertising'rates or the Gazette are rea sonable and will oe furnished upon application. Advertising bills are dne after first Insertion and will be presented when the money Is needed. Correspondence from neighboring towns is so licited and communications on timely topics are always welcome. Always write on one able of the paper, and don’t forget to enclose jour name as an evidence of good faith. Kntcrod at the postoMre, at Tifton, Georgia, as mall matter of the second class. A no STM, in'DK. It liaa liucn reported to the Gazkttk that (lie piiBtofllce at Alupalm in pre sided over liv a regular dude by tin; name of Fuller, sent there front tin; bustling eity of Wayeross to super cede Mr. Moultrie Hall. If reports are true, and they conic from good authority, this dude acts as if tin: postollice at Alapalia was instituted for Ids especial accommo dation—to furnish him employment — instead of ils patrons. Il is told of Iiiiii that lie positively declines to deliver mail before seven o’clock in I lie morning or after six in the evening, notwithstanding the fact that a large number of I lie pat rons of the office are employes must lie served then if at all. Of soinse Ibis conduct lias won for him the ad miration of the people of Alapalia. Again ibis dude, immediately after assuming charge of the office, lie bad discontinued die Sunday mails, which the people bad en joyed for more than twenty years Tins lias added to the secretary of agriculture, is said to be iwlmir.-ition for him. TI.rsr. and mimcrotiH other lnjrli- riit notions are charged nj'.'tiiiHl him, Official Organ of Brrrirn County, If. T. ALLEN, Editor. KDITORIA A MVIllXUS. The absenteeism that most afTert us flow is that of the “almighty dollar.” Ah wo predicted last week the Hawaii annexation scheme has come to grief. Last Wednesday, February ‘JiM, was George Washington's birthday. The next dav was ours. vrkhh or/xroys. Hon. .L Sterling Morton, tlie new the father of “Arbor Hay.” The negroes who emigrated from Macon to Oklahoma are already sick of their bargain. They would come back if they could. Cleveland's eahinet is spoken of ns a poor one not in ability but in cash. Surely poverty doei not disqualify a man for a cabinet position? The of February— Washing* I ton's birthday is a legal holiday in I all the states and territories of thej Fnion except Iowa, Mississippi and Arkansas. To-morrow the country will be turned over to Cleveland and tin* democracy. It is hoped the lenders of the party will prove tlnmselves worthy of the trust reposed in them. It is definitely understood among congressmen that no new states are to he made this year. The fifty- third eongress, however, will add several stars to the Hag, and all dem ocrat if,. Already the newspapers are warn ing the leaders of democracy that their lease, ot power depends very largely upon the • manner in which the people’s demand for reform is treated. I he Me|(ae Fnterprise credits Tifton with a fire that she never had. I ho. Uvais must have confounded Tifton with I’ilton, I»a., as there has never been a storehouse burned in Tilton of which we have any knovvl edge. The Atlanta Constitution asks the momentous question : “What sort of a figure would the star-eyed goddess cut in a hoopskirl.?” Why, to he sure, a figure nought ; for she would no(ugh)l, he shortly after the calami ty had befallen her. A Hulls comity populist is slicing the Jackson Argus lor $10,000 dama ges, which leads the Manm County ( iti/.en to observe : “ The idea of a third purtyitc with