The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 07, 1893, Image 2

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' ■ mmm THE GAZETTE: '11 Iff ON, GA., IfWlUAV, APRIL 7, J893. The Tifton Gazette. The a7.rttr 1* iraMHIwU cv«ry FrUlav lti« .it Tilton, ilcrrlen enmity, Georgia. It I* di!- Vut45tl to tho bent interest iy tliu growing city of Tifton and the adjueoitt country, and m nuch #sk* the support anil eunnuftiRaroent of the |>eo- |ile of llcrrion anil contiguniM c.imnUeft, The MilMcrjptlon price of the (IazMTK l« SI.oo f ar year, W cents for six months, and 25 cents for ft roe months, nayahlo In advance. Tile advertising rates of the (Lv/.r.rrK are rca- flditahle and will he furnished upon application, Advertising hills are duo after first insertion and Mill 1)z presented when the money is needed. Correspondence from neljrhlMU lnjr towns is so licited and communications on timely topics are always welcome. Always write on one side of the paper, and don’t forget to enclose your name as in evidence of good faith. Kntored at the posiofllee, at Tifton, Georgia, as mail matter of tho second class. Official Organ of Berrien f ount). 1$. T. ALLEN'. Editor. EDITOR!A /. li'liIII Si OK. Buying Lund Extensively. It seems that the lido of immigra tion to Georgia lias turned to the line of the Georgia Southern iinrf Florida railroad. Connerning recant land sales, the Macon correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution wrote tlm fol lowing last Saturday: “A largo amount of land contig uous to Macon is being sold to English capitalists :|nd western people who wish it for investment and for settlement by colonists. Within the past live days 4.01*0 acres have been sold oil the line of the Georgia the soil, we must show fruits tbijt will sustain our, favorable assertions. Our correspondents are eminently correct when they say that immigra tion will not bring us prosperity, if we fall to attain it for ourselves. If imigration is, indeed, so greatly desired, then let us show those who are seeking home*, or lauds for in vestment, that, ours is a country to which prosperity attaches readily and continually. No matter whether we so choose or not, onr people and our country will he judged according to their fruits. And it. cannot be said that ! Soul hern and Flni'ids l oad to parties I from Ohio who intend to raini* fruit. Dumb judgment is unjust.—Houston It is now practically certain that I A tract of laud at Wollslon, juj Home* Journal. VruHident Cleveland will call an ex* ! Houston county, consisting of 1,700 tm session of congress, lo convene! acres, was sold this week tor -^‘20,00(1. about October 1st. I I'each trees will In- planted on the Another Hcorgian has bot h giv«ii I entire place. Tin* l.nOO acres men. Deserving Praise. We desire to say to our citizens, that, for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con sumption, Dr King’s New Life Pills, MONEY TO LOAN. 1 am now prepared to negotiate loans upon real efttAtc in the counties of JAsrrien, Clinch, Coflcc and irwlu for a term of ten years and lo**, at 2 and 3 per cent interest. Capital unlimited. N. M. IMkioro, mch.-17-lrn. Wlllacoochec, Ga. oremoia.--iir.iwuKJi i-uintv Not lee Ik hereby given that on and :i dale the Copartnership of famiiard Cat reside* In Wayne county Ga., and Hen pie. and fi'oin >* to £12 per jpjcklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric He. is tioned above sold goes as j acre, and will all be converted into I Hitters, and have neve r handled orchards. Prior to tins week several j remedies that sell as well,or that, have h . |s ,|,J hirer place, have been sold in near | K' V1 ‘" >“«•>» imiviwiMil satisfaction. \V( ounties at sums ranging from £^,(NHI a piece of political pot Hon. .lames M. Dobbs, < onsul to \ alparaiso. J lie committee in charge nasnn*i .' .. . .... ! do not .hesitate to guarantee them .i i, * ,i w .... .... I counties at sums ranging from . . • \ , thanks ot the o.v/i.i 11. Im an mvi- ^ r I every time, an I westand read}' to re lation