The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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US;.. The Tifton Gazette. "xo Kin rnit apply." Tin 1 above is Uiu imic|in> caption lo Wasliin'jtou special amiouiieinif : r.An.rn.: tii-toS. ha.. nniiAV. .mAlien 17. is®. 1802. Intel' on without any daninpo, So far ns we have been able to learn tins eold wave ili'l very little damage to \\ tlSlllllglOll HlK'l'UH ailHumieue' .. , ' f i •» ~ -i " 1 . * anything m flic* way of Iruit, garden IVeMdent Cleveland a dotenmnalion j }1IM | c,ats^ for which our people not to lie accused of Minidizing flic afr V( . r y thankful, as the Ions of the press with Federal favor. He | fniit crop would injure tins section “believes his predecessor sufTercd very badly at this time. l u, Jt \ al- throngh the charge of subsidizing tin press, and be does not intend to run tin 1 'same gauntlet.” Tin* announcement goes on to uit the embargo against the Thu ftAZHTTB Is published every Friday morn ing at Tifton, Herrlon county, (ionrglu. It is «!«»- Voted to the best Interest of the growing t ity .,1 Tifton and tlie adjacent country, and as hicIi asks the support and un< ourugcnient of I bo peo ple of llornen and contiguous conuties. Tbo snbscripgmv price v>f tbo tiv/.ivn v. Is M.oo I Kir year, M cent? for six months, ami Scents for three months, payable, in advance. The advertising rreos of t he <J \/.t:rt t: .ire rra- Houable and will lie Turnishcd upon ap|dlcation, Advertising bills are due aftei (list insertion and will \tt presented when tbo monev l* needed. Correspondence from nofghboiinu towns is so- licitcd and uonmiunicatlons on timely topics are always welcome. Always write on one side oi the paper, and don’t forget to enclose your name | us auevidenceuf good faith. i Kntered al the postofbee,at Tilton, Ueorgla, nr. stair ..„ . , mail matter of the second class. .. , ■ hfirnoco, in bis article, to impress the poor pencil pushers will md only oh- ; i i ’ y 1 . i . , i ‘ I idea that the pencil can’t be safely i tain \\ illi llie president indisposing 1 I or sm.cos.d'tdly grown nnywltere in ley Leader, ♦•The cold wave” did no damage to fruit trees of any sort in tbo vi cinity of Tifton. It seems to lie otp* contemporary's Official Organ of Berrien County 15. T. A LLICN« Kill tor. K1H TO HIA / h'/reiUSC*. rail r of llie lx r riie Atlanta and Florid is to be sold for taxes. Did you ever bear ol a fox < that, was not “exciting.” Litlita Springs lost, its p<»sf lit lib ling by lire a few days sine The Albany Herald says it is pr.»s-j penug. < tlad to hear it, neighbor. j Abuse always brings its just r»* ! xvnrd of silent eoniempl and social j ostracism. I A call lias been made lor a enliven-j lion of the ordinaries of all the conn- Iii..h in < it orgia, to In- bold in Atlanta. •IiiI\ I -ill. higher olliees, tint. will “made particularly Mppih’ablc newspaper men who desire to ^ | postmasters in their towns. Mr. Hi sol has had the names of some cnin-! F s ,M1,I I’.' se 11ry editor* presented to him in eon j Fleeti<m with various post olliees (•(.