a $!o,ooo char or a country editor with half so mucii money is just too funny to think about.” “One might as well he dead as not to he Iasliioiiable,” says the lady who docs our darning. So, now, if the crinoline heroines fashionable mIic shall h •TVe one if it liairlips every cow on the continent. We’d rather see her soaring among the lards on a windy day than lor her to become the most necessary attachment, to a funeral. Princess Kaiulani, heir apparent to the throne of Hawaii, is en route to America in company with The- oplulus Davis, wife and daughter, and Miss \\ barton, to plead for her law I ul inheritance. The Gazktitc doesn t think she need he uneasy ul losing it. by annexation to the United Slates. Public, opinion is crystali- too strongly against the pro ject of annexation. Atlanta seems to he passing through an epidemic, of crime that would put Sodom and Gomamih to the blush. It is a climax her people have been reaching out after for years. A peo ple who will tolerate for the sake of gain that great moral blight, “Girul- fy*s King Solomon,” or propose to furnish the opportunity for Ingcrsoll to scatter the seeds of infidelity among their children and grand children, can hope to receive no lesser punishment. Let the people of Atlanta repent of their sins in satfkcloth and ashes. and for which the people will ask for his prompt removal by the incoming Cleveland administration. Hut lie sav - ' lie is a democrat and will not he turned out. Ila, ha, lie is one of the chaps who is first, a postmaster and then a democrat, lie will have to go all tin* same. $100. Kewold. $IOO. The readers of this paper will he •ased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all iU stages,and that is catarrh. Hall’s ( atarrli Cun* is the only positive cure known to the fraternity, ('atarrli being a . oiiMtitnti'Uial disease, requires a con stitutional Ire: tmeiit. I lull's (’atarrli Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thcieby de stroying the foundation of, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have as miieh faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any ease that il tails to rme. S'uid for li:d of testi monials. Address, F. J. Cheney, A: Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by .lake W. I'tulk, druggist, 7-*e per bottle. SI sn/IXPS mil.ICA Tins Maj. J. W. Hanlon, in the last, is sue of the Ouilman Sun, announces its suspension. I le says : “With this issue the Sun suspends publication. “Cause: I cannot, collect and the paper cannot subsist on air. “The material a good country newspaper and job ollirc is for sale cheap. “A town in need of such a luxury can secure the outfit, at lest, than cost and arrange to have it published by addressing me at once. “As this suspension leaves mo Hat, with a large family to provide for, il is useless to say that I am open loan immediate engagement I t V\)\\ Cures scratches oil It It il horses ami malign on j Millitl dogs vvltli one or 1 wo iipplirutioiih. For side In I W. I’uulU »Y ( o. Tifton, <ta. /•/11/ isiwii's x<n n r:. I’he (iazi-i ii: is forced to insist that advertisers and correspondents send in l.he’.r “copy” by Wednesday noon. The publisher will not guar antee the insertion in the current week’s paper of any advertisement or communication sent in after that hour. I he enforcement of this rule is necessary in order to send the paper to press in time to meet the Friday mails promptly. It is a wise newspaper rule not to publish a communication, regardless of its merits, without