The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 04, 1893, Image 1

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■ #1.00 PJilt ANNUM, GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SCISSORS PROCESS. Hatch of Now* from Neighboring Counties Deemed of Special Interest to tSnsette Headers. m LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. {Pavement Paragraphs Ptckfil l T p and Pen sively Penned—All Pertaining to Persons and Things. I)og (lavs are here. Big drive in clothing at Padrick Bros. The cotton fields are growing white with the fleecy staple and pickers will soon be in demand. Extra inducements during August at Padrick Bros. / l'he firm of Ellison & Paul has dissolved. Mrs. It. T. Ellison is the owner of the business. 144 school crayons ‘only 10c, at Padrick Bros. The fall crops in the vicinity of Tifton are growing finely; tilt seasons have been exactly right for them. Time and money saved by trading at Padrick Bros. Messrs. Gaskins & Paulk will com mence opening their Stock of goods in the I. S. Bowen store about the 20 iusl. Don’t forget Youmans, the jewel er, Avileil you want a tirstcluss watch and chain. Bom in Tifton on Monday, July 31st, a son to Mr. and Mrs. H. G Slack. Both mother and child are doing well. Oh, those beautiful ladies’ gold watches at Youmans, the jeweler’s, are tlie veiy thing! Col. C. W. Fill wood is now playing in the rule of nrilkmaid. There is iiotliing like “being useful as well us ornamental.” Hon. W. il. Love and family are at home again from their summer out ing on St. Simons. They have had an enjoyable time. Don’t he led oil by foreign tidver tisiug cliques and dodges, but buy ti watch from Youmans, the jeweler, and get a guarantee on it. The showers t hat. have fallen in and «ar(uijid.T’iftoii the past few days have tiot extended farther than five'or six fniles in any direction. Mr. W. C Hamilton is homo from St. Simons. He remuindod there Ins' Sunday quite sick,thought to he pois oned from eating canned goods. Mr. II. II. Allen, u former citizen „ of Tifton, was in the city Wednesday after an extended trip through Flor ida witli the. bed spring canvassers. A big tumble in meat. Also ma in the prices of Padrick Bros, spring . goods. They must lie moved to iiiake room for their fall & winter goods. liook well after the sanitary condi tion of your premises. One month longer mid summer will he gone, and . the critical health period p.ast. Her. E. L. Padrick mid wife of Sumner, were in the city Monday en roll tc home from the Cordele district Conference which was held last week ' at Abbeville. Mr. W. O. Padrick has gone to Bttinbridgo to spend a short summer Vacation with bis parents, llissistcr- fu-luw, Mrs. G. H. Padrick, accom panied /lint. The outlook is that at least a half dozen handsome residences will lie built in Tifton this fall and winter- These buildings are to cost from $2- OOO to $3,000 each. Mr. I. M. Britt is making prepara tions to move with his family to Lake Worth, in soutli Florida, where lie is to work on the mammoth hotel H. M. Flagler is having built there. Mr. W. W. Monk, of Worth county was in Tifton this morning and took a look around the city, especially at the operations at the canning factory, lie made a pleasant visit to this office. Youmans,- the jeweler, tutu sell you a watch, make you a new one, or re pair your old one. 15-1 f. Elder John Itoive, of Primitive Baptist denomination, preached at the Tifton Methodist church last Wed r.esday and Thursday evenings to Small ’but attentive congregations. }ie is a fluent speaker. An effort is being made lo organize a party of ten’ or twelve to visit- the World’s Fair, starting from Tifton about the 15th inst. Cupt. W. Lennon is at the head of the movement uird will ClYtiperone the party. The third base hall nine of Tifton lias been challenged for a match game at Adel by simnlur team at that place. Boys over ten year of age are exclu ded from the challenge. Boys of such tender years have no business going away from home to play ball. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad will sell cheap excursion tickets to everybody from all points on its line to Macon and return on next Monday, August the 7th. Don’t forget that the rate from Tifton is only $2.00. Separate car for white ami colored. .Refreshing and delicious summer drinks are now being dispensed at tlie Tifton Drug Store—coca-cola, milk shakes, soduwater, etc. • Tifton Institute. Arrangements have been perfected to open tile fall session of the above institution upon an entirely new plan than that heretofore adopted. The Tifton Educational Company, through its Board of Directors, lias placed their handsome and comforta ble school building in tlie hands of Prof. E. J. Williams, to he used for school purposes, and lie will conduct, the school upon its merits under the supervision of a Board of Trustees to he chosen by the patrons of the school. Really, the building is turned over to ilie community, free of rent, provided the citizens will maintain a lirstclass school in it. It lias never been the purpose of i lie Tifton Educational Company to mike motley out of their investment. They want Tifton to have a tirstcluss rolionl and, in their judgment, the irst step in. that direction was to have i lirstcfass school building, one that would he comfortable and at the same lime an ornament, to cite city. The .irst step has been taken, tiie building is one of which every citizen of Tift- •ill are justly proud. The board of Directors, chosen liv the stockholders liiive been so handicapped with their own private affairs they could not look if ter the conduct of the school with that degree of interest its importance leinumled; hence, (hey have placed tlie building—with the consent of a majority of the stockholders —at the disposal of the community with the privilege of choosing a board of Trus tees who can give this important mat ter proper attention.' Prof. Williams isayoungman who was reared only a few miles of Tifton and nearly every citizen 18 thorough ly acquainted with him. He gradua ted from Gordon InslPute at Bartles ville, with the highest distinction. Gordon Institute is more than its name indicates—having a regular col lege ciirrieu I uni and making a special ity of normal instruction. Borne of the best teachers of tlie state liuve graduated from that Institution. Be sides Prof. Williams has hud some valuable experience us an instrnctoi at Gordon and was, at one time, flat teringly spoken of in connection with the vice-presidency of the institution. He was, before going to college, prin cipal of Mayflower Academy at Ty- Ty for one year and gave entire sat isfaction to his patrons. Tlie Gazette is confident that, will the hearty co operation of tlie people of tlie com munity, he will place Tifton Institute upon a solid foundation as one of tlie best and most progressive institutions of learning in this section of the slate. Let every citizen give him Ilnur ut most moral and financial support. ALL ABOUT.THE COUNTY. NEWS FROM ADEL, SPARKS, NASH VILLE, ALAPAHA, Ami Other Point* In the flood Old County of llerrlon—Crop l’roMpeet» De ported—Minor Mutters. Mr. J. Z. Elliott, of Sparks, is on the siox list with a bilious attack. Prof. Hull is teaching a literary school ut New lliver church, with an attendance of about thirty pupils; Mrs J. L. Mathews, of Lenox, is quite ill and lias been fora fortnight. Her fecovery is extremely doubtful. There are two Missionary Baptist churches near Lenox, within a mile and a half of each other. One of these churches belong to tlie Mercer and the other to Hie Moll Association. Con I meter Glover is reported as having resumed work -on the bridgo across Little River on tlie Tifton and Ty-Ty road. The had weather of tlie past two months somewhat discomfit- ted him. Mr. I). 0. Lancaster, of Polk county Fla., is visiting relatives and friends in Berrien comity. This is iiis first visit since leaving tlie county some twenty years ago, and all his friends welcome him back. The Laymen’s union meeting, Held with New River church last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, was fairly at tended and tiie exercises interesting and profitable. We expected that the minutes would lie sent us for publica tion, but they have not come to hand. Prof. W. Henry (Irifiln lias moved buck from Lowndes county to his home at Ailiwood. lie writes us that lie will he content to follow the honorable and independent vocation' of an agriculturist next year. The Gazette is not surprised at tlie decision. Prof. L, B. I.ovitt will soon “throw up” iiis commission as a pedagogue and become a diciple of /Ksciiiapisu. lie lias been reading medicine for for some (imo and will enter tlie At- lan'it Medical College in October to take ids first course of lectures. The Gazette wishes him abundant succss. The firm of of A. McQueen & Co., turpentine operators at Adel (la., lias made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. The prevailing financial depression and the low prices of spir its and rosin are given us tlie reasons for tlie assignment. It is fair, ton to stule that the firm was also doing business at Rowland, N. C., and the ctiuee of the collapsed originated there. We have not learned who is tlgi as signee. Tlie next session of tlie Witlilu- coocliee Musical Association will be held m (lie Methodist church at Sparks and, by request of the citizens of tliut place, will convene oil Friday before tlie fourth Sunday in Septem ber instead of the regular time (Fri day before the first Sunday in Octo ber) to which tlie convention of last, year was adjourned. Tlie reason for making- the change is, that many of those who take mi active part in the singing convention desire also to at tend the Baptist association us Mt. Zion church, in Colquitt comity, which meet on Friday before the first Sunday in October, and they could not do so with a conflict of dates. I can’t write a howling advertise ment, hut I can repair your Watches, clocks arid jewelry. Youma.vk, the jeweler. ItnHC Hal! !n Tift on. A game of base (mil Was played ( here yesterday afternoon between what purported to he tin amateur team from Macon and a “scrub” nine of Tifton. It was thought when the challenge was first accepted tint thj regular Tifton team could be had to play tire game, but this was found to be untrue when it that the Tiftons mudeas good a show as they did. The game was called at tho close of the sixtli inning on ac count of the darkness caused by an overshadowing cloud. The Tiftons held their opponents down pretty well until tlie close of tlie third in ning—shutting them out in the first and second, and allowing them one rim in tlie third—when the score stood' seven to one in favor of the “scrub” team. In tlie fourth inning the lo cals got rattled, threw wild and let in seven runs and virtually lost the game, i’lie score stood when the game was called twelve .to ten in fa vor of the visitors. 'The visitors were pleased with their treatment at Tifton. The button hole boquels, presented by some of the young ladies of tlie city, was some thing to which they were unaccus tomed and was a pleasant surprise. Matters at Mogul. » We spent a couple of hours a( Mogul on last q'uesday afternoon, and found C’upt. Sim Harrell busily engaged in lilting up a stockade for the safe keeping of convicts, as lie lias decided lie call get along with them better than free labor, lie has prosperity of tlie farmers of this sec- The incendiaries .who burnt Mr. J. B. Everett’s stockade and con tents, in Worth comity, lias been captured and lodged in jail. A visit to Ty-Ty the first of tlie week revealed the fact that the peo ple there are taking life quietly, and patiently waiting a change for the better in financial circles. Tax Receiver Graves, of Worth countv, is just completing Iiis tax roll, lie estimates that the decrease in tlie taxable resources of tlie homi ly will be somewhere about $100,000. The next session of Hie Union Singing Convention will convene with New Bethel chnrolt, tlireo miles south of Sylvester Worth county, on Friday before (lie second Sunday in .Inly, 1804. The Worth County Local says; “Hue of tlie best, evidences of the The Great Sout hern Remedy. People should not he deceived into paying money for trashy mixtures gotten up tei sell. Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) which lias been made in Atlanta for the past fifteen years, never fails to give satisfaction , . . ,, „ , as a superior building «p tonic mid 100 lwte to Ctt11 off t,!e “ ml blood purifier. It is made from the tho hoys determined to pl»v hall witli prescription of an eminent physician. The buttle is large and tlie dose small. See their advertisements and boy that which is thoroughly en dorsed by thousands of grateful pa tients whom it has cured. A trial bottle will test its merits. tlie best nine they could muster. They completed the team with school- boys and faced the Macau meii. The Macon team is composed of stalwart men, all of them mecliunics and well imisjltd, and we are only surprised , bring him u good price leased about a dozen as an experi ment and, if lie can work them to advantage, will secure more ot them. These convicts are to he worked in a brickyard and clearing new ground. ('apt. Harrell lias found