{has uniformly declined to give any | encouragement to the office seekers. ! Ile lays down tin* principle that in small towns all the utterances ol a newv-paper over which a postmaster- editor pieside* will be regarded as the views of t be administration, and p,! Georgia except at Fort Valley I,lie country immediately contiguous | thereto, but Fort Valley will in a few second place on the I list. Tifton will be lir-t. Fruit | )( ,l growers who have visited both places give it as their unqualified opinion that tin* soil and elimate at. Tilton eannot be surpassed, if equaled, by any section of the stale for fruit growing, and experiments made have fully demonstrated the truth of their statements. While neve! berate of nlii. Fie on tin* other bam), all praise of ami’s arts will be di*euiililcd •e il emanates from a recipient •i ll fa v or.” - blent. ( b'Veland and may In .. I *f Officeholder* under < lev eland s for- | t h*nerai Hcm'II may lx* wi mer adminisl rat ion will have to take j j| i;1(1 j|,<. .-iverage newspaper man, a back seal and give other democrats | M|( j| M uh( , ,,, south (Jeorgia, d * * siring no office in the gtil «*f either ol t ln*m, who is of I lie op iuioli ; rep11hii j the as* Man ! editors will be an anonioly ami prova more d»v,t*ivons to the '.id»nihi*l > n lion that altempts i’ titan any policy j could be conceived. 'l lie si|g- jne*i|on is alreailv borne upon tin | wings of the wind tli"i 11.ia is to hi an a<lminisllaiion of law\eis, tramps. |oaler«, curb stone po|itieiaMs, riff. | rail :111• I mngwamijis, and their i* a { power m it that w ill be able t< i p 1 he mm who adopt* such a 1 | and the mugwumps a chance. Secretary Ib»ke Smith, ol the in terior drpai Uncut, i.a* set hi, nlinue »>f clerks an cxitmph* «»l early rising and performing a lull dav* work. I'aul Trnmin.’l I. < >1 M hit lield count v, will “bold down the inter nal revenue eolleetoislilp ol lie*.Mule of (ieorgia lor the next four years. John Temple (oaves, the distin guished (ieorgia orator, c* buildui. handsome residence at Mam lieslei llourisbing Atlanta .suburb, and v make bis fill lire borne I here. I’resident clevelaml has ileeideil | that the I lilted Slates shall not g"b ble up I law nii, and w itlulraw n I lie proposed treaty troin the senates eoiisideralion. ('lev elands will is law now, von know ? The Atlanta ('oustitulion is making a fight for the official plums to which (Jeoigia is entitled, some g, lull in liillliber. ( larkie llowell doesn’t want an\thing hiniseli’Juil just w ants bis friends recognized. Sheriff I'M wards, "f I )oii _diei I \ county, insists that the negro lynched ! v at. Flanl ( ity Fbui la. was .loin * (’rooms not wit list,'Hiding another, bearing a resemblance to ( rooms, b been ai rested at I’m i Tampa. H’lie bearing on iln* petition t the removal "t Lbveiver sparks, of! mi the (ieorgia Soiilheri: and lloinia m railroad, set toi last Wednesday, has | again been postponed b<*e;mse ol the i till absence of Lawyer I b'ke .'