a icspoiisihle name accompanying it as an evidence of good faith- not for publication. The Gazette Iiiih deviated Ironi this rule several times m cully where there was no personality or offensive matter used, hut has decided that the better and safer plan is to adhere strictly to the rule and will do so in future. The editor must know who is the author of every article that goes in Ins paper. Hiicnieit's Arnten Salve. Tar. Hkht Halve in the world for Cuts, ItruUcH, Hme*. Hem, Sail Hhemn Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lUmk Chilblains: Corns and all .Skin Eruptions, mid positively cures Files or 110 pay ro- (piired. \* is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 'Jo cents per Imx. For sale by J. W. Faulk & Co., Tifton, Ha. With the farmers of the South in dependent of the provision supplies of the West, all will he well with them. There is hope in nd other di rection.—Sparta Ishmaelitc. Much is said of hoopskirts coming hack in fashion. Only lean women will wear them, and those that do, will deserve a pension when they are old.—Ashhurn Advance. Cleveland's cabinet appointments are liberally cussed and discussed. Keep cool, gentlemen, Grover is run ning the machine, and he will keep in the middle of the road.—Thomas- ville TimcH-Ktiterprise. At the end of Cleveland's adminis tration the question was, what shall we do with the surplus? At the cm of Harrison’s administration the ques tion is, what shall we do with tlioi empty’ void ?— Valdosta 'Limes. The cotton mills of the south, as well as those of New England, have closed one of the most prosperous years of their history. Within three years there has been a development 111 the industry amounting to fully' twenty-live per cent.- Wayeross Herald. The question of the union passen ger depot at Tifton is being agitated Again. One is so badly needed there, that it seems strange the place has managed so long without it. Any on who has once tried to get bag gage transferred there, and run until bis tongue hung out to make connec tion with trains, would he willing to contribute towards building it. - Worth (’minty Local. The fate of 'Loin Cobb Jackson is hut .mother warning of the inevitable result of fast living and dissipation. Whatever may have been I lie direct cause of the insanity which drove him to the act of suicide, In* was simp ly tin wreck of a fa>t young life, menially deranged by excesses. There may be a stoiy behind the tragedy that we will never know; hut the manner of his drifting t<» it is no secret. Enins wick Ad vert Her. 4th, On On March 4th will lie inaugurated President ot our country. 4th, Saturday, March 4th, we will inaugurate our Bargain Days for 1893. For Saturday, March 4th only—the following prices are on; 82 pounds steel nails for ♦1.00 IK pounds standard granulated sugar $1.00. 20 pounds rice ♦1.1)0. 1 Starch ft cents per pound. 12 liars laundry soap 25 cents. Prices.will talk, especially low pripes. 12 papers carpet tacks 10 cents. 10 paper of pins It) cents. Men’s suspenders ft cents. Men’s over shirts 20 cents. Men’s Shoes 4ft cents and up. Ladies’ hats 20 cents. 