to attend the merchants’ May' ,u fund the j»ureha*e price, if satisf.n week festivities in Savannah, begin-I ^ l * s s,M, i°n <»t tb ,ling May full. iH'.i:!. Immc of the peach, ig the line of tin The remains ol the late President. .Jefferson Davis of the Southern Confederacy, will In* earned from New Orleans to Richmond, \ a., lor final interment, on May 2Hfh. Tin* Pedwine defale'itioii investi gation is to be resinned and to be probed to the bottom, “bet, no guilty man escape” should be the motto o) Attorneys .lames and Jackson. Editor \V. J. Kent, formerly of Tifton, is now bolding down the tri- jj (| j- slat'* is the true j tory results do not follow their use and the lands remedies have won their great Deop'ia South- ! popularity purely on their merits. Dissolution Notice. GKOKOIA—IlfCItHIKN COUNTY and after this Carter, who ..., ... Henry Ivlllott who rouble* in lterrlen county Maul state, which eopartnerKhlp done the busine** of munufaotur- )n naval store* in the enmity of Jlerrien and said Mtate. Sabi copartnership I* thl* day dissolved by iimturl consent. Said Jwonard Carter having bought all the Interest of said Henry Klllott in Halo eopartnership liiiHineMH both real and i»er- Konal. The future name of »aid hualne** will he that of !<eouard Carter, the auld Leonard Carter will tLHAume all the liabilities r.f the said firm of Carter «V Klllott, thin March nth 'Hull. l,K(*VAl(l> C A flTKH, llliNItV KM.IOTT. City Marshal's Sale For Taxes. GKnftGIA—liKHItlKN 1-orxTV. Will In* Hold before the City eourt room door in Tifton on the fir.*t Tuenday In Mav next, be tween the lawful bourn of Hale, one homteand lot ill the City of Tifton, being: loL 10, ill liloek 17. Iw\led on an the property of ,1. I). Calhoun by virtue of u tax execution fanned by •!. II. Good man, f.lty tax collector, for hUelty tax for the veur lH'.ri. TlilH .March .50, IH'.i.'l. A..I. MeCltHA.CIty Marshal. EDUCATE for PROFIT JIY ATTENDING MOORE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,ATLAWTA.G/l. A High-Grade Business Training School. Have placed over luon Mtidont" In bind- iienH. The bent It u»»l »*«*<** and Whorl hmul roiiTHO In exlHtence : tiie only M'hool In the Mouth conducted on the Acti'ai. Uchixu* plan. student* enter any time. Send lor circulars. r ri ETON ■b.kc \Y. 1' A' Cos. Drugstore. ern and Florida railroad are adapted to the successful growth of j Pet ween their two Press Assoeia- fiuil. ili(*n>. Ceorgia editors may get a free It in estimated that next season I,- ride to Chicago this year, and ;t peej (Hill,(Min peach <recs will be planted ! at. the World s Pair. ,1, " ‘ City i ..i ,.r... , 1892. PROSPECTUS 1893. — oy The Tifton Gazette. Ere the beginning of 1803 the editor doffs his hat to the people of Berrien, Irwin, Worth .111(1 Colquitt counties, wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is the purpose of the editor tb mitke the GAZETTE a much Better Paper Than It Has Ever Been. Additions and improvements will he made just as rapidly as the patronage of the people will justify. To this end the edior solicits a greatly increased patronage. The columns of the Paper . Will. Contain. Every. Item , of, Local. Ness In Herrien and surrounding counties which the editor can gather by industrious effort, especially that which lie thinks will be of interest or benefit to the readers of the paper. It will also contain 1 ern and Plniid.’i railroad. j I.n am Cor.vrv. To-day there is a party of gentle- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that men from Michigan prospecting down Ih * ,s U "‘ I' :l,,n, ‘r .i i ■ • w . • , , I'. J. ('heliev A ( '« the (icorgia ^mitlieni ami r lornbirail 1 • . load willi a \ iew of buying a large pod of the I * lack shear 'I'iines. lie is a hustler, and will surely catch bolh fame and fortune from the 'l imes. Wayeross is fast becoming the < lneago of the south. Ten (livorees were granted by the superior court in one day this week, and it, was not a good day for divorce suits either. The Atlanta Herald says it doesn't make inv