>mitli. Tin* land ow tiers m ar I »rmew $IOO. He word. $100. I'lie readers of this paper will be pleased tr learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been cure in all it - slaves,and that i** catarrh. I Lull's ( atari'll Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a . oust it ut i -mil 'liseusc, requires a eon- m- •. f ’.i • titulional treatment. I lull’s (’atari Ii Mice III I lie gill ol e|t her ol ! . :( lire is taken internally, acting <ii- ,s * 1,1 ^ ,l Jreetly upon the blood and mucous ice iii 1111great American ..nrtaees of till* system, tbeteby de ni dueled entirely wit I unit ; s! rov ing I he inundation of the disease, ,1 I, Ini'll mnl iilll'I tflUIIJJ III.' | >■ 11 ll'l 11 giviljitll l.y ! budding up the eoii.stitiitioii and as sisting nature m doing its work. 'I be j proprietors ba\e as much faith indts ! curative powers, that they offer one ! bundled dollars for anv ease that it f fail* to care. Send for IFl of toll-j 1 m-mials. | Address, I*’. J. (’m srv, A ( o., , IT.i|i"I", Ollin. ! | N.I.I l.v .Ink.' W. I’ mil,, ilruiruisl.l I |».*r li"U11■. PROSPECTUS 1893. The Tifton Gazette. polii y Irom tin lie \ t elect UHI. ollti deck at tin lid cl., r i lx |*. ai* 111*_f I tie >e ( It l/.ei.s Upon others Iml to dene it.,ti" and ml«>1* r;ihi rank and lib- sanction or to ;n'i ord with “Kqua) rights lieges to ii,an t ad op IM> n I, j e c 11 o n to s ,,| mil' fellow piaiity with tin* them is un ml the <annul and 'rnvveyse .tutors. At the p , qiiesf of SlierilT Daniel W. Tison the Ha/.i:itk again pttb- li* lies I lie ) iy t s of grand and traverse jurors draw n to f e|*ve at the .Match Term, isffil, of Ix-rrien superior court, wbieii convenes from next \|orda\: I k //o7 // ; i * 1111 i 111 t ration ol the "oV Cl III 11 <11 of nf d ‘Mine tMe\ will md IF 1 . A lex.intler, .lame* V. Matt hi* lei III f. ll i * imt in i: ... W ilia . '1 ll"ll .IK s. Mill |l|. 1.11 «*.. 1. \ iiiiiii.ii. (he deu, M'I'.’it 1 * * h igM ! 1 .I:uiif* lU.ijrileii. Si'll,IIHIII .,1111.(1, F.liltin K. VV nil:.Ill !. I\. Dravnh, In ; 11 Mil 1 *pe I"' 1 ' XV. S. XVnlker ll VI. 1 1.-V .III. XV 11. n,.i I'uy 1 li. .lime*. * *, I’hi** ediln i* in Im S VV bill'll III'*l . VV \ \i*i,i. .1 . < .. <. CM.all. W l\. lioberi*. 