on iiis land there what he believes to he superior clay for brick • making in large quantities; so he Inis pure bused, ii machine and will engage in the manufacture of brick on a large scale. He also proposes to open up about a thousand acres of Iiis splen did pebbly land and plant it in grapes and fruit trees—mostly pouches. Cupt. Harrell has already several business irons in tho lire. Besides Ills flourishing mercnniilc business he operates a saw mill, planing mill, rice liuller and one of the very best ginneries in this section of the state; lie gins both short and long staple colton. Another thing wo learned while there was that a civil engineer lias boon employed and the town of Mogal will be regularly laid oil at once and the lots placed on the mar ket. There will be also a number of small farms surveyed, plaited ami offered at nominal figures to actual settlers. There is being conducted here a free school, indeed. Cupt. Harrell owns a comfortable little lohoolhouse there nnd Inis employed I’rof, Lacy It. Lovilt to teach a school therein, free to every child in the community who would attend. This iH liberality of (tie right sort. Cupt. Harrell lias also greatly as sisted tho Missionary Baptist denom ination to build themselves n small, but. comfortable, church there. The Methodists worship in the school building. This arrangement affords divine services twice u month. * * Cupt. Harrell lias us guest now ids brother, Dr. Harrell, of South Caro lina. Tho Doctor lived at Mogal some time about two or three years ago, and we don’t think it woo'd re quire very much persuasion to induce him to move back there again, and permanent. Fender Brothers are turpentine farming here ami are doing a fairly good business. Messrs. William and Luoiua Win- gale are iiere—the former is trying ids hand ns “jack-itLull-trades," while the latter is doing the “clerk act” in Oapt. Harrell's large mercan tile establishment. Both are look ing well. lion. Adam Suffold, Cupt. ‘llar- rril’s father-in-law, looks well after Hie fanning interests. He basil field of as fine corn and peas us we have seen this year anywhere. Cupt. Harrell suys he made Ids first failure as a watermelon grower this year. He did not fail in grow ing them, but he failed in placing Ids melons on tlie market so as to lion of the state is t lie fact that many of them are taking out life in surance policies." Miss Magna Alford, of Ourabelle, Fla., is visiting relatives and friends in Worth county, where she is well known and greatly admired for her many noble trails of character. Sumner was her home for many years. Reports from Bayhoro, Colquitt county, say that the fanners iti that vicinity have the best craps (Ids sea son l lies- have Imd for several years past. In that vicinity are tho Till mans, Sharpes, Bakers, and host of other good fanners Some of the citizens of Sumner dealt summary punishment upon a young negro man one (lay last week. Iiis offense was going unhidden into the sleeping apartments of a couple of young indies—daughters of one of their fellow-citizens. I>■. M. E. Vuson lias located at Ty-Ty for the practice of Ids profes sion. He is a very entertaining gentleman and thoroughly read up in the history of the past and pres ent, and lie can see as far into tlu* future as the next limn. The Moultrie Banner is still in the hands of a Receiver ami, we judge from reports, is likely to stay there some little time yet. The Gazette regrets to know that its neighbor is liras handicapped in its efforts to promote the best interests of Col quitt county. But such is tlie histo ry of most country newspapers. Itnse Hall ut ItmiiHWlek. The Tifton base lull I team went to Brunswick last Friday morning and defeated tho lucid team there by u score of It loll. A second game was played .Satur day afternoon, and the Tiftons wore wullopped to the tunc of 2 to 10. However, it is fair to state in belmlf of the Tiftons that they were “fagged out” having played games the pre ceding Thursday and Friday after noons, and could muster but one fresh man and lie an amateur; while tlie Brunswick team laid play ed but one previous game mid had recruited their nine with four fresli men including a piofcssionul battery. The Tifton team should have declined to play the second game witli such odds against them. They should have been more discreet titan to call upon M r. Ledbetter to pitch throe games in succession. No man can do it success