The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 19, 1893, Image 1

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m ■ • ' . w ' . ■ i V I ■ 1 ■ ■ 81.00 PER ANNUM. Til- TON, BURIUKN COUNTY, (IKOKUIA, FRIDAY, MAY 10. 1393. ALL ABOUT THE COUNTY. NEWS FROM ADEL. SPARKS. NASH- j ^ J ‘ | before w .Ui u mail by the name of I Put McKinney mid one who was a hourder at Ins house- Tliis last V1LLE, ALAPAHA, cover up the crime; in support of ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. j diet meats, but lie this theory it isstuted lhat he hud , j oiined to do so. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SCISSORS PROCESS. Anil Other I'ointM In the (Sontl Old County «f llerrlen—Crop Pro^pert* lie- ported—Minor Mutter*. Hutch of New* from Nwinlilmrint; Countic* I>«*eineil of Special IntercHt |o Oiltette lteiiderH. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad fs beginning to ]>litce venti lated fruit cars on the watermelon sidings along the line preparatory to moving the watermelon crop to mar ket. Finest teas and coffees at Padrick Bros.. “Weston’s Mill” is the name of a new post-office recently established in Berrien county. It is located at C'upt. S. R. Weston’s saw mill on the Brunswick and Western Railroad between Enigma and Alapaha. Pure apple vinegar 25c per gal., at l’adrick Bros. The pay trains of both the Geor gia Southern and Florida und Bruns wick and Western railroads made their regular monthly visit lo the employes the first of the week and left them glad in the possession of their hard-earned cash. Evaporated apples and peaches al ways at Padrick Bros. There was a hold burglary com mitted at Alapaha last Monday night—the victims being the post- office and freight depot. A lot of stamps and, perhaps, registered let ters were taken therefrom. Every effort is being made to apprehend the burglar. Beautiful line svviss embroidered dresses 25c yd., \ price at Padrick Bros. Conductor S, H. Owen, of the Georgia Southern and Fhyidu, has entered the race for the silver lunt- cru und punch which the Telegraph theory seems tube the most plaiiei-! ble, as it cannot be explained, if he - wont to sleep on the track while en-1 Tax Receiver Mobley, of Irwin route home the night before, „ |,_ v i f«m>Hy, is making his secom! round, he was not strues by some of the | Mrs. C. Lancaster has been up- trains which passed earlier in the pointed |aisr-Mistress at Isabella, dav. It is said the matter will un- Worth county. dergo a searching investigation ; the two men referred to have been ar- icsted and lodged in jail. lie leaves a wife and no children. The most effective advertisers Padrick Bros, have are the customers they have made. The farmers of Colquitt county say that the present oat crop is the finest ever grown there. The treasurer of Colquitt county had on hand of county funds, May 1st, *1,281.78, and shows that county to be liuancmllv solid. The death of Mrs. Royal, wife of Hardy Royal, of Sycamore, is an- liouncsd. She was fifty-two years of age and a most excellent woman. Windsor Park. This is the name bv which the de lightfully pleasant little park, be tween the residences of Cupt. II. ii. Tift and Mr. .1. K, Carswell, has been christened. So, if the reader The report that the negro who should see uu v mention of Windsor j murdered CapL J. N. Blitch near Y Willucoochee, was captured, turns out to be a false one. The posse is still Park in the Gazwte they will know what place is meant. Go to Windsor Park every Tuesday afternoon for delicious ice cream. Soliool Census of lierrien County. Through the kindness of Prof. Thomas E. Williams the (iaz.kttk is enabled to place before its readers to-day the consolidated report of the enumerators i.lio have just completed the work of taking the school census of the county: White children—males, females, 1.