1 in:* llie ill 1 III iu:i X IIII, l n 1*. nip In, I • .1, *.i J. L. « aim. II. D It. Harper. /, / ii >! .7 /n III the M. VV .l.iii. a. VV 1, k.nliail, \ W »' 1,1.1.. Kre the lieginmng of 1803 the editor doffs bis hat to the people of Ilerrien, Irw in, Worth and Colquitt counties, willing them :i Merry (Jhristrnas and a Happy New Year. It is the purpose of the editor to make the GAZFTTK a much Better Paper Than It Has Ever Been. Additions and improvements will be made just as rapidly as the patronage of the people will justify. To tins end the edior 'solicits a greatly increased patronage. The columns of the Paper . Will. Contain. Every, Item . of. Local. News In Berrien and surrounding counties which the ’ editor can gather by industrious effort, especially that which be thicks will be of interest or benefit to the readers of the paper. It will also contain And a lull compliment ol humorous and literary reading. This issue of the paper will go to hun dreds of readers who are not subseibers; we re spectfully ask them to carefully pet use its columns and confidently solicit their patronage. TheV eannot fail to piononnce it worth the S UHS< ' I { I I »T I o X I»IM ( T:, 8 1 a YK A R Don't kiil to semi money with yonr older for the )i;i|iei\ improvements can’t he tnmle on time snihrri|i- tioiis. Ii. T. .V1.I_.KN, Kditor. i PRINTING With New Tyiic, New- .Utu-liintM-y, Skilled Workmen. AND Klegant STATIONERY, Tile li.'izetle .loh I’rintino I)ep:irtment will he pre- |.:,r<■<I In I'Xecute at short notiee anil in the highest "tyle of (lie art all ehiAMes of and Legal Blank Printing, Pamphlets, Etc. ’i'll" |iiii|ii-ietor's |iersonal nttenlion will he oivet, to all onlei-s for the joh |irintiiio <ti-|>;,rtment.. Orders M'lii'dod and satisftielion ottarantecd in ,,utility ot work and |iriees, 'I'lie olliee is loealed in rooms ."> and 7 I,ore's Uriel; linildinir. A. New Route — BETWEEN — ThomasYille and Atlanta, 6a., With through coaches dally via C. H. Railway aixl (J. M. A (l. Railroad. 1. | 7 10 a. in. . R *zf» a. ut. 12 05 |». in. l 4o p. m. •J :w p. m. a :i5p. in.! o 10 p, m.J h 2T. a. Ml.) T 26 a. m.| {SO, 3. 0 45 a. Ill V .‘JO 11 25 a. Ul, 1 00 p. til hi. HOfTH i»«»um>. Leave Atlan.a •• ... . “ Coluintms •* ‘Richland “ Dawson •• Albany ..... Arrive Tho»innvilIe .. “ ilackftouv llie.... 11 HrunswIcU noutTF inu'Nii». heave Urn n»wick " Jaeksouvilile. , •* Thomas v 111c .. “ Albany “ Dtivvfton “ •Richland. 4-... “ Columbus “ McDonough.... Arrive Atlanta.^ lDaily. §Dally except Sunday. *Dinnef sta tion. The only line running tleoujih coaches be tween ThoniuMville amt Atlan a. Close connection In Atlan a for all points North, Kf>Mt and West. CKCIL (JAURKVT, Frcneral Manager. JNO. 2. |_jxq. 4, 7 i»0 p. in. 0 30 p. in 7 50 a. III. . 11 55 a. in. 12 19 p. III. 1 35 p. III.' 3 10 p. Ill, HoOp.m.. , H 00p. ni._. 3 35 p. in. 5 05 p, in. 7 10 p. in. » 30 p. ill. i. T. Aid, Ik N, TIFTON Proprietor. DRUG STORE r. t. (Tlllir I V l itl/t'li •*! :i lit VI it ll"lll IT*i ■' V *>»'..! 