12 dozen but tons ft cents. Oak well.bucket 84 cents. Writing paper ft cents a ipiire. .Envelopes ft'cents a package. Alarm clocks OK cents. Snuff, 2 boxes for 5 cents, i barrel finest Hour G2 cents. Hoys suits .00. Best coffee 22 cents. Prosperity is the aim of every one. To become prosperous IT must take advantage of all roads and means, that It honest ami right, which lead to that cno. Give us your patronage and we will help U on to prosperity by saving yon money on the necessaries of life. The above prices for the 1th day of Marcii only. I * A D R IC ’ K BROTHERS, Tifton, Georgia. Leaders in Low Prices. I. S. & R. L. BOWEN, [Successors to I. S. BOWEN,] TIFTON, GEOITGTAl. DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, Groceries *n d Hardware. DO YOU TRADE WITH US? IF NOT, WHY NOT? You Should Trade with Progressive Dealers. mww\ l BOTANIC * 1 mm bum A thoroughly tested Romody FOR ALL CLoGD g;;1 SKIM DISEASES, Tills ♦ tmd-rd rein .dy him beon tried, Mini lint i -itii<i w ii,nnr, fur fnriv year* tiv mi 1*1111iii'iit pin >it uni, \» i. *i *i-il wlt'i err* •: i ■ -I'l mi varying sued*** fm all 1 ill .c.«,ns i ,i Hdii.1,; i- i . ,ri»ne"ded. It n »v•• r (aim In Ic-nedt from lliu i»i.v ijii.rkiy ini fil«■•timlly (IrlvIiiK out nil uuimh* rmit lt'oiu Urn tliroiiKh tin* im"!liim of llm *,i.iii, llvrr and kid- ii "Vi \\ it Ii -'it npy u:, | >1 o.i hi) n t or Injur Ioiih «> It «•!' t *. Il I 4 til,l llm ri'KUlt of iKIIorillW*" or •nip, r» itioii, hut It hi fouu'h , 'l upon l-olll 111 •»11 HI* I» "lilt H lllOTOUgU I. Mow II lit" of i.intl Til lil"i| science. It Hl'crUmMy luirlfti’i ».ol "in Ii'Iioh tin* hlooil nix I l,r, uni Inoilth to th" -mitli-I".' ,\« n it-umhI tonic It |» iihntii i rival, i a,] So lit nnnlywlH of ho.i1111 iflviiu; prop, r:tit in tdiMduudy hi* voiot romp it I mu with ' t,v remedy ••vvr a >(('«•( •-«} tot I," ptlhlll*. I l l « It plWWII'I'K for llll llli rfMilllii'4 from l(upur«> amt Impovor- hihtt'l ti|o in I th" current of Ilf**: »|<ilckly '•tiri'H Mi'V(»ruli«, l lii'in, Ikwnm. Nklii IlhriM'a mill D riiptlmiH, 4'alnrtti. lllK-IMII tflHOI, 1.1 »«•!•. Itllllll'V nml lllitiltla-r Mseme'i, I ruialo limit. uv.ti, Vrnnuti DIhviim h, iTC. INVC3TIGATC fCH YOUnClELF. SimoI (or • r lliiilli of V nlimM" Informallo:v. t•> "lio-r with it -\ninh‘i- ful in it*> i l iiTt .il- ti -i ri-mai knhli* vuri'-i from tltu «ttnpl*-«t to tU" mnit vlr- ttI• nt <li«"!i«,o nft<»r all l:uown riTiu*ilii*H hail fnlh-'l tIioho i-rrl Mlciitri ti'MIly with no uurori Mil moiiiiiI. that Itotniiii' IIIn< lint in Ih III" hi-t.rhi • j.*-** I. oiil"k"Ht. ijmit- "Ht nml limit p«.w ■ • ,.! 1 . I'nrllliT wit We Want Your Trade, And in onlur to merit your patronage we will employ every worthy agency and give von the lowest possible prices. We will continue to give you the biggest val ues for vour money than any mercantile establishment in ihe dty. We are buying a buge ami very select stock of Spring and Summer Goods, And must make room for it, lienee we are selling our old stock at rock-bottom pri ces that will not fail to make them sell. A. ISTew Houle - BETWEEN - Thomasville and Atlanta, Ga., With through coaches daily via C. 8. Railway and G. M. & G. Railroad. SOUTH WOUND. ixo.T. (NO, 3. i^uve Atranta 7 10 u. in. “ McDiinuiigii 8 20 a. m. “ Columbus 12 05 p. ui. (i 45 a. Ul. “ •Rluhland 1 40 p. m. 9 30 a. ui. “ Dawson. 2 38 p. in. 11 20 a. ui. “ Albany 3 30 p. ui. 1 00 p. in. Arrive Thomasville G 10 p. in. “ Jnc.kKouville 8 25 a. tu. “ Brunswick 7 26 a. in. NORTH WOUND. JNO. 2. Ixave Brunswick 7 30 p.m. 6 30 p. in. 7 00 a. ui. 11 06 a. in. “ Jacksonvillle. “ Albany 3 25 p. m. “ Duwson 12 19 p.m. 0 06p, m. 7 lop.ui. “ •Richland 1 35 p. 111. “ Colunibua 3 10 p. Ul, 9 30 p. lu. “ McDonough G 60 p.m. Arrive Atlanta t Daily, tioil. fDaiiy except Sunday. »Dinn«r *t*» The only line running through coaches be tween Tliomasville and Atlanta. Clime connection in Atlanta for all points North, ICftst and West. CECIL GAUilKTT, General Manager. Rocal Time Table, To take effect at il:00 o'clock a. in., Thursday, February 2nd, lK’.k'L I’assenger Trains—East. STATIONS. Lv Albany " Davis “ Willingham.. “ lsaliella “ l'oulan Sumner “ Ty-Ty... Ir Tifton .. Lv Tifton “ Itrooktleid “ Enigma “ Alaiiaha “ Willaeoochec.. “ Gray’s " Ml Mile Tost... “ Kirkland “ IVarson No. 4. 