(550; total. ■ , i,!52!i. Negro children- -males, 147: males, <150; total. s<77. Grand total of school children the county, 4.2015; an increase 1,5X1 over the census of 1888, or per cent on his trail. The past few days ha* been de lightful weather for killing grass, and our Irwin county farmers have been taking advantage of it to clean out their crops.—News. The Sycamore News is mistaken: the sycamore elass did not win the Worth County Sunday-School Associ- indignantly do- ty are under special obligations to j Mesdames MePhaul and Wilson and „ , , ,* ^ . ! Miss Ida McCorinac for favors shown ltuekleii a Arnica (salvo. , Tiik Ui'.kt Sai.M'. ill I lie w orld for | Cats. Bruises, Poles, fleers. Salt ftliemn, I Reports from superintendents was Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ,, ,, , ,, t'liillilnins: Corns and all 'kin Eruptions. tho lirsl '‘out 011 '"e program after and positively cures Piles or no pay re dinner. Some of them were exceed- mitred. ll Is guaranieed to give perfeel . , . . f satlsfaeiion, oY money relumled. friee tltgly interesting. Lite rending of g-t rents per Imx. For sale bv .1 W. | tlteso reports consumed about at) Paulk A Co., Tilton. Ga. , , . I hour ntuUi half oi time. ANNUAL CELEBRATION. i Then came the singing contest for ... „ T~ , , . i the banner—a beautiful Specimen of ai t-oauii i.ast i vt.iHj. ;art wrought by th» fair hands of the •All aboard for Pott Ian!" : ladies of Sycamore. Five classes en- I OL. ,1—NO, n, THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX, IA RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. - N**vm ami K\enU of IiilcrfMt TnuitspirlnK tlirontvlNl by it Faithful ami Rffl- flfi'l t’orpii of lU'porttTN, HohcnvlnnN Hint get. Ckcji* May is. Crops ure grow ing off finely at last, although the air is almost as cool this morning as October. A heavy corn crop will la the result. The oat crop was never Conductor Nelson gave the signal j ( ercd—Isabella, Pott Ian, Sumner ! I,el,t ' r - If the wild fruit crop is to and about seventy or eighty Tilton Metltwlist, Sycamore and Ty-Tv j he an index of the cultivated fruits people went aboard the special train | nn( j t |, cy 8al) g jn ur j,. r qq ie j, H |g t , 8 we shall have an abundant one. last Friday morning, 8:30 oclock, j st-lccti-d were Slaj. Cumpfteld and Mr. duel W. Parish will ship beans attend the twelfth annual celebration ( upp Hester, of Albany; Or. Hull, | and cabbage to-day from the first of the Worth county Sunday-School j 0 n>olrs; Mrs. Sexton and “Yc editor." j truck farm made at Cecil, association n' I’nttlait. LfTifi,,,, -n... ,,r tt )i t | 1L . 1 When tit gnnt/.eil its inigr-itorv ain't her of | of Tiftun. The singing of , classes was excellent—hard to he ex-| pntches that lie is also an expert association was first or iiiimiitl meetings wete , v lled | IV (| lL . i n . S ( trained city choirs, j truck grower, held m first one and then ,, ,i,„ ,t;n!.'„t,,- n.„ I I he Itshtng Mr. (•. L. Bass is showing by his Hie churches of tin It was w ith the greatest dinieully the has fairly Jtolgts iiunh thin decision, oat tiny |opened, and rods are uhout as plenti- coiinlv hut the workers soon fntitnl .-r,i ,i,„ a,,t... , , . , , • tin iti ic.iti task to the f„j „ 3 | l0e handles, and the size of that the plan was not a good one and best of tl.eir skill and ability, ami' that the of the ussneia!ion tllwlI , lt .d tll , l„ uim ,- l0 tlle Sycamore would l.ol if it was continued. Af-! tor discussing the problem in all its | ,|,c singing of the Svcamore phases it was finally decided to locate Sm mier classes was so' difference in ami the fish has nothing to do with it. 1 am glad to sec some newspapers in the state, notably the Augusta A’e/c.