1«• 11. Mllt'o | lit' UlxtV • I riti'i ( ; '"in l'\ d*• p:11• I incut In the di lrd.’U p it i«>11 I'.'c, It t upon in- nun ice i" bit Inisj- U I lit. Idtts.. K I. ICI’S A Fut.I. Srppt.v OF- ■| It A \ FUnK .1 ’! V. *1.1 oi l,trr, t•. NV i 'aiUon, VI t.I.I 'Vis pill III | \ p. t ('Ii v clnml li;i d will dn curry mil up tle-ii sible ii. tiling when tic • piMti 'll nf Clllll! '• I d111P S lilt <1 s111; pll lit ;pci men Wi in llie t'U CV IT, ll ' -1.11 c 11 It T11 rc i • he d. Hit nb'ii. di .1 " K *'Hi I,iodM*v. s MrNiii.h. 1' \\ Mill. Itiitt-oii, VI A Vic Mill.ill, piti'ip nut ', d IS I * • ■ * It i I Its, I. -I-.V ii.I nil' i t. II. I. I Ut^itnt i, .1 II Ilium l.ll Hews | .l.iiii' h \J( Mill.iii. I* \ hi.iu.h. mil III.ll ('• ! I'l'Mr.inM n-on, I* I .(liXDmtoll. I .1 ’I ill. A I .1 V. Mi. S. It*. I , W I I- cn, I tic ll* lin niv, mid iiiv ihin. gives a [»"iiit* i I" ev eiv U 11 e |*. . I in imp lace | ii, and • u I Ml - ' i 1“ i 'llie lm , ll|be|H til ' :liim I ( 'ai •d tin if up New time "l'l"’ 1 j and ( In. i lull' II appeal-- that l\v.» S ’resit lent ( level.nid’* lisle and Smith --tail vv ai d eal eei !«• posit dxis >>\ In.imp a helmul Ieaeliei's. Ma\ \V e md etdili deliilv expect tile eolilltl'V t < • lii'nver i IIII imw 'V Itli bull ill rale velmol in: Icrs liiml imp llie pat Ii I" I. me v Is.hilia I* ni'ee era/v V empmes tli J’lminasv die rimes F.111• ■ rpt i an air et' e< Ullidenee. ll seem*. t.» III a disputed ipicsti'.ti iii Atlanta; ( M dinaiv ( allmim’s jury says she i- wliile Judge .Marshall J. ( larke’ jury the grand jury ol Full" county sa\ > .she i* not know who will dare Uro. 'Triplet| s question. 'Tin* Daily Headlight pcrinaneni instituiiou nays .Mr. II. S. Kline, h< <*hase the Headlight m*WHpaper plant from Mr. Win. Farker. Mr. Kline: , i js a veteran newspaper man and will make a success ot a daily paper in WaycrosM if hiicIi a thing is possible. N’ea.Hy ail llie newspaper* of south west Georgia have had Homeihittg kind to say about the Georgia Chau- tamjiia. 'J lie people are gradu 1 lie e|lil' ll gt am! lumiics. dep.u | im III , \ll l ice. II "I OlliCI destroy | perl mein l e d s 1| pi lliell 111 I w . n ( in-in, l». IF. I'.ixlk,' A It De..w,D. I >.t o limit!, W 111 m m .1. I'.n i |*ii, \\ illlain M • > iTctic, .1. Ii .1 * ill 11 x i. .1 \ II.ill. M.i tlicw lioc. Cl ' .e w lie )| -, ov e Who ll. Illltlv I live 11 know e led. try n *cd Dr. Ivi i|s value, have imw flee. ( ail Iln on lv < ri ised drie.-ptsi and p< l a ' 'I ll". I lee. >011(1 \ Milt- name j hire** 1.1 II, F. I hiekleli A < <>., ' .*", and o"l a s 1111p|.• ho\ 111 | li* | « New late 1 Ml- tree, :\s well j j as a et ip v of (.in le |.. | l.altli and j "ith Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed in .D \,mi good ' ami . ost you md lung. Trt <1 hot t l.-s I tree . 11 J ake \\ | ’ Ullk's drug stol e. I Large hollies .die. ami >1 .mi. U TOILKT AND FANCY ARTICLF.S, I'iiu- I ’< • r I m n<-ry. Sc lio« >1 Hooks mid St ;p ioti.i l'y. Larrpsof Every Description. PAINTS, « OILS * AND » VARNISHES. Tiie most select stock of Tobacco* and Cigar* in thn city. My eustoniej'.s can he served with good Havana cigars. 