1 ID am fl 28 am t l 38 am fl 47 am f 1 011 am f 1 r»u am ft! 10 am No. 2. • No. 8. 1 IS pm 2 00 pm si 30 pm 2 40 pm si 47 pm, 3 ir> pm si 03 pm I 3 40 pm f2 04 pm 1 4 00 pot s2 12 pm, 4 30 pm *2 20 pm | 0 00 pm o 40 pm u. 12. . !*No. s2 28 ami s2 45 pm, 0 30 am 2 42 am; 13 oo pmj 0 00 am 2 00lull) h3 07 pin. 10 20 am s3 03 am| k3 17 pm 7 10 am fa 22 hiii h3 40 pm 1 8 17 am 13 24 am| s3 42 pin: 8 27 am 13 28 ami »a 40 j in 8 42am 3 38 am h3 60 pm j o 03 am S3 40am' h4 oajmi! 9 10 am McDonald 13 06uni »4 17 pm! 9 40 am Miltwomi 14 08 am| t>4 20 pm 10 13 am •• Mil) wood “ Warcshoro — Ar Wa> cross Lv Wayeross “ Sclilatterville., “ llolmken “ Nahum" ,84 20 | . . ..... 14 27 Ain! h4 47 pur 11 00 am 4 40 am k2 oo pui 11 oo am 9 20 am 0 15 pin | 12 30 pm fl) 38 am| s0 34 j,m 1 20 pm fy 40 am! hO 42 pm 1 00 pm .If10 02 am sC 00 pm “ *“ l.ulatoii .110 17 am’ sG 08 jim Atkinson If10 23 am so 10 pm Waynesville... if 10 39 am so 23 j.m “ .laniaica 110 49 am «7 30 pm Ar UrunsKiek 1 11 U>nm 7 10 pm 2 40 pm 3 10 pm 3 27 pm 3 00 pm 4 301. in o oopm PuKHcngor Trains—^West. STATIONS. We are yours for low prices. Lv UmnsKick “ .lauiuica Waynesville... “ Atkinson “ Lulaton “ Nahunta “ Hotioken “ Schlattenille Ar Wayeross ... . Lv Wayeross “ Waresboro — “ Millwood “ McDonald “ Pearson •• Kirkland 08 Mile Post... Grav's. Wilia^foocliee.. Alapana — Enignik Hrooktieid Ar Tlftou Tifton, (hi., .limitary 2, ISO',!. I. S. & R. I,. BOWEN. TIFTON DRUG STORE If KBPS A I-’uu. Sut'I'l.V OF- TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Eine IVi-i utiu-i-y, School Books and Stat/ionai-y. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. «<3 BUY THED-- llGHT TVlNKIKG FINtST WOODWORK,! .. ttCSK.'- I™'! irtu, .MvtF.vtl M T»th &',-■>, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Bond TEN oenti* to !*** Urton 8(|., M. Y., for our p r lto gnmo, "Ullnd Luok," nrd win it How !4om« Snwtnp; Mnohlno. The Now Homo Sowing Machine Co. 0 ;tnri. r-I>.38. ^u»r# iwn SQUARr. c*' c h’,] i'SfcW'-'V'G . ,c ' 5 '5 ILL. $ €r I The most select stock of Tobaccos and Clears in tlio city. My cuHtoinexs can lie served with good Havana cigars. 1 call special attention to Prof. Dcwtor’d Catarrh Cure, Magic Halm Kidney and Liven* Cure, Lung Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Clcnnsei and Klieuinatie Cure. They are proprietary medicines that are recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. # fl*#" FUESIIEST and BEST HARDEN SEEDS, nil tho year round. Cull and see me. Tifton, Gn., April 22, 181)1. J. O. GOODMAN. BIG BARGAINS! F-*f «* Daulor wanted. Apply to ttio New Home Hewing Mio’hliw* i'ompanv. H» West Ahiluona streeti Atlanta, Ga. Citation. GKOHGtA PlCKKIUN l oi mv. To all whom It iu.iv i onnoo : W. M Slncath, adiolnlstrator of P. I s . SloeaUi. tuu applied *o tin* midcr^lgoiMt, to pn»|H»r form, for leave to sell the lands I "'longing to the rui.iie of said deeensrd. and I will p.m upon till said niwdiiMtion a. mv ofllee III Niudivlllo on the t’.nd Monday in Vpril nesi. Given under my band and oillelal tigna tnre.thlx Febiiulrv ( ! tli. A. W. PATIlilfHuN, Ordinary DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. I carry n, full line of Drv-GI-oods, and am soiling "Winter Goods away Below Cost to make room for a splendid Summer Stock. I.v Tifton T,v-Ty Sumner Pou lan * lsaliella Willingham. Davis Ar Albany No. 1. 