< holds the safely of our women it permanently at Pnohm and through | j,,,,,,,, tl'a "X 'TThe p*o- ",e liberality of Cap,. .loin, ... - of J „ to tl „. s „ nner | of ,llls 8t ^ f “ J ,eco, " ,n * Mel’haiil, of that place, the present I ,, u „ ‘ >U|| (>f ltl , |iroeilllion |° mC “ rS tabernacle was built iilinnt seven ! „ f ,i,„; ., ii -p| u , years ago. Since then the annual celebrations have been hut both the land and of their most excellent singing. held the there. purse was received by Prof. Smilie, house the superintendent, who presented it to the association in aid of its work. I ,pp.|utioii banner for the best song but j for the best singing. You catch the I were the property of ('apt. MePImul. j im . rll tllinlK . r „„„ F'ivv years agouti effort was nnu'e to, the fe- I The school population of Berrien j he rod land in that vicinity, county according lo the census of| Mr. John M. Lott. Sr., of i raise tnonev enough to purehuse lhe| Ipropirty from the owner and with! i partial success, Enough was secured , j by subscription which, supplemented j liv the rental of ivfieshnn nt prtvi- | ,e ptoprietois him i al ,| |( . a i, m iu| eeleliratinu* since | purchased a large tract .if finely tim- t|| (t „ |1H% tu ^ >ull( | m , u they are tin properly of the The foundation for a targe saw in - mill 1ms been laid on the Brunswick of I and Western railroad between Tv-Tv lill I and Sumner. The proprietors hav Will award to the most popular con- i 1}W Wug ^ i(lu , „„ soon il8 p r of. county, lost C'olTe dnetor running through Munon, their jKjpttlurily to he determined by bal lot. Every time you -buy a Tele graph, Ik- sure to vote for Owen. Follow the careful cash buyer and l' will (hid them going to Bros. Conductor J. A. Cousins, of the Georgia Southern and Florida rail road, and Miss Ella C'awsey, were tiiar.'ied in t he Sec nid Baj list t linroh, Macon, last Sur dity night, at 8:150 o’clock. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. (J. Solomon, pas- 11is heiuiifiil country Williams entered upon the duties of j home by lire las! Saturday morning. county school commissioner and what the number was he f. It morally certain of its incorrectness and satis fied flu-county was not receiving its adrick just proportion of tlu- State school fund, lie went tu work at once to secure an enumeration for Berrien county, and it was largely through his inlluenee the census of 1 xp:{ has been taken throughout the state. The emimonition confirms l’rof. Williams’s surmises as to Berrien county to lie correct, his moral rer un absolute realty. Just what effect The dwelling, two burns, a line sml- litm. so long as it is. used for purposes for which it was sold, The audience was delightfully en tertained by Miss Ella Bacon, of Isa bella, and .Jre. Nichols, of I’oiilan, w ho sang In-mi11fill, solos. After singing tit" parting song, "Uod lie w nli you till we meet again,” issoeia- | (| le audience was dismissed, having ’^' Ispent a most pleasant and profitable own m i ruu/s not nimUcrtt. Boiikmiax. and I dav. The T'iftnn people in attelidanci the lined has hei'li executed toilessrs. J. F. Wilson. J. E. Knight and W., ,i,.| 1} , llU . ( , wit |, „ K ., r v ,s,t. die-horse und several hundred yards,.), Jl,. rl jng, ,1,., win, have duly, —■ . of fencing were burned. Ilis loss l* eleedeil trustees of the association. i I’aftin-rslilp Dissolved, estimated at *8.0(10. I Cp.wds of passengers came ahoat.l Tl “' l" lrl "' ,rBl,i V lK,r,!l,,f,,,u From Goodmnn. Gooitvt.vK, Mnv 15.—1 have just leturued from a trip through the greater jvortion of the grand old enmity of Irwin and here is a sketch |of my observation*: “The first thing that awoke mo (front mv reverie, as 1 drove along, soul-iusiming. i ... i-i.i . 