1 call special attention to Prof. Doxtrr’s Tnl nrrli (Aire, Majfie Balm Kidney anil IJver Ctire, I.ting lte.storer 9 Mesmeric Blood (’leansei and H lien inn t ie Cure. They are proprietary medicines that arc recommended uiul now my very highly for tin* purposes elaimed for them. FKKSH KST and HKST GAKDT'N SKF.DS, all the year round, (’all and see me. Tift"... (in.. April -i. IS!H. J. (\ CIOOTT Y A Y. I.octal Time Table, To tuku cirect at 2:00 o’clo »k a. m„ ^riiurmlay, l-’clji uary 2nd, 18H3. PaHMcntfci* Trill ns—Kuxt. Mf ATI. INS. So. •>• X„. 2. : * No. 8. l.v Alhunv 1 10 ill t 1 15 pin 2 00 pm “ Davis 11 28 am si 35 pun 2 10 pm *• \\ iiliiighiun... 11 ::s am si 47 pm 3 15 j in *• Isabella 11 47 am si .<3 pm 3 40 pm *• l'oulan fl 53 a in i‘2 (>4 pm 4 05 pin “ Sumner il 5o am p2 12 pill 4 35 pin “ T'v-T'y 12 10.1IU s2 25 pm; 5 05 j m Ar Tifton 5 45 pm * No. IL. Lv Tifton s2 28 am s2 4.1 pm 5 30 am •* Hrookhtd.l 2 42 am 13 00 ] 111 o on am “ Kiiigma 2 nU uin s3 07 j m lo 20 am •• Alnpaha s3 03 am s3 17 1Hi 7 10 urn “ XV iliaroophee. 13 22 uin S3 40 | ill 8 17 am • • (Irav’s f:i 24 am h." 42 i 111 8 27 am “ .‘•h .Xlilo I’ost ... i3 28 am *3 4.> | III 8 42 am Kirkland 3 38 am S3 65 | 111 !* (*3 am " IVarsoii h3 am s i 03 pm '.* 15 am McDonald t3 uiu s4 17 pin it 40 am " Millwood i-t 08 am 1*4 25 j 111 in 13 am “ \\ a res boro — 14 27 am h-* 47 {.ill 11 oo am Ar Waver, iss 4 4') am S2 00 j III 11 30 am Lv Way.Toris it 20 am 5 15 j ill 12 50 | m *• Seblatten ille. ft* 38 sun «5 34 pin 1 25 pill Hoboken f;> 45 am 85 42 | 111 l 50 jun •* Nahum tio 02 am sli 00 | III 2 40 pm “ Liilnioi. 110 17 am .*(» 08 j.lll 3 lopm Atkinson ... tin 23 am Sli 10 j ill hi; 23 j m 3 27 1 111 " XX uyriusvilie... no .<:* am 3 50 pill •• •la male.*. ,10 4t* am 8" 31* 1 111 4 30 pm Ar Itnmsvviek li 10 am 7 to pill (• oo j m l’liss.inscr Trulns—i v cst. STATIONS. No, 1. ! No. 3. | •No. 11. ! Lv Mniiisv: irk 7 20 am 7 10 j m 4 15 a rn Jama tea 7.,0 am 17 4.) | m 5 20 a in XX'ayncHv ille.. 8 oi; am VV 57 j m o 05 a m *• Atkins..ii s 13 am 18 or* j m t! 20 a m " Lulaton 8 20 am is 13 jm H 4o am “ Nali nut a H 21* a III f8 21 1 111 7 ou am “ Hoboken 8 45 am is 40 | in 7 60 am “ Schbiiten ille K ,/2 a 111 18 50 jin 8 15 am Ar XX ay cross v 10 am: ll 10 j in 0 25 am t* 201 m 8 55 am l.v XX ay cross 10 oo am XX aredlorn — 0 45 am Ul 35 j m in 13 mu » 55 j in 11 oo am •• Millwood 12 oo m “ McDonald 10 24 am lit) oh | m 12 30 j m “ 1‘ear son 10 42 am s 10 22 j rn 1 20 pm " Kirkland 10 50 aliii 10 31 1 111 1 85 j in t»8 Mile i’.JHt... 11 05 mu if 10 45 ] m 2 Oft j li *• (irav’s 11 o.i amillli 48 | in 2 15 ] ii. " XV tli;e*i)Oehce. 11 13 amt 110 fo j m 2 25 j m •• Alapaua 11 34 am'Nll 13 pin 3 17 j 111 “ Knigm; 11 53 nin 1 111 25 j tie 12 02 1IU 11 33 {in ! ! f3 t(1 j hi Rrookt) n id 4 25 i in Ar 'iilun. 