7 20*ani 7 0e am H c« am 8 13 am 8 29 am 8 29 am 8 40 am 8 r,2 am 9 lu am u 20 am y 40 am 10 13 am to 24 am 10 42 am 10 60 uni It oo am 11 oy urn 11 13 urn 11 34 am 11 03 am 12 02 pm No. 3. •No. 11. 7 Hi pin 4 10 am f7 40pin! 0 20 am 17 07 pm ti 00 am 18 bo pm 6 20 am 18 13ptu 18 21 pin 18 40 pm fB 60 pin y 10 pm 6 40 am T oo am 7 50 am 8 10 uiu 8 06 am 9 20 pm 10 00 aiu fy 35 pm| ll oo am y 56 pm 1 12 oo m fio oii pmi 12 3fi pm slO 22 pm 1 20p- 10 31 p no 46 pm no 4ftim no oo jun sll 13 pm ill 26 pm 11 33 pm 12 20 pm sll 47 am 12 42 pm 112 05 am 12 00 pm f 12 17 am fl 04 pin 112 20 am 1 12 jun f12 32 am 1 29 pm.f12 40 uni 1 30 pm| r V2 02 am 2 oojimi 1 10 am 1 35 pm 2 00 pu 2 16] n. 2 26 pm 3 17 pu f3 50 pm 4 20 pm 6 00 I D) No. f. 0 50 am 0 30 am 7 05 urn 7 49 am 8 10 am 8 45 nm 9 20 ura 10 20 am T Meal station. f Sto; >u signal. * Dully, exeept 8nn.7»7. Direct connection made at Wayeross with through lhillmau sleeping ears for St. Louis, Montgomery, Birmingham, Nashville, Chatta nooga, New York, Jacksonville, Tampa and In termediate points. Reclining chair ears between Wayeross ami Montgomery via Bainbridgu* C. D. OWENS, W. M. Davidson, Tratlle Manager. G. F. A. (1. W. COATES. GKO. W. HAINES, A. D. F. A. Gen’l Supt. ‘ Il AII.ROAI). Suwanee River Route to Florida. VIA ATLANTA. READ i Down. ieMEiiVLK in Effect October ictii, 1892. RkadUf 0 00 6 40 Lv.. Faiatka 6 30 7 no “ . ... Jncksocville 8.15 9 00 •• .. ... l^ike City 9 28 953 •• . Faspor 10 ;w 10 08 •• . Valdosta V.M 1*. N. 12 18 14 44 “ . Tifton 1 47 2 10 “ . Cordele 4 10 4 35 •• . .. Macon J notion .. 4 30 4 50lAr . Mu cun l 25 12 65 ...Chattanooga— r. M. A.M. 7 20 9 25 •• . Nashville A.M. r. m. 1 20 1 10 •• . .... Evansville 7 20 7;w ** . St. 10 40 Ar . ....Chicago E.M.A.U. 946 840 8 30 7 40 6 25 5 3R 633 4 27 2 53 106 10 40 10 20 T 10 A.X 443 343 213 12 45 10 25 10 00 COO F.M. 2 12,12 51 p.m.Ia.m. 906 7 30 r.M. 1 30 7 35 ♦00 A.M.r.M. Short Line to World’s Fair. BLEEl-INO CAR on XlOlIT TRAINS RktWEEX Macon and Fai.atka. Double Daily Fullmun Sleeping C2r Service Be tween Jacksonville, Fla., Nashville and St. Louis Without Change. Connects in Union Depot nt Macon with Macon and Northern Railroad, Georgia Railroad, Cen tral Railroad and Southwestern Railroad, north and south; and in Union Depots at Lake City and Fnlatka with all trains from points in Flor ida, east, west and south. H. BURNS, A. C. KNAFF, Trav. Fass. Age., Trallic Man'gr, - Macon, Ga. Maeun. Ga. MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Is fully stocked with the best goods. TIFSO.N, GA., January 1. 1893. AY 0. TIFT. CONNECTIONS. OCTOBER 16th, 1892. H'V) D'WNI CTATIWNS. jllXAD fF. fi 45 a.m. Lv TTMacou .TXvj 2 do Ym ft M •• •• Bofkee •• I l io 8 40 1 9 00 1 10 00 • 1100 • Llxella “ I12 3W . Muntpclier •• 12 10 .. Culloden •* 111 25 .. Yatvsvilie •» ,l\ uo II. BURNS. Trai. Fam Art. Macun, Ga. 12 00 n*n. " Thomaston M looo •« 1245 “ •• .ThunderingSprings.. “ 901 ** 1 30 i*.m. •• Woodbury « 9 10 •• ;Ar Columbus. Lv suoa.m 5 50 •* • •• Griffin •• 91? •« f 2 00 ** “ Harris City •» pjj a I “ •Columbus*....... »• 1025 •• 6 30 •• | “ Greenville *• r no »• 2 30 •• •• OtlesM •• | coo “ 2 54 " *‘ Mouutville “ 0 30 « 339 *• ‘Ar LvGtange Lv 1 6 00 •* r onn«etlon» with Atlanta and West Point P, R* m t,v * A.C KNAPP. Traffic Manager. Maum.G