dilTercnee which got the pie • Clurhie or llokie. The bu-inexs of the present hour i« the fnllillmeiit of the democratic pledges to tin* people. There seems to be a clamor for the re-cstablishment of the whippingpost as a punishment for many petty in fractions of the law. However, the days of barbarism lia\e past in < icorgia. The <•corgi:i Southern road sold last week its first Imx of tobacco grown and manufactured at Cvrlon- eta, its famous farm. The tobacco brought , r »n rent per pound. Thom- ustoii Times. rresident Clcwdand, it is ‘•aid, is fast failing in health under the strain < business. He is undertak ing to do too much in loo short a time. I le should call a hall in the interest oi I he people! Am exchange asks, “Ilow many of tile women, Cod Mess them, can tell the text.-x ol the st rinoiis tie*} heard last Sunday? and how lew of them would go astray u; dcseri neighbor's new spring dre.-.-es bonnets ?” Faster, eh V President Cleveland and his cabi- m‘t have rommeiieud the work of rc | form in real earnest by lopping oh j Ulineeessai'} olliees ami sinecures.! Commissioner of agriculture, Mm-imi, has already saved to the countv 12o,(Mill a year on this line Th e new dcinocralic administni- | tion is making a line start towards! ping the treasury. Tin* receipts ' for the first twenty live davs of March was f 1 ,(*(10,011(1 in excess of the o\- penditnres, notwithstanding ^DI,.‘»oo, 000 were disbursed m pensions. Congressman Hnsseirs paper, the Hainbrulge Democrat says: “Ifthel ofliccH are not put in the hands of those in sympathy with the adminis tration, the wheels of rctorm will lie dogged and hindered. ‘Turn the meals out.’ They expect it. and the people who pul the Democracy in charge ol the government, demand a change all around.” Editor lien Allen, of the Tifton G.\>:kttk, is entitled to the palm for Wuitlg one of the neatest weeklies in . Georgia. It is always newsy and ils editorial columns are ably conducted. Hut everybody knows ibis. Al bany Herald. Kditor Melntosh knows What i*. re(juires to make a and for grapi vineyards w ill lie e-UablKhed. I'he (icorgia grape makes the very lines! of wine, and these Michiganders in tend to make brandy from the hulls of the grapes, (icorgia grape brandy is an r.\ccllent at I ic|e. Considerable of this land now be ing purchased wiU be devoted to truck farming, and the canning of \ egefables and fruits will h.conic a great industry in (Icorgia. A ning factor} 1 is being built at Tilton. A M iliion Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found jiM such a friend in Dr. King’s Nesv Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and (’olds. If yon ha\c lic\ er used this (ireal ( 'oiigli .Mednine, one trial will (oiivinee yon that it lias wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Kadi hotlle is guaranteed lo do all that is claimed or money will lie re funded. Trial hollies free at .lake W. Faulk A Co*. Drugstore. Large hot I |es ,*(!(• and I . Xceordiug (o Tlicir ITnils. F*y their fruits ve shall know them, is a correct measure ot judgment,and will apply with cipial lorcc to men, land and trees. 'Twoiild be utter foil} for U.s |o proclaim one t liing, while our acts asserts the eoiilrai} eoiitinualh'. Wc kimw that this immediate section ol count} has superior advantages, but strangers m eking investment* will K 111. ir j ,J '" ,,ur l|(l j i( 'They must have >nbAtantial proof. The c\ idenees ol lbn‘,1 sjieaks loudest • I the sterling (publics of the resi lent* ol a localit v. as w ell as the loing business in the city of Toledo, county and slate aforesaid and that said lirm will t nrc. Large j pay tin* sum ofONK HCNDKKD IM >1,LA ITS for each and every ease of (katarrh that cannot be cured by the use ol I lad’s (‘atari'll ( hire. Frank J. ( iiknkv. Sworn to before me ami subscribed in inv presence, tlii* Oth day of Dcc- eeiliTier, A. D. 1 ^S(l. I L. S. ] A. \V. (11.MASON, Notary Fnblir. II.ill’s (’atari'll Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the Mood and mucus surfaces of the system. Scud for testimonials free. K. .1. ( ‘mi:n |’v A' (’o.. Toledo, 1 L i. Sold by Dnggists, The. SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. <. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, Scientific American Agency lor CAVEATB, TnADr. MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For informal ion °n fr«« Ilnmlhook write to Ml NV X CO.. lJltt*AIiWAv. New Youic. Oiliest itiiroati lor ocvurliitf luttontH *n Anu-nra. j*; very pul on taken out by ns l» brnutbt brforo tbo public by u notlco Riven free of ciiurno in the fdcnttfic JMttenau Earnest clrmlfttlnn of nny pclontlfln pnppr In t>io worbl. spinminiijr illHstmoMl. No Intolllponi n.iHi -bonbi I.,* wiib,-in it. IVoeklr, 83,011 n veins Jl.e.-ix uioiuh*. AGdroHH Ml.'NN A CO., i'L’UU.xmni .301 lliotulway, Now York C’ltjr. compliment of humorous nn.ii literary vending. This issue of the paper will go to hun dreds of renders who are not. subscibers; we re spectfully ask them to carefully peruse its columns and confidently solicit their patronage. They cannot fail to pionounce it worth the S UBSCRIPTION P RICE, 81 a YEAR Don’t fail to send money with your older for the paper, improvements can’t he made on time subrrip- tions. ii. T. ALLEN. Editor. JOB PRINTING FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION OF Til K GEORGIA CHAUTAUQUA AT A Mi A X V,OA.. April 2nd to April 10th. PH OG R A M FO R S P EC I A L. SC H OOLS. March LV Opening lay of Physical and (’umimTcnl departments. March 27. Opening lay of Musical and Kloetilion departments. April 2. Opening day of Assembly and Sunday-school Primary Normal depart incut. April J. Opening day of Kdiicalionnl department. April I. Opening of Sunday school Normal department, :o: ASSOCIATION OFFICIOUS: Josi.i'ii S. D.wi*, A. \V. Mi sk, II. M. M< Is rosn, President. Secretary. Superintendent, COLTS oF I NSTKCCTOHS: ^ . A. Di n<w, Pli. D., and Ui:v. A. K. Di nmnc, D. D., Superintendent*. I , . | lion. S. D. Pradw'dl, Atlanta, Oa., State School Commissioner, will be | 1 ' U " M 11 Director of Kdncational Departimmt, assistc«l by Col. Frances \V. Parker, Principal Illinois State Normal School, Chicago. Dr. H. K. Palmer, New N ork City, Director of Music. Dr. \\ . (i. Anderson, New I laven, Conn., Director of Physical Depart With New Type, iN’uw Machinery, Skilled Workmen, AND Elegant STATIONERY, Thu G:i?.ct.Ut Job Printing Dupnrtmont will he pre- )mred lo execute,at hliort notice and in the highest style of the art all classes of Commercial and Legal Blank Printing, Pamphlets, Etc. The proprietor’s personal attention will bo given to all orders for the job printing department. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in quality of work and prices. The office is located in rooms 5 and 7 Love's Brick Building. M. T. ALLEN, Proprietor. TIFTON DRUG STORE — I"kki’s ,v Fut.i. Srni't.y tell I) TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Pc ; i*fuin«vy, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. men t. ;i|ld* ll'( d. *f nntbnfi '.\ hleliri s asserts jn*t (he centi ;iiy. if wc ile*ire immigration, be the pur p«»*e wlmt it may, Mih*tantia| testi mony must In* produced (i* prove that the country is as good as we Maun ii lo lie. If wc claim (icorgia to be an excel- lent farming country, we must show farms **n which plenty and to spare is produced. Farms that di.-play evi dences of deli rioration will not sus tain the praise wc voice, ami will re pel the Iionie-stvker, ard the man wlm proposes to liny land as an in vestment. The (ieorgja farmer who buys western meat, Kirn unit bay cannot prove that his farm i* a vain able possession. As a fruit growing country this immediate section has been judged by its fruits, and tin judgment is cm phath ally favorable. II wc desire to induce the estab lishment of manufacturing iudu.sU'ics, Lev. A. S Durstou, Syracuse, N. Y., Director of Klocution Department. The most select stork of Tobaccos and (‘ijrnrs in tho city. My cumoiiiers can he served with good Havana cigars. Kd win I I .yon, of Yale erclorc, | j--j,J,y ami Typew riting. I»c\. A. K. I >niining, I >. N(‘final : 'epartincut. Mis- \nii;i Joluisou, AH* Normal I h partiuent.. I call special attention to Prof. Dexter’s Catarrh Cure, Magic Balm ruiveiksity (iymnasium, Instruct.