5 00 i ul No. ,. Lv Tifton 12 20 pm sll 47 mn 6 50 am •» Tv-Tv 12 42 ] in 112 05 am ti 35 a m »* Sumner 12 60 j m f 12 17 anil 7 05 am •• l’oulan i\ 04 j m 112 25 ami 7 40 am “ Isabella 1 12 plA 112 32 am; 8 15 am •• Willii.. ham... l 20 I III 112 40 tun 8 45 am *• Davis 1 it!, | IM ' !'.' I'i Hlv 1 i* 25 a in Ar 2 00 i ni' 1 10 mn 10 20 s in 1 Meal skat inn. * Dili! f SUv >w signal, •.except Run'in;*. I Un i t eoiiiifelion made at Wa.v cross with through lMillnne-' slet*| iug cius for St. I.on is, Montgomery, lUrmIngham, Nashville, Clmtta- uooga. New York, Jacksonville, Tam|<a aiul lu- lermedlate points. HeclJnlng ebair ea»s Vet ween Way cross and Montgomery via Uainhri.lge* c. D., W. >t. Davidson, Tralllc Manager. fi. I’. A. fi. W. ('oaths. GKO. W. 11A INKS, A. D. 1*. A. Uen’l Supt. The Best Blond Keuaxl'v. Align**! \. K laces, s|ti ( iuirles’ street, Halti.imre, Md.. writes: “Froin 111 \ \">hIi I so I’ll • I - . | | rot 11 a poisonous land in m\ blood. M v face and both a .feel .'J with erup- i iim now Id vears <i en t rented hid Ii in Viuei'iea, but no rern- e I roldile until I used Ikllm. I have used vv as rout tnual tion and sore* of age and ha Genuaiiy am I'll V ov ereatlie lioiaiiie I'dm ah..lit .*kni is clear, MnootI) and l.ealtliv,nml 1 I e.»iisidel t In- poison permanent l\ ! driven 11".u in\ | indorse it I a * I lie hot hl.m.I remedy.” i (>! I) it/: W. te don’t OlsW e» <'li111*<*Ii Notice. Services of the Kpiseupa! ehtireh will he hehl in the .Methodist t'hureh, III Ion. oti the Friday ami Saturday i he I ore the J.l Sunday itiiaeh month.\ evening 7:Jd, and Hol\ t’nm- | intinion on Saturday morning iuglo. F. lb Ti. i\ \>»u, Arelnleaeoii of Alhunv. is to he a d \Y ayero.s* • ha\ ing pm 7 // The cold wave of Sal urdav and Sunday uights <lid mn injure the: p. aeh .'t on any at all in t In* >ei tiou. j ( a ret ii ! e\ iinmat ion* hav e he n made dad\ by all I iie experts in |!,| S see I Hon, and ibe nnannmnis verdiet i* 1 that (lie pearlies are md dam iged otic 1 lid (hat ll*. * pi*, .sped * a i e ry promising toi an ahumhuu crop. I’epml* hive it that tint crop ar..und o iflin, as w ell a* | oint* h J rrsiNurtuE to farmers. I Jlx rtas an i ;,|| I ue vatielies ate Mlh.I Olllrighl We condole with* f tl, »* eon*.! i:*,,' lli.n.r* ivaM 11 eigli l 1 1 EDUCATE for PROFIT HV ATTKN Dl NO MOORE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,ATLANTA,GA. A Hlyh-Grode liMinrs* Training School. llnvo ptftccj over •loan Mixlcnte In bus!- iicn. The heM IIiiiIiumo. *nil MltttrOuvntl I'.iiirt... (it exlMteiice , the .inly uchonl in t ho H*mlh ri.nilxolo.l on the A err w. IUxisihh pinn. Miu.lniitK extei tiny tlmw. seinl for oiituIhiv, b» I (i B A R Gf AIN S! IN.—— DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, ! SHOES AND HATS. I I carry n l ull line of I)rv-OoorlH, and am iHt'lling* XX"’inter floods away Helow Cost to !mako room fora splendid Summer Stock. oiir iielgiiixir*, ov .*?