fully. The Tifton team lias received se vere censure at home for agreeing to call Friday’s game a draw, it is sta ted mid it it seems to he generaly ad mitted, liv all who witnessed the game that the .score stood as above, but both the malinger and captain of the Tifton team agreed to call it u draw mid have it so published witli the hope ami promise Hint the gate receipt would bo greatly increased from what. they were on Ftiday -they had to get their expenses either from the gate re ceipts or their pockets, which made tlie gate receipt business a matter of extreme interest with them. The scheme, however, failed us it'should have done. The result of the trade reacts very heavily on the Tifton team, as it makes it necccssarv to beat the Brnn- wick team two successive games to tlie championship. We venture to say tho Tiftons can accomplish that feat if they ever get the oppor tunity on their own grounds. New Advertisements. Road tlie new legal advertisements appear to-day in om colnms—Sher iff's sales. Mr. Z. T. Bryant, of Sparks,plants an advei tisement of iiis jewelry repair shop where it will do the most good —in our columns. Read it. See the announcement of the Tift- on Institute m our udvertiseing. col umns.- The fall session begins Sep tember 4 th. Col. 0. \V, Fulwood advertises some valuable real real estate for sale in to-day’s paper. Scan Iiis offers closely. They may he of interest, to you. Dr. Jim. A. Peterson’s dental card appears to day. lie lias associated Dr. I*. 11. Alexander, of Alapalm, with him as preceptor. Read l’adriok Bros, big advertise ment. The Gazette publishing house has an advertisement, to which special at tention is called. HiicUlon’s Arnica Halve. Tub Best Svi.vk !ii tho world for (Ails, Bruises, Solos, Ulcers, Suit lllieuin, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains: Corns amt all Skin Krtlptiotvi, and positively cures Piles or no pay re- united. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For ante by J. W. Paulk A Co., Tifton, On. GEORGIA IN OHIO. Tlu* (ir-orulu Soulhern Ny»trm to Make mi ICxIillilt lit ittn Ohio State Fair, “Major W. L. Glessner, commis sioner of immigration for the Geor gia Sou I hero and Florida railroad, running front Macon to Paintka through n very licit section of coun try, is in Atlanta today ou business for Ids road. “The Georgia Southern and Flor ida has a fine display of |ieuolit'S, pears, plums grapes and watermelons at tlie World's fair tliut. Inis attracted wide spread attention as it is the on ly display of fresh fruits at the fair. “.Major Glessner for his road is doing h great work in bringing to Hit* attention of northern and wes tern |H‘Ople the marvelous resources of Georgia. He lias applied for ami secured space for an exhibit at the. Ohio Mate fair, which opens in Col umbus on August 28. “In Ibis space tlu products from tlie country along the- line of Ibis road ivili lie exhibited to the people of Ohio. “The exhibit will consist of fruite, vegetables, naval stores, woods of different kinds, cigar and plug leaf tobacco, Sea Island cotton, short sta ple cotton ami upland rice. “Major Glessner crime from Ohio, and lias done much to bring. many good |x>oplo from Ohio to help in building u|i Georgia. Tho splendid exhibit winch will be made by Iiis road at Columbus will doubtless be the menus of bringing many more people from Ohio to Georgia.”—At lanta Journal. Muj. Glessner is very desirous tliut Berrien county should contribute liberally of her splendid products to the exhibition- He desires the Ga- zr.rrK tv) say Iliac all exhibits will be transported free and when they have served their purpose at the fair will bo sold and Hie money returned to the owners. Now is a good time to make a “ten strike” for tlie benefit of Hie county. The success of Mi's. Annia M. Beam, of McKeesport. Pennsylvania, in the treat ment of diarrlura hi her children will un- dmihlediy he of Interest to many moth ers. She savs. “I spent several weeks in Jonstowu, l'a., after tlie great flood, on account of mv husband being employed there. We had several children with uu. (wo of whom look tlie diarrhvva very tvailiy. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhvva Ueuievty from llev. Mr. Chapman. It cured both of them. 1 knew of several other .case* where it was tapis.'ly successful. 1 think it cannot bti excelled amt cheerfully rec ommend i< " 2-5 ami -V) oeat boUlea for sale at Tiflop Drug Store.