1 " was ii hug near htl. Mctcitcru over | vv liicti one, who is extremely ner- i vons, can get ii)v some excitement. However, vve noticed that Mr. Fletch er has a promising crop. At Mr. J. It. Fletcher's I saw a big pile of wool under a large shelter, lie also has an excellent cro|>. Hid 1'mile Ihivid Hogan, 1 think, had decidedly the best corn crop l have seen this year. By the way tor ol the church. 1 lie bride is , ... I (unity is proven to be spoken of as one of tin- reigning belles of South Macon. ; Each garment a gent, and each i trice mark a winner, at Iros. Hie increase of '(’n!<|iiitt county U t tin* InriMing of | th<< train hi Ty-Ty ami Sumnvr j smM»H lias luvn diHsolved. W. N. ing l»«*f «ct ii \\. \. l lUman iiml H ^ • 11'm»I«* Have in oik* of our bent * . k.t II 111 1.1 lion lunllk (llc^ahlv .ill \Y \ three new public bridges recently when it leuyheil its destination stand ; plunian assumes all liabilities of the : farmer*. one across the Oclilorkoniv river, one ing room was at a premium. A large across Hog creek and one across I crowd had already arrived Irom Al- li rni. It. I 1 Ximint. l ane Brake creek. The first was hid ■ bany and from the intermediate points : oil bv A. \\. Bishop, III" seooe.d In on tin* railroad, and from tin* snr- J. 11. Forridl and tin-third by M. G. I rounding country. The people con- Weeks. tinned tu come and bv II o’eloek there was between l,iHu> and 1,500 Here’s t In- .VIat ti-r. Buy a sane.'i' t inly ten r uts. Benefit of tlie Ik pii-{ church. Every Tuesday afternoon. Windsor Talk. Ice-cream. Georgia Frees Association. This organization held its annual There was quite a number of peo ple in attemlauee at Bethel church mi Saturday and a large concourse on Sunday. Rev. J. .1. F. Goodman preached them one of his best ser mons on the “Power or Inlluenee of tin- Holy Spirit over our Evil Pro- peusit icy." Text: Romans, 8th chapter and Kith verse. These tire a church-going people and as clever ll iiup l ' ..... . 1,1 I III I II „ , . , ! school population vvili have uponlhe , Padrick 1 1 , | some nml eiieriii-tic lilivsieiuns , aitllUlllitwhich the Cnuntv will draw The Gnyrgia Press Assixtiation,|H"m tin Stall si.bind fund is as y t ■ ((t j.. | st ,iited at Uubv. Irwin coiiii- numbering about forty editors.! " k " <,wn - '" l * IV ” f ' U ,s ron -' ,y. to praciice their j.rofcssion “ passed down tho Georgia Sonthern j 111 ‘‘ nt ,l w111 und elorida railroad Tuesday after-1 cr, ‘ usu - a great Ill- Tile llavvkinsvillt llispateh und News: “Dr. T. W. Ellis, of South 0,1 ll| e ground. Carolina, and Dr. G. W. Mountain, I The exercisp* of the day begun I of Augusta, (hi., both young, hand- i |>roitiptly at tt.Jit oclock under the, meeting in Miieim on Monday, en- have i direction of President Join) L. Her- joyed the hospitality of the eilv, l ,i8 lllc ring—-lie makes a lirslchiss presiding transacted such business as was pre-1 "fiioer -and utter the etisliunarv in-1 rented an I eveurted to While Spring. | vocal ion services Rev. V 15. Ouster I'londa, lo heat John Temple Graves’ delivered a very assuring address of lecture, entitled "i'll" Dunghtei’s of I' welcome which was clot.,tolly re-'lG.." | a good one. lie thereby gets a very fmire-d a eoparliiershtp and jmnnu- 1 also noticed lhat our esteemed j friend M. G. llagait had a field of joule and cotton, a row of oats and a row of cotton; tin- idea struck me as Tin- Moultrie Banner says there is noon enroute to White Spring, F’iu., I to attend the Suwunee River Cluiu-j I,at"-! From Adel. Imt one prisoner in the new Colquitt ' I county jail, and the town guard- An esteemed oom-spimdenl. writing | | 1(Ulg ^ | llia t, w „ unoccupied so long taugmi. Of course they were armed ug frillI1 Ail.