• their calamity ami misfortmn . an'.l iru*t they m;*\ I"" 1 1:iIit on tint ll,.■ ii n-.-u-s I'll pill. ll. II! i ronli/.ni'that. wink' this lumic "I llii- t,,u t v iU "' tlirv i , .. . . n ill Inn c a t "i'"l lteticlict'l.l n at .. " • , , . . ' | ' * ' "I \ Hlll"l' "II- ;,i"l I'im nit;; ,.r.'i.c.n*». i )* *y ""»'<'I"'.' 1 '. ''"''I "ii a.'" „ ;n ,, i an,i lUmtllU'Jll-l'jhll.iw ki'lllj! k'll lliro'lgk I, in U ,, .ti.l, i, ,.|„.,.| u ,|! Ill,' Ul" rrn.mmlil,' DUt tile hontlicru part ol the slate. the bloom buds ami hardened them ' " ,u ' bran ami eimiT. Altaiiy Herald. L" III, v U,"||,I -laml a ,.,,1,1 v w , rwi^trull.,. . * 1,1 J. |w.m. |). ti IttUV. Mi»*mpe.*. i r«ia Soiil KAIITtOAI). Suwanee River Route to Florida. VIA ATLANTA. Selli:i»VI.F IN LFKEct IRkad i'r Down. (HTOUKR 1, Til. 181*2. r. M. A M. 1. M. ; A. M. 5 00 5 It) LV Ralntka y 0 45! 8 40 o3o 7 on ..... Jncksorville .... t 30 7 40 8 35 y no " lijike City » 0 25, 5 35 M 28 11 63 ianper •* 5 3.1 4 43 10 38 10 58 A.M I’.N Xaldostu “ 4 27! 3 43 i 12 18 14 44 *• Tifton » a 53 2 13 1 47 2 10 “ Cordell* 1 05,12 45 4 10 4 35 ** Macon J tint ion ... ** 10 40 10 25 4 30 4 50 Ar Macau I.v 10 2011005 7 45 8 05 .... ..Atlanta 7 10| ti 181 A.M.,1*. M. 1 25 12 65 “ Chattanooga — 212 12 51 1*. M. A.M. CM.IA.M. 7 20 0 25 “ Nashville •* y 05; 7 :«) AM 1*. M. ,V. II. 1 20 1 10 “ Evansville “ 1 30 7 25 7 30 St. Louis “ ! 7 35 10 40 Ar Chicago Lv 1 4 0(1 : 1A.M. V. Short Line toJWorld’s Fair. Sid'.F.riNn Cau on XiniiT Trainh Uktwkf.n Macon anj> 1‘ai.aika. Double Datlv I'ullman Sleeping C2r Service Ho- tween .InckHonvIllc. Fla., Nushville ami St. I.oiiIh Without Change. fonncrtn tn thitnn Dcpwtat Muon with Macon ami Northern Rallrnail, (ieorgia ltailroud, Cen tral Itailrnail mul Smithweelern ttailrnad, north iin.lM.Mith: and in Union Depot* at 1-ike City ami r.ilatka with at! trains fr.»»n point.* In Flor ida, caal. west and Mouth. H. Rl'RNS, A C. KNAPP, Trav. I'awt. Apt., Trultle Xlun'gr, Mucoi). (ia Macon. l»a. CONN K G T J O N S. OCTOBER 16 th, 1892. u’t» o'wv 645 a m. Lv. , thrash, hull. pnRah , .xie-rlchlh rite) FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT I s fully stocked \\ itb tlio best goods. AY. O. TIFT. H 0.1 b 40 0 00 to on u i» 12 00 n'x. U 45 •* t 30 P.M. 0 J& “ . a .to “ 2 00 “ ! o•* j 2 30 •• *4 54 “ 1 3 20 tftATIOXA. ... Macon . Snfkce ' Lurlln ' Montpelier ... 1 ........Cullmien Yatenvilta * TlmmaMon .. ' .Thundering Spring*. Woodbury ... r Columhn* * ( rlffln .... ‘ Harris City... , * '. *Cnliimlv!is* 1 (tremville . ‘ Odessa * .. ... Mowntville. . . l-admigc. * KKAnirj*. Ar 2 00pm . *• 1 10 •« “ '13 30 “ . “ 12 10 « . *• 11 25 •' . ** 11 (<0 •• * ,10 00 •* .“I# 01 •• : M2 •• Lv «00 A..M, ** 917 “ • “ j 7 u •« “ 10 25 “ •• 7 00 “ “ <150 “ “ 0 30 •* Lr ooo <* TirSMN, ija.. .lae.nary t. 1**.«. ,. r 2?S!t. u<m * " A1 lama ami \V„| l’olnt R 11. »I HNS. A r. KNAPP. Tr.iv. Pat**. .\gt. M4c*im, (li Traffic Manage