>r of Slcnog- Kidney and Liver Cure, Lung Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Clcnnsei j and Rtieunmt ic Cure. They are proprietary medicines that arc recomtneuden D., P**).ston, Mass., Principal Sunday-school i very highly for the purposes claimed for them. * rUKSHKST and REST HARDEN SEEDS, nil the year round. Hall and pee me. Tifton, Ha., April 22, 1*01. J. O. GOODMAN'. phis, Trim.,Principal of Sunday-school Primary ASSEMBLY PROGRAM. St’NHA V. Al’IMI. 2ifU, OlT.NIN<• DA Y~ r M. Svnttnu l*\ ( N Slum, l.t.. !>., ('hancHlor S\ rtu’itse t’nlu'rsjtv. s I' M Sui \ l. i'H. M»»ND \\ . A I’itl I, ;«td - 11 -oo .\. M l.rt imv l'\ l{;\M*i W - * «ut«*w»kv . Albany, (ia. I.'M'I' M I ..Ml UI »• l« t \ ltn\. W. n il'.iwi'll, of MonIc*. * "•* I*. M. * tj'.'itIuc N’l'111. Itocital ot\>, AtUtresHn*, Sonus l*\ Cltorus, etc. Tl'I^DAV, A l*l(Tb I'll; -I’KKSS DAY” U *mi ,\ \t. ||o,t. (iit/awa\ ilarirbluv. <>f Savtinuuli. 1 ,oo 1 * M, til ion bx Uim AS liuritinn s .oo 1 * M. las luiT l*v chaios’UoV ('. S' Smla W I.DNKSD A V. Al’Ulb Mh, " IJH'i AT IONA I. DAY” V .H X M. ,\»tilvvMt‘> S tv. UiintwvVi. it 1 'I l.ncluio t*> U'>v. N\ A. ( mill* v. 1 >.I>.. rrv.btunf Etnof.v Lnllcce. ,M I’. M. las-iut*' l<\ ( ban. ( \. SIiif*, .>f svr.tfitM' (’ttlveniliy. * |\ M (it unl ( nil*' m*i, l»r. I|. U. Calmoranil ('bauiauoua Chorus, Soloaatnl Duetts. I’lKKsDA V, A IMUI. On. ‘NATION A I, DAY” I U ihi l*. M Ail«lrt’s« b\ Uov r.iiwiml .\n«U>r*on, I*. I» , of DunaWlsnn. Cnon. | "’i I*. M VC Iii'ih 11\ U«<\. Sa n Sionll. of Atlanta, On. I s oo r \i. nit it.itlnn* b\ IJo\ A. S. Durstou, with Honur* b\ the chorus. 1 ; IUI*A Y. A I *; U!. 7th, “CDYKNUICS D.\Y ’ l"'Hi v vt HcitjuIoii of Gov. YV ,1. Northpn hy the i ltlxonn and hn-al militia, with address by | Hi*’ (oorruor. . \\ no A M. Nddti'sn oy Hon. .lohn Vctai'ic Grnviv . ! ' »Ht l M. CtMtol Coijuort, cha»uau.|ua Chorus, Si to* and DuctLs.itmho the* ♦Uroutlon of lir ll. I l< 1‘atiurt i a on c \|. Athlutiu I'.xhlhlHou, uniler tho dlrvi'tlon of Dr. W G. Anderson. ISATI'UIIA V. A 1*1111. Mb, " UKrUIlN ITIUN DAY" | !o t'n \ m. pniniHMln3 of urudiut« s, S<tnila\-n« ho<il rbUdrsn titnl chthlrnn flrpart- ! nn’nt •o"l i Jasms. I'a*«lnt: ol the mdu’H. ria'oftnit Inn of ^r.iiluali'* hy Su|>erinion(li?utA of ln»tmc j Hon A Ik Dunning and W. ,v. Diinran. AdCroi... hy Uo>. V. L. Dunnlt*u, |v. l>. IV M. l , iVM , ntatb*n ot l>i|iloiua4 hy Siijh vlntondci'.tf 1 Thtncnn ami Dunuiuj;. BIG- B A K G A INS! i :IN: DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. ! carry n lull line of Drv-Oooils, mid am. selling AVinter Goods nwfty ldelow Cost to make room for n splendid Summer Stock. . • ,,Mt I’ M Athltviv* h) Col. Kiait«'.'N VV.. Darker, of Chn-iiuo, Jll. wc must ih'iniiiisii'iitr I hal I lie com. SI - N11A V, A I’ll II, III h • , , . It :(Ht A. M. S«rtnoti hy Hev. A. K. Dountnc, D D. (lie prnlttanb 1 j :» «") 1*. Xt l.tM*mre: “irawls In tlm Holy l.nml," h\ Dr. II 15. Palmer. I l,,|a """ Kuril imliiMti-iiM. Wr !mu'ni'ia'y, AFKl'l. !'ii'Vi"‘" • litions arc favnrahic D must show (Mir huih ii V cur works. | r;'.U'.r" • o r» r ...«p.„.„,. r n, | jjy PANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Is fully stocked with the best goods. W. O. TIFT. So in every avenue of business, in the social walks of iib, in moral and I good iU'WH|nt|H>r mid hriicc n L that i tiuiitical aHilinihms, as well a» in tin- Kc in now gi'hig Albany tin ’ ' ‘ 1 ' t.laily jjaiinr hIic 1i.-ih evor laal. I ii • m T | hrilllifnlnrm , ■ | , |,,. I r.Tlillt \ \ Ha'll rlimalr an.I the I i*l.ij•! .G- tity >.i Mlis, I,. 'IKIGKB, 1 'iamsi. *]>(‘rial rains mi all railrmnK One !'ari> rnund (rip lirknls ran bn had ill mails leading In Albany. I'nr anv infm'mallmi ilonol. Address, II, M. M' I'msii. .''u|K'rintrndni)(, Albany, Ga, l 1(K i "V.t» A . ,(tr.'A*n l.