-I, gives us the verdie.t of I colj Web. and dust have taken with “free passes-ra, I road amt; th( . ,„ ro , illiv i„ , |. t . T„y|, ircas,-.; | „„ sl . ssi „ n , Thig U a showing lor a county having such a large Siiuvi, j( ; oRiiio|Kjlilun or Homing population , , . , - - *■’ its ColqUitti annoyances behind them^with ttieir | Wehh, Edward Thomas, IL M. Mat- 1 j this and J. T. Wilkes, and lie're is the result of their inveetigations: ’ “Georgia—Berrien County— We, Chautauqua. Who wouldn’t he an j n lt .| l |,j<, ll which is in ale elsewhere, editor on such occasions? 'J'hesel -pi,,. ;„ rv c „nfisteil of F. M. fellows had left business with its| foreman, T. J,. Dnnghtry, various print-shops, imposing to while away a few days away entirely free from every cumbering cure. Since their last jamboree they have earned all the fun und recreation tlu-y will get out of this one. Fresti preserves, jellies, pickles. the jiirdr* sworn to jiivestigato the j k-' in K Mr. Carl EJieridge j sponded to liy ( apt. J.’F. Ilester, of I Among the husini-ss was III" follow mg: Election of olli- 1 eels II. II. (albums*, Atlanta Jour-|, was eheteil pivsideul; Triplett, Tlioilllisv die Tillies- ill | prise, mid G. W. F\ Price, Macon lie Telegraph, first and second viep-pies- of jdeiits re*|H-ctivelv; Ben F. I’errv, ,i, ,, . . , , ' corn and cotton were subjects for Hie ( an ton Advance, refolding secretary; j 1 j world than the great Columbian Kx- Si. W. Hawkins, Coweta Enterprise, r 101 .")’ 1,111 i day night; the inten-sted parties | position. There was many a hearty i corresponding secretary; J. W. Burke, A Gretna Green affair transpired at Douglas. Coffee county, lust I-’ri- Albany. One utterance of ('apt. 11 ester will lie ri-iiii-nihcivd long after' tin-balance lias bi-en forgot leu; “I'd ratlnr he in Poll Ian to-duy at this Sandal-school celebration Hum Chicago at the World's Fair." esteemed the Sunday-school cause America of more real value !' . . i good cron of oats ami equally as transacted * i i- I good a crop of cotton as lie would i have- had without the oats. Ii j | The general crop prospects is very Kilter i ^ ,lr ’ t l ,on K*' almost everyone I met complained of a had stand ; cut - wor.iis und, 1 believe everything that was ever known to destrov voting ami ^ amen to the sentiment. I Macon, treasurer. of the death of William 11. J Miss Mattie -Smith. 1 hey met by j 'J’he n-lectiiin of speakers by tliej Miss Ellen Dortch, of the M Wedge- Taylor, whos.- mangled body was . ugreemont in a lane near the bride's i, r „g r ,,committee turned out to he j villi- Chrmiiele. offered a resolution, found Sunday moruing, May 14, on | parents' horn.- about in o’clock, went f-,,, f 0| ., mm i,-. All were absent except.i which was adopted, providing for the macaroni,'codfish, je'llitine etc., at j ra’il r oall,"m-ur 'tlie'siMil'l'ien' corporate ,r0 '" tll0 " C ‘‘ J*' 0 tt "“ y L ° U "' lfl 'v. N. B. Dusly, ('apt. J. T. Hester 1 aupropnati on of ft do. from theasso- Padrick llros. j limits of the town of Adel, find that «-»' !| eweu «f Rev. J. W. Bnmk.-r and ttn(! Maj. P. Pelham. S„t.atit„U-s ' e-iiition's treiisiii v, to tie known as the A man bv the name of "John j the deceiuieil came to his death bv ; wore united in marriage by that di-j were imrriedlv supplied, until tli.-ic i g-; r |,' industrial Iohii liimt. ami to be being struck bv a tram on sain rail Douglas will be their home. unknown to. Sil, ' rilT of Wnrlh has hail an interview future We are hav ing a refreshing rain this morning und General Green Grass is laugluug in his sleeves. 1 have jnst learned that Mr. P'.. J. Hogan, an ex-sheriff of this countv, is exceedingly ill with a kidney af fection. Yours, as ever, J. Gf.ntek. The Monthly Teacher’s Institute , was sufficient to occupy utl the tune ^ um-d in defraying the ex[s-nses of ! that could I." spared to speech iituk- pnine poor Georgia girl at Die Girls' j for Lterrien county will be held at county, j ing. ! Normal and Industrial C ollege, at S|mrks next Saturday, and will •• Hill,i The report* of the president and Milledg.-ville. doubtless he a most interesting occa- name Taylor, an employee at tlu- saw ini 1 1, , , - , s ’ • • , road, or inurdeii-d hy some unknown of (Oglesby & Bro., Imtiited mi tin-j purty or p:lrli ..„ an ,| ptu,;,-,! there, or Georgia Southern and Florida Rail-j from some other cause rood about midway between Adel j this jury.” i , and Cecil, wm struck by the Sodtli However the widow of the de- j the fatiier-in-lnw of Dr. J. B. Pick-]executive committee wm a most in- Adopted the resolutions of Coi. J.jsion. Prof. Gitilliams, of Jasper, bound |(H*8etiger train on the out- ceased has sworn out a warrant jelt. who Rtutes that he(Pickett) “will [ teresting feature of the morning pro- U. Kstill, Savannah News, against ukirt* of Adel last Monday after-1 upajnu 0IK , liHisden, who boarded rv ,l,ni t0 Worth ty, give bond gram. President Herring reported ; the American Type Founders’ Gom- uoon and hi* Hodv terribly mangled, i w ith her and her iiosbund, with ’, ,ini1 «' straighten out tim ; thirty-six schools in the county with J p,, n y. , w a dangerous trust. There are two theories as to how the u |,mn Taylor had some trouble, and ! C’»nriition in which the n-- j an attendance of 1,700 )arsons, j citoTTh^nTi^flt man came to be lying*, down upon I had him arrested. She charges him cent grand jury found the books and and inh-rcMtin the cause inereastng. | , .„ . , R I tirtlH-rs of his office thul hud lawn I At 12 o’clock thiirp a recess of one 1 ‘ ' . ' , . , - i, , , . , . , i Carswell will serve delicious ice cream I turned over to them for inspection, | hour was trkru for dinner. And - . . [also proceed to enter Ins defence! inch a dinner! The editor and his'°' er - ' ,l18111 -' the railroad track : One is, he. was J with tu Adel on Sunday drinking hc-ayilv ,| t . r ." und left for home late that night midday down on the track ar.d went: •assault with intent to mur-! lie has been seet to jail. Fla., has promised to he present and add rets the people of Spark6 aud vicinity on the subject, “Au Educa tion: What it is, and iiow to obtain it.” Are You >V tiling To help on a good cause: If yes. to sleep y the only assigned found Strawberry li-i.-Creant Next Tuesday afternoon the ice-! ,. ., : e • t v cream Dial will lie snid at, \\ mdsor tilts theory-u the finding, of tt bottle , . f . , - ", , Park, for tin- benefit of the Baptist of whisky near turn. The other is chtirfih, will be flavored wills Hiriiw-j he had been foully dealt with and i Berry. Don’t fail to go and try it; j , , j f , ,. , ... , .. loven i iiriuni ufternoon amid tile enter Ins defence 1 such a dinner! rhe editor and his. • • . uguiiist'the charges of etnbezzli-rn-i), companions are indebted to the ladies ,<JO ' ll! " 111,1,01 l11 ' ° r 1 then go .to Windsor lark every and malfeasance in office." The! of Pottlun for their dinuer-a most i ti,,! U ’"‘ ,fil of lh, ‘ f’"'""' Tuesday after.ioou and let Meadmue* OaZKTTb is creditably informed that excellent re past-to which ljlPV ! There is no jdeasanU'r pho-e ... Iif;|Tift and Carswell serve you Dr. Pickett was offered an oppoitu- | modestly confess they diJ ample jus- j H(1 »j 0 . ir or two u . uitv ’o straighten out matters before ticc and for ' which they are pro- then if 'hev lutv Ion for holies and gentlemen to spend ' tho afternoon and ice-cream Every dollar you spend his body place, 1 tipou t lie track toj on I y tut cents lor a saucer. the grand jury fou ml the hills of in-! foundly grateful. The editorial par ] help ii worthy eanar. cream they „i|i (there wiirire used for the beuefit of •the Baptist church. ;.;3 1 I v V .. . '. • Va ..*,1